of foal glarititian, TtraDAY, NOVENBER 18. 1865 Is COOLERA.—The steady adva ice I Northern Europe, of this peetilen joese, together with its appearance o ar coast on board of one or more of I Atlantic steamers, admonishes as of periodical visitation to our shore, ,t e r cosy stay its ravages for a time, pi t the opening of spring or at vet by mid-simmer, its appearance be heralded from the filthiest por eof our populous cities, thence on- I, wide spread, through the laud, tag l o ngest and committing its wi t havoc where the malaria of gar ,and putrid filth, by• contathiniating atmospbere, presents favorable 'ties for the infection to riot *upon itality fu its moat vireilent form. Al igh precautionary measures may not 'rely' prevent its coming,yet judicious, oey means will cause it to assume l b milder and more controlable form e bould these preparatory measures l ieyed, as the season is 'now upon let is best adapted to a' thorough piing of sorts of atmospheric im is, Our Borough authorities, as liana of the public health, should ice take action upon the subject, bare all the cellars, out houses, and ms within the Borough visited by dam, and see that complete aing and renovating be made -this let They should also present to citizens the importarice earefolly ,d, , og against permitting any accu jog!, of filth altout,,their promisee, !dioß ee ; with theee.preceutions proper bociii cleanliness, and tem ,re b e ,bita, w e sd look confidingly that providential eiemption frown • Inesse, which is the re,sti;!. of obedi 4ygienio laws. Mt...Zamea Duffy received by i"ali- Phersday last, three Buffalos; a Kansas. We are told it is hit in: lion to domesticate those 4/Ellitiale, FOl2O dear, 'for his Krteeted Park, hie Evass farm." Over fifteen Idred Trout were received few days e, from Trout itun, Clearfield:coun ty this gentleman, end .fiwas . d ice his Iris' Trout Pond, recently construe la the same farm. Frost present tetrances there Implosion to be no rbt of the success of this Trout enter ac, T.he announcement that the felon had arrived at the ear station ,w together .a vast crowd.. The- mi ls are at present confised in what is ten as the "Barn _Square " lot, , on corner north of liousertre hotel, :re there is hourly quite a crowd thin a eight of the bastes." cr We are pleased to announce that If. W. B. flail, late of the "Conti aal Troupe," will commence a musi convention in ibis borough, in the In hall, on Monday evening the . 27th dot, and closing no Saturday even ?, December 2d, with &grand Concert: e exercises cannot fail to interest al/ lo can appreciate the refined art of egicg. There will be two sessions lily ; from 2 to 4 p. m ; and from 7to jiu the evening. All who ilesire borough practice in style and- cultiva ion of the voice will do well to be pree n sod "govern themselves according- 4V Biokley's Milt nr o PartY, at Billk " el Bridge, on the Conestoga, about /r miles from Lancaster, was sold _at Oilie sale on Tuesday last,-to John I. lartmen, Esq., of the .I.ilsaminer, for 28,100. Mr. purchased - the proper ter the proprietor* of the Examiner Aerreend, Ezpneee and iotetligencer id several ot,hei:genftmeu. 'Phe in ettiet of thozew.propriators is to coo zu the saute iota float Aiwa Paper ileary 6heak, a bishop in le old Mennonite denoininetion of siotitos,sedderdy expired" some .tiese 'nee, while in the pulpit of hie chnich; . Pegsea towuship, this county. Re \just concluded an, earnest exhorta -4 sod cat down, when he .drew siple of long breaths' mad died. Elie to rots libout seventy•five years.. fit Mr. lllman having,perebased the diding adjoining Mrs. Roth'a trimming lore, and ;immediately opposite Differs -4 hes removed his boot and shoe itab Ughtnent to it, where he• will toe led to meet his old friends 44 thi,ibub" LC generel. it The hills nu the York eolety tide, about two miles west of this ha ' rovh, were diesovered to be oraire. ou Saturday lag, end are baraiointill, ti gl9B come over the hill. We have slot teamed any particulars.. ! lar J. R. Diffenbach has just returned Nei Philadelphia, There he selected a l et of fashionable and !Seasonable goods. and musline have declined and he Will sell them lower than aeaal. t it A msetlpg of the "'Ladies Patti clue Oirel e t. of marietta, will, be held at 11 . Bitniwegil?B, cio.peit Tuesday gismos, at 2 o'clock:- lir The karkat /a n Boggs ; lP sq ( uare. wail y Mr. Ihnnel Patterson, for 8%505 purehased b . OPtingler ijr, Rich bare just se elived htt Of apple°, THE HORRORS OF INDIHESTION,—YOU corn plain of your stomach, unfortunate dyspeptic; but ought not your stomach to complain of you 't Possibly the pangs you endure are skill ply the stomach's Method .of taking levenge upon you for neglectingtind abusing it. Per baps y ou have never made an effort to i - opieve' its condition, but on the other bend are cJii tinually cramming it with unwholesome and incongruous food. , Ave you ever tried Hos tetter's St omach Bitters, .a proper diet, and regular meals? The bitters in a week would ..iut your digbstite atiparatultin: perkeit order, regulate - the flow of bile in accordance with the JIM, of health, and prethicajust so much aperient action as would be necessary for your. good ; and when you were once all right, ju4 dicious and regular dieting, with 'ii little of the Tonic now and then, would keep yeti so. if you have neglected these means ,of cure, don't blame your stomach for its rebellion. It Is merely nature's hint that she help., It .3;ou neglect it, the next thing mation, or Sardine Canter; or some , Other violent and dangerous disease.. There is suth &thing as being toolate in these matters. Hos tetteep .13Itturs.vvill pre Dyspepsia; but Ayr s pepsia may engender disease Which defy all restoratives., , Lvort;'s - Pierenice t. 'Doors. The greatik- - male Remedy :o'er' are a.scientifically compounded.fluid ,pr . ppetrit 7 , tion, and better thait' , any • Pills, Powders ,or Nostrums. Being liquid, their I ac4.o' 'llitect. 'and positive, rendcring.;them a, reliarne,„ sPee7 Idy and certain specific for the..cure. of structioni and suppressiOns'afinatilie. Their popularity is indicated by the': fact `. that aver. 100,000•betties. are annually.sold and eonsum= ed by the ladies of the: linitedl l -States, every one of wheel speak in the strongest terms of praise Of their ' good merits. They are rapidly taking the place of 'every other Female Item edy, and are coneidered by all who know aught of them, as the surest; safest and most infallible preparation in the world; for the cure of - all fetnale cOmplaints, the removal of - all obstructioits of nature, and the promotion ' of health, 'regularity and strength. Explicit directions stating when they may be used, and, explaining' when they should not, nor could not, be used without producing: etfectS contra.: ry to nature's chosen laws, will be found care fully folded around each bottle, with the writ ten Etignature of Jui( L. Lyon, without ‘ 7 , hich none are genuine._ ==l p;.pared by Dr. Tann L. LYON, JO Chapel street, 'Yew-Haven,. Conn., who can be con sulted eithor personilly.or by mail, (enclosing stamp) Concening all private diseaseaand fe male Weaknesses:" Sold' by Druggists every where.' .. • C. G. CLARK &C 0.,: =E=X=== TERRIB Lie GeSCLOk, UR ES--SECRETP FOR.THE A most i ll ;riable and wonderful' publication: A work 0C490 pages, and 30' colored F.rigraVings. Dr..Huotees arle:Me; ,cum, an 'Original and popular treatise :on Mazi and Wonsan their Physiology, YunctiOr.s, and Sexual al isordersof every 4 - 10, with Nev .er -tailing Remedies for their speedy cure.. the praitiee' of Dr. Elunter has long been, and still is, unbounded, bat at the ,esoneit : ea lieitatiou `of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend medical usefulness through the medium of his ADRIKECU M." It is volume that shOuld he in the handl of every family in tee hind., as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for- the alleviation of one of the Most salad and destructive. scourges ever visited mankind: One copy," securely enveloped, will'be forwarded free of poitage to any part of the United States for' 50 cents in P, O. stamps.. 'Address, Post paid, Dr. Hunter, go. 3 Division street, Ne,w York. To CON 7 9I.IMPTIVES. — the undersigued hay,- . 1 ing been restored ,to heicith in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, 4,fter having suffered, several years, with , a severe lung affection, and that dread disease; Consumption, is an xious:to make known, to his fellow-sufferers. the means of cure. ' To all who desire.it,,he will 'Send sr tOpv of the preseription; flee of charge, with the directions for preparing and useing the same, which they will find a sure ; cure for Constimption,Astma,Brorfebitis,Colds z , Coughs, etc. The only object nf the adveiti ser in sending the prestription is to 4130 the afflicted, and spr,md information which-he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every , sufferer Will try his remedy,. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove, a blessing.. Parties.wishing the prescription, will please addresii Rev tpw - ARD .11.. rry William burg, Kings COunty,.New 7 yorli: 'l-seoolis, To TUE EDITOR OF liE MAALIETTIAN-- Dear Sat—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who, wish it, (free). a recipe . , - with full directions for making : ind - using a simple Nregetabrelialin:that will effec -tually remove, in ten (Rys, Pimples, Blotches," Tan, Freckles, and l all impurities of the skin, leaving,the same soft,ciercismeoth aad,b eau tiful. I free:to those; having Bald Herids; or- Bare -Faces, simple dir,ectiOns And-information that will enable Ahem to start dull growth of luxuriant Hair,' Whiskers or a Moustache, in less than '3llday§; •. AH applications answered by return : mail without ,charge. , Respectfully' yours,: THOS. F. CiliAni+OT. Chet/40 . 4 Peqii.iner, Sat Broadway - , N: Y. [Sep.3o-am A&C • BLitt nar.ss, Das 'mass' an ct Cate.krh t trea ted with the utrecUit success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oculist and (Tormo . ly of LeYdon t Hol lsod,) N 0.519 Pray street, timonials from the sliest reliable sources in the City and, COfintry can be • seen at his office. The Medical fichltk - are invited,to , accompany their patients, .as he has no secretsa in hvoc tree. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted-without pun • No charge'lliade for'examfaation; . '1261y. e . s Ircn I Irbri 1 ! ITCH Scteh4 4, Scratch !! riz Scratch!! , OitifirienP' ture the Itch, in 48.boura. Also t cures Sslt &ileum, UleersAilblainsi, , arfil all eruptions of the akin Price 5 s .(legilii. For aale ter all druggists By seiding 60 cents to Sole Agents, 170 Wishirigton street, Boston, Mese., it will be forwarded; by mail,, free of postage, to"ant . parl - of , the U.' States . [gm On the 14th instant; tit tbd reeldenee .the Bride's parents, at the West:end - 0 by Revved William, Matthias, Mt. ',FtEelfiGE EBERT, t1:1 ELIZABETH; :daughter , John Paling, all of Marietta., J EN 2Spsial N4acts. MARRIED. '4. R P RI.ESI' 30() Bartels Netir l York and MiolliOn Wittei'Appleo, ''' °' Olt-rite/rad and for , 0a1e614--. 4', ' 1 - ..,, , ..,t .:'.. . - BIP4NG.LERAo*MIT -141"ifotta, Netve.mber. ilk, 18611. MA.RIETTIA.N• NEW GOODS AT J. 8.. DIFFENBACH'S Third Arrival of. Fall and Winter Goods. LADLES DliESs GOADS, Such as Fancy and Plain Colored Alpaccas ; French Merinoes Cohurgs ; Plain and Figured all wool De Laines ;- all colors Sacking Flannels; Ladies 'Cloak ing ' and Water-Proof Cloths. Good • assortment bleached ,:and un bleached Muslins • Checks; • Ginghams ; .Ticking and • Canton Flannels ; Cra sh , &c., &C., &c.,&c . , CENTS DE?,.APTNEN.T. . Cloths, and Cassimers, all . grades, both Foreign and. Domestic ; superior Eaquiniaux ' ver, for Over-Coatingi lceck-Tie.s; Collars; Suspenders; Gloves; , Hosiery, ,§tc,, tLe. . GROCERIES OF ALL . KIND.', Molasses. Sugars. Rio and Java Coffee, Spices, Mackerel, Buckets, Brooms;•Table and Floor-Oil 'Cloths, 'Window -Blinds, , ,Gloat and Queensware, .Btc: • Having purchased exclusively FOR CASH will enable him to sell ascheap ssthecheapest. ir.P•Ctiuntry Produee taken in, exchange for. goods. [Oct.-21, . 1865. ACATiEMIr.' Cornfr of ' • ltzrket 'Square anii: Gay-st • This 'Academy will open tor .the.scoeipt . of ii,upils‘iif that' sexellyou',MOPlDAy.,, the .11th" oqf.SEPTEMIER:" be .given' lh all the bl'anches usually taught in- such, in z. 0-! ' • . • of the publid iaseapectfullT TEntee f-L-Fok FivelVitinths,: s $10:00 Latin tind'Greek, each'i (extra)r -,. 5:00 A Boarding Rouse. will he opened in the Spring. ' R. S. -MAXWELL, • Principal. REFEAB TO • Rev. J. 5. -Lane,' Wrightsville, Dr. .I'. LeVargood/Laficastery ' Dr.-11. Carpenter, Lancaster, Adairi , Bake', Esq., Chatham, Cheater, co. D. Wilson,;:Esq. Baltimore, Md. It. W. Smith, Wrightsville, Samuel 'Lindsay, Marietta, Calvin Schaffner t , Dr. Cushman,. ? . H. D. Benjamin • . ra - _ • Marietta, September 2y1865:-6mi CtT p vEs - _ STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES Lt! COOK STOVE :y ', " ' • 000k,.9TOVE&, , STOVES, I=3:=l PARLOR STOVES, .PARLOR STOVES, PARLOR SXO VES, GAS-BURNING STOVES AT JOHN' SPAN'GLER.S: STOVES, ,STOVES,-VULCAN' STOES, • FOR HEATIO TWO , OR FOUR • • ROOMS WITH , . ONE FIREFOHRTH SUPPLY NO. READY-- C L AND SEE ' THEM AT Spcn:g4er's Hardware and„Stove Stoic, MarketSteeet, Marietta: Pa. POPULAR , H ATS. OF .TH E S EA'SO N.. - Gentlemen's Dress Silk Hat, Gentlemen's .C(21312110' Press Hat, Patent Resort,at, " The Rutiher, Hat, '7.'he Dasher Hat, The Eatari Hat, The: Faiist, 'Vat, The Dundreary: Hat. A and splendid isiortal . ept of all the ' s have, acw and popular styles, Cloth, Cas 'sinter and Felt .together with a full line of PLAIN. FIATS." Also, all.the new'styles of Fall and Winter Caps for gentleruen, youth's and children's Wear. SHULTZ& BROTHER,. 4S LON ABLE HATTERS, NO H firf EEN ,ST REET, LANCASTER. PA. -. -F , T,Tga.S 1.tF 4 4 1.4 . 11 . Nduticiainied in the I/PO4 Office at' Maiietta, Pa.', Tautisn.s Ni:IVEMBER 16 '1865 . . Miser, Geo. H... Jason, Mrs. Charity Bond,...terenniah Kinsey-, ..11ames Rear,. Henry'. , ' .Kunkle„. ,T. H. - Cummings,Eli Lampeter, John IL Conklin, J. M. i Miller , Miss EriZa4: Dummy, Mrs. , Mary .Rieff,Abraham • Dripps, William Stoner, Mrs Lizzie Ehrhast. Levi Esq. ,Stanton, *Miss Jennie Glaze, Hen ry . Spangler, Lewis Gateliel, P. Wire, Miss Mends Harley, Charlet tp" To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant Must eall:for. "advertised letters'? give She date of this list, and par one cent for vertising. ABRAHAM :CASSET., . ceN NECTICUT, TOBACCO SED. FOR FREE PISTBIBUTION! the Connecticut 'Tobacco , :Seed has just been receivvd at the Tobacco Warehouse Of F.L. BRUNS &SQ., in this borough, which is now ready for FREE distribution to the To bacco Growers of,this, neighborhood. The object fn thusAistributing thIS excellent . Seed is to encourage the raising of a better grade. of Tobacco than has, heretofore been grown in this vicinity. Marietta, November 4; }865.73t. , L INIE 1 .LIME! ! Fresh Lime for Whitewashing and Building, For sale, at HENRY WoLFE , S, opposite the,P st Office , in large' or smalllol s., This Lime 'ikmuch better thaw-OW:which ni brolight - from a distance. It is carefully se leeted: I.aln now selling the best - lump at cente`Per bushel ;: ' 10 cerits per peck Five cents per'half-peck. HENRY WOLFE Market-st., oppogite the 'Post 'Office, Marietta. I - .L6m* THE 'MASON . & HAMLIN ' Cabitiet Or'gars; Forty different styles ,aospted to sacreesitd secular mimic; for sBo ' to $6OO 'each. five Gold' pr, Sam . Metials.,' or other - first pr&- miums agvarded them. 'lllirstrated Catalogues Sent free. Ltddtess, MASori gr. HANtru, Boa too.. or MASON BitpTLIERS, NewrYork. :,,Seli,tem")er 9, 1865—iy.] AZIN'S p.EA.iThRs. 0 ~, . , Ths.jitest and most exquisite' such as "Kits nia ..Quickly;" " UpPer'. Ten;? "° Hydeosmia, ' " West - End," " Jockey Club," and also Po:. 1'12144 . and 'Hair Oils. Exaniine our stock. We can pliaie you itipiice and (plat) . . GOLDEN. MORTAR DRUG STORE. C OLG'ATE?S TOILET sq4ps. , Honey, Clye4nne; Paha; Almond, Bathand Shaving%tßOAki , S 'bins!' to-any iniparted.-- Itest recetirett and for -sale+, *up cheap. at • • • - THE-GOLDEN MORTAR. pring Shawls Ba'morals -Gloves, , .Hosiery, 4,7) , 11e1ts and •Duckles, - .Embroidereflandkerr , .elfiefs- And •Collare,. • •MourniavCollars and lieridlNets and Dress Trimmings. A full supply at • . • . • ": --• •SPANGItVa &A• I•CR'S• " • •"r All kihos.of ' Leg a k /R 4rume ' i n i • s t prepared ar4-icePrlcY':u"can found at tie e of " - ;n e 'tM aretti * , i , between th e; .an y rront ROGERlSteeela DiatatNPnaxo Game nt and I.oo 4 Paista\S/addnkest L; ; Inv) WINO) GOITIPOINLVOR rap. „thiotqi Pdtdt4KAStil, (narvuo:.), tivdt. viatta.4 grtu,r., vitt Icipol : , 11',%".'A;: tcei.. ) t -, 1 1 2 / :'11:4 ifeb Go*. liew Gooas. Ica) Clooo6. .OSPAiIGLEIC & 'RICE4 IaTOULD announce to their friends and the V public generally, that they have on hand a large and well selected stock of PALL AND WINTER. GOODS, and are daily readying accessions thereto, Our stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS cOna ,prise all the latest and moat desirable fabrics, Myles and _colors. * French Merin English 'Merinos, All-wool Poriline, Coburgs. All-wool Delains, Mixed Poplins,' Alpaccas, Lavellas, tDebazes, . Mixed De!nines,' A large assortment of Plain and Fancy • WOOL SHAWLS, Knit Goods, Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, Seirfs; Cloaking Cloths, -Sacking Flannels,: White Goods, Sket . eton and Balmoral Skirts, Hosiery and Gloves: -. DOMESTICS. Calicos, Delaid+. Ginghams;ylannela,,Clrecks, Muslins, Tickiugs, Sattinetts, Jeans, _Lindl and Cotten Diaper,- Arneriean and Rus- - ' sian Flock and•Table-Oil • Cloth; Wall and Window •Papers. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR.' ' . , . Plain and Fancy Casiiinercs, . French' and - Engh '• ark Cloths Knit Shirts and Drawers,; Gloves and Mitts, Paper, and Linen colkete, Shirt Fronts ,Nick Ties, ,-• Suspenders; Knit /rickets; Eke.' • • A, full assortment of. the !rapist styles Men rind, - Xy.S and ; CalisiGrecerWs Sugars,. Syrupi, Coffee;' Teas, Pranks; Dried Apples; Cranberries. Corn Starch;Farina, , Salt, AO; &c, full assortment of Gliga& -Queersware. ' •.! frir past favors, we would resPect fully ask an examination of out stuck L isefore purchasing blieWthere. ' • . . SPANGLER & RICH. ' • Marietta, November 4,1865 AL .A I.ECTiJ.R.E YOUNur MEN, Just Published, in a ,sealcil enyclo . pe. 'Price SIX' CENTS. A Lectute en the iintAre, 'treatment, ' nd radi cal cure- of' , SP 1:121VIATOR . or . Semi nal Weakness, involuntary Emissions, Sex ' ual Debility and impediments to marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilep sy, and Fail, Mental and 'Physical incapacity resulting frorn,self-ribuse,,Sre., by. Dr. Rad. J. Culverwell, authOr of the "Green Bear," Sic. ,The world-renouned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own eX perience that the awful.consequenees of self sbuseinaybe effectually remoVedWithout me dicine anknrithout dangerous surgical Opera tions,;bougies, instruments; ring's, or cordials, pointing nut a Mode of cure at 'once certain and effectual, by which` veri sufferer, no mat ter what - his condition; may be, 'CORY' cure kirriseli'cheaply, privately,and radicalk This Lecture will prove's bebri to thausands • • ••. and thousands. , Sent,' under seal, in a plain envelorie, to any ;address, postage paid on'receipt of Six 'Cents' ..or two postage stamps. 'Address the publish ers, CIIAS..I. C. KLINE 8( CO., .127 Bowery, New -York, Post-office Sox 4,586. June 17, i865.-ly.: Market. Street , adjoining, Spangler 4 Rich's • Store, on the. second itaor. Where he .IS now prepared to wait ....--,.--_—_—_ On all who may feel disposed to pa- somae tronize him. Dentistry, in all As branches carried On. TERim inserted on the most approved prin ciples_ of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and Work manlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a-permanent loca tion at, this place, would isk a continuation of the, liberal.:patronageAtetetofore extended to him, foi which he render every poem 'ble satisfaction, • 14" Ether- ~tinlinistered to proper personp To_TnE PUI3LIC.- , -Having had occasion' for the use of a Dentist, I called on Dr. Worrall, who has Sueceeded in preparing for mean ex cellent and servieeable setupper and lower. They-ire upon what is called " rubber base."` and•fit my mouth , firmly and comforta'ily, and are almost,as much ,use to me as were my nat ural teeth; _My mouth havihg:become' con siderably deformed in consequence of having goue a number of years without any teeth . on oneside of my_jaw,!but the. DOetof remedied this d'efeet, makingthefit coraPlete, whilst the working of the teeth are entirely sktisfectory. would ,cneerfully recommend any person in want of dental operations, to call on Dr. Worrall, havieg,grcat confidenee in his pro fessional skill. 'GEO: REICH. 11 - )FED ES' AMBROSIA FOR • • THE .HAIR. I==ll The Original and Genuine AMBROSIA II prepared by J. ALLEN.REEVES. and. is the best hair dressing and ,preservative now in use. It stops the hair falling out, causes, it to grew`thicit and - long and prevents it :from turning prematurely grey. ^ eradicates dandrvff, clesinses, beautifies and renders the hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it, try it and be Convinced. Don't be - put off with a spuri oueartiele.' Ask , for Reeves , , , Ambrosia and take'co - other. For Salo .• liy ' Druggists , and Deal vrs in Fancy Goods everywhere. TRICE; 75 - Cents per toottle-=-156 per dozen. Address, REEVES' Am BROSIA ar.ror 62 Fulton-Bi'. New-York City. Da" For sale in Marietta al.Dr. F. Hinkle's Dritg Store. - . Ll 2:8 -1y A LEXA NDER LYNDSAY, Fashionable • , miplimnr Boot, and Shoe. Manu, facturer,. MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most resneetfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neigbkorhood that he'has~ the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business id this Borough, arid be ing's nenclieal BOOT AND• SHOE MAKER hiroself,ii enabled to select with more iudgment than those who are dot. -He continues to Man ufacture in the - very-best - manner everything lit the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he wili warrant for neatness and good fit.. Ki - celi and examine his stock before pur chasing eliewhere. - , AN IMPROVED LANTERN. • THIS is "the most 'desirable Lantern:in the - market: It burni Coal Oil without a ChimneY. emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives' a' pure white light. It standkquick mohons in any direction. The dame is reprinted from the outside. , It is neat, and compact in form and size. It is free from solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substtfritial in its structure. • • PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. For sale at JOHN SPANGLER S 2 •• ; Hardware Store, on Market street. I . IOW.AIIP ASSOCIATION. . " PA, Diseases.. of the Urinary and Sexual Systems. =a, ,new an 'reliable treatnient. Also, the Barnet CHAMBER, an Essay of warning and Ihetruntioi, sent in sealed ' ; envelopes, free-of chierge.. Address, PR. J. SKILLIN frettowron, Howard AssOelition,'"fici. 2 Seuth' n, NintVst., Philadelphia, Pa. • [ jan. I ,*65-ly. DR. J. Z. nO'FFER, JANTIi3T, 6 'l-- OT THE BALTIMORE 'COLLEGE 'lllges.. 'OF DENTAL SURGERY, • ` - tEi.OF 13.ARRISBIJRG: E 3 F-F I,C EST Front streets' next door to R. Dint Sthre, between Loma and Walnut. streets.- Columbia. 'IMICER; ; .11 - 4rTORNEV , AIr. Z Y LANCASTER. PA. :7PFFIOE :—Na. 24"401(211 - Dt7117:81'IRZZT '4Piplo6 'Ha* 064 to' i'vy'tgqyvebV, oltor.-0.1 Al 1 „:s±, 40 1 . 4 .)7.x.1,.` 4 - 413 1(3 .3Yl'exico Vexico ! '530,000,000 LO AN OF Tag Ritxitv. Twenty-year Co upon Bonds in Sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT. PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ' • - Principal and Interest payable in Gold $10,000,000 to be sold at sixty cents on the dollar, in U. S. Currency, thug yielding an . interest of Twelve per cent., .in gold, or seventeen per cent in cerreficr. r at: the pre4nt rate of pre roiuni on gold. THE FIRST 'YEAR'S INTEREST =ALREADY PROVIDED'. THE MOST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT EVER OFFERED. 'lmmense ,tracts of mining: and agricultural lands; Sixty per cent-of -Port-Imes,llmposts, and Taxes, in:the , States of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi; and the pl ghted faith °Elbe ,said Stateshilid the..general Government,Are all Pledged for the redemption of ;these • bonds and payment of :intereat: THE SECURITY'IS 'AMPLE 100 - in CukrenCY"will'buy a,7 per, cen Gold Bond of $50.. , $6O in - U. Sl'Ciirreney veil buy a,7 0 . 4 Cent. Gold„Boad of $lOO. $3OO in.o S. CliriencY rill BUY a T pet — Cent. . . Gold Bend'of $5OO. $6OO in U. S. Currency. will buy a 7 per cent.. Gold Bond of $1,000.. Let every loVei of Repliblican''lnititutione BUY AT LEAST ONA.BOND . Cirenlariforwardedlind subscriptions received by J%IIIIV CORLIES A. CO., :SND J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent Of 'the Republic ' 'of Mexico,'s7 Broadway, N. Y - 4 ;• 11 Subscriptions also received by Banks 84 Bankers•generally,Abroughout the 0Lai,.t..1865,4866, 1867.1 ,SAVER 1T0'75,000! S2l .821' s',2l 7:;•