The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 21, 1865, Image 1

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14.1,, cfc. E3_
Corner of North Queen-St., and Centre
Square, Lancaster, Pa,
American and Swiss Watches
SPECTACLES in every style of
frame, and with (lasses to suit
a ny who need artificial aid. We have twen
ly years experience in this business.
Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, &c , stamped
with our name and warranted standard.
The best platedware in the United States,
we warrant our beet Table ware—Spoons,
Forks, &e,,—to wear ten years in daily use.
lungs, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs and a va
nety of every article in this line.
Nair Jewelry made to order. Two hundred
styles' or samples, constantly on hand.
a'ltepairing of Watches, Clocks, Specta
cles or Jewelry, done neatly and promptly.
11. L. .t E. J. ZAHM,
Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square,
W 0 0 d U o r
n T o o r e m t
and the public in general, that, having laid in
a lot of gunned Lumber, is now prepared to
manufacture all kinds of
in every style and variety, at short notice.
Ile has on hand a lot of Furniture of his own
manufacture, which for fine finish and good
workmanship, will rival any City make.
rf Especial attention paid to repairing.
Ile is also now prepared to attend, in. all its
branches, the UNDERTAKING business, be
ing supplied with an excellent Herse, large
and small biers, cooling Box, &c.
COFFINS finished iu any style—plain
or costly.
Ware Rom and Manufactory, near Mr.
Ileiry , s new buitding, near the " Upper-Sta
tin," Marietta, Pa. [Oct. 22.
DE+ll IN
Picot Building, Marietta, Pa.
I')EGS leave to inform the public that he
Bwill continue the WIN l & LIQUOR. busi
ness, us all its branches. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds ut
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 4-c.,
Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
A very auyerior OLD RYE WHISKEY
till received, which is warranted pure.
i All H. D. B. now asks of the public
ha careful examination of hie stock and mi.
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Un
el keepers and others finding it to their ad
antaim to make their purchases from I im
SUPPLEE & ERO,, 1 51 i.
And General Machinists, Second itree
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
ken, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Frosts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner. Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
ISt Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam gr Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Seaters, Stacks, • Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery IV
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
action to those who may favor us with their
orders. I'lteyairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addresded as above, will meet
With prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20. 1800. SUPPLEE
14 tf .
1865. 1
Paper Hangings.
North East Corner Fourth and Market streets,
N. 8. - -Altooys in store, q large stock of
41 1 1 1 a t 24, 1865.-3mJ
'has. O
O FFI CE:—Front street, next door to R.
W illiams'
end Drug Store, between Locust
alnut streeta, Columbia.
B Pangier & Panama's Store.
7 TO 8 6. X.
" 6T07 r• K.•
descriptian ex
ecuted With aeataeee and dispatch, at the
0 111fT of The Mariettian.
Office in " LINDSAY'S BUILDING," second
floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Post
Office Corner and Front-St.; Marietta,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
lines, or 1888)75 cents for the first insertion nd
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. -tiro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $5 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any
additional lines, ten cenlsa line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly end half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN
TAIN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
'assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of "THE
RIETTIA N,".which will insure the f ne and
speedy execution of all kinds of JOB & CA RD
PRINTING, from the smallest Card to the
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices.
Written fur The Mariettian.
MARY, the Money Dreamer of Marietta,
I presume, Mr. Editor, that you have
some recollection of a local incident,
which I am about t .. 9ebring to your no
tice, which has been revived in my recol
lection by the doings of the spiritualists
of the present day. Iq this city (Wash
ington ) where I now reside, I happen
to be right amongst a nest of these fa
natics, to call them no harsher name,
and at the hotel where I board, we have
a lady who professes to tell what is to
bappen in the future, as well as to what
has happened in the past, and charges
her lady friends only one dollar, whilst
the sterner sex must pay double that
sum. She was recounting to me, only
the other day, of the different
of valuables she had been instrumental
in having returned to their rightful own.
ere, during the last few years, and all by
the great agency of spiritualism, cards
and a certain root she possesses; any
one loosing anything has only to plant
some of the root and the' property will
very soon after be returned. Now, Mr.
Editor, you must recollect that during
the year 18—, there resided on the bank
of the Susquehanna, midway between
Marietta and Columbia, a certain man
who was reported to be in possession of
some wealth, obtained in some unknown
way, as the place 'he lived at, was, in
those days, one of the most solitary on
the Susquehanna, not easy of access in
any way and nothing to attract any per
son thither, save it was the daring of
the falling waters over the falls, dashing
against the rocks,--the midnight screech
of the night owl or the occasional relief
of the more pleasant sound of the whip
poor-will as he called over Chiques rock.
If I. recollect arightly, his name was
RYMER, who had made this secluded
spot his home, and with a frail canoe he
would descend to Columbia, or pole and
paddle his way up to Marietta, and pur
chase what he required for subsistence.
Many in your town yet remember the
rdad we had between the two towns, a
beaten foot-path along the river—which
shortened the distance some two miles—
the road around for teams was then call
ed five miles, and this one along the
•bank was called only three, bat a very
dangerous one, for it required, strong
nerves to climb along "chain rock" or
around the "spinning wheel" rock, as
they were then called by the Keelbot
tom boatmen, and they were the only
class of boats which then navigated that
portion of the noble Susquefianna. They
would pass down freighted down to al
most the water's edge with the rich pro
ducts-of the Juniata valley and carry
back on their return trip salt, plaster,
dry goods and groceries; a tedious time
those poor fellows had too, using long
poles to get their boats up through "the
falls "—at the " spinning wheel" they
had a windlass on the shore and with a
long rope attached to the boat, and the
men go ashore and windlass the boat
around the spinning wheel rock. Re.
port of that day had it that at that point,
the bottom of the Susquehannadiad fal
len out, as - it could not be reached by
the longest poles. They would then
pole along share—an eddy being formed
by the curve fit the river—to this place
of Rymer's, (which was afterwards call
ed the "Ralf-way-House") which was a
kind of resting place for the tired boat
men, and where they -refreshed them-
eelves with edibles and whisky. 'The
"chain rook" was the neat difficult place
for the boatmen ; a heavy chain having
been fastened around this rock, to which
the men would catch hold and by hand
over hand drag the boat along and
around this point; after reaching the
inkpenknt Vtrinsiblitin Inane for to Nome eirtit.
mouth of Chiques creek they had smooth
water until they arrived to " Chestnut
Riffles," 6 miles above Marietta. I
have merely thus recounted the doings
of yore in order -to compare with the
present. The "chain rock" has disap
peared—a bottom has been found at the
"splinting wheel "—the "Half-way
House" has disappeared and au iron
horse passes through the spinning wheel
rock every hoar during the day, dragging
with it long trains of cars reaching as
far as the Henry Clay furnace, which
now occupies -the old Half-way House
gronnd. On the eastern side of the Chi
ques creek now stands two fine mansions;
an iron furnace, store and various work
shops together with a dozen or more
small dwellings, where but a short time
since all was a wilderness ; a railroad
bridge and an - aqueduct now spans the
creek, which in those days had to be
crossed in a boat—here an old cripple
earned a livelihood by ferrying travellers
over in a boat with a rope fastened at
either side of the creek, for the sum of
TWO CENTS, hard currency. When I
look - back and see the five furnaces, two
saw mills, with the forest trees cut
down ; the small town on the flat piece
of ground ; the large fine brick mansions
on the hill; the large cinder piles, run
ning-away out into the Susquehanna;
the workshops and stores in this once
wilderness, I can scarcely realize that
BO great a change could possibly be
made in a few years.
The story which I am about to relate
might be regarded as mere fiction, and
hence I hare told more than was neces
sary for any of the old, or even middle
aged citizens of Marietta, as most of
them must be familiar with the story,
and, no doubt, will substantiate what I
have to say; I am only sorry I cannot,
relate it as it should be done. In the
year 16—a strange and mysterious light
was discovered on the north side of
Ohiques Hill, and the farmers who could
view the light from that side of the bill
could not account for so strange a light
being there night after night unless
some will 'o the wisp was travelling up
the mountain side, that had wandered
from the marsh of the Chiques—for in
those days will 'o the wisps were numer•
ous, many a one has been seen rise on
the mountain opposite Marietta and
wend its way along the bank of the riv
er—being, perchance, some fisherman in
quest of a spring to quench his thirst—
never-the-less, to us, it was a will 'o the
wisp, for no fisherman would be on that
lonely hill night after night, amid rain
and storm, and the neighborhood was
kept in suspense for some time, but at
length the report came out that RYMER,
like Captain Kid, had deposited his
wealth in that hill, and his ghost was
keeping watch over the hidden treasure
buried among the rocks in the deep
shade of the forest. Could the listeners
to this tale then have seen into the inte
rior of a certain house in Marietta, they
would have discovered a group of dusky
mortals congregated together awaiting
the dark shades of night, when, with
pick and spade, they would have seen
them wend their way cross the by-ways
through the town—then through the
dense woods and across the Chiques on
the breast of the old dam , and slowly
wind their way up the bill; and there,
amid a cluster of large trees, they would
cast down their implements and with
steel and flint and tinderbox, "strike-a
light "—no lucifer matches those 'days
-and from the hour of 12 they would
dig and delve until the glimmer of day,
when they would steal their way back
to their homes until the next. night,
when they would again go tbrough the
same routine—this it was for nights
they labored hard, very hard, for there
was great reward in !store for their in
dustry—gold and silver hoarded up in
boxes and bags, and securely bound in a
large box with iron bands, and soon
they would reach their golden treasure,
for "lo and behold" the spirit of .Rym
er, who had mysteriously disappeared
years before from this very spot, had ap
peared in a vision to a sable daughter
of Africa, and revealed to her, at the
midnight hour, whilst she was in' the
arms of Morpheus, theprecise spot where
the hidden treasure was secreted, so%
that the sable daughter could go into
the dense forest and point to the very
spot, to an inch, where all could be
found—so easily had—only for the dig
ging amid those recks—so she commu
nicated the glad tidings to some of her
liable friends and brudren," who were
full of belief irc-the doctrine of Spiritual
ism ; they banded together in sworn se
crecy, that none should know the untold
wealth in 'store for those who could rise
at midnight and witikeettled liptt Proceed
'to the designated place and there, amid
the gloom and silence of the,midnight
hour, by the dim light of the moon and
stars and the music of the pick and
spade, did this party dig and dig, night
after night, until one morn--just as
dawn was approach ing, one of the over
excited of the party cried out " EunzgA"
—[l have found itl—for they had come
upon the box—that magic box—that
box of immense treasure—Only think of
it—but that cry had broken the charm
of secrecy and the box—oh the box
sank deeper and deeper into the bowels
of the earth—for the Spirit—or some
other power, had caused it to disappear
•as a punishment for their imprudence
in speaking whilst digging for the hid
den treasure, and alas they had to con
tinue digging and digging, and indeed I
do not know that to this day, that they
have struck -ILE. I'visited this spot. af
ter the hunt had been abandoned and
found that they had really gone down
about fifteen or twenty feet, and the
shaft or hole, to my present recollection,
did not appear to be more w than about
fotir feet in diameter at the mouth, and
how they ever succeeded in getting
down to the depth they did I cannot im
agine. After the failure to get the
treasure "got oat," crowds went down
and climbed the ragged hills to see the
spot where so much useless labor had
been expended in such a ridiculous un
dertaking. I have no doubt that many
of the citizens of Marietta recollect all
about this affair and could write it out
much better than I have done, but I
would have all BEAR in mind that here
after when the spirit communicates to
them of hidden treasure, that they must
not speak whilst seeking for it, or they
may meet the same fate that "Mary the
Money Dreamer " and her party did.
An Absent Mariertian.
Washington City, D. C.
We have obtained from an officer of the
steamer Thomas A. Scott, the full par
ticulars of Dr. Mudd's attempted escape,
differing in many accounts from the par
ticulars hitherto published. The pris
oners at the Tortugas are allowed the
liberty of the island except on the day
of a vessel's departure. At night they
are expected to sleep within the fort.
The night previous to the return of the
T. A. Scott, Dr. Mudd slept outside the
fort, in a shed and the next morning he
quietly walked on board the steamer,
disappeared into the lowest deck and
sent a fireman for Quartermaster Kelly.
This was the last that was seen of him.
Soon after he was missed at the fort,
and an officer and squad sent down to
search the vessel. On the very bottom
of the vessel lay a platform resting cm
two cross beams, the officer thrust his
sword under one side, and the colored
soldier inserted a bayonet under the
other. The roar of pain that immedi
ately rose told that both sword and bay
onet had reached their , mark ; the plat
form was raised and Dr. Mudd arose
and returned to his status of a captive
prisoner. He was immediately brought
to the fort and the thumbscrews applied
to him, and under the pressure of pain,
acknowledged that Kelly, with whom
be had formed an acquaintance within a
few days, had agreed to help him to' es
cape on the promise of receiving Mndd'p
gold watch. Kelly was thereupon mar
ched to the fort, a drum-head court-mar
tial held, and he was sentenced to six
years imprisonment and hard labor in
the Tortugas. The vessel then sailed
without Mudd or Kelly, and the papers
were forwarded to Washington for con
firmation.—New York nibune.
er A Clergyman, thinking to puzzle
a Quaker, asked him,
" Where was your religion before
George Fos lived ?"
"Where thine was," said the Quaker,
"before Harry Tudor's time. Now,"
added the Quaker, "pray let me ask
thee a question—Where • was Jacob
going when he was turned ten years of
age Canst thou tell that?
"No, nor you either," said the clergy
man. •
"Yea, I can," replied the Quaker :
"he was , going into hie eleventh year."
ogr: A College professor, who had a
class'of hard fellows, one morning found
a horse in the _recitation room. The
class had collected, and with solemn
countenances'awaited' the entrance of
the professor. Be came lin, looked
arskund deliberately, first upon the horse
and then upon the clips. >Finally he
remarked in a quiet way, 1 , 4 I'm glad it's
a. horse ; there were jackasses
. enough
before." _
Selling an Auctioneer.
Our handsome, gentlemanly. genial
Major Frank M.--, of course Frank is
only commissioned an auctioneer, and is
no more a Major militarily than he i 8
Frank M. baptismally ; but just bring
up the handsomesthammer handler in
the city of Philadelphia, wherever you
meet the man, a.nd say to him—" Forty
dollars . advanced on forty thousand ;"
and if he don't. say—"Going—gone—
sold, gentlemen—come into the St,
James," we beg his pardon. He is not
the Frank M. we mean.
The other day George W., whose
sm oth, round, jolly face every one who
has been six times to the post office and
'three on change, remembers as well as
they do Dean's went driving into Frank's
office, as if on businese, and sung out :
" Look a-here, old fellow, can you ac
commodate me with a small advsnce on
a choice invoice of fancy dry goods that
I want to get off my hands 2"
"Yes,. my dear fellow, certainly. But
thunder ! I never knew that you had
figured a cent in the dry goods line."
"Yes, a trifle, Frank. Been dabbling
a trifle in that way these two years,
Got stuck with a fancy lot, I'm afraid—
forty thousand dollars' worth. Want
you to get the invoice off for me at best
rates. Shall I send round enough to
cover the advance ?"
"Pshaw—.no. What the mischief are
you talking about ? How much do you
want 7
"Oh, not mUch—forty dollars will
serve my purpose to-day."
Forty devils. Why, George, you're
Crazy, man. Here-call it $4,000."
"No I won't, Frank. I don't want
it. ' Give me the $4O, and to-morrow I'll
drive the-goods round, and take the
$4;000, if you happen to have it conve
George went out with the forty dol
lars, and on the following day, punctual
to appointment, he Walked into Frank's
office, and up to that gentleinan's desk
with the lovely, accomplished, and fas
cinating Mrs. W., on his arm.
" There, old fellow," said George, as
grave as an owl, " there's the choicest
invoice of fancy dry, goods in this city, I
know. Has cost me forty thousand dol
lars—and is worth fifty per cent. above
that figure as the mar i kets are."
George W., got several severe cuffs
from his better half, and Frank, finding
himself successfully - sold, proposed a
"I say you unconscionable sharper,
keep this sell to yourself, and the forty
dollars to buy one of these le bon ton
Empires' for Madam W."
•George promised ; but there was some
one else id hearing that didn't, and
Frank M. is an everyday sufferer from
that dry goods sell.
lir The Duchess of—, once beauti
ful and replete with wit, was congratu
lating herself on her youthful looks, and
pretending that she was born at least
twenty years later than she really was,
when her daughter, more beautiful than
her mother, endeavored to put a stop to
her exaggerations by'crying aloud, "Oh,
mamma, do leave atleast a year . between
our ages."
fir A young person in this place no
ticing the picture of the Hippotanins at
the Odd Fellow's Hall having the words
"Sep. 21st" pasted thereon, could ,not
imagine what a "Sep." was. She went
to her mistress, saying that the circris
would have a "Sep. and it was twenty
one years old 1" and also inquired what
kind of an animal it was.
"It is a very singular thing," said a
tailor's apprentice to his master, as, the
latter was pressing a bobtail coat, "that
the less there is of some things, the
more there is."
"How can that be?" said the tailor.
"Why \ there'a that bobtail coeft—the
lees yon make the tail, the more bob it
gar When -Mr. Jefferson *as asked
respecting his religion his >memorable
answer was : "It is known to God and
myself. Its evidence ''before the world
is to be known in my life; if that has
been honest and dutiful to society; the
religion which has regulated it cannot
be a bad one."
" The tailor makes the man 1" em
phatically declared=rl village philoso—
pher: "No, sir," replied a • bystander,
"it is dress that . makes "the man:"
"Then 'What does - the tailor make I' l
perhaps from two to five dOilars
protlt on a suit."
VOL. XII.--NO. 11.
gbo foto of Vf,int Alta-WTI)
'Twas at an evening party, 'rim
MaGrady chanced to meet
A lady "young and handsome," and
As he thought, very sweet.
Her cheeks were red, her teeth were
Her hair was black and curly.
And, quite infatuated, Tim
Vowed he'd " ring in" there, early
And so he did, and on his suit
This charming creature smiled,
And at her side the happy youth
Full many an hour beguiled;
And finally the wedding-day
Was set, nor too soon came,
When, for his own, his lovely bride
Should change her maiden-name.
But, oh ! it was lamentable
That poor Miss Rachel Rix
Was caught upon her wedding-day
In such a doleful fi x ;
She stood before th' admiring guests,
In robes and bridal-wreath,
When, turning round her head to sneeze,
Alas I out flew her teeth !
in vain she strove her shame to hide,
Likewise her masticntors,
For there, encompassed round, was she
On all sides with spectators.
One desperate attempt she made,
Her treasures to recover,
When, lo 1 a luckless curl caught fast
The button of her lover.
Ye Gods ! did wanton Fate e'er play
On mortal such a rig ?
For there, displayedlo every gaze,
Hung poor Miss Rachael's wig!
One frantic shriek, and back she falls
Into her mother's arms.
Unconscious of her dreadful fate,
And of her vanished charms,
"She faints !" a dozen voices cried,
And to their aid apace,
A glass of water straight they brought,
And bathed Miss Rachel's face.
Ah ! luckless remedy ; behold
Those cheeks, once crimson -hued,
Now brown, as though for weeks the
With scorching rays had wooed.
Sad was the sight, and sad the fate
Of this once blooming bride,
Who but so lately " blushing" stood,
. A doting lover's pride.
Her hair, her teeth, her " roses " gone--
The only charms she had ;
Ohl what could be more laughable—
Oh I what could be more sad !
But, oh 1 what poet can portray
This lover's strange position
And horror, as aghast he viewed
Tbii terrible transition
In desperate mood, his hat he seized,
And, with one parting groan,
He rushed into the starless night,
And left for parts unknown.
FAST YOUNG LADIES.—In order to be
a fast young lady, it is necessary to lay
aside all reserve and refinement—every
thing that savors of womanly weakness ;
to have no troublesome scruples, but to
be ready to aacord an appreciating
smile to the broadest joke. There must
be no feeling of dependence on the
stronger sex, but, by adopting, as far as
decency permits, masculine attire, mas
culine habits, and masculine modes of
expression, accompanied by a thorough
knowledge of slang, and a fluency in us
ing it, these ladies show themselves to
be above all narrow-minded prejudices.
There must be no thinking about other
people's feelings ; if people will be thin
skinned let them keep oat of their way
at all events. Should " mamma" raise
her voice in a feeble remonstrance, the
fast young lady impresses upon her that
"she is no judge of these matters. In
her old school days, everything and ev
ery one were slow, but it is quite chang
ed now."‘ -In short, to sum up, to he a
fast young lady, modesty, delicacy, re
finement, respect for superiors, consider
ation for the aged, must all be set aside ;
and boldness, independence, irreverence,
brusqueness, and, we fear, too often
heartlessness, must take their place.
WANTED.-A pair of scissors to cut a
caper. The pot in which a patriot's
blood boiled. The address of the con
fectioner who makes " trifles as light as
air." A short club broken off the square
soot. And a rocker from the "cradle
of liberty."
Gir Milton was asked : •• How is it
that in some.conntries a King is allow.
ed to take his place on the throne at
fourteen_ years of age, but nay not mar.
rg until he -is eighteen ?" B e c aase , ,,
said the poet, "it'ls easier to govern a
kiogdom than a woman."