The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 14, 1865, Image 1

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patterMAßKETect3a C)o_,
eep constantly on hand a full stock of Boil
ding Material, Nails, (?)
A IR 0N: Rolled and Hammered
Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar,
away Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Iron,
Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc.
NU 44.
Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wash Boards, Buckets,
13Knives and Forks,
Plated and Ilietalic Spoons,
d Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and
Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans,
Iron Ladles, MeV Stands, Coal Oil
Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea
Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted
Chamber Setts, &e., &c.
oils, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes,
Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric gils„
Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Trtices f
Breast Chains, &c: &c.
00L S: Band and Wood Saws, Hatchets,.
Chopping and hand Axes ' Planes, Chispels,.
Augers and Auger flits, Braced, Poisoning
Books and Shears, &c.
hankful for past patronage, we hope to merit
and receive a continuance of the same.
Marietta, July SO, ISG4.
Landis & 'Trout
Landis A. Trout
the "Golden . Mortar,"
At the •Wolden Mortar,"
Market Street, Marietta,
Market Street, Alatietta,
Keep constantly on hana
Keep con stantly on kind
Fancy Articles,
Patent Medicines.,
Coal Oil Lamps and Shades,
Howe & Steven's Family Dye D?lors,
Shoulder Braces and Trusses,
Papers and PeriodiCals,
Books& Stationary,
Prescriptions coretully compounded.
Prescriptions careful/ y compounded.
Remember the place,
Remember the place.
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Give us a call.
Give us a call.
„91. .g.akes,
Stribiner anb Goub4manttr.
Wenn most respectfully lake this means of
Worming Ins friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the drawing of
and in fact everything in, the COM VEVA lq cla4a
inc. rinving gratuttoua intercourse with a
member of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena
dell to execute legal instruments of writing
with accuracy.
0 He can be found at the office of "THE
31ARI ETTIAN, ,, —"LiAdigly's Building," (sec
ond Door) near the Post Office corner, or at
is residence on Market street, half a square
west of the " Donegal House," Marietta.
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Leases always on.hand and, for sale.
1 , 11 Z,;-..: OF THE, BALrittoßE COLLEGN
OFFICE;_ oit street, next door to R.
Willintns' Drug Store, between Locust
end Walnut streets, Columbia.
Spangler & Patterson's Store.
E lIGURS. " I 1.4)2.
" tp TO ~7P. M.
Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual SY3terrui*
a new and reliable treatment. _ Also, the
ilitinA.l. elleknuen, an Essay of warning 'and
instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of
Norge. Address, 00. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON,
Howard Association, No. 2 South,
P hiladelphia, Pa. [ jan.11, , 65-Iy.
IS ----- -------_______
Cabinets Organs,
I. 'ilY different styles, adapted to , sacred and
rectum music, for $9O to $6OO each. Thirty
fire Gold or 57/err Medals, or other first pre-
Util339 awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues
rat free. Addres, MASON & HAMLIN, BOB'
4 : ." M ASON 'MOTHERS; New-York.
' ,e iderrner 9, 1 1 154.-ly.) it
&NIEL G. B AKEite .
PICE 1....fjp. 1,4 Norm
the Cougt ffauee, where' he will at
the " 4 , 6 tiee of hie profession &all ire
%mous Marlene&
t i
L. HAZER, Seriviner. All , kinds of
anervfgel instruments prepared with care
or t, ii i ureci - .. Ile can be found at the 'office
i n , „ e klanettian,” in , i Lindsay's
,q oat sete Build
hwecn the Post Office Corner and
Itig. stock El 'Paper and Envelopes
lat e it o t t the 1) est rmlity just r eieiyed and for
*ON M9 l ,laF,
i°ll/4N'S celebrated GIN,
Office in " LINDBAVS BUILDING," second
floor, on Elbow Lane,.:between Me Post
- Office Corner and Front-St., Marietta,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
ADVERTISING RATES : One square (10
lines, or less) 75 cents for the first insertion and
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
fessional andßusieess etude, of edit lines or less
at 06 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, test Cents a -line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple annouricetnent , FREE; but fur any
additional lines, ten cents a line.,
A liberal deduction
_made to yearly end half
yearly advertisers. , •
Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN
TAIN JOBBER Pam," together with a large
assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of "Tux
MARIETTIAN," which will insure the foe and
speedy execution of all kinds of Jon & CARD
PETIT T.r N 0 from the smallest Card to the
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices.
KLady's Waterfall
She wore a monstrous waterfall, the
night when first we met—
roll, half horse, half human hair, hung
in a beaded net;
It rested on her shoolders, for the first
time put to use;
And she looked just like a Digger squaw
when lugging a papoose ;
Or, taking a good rearward squint at
head and hair together,
Just like a horse with tail tied - up in
very muddy weather I
And she stooped beneath the burden
she thought was passing fair,
With her dainty head drawn backwards,
and her nose turned up in air ;
I saw her but a moment, so gractiful
and so tall,
Bending, sweating 'neath the harden of
her cherished waterfall.
Oh ! when will Fashion give us back
the charms wo prized so long,
The web of silken splendoi---lhe theme
O.f many a song—
The shining hair that kissed the brow
in many an airy curl,
And gave the crowning beauty to every
lovely girl ; ?
When will Sense resume its rule again
—Fashion receive a check,
And oar loved ones no more carry round
a pillow on the neck ?
A thing composed of horses' tails, of
wool, of jute, of cord—
A monstrous, mean disfigurement, by
every man abhorred,
A load upon their shoulders, at home s
abroad, at ball,
'A foolish bag—a senseless bump they
call a waterfall ?''
From the Saturday. Evening Post.
Out of the Depths.
Avery dreary place it was—a 'base=
meat room , in the rear of a large tene
ment house, its one windOW looking out
into a back yard where a dozen ragged
unkempt children were playiug--Irish,
Germans, Americans, and among the
rest, one little negro boy, his black face
ashine with jollity. A dreary enough
place, the room of which I i bave spoken,
the most undesirable in the house, and
therefore the lowest priced, in one
corner stood a'tumble down bedstead,
in another a rickety , table, while one
side was occupied by a stove minus one
leg, its place 'being supplied by bricks
piled one upon another: Near the
stove, upon a shelf against the wall, was
a meagre assortment of dishes, and un
derneath these a still more meagre dis
play of cooking utensils ; while in the
centre of the room, upon an old chair
turned down to serve as a bench, stood
a tub half full of clothes, over which a
girl of perhaps fointeen years was bend.
A very ordinary looking girl yon
would have called her. And she was.
Not at all graceful or interesting—gals
of that age are not:apt - to be, even with
the advantliges - of dress'and Careful cul
ture; and lklartha Reynolds ipossessed
neither. -Awkward'arid unformed, with
a dull complexion,tazel eyes and lustre
less brown hair, which, with proper cars,
would have heen pretty.: An ordinary
looking girl, lacking even the animation
that makes youtliattractive-; compelled
to drudge day by day atlthetiostmenial
work. The kettles of hot water over
the fire, the sloppy floor, the tub; and
washboard, told the story. Ste was a
sort A sub•laundresa; that is, one whelp
Mrs. Bridget Flynn, the laundress, who
lived,in another„ part of the
louse, em
ployed°to get Ji.p the plainest of, the
cio4heszwhicl2iiiie-took in, reserving, of
canoe;i wide rriergin crt proet Rix' her-
Poptitlant Voratogibania gonna! for the some girth.
self, Bet this morning the =plain face
wore an added shade of.gravity, for Mrs.
Flynn 'had been taken suddenly and
dangeroutily ill, and if she died . and the
customers took their-work to other pla
•ces, what was to become of Martha, who
feared, not Without reason, that-people
would be unwilling to trust:their clothes
to so young and inexperienced' a girl.
The prospect looked dark enough.
Beside the Window, looking out with
longineeyes fipoii the noisy game going
on in the yard, stood a scinare, chubby
little girl 'of ` six years—Martha's sister
Gertrude, Gerty, as everybody Galled
her. An odd looking child,,arrayed iu
a dress a world too short for her, the
belt coming just under her arms. She
had a round, rosy face, and a 'vigoious
pair of lunge, if one might jadge from
her shouts at some - of the specimene of
ground and lofty tumbling executed 'by
one orthe boys outside.
Presently some one knocked at the
door. Chubby-face ran to,open it. A
young man stood on the thresbold—tall,
blu6-eyed, and handsome enough for a
prince. A gentleman, evidently, for he
lifted his hat to the young girl in that
miserable room with as much courtesy
as if she had been the highest lady in
the land.
"This is Miss Martha Reynolds, I be
Martha blushed in embarrassment.
No one had eyer called her Miss Rey
nolds.before, and she was not accustom
ed to meet persons of his grade in life.
"Yes, sir ~ that is n 4. name," she
"Mine is Belt. Mrs. Flynn sent me
to yoh. She is ill, and cannot do my ; bakshe tells. me that
you have worked for her a great deal, so
I came to see if you would not wash for
me till she gets well."
Martha hesitated. -
"I don't know whether I -could suit
you, sir," with a_glance - at his faultless
apparel. "I ain't used to doing up fine
"These are not fine," he said, undoing
the neat parcel which he carried. , "Just
plain things, you see. My shirts and
collars are all clean-4notigh to last me
several-weeks. You can do these, can
you not ? -
The girl looked relieved and assented
The young man paused a moment ,to
warm his hands before he drew, on his
gloves. He spoke pleasantly to little
Gerty, who
_had dra,wn near him with
the trusting confidence of childhood
asking her what her name was, and if
she wasn't almost large enough to go to
I'se big enough to go, but I ain't
got an; good close.. I knows all my A,
B, C's e though," replied the child.
"Do you? That's fine," said the
young - man. "Who taught you ?"
" Marthy teached me."
"She's a good sister, isn't she?"-
"Yes, sir, she's going to 'buy me a
party new dress some day. She scolds
me sometimes, though," naively:
The interlocutor had , not expected
this answer. He glanced at Martha,
but she was looking another way. , He
could not tell whether =she had heard
Gerty's words or not. With' a half:ut
tered apology he - arose to go, giving
Martha his address that she Might know
where to bring his clothes when they
were done.
A week afterward he came again to
pay . her for her work. "He was
, well
suited," he said kindly, in answer to her
inquiry, as "he t handed her the money,
and threw Gerty into raptiires by the
.present of a primer gay with pictuiei.-
The child's delight in her newly adquir
ed treasure opened, Ow way to a; little
conversation with the elder stater. A.
few questions put skillfull.y. by, the em
bryo barrister elicited the information
that the father of the two girls had been
'a journeyman .bricklayer, and met his
death by falling from a building. Their
mother being very poor had• moved into
this house because the rents were lower
here than elsewhere, anilsinee her death
they had fereaimid" for the same reason
and the elder sister by washing and
scrubbing, cied - unything else that she
could get to do, Managed to keep - up
the rent of the poor room and make a
living, such as it was, hersiilf and lit
Gerty. She had never - . attended
school Much,--conld'read and wilts and
cipher a little—and had not been iniaide
a , church for-three' years:
So much she told him,.bit by bit as
he asked her--quietly,. listlessly, as if
tbe whole was quite it matter, of course,
and would in alllirobsbility , be the same
to tikaeDd, " •
This was a new4hUse. of life to the
your law-studebt, to whom with his ge
nial, hopeful nature, the girl's apathy
seemed sbinethingaterribly strange' and
unnatural. What should he,-reared .in
affluence acid- surrOhrided from his ciadlii
with all that could refine and ennoble—
what could he know of the hirdening
arid 'deadening effects which grief- and'
povttrty 'aindkery raisbcirition
with such people AS she was forced to
come in daily contact with, had wrought
on this girl.
He 'wondered whitt-tbe future had in
store:for her. What possibilities there
might be in her nature which fatr,ortible
circumstances would have-
cl eyelctpe.d.
He*ilked of many,thipgs in his pleas
ant, attractive ; way—trying tier. Saw
the dark,eyesslowly brighten with in
terest, the drill face gradually wake
. to
animation. His - e x periment had sue-
Going home throtigh . the gathering
gloomsof.the , cold-December evening to
the plet.sant house . where he; =and his
uncle, and his cousin Grace boarded, he
contrasted its brightness, and elegance,
and comfort, with the squatter he htll
just left; and the welcome awftiting him
with the dreary, friendless #Ssistence,_of
Martha Reynolds ;,and ponderingthese
things he made ~a resolution.
Martha came regularly, twice a week,
to receive and return Mr. Belt's clothes.
Her employer had always some pleaeant
remark or an inquiry after - little - Get:4 , ;
and the solitary girl. learned to watch
for his bright smile and; kindly greeting
as the traveller in a-desert land .watches
for the green • isles of verdure in the
wastes of.sand. , • •
- The soft carpets, the elegant pictures,
and costly furniture that adorned iire.
Grant's house ; '
the rich garment:B, and
graceful ways ,Of Miss Grace Edwards
whom she often met flitting through
halls and dogrwairs, all seemed like a
vision of encharitMent to Martha Rey
nolds. Little by little she came to be
more careful of her own persOnal-appear •
ance ; to keep her-hair nicelrarranged- ,
her clothes more neatly mended. She
noticed, too, that the family at , Mrs,
Grant's, and even- the • servants,' used
very different language from that which
she was accustomed to hear among the
people who lived in her own , neighbor,
hood ; and insensibly, , without be,stoW
ing any especial thought upon , the sub
ject, sbe`glided into a way , of speaking
and acting that augured well for-her Cu tare improvement. Charles Belt was ,
narrowly observing all these iciiliCations'
natural good taste and correct prin
ciple viihich he felt sure 'foreshadowe'd .
the developement of a glorious , •Woniian-
hood: •
On the last day 'of 'the Year, 'Martha
piesented herself as usual, at Mrs.
Grant's house. *hen she entered Mr.
Eelt's room he called her attention to g a'
package on hiS writing-table, telling ger
laughingly, to open it and see what'. it
She, obeyed,- wondering, and brought
to view a little girl's • dress, ‘cloak,:and
hood,•all prettily trimmed to match, and
a pair of strong but pretty shoes..
"Those are for little Gerty," he said.
Her eyes Sparkled.
"Thahk you; sir, a thousand, thousand
He smiled at her earnestness.
"You are e very 'welcome, Matti°.
Here is something else; F.L . NAW Year's
gift for you," handingher a.dainty vol
ume bond in lalne and gold,
- New• Year's gift for mee ? For
niy very.own
"Yes, for you if you will UCCetit`it,"
he said, gently',
"You are very good, sir No one Wait
ever so kind to did before,°' her r lips
tremblingd little, her 'face; aglow': With
gratitbdti. • • ' " ••• '• •
• With an-impulsive- movement,. he
took the little brown hand is his, and
bending :his proud head: till. the -chest
nutcorls + touched her. dark hair, he kiss:
ed. her once on the.dheek-Lnot passion. •
ately, as a man kisses the women Whoie
husband, be hoped' to be, but with a
grave, protecting tenderness as - he would
care'ssed the sister- :whose g.ilden
head was"-lying nude! the-daisied
fai-Oft chureh-yard. • •
- Martha Reynolde never • forgot •-tbat
caress,-not the mad-who had stretched
forth his hand to help her out .of.--thizi .
slough of,,despa,ir *lO 4egrAdation into
. .. A , w e b
,Fahp • bell; surely, sinking.
, • And ",years afterwards,,
Reynolds by ,resolute effort had ris.en•l
slowly but surely to ,a poitionyof
honor and usefulnesS, a •small .volume,
ballad id blue and Oilktvair eadtif her
most valued possessions, and the dadee
uttered 'moat: 'fervently lii ler:pelititine
to. he TlirCne cif Grade
first and truest friend and beuefe.Ctor,
.CharleS Belt. zr=
Their paths in life.lay far spirt `now.
He 'wtts psayriell to,,a *Rona beauty
whose,praiso was,,on every tongue in the
city where they _ resided . _ , While r the
had been,his laundress, was a
well7lFßown. 4 autkoreis,aha the, inherit - or
of a fortune bequeilke'd to icker,by a lady.
who had ,known alrd'loved.her.
Who of,my yozianOitindn have read
the,sorrowful story of " Enoch Arden,'
so sweetly, told
,by . the",kreat "English
post? It is the story of a yOung man
who, went to sea, leaving t behind'a sweet
young wife and a little daughter
was cast awa,fon'it deiiert - ioan'd,',Wherb
he remained several years, when he was
discovered ind"talien 'off by a 'passing
vessel. Coming back to his native town,
he found" his wife married to ..'an old
playmate—a good man , rich'and honored
with whom she, wae, living happily e7k -
The poor man, unwilling. to cause
pain, resolved not to.make,him,selfplown
to her,- and. lived and died alone. The
poen l , l 4m romMd 4 ed me of a Yer..YAM.4ar
story , of my : own New England neighbor
hoodookich I have often heard,
whichl vein try to tell, not. in :poetry
like ; A.lfred ' i l'ennyfion'a : but in' my own ,
prose. I, can assure my.repier that,
its, main,particulaß it ip ittrue,tale,
One bright summer: morning .more :
then Area scorftY 6 Pl 46? , A )a vjci Mat
son, with his young - w,ife And his . two
,healthy, bare-fpoted,bnyA, stood on t 1,49 -
bank of theliver,-ne,ar, ;their dwelling.
They ~waited; there .fo4oltktia,h - Olytiq
come round the point with -his wherry,
and.take z the heiband,and t tivi r fat.h,nr . tO
the port a few miles belnw, The Lively
Turtle was about to -sail oil a voyage to
S Pain , 'and 'Diivid=wa%. tO go= in di
mate. They - Stood M i ch) in 'the• lovely
morning stinshinef- 'talking- cheerfully,.
but had yon been neaenhough you could
have`seYn teartfire Arinfiltatsoh's blue.
eyes, foi she ldved her husband; and she
knew there- was -atways- - • datget son the
sea; And David's bluff, cheery voice
trembleila little ntitrandr'then;: for the
sailor loved his anugAionie on the. Terri
tvith the wife and :her pretty boys:
Dut presently 'the 'wherry came,,along-,
side, and'David was-just, eteppingAntol
it when tie' turned back toEkisi hie= wife,i
and children (nice Mere, - evf!_ lt
," In with you, , said felatiab
Curtis ; " there's no for",kuullig
and such febierie,s'when Chelidt3 .
And so they parted. Anna' abd the
boys, went bapk, to' their home, and D
vid to the port whence he sailed off in
the Liyeiy Tiqtre. Arid montlis i passe'd;
autumn foll Owed the summer ,' and *in
ter the autumn, and then spring came,
and anon it was sowner on, the river
side, and hedid not 'come .- 13ack.-1A
another year pasSed, and then' the old
sailors and fishermen tiaidlhat the liVe:
iy Turtle was a lost_ ship,_ and WouldleNt
come back to port ; and poor Anna
-her bombazine, gown dyed black,
and her-straw bonnet trimmed in mourn
ing ribbons,,and :henceforth she ! was
known only:lther Widow. Matson.
Now:you must know the - Moltamedau
people of Algiers: and, Tripoli r and -Me
gadore and Sallee, on the Barbary,coast,
had for a long timelaeen in the-habit of
73it boats
seize upon the merchant vessels of Chris
tian nations, and make slaves of
crews and passengers, just as men - calling
tkemselveithiigtiang in"ArrktiriCtOiere
sending vessels to Africa to 'catch - black
slaves foet.iii(iilajitltiol3sl * _ . " The Live
ly Tit r i tle.fell intekthe,hapds , oft, one of
tbese roving seri•trobbers,_and, the .cystyi
-were-=taken: to -Algiers, lintl 'sold .in the
'market place slaves, pooriDavid M at
',son among the-test:
' "When a boy: he learned the trathoof
ship carpenter father onf the
--'.derrimac, and ntiv;lie was set to work
in a dock-yard. His master, who 'wee
naturally , a kind man, ; did not overwork
him. He daily had his three loaveg of
~bread, and:whenthis clothing was worn
orqt4. B pl ace ., Wf .' B . qPP)ied„-,by:
wool and camel'shair worn by, the p,e_r
mer women. .Threte honrs.befOreMineet
- he was released from 4vorki and F t rgday,
Which was the' Mohammedan Sabbath,
Was a day of tetireirest. One a year,
'rilk the ifeatfori real led' %Ramada* he r was
left rit'figienterfoitatwhole; weekitl
and years. His hair became grey; ...Ile
atili , dreameti of his - AnnAa and the
hops. lie Wondered if they
!ivhet 4 iter theY thought 0! We t ett s d What
they were doing. 'The thalgtVolleeitsg
VOL. XII.-=NO. 40.
Ahem again grew fainter and fainter, and
at hist nearly died not ; and he resigned
himself to his fate as a slave for life.
But one day a handsome, middle aged
gentleman, in the dress of one of his
own eiifintryinen, attended by a great of
ficer of the' Bey, entered the ship yard
and'called up before him the American
captive's. The stranger was none other
than Joel'Berlow, Commiseioner of the
'Crated States to procure the liberation
of the elaves"belongingta that Govern
ment :'Efe Conk the in by the hand
se theircainii up, •• Bind 'told them they
Were free: As you might eipect, tte
Poor fellows - ivere very grateful ; some
, •
laughed, 'some wept forlisy, some shout
od and meg, and threw •up their caps,
while others, with David Matson among
theio, knelt 'down on the chips and
thanked God for the great deliverance.
"'This is a very affecting scene," said
the Commissioner; wiping his eyes, " I
must keep the impression of it for my
Columbia," and, drawing out his tablet
proceeded to write an apostrophe to
Freedom, which afterwards found a
place' in his great epic',
David Matson bad saved a little mon
•ey, aneing , his•VaptivitY, by odd jobs and
worleholidays. He got passage to Ida-
Jago,-w'here he bought a nice shawl for
his' wife and a watch fcir each of his boys.
He'-then went to :the quay, where - an
American ship was lying just ready to
Badger Boston. -
Almost, the first man he saw on board
was PelatiatcCurtia, who had rowed him
.down to the port . seven years before.
He'found thit his old neighbor did not
know him, so changed was be with his
long beard and ilpoilsb dress, whereup
ton, withoat telling li s name, he began
:to put questions Om his ,old house,
and gunny asked hiM if be knew Mrs.
rather think I do,'' said Delatiah ;
" she's my wile."
"Your wife 1" cried, the other. " She
is pains before God and man. ' I am Da
vid 4 piatson, and she is tile mother of my
. .
"And mine, too I" said Polatiah. "
left her with a baby in her arms. If
pia are David Matson, lour right to her
is outlawed ; at any rate she' is mine,
and I am not the man to give her up."
`"God is great 1" said poor David Mat.
son;iincOnsciously repeating the word
df Moslem submission. " Hie will be
dolia I loired her, but I shall never see
VC+ sgain. .Givwthese, with my bless
inis,r to the' good woman and the boys,"
tafd be hawded over with. a sigh' the lit
tie llutlle Containing the gifts for tha
Wife 7 and -children.
110 shook hands with his rival. " Pe
latialii" he said, looking back as be left
the ship, be..kind to Anna and my
"Ay, ay, sir," responded the sailor is
kcareless tone, He watched the poor
man passing up the nar row
. street until
out..of sight. It's a hard case for old
David," te said, helping himself to a
frosh cud of tobacco ; but I am glad I
haveseen the last of him."
When Pelatiah Curtis reached home,
he told .Anna the story of her husband,
and laid his gifts in her lap. She did
not faint nor shriek, for she was a heal
th i woman, with strong nerves ; but she
stole away and Wept bitterly. - She lived
many years, but never could be persuad
ed to wear the pretty , shawl which the
husband =of her youth had sent as his
farewell• gift. There is, however, a tra
dition that, in. accordance with her dying
was wrapped about. her poor
;shoulders in the coffin and buried with
' •
The little ollthall:eye watch, which
is-still , in the, possession of one of her
grand-children, is now all that remains
to tell orDavld Matson—the lost man,
way in which sugar is made perfectly
white, if, is said, was found out in a curi
ous way.
,"-" A hen that had gone through
a clay mud-puddle, went with her mud
dy feet into a sugar house. She left
her tracks , on a- pile of sugar. It was
observed by some one, that wherever the
tracks were the sugar was whitened.
Mills led to some experiments. The re
sult was that wet clay came to be used
.in refining sugar. It is used in this way :
—The sugar is put into earthen jars ,
,shaped,as you see the sugar loaves are.
Tbe large ends are upwards. The small
ends have a hole iu them. The jar is
filled with sugar, tha clay put over the
'utop, and kept wet.' The! moistu re goes
'tiCiwAlh'rough:lhe sugar and 'drops from
Alm - small end of the jar.
This'makes the sugar perfictly white.
siogithir osho is said to reverbe
-fate around` a' grei many petroleum
wens. "It says, " Bit-you-men."