De pariettiatt, T. L. Baker, Editor, MARIETTA. PA : sotoing rafting, Zeeeinbet 2, 1805. TIM og MATRIMONY.—A buaband and wife, who had lived together for some time, appeared before an alderman, a fel! daps . ..Ant I and supposed a desire to have articles dffsepaiatia brawn up. The husband stated that he had no par tientlairwife;` rodid he know that - she:had much Wilt to find with him , ;' but Alie truth r was,they were tired - oCoostrimony, and they . bad, after considering-the matterlully, chme, to a. solemn determinatiOn - to part for ever; He said that' be bad $6,000 in one of the biguks,:ounlialf of whichlii was will ing.for his wife 'to have, and lihe, ,wita .perfectly tieilliog tot accept; and' to agree: .not troublelhim . ant•furthe'r. - The paper waydrewn up es requested, and signed •by each. They then separated. Of course, the marriage contract cannot be annulled such a manner; but the parties to the agreement may faith fully confetti to it. '" • Tan TORTUGAS.----,Theie are sev eral islands bearing the name of. Tortu-, ga. The term ia Spanish, and siguifies, e. tortoise. "Dry Tortugas" con stitute an Island group and-banks in the Gulf 'of , Mexico, about 120 miles west of Gape Sable,.in Florida. There are ten islets or keys in all. They consist of, ,a coral formation, and have:little vegeta tion except toangrove bushes. On one of them known as "Bush., -Key ",and 'Garden ;Key," a lighthouse has been erected: At the ,beginoing of the bullion the government undertook the, construction of ~Fort Jefferson, and sent. thither refractory persons to work upon the fortifications. _They are too remote from any populated place to'enable pri-. sonars to escape, too desolate to lnvike, _trading-vessels,• and• all articles of food must be, supplied. by .goiernment traps-. ; poste. , The place furnishes a,secure re, ther than, attractive place- of residence. put suffrage was literally ' in practice at New Orleans on election dui, polls being opened votes in the perish:es of Orleans and Algiers, eitillethVanipiceit Ot 'aii — iiisio — cistin having in view the election of a delega t e ` to Congress. No notice beyond t h e briefest mention `isi taken of ' t by the 'New Orleane papers, but the cOrresP° n: deal of tye, Mobile'. Regieter estima ' te dint ten - thonsand . votes were . cast, 6'31 that the voters contributed spot from fifty cents to twodoila : r B s a , apiece in ' furtherance df\tie'eliject. ' ggr There„is- a ,ge nu ill e "war of sacee" at New„;-Orieans, between the. Creole and American. citizens, all ::about , th"e teaching of Ereoch in the public achonlv T4:American: element has Control itt' l the city, and is determined that Prench‘ ehall not be tanghthand.that,the next' generatinn , of t pre - otoq shall. he, thorplighlt 19,:AmtriceialzeA. rousesk , inCthi. oppoAt . a paFty., a; epir4,, of . jealousy; Tavel' and ague have reappeared to it( ritiOrecedented ,, extentin that, sec tion of the countr known " " Tide Water," --Virginia. The people 1 are every Where" shilsitig,)ttra the- Mortality is largely.increasing. The llama of the disease is ataibited to the loss of Whar by the civil war ; which has left the - rank vegation to-grow •up untitled and "un checked, and without proper drainage. ®'The; Han over / Citizen uudesetaude that Mr. Joseph S. - Gitt ivill commence surveying, ne =t week, a route for road between liVrightevillb, York county, and Keiv"Olford, Adam's county, to con nect at the - foimer place with the roads running to Niiiilrofte, and Co'berexten ded fromlthe latter.placi to the -West and South. wed:- • • ear The Louisville Jpurnal saj - s the. Tennessee Senate haipassed a resolu tion declaring that Jeffersin J. M. Mason, R.. M. Bunter, ,Robert Toombs, 130va11 . . Cobb, 'John. Slidell, and Robert - E. Lee are`worthy ofdeath, and not fit objects of national'. clemency. Th resciltition'liai passed by a vote of firs to due." , sir The. stockholders dale Oattawis ea railroad, held a meetinurecently, and consented to the, lease.of-their •rnad for a period, f 099. years, to the . Atlantic and Grnat;l: l lT,eatep,,railroad company, for the seta ofs3ps,oo . per z annump pay. able in monthly inatalwn'A. sar Twenty-five thousand tuns of Scranton coal were sold` at 'unction on Thursday in New York: 'Tile prices obtained were from one 'en two dollars per ton .ialie , thafi , these , of the October sale. 'Aduither falling off is expected' at the sale nextnmonth. ar The 'he* Sdethodigt Epi s copal , Church in East Boston,: via, ,e,nterpd Saturday evening, and all the alitrg car pots' tipped 'up' and carried Oft s' SHOT By HEB LOVER.—We learn from the Ohio Statesman that an affecting and painful accident occurred on the 9th inst., near Chesterfield, Morgan county. • • A yourw man by the name of Clements, formerly ofXlie 25th Ohio, who was en gaged to be_cMarried to a Miss Bailie Y' wit paying a friendly visit at the bongo of his intended bride, having his gun loaded, and was about leaving the house when the young lady caught bold of bim, remarking that Eshe must kiss him, as he might get killed before returning, when in the act of turning towards , her, the lock of the gun caught on scimahing• near, snapped and discharged a ball through the back of her bead, killing her instantly. sir The Federal offlcere z having -been excluded from the ball given by, the Iniglitswan'thiti'dterlirrArgratWir after their. tournament list Wednesday, • the oommelidant4of ;"thii. post retallitgd" by prohibiting the , ',use Af.•ambtilanbee' other,govenmeek,property 14 7 din' citizer.s of Fredericksberrso ;that - the' secesh dames and.demoiselles who turn" up their noses ,at the ~Federal.:uniforiU must go on foot t4is.winter.. Air queen , lean alla , of e S n om a e n 't 6 i t in h. O °: :igo in s ß i t e " .,r c e e lin o q f ni€;h ge d ;;ear°BB-:i.tlYv the low state of the income .. in oOnnoquere P et• o of - tien of her ' • e 11 - r she ~ public. e xchequer; bus now renounced a further portion and has Ordeied that the.amount of the Civil List KO saved shall be- devoted to the sufferers by the, cholera ,unil,bythe which took pAce some mouths • Garrett Smith, 'of 'New . York , is now iii Chicago far the purpoke of prosecut ing the'preprietars Of the Chicsgo •Tri: bnne for a libel, published in that jour 'nal in June last, wherein, by implication hale accused of feigning insanity, to es cape from his resiontibilityin the Jobe' Brown - raid, and that he purppiefy ecie tinned it until after Lincoln was in - auga: rated. A new "Airarnirig• to Smokers" - is found in - the results•of the analysis of the cgigtenti ororiegood Ilavaria cigar, whichAields, When its smoke iiiconden.: Bed, a sufficient amount 'of poisonous matter to induce aCtiVe Copvulsions in a' riibliit Six pipes of common shag to baeco will yield sufficient poison to de stroy a rabbit in three minutes: MEM sEr.The Ph_iladelphia Ledger - is formed by .a ecirrespcinderit Whri hrte ac cess to figures, that the receipts' l d ,the. ,Penneybrania , ' aiiilrdad''`Go'inpany in ; round ..numbers the ;'etfrieni"Year, are, ;two Million.of dollars ahead of last'yerir , :atlthe , correspondidg•'‘tirne; and will; , 'ficil lars this year._ ' ' t ar hcat the Coal.,traill4pAhe..rprin sylvania Railroad was between _McVey , ton and Anderson, on Monday night, the bottom of one of thircoal care gave Way, precipitating two men ,_upon. the trick beneath, where ,they were instant-, y killed;the wheels, of the cars passing/ over their F bod x ies, which were:hprritily; mniilated The ditiieti 8 'et ti'4 indignant a ' tbe`extortion o't coal dealers have Bent a' committee 'Perinkyl van& coal "regikitio seloCt purchase mine;' and thhi earriildtee flail' 'that notnithstaildifig Atte' high' Ote:es 'now . phid • fdri tit co ih a l weilere-' alizitig profit of not leap 'that' th'iee 4 'd ditties fiatton at thekilned. ' . ; ,,.',During tbe. rsballion ;draft for three „thousand ponn.ds sterling drawn on, a London banking house,' and:payable to a party, in thelonth, was.captured,by our, forces and the s money.: collected. Recently ths.pecretary of, the. Treasury refunded; the amount; in gold, Avhich netted, nearly $15,000. , gir•Horf.' . Biroti'Greine, of "§odus, New York, who cited at a gOod old see: lately refused' to sell - his corn to specu lathrs in a time olsenicitY for' 4.1.50 per bushel, but trusted it out to his' poor , beikhbars at sl'a bushel. SO thej , now rise up and call him'blessed, dashingsoung bachelor lately appeared. ; in. _ -,Central• Park Ilwith two handsome ponies, whose tails were-done pp,tn„look tikei a.4lady's twaterfall, and cooped, pp in smallfieh_ nets. The .re semblance was capital,- and - the team created a . great seAsatiun. • Isr Mrs. Marrienne West, aged sixty twa;'dieid at:Des Moines lowa pa. the 13th: She 'Was - orm*6f the oldest resi dents of the State and was 'relhted,,to . Staphei Girard; Rembrandt Poile, ,and Fennimora Cooper. , sir An Arkansas Butternut advertis es that,"any gal what has got- a :coffee pot and skiliet,`and,who knoww -how -to take care: of children," can "bear-of a- situation by applying to "the undersign-: Rev. William. 13 Milburn, the blind preacher',` reeeiireddeacon's orders in the Pibtestant - Episcopal .church at Burlington, Veimobt, on last Sunday. He haghitt:is:if° been Methbilist„ eat 41: twenty .thousand• , dollitc . -organ is building in Boston for Henry. Win•d` BeeP4er'exiiPtCh. - 1 t bbeithe; largeet ev,er built in Anis !country: • EfFigg - ‘IOIM7II • firWi m i j =VT‘NlirlEa • In one village in the delta of the Nile, celebrated for the cultivation of water melons, ths whole of the inhabitants died durinktte recent prevalence o f f the cholera. Being unable to sell theirirnit . they ate it'themsOves, and died to the last man. It was necessary to employ force to bury the last. In all it is said that 82,000 victims of the contagion and bad living were buried in Egypt within six weeks. - At is estimated that the' - war hair ria - , ducid the'number of ho — raes in'the Uni ted States fully one million in number. The average destruction in the Federal alone,has not been rless than 500 t perdy.i .The average 11se, iorses iu the various Departments, taken collect- IvelyvisAbont - one , lortre lef'dverytivir I:9PFL: • , - iiiitableAs it ho es' Af 'the rot:1(4 chief Stone Wall ''j'aCksit; - & — iy now' be' seen' it Newportß. a noble animal iri l akes a fin appearance the 'street, dou btle ss .when in " . 4 10 „ dini to - On charge "ae loyal Tb r e'staa the' iiroyerty of Geo. Francis • gA' Pitediphis Vas raised .by jackserew's; for'''the purpose — of put iing- a new fouhdatiOn under when it 'fell over, and iiimbled'tbictit feet' into a bayou: Five Verionii'U , ere'iritre house but tioni3 , =IN ,1 - 11.1eRoy,t, a l ,pretpy l girl.,of,seriniteip , q1 1 j,c,14 43 ,,,infrY,9F.1PP. 12 wmeeli or, two ago because he r beau, bad k n If4.l'!oloWiZtiontpelier ,tli°aAr9. t, , E.: 1 • • sta. he. detttb - of t=he tte et . ' ache, world; , Airs di el m cree cirded. RV:Olives. mployed lin , . rtfiritelaa 4 t ?tidal tifdr ; : l :el'aoyteee Ite`d-11%' R ounds.. " .. , t „ tut. =3 gbt MEM in a Nut—,sbzll • • !I • A.conductor in a horse ear. , in Provi dence, en,itonday, asked a- man who Was sitting , upright in his seat-for his fare when it was.seen.tbaLhe was dead. His ; death noontred,sn-, quietly that persons at.fas side had notinoticed it. 9yeters are „to be , yery plenty this season, and the reason is that along the shores of Virginia, are vast b . eds„ of the bivalves that _have lain undisturbed dor. log the last Jour: years, •with'- nothing olse to do but to - grovr large aridiet The closi of 'N evember 1864 was mark ed by a' high temperature, 53 degrees be thtelo r vvesi and 68 'the highest. riot 4itilthe middle 'of Eiecember orlast year that ,severely : - One of .our, .the far west enlightens its ,readereiby informing them .. the:t " Joseph.Woseester, au: thor ef.alargp eized,,and in ventor of Wpreeetershire.apoc.e, iedead." Airs. Itabjah Bunee; - Who 'died re'een;, ly at Hartford,: Oonm - ifleftitier; Whole es tate 0f.520:009 to eoloiedliee'pliii''' The tAf.rietin church on-Taleot stiVet, in that ,eity; is, benefited a'iont"114;000: An immense bloCli of iron _buildings, - weighing 50,000 tons, pas , just, peen rais - edever'in,feee in Mt, icago, without t,h6 least injury to the bßilding, oripith tea distUrl;in s ithe O'ccuipitati. y. Henry Wardwßeepher has dectined'an offer: of three dollars for' a `cotiie of before ` the m Detr o it . Youhi Soeiisfy - , h to ':3elCt' his own time: ' 7' Ile mules, a 7 ' l6 b , PP! ) . 9 at ' • 2•J'iiiiskeleci°-- du r in g als.7eS/?=', rsiste,l killed il3 collected=',ral)es,,l2eY • alienenaga WinEP€P "ffictorY Seer£ at a bone _ " It is reported .on goix4 alithoritirf th'at the, President z is ldissitisfied 4, iiiih'J-t1 e conduct' tof,leadingtanery , at `<tbe south, pf-,whomthe2has:,pardoned: It turns out that many of thill'15;000 ladies of Baltiincir'e - who eigned the J ft' Davis petitiOn were ecitooLgii)s seven or eight years Of age •‘ Jl-1; The,,,sorghurp , orop atfthe4west ger ,th is mason .th an eyerAieforb;taddlthe ' s,eason..hap been, favorablellorzathering wend grAnCiAngn ; The ofEceraf en - of t e army io nti,dra& ibletr hiagrad by the Commander-in Chief 'to' 'ciiltivate thbirlbaatiie:. ' . 57 • A.-movement is on . foot, , oqt, anon ,p*oqfeb. tsII G e a el i ft 1 4 1 z: tt zof t a ik u $5,009 r . 1, 1 tf ..-,Phas4,,Buebter l lwbb rells,zportef tt in Harrisburg ; bee, (allembeirl ;to:1150;000 by the.:death , ofut 't 3.0 3. .4. W A resident of dyne ears county, Pa-, can boast , : of; cAild fel), :thirty_ of whom are4iying and in.good 'health: ,ExcursionJticketifqirel , foesalo in Lon don for "a voyiige'te iiiid'halt; with ;a.ehort.ftoui The largest Sunday,Snhool in. Ameri ca is said to be found'iil`Ginc:inlati ii jt d The gneen,9l..Anglandh,al3 nowaeight giand,,chlidren i ,si , :of :whom. are; boys.: , .. It is intimated that Governor Gue'fifi r r will AaVO - 0, foreign eptrointiiiika: ~hae donchhiVd4 spend .tike:•LvittitterAtioanxeitieibit Irt to Chicago has apavriato4tloo,oo c1e!t13d1133.,N9-42.1Mils:mil ,11.?: • ; /8 1 )4 q't 3.3 flt DEATH OF A PROMINENT REBEL.-' Ham W. Morrison, at North Carolina, formerly the private secretary of William A Graham when Governor of that State subsequently a clerk in the Construction end equipment bureau of the Navy De partment at Washington, and latterly a major and commissary of subsistence in the rebel army,died , -on , the 13th inst. Stonewall Jackson and Ambrose P. Hill, both lieutenant generals in the service, were his brothers-in-law. He had charge of the impressment bureau of the rebel commissary dePertment- in North Carolina, and at one time _was the chief dependence of Lee for subsis tence.. t 4i. , rh; e augft oith rebelS ere Lary Mallory has not succeeded in üb taininrher farh - e - r's — teletisb: — *lr iir - re- Rettpti , that duritteSeeretary Stanton's trip eastward be',v,isited Mallory in'Fart Lafayette and requested some iiiforma tion concerning th'e archives of the reb el navy Mr.'hiallorY•declined to give it. Calibdushing afterward made the same solleittitioile; bat: My-o-Mallory then denied all knowleAge of their cue `tocdy.: 'lntiriPation; are i''efioited to hare bec;a daughtef by_ o'nr. au thoyi `tierS' that 'Mallory must vindicate himself under oath-1( condition piecedent to his ielanse. This it is believed he can Geciegiit paPers speak of the rapid •eacovety'of , the'•state fro the effects of the war. The Ai:lin - ea Chronicle and Seritinelysays ": - -"M here the emancipa ted 'ilafes haVe ''tibtin'dOned' the home etetids, ihe - and his' 80E18 have ploughed the'fielcll3; tidd haie'now reap adrtilifir4iirVeit. ' 7 49 • eVeri '..firtinch' of trade, also, our people have shown more enterprise; arid , Er iretitii i slifict: of sell ; reliance, ths,n,,ever becore. ,Necessity' liavtng thrown many , their own resources, th ey, are proving by their ideeddihat they are fully equal to the tusk before , them: This - spirit is a glo none one. There is no despondency, no repining, init._" - ,„ fa - The JOhnitown ( Pa.) Tribune is responsible for the following: the Thomas Jefferson Butler, a resident of Jpknetown, and the fatheiof fin interesting family of, young' children; departed for. Philadelphia and< the Euglatcd: states. F'rom,,thence he went south, and when the rebellion_ commencpd 'was in Georgie., The other day he returned to johnstowp,,after an absence oticearlYiwenty-silt yeare. had nol g sppn4tiewife •onchildrondn all that tiree,, pethape equally re perltable, they.are ally-living, althOugh not all ; present to,welcome his-return." • To `theprevent trequency of "breach aprdiniiie in the. En nOtirts; a' bill wilt soon bi; intro duced kite - Pti'rliameht enacting that 'a 'Pi•Othisrkot mae tags, to be hefd as bind in, g, so that the breaclPOf it:shall con. gioand foi action, must be giv en in' writing, sn3 attested 6; two cots= Gir it has:been decicltdvin4helTiette ury Department that banlupwhich enter into the purcheeetoUrautilated , national currency will not'he allowed to receive, at the•tre emp ureau, anyY advance' upon the sena at Which it Was bought, * Ind'rie:Packfige ef - mntklateil nOtee con le4e' buxi'cir2 i e'd aoliars ,:24111iirtnia free.use..of 'aletiehol , -having Amen.recommendefLin , Frannels 'a 'cure 7 fo.r.pholera,.several persona have' drink solexcesSivelpthat.severe inflammation Ada ensued; and Mew parties well- knoivn ,in i the.,upper .ranks ot•Parisian" Society ;kayo T `,.0 - I 3: , e1; ? ,t eAegenerateApn Oralegeneritt fa t her, f e far , who 4wPAt,...from Phllii'dellihi'a r to,w,ith„the , l,r4Apis,hits been , pardoned ._ The next L OW — that' we” shall proba'lly hear of Bob he will be coming North demand- tom' At au auction salet -svPestittee in Staunton , 1, •:: . , of population Virginia, a short time 4,0 werehoryifiled ' ti: Ih'e white • 6ud , the bidder that highest , . ed M. who Dian, ;1," , was a color ; us entered into the a k 8 ort 11 „ 1:) . ! .. ailded aristocracy of Virginia~. t the' dew. Prison filet, millishortlrtake effect in Great: Britain, ,there is. &provision Abet. -*here': it 'sen tence expires - on-a .Sunday-the vrisbner releasetfon thelday• ...; Sir Governor Curtin havingpfOthail arrangements, sails to Cuba on- Tueaday nPiet.`:. Ile las,prepared speoial Yigolor ,the :llegislature;` and , .be away, , :lt is thoughfliboureiglitiideke: Aar The Rirete ship Shenanciopll Alas • „... been handed over 6 9 11 t• to PlOvY,YOrk. 1 3, 3 r4 captl.l4 and r erew have 14Oon p ncondi tionalp rilichEried. • • - • •.•••••:•.: w j. G ir Harrisburg will have the Pennsyl vania Steel Works, If. the .c,itl4el4--Rro vidn land and . take, . tano,ugli _shares. A lien:dug was,.. held thee ork yasdy ) Ato 42.1,1! •.,2322.• • • - securikthe land. Algroßishiip Shit - mitts' fator pa;ying4l:lB . rstaidiPdebt - n 41+ d ue-LA'after. lifddkiend'ece ifie, COnfidbleate etrre.dY,7q !'`,!ttiNttltrit) a.l-1 am ry , 4:11.0v: -47( ~r lJa Qw,» t Tom SAYERS.—The noted English pu gilist, Tom Sayers, is dead. Ho was a brick-layer by trade, and entered tile prize ring in 1849, and since that date has appeared in a number of fights, gen erally coming out the victor. On the 17th of April, 1860, occurred his famous fight With Heenan, which resulted in awarding a champion belt to each of the combatants, as it could not be decided which was the better man. Since that event Sayers has been pro fitting by the notoriety it invested him with, by appearing in circnases in sparr ing matches. Be also was interested in a public house—the haven of all super annuated `•sports" in England. Sayers "was certainly very populi k taiu England, and among his professed admirers were not only. the rougher classes—who In this country are interested in prize,fight ing; but such men as the late Lord Pal merston, who thought him "a brave fel- Ex.Rxisat...—A good natured ex-rebel ,soldier writes to the editor of a paper in'North Carolina: ," Like you, I am a Southerner—my tmine waajpthe South, my kindred, my frien,ds, my intereete, were all here, and .being assured - that 1 *as right I entered the army. The logic of cold iron, con. &need into ten inch shells and other convetiiiiitforms fqr administering, has proved the ; contrary, having nothing more perenasive than they, I acquiescv, have taken'theoath and ( sudden change or not)' intend to keep it. This person evidently "accepts the situation" in'a genial temper, and there in seta a good •example. sir Mrs. iJincoln is residing at the 9 1 ,ki:k9 13 „ 11 9.4, 8 .!;t,,,,in I : ll,ls.,city,,, ,, Since the decease,of her.hushand, she: has made - . he'r pereaaneut abode in Chicagbi living great retirement, spMeil . oting herself lothe education of her younger son. iler`eldestien,- . Robeit, is completing his.stodies in thee law office . cifSeemmon', Mcdagg Sc Fuller. The other, eo well knoln: to all frequenters of-the White House by the familiar name of " Tad " —a bright, fun loving boy—is attending one of cur Ilmblic - schools.--Chicago . • • Nine. *ir Even the Philadelphia Ledger, always_a champion of the coal interest, declares that "coal needs no further protection," and it hints that the duties on foreign 'coal might well be 'reduced. As to increasing the excise _ duties, it says that is a. matter of no concern to :the: trade, but to the consumers only, whe will have 'in . pap ;the. en tax- iWGeneral.Lee had the impertinence to ask the War Departuient to allow , him t.o.use certain Government 'cannon left-at-Lexington, Virgiiiia, in drilling the yoting men under his. charge in ar tillery .practice. The Department re plied by,sending an officer to take the cannonaway. - Ifir . nolbred man in _gtickeystown district,died of glanders a fevil - weeks ago . ;wiiicli l he contracted from a gland eFed boreal ?<arsons shdtild . sholit stock when infected OlithAbis "diseasa sit en: dangers-the dixes . of men as well as vat uable` tieastd. Mrs;Olemeot,U. (lay has .been lid/armed-that her husband "cannot be parole but will he held for= trial. • , 1163 Cio64'4: - Weft - 'CiodZs: Got*. WOK LD annonnce-to.their friends and the ,pnbliegenerally, that they have on hard a large and well selected stock of • FALL , ..4.ND WINTER GOODS, .'daDY receiving accessions thereto. Our stock of LADIES DRESS GOkDS,corn pthe the latest and most desirable fabrics, 1c and : colors— French Merinos, hnglish -Merinos, All,wool poplins,- Coburgs, AllLVtionl Detains, Mixed Poplins, Alpaccas, - Lavellas Debtizes, . Mixed Delaines, A.large assortment of , Plain and!Fancy.- t, 4.1 4.t. 1.3“., WOOL SHAWLS , H Goads, ,Ilreaktast Shawls, oods, ' Scarts;'Cldaking' Cloths, Sacking Flanios,Ny lute ...epipand.l3aiaoril..ll_iits,- - 4 : ,,,-;7lo,idery and qlovea., - D. OM E S C S. . Calicos, 'Dolaths, Ginghb.m.i, I.larinels, Checks, Pluslins; Ticklugs, Sattinetts, Jeans ' Linen and Cotton Diaper, American and ,Towelling.i , Floor 'and 'Table Oil Cloth, Wall and ' Window 'Papers. ' MEN',AND' BOY'B WEAR. ,Plain- and ,Fancy- Cassirneresi French and , Englisa,Cloths ,Knit Shirts and Drawers.' Gloves, and Mitts, Paper and- Linen. - ' Collars, Shirt• Fronts, Nick Ties, • - Suspenders; Knit Jackets, &c. assov,tment of the latest styles Men and Boys...Hats:and Caps,iGroceries Sugars; SyrUps,,Coffee, Teas,"Raisins,. Prunes, . Dried 'Apples, Cranberrietw.:Corn Starch, -Farina; Salt,,Fisb,;&e. . A full assOrtakent of GlasS & Queensware. Thankful forpast favors, we would respect fully- ask. an examination-of our stock before purchasing; elsewhere. SPANGLER & RICH. • MariettE4 November 4, , 865.;-tf. ' • B .AZIN'S 'rlie,lateet.and;lnest exquisite such at",,li k as me E2Via,elly,r ." Upper Ten,' 2 ,- 4 Hydeegfnia, ' " Wesi , End;" '""Toffee,' Club," and . algi Po madesland ':Hair. Oils: ' , Examine ciur , eeqk% We eau please you. in price and ilualitS. GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE: riOLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS. Honey, Clyeerifie; "Palm Almond , Bathand Shtiving"'SGAPS. 'Equal to any Just received and for mile; very cheap at. "r THE GOLDEN-MORTAR. OGER'S Celeorated Catneat, and n , Oil - PiaWl3laalciag at TkE GOLD'EN7I2ORTiIf zoNrs:PetiOdial Drops, and j' ,3l 4C-6- 1.-Ittiele q c 1 ,0 : 1 7 -4 Pt Tl r'• 4 7:1 Cr. 0.7 .• • Lt 'AC %t it Crtill Lld stad, DETER 1101)..N111L-s1 [wyru D. riffs BEIM a amd Boy's coi HATS AN]) BOOTS it N and Gentlemen's P,7;;. IN GREAT Vv.,: P. R. would take thi; the citizens of Marietta t ally - that having opened this a permanent business, tAily bein' determined not to Cull and aee the goods Er: Marietta, June 10, 1565. REEVES' AMBRO.I.'s. (IR The Original and (leonine Asa./ prepared by J. ALLEN REFAE,„,': best hair dressing and ...reserrative': use It stops the hair falling aut,uL. grow thick and long and prectsli turning prematurely ;Ile) dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and hair soft, glossy and curly. Bc:, be convinced. Don't be p ut ous article. Ask for Reeves' ,k,„t urs i ,; take no other. For Safe by Drurni: Deal. rs in Fancy Goods everyntic, PRICE, 7.5 Cents per buttle--.16. Address, REEVES' A 3113:1831.i 62 Fulton- st., New-V57: 3 For sale in Marietta at Dr. F, Drug gtore. CHARLES WILLIAMS, [FORMERLY OF LA.NCNSTER, Successor to John Walker, Fashionable Barber & Hair D NEAR FRONT STREET, Between the White swan and Eaglt MARIETTA, PA. HAYING purchased the good tures of J. Walker's establishrher, trespeetfull:y ask a trial of the CUiIDMEZI:i shop and the public generay, hat:rl4 'number of years experience in the B ar:t business frets confident of beinq shat to entire satisfaction. ALEXANDER LYNbSAY, Fashionatle Boot and Owe ..1/anufacttinr, ===MEG= Would most respectfully inform the of this Borough and neigh borhond that b the largest assortment of City made his line of business in this 13orough,w, trig a practical 13(TO7• AND SIIOR himself,is enables to select with rnore jul than - those who are not. Ile continiesti ufacture in the very best manner ever i f in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE,wk will warrant for neatness and good ri—Call and examine his stock befr.r: chasms . elsewhere. hFITTERS' R ENIAINING undainktc Past Office at Ma, iettn, Ps., 'faui , D, N OVEN! BIM 30, IBGS. johu A.*Bair. 'Marti* Braga, JAn George Emeriek, 2 ; Mrs. Ellen Farr 1. Julia A. Filhlcro, Richard FPIII.IX, Fithman, Charley Hill, Lieut. Jahn 1k Edward L. Haines, Charles Iler,ry, P: Krempel; George Kerdhelle, Miss Mari Henry. Nagle, H. Rock, Moses Spricitet,t. ,Westenheffer, Wm. .Velchan9, • Cam' To °IPA/in any of. tLe.le IPttert,thec plicant must call_for "adrirtiyte. the date of this list, and pay vertisivg. ABRA It /1)1 CASSEL, p.!,1. ANU PAPEE-HANGING. s rrlhe undersigned woula respecifeliy flounce to his old friends and the generally, that be continues the above teser in all its various branches Tilspecial attention paid to plain and ie pape.rhanging, China glossing. Frnsiink c. Enamelling Glass. Graining of all kinds,in. Thankful for past favors, would ask a tinuance of the same. Residence a few eit west of the Town Hall, on Walnut sure. • • - DAVID •' Marietta, Nev. 25, 1865. ly. I LIME! ! .Fresh.:Lime far—Whitewashing and Bd,it, , ;. Igor sale-at HENRY W IL FE'S, opposite the Post Office, in large or small!>s krlnuch better than that brought frown distance. It is careiulh'>'.' 'coed. Am now selling the best lumps! 35:cents; per. bushel ; 10 cents per pee:: Five cents per half-peck. EI,ENRYL FE, Market-st., oppssit ,, . Post Office, Marietta. [117,* THE MASON & lIA.MLIN • "' " -Cabinet Orga Forty differelft - styles ' aaapted to sacredss secular mum, for $BO to "$6OO each. Ma). five Gold or Silwr Medals, or other cap' miumsawitederd them. Illustrated Calalve sent- free._ Address, M A SI) tc & HAmirs, tort, Or ;MASON' BROTHERS, New- Vert. Septeroer, 9, 186i—ly.) ; # e\ IiENRY HARPER; (5, 0:4 550 ARCH STREET, .6:41 PHILA bELPAI4 Ilatche.., Fine Jawlry, AND BUPEN.!DD. ELVEIL P Oct. 1,431111:31 :; ~1. PLATED VOL. Pint national Bank of Marietta ..n:n.~YVnJ!.~•. rjIHIS BANKING ASSOCIATION HAVING CO3IPLETED ITS ORGANIZArI 5 ia now prepared 0 transact all kir& vi . `BANKING .. EITISINESS , Thee Board of Directors 'meet Wednesday; for diacouneiiid 'baler biniaelo lEr Bank ;fours :- Pram 9 A. X 10 3 I ,ll ' •'.I'OIIN - HOLLINGER, PiZESIDEV:, AMOS 'BOWMAN; Cashier. • I t youvreint First-rate Blaelriar — Faney SiIY , A neat or'gajrchallielr De Laine A superionlllabY ois - fincy Woolen De. 1,Ei 51 A fine or mgdium .131il'ak or Colored Alpe , A good Lavella,.Deltlxige or Poplin An. 'Excellent Ctiltitillir good Calico A FAgneleftlngliiilnni;Bhambrsi Gingha m You will find it at SPAYGLF..R : gc 111 CH'S A T7II , NtPLONALSIPODTSINIE - .. 1 LleYN.G.L.l.QL—ps,oEley;kGu'ri.W Ndtl4l Dupont's - Sporting AO? GlaKed buck Pcw 66l Dultirnork:Shot; shcaPciukhes, Powder F l2s° old at -JOHN SPANGLER'S. COAL 410D,5, Seii , eo, Coal Shovel!, kers;"Stoie Gritti, - . Cylinders and Li nings of different kindiikept . on band at • JOHN SPASGLEWS. o you WANT a good Cooking RI jj if so,-go to John Spangler's, o-h-ers h* will' find a large assortment. Be Bells e arrants 'eat)] to give entire satisfactia DR. Echternach's Arriiy Lotion,an Ate remedy for Gulls, Sag, tad diseases of the skin, - . - AT THE GOLDEN MORTAL LAME LOT,OF BUI,F WINT,Tekr, SHADES it tew.arkably low P . ,•.% • -.1 09s: pitt, aD.lftt SFAr. 11111 Solid Siiud•wt•T`f
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