BY FRED'K L. BAKER. eaifing & eoluinbilt TRAINS of this road run by Reading Rail Rued lime, which is ten minutes faster tun teat of Pennsylvania Railroad. TRAINS OR THIS ROAD RUN AB rom.ows: LEAVING COLUMBIA AT n" A. M.—Mail Passenger train fo 7:UU Reading and intermediate stations canaceting at Lankisville, daily, except Mon day, with Elie Express of P. R. R. reaching Philadelphia at 10:30 in the morning ; leaving Alanheim at 7:41 ; Litiz at 7:54 ; Ephialit 8:23 Reinholdsville at 8:60; Sinking Springs at 9:10 ; and arriving at Rt ading at 9:35 a. in. At lleadingeonnection is made with Fast Ex press train of East Pennsylvania Rail Road, reaching New-York at 2:30 P. M. with train of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, reach ing Philadelphia at 12:45 p. m., and also with trains for Pottsville, the Lebanon Valley and Harrisburg. 2. 1 a P. M. —PASSENGER TRAIN I) fur Reading aad intermediate sta tisna, connecting at Landisville at 2:50 P. M. with Express trains of Penn's. R. R., both East and West, leaving Manheim at 3:26; Litiz 3 :41; Ephrata at 4:10 ; Reinholdeville 4:37; Sinking Springs 6:03 and arriving at Reading at 2:20 P. M. At Reading con nection is made with trains for Pottsville and Lebanon Valley. LEAVE READING AT 6.10 t A 'o r Columbiaa B n B if . t G t e E r m R ed i a T t A s l t a N was, leaving Sinking Springs at 6 26; Rein licsdoille at 6 04, Ephrata at 7 21, Litiz at 7 14, Manheim at 8 08, making connection at Landisville with train pf Penn's Railroad, reaching Lancaster at 8:33 A M. and Phila delphia at 12:30 ; arriving at Columbia at 9 o'clock, A. Al., there connecting the Ferry for Wrightsville and Northern Central Railroad, at 11:45 A. M.with train of Penn'a. Railroad for the West. Passenger ate T s r t a a i t n io f n o s r 6 i n te r met with passengers leaving New- York at 12 M., and Philadelphia at 3:30 P. M., leaving Sink ing Springs at 6:31 ; Iteinholdsville 6:56'; Eph rata 7:20 Litiz 7:4S Manheim 8:03 ; connec ting at Landisville with an Express train of the P. It. It. for Lancaster and Philadelphia, reaching Philadelphia at 11:30 p. on. and ar riving at Columbia at B:SJ P. 1,4. jr.?The Ni asure Travel to Ephrata and Luz springs Irom New-York, Philadelphia, lialiimare and other points, is by this schedule accommodated several times per day with Ex press trains connecting in all directions. f• Through tickets to New-York, Phila delphia and Lancaster sold at principal sta ins. Fraight carried with utmost promt est and dispatch, at the lowest - rates. . I=l Further information with regard to Freight or puaseuge, may be obtained from the ageutt of the Company. Isl EN DES COVEN, Superintendent. E. F. K EEV ER, General Freight and Tiel, ea Agent. GEMA.NTOWN TELEGRAPH. '1 Family and an Agricultural Journal, of the largest and handsomest description. Dr. oted to choice Literature, including Po etry, Novelettes, Tales, moral and entertain log reading generally. In the Literary. ,depart meld We shall present the choicest varieties 4itloh the reach of eur extendedmeans, The Novelettes, Tales. Poetry, &c., shall he sup plied (lain the best and highest solutes, and be equal to anything to be found in` any jour nal or magazine, Agriculture an cl Horticulture embracing Fanning Cardening, Fruit raising, &c.. Our labors in this department for over thirty years, have inet the cordial approbation of the pub lir. Our purpose has •bet ai to-furnish useful and rehab!. information on these very impor-. lam branches of industry,-and-to protect them On far LOS within our pow e: -against the false doctrines and selfish purposes of the many' einiarirs and sensation adventurers by which the hillier is incessantly assailed. This por tion of the G ERMANTOWN TELE.O B. A PH is alone worth the whole price of subiOdPt ion. Nl)Ei'A RTM t.—The lame industry, cart and discriminatiOn, in gathering and pre paring the Stitring „Events of the Day,expres for this paper, which hitherto has been one of its !narked featinea Slid' given so universal satisfaction, mill be continued with redoubled Of , its to meet the increasing demand of the TERMS :—Two-Dollars and Fifty Cents per 4111 unn. No orders received without the cash, alai all subscriptions stopped at tht end of the 'Ono paid for. Address, PHILIP IL FREAK, Editor and Proprietor, Geirnantown, Pa. Oct. 21.31.1 8. R H. T. ANTHONY # .CO., nanufacturers of Photographic lliater4l, vamanic AMT. Anzrev. ' • • • 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. odden to our main bathos& of PIifiTUURAL TM AL m S, we ere headquarters for the foih mfi .lblh" PHl - IdA- Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic violin. Of they we here an Impose malOrsM4o, intin4lAr HEWS OF THE, WAR, Obtained at great expenso end forming comply.' I.„.OTOOATRILO HISTORY o r TRH GREAT UNION COMMIT 4411 RtUir • Dutch Gap, • oktow, Pontoon Trains. Gettysburg Hanover Julation: Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, ChickahornirlYs Zredeieksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Peterabusgh, Deer Bottom, Holton!, Bello Plain, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, • C harleeton Atlanta, Florida, - • litrawborry.Plaina, Aotzczo !Lod F eran l eiller and Lendsoß *o. pee, Grope, Bites if 447 . Olu‘g4Zat i t=te li f7=l :p re lst p : we PhlngpaPhig Whiling. 10,n flot to introduro Woe Into the United Meta. 141LPFAroe4mmultmeri.,Trtz:, nn otit .. l 2 l ,lerier In haunt ' ' , end &robing/ go =7 °dm.'" t0 ..z 7z1 1, FR 4 E on remipt of mica ° Tr ade will find our " Albuma the most Saleable they can bny. o„ CARD PLIOTOGIUPHS. tbs c i, & our 1 11 0 w onbrarea over Frye TOOLMAND different ' lT m Ajorro l .„741:0=ordinuelly being made) of &mi re 4°,14 100 Lied-Cele 630Stteernello " 230 e th er °trireme, 130 Divine., •0044,., 76 Nary oMcers, 111 Author; Icrledll Stage, 50 Prominent Women. tquollot IFO*Poirtrbfet°o:l'coeflett‘tbed Earn . vin g . ' ift44;7'lle...ixtr..r, F4ttlegur ' rent on reeript sr gt 545:;11 1 4111 / i 8 , 0 . ImeXt Ty m tgll, C = g"" tirlZle" end or:rah:W.:4' c7rlller!deau P end quality of our goo& cannot fait to WHO. rlt tuber 30, .865' ell a NIP A(1 isl 1.1 and other' Table" v a.york. g a intanteed to he pure, and'aold call be boughtin Philadelphia or ! firNyAn uit4ins. Tkr - ar'4.i:,,-,_...,:i:,::.,..:'-.-,4/11, PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ONE EMIR AND A HALF A YEAH, PAYABLE IN ADTANCE. Qffice in " LINDSAY'S BUILDING, " second floor; on Elbow Lane. between the Post o,ffice Corner and Front-St.; Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylv ania. ADVERTISING RATES: One square (10 .lines, or less) 75 cents for the first insertion and One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro [mtional and Business cal de, of six lines or less at 65 per annum. Notices in the reading, col umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any additional lines, ten cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. - Having just added a " NEWBURY MOON rant JOBBER PRESS," together with a large assortment of new Job and Card type, . Cuts, Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of " THE MARIETTIAN," which will insure the Ine and speedy execution of all kinds of Jon & CARD PRINTING; from the smallest Card-to the LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices. G OLD? [1865, 1866, 1.867.] SILVER! 1 TO 75,0001 S2l S 2 1 S 2 "_I Two Z)..11a - rs 1 DIANUFAC • URatS' AGENTS,„ OUR NEW MODE. One of our Gold or Silver Watches, or Silver Tea Sets for $2, as below stated. One of our tea sets or one piece of our Gold or Silverware is worth a bushel of the cheap dol lar Jewelry. We have adopted the following mode of DISTRIBUTION by sale. of 75,000 artielea.of valui ! OUR NEW AIODE!! The articles of goods are numbered from 1 up to 75,000 37,500 consisting of Pianos, Melodeons, Gold and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea and Table sets, Solid Silver 'Tea and Table Spc:ons and Forks. - etc, etc. ; and the other 37,500 articlei of valuab;e Jew elry, Work and Toilet cases, Photograph Al bums, Openface Silver Watches, anfancy ar ticles in great variety. 75,000 notices num bered from 1 to 75;000 are printed and put in to sealed envelopes and well mixed, and ono of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 25 eta to cover expense of post age, correspondence, etc., and, the article or goods, cortespOuding with the number on the notice will be sent to the holder Of the sane immediately. (if he desires to purchase the article yon the receipt of two dollars. For instance.--lf the number on the notice sent to you should be 500, and a Piano, or Diamond Set or Gold Watch should be numbered 500 it will be sent to you for $2, and so on for every article in our list of 75,000 articles. its After receiving the Article, if it does not please you, you can return it, and your money shall be refunded. Twenty-five ceuts-must be sent to psi. ex pense of postage, cor esptindence, etc., on one , notice.'- Remember, that whamver article corres ponds with the number on your notice, you can have it by paying Two ; Dollars fsr it, whether it be worth $lOO or $BOO. Add- it is for our interest to deal` fairly, and Send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence ,to the public, and the - eby increases our sales. TRY OUR , NEW MODE! I ! Upon receipt of-2.sveedtitrixftiiCel3i.frfor cortespondence, postage, etc. we send one no tice. Upon receipt of $1 which pays for corres pondence. postage, etc., we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5, which pays for, corres pondence, postage, etc, we send 40 notices, and a fine present, valued at no less thar4ls, 114 a sample of our goods. Upon receipt of $lB, which pays for cones poodence, postage, etc., we will send 150 no tices, and a solid Silver Watch, by return mail. Agents Wanted. Send for our circular ! Agents allowed a large cash commission, by which they can make $25 weekly. Address plainly, REF.D BROT#E4t, Biz. 5138, eve . York City, N: Salesroom, 34 Liberty St. [3m. 'JACOB LIBRART, JVN; CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, - MARIETTA; PA 'pl =I WU o O do l i Di informing spe m t r n e g i the citizens take this ensofbla m ri et et h t ' a and the public in general, that, having laid in a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prep&ted to manufactufe all kinds of CABINET ,FURNITURE, in•every style and variety, at short notice. He has on hand a lot of. Furniture of hiti own manufactu,e, which for fine finish and good workmanship, will rival any City •make. • LI Especial attention paid to repairing. He is also now prepared to-atteud, : in all its branches the.UNDERTAKING business, be ing supplied with an excellent-Hence, large and small Biers, Cooling Box, dm. 113" COFFINS finished in any style—plain or costly. . • Ware Ronm and Manufactory. near Mr. Duffy's new building, near the "Upper-Sta ion," Marietta, Pa. [Oct. 22. DR. J. Z. HOFFER,. DENTIST, OF THE BA LT?MORE -COLLEGE '4i • OF DENTAL ,SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG. FFICE:—Front street, next door to R. LJ Williams' Drug Store, between Lociut end Walnut streets, Columbia. D ANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER.:,- ' OFFICE :—No. 24 Matra DUKE SmEnT opposite the Court House;where at tend •to the practice of .hia piofession in all ite virious branchee. A CHOICE Lot of Books for chililre iiadratructrOlee Ineasureßook . s.; School and' Pltper , ItAIIiPIS.4rorTIMIM DUBE COD LIVER OIL JELLY, for Bale IL - at . DR. RINKLE'S. lirtage . 6tut tionsgibania for tke Monte . MARIETTA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2; 11365. WEARING OF THE GREEN. [The following js the celebrated song which created'such intense excitement throughout Great ,, Britaim and for the incorporation of which in hia piece, Mr. Boncitipiatii play of "Arrah lift Pogue had,tli'tWwitlidrawn from the London stage.] 4 Oh Paddy, dear, and did you hear The'pows that's going round The Shamrock is forbid bylaw to Grow On Irish ironed. No more St. Patrick's day well keep, The color can't be seen, For there's a bloody war against the Wearing of the, green., . I met with Nappy Tender, and he took Me by the ,hand,, And be said, "Bowes poor ould Ireland, Andhow does she stand V' She's the most•dietressful country that Ever you have seen; They're hanging men And women there for Wearing of the green." Then since the color we must wear is England's cruel red,' Sure Ireland's sons will nieer forget the Blodd that they have shed, You may take the Shamrock from your bat, And cast it on the sod ; It will take root and flourish there, Though underfoot it's trod. Wheithe law can keep the blades of grass "From growing as they, grow, And when , the leaves in summer time Their verdure dare , net show, Then I will change the color I wear in my caubeep ; But till that day, please God, I'll stick To wearing of the green ! But if at last the color should - Be torn from Irelaid's heart, Her sous with shame and sorrow from The dear old soil will part. I've heard whispers of a country That lies beyond the sea, Where rich and poor stands equal in The light of freedom's day. 'Oh ! Erin must we leave you, driven By the tyraut's hand ! Must we ask a mother's welcome from A strange, but happier land Y Where the cruel cross , of England's Thraldom.daveyihall_beseen, And where, thank God! we'll liv'e and ' Still wearing of,the grien I TROUBLE WITH A gRceii.EAR. appears that the Town Council and Burgess of Girard, Erie county, are in trouble with Dan Rice, concerning the monument lately erected in I:let „the lat“ ter. Before that memorial was accepted by the borough authorities,..,Rice.stipu lated that no, inscription other tbßolhat necessary to commemorate the soldiers, i should be placed thereon. This:fact- is of record Q 0 the; minutes , of the Town Council. After its erection andaccept ance, Rice had the shaft inscribed with his own name, sccas commemorate theliving as a clown as well as the dead 'Whams. This violation of faith on the part of the 'jester has given great diesatisfaction to the people of Erie -aolinty. sir A. singular death has•bekemthe la test sensation at 13e'rian., - Bahler, a dog fancier, bad trailed a number ca nines to perfoni all kinds of curious tricks, but'wbireinithicting them, most horrible ' cruelty. A. few weeks since, while he was unmercifully beating a small dog, who either would not or could not do what he was told, one of the largest, ,as though. inspired by a human resentment in behalf of his feebler.compaoion, sprang upon-the man and throttled him. This incident de serves a - place in the annals of the ca nine efiecies. air Mr. Bernard Eisenbuth. of Potts ville, is 109 years old. .He was born on the 10th of May,-1157, in that section of Pennsylvania now contained within the boundaries of Lebanon county: In Reading a Mrs. Hannah Forn well resides .who, in NOvember, was 100 years old. She is still in good health. - She has had .25 children, but five of wham are now living. er The gay young wife of an Albany perk packer last week persuaded her husband to draw from a bank a large sum belonging to the firm, of whith he was a junior paitner, and start with her for iurope, one. °lllectbeing , to vanish hex: husband's father, the other Member of the firm, who had opposed ber frivol ities. She was overhauled in New Yprk and the contemplated trip was postpon ed.- - 131titUTY Ix WONEN.-A beautifullace and figure are the two things h a,wom an that first attract the .attention of .a man. The second is fine taste, both in dress and habits, end the third, is emo tion genie. What , a man most dislikes in a lady ie untidiness,, elovenly habits and affectation. There is,a medium be tween prudery and relaxed, behavior, which a man' appreciates almost by in, stinct. Place WWI of genial disposi tion, With a disengaged heart, In ,the society of a woman of beauty, sense and spirit—not too much of the latter—and the chances are of immediately falling desperately in love. The poor wretch cannot avoid it, and is his fanatic effort to escape he fails on his , knees at her feet and avows the might and majesty , of herbeauty.- All you have to do will be ,to_treat the poor fellow as kindly as you can, and Make no, effort to- please him. -Let nature have her own wise way, and depend upon it, you will be fondly praised to tie warm bosom of some generous hearted fellow. ANKODOTN OF THE KING OF SWEDEN Some. Englishmen lately visited the summer palace of the King of Sweden at Steekholin, and were shown - over the apaiements at their request by a man whom they found seated on a bench in the court yard. The Englishmen began to tell anecdotes of the King, and de mended if they were true. The guide, a model of disdretion, said so many stories were told of his Illejesty—some trae, some false=that it was difficult for him to say - what was correit, and that as he was connected with the royal houtiehold, it was not for him to say. The English men begged pardon - for theik • curiosity, and it , was ,heartily granted. At last, after they had leen' every thing,' they took leave of their guide and. thanking him for his courtesy, e.apreseed their . re gret that they had not seen Charles XV. The guide`raised his hat, and saluting them gracefully, said, " I am the King," and then left the Englishmen not a little astonished. MANNERS.—" Make it a point of mortality," says a writer, "never to find , fault with another for his manners, He may be awkward or graceful, blunt or polite, polished or rustic, , I care not. what le`ify,•iPthe man means well, and , acts from honest int without ec.. :centricity or affectation. All men have ..not the advantage' of tocki iiiniety,' as it is called, to school themselves in all . its fantastic ;ulna and coromotdes,"and.if _there is any.standard ofAlintiere,_ it is „well founded on,reason, and good sense, .and not upon 'these artificial:regulations. Ildanders, like conversation, is OX tem por. spoons, and not studied. suspect a `Pion who Trieste me wilhAhn • eSiOe per • Petudl smile on hie face, - . .tlie same bend fOriff the Body; and the same . ptemedi tate& Alike of theiland: :Give me the. hearty—it may be rough—grip of the hand,.the, careless nod or.recognition. and, when ,occasion requiren; - tbe.homely but welcome salutation ' how are you, my old friend ?" A WIRE' LANDLORD.—Oue night a judge; a military`officer, and a Minister, all applied for lodging at an inn where -there was but one .opire• bed, and the landlord- Was calledf upon` •to 'decide which had the.beat•claim of the three. " I have laid fifteen yearblii the 'gar rison at B." sai.d„tho,PlEle_9l% " I have sat. &judge, 6,lyen.ty years. in said the judge - . " With your leave, gentlemen, Lhave stood in the ministry twenty-fiveyeare at N." said 'the minister. "'That settles the diorite," said the landloiC "You, Mr. Captain, have laid fifteen yeara--you,.Mr. Judge; have eat twenty years—but,the aged pastor - has stood five aufl.twenty-years; and 80410 has tthe best right,to the 'bed:" AN Itiruirrnouvr Boy,..L."ltieter, how do you sell beet this morning?" "Why, twenty-five cents, a pound ; how much will pint bevel" a - "Twenty-fits cents; eh? have you g,ot a heart, air ?" "No just sold it," " just knowed• that you couldn't hive a heart, and az twenty. five cents a 'round for 'beef; I'm sorry you sold it, 'cause rd like to have Semi moat." , • - • The late elections may be hummed np as,bavlog sent General. Kilpatrick to Chili, General Logan to Mexico°, and: Monty" Blairtp thn "Sall, what time , doeii4otifolks dine'?" "Soon as you goes;.that'S - missus' dere." Front the Lancaster Evening Express Life 'at a - Water Cure. YOur readers who'have heard of "Our Maio," a hygienic inititntion in' Cen - tray New York,' will bp interested to learn more of theltication, management, and success of 'that iistitation. With the object in view of inaking some 'per sonal olieerVaiiiins, I went there lately, and after a sojotein of , several days, have become confirmed'in the opinion, that it combines more of the dements curative than any other "infirmary or health re- storing institution in the country. "Our - Home," for such it has been ap propriately called for ‘ the home comforts it affords, is lcicated on the slope of a maintain near Danaville, Livingston county, NeW York, six miles distant from Wayland, on the Buffalo branch of the Erie Railroad. Just back of the buildings the mountain clad in its prim itive forest; rises to the height or five hundred feet; from out of its aide wish atreakie of pure limpid Water, that roll sad leap down over projecting, craggy rocks, singing wild antheme until they are diverted from their courses to serve in - tie cn'ratiiii arid culinary. In the foreground a lawn extends down the slope several hundred feet, until it rests by the side, of the village - street, and then expands north and south, em bracing. many acres that are tastefully laid out , in graveled, olks and beautified with groves of trees, clumps of shrub bery and neatly ornamented cottages. Beyond these grounds, to the west, a large fertile plot strete.4ea into , the val ley, and is appropriated to the produc tion of vegetables, while to the eastward. several acres in vineyard, yields an au- . to harvest for the use of the pa- In the basin of the valleythe village is situated,-and beyond-it-rise it condo"- 'roes chain of gently eloping hills,- that away to their crest• bear the refreshing imprint of a_ thrifty.busbandry. A, pure and bracing atmosphere surrounds • the institution, it being at an altitude above the malaria - that may be genefitted in the valley beneath. The buildings are comModious and conveniently arranged, with accOnimo dations for three - hundred-patients, and generally well' System ' most 'thorough and complete pervades all of its internal arrangedclots, every hour of the day has its duties ; no time being ,given to slide,into, the t blueslfrom doll monotony., At 6 n' • tho ! morn-, tog the-gong ariecti at, 7 'it gives notice to assemble in fAherty. Hall, a fine Gothic structure, connected, with the main buildings' by, a covered passage way, enabling feeble patients to attend the lectures or prayer_ meetings . (which are held daily), without exposure to inclement :weather. Those too feeble to - walk are- conveyed in hand" chritiots, .and furnished with cOnches tb reeline on. The lectures, are'lielivered` chiefly by Jas. U. Jackson, the - phy sician, whose fertile mind-neverlags in presenting intereatibg ..and instructive elucidations of the laws • of life. At ' 8 o'clock the gook calls to breakfast. The tables are Aiiicied in i to sections, - and the seats numbered. A new allot ment iof seats CS Aide weekly, _ for the piirPose:oi l making ' pew associations at the table, and increasing the _seeieMiti' of the patients._ At 10- o'clock treat ment commences, and continues until 12 o'clock. In this department the ar rangements are- most admirable - -each patient draws a rinnibe - r and receives the treatment prescribed for him, without the least confusion- or apprehension - of neglect. At 12 o'clock, the 'sounding of thelongrgived notice for all to- retire to bed or into theirromils forrn idriay rest , and quiet the hilist profound sets I in; and reigns until 1 o'clock, when the gong again sounds, and is soon fol lowed' by the glee of:t4errY; , all _ is 'then life and stir each patient, seek ini the largist measure _ of enjoyment until 3 o'clock, when-dinner is. announ ced. After a bounteous •feast deavn from- the choicest gifts' of earth, and un marred by aught that is slain 'Of beast or fowl or fish; they convene'in-the par lor for a distribution of. the wail ; that over, several hours are spent 'in amuse ments, pedestrian 'exercise and ~ social conversation. At 7i o'clock notice is sounded to retire; , end at 8 the voices. before so j , abilant are hushed, and in the stillness of - thldnisbt that pravaibr i all seek that sweet refreshing-:sleep so essential-to.,the.recuperatOrrof Avis .tioxe • at, thiti Swiftly on, each stoceeding day tislirliiist iiiiilistakable progress isealthward in, all curable cases. Nor is it surprising that VOL. XII.-NO. 17. "Our Home" is, in every respect, a suc cessful hygienic institution, inasmuch as every condition essential to the improve ment of patients is assiduously attended to.• ,Their• bodily infirmities receive epeeist attention, through an able and experienced faculty, and their spiritual and mental depressions are soothed and brought into healthful activity, while the home comforts and pleasing socia bility, together with a diet exclusively of fruit, grain, and vegetables. (produc ing no stimulations or false condition) combine and harmonize, not only in cleansing the body of morbific obstruc tions, but also in expanding and en lightning the moral and spiritual nature of the patients, so that when they depart to mingle again in the struggles and temptations of the world, they are ever adinonished by an observing intellect, to obey the laws of their being --to live temperately and discard all evil habits, lest they should again suffer the penalty of disobedience. This is an important feature of this institution ; each - patient is being educated while being restored to health ; 'unclean habits' are cast sway, and a new life upon a higher plain is entered into. The use of tobacco and alcoholic drinks are not only forbidden the patients, but are excluded entirely -from the premises ; a notice over the gateway forbids the use of tobacco by visitors while there. Temperance in things - usable, and total abstinence from things unwholesome, are the mottoes ineulcated. In short, everything, from the cordial reception of the visitor or patient, on through every department, there is such completeness that none Can go their . ° without being delighted, and if suffering, greatly benefitted t B. S. MArtirrrA; Nov. 23, 1865. Stuff for Smiles A. little fellow gulag into a chinch for the first time, were the pews were very high, was asked, on coming out, What he did in church, when he replied : " I went into a cupboard and took a seat on the shelf." A lady's " water-fall "is not only ornamental, but -can, on occasions, be made useful. When the guerrillas rob bed the railway train at North Bend, Ohio, one of the-ladies "did up " a nice gold watch, two diamond rings, eat rings and 42,000 in' her hair, and saved the lot. Jones, while lately engaged in sphtt ,ing wood, struck a false blow, causing the'stick to fly up. It struck him on the-jaw and• knocked out a front tooth. "Ah," said Bill meeting him soon after "yon have lad a dental operation per formed, I see." "Yea," replied the suf ferer, "ax idental." Old. Gantlewan (affectionately): "My son, why do you chew that filthy tobac co? Precocious youth (stilly). To get the juice of it, old codger. The best description of weakness we have ever heard is the wag's query to his wife, when she gave him some chick en broth, -if she would not try to coax that chicken just to wade through the soup 'once more. When a BaltiMore lady is kissed, she 'says she . feals as though she was taking chloroform, and remains insensible as long as the operation lasts. A judge in Indiana threatened to fine a lawyer for eontempt of court. " I have expressed no contempt for the court," said the lawyer; "on the contrary, I have 'carefully concealed my feelings." An itinerant preacher, .who rambled in his sermons, when requested to stick to his text, replied " . that scattering shot would hit the most birds." A Greekmaid, being asked what for tune she would bring her husband, re plied : " I will bring him. what gold can not purchase—a heart unspotted, a vir tue without stain, which is all that de scends to me from my parents." Babies resemble wheat in many re spects.' Firstly, neither are good, for much till they arrive at maturity : sec ondly, both are bred in the house, and are also the flower of the family; third ly both have to be cradled; fourthly, both are generally well thrashed before they are done with. Charles Lamb, when a little boy, walk ing with his sister in a-cher is h-yard, and reading the epitaphs, said , : to her : " Where -are all the-tittn.ty people bur ied 2" ° What is the difference between a Nor thairi -and - a , Southern . gentleman ? One . blacks his own boots and the other boots his own black (That was before the war.)