the paritttian. F. L. Baker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA : sattoki Norning, Deoanbeh 9, 1865. Grum I4essage appears to gri t s Very. general eatisfation rit is too long for our columns and having been-pabliebe&Aadilhour papers, Is, before this. .time, read by every person who will be likely .to read it. Certain porticitin of the mensage is receiving very nniverial commendation. The pointed manner in which it disposes of the mis chievous heresy of so•called state sove reignty is a cooler to copperheads. ' A Washington correspondent says that the message seems to, be regarded by every one who is acquainted with its contents, as (mit, direct and patriotic, and its facts and arguments so clearly stated as to leave no doubt of the Pres ident's views and policy. The passages which were applauded in the House "were those asserting that traitors should be punished and the offense made info. mous, and at the same time the question judiciously settled, finally, and forever, that no State of its ,own will has the right to renounce its place in the Union , ; and the President's declaration that the justification of England in fitting out , cruisers during the rebellion, cannot be sustained before the tribunal of nations, and that the friendship between.the two countries must hereafter rest on the bas is of mutual justice. The applause on the reading of this part of the message was emphatic, and there was a general clapping of bands, both - on the floor arid in the galleries, on the conclusion of the reading of . the document." The Florence correspondent of the Independene Beige says that a sin galas discovery has been inside in a , church in one of the taut ourge of Milan. A statue of Baintllagditieen, which has long been famous for weeping in the` presence of unbelievers; was recently" removed; in order to 'facilitate .repairs for the church.' was found that the statue contained an arrangement for boiling water. The steam passed np in to the bead, and was there condensed. The water thus pranced made its way by a couple of pipes to the eyes, and trickled down upon the cheeks of the image. So thq wonderful miracle was performed. sr The ship Continental" has been lying in New 'York harbor for some time to receive her cargo ofyoung wom en for Washington, on the Pacific, and her departure is set down for Saturday. It is represented that many of the,ladies who are factory girls from Massachu- Betts, find their courage , giving out as the day for leaving approaches, and fear to consign thimselies to the uncertain- ties of the enterprise. On the contrary, it is represented that all the ship's room is engaged, and that opportuinty to go has been eagerly accepted. Severil la dies from Ohio are said to have' taken passage. @Thanksgiving, December 7th; was the 85th anniversary of.thethanksgivitig appointed•by the Continental Congress at the suppression of the treason. of Benediat'Arnold durinithe Revolution. This coincidence of a seeond thenkegiv. log on the same day, forth. , same cause is singular. W' The freedmen throughout the South are gradually becoming divabised of the idea which bad been instilled into their minds that, they were to receive lands as a gift,' from the Government, and they are now entering into contracts with the planters for the ensuing year. or Mn.s Jefferson.Dgivis is residing at the house or at. 'Mr. Schuyler, near Augusta, Georgia; She enjoys her usual robust health, is under no 'surveil lance, and is permitted to correepond at will with her husband and friends. Or It may be saaerted says a Wash ington dispatch to.tbe Asaociated gran with conftdenee that, there. Is 170 truth whatever in tbs. statement that Jeffer son Davis is to be tried by a military court. , . A religions weekly has jusl corn. minced life in 'Chicago. It is called the North =Weiternreshyterian, Rev. Ebenezer Erskine - it editor, and Rev. Alfred Hamilton,b.T/i, 'assistant editor. Hon. Wm. Av.-Graham was yes terday elected United States Senator for the long term by the North Carolina Legislative: He was in the'rebeil Sen. ate, and bas not yet been pardoned. Aar Boa. Schuyler Colfax Wee publican po.odidete for Speaker and ppp. %Twig New 'york, the loco ; taco, stood, Colfax, Brooke, 35. Mil s , igar It reported Stelnnolid that' , General Butler - is- to- waist, • military commidmi of Ah - ot: imasitry,4 igbe in a Nut-50111 Gen. Burnside fi building a railroad in -the Pennsylianisf oil regions, 10f ‘ miles long, whicliqs to be completed in 90 days. - Earl Russell has been formerly install ed Prime Minister of Great Britain. The rag-pickers of Paris have nearly all died of cholera, showing the effect of filth in introducing that disease. The farmers in the vicinity of Rich mond, Va.. have lately suffered greatly from the depredations of 11. soldiers. Gen. Turner has ordered that when the robbeiies can be traced to any particu lar regiment, the amount of ;damage done be deducted from the pay of the - Ohara" iffirtiftin — roniposing' such vegi: ment. Unfinished counterfeit notes to the amount of $BO,OOO, together' witkall the implements for counterfeiting were , re cently seized in Philadelphia by the Government detectives. • A fund for the family of Jefferson Davis is to , be raised in the south, sub scriptions to be limited to one dollar from each person. The wooden leg worn by Colonel Dahlgren, during his expedition against Richmond, has been secured and restor ed to hie friends. An ex-rebel soldier in Albemarle county, N.D., was wear- . ing it. Albert Burnett,'of Cincinnati, is the author of the Petroleum V. Naeby pa pers. Anew use for confederate money has. been found. ,A lady in-Texas stuffed, a mattress with $500,000._ _ A. number Of "unconquered" rebels have emigrated to Brazil, and are die. gusted to find that the Cabinet of the Emperor of that country is coMposed of !Agrees. Candian.papers that have been re garZed as of strong secession proclivi ties declare that Saunders is a "nuis ance," that he has cost Canada more than a million of dollars, and, he ought to have sufficient decency to leave the country. Jas. McCormick, who 'diedjit New.. burg, Now York, last week, at the age of one hundred and feurteen, was prob ably the oldest 'parser' in the — United States. He was born in Irelaud and came across , the Atlantic twenty , years ago. Jacob Itterrill, - a returned sailor, was lately murdered and robbed of $5 . 00 in' Newburyport. George N. Sanders, has lately arrived in Liverpool. • A wealthy farmer io Illinois has been poisoned to death by his fifth wife, a buxom but discontented young woman. The civil officers in Florida Who were acting at the time of the surrender, have been restored by Governor Marvin. A little - hoy, 11 years old, in Paris strangled his youngest sister, and then hung himself to avoid - going to school. The bakers of Quebec, at the , recom mendation of the Medical Faculty„will in future supply stale bread, instead , of new, to their enstoniors. lierscliell V.. Johnson is out in Georgia for a seat on the Supreme Court bench. All the big rebels are hot for office. Rev. Dr. Breckenridge, the Kentucky patriot, has declined the Presidency of Waskington and Jefferion College. Dick Winder has been sent ,to= Rich mond, Major Gee to Raleigh, - and Gap- twin Duncan to Savannah, whop) ,they are to be tried by koart martial. Seven millions worth of new buildings have been:-erected itrOhicago the pres ent year. Mrs. Maximilian, of Mexico, before leaving the country, reviewed the Mexi can troops in a carriage that eost $40.- 000. It was constructed entirely of glass and silver,. and the inside lined with white satin and gold lace. She's expensive to somebody. In New York, the Firth All-venue Ho tel .paja $BO,OOO rent; the St.. Nicholas sod Metropolitan.s7o,ooo each ; the As tor honseand New-Yors $60,000 each, and the Everett $40,000. A. T. Stew art owns the Metropolitan and St , . Nich olas, and William B. Astor owns the Astor House. In the . Pittsburg Oyer .and Terminer Court on Saturday, the sentence of death was proclaimed on Benjamin B. Mar shall and Augusta Freck, convicted of the murder ()fan nnknown man , on. Boyd's Hill. Mrs. Martha Grinder, convicted of the . murder of Mrs: Caruthers, by poisoning, was also sentenced to be 'l"l,Peed' The Mexican war would really seem at length to favor the Republican side. The French bad entirely withdrawn from the -very important State of'Obi bnahua, as Well its from the wholOof the State. of , Rinaloa; - exCept . > of Mazatlan, ihOwing that, they, .were not able to hold them. Meantime President Juarealas. removek his government to ,the city of Obihtphoso r e h a firrup,Ol3,; Arho.hava.a fora of some 2440 „No take, t r.VITIPS t o OPAT/ItYiti•• '; ovt./ - 14%14i *4*.' 4 * ")a elka •:rs NI 11. 0 • gb =I Vi. • N.S.\--irr: - The Bowie of Representatives was called to order by the clerk, on Mondly last, ,who read the roll of meat bars, 'omitting. the 011131133 of membeis from States lately rebellion. One hundred and seventy-five persona an swered to their names. Hon. Mr. May nard, of Tennessee, desired. to have his name called, and a debate ensued, which was participated in by Mr. Maynard, (Tenn.,) Mr. Stevens, (Pa.,) and Mr. Brooks, (N. Y.) It was then moved to go into an election for Speaker, when Mr. Morrill nominated Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, and Mr. Winfield proposed the name of James Brooks, of New York t i A. votetwii taken tandi on the 'fait billet Mr. Colfax received' 139 .votes,,and Mr. 8r0.0k5„35, being., a .ma-, jority of 134. A, resolutien, declaring Mr. McPherson; clerk, until a successor was elected passed. • sa- Humphrey Marshall, as big and fat and jolly as ever, cannot obiein'a pardon. He was' educated at' West Point and will not 'be pardoned "if `the President carries out the inie which be has laid (loin. 'Be was in Philadelphia the other day, and was anxious to take thwoath, get a pardon and go to - New Orleans to.practice law. He Said be hid loft, all his property and quid' noth ing left,-but be did not Say whither he obtained the Money to pay $5 a-day at the Continental Hotel. • A.German in Texas„ who didn't want to bejorced into the ,Tebet i army, donned homespun gown and eon-bonnet, and Oiled ,for, two .years on his little facto r ise his wife's sister, come to stay with her from a distance, during her husband's absente- in the confederate army I Another German lay , for ,eigt)t *en months in the _cellar ,of,, his own house, even„ hie neighbors supposing him in the rebel army. : _ . • Gir A Washington 'Correspondent says that President Johnson is fixed in his determination to ,secure retrench ment in all the offteial DeVertMents; One of the searetaries had'his estimates refined three times 'with peremptory orders to "cut them down," and those who have been lavishly and extritvag.tnt ly disbursing the public funds begin to apprehend'that "retrenchinOnt and re fani" is to cheek' their "prodigality: One paper box establishment has contracted witirpaper collar manufactu reis to furnish 11,000 .boxes. daily for one' year. This' gives some Adea..ol4 the , extent ofrthe. paper collar business,-. but, it does not :of-the utter meanness of the man who wears them. who.can,wear-bet ter. :Tbe fact of a stuck-up fellbw going among the 'gals' witirs i pieceP of :paper.- around his neck in imitation of i.collar: is enormously4enteel. ar The Secretary cif the Pennsylva nia Steel Works Company has accepted the Kelkerfarm,lwq and a half Miles souttieast of Harrisburg, for the loca tion. The works will be the largest on this kontinent of their kind, and ,. will val those of Europe. One thousand ex perienced workmen will be lirronght from England and the remaining, ,1,500 pro cured at home. Goiernor Humphreys, of Missis sippi, telegraphedlo the PresidtmCfbat the Legislature towatend - the right of freedmen to testify in the tonne if the troops ire withdrawn; - The' reply was that - the troops "will •13e 7 withdfant When:peace and' order maintain ed ivithont.themt- - 'Good 1 7 - fall "The Right Way74s.the,titleA new weekly sheet which has just • been started in Beaten, by,ldejor George .:. 1 . Stearns, Whci is distributing 50,000 gra tuitous copies per week. sofficEiptiOns are, however, received., ,i'rofersor Af pbeus Crosby is the editor. W A lady writes to a friend in Low ell from Oregon; saying that44lles Were raised in her neighborhood the past season so large flit sixtebn 'cirthein would-fill a bilshel basket, though,' of course, all do not average that Size. Bhe'also saw a Bartlett pear thht weigh ed two - pounds. 7.• • fir St.. George's Episcopal ; Cbg rqh in New York, (Dr..Tyng's) recently burned is rebuilt. It will cost 4124,00. To raise this fund; the pewholders sub ; scribed $52,e00 in ofin.!lay, ,and :; deter mined to continue paying theie,: r old pew rents. There was also an insurance of $BO,OOO on the edifice. ',A Democratic oratOrOit a meet ing in Neiv Nev Creek, Virginia, a few dayi ago, remarked that " thit assaieination of Abraham Lincoln 'was a merciful dis pensation, but it' would be a still' more mercifiil 'dispensation if his • unworthy successor, Johnson, ghoul' assassin ated." The speaker !las been wrested. lllir A. gentleman just from Appomat tox Court house states that "there, is nothing 'Aft of the applo, yes, under which Geoeral Lee. aurrendere4 red hole in the ground, and it A_feared that allies& the bole iolencod so will be removed by curiosity sseAlurfili lobe "Stuart Mill 'apiihde . months of each year near ' the - grate - or an idolized wife' at Avion,Tiaaae; •,, . - gn4 -41,t4 L ai 4:4lfileasenkpolggatiiiet-latekrieed' fouplabiesaleievtioddriiip-fiesAlikl* .ae many airentit?oftits.::, , ,,..r.d 1, 44 4 ecof itte or It will be remembered that some two or more peat! ago, General McCook, one of the famous fighting family of that Drift, was deliberately murdered near Nasbville. He had ,been prostrated with a wound or sickness for some time, and was being carried along the highway in an ambulance, when e'rebel suddenly emerged from the thicket and murdered him in cold blood. This villain's name was Frank Gurley. After the close of the, war the people of Madison county, Ala., evinced their appreciation of the magnanimous terms granted them, by electing him as their Sheriff. Not only did they thua_defiantly insult the North, bit proelitithed . by ,their conduCt ihat they justified the violation of the laws of war. Relying upon the "terms of capit ulation" for immunity of his crimes, Gurley also'bbaited openly of his having killed General 'hlcCook, and pointed to his promotion as a proof of the popular ity which the deed had' secured for him. Had the murtierer.remained in obscurity, he might have , escaped, punishment. But his course atoaceArew the atten tion of the Federal authorities towards him, and he was.not-flong since hrrested. Having been conveyed to Nashville, he. was convicted of the-murder and sen tenced to be =hung " -at zHuntsville, Ala. Though he has received a temporary re spite, he will probably in e few deli suffer the punishment tir his crims. Gir The contractor ; for t ‘ he, work:of transformiog Ford's Theatre to subserre its new purposes has to his job, and delivered the-buildfog , into --posses sion of the government:t The, structure was entirely divested of all its interior finish and furniture, leaving nothing bat the four naked brick walls and the roof. It is now 'divided into' three sto ries, with a spacious skylight in the centre. The throe'fleurs or stories into which the stream:43 now' divided are composed of brici and trod, and finish ed in the usual - Mode - or fife proof build ings. The upper ,stories consist' of giLl leries extending around the Sour sides of the building and lighted from above. *Jr Libby Prisoribtid Castle Thunder so well knnitt thelistory bf the war, will sookr imi - transform ed • find Beare: houses. Cruitle . Thunder will be evacu ated next week ;and' Whit' few •Oisonifrii there are within its-walls will , , tie tratis fe Fria' t 9 cir Libby'? iikbertilitetrifolrlie cupiee but about one,-fourth of the build ing known by that name. The other three-fourths are_alrealy.converted into storehousesolnd are, filled with produce orelliclescriptions. - • air Mr. SclUide, the counsel of the late gaptain Wirz, has received an affi davit from Mrs. Wirz, in due legal form, indignitptly denying - is altogether false that she Eittempted to convey poison to the mouth of her husband while kissing him, and that Wirz was prevented Inwitig the drag by the prompt`inter= ventiolicif Gen. Baker — Freipieni portunity occurred in her private' inter vieWtr withler husband for the perpetra tion of such a' crime had she been -so" wicke&as to:meditate it. - Sinning and Sorrowing."—.We wish to call especial and particular atter tion to au edmirable book for the Young, just issued from the, piers of J. C. , par: rigues & C0., - publishers of the Sunday ScliaolThe' . ivork is veiy commended : by different jodrnals, all over the country. We think it will prove reiery' acceptable' present= forthe coming holidaYs. , Col, )7Vnodward and party, who went to Brazil to negotiate, for, land for some 600 'South:ern planter's, hid met, with an enthusiastic reception, the Em peror promising all aid in furtherance of the Prdject. Intitead of six hundred we - truit'sixty; thousind'oi the planters Will take their way thiiher. Almost every negro arrested and taken before.: the. City Renin4er at i9y; Orleans _possessed some peap.on. They wonid,seem deter- mined to be prepare& to meet any`at, tempt on, the . : part of the .unconverted rebels to re-enslave them. iiiirrlielStianish - government - pledges itscearnest 'efforts for ,the extirpation of the slave trade, and will'have till cobvic tad, of participation summarily- executed what ^ apprettended in." any of -Alio-porta or Spain and'All of., the, Spanish Poeseasionc, . , • 'agr The Indiana Hatnie of aspreser: tatiyes has passed a resolutioiiiinqiiiring into` he expediency orliCensiug locdina live engineers, making them allrpilis examination 'as to' ` ' gnalifidatiims ' l and moral chai7aCket, BLINDNESS, Dna rxEss and Catarrh, trek . teli-Nyith the utmost success, ; by Dr. J. Isikci, qpilEt acid Aurist.;• . (forMerly , of Lcyckoh-iiOlr land,) NIL 519 Piste street, Philadelphia. Tee timoriiiittlfrilip the'recist - reliablp sources'in' the City' and toiletry can - be'.;iieep at his office. 1 The medical faculty are invited to accompany their,Mitl_elits;:iiti hes hull ea Secats iii hei prac tice. AIITIFICIAL Emmatiserted without pqm I Nor charge made ;for examination: 11910,. ''," li'zit:ll ; • •=t ---- ----i-l• ' , v't" -:! ' limit l !T•pli,k I ITCH l l am ! Scratch,/ "r•Fefotdili: qcr'atchtt t-'"Virtibitoreirbielident"-wilteure ti4ltarixilrhoteigi. Mito•cureii gaitvitlet‘uns' 1 - • •.: - -.. : • ~,,,,, - ii....,.. .‘t F. , ' Ulcers,Chilblaits,m4&ll liepkons ' of , ttie skin ... Priee4o-eents. —For -sale-by, all - druggistar-- ' . 1 the 3 3 I By setiartikft cents to l •Wzmirs itkPorrEn,' i i r li ri,. Ri,h t , wk, ~ I ; till." 'of , SOLle t tAc g aritE L l. M.WashingtoVietrier, - Bligo : .... e... ) --;: ~..ri ~,,-;7:i.;, ST3 (7t. t a l e -7 i Mass Amin abse ittzwardell34/441, au able and spirited loyal ' 'weekly lag- postagtcti - any any-part ir t . h - • ' free ofd - -•-- an d -,. • -; i .' - eu. twee [6m 1 11§b , ed .. gi B o sto n , Di7,i , t6!. r oyNtit i h ,,, !lat! 4uet i , .1r .J.e 'es• -- - - -ztt.e.,..........,- - : ' - • it:§ Thema/a wotbineigamesceginatitme.o, ( b i er lat f, d; . if u ti' L e , e . r . t‘gliti - ..,..4 '; ',,,,,,--ii"; Aliso , vent gentile Mete — Mitt a than Dr. Velpau'sl •"V „ i' sg• t,wv. It i, .1 ,I . lo . .Diatrinitin •glikg 4 1 ,0 003 441 1 40 - V - - " ' ' - WV - ' ' t ". . 441 ii - ' - • -. -' • 100#11100( fillAilift*MlNgogl , elittletlicirbet AOKI .4eitralliioßit chkplikell wiliagriattil . l icpih.... L — • __,.... i _ rviinwene4trperlpe, WM: 111 tSstittit, Nir-VAttk....; kvatii .44 , 4 liiq - L", t i - f 7 : • .'1P414 -Q a b sts '" 0 i Igg - / • , tle Ativti tt.l% - 41 4 1 1 5 issemftrittl "1444 -``-'4 AC: Methodist Conference of Mississippi has, ; limit ..,e , djouroosl,l,ijst adopted reaotoligas Jor the . edocation, :free_datea .an11t1;01' wives . and, 4441-, YET. , e a fir Special attention of the affected ineited.toi-the idviirtieement of Joe. H. Seheockrthar appears :ea ,sacceedint ieeues,of:this simper. sSpirf at Notitts WHAT ADERITS.THY SAID :•—•" Well, sir, what, is the matter ?" said Abernethy, the great English surgeon, to a cadaverous-look ing patient, who had called to consult him. "Oh, nothing serious,' was the reply; " my stomach and liver are Out ot order, that's all." " Do you call that nothing serious I"said Ab ernethy; 44 I tell you, six, that when these two organs are out of order, as you call it, there's not a square inch of the body that Is not mere or less diseased, nor a frrop'of blood in it that is in '1 healthful oondition." Noth ing can be more true, therefore it is of thi very highest importance to keep the stomach and liver in a vigorous condition. If the one is weak and the other irregular in its action, tone and control them with Hostetter's cele pratia Stomach Bitters—the most genial vege tablel'Restirative and Alterative that has ever been administered as a cure for Dyspepsia and .LiverAlisease.,.,At, is recommended by_distiu guished surgeons and physician's of the United States Army, by otreers of the Army and Na vy, by our lint authors, "by eminent clergy men-rin fact; by thousands of the most intel ligent of everrclass, unequalled protec tive agamstepedemic and malarious disease, and as &perfectly•innocuous, but at the sane time powerful, invigorant and alterative. (D. LYON'S P ERIODICA L DROPS. The great fe male Rimehy for Irregrdarities.These Drops are a scientifically compounded fluid prepara tion, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, epee di arid certain specific for the' cure °rill!' ob etructions and Suppressions of nature. -Their popularity is indicated' by Cie °fact that-over 100,000 bottls are annually sold and consum ed by the ladies of the United States, every one'of whiim speak in the strongest - terms of priiibe of their'goortiterits. They are rapidly ticking the - place of every other Female Rem edy, and are considered by all who know aught Of them, as the surest, safest and most infallible preparation in the world; for the cure of all female complaints, - the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion , of health, regularity and strength. Explicit directions stating Wheri they may be used, and eiplaining when they should not, nor could not be used withoutprodUcing effects contra ry to nature's , chosen laws, will be found care fully folded around - each bottle s with the writ= ten signathre Jour( "Lxcic, without which_none are germ*, Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 195 Chapel street, Nevcrilaven, Cohn., who . can be -con sulted either personally. or by mail, (enclosing stamp) concerning.all private diseases and. fe male,..weakuesses. , §old by Druggists every where. - • CLARK & , < Gen'l Agts for U. S. and Canadas. To C3NSIIMPTIVES.—The undersigned hav ing been restored-to - health in a few weeks by a very simple 'remedy, after having suffered several years, WA. Severe lung affection, and that dread disease, consumption, is an xious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription, free of charge, with.the directions for piepartng and useing the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption,Astma,Brorichitis,Colds; Coughs, etc. The only object of the adveiti serAn sending the presi,riptiois is to benefit tha afffieted and spniiid information which he coneituves to be invaluable,' addlie 4 hopes every sufferer will try his remedf, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. Wir.sort, William burg, Kings County, New-York. rsep3o3m To THE EDITOR Or THE MA.RIETTIA N.— Deir Sit:—With your permission I Wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return Who wish it, (free) a recipe, with - full' directions for making and using a simple Vegetahle Balm that will effec tually remove, in ten , (aye, Fimplei, Blotches, Tan, Frecklei,'ind all impurities of the skin, leaviitlhe•same soft, clear, smooth arid beau tiful. wilt -also marl free to those baying Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information thatwill enable them to start a full growth of -luxuriant Hair,' Whiskers or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered "by return mail without Oaarge.. ll,:apef.tfully yours, Tilos. P. CHAPMAN, Chemist 4. Perfumer, 831 Broadway, N. Y. raep.-30-3m-A&C AGENTS WAtVTEn :—slo a day made easy! By selling Enginvirig, Card PhOtographs and Stationary._ Our Stationary Packets excells all others ; each package contains Paper, En velopes, Pencil, Pens, &c and Jewelry worth a-don - r„nt retail., Rrice Thirty Cents. IrVe send Agents 100 Stationary 'Pack ages and a Riiver - Wardifor $l7: . We also . publish splendid Engtivlngti and Portrnits, Lith ograph Prints, &c., very popular and saleable: Will send , a fine assortment of 100 for $15:00, thaf will realize $5O ; or a $lO lot that mill sell for $3O or Over Will send a sample lot for Ewe dollars, that . for-, fifteen. Send stamp.forestslogue, terms, &c. lieforms & Co., 36 Beekman-st., N Y ll,We.deem. it to be our duty to say to our readera, that ethe most r .implicit reliance can be placed in Coe's bough Balsam. It. ill cure-your children of croup, and yourself of anY , cOn'tti, affection. .1t thCobeafiest and, best prePa ation in the market. ai , • .Despepsia can be Iffrely and permanently cure&V. COO'S' . Dykiepsia Cure: .Thdusands of dyspeytios:ate - sending' in their testimonials fo thellMprietere.;"lmying it has l ,cured them. We kw to tose who "are folffering • from dys pepsia, constipationsoiir slomacti~'oraiiy'di - order of the stomach or bowels, give it atrial. 1 CONEWMPTIVEs, READ WHAT DR. SCHENCK Is DR. J. H. SCHENCK. DEAR Sin :—I feel it a duty I owe 1 , and to all who are suffering under the known as Consumption and Liver Coe„: yet to let them know what great benefaa received from your Pulmonic Syrup sal weed Tonic in so short a time. By toe ing of God it has cured tae thus far. s ' f a. Dr. Schenck, I will now make ment to you, as follows:—Ab out monthi ago - I was attacked with a a eee : cough, and it settled on my lungs. C e not retain anything I ate, and sullen?, evening fevers and night sweats, much reduced. The whites of my e ye , e 'l very yellow; likewise my skin; my all gone, and unab eto digest what j ea, bowels swollen, irregular and costive very low spirited, and bad such violent,,.! of coughing when I lay down at hioi r ae l n - lien I arose in the morning that thpy .1, last one or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, az , 4 ., entirely unable to lie on my left side. 1„ . „ not describe my wretched suffering at I wish to do. Every organ in my body wad s , eased or deranged. Such wag my situation e this time, and I was confined to my bee fro g the last of February, 1862, to June Ys62, sot able to sit up. I had the best of medical e tendance the whole of the time. was so very bad that it racked me very 4 1 , 4 ,1 . I at this time raised a large quantity of Mid, yellow, offensive matter, sometimes with ":lood and it was generally accompanied by mom, and a furred'and thick coated tongue. Aw l , time of coughing so badly I would hareem% shooting pains in my left side and night sweats, and soreness all through in '; whole cheat; had much inward fever, os u i l my back and' nder my shoulder blades India the small of my back, and at times no lev ee that it would throw me into spasms. Nov my physician gave me up to die. Othersllid, and the beat of them, but they could do on. ing for me, and at that time I was nothing but skin and bone I then was in the welkin par! of Missouri. In June last we left thee for the East, and in August last we m ut , New York, and I was so reducet that I mil only walk-a little with my husband's help, Atter I had been here a short time the slit sa• ter breeze made me feel much better fart time and then I had again to call a physical for aid . -We haft four of the best physicals of New York on the diseases of the lungs, sad doctors of all kinds, hut of no avail, That said I was past cure, and that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cure me. Iline this time I was on my feet about the hone, not able trklo much of anything. In Moven• ber last-4 grew worse, and the commotion diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeln, We had tried . all and everything that I conk grasp at like a dying person fot my disease_ consumptionand liver complaint—but of no avail. In January, 1863,- I was brought den again on my bed, anti was not expected to live the night out. MV husband stayed stmt side. and.ether friends, and they all gave me up, to die. At this time every one who Ise me did not think I would ever leave my ts 4 a living woman. The first night I woe at• tacked with spasms, and was deranged mat of the time A- friend, Mrs. Harris, came to see me the last of the week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. , in it was an account of s great cure . Performed by Dr. Schenck. She reedit to me, and it was so much like my disease that l asked my husband to go and see — him for me. At this time I had given op all hopes of ever'getting well again, r Eld male my peace with God, to be ready wheneverhe called•far me. On.the.27ih of January, 1563 my liana called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, New York, and stated to. him my case, with i re quest for him to call and see me, which be did, and examined me with the respirometer. When he was about to go I asked him if In could - cure me? His ,reply was :" y cannot tell, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchi. al tubes are affected on both sides." And yet he think there were lungs famish left to effect a cure if the diarrhea could hi stopped. Ile said in order to do this, he wed have to go:Fe me Mandrake Pills in sail doses at first, in carry off the morbid matte:, . and theri, with astringents, he hoped to chez: it, which he did, but the constant coughin,:, night sweats,and,diarrhea had prostrated roe so that he'Wers afraid my vital powers were too much , prostnsted ever to rally, and yet he seemed to think if I could live to get enough Pulmonic Sy - run through my system to OM expectoratiOn there were lungs enough left for ME! vcover.; _lie wished me to try the Pulmonie Syrup and Seaweed Tonic it our, sayingyit Would - do me no halts, if it did Ise no goe.d. l`fie .first week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I ut nP in bed and atetearty for a sick woman; bet the nextweek lost :all hope and wished itiy husband net titilive me any more medicine. but the doctor had warned him of thin, cud 'When the medicine-Was clearing out the gyp tem it made them'-feel Somewhat restless, sad to persevere ; and he insisted - on my [stag it ; and new Ifeeldhe benefit of it. for after eight days Iliegs.n:to,gain my strength, with the exception of wcold that pit: inn bed some, I havii been gaining strength of body, my cough is going away, and all my painsit , gonel ! .no.sorenees.of the bedy, my bowen l2 . l regUlar, and ,my breath is sweet, and I thrt God that I am now going 'shunt, and sew sod read as well as ever - I could. I have takes sixteen bottfes of the medicine, eight of eaC .3 . I now bttyc . :agjoil appetite and test well it night ; my. cough_ doea.not trouble me icirit' ing up or lying down. I would here say to the afflicted with 'consumption or -liver com plaint. that Dr. Schenck is no humbug Yo can rely on ivhat he says. Delay not ;it n dangerous' to trifle' with these diseases. It you would tie cured,go at once ; and %gni wishing to know the facts as herein gain can call at my residence, 117 West Hougol street, New Yofk city. MRS. MARY P. PA R1. 01 , 1 ,* We, thiundersigned, residents of New 1 "' are acquainted with Mrs. Farina!, and o t ll , her statement to be true. We also know , she used Dr: Schenek'a 'Pulmonie AyruP t rl " Seaweed Tonic,- and have reason to notr that t 3 this Medicine She owes her preserow l troto pramatore grave. B. FARLOW, 117 Wesellouston st. EUGENEUNDERLIILL 676 trees eich street:: : Mrs: - EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Geer• with street. AUGUST:CU N DER HILL, 676 Dreessia street. . A. F.. Harris, 117 West lionston street. EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Howiton I t ' J. L. COLE, 33 Cottare fi r , M. A. LKIG lis3.B roa dway. Mrs. BE.NJAIVIIN CLAPP, 19 ArcutY I well acqUainted 'with Mrs. Mary i• Farlow, and with her. husband, Mr. B. Fall they having for. a few- months -past siOn di at my clierch,-arid Tam convinced that s td statement which they might make may bi„"' lied on es true. JtMIN DOWLING, D. Pastoi'd Bedford st. Baptist Church, ' Dr. Schenck will he professionally at "'" principal office No. 15 North Sixth street , c ,, 5 '; ner of Commerce, - Pliihidelphia, every gi , " lt . day, from 9 .t. M., until . 4 P. Bond street, New York, every Tuesday. it""' 9 to 3 ; No. 33 Summer street, Boston, .lfg"'' every Wednesday;'. from 9 to 3, and erect other Friday. at 108:Baltimore street, Ma.: Ball More, Ailedidee free, but for stherant examination-ofthelungs with his Reepirco r ter,. the ehatge is three dollars. tl Price orate Pulmonic Syrup and seswe . 5) per biv Tonic, each $1.50 per bottle, or $7 drizen. ”Mandrake. Pills, 95 cents per boa. For sale bye all Druggists and Deafen , . Deeember 9, 1985:-I.Y; AtITION'r 'Pizblie ncitice hibachi. g il l . that my Wife: Margaret (SaaDelekl - io ; tiliklifft mr.Pedfiri bpAra - iyithout pat 7 101 0 or provocation, I hereby cautionthe P t wi o against trusting hei on my account, pay A pay 110004 cit; lier,e - putractiae• , ,_. ell D. 2) WAL law' AfP I. .ES t 3l 3ob " Barrel& Newacai 10 ": " kiehtkin Winter Apples., Just received and ks _ by RN li • 41 1. tic".0 1 .;4 1 1 4 . 111_ ,F___ :,awnon -,... ---q..,.. ~- fig : H i j 2, 114 31 .P4.7=LIZIk A . 4.7 4 , 1 w si i •, . (orf Yr& IMEI