BY FROYK L. BAKER easing & TRAINS of this road rua by Reading . Rail End time, which is ten minutes faster 050 that of Pennsylvania !Wined. ItAlgs eII TWA /WAD SU Ai roxxowst LEAVING COLUMBIA AT 7;00 A. M.—Mail Passenger train to Reading and intermediate stations collecting at Lankiaville, daily, except Mon day, with Erie Express of P. R. R. reaching Philadelphia at 10:30 in the morning ; leaving Nanheim at 7:41; Litiz at 7:64 ; Eph ra t a at A;23; Reinholdsville at 8:60 ad Sinking Sprins At 9:16 ; and arriving at ading at 9:35 a. m. At Reading connection is made with Fast Ex press train of East Penn2:3osylvania M . Ra with il Ro train ad, teaching New-York at P. of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, reach ing Philadelphia at 12:45 p. m.,-and also with twins for Pottsville, the Lebanon Valley and Harrisburg. P. M.—PASSE/ 4 IGER,T R .41 N 2,111) for Reading and , intermediate sta none connecting at Landiaville at 2:50 P. M. with 'Express trains of Penn'a. R. R., both Eart and West, leaving Manheim at 3:26; Litiz 3:41; Ephrata at 4:10; Reinholdsville 4:37 ; Slaking Springs 6:03 and arriving at Reading at 5:20 P. M. At Reading connection is made with trains for Pottsville and Eebanon Valley. LEAVE READING AT a S n Sp i V n G te E rm ik edia T te ßA sta lN . 6.10 E A o r Columbia i ; )4 leaving Sinking Springs at 6 26 ; Rein holdaritle at 6 b 4, Ephrata at 7 21, Litiz at 154, klanheim at 8 08, making connection at Landisville with train .of , Penn's ' Railroad, reaching Lancaster at 8:33 A M. and Phila delphia at 12:30; arriving at Columbia at 9' o'clock, A. 31., there connecting the Ferry for Wrightsville and Northern Central Railroad; at 11:45 A, Sl.eith train of Penn's. Railroad far the West. r„, P. —Mail Passenger. Train for WI I) Columbia and intermediate stations wan passengers leaving New- York at 12 M., sod Philadelphia at 3:30 P. 14., leaving Sink ing Springs at 6:31; Remholdsville 6:b6 ; Eph rata 7;20 ; Litiz 7:4S ; Manheim 8:03 . ; connec ting at Landisville with an Express train of the P. R. It. for Lancaster and . Philadelphia, reaching Philadelphia at 11:30 p. on. and ar riving at Columbia at 8:6.o P. M. nr The Piraintre Travel to Ephrata and Linz Springs from New-York, Philadelphia, lithium and other points, is by this schedule accommodated several times per day with Ex igent trellis connecting in all directions: A 3” Through tickets to New-York, Phila delphia and Lancaster sold at principal sta in/. Fr.iight carried with utmost promt en and dispatch', at the lowest rates. Farther infottnatiorlirity - iierft4 Freight or passenge, may be obtained rchn the ugentt of the Company.. 11 Eti DES COHEN, Superintendent. F. r, KEEVER, General Freight and Makes Agent. & 11. T. ANTHONY Ir. CO., itinfotoxere of Photographic !Uteri&lc, ==l 801 BROADWAY, N. Y. amm, I. ou dada badmen or IMOTOURAPIIM iU. TULLIS, In an ImulltuaterA fix the followlas, Bteruomoopes and Stereoscopic. Views. Of thew IvaEWS have am Immeue isiortm•A todadlog VI OF TRH WAR, %Wave M pad expease and roman a eadiplat• VCOredlardlo IIIaTOILT 01 THAI 4}lMale 171110 N COMM Roll Bun, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Train*. Oeuyiburgh, Hanover Junction. Pair Oaks, Lookout Mountain., Binge Btation, Ohiokahominy, Prederiuksburgh, City Point. Pukka, .Rushville, Richmond, Peteratnorgh, Deep Bottom, Suitors, Chattanooga, Port Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile, Florida, Strawberry Plain% &a &a ,21.1:+94.....c swag,. Oklael and Lated.rdre, Oren" Status Zir et :e . a .1 0 1 .. .heet t yolvtig=c4 . 4 . =:= Sheep • Photographic Albums. k, *ore the int to loinetaite theta toto the Grated Sham Wet youdittub, lameato quaatttlee Ittgreat variety, repo- t. 5 Ott from 50 onto to ASO. Oor ALBUM hays aim repo t, bang suportor in beauty and durability to LI T ib sr. nry seo tby osall, WHIR oa receipt oYpripte. s • Drrnts Austfleti RAW TO Ostist‘fill rib Trode will find our Albuzu Alto most Saloebbi they eau bey. Blue a ble CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Oo Ctteloguo rum setbneel over 1 5 1011 MOULIN , dlffe ,oo, .blob additions ato eoallasally being made) of 8611. eo: tatamosdite, ale: about , 1 L 5 ,, 5 440ut IGO Stake:meg " ISO ether Otileart, 170 Mriney Moods, Navy Mon, lib Aothoro, 51:tho. um gawk SO Pro:edam:lt Wanumt. 5.000 Goploi of Weds of Art, 115 E 5 4 loprodoetkas of the most colebratod ilogravinge, .duet ehitaea. AA Cott:levees Goat as »e:0110 of Stamp. 555 br One Doan Piotono from o=arA Catalogus b. 50 .10 of 1 1110 sad seat by ma. ntirfeeetars awl others orderhur pods CAI D., trill plow: " 5 " bttalphre per me of the arasoat with their order. Unlit Mee sod gooLity of eve pods aulatel fall to WKS Fs Pttrilbtr 30, 1866. [7-Iy. Fur MANUFACTORY AT 718 ARCH STREET, Above Seventh, Philadelphia. I hove Low in store, of my ownmPortati" and manufacture, one of the largest and most beautiful selections of FANCY FURS, for Ladles and Children's wear, in the city. Also I fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Coll llre• lam enabled to dispose of my goods v erY reaionable prices, and I would there tole solicit a call from my friends of Lanese erhelAltilY and vicinity. Re member the name, number and street! JOHN FAREIRA, 713 Areh-at., above.'7llr, South side," PHI LA D.ELPILAA. I 12 fore to p ar t e no tiokur ith "'I other store, in Phin r lailtelihjeopneca• Se Plornber to, 1866. - din &MEL G. BAKER, ATTORNRY AT LAW, Clly. 1.-,1t.1.-4:Ti....-;t:4::::::ia.: PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Office in " Limmuiret Butuma," second floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Post Office Corner and Front-St., Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ADVERTISING RATES: One square (10 lines, or less) 7'6 cents for the first jnieztion and One Dollar and-a-jutlf , for 3 ,insertions. Pro fessional and Business etude, of six lines or less st 65 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deathik the simple announcement, rams ; but for any additional lines, ten cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly e nd half yearly advertisers. Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN TAIN JOBBER Pius," together with x large_ assortment of new Job and Cars type, .CuM, Borders, &c., to the Job Office. of." THE. MA RIEMAN," which will insure the file and speedy execution, of all kinds of JOB & Cxan Par N TI x 0,, from the smallest Card to ,the LANGE= POSTER, at reasonable prices ARIETTA. ACIADEMt Corner of Market. Square. and Gay-st. This Academy will open for the ieceipt of pupils of both , sexes on. MON DA.Y, the 11th of SEPT.P.MIigit. Instruction will be' given in all the branches usually taught in such in stitutions. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. TEitms:—For Five Months, 110:00 Latin and' Greek, each, (extra). d:00 A Boardiug House will be opened in the Spring, R. S. MAXWELL, REFERS TO Re). J. J. Lane, Wrightsville, Dr. J. Levargood, Lancaster, Dr. H. Carpenter, Lancaster, Adam Bake, Esq., Chatham, Chester, co. D. Wilson, Esq. Baltimore, Md. kt. W. Smith, Wrightsville, Samuel Lindsay, Marietta, Calvin Schaffner, " Dr. Cushman, At H. D. Benjamin Marietta, September 2,1865.-6 ml TOVES ! - 3 STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! COOK STOVE. . - ' - o(ik 'STOVES, 1 ST 0 V ES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. STOVES, STOVES,—VULCAN STOVES, FOR HEATL' G _ TWO OR FOUR ROOMS WITH ONE. FIRE—FO gRT.II SUPPLY N O Fir READY— CALL AND SEE THEM AT J. Spangler's Hardware , and Stove Store, Market Street, Marietta, Pa. WOULD most respectfully take this meads of informing his friends and the public generally that he has commenced the drawing of DEEDS, MORTGAGES: JUDGMENTS, and in fact everything in the CON VEY ANCI NG line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a member of the Lancaster Bar,. he will be ena bled to execute legal instruments of writing with accuracy. - II Cr He can be found at the office of "THE MA RI ETTIA N,"—" Lindsay's Building? (sec ond floor) near the Post , Office corner,. or: at his residence on Market street, half , sqqare west of the " Donegal liotise,?° Marietta. - II Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judginentirand Leases always on hand and.for sale. . ov, HENRY' HARP'.E4, ,(.4_ 550 ARCH , STREET, liit; Watches, LADIES AND SUPERIOR SILVER-PLATED WARE. Ott. 14-3m.] FANCY" First National Bank of Marietta F URS. THIS RANKING ASSOCIATION' HAVING COMPLETIN2 - yrs oaogruzATtotr is now prepared to Min sact all,kieds of. BANKING BUSINESS. The Board of Directors meet weekly, oil Wednesday, for discount and other 'husiriesa. trilank Hours': From 9 A. 31 to 3 r. at. JOHN HOLLINGER, PRESIDENT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier: /oho reeitis Old Established T HE MASON it HAM IN Cabinet Organic, Forty different styles, aaapted , tq sacred and secular music, for $BO to' $ . OOO each. ,Thirty- five Gold or Myr'Medals, or Other fast pre miums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues sent free. Address, MAKIN &r, HAMLIN, Ban ton, or MASON BROTHERS, New-York. Septem . )er 9, IBScS-IY.T DR. j. -Z: HOFFER, ' DENTIST, OT THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE 1 1.. a 7r, OF.IIEbiTAL SURQERY LATE. OF,ETARrEtthteXiiii, - O F F CE;"—FIV4 street, nest door to A. Willianis' Drug, qt.ore,between Locust iud street., • • • , Da. D. RiliNwopz.„ oiencgr—italw:rzoitiAimantoeris Epsimiglitr* ratthisonis ifor.. }.' . ". - -•• ' ' ' Il i •OA 70b1111.4, ; ... A,-, MIMI 1-, • tie; •ro ldiest frlitadiihraev ablthAtim woretytAlll .-141 11 • mi of T in - 1144 4 Vittr21M Mosta Mr V eit!V otnnt. MARIETTA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1865. "g• . 55tribitter aub Otinbegaltem PHILADELPHIA. Am Jewelry, Solid Sitoer-ware, litlltgnattitt Vennogibania &mud for_ i4t Cita" "GOOD BY OLD: Amp A Hospital Iti6idint. BY,GEORGE.COOPES The knife was still; the Burgeon bore Tha , ahattered tilln away ; Upon ..hie bed, ri pintail; sleep, The noble hero hip ; Ho woke, but 64'We iFticant place • Where limb of hiebttd lain, Then faintly spoke,. "Ohi let me see kfy strong right arm tigabfl" "Good,by, old arm P' the soldier said, As he, clasped the , fingers, cold ; And down his pale but manly cheeks Tbe.tear-drops gently.rollect: "My strong right , arro,•no-deed of yours Now gives mecca:roe to sigh'; har& to part , such trusty friends': good-by, - old arm`l good-by 1 "You've served me well these, many years,., In senlight.and in shadol But, comrade, we have done with war,— Let dreams'of glory fade. You'll neve rmore, my sabre swing, In battle fierce and hot ; You'll never bear another fiag, Or fire another shot. "I do not mourn to lose you now, For home and native land ; Oh, prang am I to,giv,e,my mite, For freedom pure and grand '!.'hand God ! no selfish , thought is mine . While here I blaesling lie ; liear, bear it tenderly away, _ Good-by, old arm ! good-by 1" ,stuft for. Strtiltr A traveler stopped at a country inn•to breakfast, and .having drank a cup of what was given to him, the servant ask ed, " what will OW - take, sir : tea _or coffee r " That depinds upon circnm: stances;" was the reply; "if what you gave me last was tea, I want : coffee ; if it was coffee, I want tea 'L I 'want a change," What is the difference between, a seheolmaater and a railroad conductv One trains the mind,, and the other minds the train. What is the difference between a bad, boy scd,a.postage stamp? Give it up? One you lick with a stick, and the other you stick with a lick. There is a family in Ohio so lazy that it takes two of them to sneeze—ond to throw the head back, and the other to make the not An,editor, in .describing o the doing" of a mad dog, says)," He bit the pow is tfie tail, which, has. since died." This, was very unfortunate ,for the tall; ; but we naturally feel some interest toknow what become of the cow. tobosom." °' Thou raioe-tthis adlthe , basin of water was chap said when a ser throwii over him by the lady he wa enadin What is the difference between an ,ttc cepted and a rejected lover ? One kiss• es his miss, and the other misses his kiss ' 4 - forty-day fniband, on uliociiVthe iihmory of the honeymoon' 'already seeMS tci have becomopowriless, wants to "know why - his iTifeis like a small pie. DO you give it uy ? " Because," says thee - Milheliitg Wretch, ''' she is - nthe ci lit tle tart.". Aintrington asked the otber day what variety. of roes might be. !mind on. a battle-field. We -suggested, rows of slain 7, That , ' , Haan% it. Arose and fought= :'again? No. %slave it rip. -!`He=roes," said Muffington. - • „ Mrs. Partington wants to know why the captain cannot keep a memorandum of the weight of his anchor instead of weighing it every time they go out of Port. Why is outting,off an elephant's head widely different from cutting off any other head 2 Because, when you sopa late the head from the body, you don't take it fromAhe :trunk. • What is 'the difiefence between Oha roEl'El boat and an old hen ? One ie a foul old wherry; the other a very old fowl. "My toy; might I imply) , where !Merritt & Prints's drag store is ?" Ur chin (very respeetfnily,)---"Clertainly, ~eir." 014 gent (efrer waiting awhile,) sir, Where Ts it “ k osion't the least ;idea, your honbr." • determined - to ha a T ot week wititaker to ,upAioiktvehiotto lei- e rg- e t "I will keep thee sweii 'afier rbooliti ' fele esinteemtel6 trer/bne. The Almighty" Dollar. BY GEORGE LYPPARD: They brought hiui a dollar., He took it, clutched it in his fong, skinny fingers, tried its sound against the bedpost, and then gazed at it long, and intently with.his.dull leaden eyes.— . That day, in the hurry, of bueinees, Death had struck him, even in the street. He was hurrying, to collect the . last montlut rent; and was on the ' verge of the miserable court where his tenente herded beasts in their kennels—he,, was there with his bank book , in his hand, when Death laid his hand upon He` -was' carried home tii his 'splendid mansion. He was laid tipon'a bed with a satin coverlet. The lawyer, the rela dill's, and. the . pfeaclier :were sent for.- All day tong' her lay without speech,' . moving' only hie right hand, as though' in thewct of counting money. - At midnight hb 'He 'naked for a' dollar vend they ' Brought °Bert° hitn, and lean and gaunt le sat up in his death bed, and• clutched it with the grip of 'death. A shaded lamp stood ' on a table near the silken bed. Its light fell 'faintly around the splendid room, where chairs: and carpets and mirrors, silken bed*and lofty ceiling, all said, GOLD r as , plainly ast human lips can say it. His hair and eyebrows were whiie, his cheeks sunken, and his ,lips thin and, surrounded by wrinkles that indited'the passion of Avarice. As he'sat up to his bed with his neck:kw:9d and the silken coverlet - wrapped about his lean , frame, his white hair and eyebrows contrasting. with hie wasted and wrinkled 'face, .he lookedlilm a ghost: And there was life in his leaden,eye--all, that life was, cen tered -on-the Dollar , which he gripped id his ' _ - - His, wife, a. pleasant faced, matronly: woman, was' :seated at the toot nf.,,the bed. Ills son, a.young mho of twenty one, dressed in the latest touch of fash ion,. sat by the lawyer. The lawyer at before the 'table, peii in hand, and gold spectacles on `his; ' was' a huge piechnienr spread before'him"; "Do you' think will make a will?" asked the son. "Tirdly dives mentis, yet," was the whieperel reply, " Wait - He'll be lucid after s'wtt~le:'" ' "'My dear,'' said the wife, "had not! better send for a nencher ?" She. rose and took: her dying husbapd byAheland,.hut he (lid not mind. His eyes. were.upon .thee Dollar. .. Be was a rich man. lie owned pale-, .ces on Walnrit,nod phestnnt. streets, and,hottets and courts on the outaltirts, E 4 'tad Mineg, §t4te i.coP. per mines on the lakes romewher?,; he had gold intereste-in California. His !lithe :mite' bright=upon: the recorde> of twentielistikii We' owned, - stooks of all kinds; belied half a dozen papers in-his pay: • He knew but one crime—to be in dibt Without the pOwer to .Pay. lie knew but one virtue—to get money,., . . Thatcrime he had never forgiven-- this virtue he had never forgotten in thelong war of thirty-five years. To hunt downs debtor, to distract/ a tenant, to .turn a few athlitional thous and, by a aherp specni4stion,- T thasewere the main achievements °this He was alood-rman--his-name was on a silver plate upon the pe - w-doOrbf a velvet'cushioned church: • ' 'Be' was ix benevoliat man `for every thousand dollare 'Wet: he 'wrung =from the tenants othis bawls, or from the debtors Who- Writhed beneath - his-'heel, be giveleri'dollars to sOme benevOlent institution. He wee.ejeetßaft - ztr,g 4 l l° 7 B- A nd the jail always found him a faithful and unswerving_ advocate. Aud, now. he is,a dying man—see !-_ Aslie sits upon the bed of death, with the.llollar in his clenched fist 0, holy Dollar:! object of his life=long puFedit, what,comforthast tbou for hit!' now, in his pain bf At length the dead "nab'revived- and 'dictated hie will: It weastran s ge to.tme the*Mothei trad•senbandlawyer mutter init=tadlianietimes tfiri;lied of , death. Al} , the .while the - teetitor clutoluid the Dollar:in his tight h ma. -,' ' ' % -,,,,,, While the will - kw, . - h - rott :.made the ; preacher cenla 7 cven 6e who held . 'the ,t ,i pastoral. ciihti ; 0 of the ' e:titti4l iwlinee. pew dooriboi. tift4 *molt On silver 41piataiii add itheektents ow lillibbetinolsy ; Vireaod hoitaatlahhwaratglit mi. ' reaped. abilits, broadcloth rwareatiii. • . fl MIN ami gala big prayer,-0.07. wilily and in measured words—but never once did the`dying man relax his hold on the Dollar. ••Clio't you read me samething, say-- quick, don't you see Pin going V' et length said the rich man, tit ruing a fright ened look toward the-preawhei. The'preactiei, whiisel'eravat wee of the • whitest, took'a book With'. golden claire from a marble table. And he read: "And I say ylylf,C you it is easier fora' camel to go-through-the eye,of a needle than.for elicit man to enter into the_ KingdoM. of - ,G0d , ." "Who said tbose_wordswho—who= who ?" fairly shrieked the dying man, shaking the hand which clenched the. Dollar at the preadhir's head. . . The, pieacher has tily turned over the leaf and did not reply. "Why did you never tell me this be-` fare ? Why!dfd you °Mier preach from church ? _ Why—why ?" The preacher did"not reply, but tuin ed„ger !aucithOr But the dying man would,not be quieted. "And it's euMer _for .a.camel to .go. thro',the eye of a needlethan for a,rich man to enter into the Kingdom of , God,. is it ? Then-what's to become of me ? -Am I.not rich? What tenant did ) I 4 ever spare—what debtor - did I ever re lease'? Abt Yon iit6Od up Stinilay after Sunday andVreached to us, and never said a word about`the camel. Notl'a word about th&Camel." The preacher, in search of a coneOling passage, turned 'rapidly , over the , leans, and, in his, confusion, gam) to .this pas sage, which he read.: now,:ye, rich . men, ,weep and how l,for your miseries that shall. come upon you. Yoiir gold and ,silver- is. cankered ; and the rust of them shall be a witness ageinst Jou, and shall eat your flesh - as it Were, with fire ye have , heaped 'treasure together for, - the last 'days. Behold the hira.of the laborers *hi) have reapeitdcisiir Your fields, which is of you kept by fraud, crieth-;. and the cries of them-which have, reaped are en tered into , the ears of the. Lord of Bah-, bath," "And yet you never preached that , to me 1" shrieked the dying. Man. The preacher, who had blundered throtigh the-passage tiom James, which we.have quoted, knew, not wbet to . day, was._perchauce