IbLIA hi II ALL & SON, 543 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DRIG GS New Patent Piano Fortes Which are creating the greatest sensation in the musical world, and have received the high est testimonials from all the leading ar tists in the country, among whom are S. Thalberg, Wro. Mason, L. M. Gottschalk, Francis H. Brown, Wm. Henry Fry, Theodore Eisfeld, M. Strackosch, Max Maretzek, Heiman A. Wollenhaupt. Having purchased the Agency of George A. Prince & Co's Melodeons, Automatic and School Organs, from their late Agent, Charles E. Bacon, we will be pleased to receive orders for those celebrated Instruments, and will al ways endeavor to keep a sufficient supply on hand to fill all orders at sight. The most lib eral discounts given to the Trade, Churches, Clergymen and Schools. AIL lash uments war ranted for five years. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Flutes,. Banjos, Violins, Guitars, iolin Strings, Accordeons and all kinds of Brass and other Musical In struments for Bands. _ PUBLISHERS OF SEIEET MUSIC Just published, "The Venite," a new col lection of Chants for the Episcopal Service, opening and closing Voluntaries, Musical So cieties,.Classes, and for the Social Circle, by Virgil C. Taylor. Price,---Boards, 85 cents; Cloth, One Dollar. In press, and will soon be issued, Bassini's twenty Melodic Exercises for the study of the proper art of singing, by Carlo Bassini, auth or of Bassini's Art of Singing. AND I'ANO-FORTE CALISTHENICS, a collection of Five Finger Chord and Scale passages, for speedily developing the muscles of the fingers and acquiring that degree of fiek ibility, independence and volubility, which are so indispensable to a good performance on The Piano Forte, By Francis IL Brown. Music sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the marked price. WILLIAM HALL & SON, 6m] 543 Broadway, New-York. A RCANA WATCH. —x— The cases of this Watch are an entirely new invention, composed of six different metals combined, rolled together and planished, pro ducing an exact imitation of 18 carat gold, called Arcane, which will always keep its color.—They are as beautiful as solid gold, and are afforded at one-eighth the cost. The case is beautifully designed with Panel and shield for name, with Patent Push Pin, and engraved in the exact style of the celebrated Gold Hunting Levers, and are really hand some and desirable, and so exact un imitation of gold as to defy detection. The movement is manufactured by the well known St. Jimer Watch Company of Europe, and are superbly finished, having engraved pallets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold balance and the improired jewelled action, with line dial and skeleton hands, and is warranted a good time keeper. These' Watches are of three different sizes, the smallest being for Ladies, and are all Hunting Cases. A case of six will be sent by Mail or Express for $125.00. A single one sent in a handsome Morocco Case for $25.00; will readily sell for three times their ccst. We are sole agents for this watch in the United States, and none are genuine which do not bear our Trade mark. Address GIRARD W. DEVAUGH CO. . Importers, 15 Maiden Lane,N. Y. 3mos A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a sealed envelope. Price SIX CENTS. A Lecture on the nature, treatment, vnd radi cal cure of SPERMATORRIICEA, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex ual Debility and impediments to marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilep sy, and Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from self-abuse, &c., by Dr. Robt J. Culverwell, author of the "Green Book," &c. The world-renouned author, in this admire- We Lecture, clearly proves from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of self abusemay be effectually removed without me dicine, and withoutdangerous surgical opera tions, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition, may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postage paid, on receipt of Six Cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publish ers CHAS. .T. C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowery, New-York, Post-office Box 4,586. June 17, 1865.-Iy. JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta GRATEFUL for past favors I would returr my thanks to my numerous friende and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business atthe old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES c VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shorte notice by the best of workmen, and on reasonat ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wai upon my old customers and all who see proper of patronize me hereafter. fOct.29-,56. Estate of Charles Kelly, late of the. Borough of Marietta, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate bay ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same w!ll present them without delay for settlement to the undersign ed; residing in the Borough of Marietta. JOHN AUXER, • Administrator. Marietta, June 17, 1865. 45-6 t CHEAP READY-MADE PLOTHING !! Having just returned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is detern ined to sell Low, FOR CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS, PANTS ' VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDBOUTS, (knit) OVEREA TJLS,'CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be ore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL. Lerner of Elbow Lane and Market. St next door to Cassel's Store. AN IMPROVED LANTERN. THIS is the most desirable Lantern in the market. It burns Coal Oil without a Chimney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure, white light. It stands quick motions in any direction. The flame is teguiated from the outside. It is neat and compact in form and size. It is free from solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. For sale at JOHN SPANGLER'S Hardware Store, on Market street. B A ZIN'S PERFUMES. The latest and most exquisite, such as "K%4.9 me Quickly," " IJpper Ten," " Hydeosmia,” ti West End," " Jockey Club," and also Po mades and Hair Oils. Examine 'our stock. Are can please you 10 price and qualit3 GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE. A TTENTION !. SPORTSMEN ! ey's Gun Caps, Eley's Gun Wadds, Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder Baltimore Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, sold, at JOHN SPANGLV-IPS. TLANDLORDS!'O Just received, Senteh and Irish WIIIBKI.EB t warran ted pure, at H. D. lienjamain's. G REAT SALE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, $1.000,000 WORTH! To be disposed of at One Dollar each, without liegard to value, not to be paid for until you know what you are to re- MED BY A. H. ItOWEN 4s- GO., [AGENTS AND M.A.NurAcTuRERsj NU. 36 BEEKMAN-ST., NEW YORK Read the following list of articles to be sold for One Dollar. 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches each $125,00 100 " Watches, various styles " 75,00 200 " Ladies' Gold Watches " i. 0,00 500 Silver Watches each $2O to 35 6,000 Latest style vest & neck chains 5 " 20 5,500 Gent's California Diamond pins 5 " 20 4.000 California Diamond ear drops 5 " 10 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins 5 " 10 2,000 California Diamond and enamelled Gent's scarf pins new styles 5 " 10 2,000 Masonic and Emblem Pins 3 " 10 2,500 Gold Band Bracelets, engraved 3 "20 3,000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches 3 " 10 2,000 Cameo Brooches 5 ~ 20 3,000 Coral Ear-Drops 4 •" 6 2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains S " 15 6,000 -Gent's Pins, a splendid assort 2 "10 4,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons 3 •' 10 3,00 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets 3 " 10 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain'& engraved 2 " 8 10,000 Plain and eugravea rings 2,50 "10 8,000 Lockets, richly engraved 2 to 10 15,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, new and latest styles 6 " 12 5,000 Handsome Seal Rings 3 " S 2,000 Sets Bosom Studs 2,50 " 6 1,000 Gold Pena and Gold Holders 15 " 25 2,000 Sets Jet and Gold Pins and Ear drops, latest styles, very rich 6 " 10 2,000 Gold thimbles, Pencils, &c. 4 " 6 10,000 Gold pens, and silver cases 5 " 3 10,000, " " Ebony holders • 4 " 6 This entire list of beautiful and valuable goods will be sold for One Dollar each. Certi ficates of all the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. These envelopes are sent by mail, as ordered, without regard to choice. On the receipt of the certificate you will see what you are to have, and then it is at your option to - send the dollar and take the article, or not. Five certificates can be ordered for $1 ; elev en for $2; thirty for $5: sixty-five for $10; and one hundred for $l5. We will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents. Agents wanted to whom we offer special terms ; send 25 cents for one certificate and our cireular with terms. A. H. BOWEN & CO., (Post Office Box 4270,) No. 36 Beekman-at., May 27-6m.] New York. HMI'S LAFfIP HEATH APPARATUS. Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping— WITH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTS THE ROOM. * * * By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. * * —N. Y. Tribune. * * * Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment * • * convenient to have on hand. * * Drug gist's Circular. * * * Fish's . Lamp is one of the most popular ,novelties of the day, * * * the utility 9.f . it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking small articles, and can be Made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers. * Scienti f ic American. * * * * For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comfort beyond all propor tion to its coat. * Hall's Journal of Health. * * * I have tried the apparatus, and my wife and I proclaim the same a most valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how we could have so long done with out it. • • Ed. Coal Oil Circular. * * * An economical contrivance for getting up heat at short notice for nursery and general household purposes, * * * one important point is the saving in cost over coal fires. * • N. Y. Evening Post Prices from Two to Six Dollars. Capacity from One to Four Quarts. Three Articles Cooked at one time with one Burner Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pnges fur nished gratis_ THEUNION ATTACHMENT, Price 50 Cents, To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lam,. or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled, and food cooked ; also arranged to support a shade. Every Family needs one. WM. D. RUSSELL, Agent, No. 206, Pearl St., New York. E Agents Wanted. Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John Spangler's Hardware. A GRICULTURAL 11 CHEMICAL COMPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. THE FERTILIZERS prepared by the. Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a capital of $250,000,] have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ma nures now offered in any market. The Com pany's list embraces the following : PABULETTE. Tbis Fertilizer is composed ot night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, togethef with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have used it. OMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This high ly phosphatic fertilizer, is particulurly adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Fruits, Lawns and Flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and ftuit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to se— cure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. it is composed of such elements as make it adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of soils. The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have re ceived the highest approval of eminent chem ists and scientific agriculturists. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultu rat Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Limc in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very supe- Liar article is produced, so far art° be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. TERMS CASH.—AII orders of a Ton, or more, will be delivered at the railroad stations and the wharves of shipment, free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of six barrels oriess. , One> Dollar per Ton allow ance for cartage will be made on all sales de livered at the werks of the Company, on Ca nal;.Wharf. . Aertionzatra.ar. CHEMICAL CO.'S WORKS, At Canal Wharf, oretbe Delaware.: . . Office, 4.14 Arch St.,. Philadephia, R. FITTS, General Agent. The, Company's .Phamphlet Circular, em 'bracing full directions for using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested. A 1 I 113 Wl ' s II r 1 I r 111 i‘ri llrl E RO WNING'S Excelsior Coffee Whilst trying Coffee 01 all the varionsbrands. Remember "BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" —at the head it stands. True, it's not like others that are "SOLD EVERYWHERE." A little stretch, we all do Inow, good goods will easily'bear, ( But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere"— is very apt to tear. ) Now, I can study say, without any hesitation. There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCEL- SlO in this enlightened nation. Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from any store Possessing the same ingredients as "Brown ing's Excelsior." Nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffee trade, Who knows the articles from which "Brown- ing's Excelsior's" made, Pm told it's made from barley, rye, wheat, beans, and peas ; Name a thousand other things—but the RIGHT ONE if yon please. Bat with the Coffee-men I will not hold con- teution For the many, many things they say—too nu- merons to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running round from store to store To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's Excelsior," Some who know my Coffee gives perfect sat isfaction, Have formed a plan by which they hope to cause a quick reaction. The case—'tis with a few ; no doubt ?twill be more— To name their Coffee after mine, (BROWN ING'S) EXCELSIOR." Some say their's the only bran 1 that will stand a ready test. Now, trya little of them all—see which you like the best. Three years have passed away since I first sold a store ; Never have I in your paper advertised before ; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more, _ like some used by "everybody," "sold everywhere," in "every store." A trade like this it do not wish ; the orders I could not fill; The factory all Jersey's land would take— leave not a foot to till. My trade is not so very large ; still I thick I have my share; But, reader, yo‘. may rest assured, 'tis NOT "SOLD EVERYWHERE." Manufactured and - for Sale by the writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING, No. 20 Market street Camden, New Jersey This coffee is not composed of poisonous drug§ it contains nothing deleterious; many persons use this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee ; it takes but one and a half ounces to make a quart of-good strong coffee, that being just one-half the quantity it takes of Java Coffee, and always less than half the price. RETAIL DEALERS may purchase it in less quantities than ten gross at my prices from the Wholesale Grocers. EMPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBODY. -o Great Sale of Jewelry, Watches, Chains, Diamond Rings, Silver-Ware, German and French Fancy Goods, &c., worth - over sBoo,oooall to be sold with. out reserve. Eveiyone to have something valuable. LIST OF THE ARTICLES. Gents Gold Hunting Case Watches SSS to 150 Ladies Gold Enaml'd Case Watches - $5O to 85 Gents Hunting Case Silver Watches 35 to 70 Gents Gold Watches, double time 75 to 150 Gold-plated Watches in magic cases 15 to 50 Gold Plated Watches Enameled, for Ladies, 35 to .50, Diamond Rings 50 to 100, Gold Vest and Neck Chains _ 10 to 30, Gold Oval Band Bracelets , 4 to 8, Chased Gold Bracelets 5 to 10, Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains sto 20, Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4 to 10, Lava and Florentine Brooches t o 6, Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches to 8, Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Flor., Ear Dreps 4 to 8, Coral, Opal, and Emerile. Ear Drops 4to 6, California Diamond Breastpins 2,50 to 10, Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys 2,50 to 7, Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3, to 8, Solitare Sleeve Buttons, Studs, etc., 3to 10, Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc., 4 to 7, Miniature Lockets 4 to 8, Miniature Lockets-Magic spring sto 10, -Gold Tooth Picks, Crosses, etc., 3 to 10, Plain Gold Rings. Chased Gold Rings 4 toll, Stone Set and Signet Rings 3 to 10, I California Diamond Rings 3 to 10 Ladies' Jewelry in Sets-Jet and Gold 8 to 15, Ladies' Jewelry in sets, Cameo & -Pearl, 4 to 12, Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holder & Pencil 4 to 10,- Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Holders 5 to 10, Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders 6 to 15, Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 20 to 50, Silver Castors, Fruit and Cake Baskets 2.5 to 50, Silver Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, per dozen 20 to 40, Silvir Plated Tea Pots and Coffee Urns 35 to 50 Silver ,Plated Ice Pitchers & Molasses Cups 25 to 60. See what the most popular and widely cir culated periodicals say of our Establishment : From the "Dispatch" of February 25, 1865. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the announcement of Messrs. Devaugh & Co.'s Great Sale of Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, in our advertising columns. We are personality acquainted with the members of this firm and know them to be gentlemen of steiling worth and integrity. Their stock of goods, for variety and extent we have scarcely seen paralleled*. From the "Mirror of FaShion," March 1, 1865 Messrs. Devaugh & Co.'s Great Sale of Jew elry, etc., opened on the 15th ult-, and we venture to sey that no finer display of goods was ever exhibited by any establishment in this city. The ladies thronged their bazaar almost to suffocation, although the streets were rendered need) impassable by the melted sno v and slush. We predict for them a won dgrful succeas. • From the "Ledger," February 28, 1865. Our lady friends should visit the extensive establishment of Messrs. Devaugh' & Co.'s N0.•15, Maiden Lane, if they wish to indulge themselves with a sight which they will long remember, 'Such a profusion of elegant Watches, Chains, Riegs, Earrings. and, in short, of Jewelry of every name, kind and de scription, we never before witnessed. Their silver and plated ware is superb and almost lasts into the shade the other splendid estab lishments which have long been the boast of our city. It is estimated that their stock is worth not less than one million of dollars. GIRARD W. DEVAUCH & CO., 15 Maiden Lane,-New York. 3m] JACOB A WISNER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR .8L SNUFF STORB, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. HE undersigned would rospectfully inform T the public that he still continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousand. TOR.% cco.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Lathes Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. SIXES slai,r SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fnie-cut, Pipes, Cigar Tubes, &c. OUR . FLAG. Long may it wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. AND long may it be remembered that the place to purchase your choice Toilefar rides, is at Dr. HINKLE'S Drug Store, where he has just opened a large .assortment of the choicest Extracts for the Handkerchief, such as Night Blooming Cereus, Hyacinth, and the White Pond Lily, three of the most fashions ble•perfumes now in use. Call and examine for yourselves. - 31-tf ST. CROIX AND NEW .171sTGLAND RUM forculinary purposes, warranted genuine. • . H. D. Benjamin. HOOFLAND'S GERRIAN 13ITTERS WHICH WILL CURE Liver Complaint, Dqspepsia, and Jaundice WILL CURE EVERYOF d CASE . _ Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS resulting from disorders of the digestive organs: Constipation, In ward Plies, Fulness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink qng or fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, iwimming of the Head, hurried and difficult sreathing, fluttering at the heart,. choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vission, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defici ency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant immaginings of evil, and great de, pression of spirits. liOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A Good "Appetite, Strung ernes, - Healthy Nerves, Steady Nerves, Brisk Feelings, Energetic Feelings, Healthy Feelings, A. Good Cor_:..titution, A Strong Constitution, A Healthy Constitution, A Sound Constitution WILL MAKE THE WEAK STRONG, Will make the _ . Delicate Heaity, Will make the Will make the Depressed Lively, Will make the Sallow Complexion Clear, Will make the Dull eye Clear and Bright. prove a blessing in every family. o•Can be used with perfect safety by male or Female, Old or Young. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations soid under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, corn pouhded of the cheapest Whiskey or common Rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed. This class of Bitters has caused and. will con .inue to cause, as long as they can be sold, .iundreds to die the death of a drunkard. By their. use the system is kept continually under the influence of alcoholic stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. Be ware of them. • For those who desire and will have a liquor bitters, we publish the following receipt: Get one bottle Hoofiand's German Bitters and mix with three quarts of good Whiskey or Brandy, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous liquor bitters in the market, and will c ist much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoofiand's Bit ters in connection with a good article of liquor and at a much less price then these inferior preparations will cost you. ' Those suffering from marasmus, wasting away, with scarcely - any flesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time; one bottle in such cases, will have most surprising effeet. DEBILITY, Resulting from Fevers of any kind—these bit ters will renew your strength in a short time. FEVER AND AGUE.—The chills will not re turn if these Bitters are used. No person in a fever and agile district should be without them. From. Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no nt reason why a man may not tes tify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the bene fit of others. I do this more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson because I was prejudiced against them for a number of years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I ant indebted to my friend Rob't Shoemaker, esq., .for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long,,detrility. The use of three bottles of these bitters, at the be ginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost dispair ,ed of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for' irecting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1862. Beware of counterfeits ! See that the sig nature of "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper of each bottle. PRICES Large Size, $1:00-per bottleor I- dozen for $5, Medium size, 75c per bottle, or 1. dozen for $4. The larger size, on account of the quantity the bottles hold, are much the cheaper. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxi cating preparations that may be offered in its place, but send to us, and we will forward. securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, No. 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS, • Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co. D R. BRUNON'S REMEDIES. —o— NO. - 1. THE GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of self aLuse, as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis ion, or and constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Actsalike on either sex- Price one dollar. No. 2. - THE - BALM.—WiII cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without taste or smell and requires no restric tian or action or diet; for either sex ; price I. .NO. 3. THR TEREB will cure Gleet in-the shortest possible time, and I can show certifi cates of cures effected by this remedy, wher all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PT:NITER IS the only known temedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. TEE SOLUTOR will cure any case of Gravel permanently and speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. No. 6. THE PREVENTOR iB a sure preven tion against the contraction of any disease, id less expensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. THE ADIARO. will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by an - - other treatment ; in fact this is the only remedy that 'will really cure this disease pleasant to take. Price SI. NO. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are- cer ain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the mtonthly periods. Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, Or Off,- spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price Annexed. Circu lars containing valuable information with full description of each Remedy, may be obtained by enclosing one post stamp. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIBHART, where circulars con taining a full description of each case can be obtained gratis, on application. General Depot; North .East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill stteet,Philadelphia,Pa. Pa' In complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, or personally at my office ;,entrane 401 Yokk AVenuec C OLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS Clynerine, Palrn, Almond , Thithand sha'ving SOAPS. Equal to any Imported.— Juit received and for sale, very cheap at THE GOLDEN MORTAR. PUTNAM'S CLOTHES WRINGER. --0- SO WOOD WORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. No numb-screws to get out of order. Warranted with or witb-out Cog-Wheels. It took the First Premium at Fifty-seven State and County Fairs in 1h64, and is, with out an exception : the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town. Energetic agents can make from 3 to 10 Dollars per day. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz : That Iron well galvanized will not rust; That a simple machine is better than a cora plicated one; That a Wringer should be self-adjusting, durable, and efficient; That Thumb-Screws, and Fastenings cause delay and ti ouble to regulate and keep in order ; That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split; That wood bearings for the shaft to run in will wear out; That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog-wheels, will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ; That the Putnam Wringer has all the ad vantages, and not one of the disadvantages above named; That ail who bare tested it, pronounce it the best Wringer ever made; That it wilt' wring anything from a thread to a bed quilt without alteration ; . We might fill the paper with testimonials, but insert only a few to convince the skepti cal, if such there be ; and we =ay to all, test Putnam's• Wringer. Test it thoroughly with any and ALL others, and if nor entirely satisfactory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co : GENTLEMEN : I know from practical experi ence that iron well galvanized with zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the best in use. Respectfully yours. Thin Stout, Cleveland, Ohio. Many years' experience in the galvanizing business enable me to indorse the above state ments in all particulars. Jt.o. C. LEFFERTS,_IOO Beckman St. New York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no room, whether at work or at rest; a .child can operate it ; it does its duty thoroughly ; it saves time and it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much washing to do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to buy this Wringer. It Will pay for it self in a year at most. HORACE GREELY. l PRICES—SB, $9, and $lO. Sample Wringer sent and express paid on receipt of price. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and re fail by the PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13, Platt Stieet, New York, THE PHCENIX PECTORAL; 'or, Compound Syrup of Will Chem!, and Seneka Snake Root, WILL CURE TIIE DISEASES OF TIIE Throat cc Such as Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bran -hil s, Catarrh, Sore 'Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, ,3•c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT Pulmonary Consumption, And even where this fearful disease has taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. • Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says : "I was benefited more by using the Phmnix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberholtzer, 01 Lionville, Chester county, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phcenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Plicenixville, certifies that he was cured of a cough of two years' standing, when all other medicines had failed, b.) the use of the P licenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hun dreds of bottles of the Pheenix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing coughs. John Royer, editor of the Independent Phecnix, having used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a complete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. Thb West Chester Jeffersoriian says : "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer person ally fo number of years, and it gives us the greatter pleasure to recommend his medicines, inas much as the public rarely have the benefia faMily medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. Dr. Oberholtzer is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution he grad uated in 1854." The Reading Gazette says: "This cough remedy is made by Dr. L. Oberholtzer, of Plicenikville, Pa., and it has acquired an un surpassed reputation in curing coughs. It is carefully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Bark end Seneka Snake Root." Dr. Geo. .13. Wood, Professor of the Practice of Medicine in the University of Penney vania, Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospit al, and one of the authors of the United States Dispensatory : says of Seneka Snake Root : "Its action is especially directed to the lungs." The proptietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, irom the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only TWENTY-DIVE CENTS. It is intended for only one class of diseases namely, those of the Throat and Lungs. Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER, M. D., Phcenixville, Pa. L. LYONS' PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, AND SPARKLING CATAWBA WINES. EQUAL in QUALITY and Cheaper in price than the Brandies and Wines of the Old World. For Summer Complaint, Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Colic and Diarrhoea. A sure cure guarrantied, or the money refunded. In support of the above statements, are pre sented the Certificates of Dr. James R. Chilt on, New-York ; Dr. Hiram Cox,- Chemical In spector, Ohio ; Dr. James R. Nichols, Chem ist, Boston ; Dr. E. N. Jones, Chemical In spector, Circleville, Ohio ; Prof. C. T. Jackson, Chemist, Boston; Dr. Charles Upman Shep ard, Charleston, .S. C.; and J. V. Z. Blaney, and G. A. Mariner, Consulting Chemist, Chi cago, all of whom have anylyzed the Catawba Brandy, and commend it in the highest terms, for medicinal use. When evaporated through clean linen it let no oil or offensive matter. In every reapec it is a PURE spirituous liquor. The oil which gives to this Brandy its flavor and aroma, to wholly unlike fusil or grain oil. Its odor par takes of both the fruit and oil of grapes. With acids it produces ethers of a high fragrance. The substitution of this Brandy for Cognac Brandy will do away with the manufacture of FICTITIOUS spirits, sold under this name both at home and abroad. Respectfully, A. A. IlAyns, M. D., State Assayer, 16 BOyieSIOH-SI. BY THE SAME, IN 1864. I have analysed "L. LYONS Pure Catawba Brandy, ,, with reference to its composition and character, being the same as that produced in past years. A sample taken from ten casks afforded the same results with regard to puri ty ; a slightly increased amount of the princi ple on which its flavor depends was determin ed by comparison with former samples. The indications of analysis. show that this Brandy is produced by the same process as most of - the imported Brandy. Respectfully, L. r - ...Lar:z,lf. D., St to Boyieston-st, Boston, July'3D, [Mass, ManuracTunmo - onty BY H. H. JACOB & CO., _ [To Ivhoiryall ordere should be addressed). 3ml DEror, 91 Liberty-st., New-York. HELMBOLTY - , FLUID EXTRACT 131:Cui-, 'Fot• qop het erifioq of ItriG, ai INCONTINENCE of I:RINL, Inflamation or Ulceration of the bladder Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gravel, Brick:dust deposits, Drop,ical ings, Organic Weakness, Debility, p e ,,: ‘ , Complaints, BilDO'S hula gritief And Improved Rose Il'usk Will radically exterminate from the st,t% Diseases arising from habits of dissipatiq, little expense, little or no change of diet, no;,. convenience or exposure ; completely Cop e ,. seding those unpleasant and dangerous remecv: Copabia and Mercury, in curing three diseatis USE HELMBOLD'S JNO. W. WHEELER In all diseases of the Urinary Organs, trimlie existing in male or female, from whirrs ause originating, and no matter of how 10 4 . standing. It is pleasant in its taste and c.d..7, immedzate in action, and more strehoht:,;;; than any of the preparations of bark or irol, Those suffering from broken down or ieG cate constitutions, procure the remedy Yt MD The Reader must be aware that howm slight may be the I ttick of the above dim: es, It is certain to street his bodily heai:]f mental powers and happiness. If no ties: meat is submitted to, Consumption or lasa.s. ty may ensue. All the above diseases require the aid of diuretic. - Compound Fluid Extract . SARS AP ARILI,A, For purifying the blood, rennving ail ii>as es arising from excess and i:npt udence chronic constitutional diseases arisiii;.: impure state ofthe blood, and the onlye. able and effectual known remedy En. th:.: of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcetati...n, Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimplas or cr Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly ri; tions of the slain, and beautifying the cuti;!a ion. FLUID EXTRACT BUCRU BELMBOLD'S EXTRA Cl' B C L IS THE GREAT DIURETIC HEL_MBOL_D 2 B I=l NOT A - FE W Of the worst disorders that afflict mania arise from the corruption that accumulate , the Blood. Of all the Meeoveries that t. been made to purge it out, none can c , ila effect H ELM B OLD' S Compound Extract of Sarsaparii It cleanses and renovates the Blood, is the vigor of Lr E A. L into the sy,' and purges out the s hutnors which win ease. It stimulates the healthy funknh,.., the body, and expels the disorders that and rankle in the Blood. Such ale . - - that could be relied on, has long been , for, and now, for the first time, the have one on which they can depe:..l. space here does not admit of certica , a , show its effects, but the trial of a stn_: , ' tie will show to the sick that it has v: surpassing anything they have ever ta , i , Two tablespoonsful of the Extract e: penile, added to a pint of water, is the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle :3: to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaie.ll.... the decoction as usually made. The above Extracts are prepared on scientific principles—in Vactio—d!). l the full strength of the ingredients enk:.:, to their composition. A ready and ce.i: test will be a comparison of their with those set forth in the U. S. Di,; ry. HOW TO USE THE REMEDI In diseases of the Blood, Horne:- Face, or any and every part of thet . Extract Sarsaparilla, applyina . to P17.,;' , ' all external Humors or Eruptions, '- proved Rose Wash. Use the Extract Buchu for all dis:!:l s, (inking the aid of a Diuretic, except the Urinary Organs, such as G0n0i . r. ,, : Gleet ; in these use the Extract Bue;1. ject with the Improved Rose Wash. These extracts have been use in the United States Army, and in very general use in all the scat: and public institutions throughout t,, as well as in private practice, sad 37 ' . • ered as invaluable remedies. MEDICINE AN Y D DIRECT LETTERS TO HELMBOLD'S DRUG & CIiE:C IC WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolis}' OR, TO HELMBOLD' S MEDICAL DEPOT. 104 South Tetah Street, Assembly bi .PHILADELPHIA. - - - Describe symptoms in all commualco ALL DRUGGISTS, ___ OF COUN'rEIIFEIr, ASK FOR BELMBOLD' S •! TAKE NO OT111;21:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers