De'Atatiettiatt. rA - -Z:--Bak - 0., Editor. MARIETTA. PA : Valuigdag., grialceig Re, 7shb". Edward o anglelpoy co fined on DryiTori(a island, ;title ctridt? coast, under it six year, sentenc e . for complicity in the assassination of Pres ide rt ena e • soriott4o Oath:4lB4o life therei-and declaring his entireinno caned Of of - oxide forr'iihfoli . 'WI' convicted.. llie; of coursetainsists• 'that be, ,knew, nothing :of-, Booties murderous intention! after...theiffresident was shot., "Itootb, l l he'says;'"•askeptle'rci see to his'horee;'lttidh te.would ,makeme. a handsome present, which he dii-,4lltietirs'ion'the sands of Dry Tortities.'"-: ear Our Oldelit,people t eaye the, ole, do 'accord; who_hava, cirefully noted the "sign! of, the - times,, say , that we will _have anr.nnusual *entity of snow this winter. , They say. much rain dur ing the summer is always followed' b ' bevy falls of snow in 'the winter, and claim that the •character. of the summer is always _an- indox : to charapter of the viintei. in this respect,..! . Our last wet summer was 1855 ten years ago —and it recollected. that the winter of '55 '56 afforded more sleighing than any winter :sines. fit Captain Wirz, on Saturday, .un derwent a private medical examination, at his own request, in the presence of the members composing the military commission and of Mr. Schade, one of his counsel. His right arm is much swollen and inflamed from the effects of a wound by a. shell: A. piece of bone has been removedi rendering the limb of but little, if any, use, A.gentleman wbo witnessed the examination also said that his body bore marks'of his having suffer ed from the scurvy. er Col. James L. Orr has been cho sen Goverior" of South Carolina—the first ever elected hy. , a popular vote. 001. Orr, like' Prov,fsioual Gov. Perry, hails from , the upland ‘ portion of the State, and 4ilkkiiid - seitice.. against ,se cession in , 1860 , -L was a moder ate in 1860, but ftoally , yie:ldeqjo the current.- Bora in.1822i be.wasfirst ebb son to the State Legislature in .1:844, to Oongresa. in 14148, , ead 1 in:11307 Nip! ,elec ted Speaker—the last ever elevated', to that poet.britti, petnecretjelvote. ,F.tififax, of Loodou'dotent3i,Cirohiaf drtlie reb el fleneintl I4ongfttreat's qckfr. • t ,-. 1 g14 who received a special pardoniroin thesPree ident a short - tithe Vas forwarded the neeeeearylooritarit-Vto%sectre tilts reetitritfoiroftietfirofiertilirrilie above conoty„' ‘ noy': 7readmen'e Bureau, and irhiCh ie kuoi n 68• the Aiim roe estate. P l 4 lllOl / 4 1 4 t !Owe tilkw gn riosity. , A dwrflllspheat is , on.its way to New 1:111* for, himiliani inglund. It ciune , "friiiir'.)thecititeridr•of- Africa, and is Eilgintlke , size of a,Newfoundliirid dog. There ie.but , otio.other on exhibi tion worhi,,juidlthiii is An :the Royal Zoological Gardens; London.—lt cost Barnum about-V.:000. Sar Out of - the:'rlphest:tneLi of New York is... said: te keep. ha" , danghters, married-itursitifilelbnar outtineoticon pone for a whole aftertionn.sod, evening before liit/ieit whllg the, cutting is done the eldest daughter herself sweeps eui . Abe.Tplkiti to, intercept - waifs and astray& - . air in ithiciiktlp n oiplog tanage. t e President it is stated fully recognises the manhood 41'14 'neg6 • 'lint would qualify and tie it his right.oesulfrage by educatinik or propexii Nyken' liroted to be possessed of either. of, 'these, Jar. Johnson thinks'he ought to' be allowed 1 1 ounimiesion has adjour ned sine die, and sent. their ,verdiCt to the Preeid,n.t.' counsel for Wirz r haezoallitd won tho'Preeident to intercede tto save thelife of hie client. Several dayemioatelupee before the ver dict, will be known. Gir A nrunhei - 470Aglish detectiies have arrived la this-country to ~ spy out the iatioticies ao4„,giciieMpots of the Asians, co that the'Brithdr•Wvernment may be. yristiareik for the' ttfear : _invesion of FeehmS from the'UniVed States which it seeMP Al?..4ke,ctillg • eir MAjor.43keueril AL 15. tiloCeek teOdered•fili teilipistiou to the Seerl_ asg• of. War ,0144100 1 4.0 6 Y1 in Order .te identitXtfietlelr*lth Butterfield Overlet4Expries Oetivioy;, APPi?r. in, Itiuthiniitcd,-and wilt roast) , kit slop in the evnee,to tike- tye wank,: also tirtlitind giunf4ii rMitMeTi.,94 -0 REGENERATION OF TUB SOUTEIO--- Govern or Andrew has w iteceited thirPieSideney of a company diffigitd to 'aid, in reor ganizing the South V . bringing t4gethOr those who43avit ,plOtatiops and farlis for which they desire' improvement, and those who possess the capital skill re quired for that work. There are thirty five gentlemen connected with this en terprise, who represent New York, New England and the West. The suc oess of this project, of which there can, be no doubt, will do more for the South' than all that thus far the South has done for herielf. THE TIME TO ADVERTISE.—Now ig the time to advertise. -Vie 43ubobier is l iover and the harvest is past, and everybody 'embegioningAlowit,hiitk-uakout--Ballwand , Winter,, siipplins-;, the country people are praparingifor the , lehabging !season, Business men will do remember, this. • Band. in your, JadVertisements an earliday itat , the - world may know that,yok:.arm in •buidnase,• whatlyou , have to sell dud:where:you are situated. :Ad vertise, advertise. -Printerls-illik pays. 4iir the Pittsburg Gazette says that the new liOuse of liepreseotatives will consist of 66 , liipublipans and 34 Demo- Crate: It may poseibly vary one or .two from this , but no more. Of, the 11 Sen ators elected 8 are Republicans and 3 Democrats.` The tegislaOre will stand : Senate, 20 Republicans, 13 Democrats , Renee, 66 Republicans, 34 Democrats. On joint ballot, 86 Republicani, 47 Democrats. or Probably the-richest woman in the United States--is Miss'. Hester Rob i111300; airyonng and beautiful girl, lately of New Bedford, bat now a resident of 'Newyork city. Her father died recent ly,- leaving her-one million outright, and 'an income during-her-life-of about four , millions-more. Her aunt, Miss- B. 'A. Howland, of- New Bedford, who died about"the first of last July," also left her half a million. sir A bright little girl, named Sarah Ann Young, aged four years, recently died, in London, from the fright of see ing an Episcopal clergyman suddenly emerge from thepestry into the church, robed in his white surplice. The child screamed, and was carried from the church in convulsions, and died the mutt day. wir General T. C. 13c)ker; chief detec tive of the War Department, Weshing= . ton, is about to publish a full history -of the records of the secret service of the Government, not' only emliraiing the piocce'dings'irif hiuowirbilt those apPer. taining to all officers belonging to the 'Detective service of the Guvernment. 'The ladies of Humboldt.county hpye,sent to Gen. Grant a silk bed-spread,-;one side of which As gemposed, of,red,aud whits silk stripes, the other le ,:a blue silk ground, upon which are neatly wrought, the national colors, thirty-six reiniatare,thigs one for.eueh Stnte. Themon p thou of the Meth°- , iliet - VotikregatiOri`in Newport - , - 144 over which the' retiel ri3aatei ' sto n' ranefilly;ilinad,!?/ the COlifelicnoe, htiie resolved thorgh, io thii'majority, to irith draw and worship r t in el es. "'Gni) 'of the Preebyterian'dhardhes` has heen tendered them for , - s - ,lllll,4gr.uatytold baehelor i not jiking the way,lislandlady's claughter,;4o - of :appropriating;bis-hait oil, h.lled o bis bot tle with Spaulding's glue the day before As, ball to. which she'was in_vited,_aod' i she stopped ,at home in _consequence., It .Was - a fiendish revengs. els - The, Philadelphiapapers Announce the death of the Hon. Wm. J. DUMB, aged 85 years. He was n becretary of the Tieaeury unlit. Jackson, and resign ed his office - rather then consent to the removal of the der;Oiiid irc;eitie united States Bank.. • " - ' iiire of-Christian.Wildt, of 'Schuylkill county ; Pa-A gave 'him .$5O the other-day to go away, and not-trouble her agein. He returned, however,= and Joked for come clothes ; bat aho.-refused 'him: He therefore hung himself in ,her .barn. . . . lir " In Sacratuento; "recently a woman procured the "ielease 'of" herhusband from jail, and that night ran off with another fellOti; thilr object in procnr ing her husband's release was to leave somebody with the children. The Antietam lsoldiers' cemetery will consist of eleven -acres. The--land costs one hundred dollars an acre. The area will be twice as.large as that of. the Gettysburg National Cemetery, and will contain twice as many . graves. w Several thousand dollar's were .re alized Tueiday from the sale of the stock and fixtures of the government bakery at Absiandria, once a famous in stitution of its kind. zOr :Gen. •Bennregard is to he Super intendent- of thee New Orleans and Jack- Railroad. The rebel 'generals, all seem to have'rtn jtehin,gdoro easy posi tions thrttletylerell. • • • Thil'efiln - ttrriiatid It Ireland rs'w4 s- England !Amber two hundred,,i;and semi otthem are to: he ,tried for high treason. . c-JTHE MARIETTIAN.\- , tgbt L r • cora in a Nut-55br11. .- 4 ...a.,... .• -------..... F 4 lora Temple has been gold for $15,- 0001 +, li, Fr dent Oa's coo .' enced. hie message. - • The Sioux murderers, Little Six and Medicine Bottle, have been reprieved by the President. A building lot wailiiely Bold at lOW emo for $1398 per. foot. • 4 ? t l • " The lighthonswat New Point, in Ches apeake bay, has been lighted up for the first time since 1861. , .t • f Titania IDickon, bad A On , Stroke' e , • Paris.ft' fl 'while in He was quite insulin ble for several hoard, but s eedil re . cnisMrZiltriirlas a vices was Acute --1 ' -The tehclier of-the colored 'school at Greenvilli i irennemee; -wali nbtifled by the Citizen to lasi° :imMediately after the withdrawal cifithe, troops' from ' the place; a 114. - - • ; Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher pr oposes • to read her husband's..lictures, upon in vitations of lyceum's and literary associa tkuPB, -Baecher's, health. preventing him from undartaking ttnother lecture campaign. Geveitiffent: hair kid - passtid to the credit of bade debts $176,947,67, doe from Isaac 0.-Fowl'er, late Democratic Postmaster in New York. It has Wei; ascertained that the defalcatian is Un collected from his 8 e rides. ill of the Wood work Ford's Thea tre, Washington,' has been removed, and workmen 'have nearly completed three arch floors of brick masonry, and the bisemen . also of brick. The, buildiei will be perfectly fire proof, and a. cast iron stairway. will be , erected from the first floor to the third floor in the south- West corner, of the building. English detectives have arrived in New:York `to• keep an eye npon the Fenians and report to the home govern ment. One or two of them-are on'. the way. to_ Chicago.. . • Gen. Averill, the notedcavalry . com mander, is at present located on Oil Creek, and is at present the proprietor of some half din Sen teams, which are instill,* oil from Pithore to Miller's Station. A F..ansas paper announces dill!, two thousand families of Merman descent from Berks county, Pa., and from St. Louis, Mp., jiave through their agent, Capt. Brunswick, , selected _ ,extensive tracts of land in the valley of the Solo mon. It is as fine a.coontry as the wide world canafford. St. Leger Grenfel, -the Chicago con spirator, who was sentenced to .beiliMig ed by the,Cincinnati- Military ComMie• eon, has , lad- his 'sentence transmuted by the Presidentjo imprisonment-tor life at the Dry-Tortugas.--. . • . The Kentucky PreribyterialSynoii is in scission at Louisville. Di. Brecken ridge has entered the 141.146 by I7introducing aerreiorrciofrf;in against treeisonable.preacherd anilduifoYal ineffi biirs of the Synod. Pg,r,her,?xesiA,iag at ,15 ,sevAntikatkaat f New ,York, deed qmSaa day frocman-oyardslep ofahlorofar,m,giy en, him kiy.a druggist's .clerk tp an . 449 opeEgioas stf,i!elliag a .dialacated • The lo" Dispatch ^-publiehes. a letter froirrEion. Fleury Z. Foote On the vexed "qriestion o'Vnegro uttrsoe; 'in eelihys; first,-that , it mater Whicliviinghrttif^ he:drifgalaVed =^and, con'- tiolled by sthii' respective:3 States, "and secondly, that; the' rivilege might now he granted to all:colors& men. who' can read`and write and pay tax on'any pro party. - . ^ • ; A favorite qciestiOn of the young men to the yoticg,liidleS of Mobile is, ‘" Has your father beenpardored yet?" finding oat from the answer whether or not be comes the V 20,000 clause of the amnesty proclamation, and" theticC cal culating ,the probable amount of the damsel's solid charms. In sccordance with,a recently deliv ered opinion of the Attorney General - the. Second Comptroller has decided that all , colored volunteers shall be pla ced on the same footing with white sok dierein regard,to bounty, and, paymas ters are instructed to pay, them accord ingly. This decision wikit is sapposed call for an-additional $20,0001000t The Quartermaster 'General is having printed a plitaMphlot containing the names of the Union soldiers -who .- died and were interred in the Andersonville ceinittery, together with oth,er matters of intereiiin'thet connectien. A. H. Stephens, the ex-iebel . Vice Presidant, left Washington'foi hiti home in Georgia. Mr. Stephens, while, here, expressed his determination to use his best efforts So induCe the 'people of the south to accept the Conciliatory policy of the Administration. A..clergyinalllWho loatligcaTpo with clothingtand•nermons, New Ha ven,`„. recovArecLall Oft' ocrmone among the 4aggage otan- opera company at Albany. .2e:canse4 tke.arrest of the agent'of the opera for confiscating his BeIIEOUIP. " nt...Ok‘ • "' .;,4"4 gr.:, AGES OF LIVNGPUBLIC Ma tr.—,Napo !eon 111. is sffiyears of age ; t fdexander Emperor of Russia, 47r; Victer Emanu el„4s : Lord Palmerston. Prime Minis ter ofingland, 81; -tord.Jobii:Russell, 72 ; Earl Derby, 66 ; the Lord High Chancellor of England, stone, 56 ; F'resident‘Johnsoti,'s7; Sec retary Seward, 65 ; ex. Secretary Came ron, 66 ; Chief Justice Chase, 57 ; Charles Sumner, 54 ; Ben Wade, 65 ; Seriatim. W Hahn, 53 ; Gen,. Banks, 49 ; erSecretoryTessenden, 59 ; Jitmes Bu chanan, 74 ; Speaker Colfax, 42 ; Winter Davis, 48 ; Vallandigham, 44 ; Senatos Morgan, i 54 • Fernando W00d,,513 • Alf Davis' ,S'sl ' Slitie : 721 Ma l Sol,''6'7 . i "Tireckeririclgis, 43 ; Henry A: Toombs, 55; Orr, 43; Alexander A. $ ;gni officer of the4.'S. Sena - to: 59. or Emerson E t h eridge ,now on trial • for treason at Nashville, has put in . .a plea denying ‘. thelarisdietion of the mil itary commission, whiz 4 the court over," ruled, Whereupon Etheridge . , filed an ceßtiod to,the , He, then pleaded not guiltyto the charges ,and specifica tions, except the second'specifi9,ltion and second charge, to which ha, pleaded guilty, and, th9conrt alloWed hip to in troduce the wholefetter from 'Which tha extract was made. This letter is known as the, ,",Dresden letter," dated Jana 28, in Wbich, he made the declaration that Tennessee has no law but force, andno semblance to civil government, State or Federal, usurpation enforced by the- bayonets of negroes. Etheridge subsequently presente,d to the court a written, statement, which admits the first charge, namely, the encouragement of resistance to ,the enforcement of the laws. 1 ifirW. W. Holden, of North Caroli na appointed-Provisional Governor of that State byi-Presiden't Johnson, has been nominated' for election on the--ba sis •of repudiation of the' rebel' debt, abolition of slavery, and besiaating their civil 'rights ( sUffrage except:lA)° olion the' Treedlnen. Governbr Holden is a relative of the lamented Ezra'Bolden, long since well knowir as the prosper ous . and able 'editor -of -the .Battirday Courier. 'lleAas been -the newspaper leader of the- Democracy of North' Caro line; and his journal, the Raleigh- Stan dard, was the fervent advdcate of Ste phen Douglas- in 1860. He is a man 4f groat purity and determination of character.—Philadelphin T'ress. .liar..A.Rupaber of drafted men, who had. run off .but returned since the end a the war, have bap tried. 4 a court martial at _Detroit C . One man, named William Jove, was, a s found guilty of -de sertion " and sentenced to ,confinement at hard labor for-, three,,teonths, to be dishopuyahly diachamed, to, he forevar dppriyedeCcitizenabip, and the sentence to puhlishedin at, ipast ,two, papers published nearpt his. home .. Sentence approved, and the State, prison,at„ Col tnbus, .Ohlo,,desigh,ated las the place of hie eqPfill,.ll l6 l l t ! . ne game PETAAY fyas ia„the Ca,se,of George Giddings, convicted of,alikaoffp.nce.- sifirOoe's Cone? - Balsam 'and Coe's DyspePida'Curn—iheyibonld aliiays be In'q# w#WQlfor die thny ire - the' moie . L'inliatilh''' rniiisties `ktib'wn. one' haridi' ''sraledijia eases' of a — nal:len' croup amongst the - 'ene lug 't e sttibbo'in nonghi - and'coins, fs - excellent Tor - Sore 6»a and all`km `diffiCiilties, - the other 7 --Oile's`Dyipea Oura—is certain 'tt 'cure' dYspiiiisia,. n 0 2 2ahnui long itanding,indigeshetii, atatria iatins"tfuii, Orikinnl,Win a Ora Ore d stain'of the s'tbinaell' itedt o Maifimilian has for ; warded.,fiNe toilljons.ordollttra to-Wash ington, in tor.der:to intioence Congress favor : l)f ilia - recognition. hy our, govern- AWL The Items papers in : the . imperial interesto"pehlieh' glowing.: accounts of the prospects and resources .of the . em .pire. They, claim,thet, the :country ,has eight and la tants, And that its ~ ,agricuiturul.anA eraLresources render it self-sustaining„ Ferty 'persons were _poison'ed - re!. cenily' in §hiloh; by hiiiring cor rosive--Subliintife administered to' them by mistake for calornel, a less powerful ireParittion of inercury. Seven' have diedAtiid fears` re eaterfai'tied fOr'cthere. Neither the phYsiciati nor local . druggists are to blame, as the medicine waddtaken from the piickage in Which it , came from a St:Louis . establistirnent, and probably from England. fir A letter,has been received .at the Freed me u:s.llererru from Go vern or_Brag ford, of Haryland,relative to.complaints made of abuses committed upon colored people in certain, counties, of. Lower Maryland. Affidavits .haveb t erin sent to the Governor in many instances, and he has re ferred : them to: the prosecuting attorneys of the differetrticountics,tyliere tire abuses perpetrated., ,mith. in .trugtions to prosecute ; the ;; offenders. Gir" The following is a 'characteristic short seringn, 'which PreeidentLindbln Waiein 'the of pies:oiling to his : " Doa't 'don't smoke, 'don't Chew,' dOn't gamer, 'doter,' gamble, 'don't he, don't Cleat; love your fallo w then, as 'Will "aa" Gnd, - 16ye InVe Wring' and belepOy." BEAUTIFUL SUUTIMENT.—The' beautiful senticrietil, belOW Is from thi pest of Hon. Gaff. S.llenrd confess "Chat increasidg yeah bring with tliemefi in creasing' TespEiCt for men who rdo not succeed in life, as those words are CALTa• monly used. Heaven is said to be a place for those who have not succeeded upon earth; and it is surely true that celes tial graces do-not best thrive and bloom in the hot blaze of worldly prosperity. Illiinccess sometimes arises from a su perabundance of qualities in themselves good—from a conscience too sensitive, a taste too fastidious, a self-forgetfulness - Jon romantic, a modesty too refiring. it *ill 4t go so far as to say • ing poet that " the world knows nothing of itrnatsaLuipo,l'..,butikern FAA= of greatnrywl)ick.-4i.n. a.nd make no signl" thritretuitlrtyrfi -that miss- the palm hi:twit : the staite . ; heroes,without the laurel,. Mut..pop,quernre—Wigiout the triumph. . f • - Robert E. Lee, late General, in Chief of the xebel army,- has _taken the amnesty oath under the proclatnation of the Preaident of the United . Stites:, It was on= the 9th of April that ; this :man surrendered. Oa the 2d of October, neitly• Six - months - afterwards,. , he- took the' oath - of allegiance at Lexington; in Virginia. He swore that be would " faithfully support,. protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. and the Union of the States thereunder ;" that he would in like manner abide by and faithfully support all laws and pro clatnations which have been made dur'- iog the rebellion with reference to, the emancipation „of slaves. But as the same Robert E. Lee.has already taken a2part_ol,the-eame oath As,ank. officer—of the United States army, a child of the United States, educated at the expense of the pebple, and supported at our charge, - and has broke . it upon the miserable pretbnse that he "must go with his State,” - the fact that he 'has sworn the Same oath ''a second time is not vary interesting: He would doubt less break it eirain - did interest or pas sion incite him 'to do 'so. - ger The-assertion is made positively, in intelligent quarters, that there is now before the Government something in the nature of-a proposal from theEtitish autherities•to 3 pay damages erising from the dePredations of rebel privateers-fit ted ontin •British ports, and-also to ar rive at some agreement which shall pre vent like transactions hereafter, as be tween the tWo nations, whether the hos tile condition exists in Great Britain or in the United States,. We think . it is very likely. that such a propOsition has beeti made. 'Edgland is beginning to find that her position is a good deal more vulnerable than she has heretofore supposedoind that' it is better not to make enemies ,of us. cis - The * publication of tbelist of the principatowders of the Shares of the ConfederatU Co t tfou Loan has,itappears, created muptif i esditernent - id trigland, and called forth several deinands its to its truth.''' Whatever errors it inayeen tain, it is iiiiiierTo'lsait that' f the on in al AocuA9Et frPiji ..wkiPka RoltY Fati• ta ken-and furziphectsktoultaneously to the Arnericuppress,,iujn,pousession 9f .our vpro liken t,, togethcr, wi th any: o rs of an equally intor : citing,pharacterArpon that. and other preptiods,relatin to reb el proceedings, and : 911.4in94 13 9th,-at .1 1 9,11,9,6 and4broad, which iII.BO me ;day se9. ,the light. • 110 - The English Government and people Were'full of wrath because a pass `p.ort System' was estab e in - lon%try tar ther detection of rebel e m is : series. `YBo now every Per Son who lands in Ireland frOin America is made subject to an examination that extends to every thing on' his person, or in his luggage, to every paper and'every bit of linen and if a revolver or 'a "powder=flask is fonnd in his . trank' it is confiscated. • r Fifty .thousand, Americans are now sojourning or travelling-in , various portions of Europe. They are scattered among the various gay capitals' of ,thet continent or the thousands of rural or less crowded-resorts rendered interest ing by _history, song.-or :story. These Americans, it is estimated, are spending at the.rate of one - hundred millions of doilds in gold a year. ifit, Capt. J. M. Moore , who was sent to the Auden/paving Oemetery, for the purpose of marking the gravekof Union soldiers,, has made a, very port of his;expedition,- He has maiked over twelve, thpusand graves with the names of the victims. of rebel cruelty and about four hundred with the words " Unknown United States Soldiers." The other day three eoldiers- . iii Keit - Obis' Tem.; while 'running- away `froththe ifiorgliardi leaped froni the Susquehanna'Bridge into the river; 'a distance orsiity MT; and, swam the riv er making:got:id their escape. ThIP is the beet AiMping'sifiee Sam Patch ivent over the Niagara Tana. -* • iss- Six Iliciasand- acietrof land in Ar tkihistie, belongibl to the :ex:rob : 6l 9 4Bn. Gideon J. Pillow,. which has tbeeirheld as abandoned prOperty'''f'di past by the' Goierninelit;'-have- beer' re stored to their original this will probably be the cage with' 'incit3t - if tint all ;thereat; - " ' ' ' Notitts HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERI Read E. D. E. N. Eouthworth's Letter,' Prospect College, Georgetown, April 2, 1861 Messrs. Hostetter 4' Smith Gentlemen—lt gives me pleasure to add in g testimonial to those of others in favor of y O , l , excellent preparation.—Several years of r es i, dente on the banks of a Southern river, a nd of closenpplication to literary work, b a d t thoroughly exhausted my nervous system and undermined my health, that I had becom e a martyr to dyspepsia and nervous headache, recurring at short interval., and defy ing 1 , 11 known remedies Materia Medics, ; liad`come to the 'conclusion that nothing but g totaLchange L of resideir felinpruits would -btfiestilletYasaltvrs'ti poilkur'erdecabnolnitl74" an experiment; it required but one bottle to ,i;,:i,6iiiggie,,onieod*hefoigndeat last Melle n coßtatise. emedies, The relief it Woe. ;;..). complete It is now some y•a ce rat Med Waterier Bitters, and it is trutisit:to'floy Pikt I have found the Preparation all that it claims to be. It Is a Standard Cordial with us, and ern as a stimulant we likefitbetter than anythi ng else; but we - use itin all nervous, bilious sad dyspeptit,essea, from fever. down to toothache, If what I 4 h,rvAtiow &Oct : will lead any dyspep, tic or nervous invalid to a sure remedy, shall haliildit , dome good. I reniairffgeritleme - rf, wespectfully yours, E. D. E.N. SOUTHWORTH. 0, TERt.e dit ge=SEC a ETS FOR TUE Diisjiorr? = A most valuable and wonderful publication. A work 400 pages, and 30 colored Engraving. Dr. Hunter's Vade Me. coin, an original and popular treatise o h Man and Womantheir. Physiology, Function, and Sekual disordemofevery kind, with Nev. er-failing Reniedies - fir =their speedy me, The practice . J of, Dr. Hunter has long Neu, and 'still is, unbpunded,,but.,at the earnest so licitation of numerous persona, he has bees induced to 'extend his medical usefulnes through the medium °fhb VADE MECUM." It is a volume that shotild bcin the hands of every family in , the land, as -a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for , the alleviation of one of the ,most awful, and destruetiv, scourges -ever visited mankmd. One cupv, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of the United States b: 50 cents in P. 0, atm - ripe, Address, post pal:, Dr. Hunter, 1C0.3 Division street, New 1 ):,. To Corrsveughtvns.—The undersigned hay. ing been restored to health in a few weeks tv a very simple niniedy,' after having sntfert: several keatiCribi.:li.'..severe lung airecti. and that dread disease, Consumption, is at, sious to make known 'to his fellow-Nuiferi•ii the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription, hoiii of charge, with the directions for.prepartn; useing the same, which they will find 8 :IN cure for Consonoption,Astma,Bronchitis,C,,A Coughs, etc. The only object of the adverb Beer in sending the prescription is to beiltf.; the afflicted and sproad information aqua conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes ever sufferer will try his remedy, as it win therdnothing, and may prove a blessiii. Parties wishing the prescription, will piew address* RCV. - EDWARD A. Witsos, Williar. sburg, Kings County, New-York. , To THE EDITOR OF THE MARIETTIAN.- Dear Sir.:—With your permission I win!' to say to the readers of ycur paper that i sond, byreturn . mail, to all who wish it, (I'm) a recipe, with full directions for making and using 1 c. 5 simple Vegetable Balm that will eift tually reinove, its tan toys, Pimples, lilutc!lo. Tan, Veckles; and all impurities of the ,k;n ; leaving the same soft, clear, smooth aid ',Jean tifni: I will also mail free to those ham. Bald,Heads, ur . Bare Faces, simple direction? and information that will enable them to soot a full' grovrth - of luxuriant Hair, Whis'.:er , a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return ins:, without charge. Respectfully vows, F. CIIAPDIAN, Chemist 4 . 531 Broadway, N. Y. [sep.3o-3:n :1&C rf3- One Hundred Dollars Reward svill paid by Meseta; C. G. CLARK & CO., medicine alit will cure coughs, colds, cn whooping cough, or relieve COFIRIMP I : cough, us quick as " Coe's Cough Let all our readers bear in mind that Cl11:2% Dyspepsia. Cure will certainly cure the easervAnrwyspepsia m existence ; will pain after eating as soon as you tate i t, is a most-excellect article for all dises3o , : the stomach and bowels. BuntirrEss, DEAFNESS and Catarrh, to' ted with the utmost success, by Dr. J. lsA AL!' Oculist and -Aurist, (formerly of Leydon, ll :' laud,) No. Sl9 PINE street, Philadelphia. 16 timonials from the most reliable sources in City and Country can be seen at hit ot: , The medical faculty are invited to accrimps;!' their patients, as he has no secrets in hit 10 , ' tice. A RT/FICFA 1. EYES inserted witho No charge made for examination. 1.26"/.'' ITCH ! ITCH I ! ITCH ! ! ! SCratCh Scratch!!! Wheaton's Ointment" the Itch in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rau.. Blcers,Chilblains, and all eruptions of the Air- Price 60. cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to - WEEKS & Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, lioAr'' Mass ,tt will be forwarded by mail, free d postage, to any part of the U. States P" ELECTION.—An election for officers of Lancaster and Marietta Turnpike lios: • 151 , Company to serve the ensuing year, u place at the public house of John Ken't'" , Monday the 6th day of November, 1565, o'clock in the forenoon. A. N. CASSEL, &I:Y . Oct. 14.4t.] 113" Lancaster Examiner roF`' L OST OR MISLAID :—A promissory for $5O mane payable to Mrs. Elias ,d ens te teel bearing date June 23d, 1861, has lost or mislaid. Public notice is hereby .4 , 1 !; n that payment will be refused to any i' r " except to Mrs. Bonesteel in person. A. SUMMI. Marietta, Oct. 14, 1865,-3t.f LECTION.— An election for officers of Marietta and Mountjoy Turnpike ItoP rill 14 Epany, to serve the ensuing year, t ie held at the public house of Jacob Funk , , borough of Marietta, on Monday the tigl of November 1865, between the hours of a° 4 o'clock in the afternoon. S. P. STERRET, &C T. Oct. 14, 1865-4t.] ELECTION.—An election for °dicers o' the, Marietta and Maytown Road Company to serve the ensuing Y"'' d take place at the ToBA-louse, on the ran , . Monday the 6th day of November , I B6s, x i' e tween the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock.. C. C. P. GROSH3 Se tober 14, 186b-4t.1 SIM