b t Parititian. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1865 of Fair for the benefit of St, Jo h n 's Church of Marietta, will be held in the Town flail, by the ladies of the on the afternoons and evenings o f Tuesdoy and Wednesday, the sth and tb of December. fr Mr. Robert Turner purchased, at private sale, the residence of the late m r3 iliestand, on Market street, for s o. John Barr purchased the Stati sm houses, adjoining the Hermitage hotel, on Saturday last for $l5OO. Mr. michael Trump bought Miss Trainer's residence, opposite Cassel's tavern, low er station, for $1125. o r A. temperance meeting will be held in the Methodist E. Church, - on 'ibtirsday, December 7th, Addresses si:l be delivered by Revs. G. M. Claw go, W. A. Eeming, and W. Matthias. ... Q r Dr. Landis has a Pear of extraor. dory size preserved in liquor on his tooter; it is, we understand, the pro• duct of n German at the lower end of town, It is worth a call to see. Ilse' An exhibition of very. serdct 'char acter will be offered in the Temperance null on Thursday evening next. Read a lvertisernent at the foot of this column. fay 13y refering to our advertising columns it will be seen that our ToWn Council bee taken Time by the forelock, and passed al ordinance compelling our citizens to cleanse and purify their premises and put everything in the best sanitary condition. It is to be hoped that every citizen will cheerfully assist tli; laudable and health r rotecting movement and make it unnecessary fnr the authorities to compel obedience. a- Professor Hall commences his ldusical Convention 4 On Monday after noon next, which will continue during the week and close with a grand concert on Saturday evening. For particulars tee hills. 0- With the last number, the Lan ca,ter Examiner appeared in a new Cress and entered upon its fortieth year. icaltkoloo of ebief Largess. Fellow Citizens: I would respectfully and earuestly call your attention to the importance of cleansing or removing inn» your premises, all foul substances that are promotive•of disease, the Colin ell, by au Ordivance, bearing date No vember 20th, 1865, have provided a Beard ut Examiners, whose duty it shall be to [nuke Monthly visits to all the premises in the Borough and report any Litby couditions that will endanger the patine health. Notice will immediately be given the occupants of the premises, alio, on tailing to remove the nuisance, be titled and be made pay the' ex poem of such removal. slaughter Moans, or buildings used for the slaugh ter of cattle or swine, if not kept clean and entirely free from offensiveness, by washing and the burial of all offal, will be closed sod the person or persons us ing the same lined. These sanitary measures hare been deemed necessary to prevent as far as possible, the preva lence of Cholera or any other epidemic disease in our Borough nexteeason. It is to be hoped, therefore, - the ,citizens ;nil appreciate the motive in,. Adopting such rigid measures as will preveent\any local causes for diseases and will Aearti acquiesce in the measure, by empty: log, during the cold weather, all full, or nearly full Water-closets, cleansing out bonzes, burying rubbish, renovating and white -washing cellars, and putting every thing about their premises in a sweet and pure condition and all of these pre cautious faithfully attended to. During the Spring, Summer and Autumn of next IPasou we may hope to see the prevalent disease shorn of much of its virulence, irk should even reach us at all. TIIOS. STENCE, Marietta, November, Chf 21, ie 1865 Burgess. . LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the bst Office at Marietta; PR., THURSDAY, N OVEMBER 23, 1865. ilawmair, Henry Lead, Mrs. Addy Bear Miss Eliza Prout, Mrs. Sarah B uchanan, Mrs. E. J. Schluthower, Fred Duct Airs. Anna Sebastian, John thrbatt, Levi Esq. Schouh, Charles Ibises E. L. Swartcbkoop, Adam Henry Yost, Adam To obtain any of these letters, the ap- Meant must call for "advertised letters," give , ertis date of this nit, and p one cent for m. ad . ABRAHAMa Cy ASSEL,' p: '&»tptrance Intadiq 'Evening November 30th. 186 k at THE TEMPERANCE HALL, MARIETTA. ~....,. ..... .... ...... NIGHT ONLY Lithely New—Tho Rebellion Reproduced !! --Nature Represented in all her Truthtulnesa -The choicest selection from 1000 thrilling ble scenes—D ombardments--Naval En gagements—Prisons—Ruins—Life-late repre nntations of noted Generals and distinguished Personages—Union and Confederate, includ ing President Lincoln—his Cabin Home—As asstnation— Death Bed Scene, ate., 81 n. The Wole co mpriing one of _the most in nructireh anti pleasing entertainments ever p re sented to an appreciative public. . Exhibition was presersted three nights to the W ashington ( D.T. ) Theatre, and re ceived unbounded applause. - . trutlifui, appropriate and historic lecture Doo rs °Pt. wi l l accompany the varied `scenes. before Fight at 7 o'clock—to commence at -4- . . ...../!........_____DMISSION 25 CENTB.--children 16c. IVIPLESiSOO Barrels' Nem-York nd Just re Michigan Winter Apples, • ceived and for sale by • SPANGLEI2 t von: Marietta, November 18, 1865. SPring Shawls Balrnorale Gloves,Hosiery, ,I,l,,effieita and B uckles , Embroidered Handker- Veit, li n e d . , CNelints, Mourning . Collars and A isis 4 3 4 1 : t end Dress Trimmings. ._ .. . . ' ' SPANGLER itc..I2JCWS., New Borough Ordinance. Be it enacted and ordained, and it fs hereby enacted and ordained, by the Chief Burgess, Assistant Burgess, and Town Council of the Borough of Mari etta, that a board of examiners be ap pointed by the Council every three months, toserve that, period, whose duty it shall be to visit, monthly, the Gardens Outbuildings, Cellars, and all other places where filth is litely to accumulate arid engender disease, with the object of preventing the existence of any garbage or impurities that will form the preva lence of epidemics, and wherever said examiners shall find any conditions pre judicial to public health, they shall re port the same to the Chief Burgess, who shall direct the Constable to notify the occupant of the premises to -cleanse or rd Dove the nuisance within THREE DAYS, under 9, penalty of not less than FIVE nor more than TWENTY DOLLARS for ea3h ne glect, together with the expense of hav ing it done ; the said fine arid expense to be collected as similar claims are collectable according to law.. In every instance the Burgess shall have the cleansing attended to without delay when the occupants of the premises fail to attend to it. And be it further ordained, that on and after the first day of March next, no Cattle, Sheep or Swine shall be slaugh tered within the incorporate limits, un less all the offal be buried and the build ingsthey are slaughtered in.so complete. ly cleansed as to emit no offensiveness; wherever negligence in this respect ex ists the Burgess is hereby empowered and required to inflict a 14E13 of not Jess than TEN DOC more than THIRTY DOLLARS and prohibit the butchering in said slaughter-house - for three months, under a penalty of TWENTY DOLLARS for each offense, to be collected as all other tines are collectable by the Borough authori ties. . If the Board of Examiners shall, at any time, fail to make the necessary ex aminations and report the result thereof, it shall then be the duty of the High Constable to attend to making the ex amination and report to the Burgess,un der penalty of TEN DOLLARS for neglect of such duty. G IitEAT SALE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 51.000,000 WORTH! To be disposed of at One Dollar each, without regard to value, not to be paid for until you know what you are to re ceive. BY A. ,11. .ROFVEN Co., LAOENTS FOR THE MANUFACTURERS) NO. 36 BEEKMAN-ST., NEW YORK. 0 Read the following list of articles to de sold for One Dollar. " 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches each $125,00 lOU 6 4 Watches, various styles " 75,00 200 4 6 Ladies' Gold Watches " 4.0,00 500 Silver Watches $25 to 40 each 1,000 elegant silver-plated Castors, $2O to 50 1,000 no do Fruit and Cake Baskets, 15 to 20 2,500 Silver-plated Tea Spoons, 8 to 15 2,500 setts do Forks, 8 to 15 2,000 Goblets, engraved, 4 to 8 3,000 pairs Table Spoons, 5 to 8 3,1100 pairs Salt Spoons, 3 to 5 4,5000 magnificent Napkin Rings, $4 to 9i 8,000 pairs Pendant Ear Drops, assor ted colors. 5 to 3,300 setts of Ladies jewelry, imitation Ivory, 6 to 10 2,5000 Gold Lockets, engraved backs, watch face, perfect imitation of a Lady's watch, $10:00 10,000 Ladies Back Combs, rich and un ique !interns, $5 to 25 4,400 Belt Buckles, Gold, Jet and Vulcanite, 5 to 15 6,000 Latest style vest & neck chains 5 " 20 5,500 Gent's California Diamond pins 5 " 20 4,000 California Diamond ear drops 5 4 4 10 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins 5 " 10 2,000 California Diamond and enamelled Cent's scarf pins new styles 5 46 10 2,000 Masonic and Emblem Pins 3 " 10 2,500 Gold Band Bracelets, engraved 3 "20 3,000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches 3 " 10 2,000 Cameo Brooches 5 " 20 3,000 Coral Ear-Drops H 6 2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains 8 " 15 6,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid assor't 2 "10 10,000 Plain and eugravea rings 2,50 "10 4,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons, entirely new style, • 3 to 10 3,600 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets very rich, - 3 to 10 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain, enameled and engraved, 2 to 8 8.000 Lockets,doublecase, richly engrav'd2"lo 15,000 . sets Ladies' Jewelry, new ana latest styles 6 " 12 5.000 Handsome Seal Rings 3 " 8 2,0061 Sets Bosom Studs 2,50 " 6 1,000 Gold Pena and Gold Holders 15 "25 2,000 Sets Jet and Gold Pins and Ear drops, latest styles, very rich, 6 " 10 2,000 Gold thimbles, Pencils, &c. 4 " 6 10,000 Gold pens, and silver cases 5 " 8 10,000, " '' Ebony holders 4 " 6 The method of disposing of these goods at ONE DOLLAR EACH IS AS FOLLOWS: Certificates, naming each article and its value are placed in sealed-envelopes, and well mixed. One of these envelopes wilt be sent by mail, to any address on receipt 01 25 cents. On the receipt of the . certilicate you will see what you are to have, then it is at ybur option to send the dollar and take the article, or not. Purchasers may thus obtiin a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring or any set of jewelry- on our list - for ONE DOLLAR, and in no case can they get less than One Dollar's,worth,as there are no blanks. The price of certificates is_ as follotvs : One f0r,25 cents; five for $1 ; eltv en for $2; thirty for sn: sixty-five for $10; and one hundred for 'l5. The distribution is conducted fairly, and all have an equal chance of obtaining the valua ble prizes by purchasing the certificates. We guarrantee entire satisfaction in all cases. Agents wanted to whom we offer spacial terms and premiums; send 25 cents for one certificate and our cireular with terms. Address, A. H. ROWEN & -CO., Post Office Box 4270, New York. November 25,1865. 3m C LARK'S SCHOOL VISITOR. VOLUME I=l A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY. The Visitor will commence its tenth vol ume with the January number, 1866. This is the only DRY Sunoco.' PERIODICAL published AT SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS .{ YEAR! Magazine form, beautifully ilhihtrated. 'New type ; new features ; Readings, Music,. Dia logues, Speechesi Stories, Puzzles, Enigmas, Rebuses, &c., from the very best writers. The Visitor has the largest circulation of any educational jourriarpublis6d. Now is the time to form clubs. The Publisher, in order to reach all parts of the country, will send The Visitor one year, FREE, to one person (who will act as agent) at any post office in the United States. Address. with 5 cents, for particulars., - J. W. DAUGHADAY, Pub/isher, • 1308 Chestnut-st., L. BAKER, Scriviner. All kiwis of Legal instruments prepared with care and'accuracy. He can `be - fon'hd at the office of " The Mariettian," in~" Lindsay's-Build= tee? -between the Poet , Office Comer and Front street. LAr - '&1'1 - 1E T ADZES TAKE . PARNICULAR L NOTICE IN 1101 a)eiOall funk Pict& [ WARRANTED FRENCH. ] These Pills, so celebrated many years ago in Paris, for the relief of female irregularities, and afterw . ards so notorious fur their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the first time in Amer ica. They have been kept in cJmparative ob scurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. VALPAU, is a Physician in Paris, of great wealth and strict conscientious principles, and has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming female obstructions they seem to be truly or:mil:Went, burstineopen the flood gates from whatever cause may have stopped them ; but they are offered to the public only for legitimate uses, and all agents are forbid den to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. For sale by Dr. F. Hinkle, Marietta ; P. A: Pyle, Mourojoy ; H. D.: Parry and H.. Wil liams. Columbia, and druggists generally. ladies can procure a box," sealed from the eyes of the curious, by enclosing , tE9l' and six postage stamps to 0. G. STAPLES, General Agent for es, Watertown, Nkw7York, or to any at the above agents. " frip.2s-1y NEW GOODS Al' T. R. DIFFENBACH'S Third Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods, LADIES DRES.s GOODS, Such as Fancy and .Plain Colored Alpaccas; French Merinoes ; Coburdi ; Plain and Figured all wool DeLaines ; all colors Sacking Flannels; Ladies Cloaking and Water-Proof Cloths. Good assortMent bleached and un- bleached b 7 ; Checks; Ginghairis ; Ticking and Canton Prannels; Crash, &c., &c., &c., &c. GENTS DEPARTMENT. Cloths and Cassimers, all grades, both Foreign and Domestic; superior Esquimaux Bea ver, for Over-Coating; Neck-Ties; Collars; Suspenders; Gloves ; Hosiery, &c., &c. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDg, Molasses.'Sugars, Rio and Java Coffee, Spices, Mackerel, Buckets, Brooms, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, Glass and Queensware, &c. Having purchased exclusively FOR CASH will enable him to sell as cheap t s the cheapest. IIC:r Country Produce taken in exchange fur goods. [0ct.,21, 1865. M. ARIE'ETA A.CIADEINIY Corner of Market Square and Gay-st This Academy will open for the receipt of pupils of both sexes on MONDAY, the 11th of SEPTEMBER. Instruction will be given in all the branches usually taught in such in stitutions. - The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. TE RAI s For Five Monthi, Latin and Greek, each, (extra) 5:00 A Boarding-House will be opened in the Spring. IL S. MAXWELL, REFERS TO Rev. J. J. Lane, Wrightsville, Dr. J. Levergood, Lancaster, Dr. ff. Carpenter, Lancaster, Adam Bake, Esq., Chatham, Chester, co D. Wilson, Esq. Baltimore, Md. it. W. Smith, wriehtsville, Samuel Lindsay, Marietta, Calvin Schaffner, " Dr_ Cushman, is H. D. Benjamin c‘ Marietta, September 2,1565.-6 ml TOVES ! 73 STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! COOK STO.VE', COOK STOVES, STOVES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. =CI PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLER'S =I STOVES, STOVES,-VULCAN STOVES, FOR HEATLA G TWO OR FOUR • ROOMS WITH _ ONE FIRE-FOURTH SUPPLY N 0 TV READY-CALL AND SEE THEM AT J. Spartglir's Hardware and Stove Store, Market Street, Marietta, Pa. POPULAR HATS OF THE - j_ SEASON. --o Gentlemen's Dress Silk - Hat, Gentlemen's Caisimer Dress Hat, Patent Resort Hat, The Rusher Hat, The Dasher Hat, The Fan') Hat, The- Faust Hat, The Dundreary Hat. A large and splendid assortment of all the above new and popular styles, in Cloth, Cas sitner and Felt, together with a full line of PLAIN FIATS Also, all the new styles of Fall and Winter Caps for gentlemen, youth's and children's 'sear. SHULTZ 6. BROTHER, FASmoNABLE HATTERS, NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CONNECTICUT TOBACCO SEED FOR FREE DIST.RIBVT.TON, Fine Connecticut Tobacco Seed has just been received at the Tobacco Warehouse of F. L. BRUNS lk CO., in this barough, which is now ready for FREE distribution to the To bacco Growers of this neighborhood. The object in thus distributing this excellent Seed is to encourage the raising of a better grade of Tobacco than has heretofore been grown in this vicinity. Marietta, November 4,7865.-3 t. LIME. l LIME! ! 0 Fresh Lime for Whitewashing and Building, For sale at HENRY WOLFE'S, opposite the Post Office, in large or small lots. This Gime is much better than that which Is brought from a distance. It is carefully se lected. lam now selling the best lump at 35 cents per bushel ; 10 cents per peck; Five cents per half-peck. HENRY WOLFE, Market-st., opposite the Post Office, Marietta. [6m* THE MASON & HAMLIN . • Cabinet Organs, Forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $BO to $6OO each. Thirty five Gold or Silver Medals, or other first pre miums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues sent free. Address, MASON. Si. HAsurrt, Bos ton, or MASON BROTHERS, New-York. SeinerOer 9, 1863-Iy.] AZIN'S PERFUMES. ' „Up - The latest and most-exquisite such as "Kiss me Quick/y," " Upper Ten," " klydeoslnia," " West End," "Jockey Club," and arso Po mades and Hair Oils. Examine our stock. We can please you price and qtialit3 . GOLD.E:IY.II4Q.A7:4I.R _DRUG STORE. C OLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS. oney; Clyceriae, Palm, Almond, Bathand Shaving SOAPS. ,-Equal. to any imported. --T Just received and for sale, very cheap at. WM. GWDEN MORTAR. ROGER'S • pg.lenrat,eg gen t 4 Cement and Oil Paste Bletikingatl " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. Web) Goo Ds. 116) G00D.5. 716) E000$: SPAIIGLER & RICH, • - TITOHLD announce-to their friends and the j y public generally, that they have on hard a large and well selected stock of • FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and are daily receiving accessions thereto. Our stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS com prise all the latest and most desirable fabrics, styles and colors. French IVlerinoS, • English Merinos, All-wool Poplins, Cobulgs, All-wool Debut's, Mixed Poplin's,' Alpaccas, Lavellas, Debazes, Mixed De!eines, A lar g e assortment of Plain and Fancy WOOL SHAWLS,- Knit Goads, Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, Scarfs, Cloaking Cloths, Sacking Flannels, White' Goods, Skel elon ansa Balmoral Skirts,- _Hosiery and Gloves. DOMESTICS. Calicos, De!alas, Ginghams, Flannels, Checks, Muslins, 'Pickings, Saltinetts, Jeans Linen and Cotton Diaper, American and Bus- - elan •TOwelling, Floor and Table. Oil Cloth; Wall and Window Papera. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR. Plain . and ,Fancy 'Casrimeres; French and English Clotlis, Knit shirts and Drawers,' Gloves and Mitts, .paper and Linen Collars, Shirt Fronts, Nr ck Ties, Suspenders, Knit Jackets &e. A full assot,Mient of the latest styles Men and Boys Hats and Caps, 'Groceries Sugars, Syrups, Coffee', 'Nei, Raisins, ;Fruncs, Dried Apples, Cranberries, Corn Starch, Farina, Salt, Fish, &c. A full assortment of Glass & Queensware. Tbankfulfor past faiMrs; we would respect fully ask an examination of our stock before purchasing elsewhere. SPANGLER & RICH. Marietta;Novcipber 4, 1865.-H. R. & H. T. ANTHONY liralmfacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In . . addirfon to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC. AA. =USA we are headquarters for the following, via, Stereoscopes and. Stereoscopic Views. Of these we have an immense assortment, including VIEWS OE TEE WAR, Obtained at great expense and forming a complete `J:bYu;e¢l\Ya~b):~~-Y t 0 ~1'(~` J:~~+[e);}:~~liYhi:(KTWi'~:vJ Bull Run, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trains. Gettysburgh, Hanover Junction. Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Fredericksburgh, City Point. , Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Petersburgh, Deep-Bottom, Belle Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile, Florida. Strawberry. Plains, dm. do. Arlelfcgu. and Foreign Cities and Landscape% Groups, ' Statue 2; 1, L 0 / i e. Also,,Levolving Stereoscope% for. public or private C ova will be sent to iniyaddress on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albania. We were the first to hitroduce these into the United State* ead.we- manufacture Immense quantities inat variety, rang ing in price from SO cents to OR Our ALBUMS have the repu tation of being euperior in beauty and durability to any other.— They.will be Bent by mail, FRES on receipt of price. ET , FurE ALBUMS :2.12:.in TO 0/16E12,,a1 The ad.) will find. our Albums the moat Saleable they can buy. • CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. $10:00 I') ow. pal Our Cat:donne nciw einbraces oker Eros THOUSAND different Snbjetta (to which additions are continently being made) of Em!' nent.Ainericank Ida about. 100 100 Maj-Gene. 100 Lieut-Cols 650 Statesmen, 100 Brig " 250 other Officers, 130 Divines, 215 Colonels, 75 Navy Officers, 125 Authors, 40 Artists-. 132 Stage, 50 Prominent WOW!. 3,000 Collies of Works of Art, - Including reproductions of the moss celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues. .be. 'Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue, will be filled on receipt of $1.30, and sent by mail, rasa. Photographer. and others ordering goods C. a D., will please remittwenty-flue percent. of the - amount with their order. tarns rim end quality of our goods cssusot fail to sad*. September 30, :865. [7.ly. ttlii(9ll lELRG eLemiffa Sr - 1 7 41211,11EiL11E it. In Grall'S old stand, Market-st., Marietta, PDETER RODENHAUSER, [WITH D. HANAVE:Rd DEALER IN Men's and Boy's Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, - 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, and '(.;ntlemen's Furnishing Goods, P. A. would take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Marietta and the, public gener ally that having' opened this establishment for a Permanent business, only asks a fair trial, being determined not to be undersold by any. Call and see the goods and learn the Prices. Marietta, June IO; 1865. 44-ti R EEVES' AMBROSIA FOR -- THE HAIR The Original and Genuine AMBROSIA IS prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES and is the best hair dressing and preservative now .in use. It stops the hairlalling out, causes it to grow thick and. long and Trevents it from turning prematurely giey. It eradicates dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and renders the hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it,•try it and be convinced. Don't be put off with a spuri ous article. Ask for Reeves' 'Ambrosia and take no other. For Sale by Druggists and Beal , is in Fancy Goods everywhere. PRICE, 75 Cents per 'buttle---s6 . per dozen. . _ _ Address, REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, 62 Fulton-st.,'Neti"-York City. For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store. 132:8-1y A LEXANAE sh B iaTI LIN e DSAY, mdi al Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, .MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough arid neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in hia line of business , in this. Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enablea to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner, everything in the BOOT. AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit.' 3E3a'Call and examine his stack before pur chaeing elsewhere. AN IMPROVED LANTERN rruirs is the most desirable Lantern .in the JL market. It burns Coal Oil 'without a himney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a mire white light: It stands quick motions in any direction. Theliame is.regulated from the outside. It is neat and compact in form and size. It is free from'solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. • For sale at JOHN SPANGLERIS Harduiare Store, on Market 'street. `CHARLES WILLIAMS, [FORMERLY .OF LANCASTER, , PA. j Successor to John Walker, Fashionable Barber 41k Hair Dresser, NEAR FRONT STREET, Between the White`' Swan. and Eagle Hotels, FrAXING purchard the good will and fix. tures Of Jt Walkers eatablishment,would respectfully asitla,trial of ',the , customers of, the shop,, and. the •. gen eraily, having . had a Aunabe X at.y.eare experience in. the Bar beriyg lineiness feela,con_fideat of being_ able to give entire•eatisfitction: • • - . . .J:IO4S, ,Coal Seives, Coal, sl~ovele, kers, Stove , Gratesi Cylifaders and Li ronvi of different libido, kept on hindlit JOHN SPANGLER'S. =I IN GREAT VARIETY =l= 211.ATZIE'2'T,A, PA riODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR I U 1 8.0 0 - The 1417.shion: ; .dVagazin . e of ,the World! Literatuie,:Firie Arts and Fashions. The most magnificent steal engravings. Double Fashion-Platy. Wood engravings on every subject that 'can interest ladies. Croche knit ting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles fo the Toiletyfor the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a complete Lady's Bort. • .7:11e Ladies Favourite for -36 Years. No Magazine has - been able to compete with it None attempt it. Godey's Receipts for every department of a household. These alone are worth the price of the book. • .Alozlel Cottages (no other Magazine gives them,) with Diagrams. Drawing Lessons for the young. Another speciality with Godey. Original .Music, worth $3 a year. Other Magazines publish old worn-out Music ; but the subscribers to Godey get it before the mu sic stores. . Gardening for Ladies. Another pecitliarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart Sr.'Co. of New York, the millionaire merchants,-ap pear in Godey, the only -magazine 'that has them. Ladies , Bonnets. •.We give more , ofthem in a year than any other Magazine. In fact, the Lady's Book enabtea every lady to be her own bonnet maker. , • MARION HARLAND Authoress of "Alone;" " Hidden Path," " Moss Slide," " Nemesis," and " Miriam," writes for Godey each Mbnth, and for no oth r Magazine. Anew novel by her will be published in ' 1566. We .have 'also retained ell our old and favourite contributors., ME= Cioaelirl.r.ANl,Booic ft* iBq6. (From which there can be no deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's. Book for 1866 :-- One copy, one year, - ,$3,00 Two copies, one year, - 5.50 Three copies, one year, 7,50 Four copies, one Year, 10,00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person 'getting up the club, making six copies, 14,00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person:biting:up the club, making nine copies, 21,,00 Eleven. copies, one year, and an extra - copy to the person getting up the' club, - making twelve copies, ' 27,50 additions'to clubs at club rates {tom Coders Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of $4,50. lE3=We have no elnb with any other mag azine or newspaper. lE3 The money must all be sent at one time for any of the Clubs. Canada subscribers must send 24 cents additional for each subscriber. Address - L. A. GODEY, N. E. corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELP PATTERSON ez CO, NO. 661 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA, D EALERS IN FOREIGN &DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Keep constantly. on hand a full stock of Buil ding Material, Nails, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OE' CEMEIVP, &C., 11l 0N: Rolled and Haminered Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar, Norway.. Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Ircri, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Ramps, etc. _HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. FIRST-CLASS 'COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, RANGES, Tubs, Churns; Cedar Stands, Wash Boards, Buckets, Knives and Forks, Plated and Illetalie Spoons,, Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters; Waiters; Brass and Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted Chamber Setts, &c., &c. Forks, Shovels,,Hoes" Spades, Horse Brushes, Wheel Grease, . Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils, Cistern - Pumps,. Long and Short Traces, Breast Chains, &c., &c. TOOLS: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets, Chopping and Hand •Axes ' Planes, Chissels, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunning Hooks and Shears, &c., &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit and receive a continuance of the same. PATTERSON 4. CO, Marietta, August 1, 1865. WATCHES. cfc, Corner of North Queen-St., and Centre Square, - Lancaster, Pa. American and Swist INatPlieS IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES • •CI.CDCIT-. 51 / ki EIGHT DAY AND 30 HOUR, - IN GREAT VARIETY, AND FROM THE BEST FACTORIES. SPECTACLES in every style-of frame, and with glasses to suit. , any who need artificial aid. We have twen ty years experience in this business. SILVER-WARE. Spoons, Forlts, Butter Knives, &c , stamped with our name and warranted standard. PLATEDWARE. The best- platedware in the United States. We warrant our best Table ware—Spoons, Forks, &c.,—to wear ten years in daily use. JEWELRY. Rings, Pins, Sleeve Buttons', Studs and a va riety of every article in this line. - _HAIR JEWELRY. Hair Jewelry made to order. Two hundred styles, or samples, constantly on hand. Repairing. of . Watches, Clocks, Specta cles or Jewelry, done neatly and promptly. . 11. L. ¢ E.-J. ZAHM, Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, Ricilf-e l 5, „s.czifitity ant e - ortinantii. Wontn most respectfully take this means of informing his friends and the Public generally_ that he has commenced the'drawink of • DEEDS, MORTGAGES,. JUDGMENTS, and in fact everything'in the CONV.EItkifCING line. Having gratuitous intercourse with's member of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena bleitto execute legal instruments .of writing with-accuracy. lt:r He can be found at the office of " Tr i ix MautarriaN,"—"Lindsay's Building," (sec ond floor) near the Post Office corner, or at hia.residence on Market street, half a square west of. the " Donegal , House," Marietta. 11 Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and. I Leases always on - hand and for sale. . Tr RAUT STANDS, =Meat Stance, Vin e ! Tube,-Bicketa and Cedar-Wide' =generally, conatardly,op, , hatid,at, , , F - J. SPANGLER'S. .0B PAlNTusic of every-„ , desnisiption z e T - eauted with Elea:these and, dispatch , at the dice of The Matiettion. earth. The Drug Store opposite the POST OFFICE, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR Drugs, Nedicines, Stationary, Ik.C:," &C., &C., DP EVERY DESCRIPTION, -ALSO— TOILET . 4 4.RTYCLEs, Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils, flair Dyes, PontaOgs Tooth Seeps, Tooth Washes, liar, Nall, Clothe and Tooth Brushes, of all descnp • ' dons, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Halr, and many other atticles too tedious to mention Ladies and -Gents Port Monnaet, . of every deseziption. —A L S 0— All the most popular Patent Medicines STOW IN USE S SUCH AB Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex pectorant, and Vermifuge, Jayne's Pills and Cafminitive Balsam, &c., Hostetter's Balers, Hoffland'a G,errnan Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm . Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent medicines now in use. Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim neys, &c, Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of all kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayenne Pepper, French Mustard, &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed ing Cups for the Sick, Breast Pumps, Nipple Shields, Nursing Bottles, Self-injecting Sy ringes, Flavoring Extracts for cooking, &c. : Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been made with one of the best Aviarys in the State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family Dye colors, of every shade. Fresh and reliable Garden Seeds.. A large assortment of BOA'S and Stati,onary, Everything in the Stationary wry, such 11R Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usual!y found at such establishments, but any article not on hand willbe ordered at once. A new-kind of playing cards, called "Union Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The lace cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, - Kings - and Jacks. This is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign em blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary generally, and Bibles, &c., always on hand. Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and MamMoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kinds will be ordered with promptness aim dispatch. Having secured the services of Mr. CU'. H. BRITTON, an experienced and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, at all hours. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankftit, to the public tor the past patronage bestovved upon him, will try and endeavor to please - all who may give him a call. - F. HINKLE, M. D. Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf. LANDIS & TROUT. • Landis i fe Trout Landis f• Trout At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," .)Market Street, Marietta, Market -Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hana Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumeries, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Rows , & Steven's Family Dye Colors, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, Papers and Periodicals, Books & Stationary, Portmonnaiee, Segars, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand Dr. Gro've's old Stand Give us a call. Give us a call. Q. S. RATHVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, - At P. J. Kramph'sLOld Stand. on the Cor ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. (IRA TEFUL to the Citizens of Marlette Ur and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully:solicits a continuance of the mine; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASHMERES A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the marketfurnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest ALSO--HEADY-MADE CLOTHITiG, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goonds and such articles as usually belong to a bier 'chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. JACOB LIBHART, JUN., CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, MARIETTA, PA Matbiagg INSIMMENISSMI WOULD tnost respectfully take this meth od of informing the citizens of Marietta and the public in general, that, having laid in a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepated to manufacture All kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, in every style and variety, at short notice. lie has on hand .a lot of Furniture of his own manufacnue, whicn for fine finish and good workmanship, will rival any City make. _ Kr Especial attention paid to repairing. He is also now prepared to attend, in all its branches the UNDERTAKING business,be ing supplied with au excellent Herse, urge and small Biers, 'Cording Box, &c. Kr COFFINS finished any style—plain or costly. Ware Ronm and _ Manufactory, near Mr. riuffy'd new building, near the "Upper-Sta. ion," , Marietta, Pa. • • [Oct. 22. A. Echternach's Army Lotion an infant, jrble remedy for Saddle Galls, Sore, ,ttediaeitiee of the akin, 'AT THE-GOLDEN MORTAR. Periodical Drops; and Clark's Pe ' 'male 'Ms, _Galeien . Mortar. URE COD LIVER OIL JELLY, for sale "sit DR. 113NICLEKI.