I OM 0- BY FRED'K L. BAKER. & colimbiA ii 4111.04) .„ • TRAINSof this road run by Reading Rail Road tne, which Is ten minutes faster . than that of Pennsylvania Railroad. TRAMS 1111 THIS GOAD MIN AS FOLLOWS: LEAFING coLumnLi AT tw A. Passenger train fo • Reading and intermediate stations e j ec ting at Lankisville, daily, except Moii tfay,irith Erie Express of P. R. R. reaching fialadelphia at 10:30 in the morning ; leaving Nanheim at 7:41 ; Litiz at 7:54 ;- Elphrata at 11:23; Reinholdsville at 8:50; Sinking Springs it 1:11i; and arriving at lti ailing at 9:35 a. m. Ittailinge,innection is innitn with Fast EX press train of East Pennii3 'mills Rail Road, nothing-New-York at 2:30 P. M. with train of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, reach is Philadelphiaat 12:45 p. ni., and alto with tita ns for ills, tne Lobunon Valley and Ilarristourg. 2'15 for f i l l Ca- d i i ng " a 6 .l l d A i . l ( i ll tt E ir ß med ' i ß ate jl ti l ta N jos, connecting at Landisville at 2:50 P. M. Hips Express trains of Penn's. R. ft., both East and West, leaving Man helm at 3:26; Litiz :41; Ephrata at 4:10; Reinhotdsville 4:37 ; Sinking Springs 5:03 and arriving at Reading at 5:20 P. N. At Readily . , connection is made with trains for Pottsville and Lebanon Valley. IF:=1 LEAVE READING AT -lAA M.—PASSENGER TRAIN 0: (Übe Columbia and intermediate sta tions, leaving Sinking Springs at 6 26 ; Rein holdsville at 6 M, Ephrata at 7 2:, Litiz at 7 64, Nanheim at 8 08, making connection at Landisville with train of Penn's Railroad, reaching Lancaster at 8:33 A M. and Phila delphia at 12:30; arriving at Colunibia at 9 o'clock, A. M., there connecting the Ferry for Wnghtsville and Northern Central Railroad, 011:45 A. M.with train of l'enn'a. Railroad fur the West. r. P. M.—Mail Passenger Train - for I) Columbia and intermediate stations on passengers leaving New- York at 12 X., Id Philadelphia at 3:30 P. M., leaving Sink :g Springs at 6:31 ; Remholdsville 6:b6; Eph gts ao; Ldiz 7:4S ; Manheim 8:03 ; eonnec mg at Landisville with an Express train of he p. R. It. for Lancaster and Philadelphia, siding Philadelphia at 11:30 p. in. and ar cing at Columbia at 8:5.. P. M. rrrhe Pleasure Travel to Ephrata and inz springs from Nev- York, Philadelphia, altimore and other points, is by this schedule commodated several times per day with Ex on trains connecting in all directions. fl' Through tickets to New-York, Kula -Iphin and Lancaster sold ut principal sta ou. Fraight carried with utmost Promt and diapatch, at the lowest rates. -0- Further infermation with regard to Freight pßssenge, may be obtained horn the agentt the Company. tNi EN DES COHEN, Superintendent. . P. K. L'iWElt, General Freight and Mites Agent. AMETT A ACADEMY. C'orner 1.4' Market Square and Gayst This Academy will open fur the receipt of *User both sexes, on MONDAY, Ihe 11th SEPTEMBER. Instruction will be given 'all the branches usually taught in such la minas. The patronage of the public is respectfully hefted. TEII3IB:—FOr Five Months, $10:00 Latin and Greek, each, (extra) ZOO A Boarding House will be opened in the )ring. R. S. MAXWELL _ REFERS TO Ray. J. J. Lane, Wrightsville, - Dr. J. Levargood, Lancaster, DE. 11. Carpenter, Lancaster, Mara Bake, Esq., Chatham ' Chester, co. IL Wilson, Esq. Baltimore, Aid. W. Smith, Wriehteville, Samuel Lindsay, Marietta, Calvin Schaffner, " hr, Cushman, 11. B. Benjamin " Marietta, September 2, ISb5.-6ml .OVES! STOVES! STOVP.S. , .' STOVES!!! 'OK STO trEe, COOK STOPES, STOVES, JulliV SPANGLEL , S.SI IRLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, C 4 S•BURNfNG STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLES S. OYES, S 7 OYES, 0 VULCAN STOVES, FOlt TWO OR FOU,R ROOMS WITM" ONE FIRE—VOW:ITE : PPLY N 0 TY READY— CALL AND SZE THEM AT Spangler's Hardware and Stove Store, Market Street, Marietta, Pa. rmibintr ant Gonbtpanur. 'Quin most respectfully take this means of informing Mafriends and the public generallY that h e has commenced the drawing of DEEDS, M ORTGAGES, JUDGMENTS, id in fact everything in the CCRIVEVANCING 1118. Having gratuttoua intercourse with a 4 ember of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena led to ()Semite legal instruments of writing ?in) accuracy. Xi° Re can be Lindsaye office of Tsui isaismiss,"—s Buildings° Ow' is ad door) near the Peat Office corner, or at reddence on Marketatieet, half a square rest of the Donegal liouse," Marietta. 1:3•Illank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and s =Pays on band and fox' Bale. , L T; l IENRY HARPER, (A) 650 ARCH STREET, vrrc- PHILADELPHIA. th atches, Fine Jewelry, Surd Silver -ware) 4141) SUPERIOR SILVER-PLATED WARE. vet, 14.3t0.] SUBSCRIPTIONS received for all the late P eriodicals of the bay • ',ft The .Goldea , Mortar. TO LANDLOIDSI Just received, Scotch and i /rot Iv ft.1E.:4•E8.,, martial- Jre at D. BtriAnsainPs. ITR • , -•,t T io • ,• t ar, PUBLIS#ED WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Office in " LINDSAY'S EttaLDING," second floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Pon Offic, Corner and Front-St., Marietta, Lancaster 'County, Pennsylvania.. ADVERTISING RATES : • One squire (10 lines, orlees)7s cents for the first insettion and One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. , : Pro fessional and Business cat tis,,of six lines or less at 85 per aunum. Manus in the reading col umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE tilt for any additional lines, ten cents a line., A liberal deduction made to yearly e ad half, .yearly advertisers. Having just added a " kw:vaulty Moira- TAIN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large assortment of new Job _andCard type, Cuts, Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of " TAE . MARIETTIAN," which will insure the foe - and speedy execution of all kinds of Joa & Ciiao Pax NTING, from the smallest Card to the LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices The snow ! the snow ! how beautiful It falls on hill and plain, And weaves a shroud of summer hours That will not come again. Each tiny Hake that parts the air', With measured sweep and slow, Reveals, amid its beauty rare, A gem no king _can show. The sno*Mitiltirdriv lah hi ti nl The fields are heaped with white, Where first the summer breezes swept, When trees with leaves are 4aright. But now with naked.branches` tossed, They rear their giant forins, And breast. with ,tern and fearless hearts The Winter's blasts and storms. The snow! the snow! How bright and fair It gems the valley aida,. , Aa sweeping on before the wind Like ocean's restless tide It twines amid the withered leaves That mark the autumn sere, And weaves a sad and faded wreath... To bind the dying-year. The snow I the snow 1 how light it falls As erst in other hours, Ere childhood's hopes hal/ *tied away, Or withered youth's gay flowers ; Each crystal flake seems some past joy That cheered the morning beam, Then faded ere the light of noon Fell on the gliding stream. Prtnrwal The snow I the snow! How beautiful It falls on hill and plain, And weaves a shroad for summer hours Tbat will not Come again. Stern winter binds the 'sunny streams That-rippled sweet and low, And covers earth with fleecy robe, The pare and spotless snow. Tun Mirrsx.—Seventeen years ago, there was a fair girl, so pure, so loiely, BO refined, that she still rises to my mind as almost akin to angels. She was wooed, and ultimately won by a hand some young man of considerable wealth. He sported a fine team, delighted in hunting, and kept a pack - of houiids. He neither played cards, drank wine, nor used tobacco. He had no ocenpa - L tion, no calling, no trade. He lived on his money, the interest of which would have supiitirbidaa awn handsomely: I never saw the fair,bride till a few days ago. Seventeen years had passed away, and with them her beauty and her youth, her husband's fortune and hislife, during the latter part of which they lived in a log cabin on the banks of Ohio, near Blennerhassett's Island—a whole family in one single room, subsisting on water, fat bacon and .corn bread. De, was gentleman of . education, of refinement, of noble impulses ; bit when his, money was gone he could get, ,no employment, simply because he didinokkniiittb4W to do anything. 'For awhild he-floundered about—first trying one thing, ~.then another"; failure was written on them all. • Be, however, finally obtained a situa tion ; the labor was great, the compen sation was small, it - was that or strays- Lion. In his heroic efforts to discharge his duties - acceptably,' yhe - oirerworked himself and died, leaving hie-widow-and six girls in utter-destitution. In , seirr teen years, the sweet and joyous snit beautiful girl had become a broken-heart ed, care-worn, poverty-stricken widow, with a house full of children.' Young women, if a rich man asks you to marry him and bail DO occupition, of trade, err calling 'by which he could make a - living' Ugh* Wilre4 l qbwilow-fillio,WA'Ruliburielli you may glib' lath: i rtif iteßidt, him the mitteD.--Dr: Mgt. giva griegelVeut rep' nZb nz Nang far te fame Circle. MARIETTA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1865. THE SNOW. From Godey's Lady's Book'. Helice Haight. Flelice Haight lay down,,the brush, after smoothing her hair, and looked steadily, at,her face in the mirror.' A , cold shiver ran through -.her frame as she continued to gazNat.tho,Picture re flected there. "Virhat will Philip,say,and think when he comes to us agaio ?" she murmured. S'haclows,crept over her large eyes. She moved.one.of her hands restlessly over hethce, and then pressed it tight ly to her forehead. Efaight's voice meg heard in the hall below, and presently, she turned the handle of her daughter'e door. " Nearly three o'clock. Helice, and—" Mrs, Haight paused, and then walked into the room. " Helice." "Well, mamma ?" " Teasing yourself Witk.the same old, miserable doubts, dear ?" Helice, raised her face. A fear glit tered on her long lashes : she brushed it away petulantly. " Hosv an I hell) mamma, for how can Philip love me now, with these horrid small pox marks so deeply indented upon my face ?" " If his manly beauty had been marred . at the fetufal battle of Cold Harbor, would your love for him- have wavered in consequence ?" - - - "Oh !'mamma !" Hence Elitighe's pretty forehead flush ,: ed. Tears 'of indignation started in her eyes. "You have faith in yourself,--then have a little in Lieutenant Stewart, Helice," Mrs. Haight answered gently. "If you do not hurry, dear, the Sanitary Robits will be crowded," she continued ; "and, as this will be your first visit there since your illness, it will be less embarrassing to face a few." Belie° •did not reply, , . but tumbled over with nervous haste the ribbons and collars in her drawer. " Belies Haight is - coming, this after- noon," was being said at the Sanitary Rooms. • "A lice Burke saw her, yesterday, and declares she_is quite a fright ; now; somebody observed. It in nothing" to us, if ,Lieutenant Stewart doesn't think so when he cornea home on,his furlough," chippered pretty May Steroea. " I always said beauty was but skin deep." Miss Stakely it was who- made - the observation ; she was remarkably plain looking herself. May Starnes glanced up with a saucy light in her dark eyes. . "Not to be sneered at if it ia but skin deep," she remarked, looking towards Miss Stokely. A flutter . of conversation ensued. Others came in presently. Among the latest was Helice Haight. May Sternes made her way to her directly, end, while assisting Helice tq,remove her bonnet, whispered something in her ear. ?elle() Haight did not start; but her face grew deathly, n its hue. Her iash es drooped as though they would never lift themselves again. May's pretty lip quivered, but she said carelessly, in au undertone-- " Don't' be a silly gonse, Helice.'" She drew out her tiny "Geneva, 'data. "Come, _I w . ill w give you three minutes in which.to smooth your ruined feathers." Reline smiled a faint, sickly smile. and bowed her face until her cheek rested on May's bright hair. How did you hear? who told you?" she asked, in a steady voice. "Your three minutes are not up yet. You have been expeditious," laughed May: " Now, - listen; Hence. Thetpre- - cioue cousin of mine, Guy Sternes, - 's;nt a telejiam to 'aunt Miranda, last even in4, saying that in two, or three days we might expect him, and that. Lieutenant . Stewart, who had his furlough- granted. a month or two earlier than-was looked' for, would accompany him. Bat 'mum': was tope the .word . , as Lieutenant Stew art wished to eargige said, right on the spot, to-aunt Miranda, : how . like a goose you .would be Burp to ,act under such a surprise at this time—be breaking your engagement wittvLieuten ant Stewart on account of having lost , ( abed? )- ydn i? - good loOks by stuallPex -orsome such ridiculous copiense You -would get off to him with your first breath:; hurt his feelings, misunderstan dings would apririgtrip, wfierce firinren sue,ited a stdashing Carriegeldflow—hro Yen bigdiagVeirie 'Winging* the =il • - -..• Omni whe went sway _ a a:l/Pt;M raudPA/ 1 40; duitertitaram iiebougver, tihatipirdeir for suchirearkOPPoaraTelsokoishe4 fa n I waltioutthathrengb,ooo.l44p .Noilmtada, told me 41413 ° ' 46 t 436 . 1 * - -G°7 litc 4 / 131 :. wintilothito theiseefivrocrorvtesidtthb U NI think we ha'd broken faith with bim ; but I declared I would prepare you for, their coming, even if itA(:1111d displease his high mightiness, Master Guy, and' his grand highness might wring my neck I into - the bargain if be felt so inclined. Zunt "Miranda's last shot - w e Ets that I had better stay at home, the next two days, and mend my stookitigi, instead of going to the Sanitary Reoms." May looked very beautiful, as she stood there, her little head poised on one side, and her cheeks matching `the delicate cherry ribbons at ber throat., She was a'litile . out of breath with her rapid 'chititering, and her'eyes half flash ing defiance: 1:4)' SterneS, watchin, ny ---g out, at a side wibdow of the Saniiaiyr Rooms, thought, as'he had often done before,' how pretty and piquinf she was in - those moods. The slight, elegant figure standidt beside May'looked fa miliar, to- him, but "but the highly colored scarred face . deceived him, " Heliee is not there," he said, retra cing his steps, and speaking to Lieuten ant Stewart, who was half way up the hall. " I saw 'cousin May, though," he „ continued, a warm glow spreading over his sunburnt cheek "As'iisnal, she was in a flutter of agitation about acitnething." " I am glad Helicie was not there,' Philip Stewart said, as he shook Guy's hand at parting. Philip strode rapidly on to - -Mts. , Haight's house . The veranda, Witfi its Cool, green sprays of vines, looked de serted. 'Through - the open door' he made his way to the`music room. A little riding glove had been negligently throvin upon a pile of sheet' Inas*: With a throb of 'pleasure, Lieutenant Stewart recognized_ it as belonging 'to Malice. Many slight indications. of her taste and refinement :wale lavished aboatthe apartment. kle gazed . a 4 each and all, a, tender e.xpresOon softening his frank, , dark ens, and t:hrowing,him- self -clown -into, the easy locker, with : closed eyes, and head luaned .hack, tried to count the is!ays—the depth, and breadth, and,,,heigh6— r his soul could reach in loviog Ilelice Haight. Her fair, @oft beanty row be(ora him, like a vision- of Lielight ;, sweet, half-shy ,bro eyes, the delicats,,paesionate mouth, the qpick,sparlding, smile; whigh-chased the calmness from her forehead. There were no neutral traits about Helice Haight. Bright, beautiful. Hence 1 The thought broke into words.upon his lips. A. smile came down , upon his .face, his cheek dropped easily, against the stuffed back of the rocker, and still in dreams did. Belice's wondrous beauty mingle. Ear, half an )1014 Philip ~§tivkart slept. The long walk, and, the A.ugukt, sou had overpowered him, at, last, unawares. When he did awake, he slowly unclos ed• his eyelids, scarcely knowing where ,he was. Belice stood directly; .before him, a faint,. sickening fear creeping over her heart ea' her eyes remained faste.ned on his conutenence. The de scending sun threw a resplendent glow over the room, lighting , up her motion legk face. A. quick sob parted her lips. Her eyes grew dark with a nameless an certainty" and terror ; but when Lieu tenant Stewart, half eatdhing his breath, ieid out hisaimilo hex:, stiying, " It is ; yes, it is my little Belies-r_ the sob grew into a strong, pasaionate cry. He did not wait for her to come to him, but, when the trembling lips were quieted, and the sobbing breath came evenly, he said, holding botlt , ofher lit tie hands to his heart-- "So Bailee has been doubting ' the strength'of Lieutenant -Stewart's love' for her?" ' Hence did 'not speak—folded safe there-to his greatiheart: -Freed' from the tormenting.doutte •and team-which' had relentlessly' pursued her since her :lciathsome illness, her content and hap piness wereqoo - great for utterance. : . .A •fluttering sigh told of past anguish and pres'entlOy.= • - Philip Htewartiooked down upon the face nestling against his shoulder. A keen pain was at life heart. Helios had been the fairest blossom of 'her circle accivaiiitanae, and he had been mo't proud of her neadtk She had been toasted at his tent , gallant comra de's. His brow' now beeame overcast with earnest ,thougtit.: fresonpy, he said softly•- • •-• • , " Helico ! littlo Hello° r HeliCe step) a little heaMoliWe'beek, and listened , -.0r,. .•! l • • "Helicer..l-1..13uu2 marl, CIE words Lieutenant Stewart had just ut tered. For an instant her eyes were. riveted on his face. Then'she came has tilyto his side, and, "resting , hey hand, , lightly on his shoulder, said, with all but a gush of tears— • "You're a good Man And a'gi.eat man sod I love you wait to eiMain Guy- 7 there !" Philip Steviert caught her little hand before she coold - move away, and, draw ing her to him, looked laughingly in her face. " -Why, Hiss Mayl S how ate to un derstand yon,. unless pin change' yinir name to April ?_ The_ last time I saw you with . Master iluy, you were declar ing you could not bear him, and sent him roundly about' his'lnsiness." "We have, decided to' call it qnits," May said, breaking away fromiim, and w,allii. • •demurely,out of the room. 'her firm Rith Jeffersoa'D. lla la of a Pint Familoa. • Oenld *hip any ihree Hie and ti e Or five Yankee , Catlin you see. ( Pardon its.fre4ueney,) Would rule land and lea; And make WI bnen.freEi— Except the darkee ; • Or, failing, in thittldee, • Would in,thelastaditcht(quoting from Annie Laurie,) Lay don and die 1 By and by, he D. .ate - Would set the " nig "free, Provided he • Would shoulder a fuse, AndThelpLee To fight for slaveree— hick, he [" nig"l couldii't see: Paco Tiempo, Grant he • Used up tee, When D. Concluded to - flee • . - With his specie ; 'Twits foot against chivalry = Or hbrse aga*tsunie;or gib, may be Of the three- - • • It's easy to see' •• t-•:•' • Which would be-the winner. Down on thaDcmtagee They caught the old sinner, He was caught,in petti. 7 . 7 How, do you suppose ? • Up a tree? Why no, in woman's cloths. He I he I he J. I). In this extremity, " Fleurished his bowie Tremendou4 ; And 'Mrs. D., She With "nothing to wear," yousee = Ai he • [Aforesaid Had on her hoops ;:and efie• Told the regiment "to be • Caitifullani they Pr - evoked the ,President, or he Might hurt somebody ;, . • Cut their—hearts out—d'ye,see ? Finally; _ He and she, Or;rather, she and Or he or 'she, [Tha matter's 'raked tip slightly, As to which wears the bree—J Whichever it may be, Boived the knee To grim neeeisity . And the-Fourth -Micliigai) Cavalry, And said "peccavia." Dear me Ie this the Wee Small end of "ohit;elrY !" Fiddle-dee,dee •Two iiitchuienonce"got to a apout the Engtis,h language, eaclffine contending that he could Com mand the best. They made - a bet. gt length, and appointed. ajudge to decide between 'them, andzticeOrdihirlygthey' be gan Oheit,"'sitid the tat; 4 411 d it, rain to-morrow`?" "I shall` link if vash," said ifoh"n. Wasn't' that judge in a quandary ? or A - rich petroleum worker, gaunt aa a akeleton and ignorant aa a hodrnan, went to an artist to .have hie portrait faken. ' you 0, havo,it taken in oil or water cola"' M a jtignatd, the' artlik " Ile,7ofboursePireplb)dzhe. t t mimor more -4 rieleimksand;l liekid4ap makea gieiloeivainne4atteritlif: n ; A Gill" Why ahaul-thi.hagleiit* . il 0 4.41 t r&v w. ,g9 s oatonii ,—, it , Au it•ex , tk..47c!.1"; VOL. XII.--NO. 19. Again I hear that creaking step! He's rapping at the door !. Too well I know the boding sound That ushers in a bore. I do not tremble when I meet •The stoutest of my foes, But Heayen defend me from the friend Who cornea but never goes. He-talks about his fragile health, And tells me of the pains He suffers from a score of ills, Of which he never complains ; And how be straggled once with death ,To keep the fiend at bay; • On themes like those away' he goes— But never goes away 1' He tells me of the carping'words Some shallow critic. wrote, And every precious paragraph Familiarly can quote. He thinks the writer did me wrong, He'd like to run-him through I He says4a thousand pleasant things--; • But never says "An= !" Wien'er he comes—that dreadful man— Disguise it as I may, I know that; like an Autumn rain, He'll last throughout the day. In 6, rain I speak of urgent taiks, In vain I scowl agt.pout_L_ A frown is no extinguisher,- It does not put him out I mean to take the knocker off ; 'Put crape upon the dilicir ; Or hint to John that I ach gond - To stay" a month or more. • I do not tremble'when I meet The stoutest of my foes ; But Heaven defend me from the friend Who never, never goes I FATTENING TUltallYS : A s this kind of-poultry-is largely represented in this place, preparatory to their being sacri ficed as an offering--on- tThristmas and New - Yettelfday, 190 give the `following receipt for - fattening the same, which is tekon from the American Agriculturist : " For each turkey mix a pint of Indian Mail with one pint of unbolted wheat flour, and 'peCr boiling water on it, stir ring rapidly till it forms thin mash. Place the' dish where the fowls can have aacisii to the feed at any time. Let skimmed' milk or water be given also. Id two weeks they will be fat and oily as butter. They Swill fatten better to have their . liberty in a spacious 'yard." ria- A little bey Tive.years old, while writhing under the tortures of the ague, was told by his mother to rise up, and take a powder sbnhadlirepared for him. "Powder, powder I" said he, rising upon his elboi,- anti- putthig 'on a roguish smile," mother, I ain't a gun I" 4 Sydney Smith talk or a gentle. man who, in closing a letter, wrote " I would esy more, but p ,d-.-d big Irish man is looking over my shoulder reading every` word I write." ~'You lie, sir I" was the promptzesponse of the Hibern ian; a denial that:established the troth of the charge. ' MI =I Gr A "Down . East : '' debating club is arguing the question, "Whieh is the most (gently° agent in the reduction of the population of civilized countries— war, cholera, or railroad switehmen." iler.-Which laths most profitable of all .basileeses Y. A'n4:— . .-The shoe for every pair is aled - before itis finished i or A pin has as ranch head as a good mspy atithors, ftnd' great dpi. mars poini. iv: • - THE BORE OF THE SANCTUM. BY JOHN' 6. SAXE He drops into my easy chair, And asks about the news; He peers into my manuscript, And gives his candid views ; lle tallii - ine where he likes the line, And where he's forced to grieve ; He takes the strangest_libarties— But never takes his leave ! He reads my daily paper through Before I've seen a word : He scans the lyric (that I wrote), And thinks it quite absurd ; He calmly smokes my last cigar, And coolly asks for more ; He opens everything he sees— Except the entry door. Wliy ie the punishment or the birch practiced by some pedagogues'? Ans.—Because they ate of that it makes dill .Hoye lirtiffoteheiewOMigh 40' to church to disturb the reseotthevongre- Vliroat ) oo.o4ONSWO l ll4 II Allow of crime moot CORM to a belt or achrtitor.