The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 28, 1865, Image 1

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cfc El.. X_
Corner of North Queen-St., attd ,Cetitre
Square, Lancaster, Pa.
Americo and SWISS Watches .
C:13.00 1:t.;
me GREAT VAilleilr, Ann
THE DM rectontEs..
SPECTACLES in every stYle 0f.€0045%
frame, and with glasses to suit
c oy who need artificial aid. We 'have twen
ty years experience in this buitineii,
Spoons, Forkii,ButthriCiiivesOlor..-atamped
with our name andwarrantad standard.
The best platedware in the United States.
We warrant our beg Table ware-7 Spoons,
&c.,—to wear ten yeira in daily use.
Rings, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs and a va
riety of every article in this line.-
Hair Jewelry made to order. Two hundred
styles, or samples, conatantly on band.
Et" Repairing of Watches, c ram Specta
cles or Jewelry, dome neatly and pptly.
IL L. E. J. ZAHMi.
Comer North Queen
LANCASTER, Street and Cen P tre A. qu Sare,
1 ..
-_ t;' iF e . .-
v OULD must reepectfullrtake this met h
od of informing the citizens of Marietta
and the public in general, that, having laid in
a lot of seasoned Lumber,
is now prepared to
manufacture all kinds of
in every style sod variety, at short notice.
He has on hand a lot of Furniture of his own
manufactu,e, which for fine finish and plod
workmanship, will rival any City make.
Especial attention paid to repairing.
lle is also now prepared to attend, in all its
branches, the UNDERTAKING business, be
ing supplied with an excellent Herne; large
and small Biers, Cooling Fox,
11:PCOFFLN$ finished iu any,stylik—plain
or :oath.
Ware Roam and Manufactory, near M.
Durps nnv building, near the "Upper-Sia
m," Marietta, Pa. - ' [Oct. 22.
DEA.' Ell IN
Picot Building. Marietta. Pa. -
BEGS leave to inform the public that be.
will continue the WIN Elk LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. 'lie wal.coditaistly
keep on band all kinds of
Brandies, Wines,' Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, tc.•
Justly Celebratectilose Whisky,
A very surcrior OLD EYE , WHISKEY
ust received, which is wagremted pure.
SU- All H. D. B. now asks of the public
h a careful examination" of bib stock end Pri
ces) Which will, be le Confident, result in Ho
eJ keepers and others finding it to their ad
wage to make their jukrehaseslrom I ink
P o tr
and Genergi .41aahin(sts, 'Second street
Below 'Coitanabia, Pa.
They are pregihrato 'Mike all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolilng- Mills and Blast'Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar boolq, weights,*c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description;
~M an ner • Pumps, Brick. Praises, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Tips, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam it. Blast Gauges, LUbricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
Prom long experience in building machinery w
flatter ourselves that we can give general sat is
faction to those who may favor
,us with thei
orders, 0-Repairing promptly attended to.
~"° , ,r d eri by mail addressed as atioTie, will meet
""" PIMP attention. Price* to Suit the times.
T. R. SUPP.4O.--
Columbia October 20. MO-
18 65. 1 PHILADELPHIA 1865.
J Paper Ranging.,
North East Corner Fourth and Market streets,
N. E.— Always in store, a large stock of
"nit 2 4,1865.-3 m j •
0 FF I CE : -- Froutstreet, next door to R.
Wam' Drug Store, between Locust
tad INaluut street', Columbia'
SPlngler & Patterson 's Store:
hors 7 To 8 A. St.
" 6TO 7 P.B.
11. " VinttisitED: Vithenit'"
Ora BOLVArgit Mar i
Office in " LINDFAY'S BUILDING ) r secotid
floor, on Elbow bane. between the Post
OffCe 'arnir and Pront•St.,
Lancaster _County, .Pennsylvania.
Ariviartez : Orie squ..ire" (16
fines; or kit) Id Cents firifliteleition itna
Onel &Min-hilt. toria in ertiune POI
fessional and Mildness Cat di,iof sitiin'es.or less
at ; U per antmtp. Notices in.„the,mading
timns, ten
~centsa-tine., AlArrjageis and Deaths,
he simple annotinneumni, FREE.; butler any
additional lines, ten caul s a line.
A liberal deilue.tion ntaiie to yearly aad hal
yearly advertisers.
Hiving just added a " NEwautey Montt-
TAM' JOBBER Pam," together with a large
assortment of ties! . Job and pird, type,. CutN
Borders, &e., fice., tope JO
, Office of " THE
.MARIETTIAN,' ; which . will insure, the f ne
speedy execution of all lands'of JOB & CARD
PHINTIN6, from 'the smallest Citrd to the
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices.
I know I'm ",horrid ugly,". Jape :.
You scarcely need have, stated
That, interesting fact again,
Because it's, aptigeated.
And—patting flattery on the shelf—
I tell you, 4app. slrairel9.
I think your precious plaia .yourself, . _
Although 1 love you
Your nose is DO the,_ . kiod.ornope
satisfy fkPaioer, .
Your locks,are : like. tlie,red, red rose,
Or, just it jitt ie faintor.
Upon your cheek. the glow,of truth
Shines beetroot-colored nearly,.. ,
bounkyou know, to tell tbetrath,
Although I love you dearly )
We useful to possess two eyes
Without the 'least connection,
Where each inquiriug optic'tries
A contrary direction.
It's very flinch more useful, thoith,
Than ornamental clearly;
I'M sorry that you squint, you knaw—
Although I love you dearly.
I think I've said enough to prove •
;You're not,a peifect Venus ;
(And quite sufficient to , remove
Uupleasaptneee I?etw.een.ue.) '
So when you criticize again .
My vi s age too severely,
You'll catch it, I tell you, Jane,
Although! love you dearly i
WRY MEii Stows says
that people of , imall; irieomesrif they ;de
ny the palate to ple'ate
Can Wort `theirlenies witb 4 titatiy" genie
of art: The following incident' hinny" be
sUggeetive to many whO tbeii
Potties inadequate to thei'ivants :
A younrmarchaut who bed just failed
in business, having spent, iii forty Years,
a ,legsicy of ten thoniand . dollars,
dition to his profits realized, es - met
hy , o thrifty young mechanic, wbo had
formerly 1)0430 on terms of intimacy with
him. Poring tbe couversationv which
ensued, the merchant paid to him:
"El - ow is it, Ra.T. l 7 , ttiat,y°u have
able to live and save m oney on the small
aum.which,you received for your seryi ;
cos, while found it initicissible to , liye
in my business; with a gpod round ten
thousand dollars to hack me t"
"Oh," said' 'the mechanic, '"that' is
easily understood.. have lived with
reference, mostly; to the iomforts and
tasteirof myself Slid family, while you
lived 'mostly in - reference to opinions and
tastes of others. Itcosts more;to please
the eye than toikeep•the beck-warm and
A lawyer built himself an office
in the form of a hexagon, or six square.
The novelt y of 'the
. structure attracted
the attention of some Irishmen who
%ere paesing by, theY'inade a full stop
and viewed the-buildini very critically.
The lawyer somewhat diimiisted tbeir
curiosity; lifted up the - Window, put his
head out and ad?ressed theni :
" * hy! do . you stand'Aheie like a pack
of bloCkbeads giatpg it my tiffice
you take it for a church:?"
" Faix,".answered one of them, ".
was thinking so, til,L I
~eaw the devil poke
his headant of the window."
1 -4 • ,
Fry '• Smith hat! one of
ear ".
the greateep curiosities you ev e r 'l44
Don't: say sio—whiqs
"A. tre e that never sprouts and DB-,
0.91.n0.1 Bmalker the...older-0 grows.'!4l4r,el.l, tbat is a • o_uriosity,4
".Frpg Ciktgopia„."
18.*:11.4ake of itin _
,once bekrima to 1.!
California omnibus 1"
every description ex-
tb 1 ,
al e Ay
Tui + ) +
) 1
/ *
an az.lizz 3.43bir
Scene closes by Bob tbrowjpg pp OA-
. - ,,t1
- at , 164 . 4 -
• writen• ,
MARIETTA, 'SATURDAY M9,11,N1NG,, MAR 28, 1865.
This was how,thelr parted. It was a
imm t mer andtheieteod under a
vine cohered porch, fall'aid `indol4'
holding her slight drooping figure in his
arm. Bending Over' har, till his lips
ronelied her's, - ha 'said :
"Iron will never forget: me ? You
are my own promised wife ?"
is iosei: never forget,"
1 may 'be One. Yejtra, sweet one
Will you wait Air me'?"'
" kali! "Wait."
And,'with',a piesbibate`embrace, he
left her standing,, white' and Still, in the
'Pale ringing step
carrying ont'lii a new 'life,' new
stones; the biatfe ; her
trembling feet bearing' her back to t,he
old Monotony; anbrokeir by the sun=
Shine Aal:hed gladdened it-'—the light
of his love.
"She was Very air and pretty, and
sixteen summers only had printed their
warm lriaaes ,her lips, when she atpod
in the.porch on that_moonlighteyening
Her BillUAL4re.4 B ,9f.elleaP. ecittdee .Priat
could mot hide, her graceful - ; figure, .and
the soft ,crirls.shaded eweet,,,mhildish
faceabut the small hands:Were. scarred
with, work-;,.the rotigli•:•lieal of .p.oe.CrtY
was stamped on nll ; her surroundings-id.
Ake yih -been.° eig hho re, ,the6oilo,ol3,
from .the time when they were, reeke,dlin
their, . baby .pred les and : they, hadrgrown
up, aide-by ,side,,..knowing ne pleasure
that was not Oared between, them.
She was the only chilff of a, widowed
mother, the yillageseamstress ;,,be J 300.1 3-
WA o,f go-highor or.igin-than the parent :
age, of: village schoolmaster afforded:
But the monotouy oflife, in the,obscure
country-town; had-Nat• -last wearied the
ainbitions bOY; and lie tiad'''Witilig i fiom
hirefether aielneltei Consent' to try` his
fortune •in- the world oafs - side Eirciiiiet
home, of which' 'he had heard - maili.L%
seen nothing. He wee °rage; a man of
tine intelleatifil'Proiniee, unpolished but
well studied - learning, °llion°, dinbi
tido, and' Courage, *hen "he preiised - his
fitraWell alien 'the lips Cif the maiden
Whosei heart lie had•wou. 'His father, a
istridiriiii liaz 'innatered
iniromiie'`fdOT •boote-learbint ;
thik gifted lord - refined,' cleared at all
rinelesadriiss, - he h e ad id/parted' to his
efity acki-: A:trot her' of his mother's `s
lawyer in NW' fiiiintide, consented
to take the yegekiaisp.,to „office on
trial, and "if, there .was any attain him,
teach him and Actlettv4oo B
f a ihr,l4 lonely ,been ; _hie,,rveatheartin
breaking heart, golemauj ee turaed
hie back ,on wl4: hems ,and
PositiPß •
Four,years rolle d ~,away The, meek
widow n whoue needle had l kn owe bat iit.-, for many weary years, lay atlast
in the little churchyard ;. the old school
master, .who'had lost his son, had taker'
into his lepeli 12011138 the widow'ep . hild;
suiLcckkelfuo l , Lee was still far meal
from his village home. Hie lotters to
the fair-haired girl Whine heart:liwAad
won,:wate Brat long- and frequent
then they' grew: ahorter,.snd:came ' at
lontiatervals;Aind at last' 'that 'ceased
altegottier,Ainif shiThad learned: the r,bit
ter lesson of neglect' To - his'father • 'he
wrotetrequentlxi•and ihe• knew: that he'
Mee 'hie profession;,' was admit
ted.•tato the beet societrthe eitye Could
afford-; - was becoming known, arid-earn'-
in'g a competent Support`; but no Word
of.return fattier, or home,
ever crept into his letters that were
read with such sad hearts at
From the time when Helen Montgom
ery had from the vine-wreathed
porch to . eriter:her.popr.home, the 'had
made a, new resolution,
.whicti r threugi,
hard, striviig, she had kept,. , She . had
felt, bitterly, that her y . education and
manners were. far-below the ; slander))
Which he would seek in hia wife, after
he bad lived in the. g.reat world outside
of I.;:=-2, - leard , hlieliad'tiatakeil her mind
to , reachlthiitidhal , ititage sheladcorected
for miidel. 'For' montbe' Fier. life
lad no 3 Chaoire from the .uronotony. of
household drudgery; and aidinKlier Moth'
or-in thk4itirtroutineiof sewing ;":then
'She was orPhined, and the , bld'
reaater'Optiohd : hie `borne 'for' how- !He
lied iiitowiiefliiitioh'ikenka7ghtiedt; dad
lie eehily perinlided-thw . gentle`-girl to
'hid hik-theeiy 'cottage':
From the day wheen her foot first passed
0a I : ll relkkk?..!4 , *) l 4.!! ° P ° 4, t!'- 1 ?!' r 44 3
opened for plao, trom?cmair
hpldls.rorkte,nlyjh4led upon Ao superin
tend thelsher of the itipx servant, she
lier 3 Thol.,:bear:t4o study. The old
schoolmaster, who had saved a modest,
income, and given up his school to a
was oo) to • •at
. a ry l •
Broken Vowe.
from aiTonlitint learnin g a stream
into this young, 'eager. mind. As the
COnTiction f,ofvoeleman!al faithlessness
glinAdground. in Helen% mindiihelgseir
mom .engrossedoin neweistudies,l
MerviOageri , tp•stiflei:the/ horrcek! oft her
heart in the expanding intellect; and
cultivation 'of her mind. Sri the four
• • -
years Crept away.
It' in` 'the
sthoolibiiiiir'ilittle`Cettage 'l&.re 'are
again "gebiletniin r : from
New 'York, a man 'of "ref and
taste, has come for a few days' fishing to
fuld-4, 16 Pfkilmatded•thrhold gentle
man tu,give44oilemuniu room :for a
ORO, step The
,dale f ; lengthened ,into
weeks th on pulp mex,dre,w ; tomt Al ose
but. the, visitor, , lingered._ 'Then - sorrow
came ; a lingerjug fever seixed the feeble
frame of the , schoolmaster, and
,he sank
to'reet in the arms of ittegi4 Who. had
been his son's promised wife. — Four
yours, and 'the
parlor of the e cottage lisening
another' lover pleading for a plitee to her
hUart, the'right to comfort her sorrow.
In the room lay the celd, still
form of her Only , protector, was
how the pail:Mad' iotdd' theM. This
was theimissive• he broughtto the •doub
ly bareeved girl,lorphaued 'for the 'NC
ond .time :- • •
Dearlielen ,, atri , Writing ;to ask a
release from the obildishengagarrient
ilonhAltss; hsekute L irksome
to .ygn long,ago. z ee wove , mere nhil
drtm,,,mpeo j oaricd,'aft!l ; Aountless
ypu pave met' with, ; some, one
!mpg, will make, your.
_happier ,than t
can. For your long devotion to„iny e fa
ther, I peg you will accept my heartfelt
thanks; and ;iiiCiiiiieances
tyCo sateN T•kg."
Tail' Pattie thaaniwai was
"Your father was puma this morning.
I slialf beeinaleilia u tO-MarAii, 'gnd
for Europe with my husband - in week.
',IEEEL'Eir,..i. MIINTGQ1111ilLY: 1 ?
;00:11EtiVall how ther metao..!' • ..- 1- , 1::
frivolone:anitempty -headed; *mirk, give
a , graattparty.% , ..lEverybody. - was invited,
and every body.-vitnie. !Igra:
weii„whypeprd,istd*,llo:lPl etar, , to intro
duce to themorld of faitiiat itidOw of
her n. phegw , tOOBe r9 o.llstid beauty ;
ikkisr; i. The ; parlor? were; well filled
when Cciteniatil;ee, one of litre:
favorite "cards," came
Noir, my diihrY~Mr: -Lee," said I ;the
gap bostede ; itritteriorip" td= thilgrave
Mdite ittifidtide you to ;My;
niece. J'lttiiiitlliet;:firstiiiirty4inee` she
left 'Tlieriv she let
now, under the center chandelfo4,:dligit
inpwitV:Eleury, .
Coleman 4040. saw a, 44,
grace fultp(oroaNtlady, dressed in olopda
'of; soft white lace; with diamonds spark
ling onther.thro4 And, Her fair
hair,, droopinerot& &jeweled • Icomb, an
rich gimp:m(lB4v* snowy; coMPleijon
tinte&with ae-faint peach-like .glow , on
the, cheeks; .her "we BA ; pyee of ,the
darkest blue ; the regular features—all
malyta„vision that was indeed lovely.
"SO sad," continued Mrs. Cciitia,
"m7RePhe wOrilylisedliiitaial(ei
marriage. Died of rdalarious fever in
kome, throe,yeara ago; ,'Cointilet me
" Mrs. ourtis, allow
_meto, lot:idles
one of my dearest friends. Xt. Cole
man Lee, Mrs. Curtis."
® ; rested a
moment on w%we. epotleesi- kid
gliriew= and' , 86i:bey rriat: • No Arinion- Of
theivioein'oireindlidieh•crosae'd kik-thin&
as Abe 'radiant ; *finnan
before batin tier refir - e,litag !the
parting words;..ria eweptt kis
#a a¥# lord tallifigirer - ;
The tit :dale ,
j ug; nius ic ! ,,am @ ,ll-te t tlf : N4 i ,f144g 4 ,4 pnd
the ppaitsitatjggge;.,!?x,94
wee' elna J u 2 6 -
‘ l .)lElbt and Helen dTe7,l l9 r
11.08401 M dO,lO, °RAVI $4 110. c!,Pc!°2.5 4 ,11T.;
one miunte...bekr_wweegg
is Colem a n Lee r '
the moat 'diatingdislied law
PT g. "
istn. NOW' diii;t:b4atbe it, Nell, if
Jwijn i, He 1 ,S 4
O: . 7.t.••• , • ••., t
"Oh, `1113411, - one
Y-Ofi did' notimoveher-4. she
rigid 'old Wiloottibe !en& went Sol Paris.
She flirted' Witb'eirerytrody4; bet we =WI
thought' l oohglia .- Lee- . Ull'4'o'6lo hes.'
de r tairilylibriftufeirestedebbWiliatakems.
bow she bad heard a story &boat: /NM
• -to;;;
!minimafrom _the country; but *hob
his uncle, died yand7left himiweelthy, , ,of
gavi up all : his ;old sonnee7
tinny. 'Lan* w a ver, cheer& some:
thing, andivanatid WM.!' 7=lle- his • been
very- reserved.; an&lalmosti evecinse=evl
ei eincliv=4,oldrar weeklaftef she' sent
him off; his.iinela, died,. and hni heard' of
the death of his 'Tetkel:., yhreeeuch
blows io one week Wore 'riithfigli bake
any one iol t einn ter awhile • but `he bse
surely hadliine to recover in four years.
iieuiff think so istid"
heauty Bennie:6d stairs' tio
"So, t,hii is tlui'seci•et of my rejection,"
the'rutirinured, as She nestled ifolik in
the' sdit : pilldw ;" lora another,. and
that" other iefuild& " him Pe"e'aapeie
;"-• '• ;-: ;;;
idaytherit'a like fate - again," '
It was quite an easy task
69 wis-,the; man, whose loy,e, bed ben
hers in past years. ..Itares 7 , difficult to
meet him i,flkr,ll.e. Wee nehltorbe4,-
profess ional ; d atieseend ;oared i hut. little
for society, and:the first few" ) interviews
ware!hard to gainwtoThenfshe;
e very wherel„, and it , ,wae; not fore
she knew; Aba.taelotold, her, smile:: was
the.sunshine ;of bier life. / With: 'Pitiless
res olu tiok she drac him -to .her ; r side..
Every art that dress could i give her won
derful beauty she called into play ; all'
OWS11; she'kept in graiefurt-iitar for the'
eyes Shitnhfolded 'the buithra
tied 'intellect; he' browildeirid Eby •
her vp,ried informatidu - and brilliant
conversation ;''ter 'rich - voice =" - poured,
•, •
fritthlts choi c e s t sohis Tor hifir'; as d
diy bY day,'Ele'foldrierdritt Obis 'heart:
new garlands of love and adiairatieri..
40„o'hiIiii,j61,,lIrst, her t aisii - Was, bet e to
punish; -esthe,gline progressed ; ohe
; too,
hogen,,to mlm unnspected,
wni‘l4 lll olco l o 4 o4R7
tt=rengthe, ,n0.1‘ , -1 18 r; 7cit!°.iPti" that the
meni-,w4he1e. 1 9190,40 1 0" ,na, * 1 0!
c94 l qP l lLa-, 1 1, , Pe t4.9.l44?. r aisaPpPintZ 7
ed love was not the boy who had bidden
her farewell-on-the; moonlit porch eight
befOre:lwi , • ' ;==; . kr*
She was sitting ther, parlor,.
one lettiMit'her'lngers ,4 sit*.
oirii the iTory liiiiii
, htinkideont little Snatches' of melddy
as" Clif f practiced • care Filircitude
them in idle momentitg"Siiddedli
wsrepS ! the l k,syn srWalew
and, begmi4o, sink lier voice Alla the
iarge pains, as siwpcurod,ii i ut, the full,-
,clear till 119'4 t.4°o4*.P i r
stink AP°!itTa4l; 441,1, a German tiong,_inj
#4') minor `lctip OL I -offsk 4l9 ll
4 11 it1 1 /
tender worartnn , lnitenViiel- :.;
She r aiitep cross:,
stoOdjbeside4wir I:kW - she-sank - Am 'VIE
-the gentian finished; :Alien I Awned: 1.o!
411 r: V.:
Withoutione wor&tiwbioak , ihn abrupt'
iterrentr he tOld:her:ofide%lote, bentlif*-
down to catch thel . expriseiok; ofktke
face drooping One
part of the tale she had lot Loped to'
, Humble w his , great love, he told"
har , oi; thavi i llagtgiti' who i had
r won 403,
boyish passlooef who I Ladi
il s ":(^ ,
o EFeed the . 1 4ed... 1 1"re 0 1 . e.efli!rihec4-
He bared his heart her , an d she read
how the sin and scirs,ow haii.Pannee'adal
`enrnitile'd him; eintrat she' listened, ; the
4tritain "of reveognillic,hlad 'filled. •lutir'
heart,. iras swept Raids!, by hili.eloquenCe.
40:you'reineufter. *leo 'you and Helen .
Avere;.reeeting ,one October. day, years'
ago, how she fell and cut her forehead,
And how to soothe
her 143,:a a nd bound. it lop!
-Re only gazed at her in amazement
•',DO you remember Y one ammo.
."C.! 7 ,
"See," _she sn'k e raisin a 'the soft` Curls
from her temPle - k audidaciag •her finger
'on the. sear, qearshder *Kt wounded
heartt. morsf. , iforetritharr the, lard
stone had wnundeflehoreface.l4,
t' 0 tio,
"AS !" she - sighedv ;smiling- °golds
"9124yjilifiketiii Nisei till heart, wound
as in these rohildi`s days hour" tsneh:
wrappedbrought comfort "
,s l):tarms;
and pressed his' li'pa
in the vine-wreathed.,iorch; _eight years,
-bolsi*, -he lieldblmT his .-heartuped!
-liesidamrtansiesit to,his.,pleadingsatwith : ,
fewiletutworde ;,landlAbjlB4he
rows werelorgiven
_ 0.. i A
- '• etCl6ll4 palloplikalpollllo4o4.
rilfrod4nehriiere in the beetc:thirtie iftthe
world either to get a good osatoor .oup
ply 40 !ER 01-0.
i '
itr#it iteiokgl.6oitobig it4ill.o4al
MRAIiTS 4 obtpiaroadßia, by Itatading Rail
R:oad *Wu. which n'tea minute s faster
thxda that•OUPeanaylvazaa Kiarasa.
zats - awAri aim *OLLOWII:
r...! 2aEIeArIIITG t01tT114.1.4 "AT-
000.4. - 111.•=tifaii Passenger train fo
Reedirigand .Anteimediate stations
atinheardg daili, except Mon
cig3riArktil fitie , Exproiss otP..R. It. reaching
Philadelphia pit, IN3 o .in.tlm.morning ; leaving
Mai:diem) at ; Litiz et 7:54 ; Ephrata et
8123; Reinholdsville at B:so . i.liitilfing Springs
at 9:16 ; and.arrivingoit.Ri-adiogist-9:35 a. m.
At ReadipAconnection is node •with Fast,Es
press' train SVE,ser 'Pennaylviiiiia Rail Rind,
l'efthjogiNeiv-iYork, at e. M. with train
of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, reach
iti PhilidelPhia At 12:451). m., and also with
trams for Pottsville; the-lebanon Valley and
tiarristmtg. ,
- 4410:r0i itmolincitad iliterMediate sti
tions,conhectingat,Landisville at 2:50 .M.
wit)2 l a titbit of It. ,R., both
•Eaatand Wiet;leavihrEttitiheitiiab3:26;' Litiz
3:41 ;. „Ephitta at4:l,os Aghthottyville, 4:37
'Sinkitig - SpnifgesA3 ind arriving at Reading
at45:20.P1 M.JDAvßoaditolicohhebtitiOiii made
with trains for. Pottsvilleand Lebanon Valley.
641 • 11
47 -. --P 467- :P.4 BB ER,GER • TRAIN
ufor Columbia a n d intermediate eta
bona, leaving Sinking ;8016geisti 26; Rein.
boulaville at 6 04, Ephrata at 7 2i, Litiz at
7,64,Manlnim at ,l 3 connect:los at
Landisville troth 'of' Peolk's Railroad,
.reaithing • Lanciiatei , M. and phi's
76P19tii_i' vat 12:36 arrAving.. at, ,Folumbia, at 9
o'clock X:M.; - tlier4'notineeting' the Ferry for
,Wrightsville? and Northern °Undid' Railroad,
04 11;15 A. 21 , ..w...!th. i tkaimof Penn ' a. Railroad
'for the Went." " •
l'it.==Mitil • Paaleoger Train for
=l.O COlurobta eaddatermediste•atitioaa
with passeagert; leaving= fiew l ,Yerk at 12,M. ,
and Philadelphia 3:30'1 1 : leaving kink
king Spiinge at 6:31; Liteanholdsville 6:66 Eph
rare ; Maoheim ; connec -
Air% at•Landiavilla - with - lin.'Expreee train of
ithe;ft-,R-..R.:„.f0r Lin caster/ and: Philadelphia,
reaching Philadelppka At.ll.:3o .p. ar
riving at Colilmtila at'B : s.l
P. . •
- The Pleasure to 'Eohritts and
Litiz Springs from New-York, Philadelphia,
.p.altissorgsiud i other)pcilits,hs . hy this pcimdule
acommodated,severartinkes per day wit h
trailleconnetifinklit ditedionf.'
• -1119 - Tbiohl tiekeld tb- Moir - 4Np*, Philo-
.ha 11 / 3 - 4 i/PIRtPr • mid, at,, principal sta
it as.t t - tamed with ittrhost proint
nabs bad•liil . ad?, skittle, doweist rates. •
~,,,„_t• •., ...r-,.. t l ' ' •
- - - Inither r itifordation aritirret kn id to Freight
orirassenge,rmerbil °Waked: the ageatt
,of,the .Compsay.„, i , I , •
.” ' ' MENDES COHEN, Superintendent.
-EalF." ICE,EffiElkd GlifnefaktFreigtit andllekes
• ' t A g e11 ;" 1 • i5 . ... i!. ;. ,, . I ,-' .- •
. .
4 0 tin
; t11365V1b61, -06141 'SILVER 1
1 • T 0 ,1 7 V; 0 1 0 1 0 I
o .71 , 5 C31 $Oll -S2l.
. 1 12 WC ) al2GDl,lars 1
r frirtittr AUNTS.
-One -,elAtor Qq.l4..pt4iiver,,,Watphes, or
,95ilver Tea - Agett artbekle agate&
,- 1 1nR i gg mutes gels or out Soce.,of our ,Gold or
Siliturware is Width irY,usheiof the cheap dol
ta tuna:; • •,.•
We have adopted the following mode of
,TAT° 6 itt *fQD•g;
P'SurseceiiVeff2s o ceilts, 461lich playa for
„OtinO.Pontlenc44.llPAlge, etc.. wePloetld one
'` iJtioirkiiiipts $1 *hi& *Os for -corral
-PM* ileecis9.44lSWynto.,lfo email 1 six - nal ces.
, ,Potn r. sesesit 040,5, which pas for corms
iiiinaince, Visage,- etc,' •we =sent 40 , notices.
Aid-fibecinimPa4 vl4lNot at no 1 4es tha.n 0 15 ,
as a sample of op r goods.
Upon receitit Of $ll4 iebich pays forcorres
pondenwpostage; stet; we will send 150 no -
"OM, ai d aaolictSipier.Wetc,ti,ly return mail.
Agents !Militia.. Send for our circular !
hielititlillcissidrii , 'large! c 1 It
45'01 1 4. 1 cf4.,14ke5:15. 6 nA1ekC5W weekly, .
nitAbidresaypisialyi. :.; '
61§8 * ; liirf i torkteify;ll. Y.
xx 7 ASHINGTON.4keIeten Skirts. The
. E .beietArrliclt Gf the kind made eqsch Skirt
*Sire Agents for the I4tanu
-fattuter.4,4 's;
'F •
qprle .Ca4isipteresios,Puits, Cloths, ee
lings; Selina,' Coficitiadlsi, Shifting Flannels,
ifeethlrias,4c,!..l,4l-. L.,. :
Mtteline h g~CingsnpA, Checks , Osriaburge
'Drifts 'had - Flanneli,' Meetings; Diapers and
Fangio. I , ll3able iind4lloes Oil - Cloth,
'lfOoking Waimea t altd,,,Blapiti?ts, Transparent
and,gothind Blind's: • "
Wtill and Window Paper, Ingrain and Rag
Carpet, Wool and lasien. Carpet Chain. A
mosoOlnisa4,Eloya.snd. *ens , Hats And
Caps; Common Ana Nue "Crises Ware, Fine
'aniikitelDinntigets. l
Su Syiuli. Teas - Few lilackeral in all
NO& &slid :"Ettinia - and 'Med
pmel44._ All at the 19weet
k ".' - s ' 4 ';' - itialllV RMillk , ,
Anew article in this •znarifel, and far-supetior
to any; otAer in use. A few reasons why :
"First.-L-Thei artofrets tffoui 'twine, which is
affmtok._ by-the.runebdind , .li!Oie to rut, caus
ing the railing out of the bristles.
Seion,"4 .- I =nkiri briiiiik' aid ;inserted in the
;mind, cas.hodY al abatitush; 'when green, which
when dry, causes Om to be held firmly in
alplacela. ;
effany `an 'b
l ent shking or shrink
age lto ett'th :- - - -
a w
Wir.—Theysitte dißristles exclinrivs
hi; .IPTHVI ikiasAa.❑ l korkit&-aatiTalied ,l 4 Part, of
. .. ,i
' , 'FlifirrhiX-arheStelitkiC:aletu *Am -ft the
tokip.,_44,9 — my kink
1.14 60 11
' exel ' P resi a rlM - SiriNGLER,
r, . ,
, , AT kigresie:4
VGA& ElTerlirAtie Wadds,-
DPRontbs faionitle arid 4.le.geA p We a k er Pow
k e a r
I & P % 11 "701f e rNITGL.E. &
~~ 4
.31:11113 Psxididteal Drops, suit Clarkir" -
11M* Vine, ectetet Aftt