The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 07, 1865, Image 2
the ntariettian, F. 1,. Baker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA : OatuJtcta,g., Ocfaices 7, ing. far By a whaling, regal arrived at New Lopdoi from tge Arcticoceari, the Journal of Commerce has advices from Capt. C. H. Hall, the explorer, who left the., United States in 18642 . - Mr. Hall's letters were expressed.lso.:miles over the ice by .dog-sledges to reach the open Bea. He .Mites in good spirits, having obtained much valuable informs t ion in regard to the Franklin expedition. Mr. Hall expects•tospend most of -hie time in King. William's Land and on Boothia Felix Peninsula, and desire. that a vessel shall ba sent in the spring of 1867 to bring him boine. . sir 'Tea year's ngo a young mulatto ran away from the plantation of Mr. Charles Ambrose, a sngarAord at Bayou Fourche, La., Stealing himself—a „ piece of property worth • thousand dollars. In the north he amassed a fortune of a quarterbf a million. A few days ago he went back to his old home, travelling in open daylight, with as little , fear of bloodhounds and fa 'tive sl ve laws . as if he was a tslite.mati, found hit, aged father and mother among the freed,follts, and settled them comfortably, and pre sented a cottage and apiece of, land. to his widowed mistress, whose family had been beggared by the , war. skiir Emma :Tones has been tried by court-martial in Cliarleston, S. C., and sentenced to pay a doe of COO. The charge against her was this : "That she' the said. Emma Jones, did, on or about the 18th day of Auguit, : lB6s, behave in a disgraceful and disloyal manner in the presence of citizens and United States soldiers, and - tben trail the American Union flag in' the dust, and did thin trample' upon the said American Union flag, placing her feet upon - it; at the same time uttering contemptuous 140 disloyal language. to wit: "See here; this is what I think of your flag ; that is all . I care for it ; ".at the same, time kick ing the said American. Union flag with her feet." • . sr Professor Silliman,taving'visited the mineral regions, both in California and Nepida,-saysl—"We cannot count upon the.time,when mini* mill, cease to be profitable in these hills, while-the unparalleled richness. of the, lodes, ; ; the advantages .at locelion on the, great Trans-Continental gighwaY.: salt beds , so necessary in beneficiating ores with a climatetmarcely•welled the continent ; all these, combined,,give promise of p bright , and prosperous fu ture." All brutes are cowards. Wire, who at AndertiOnitille could starve sol diers id skeletons, and then Walk about their unarmed ranks, Sheeting thetri down like dogs, at Washington cowers, like a whipped spaniel in presence' of fie Court, and hardly dares to look hie own counsel in the eye. A few days ago, two soldiers drew neer front curiosity,tO see the villain, when, he clutched ,the guard frantically, and exclaimed „that they were about to assassinate him. oir Ist is anderetood4 that after the trial of Oaptain W rz is enifediaid all the facts connected with the Anderson- Title prison are ascertained; " there` will be aninveitigAiiin-of the , Salisbury and other prisons b f thir 'Booth "=in vihich Union prisonersliere 6inlined and. rata- er As people ,cof Connecticut. are soon to decide whet* they strike the word " White" oat of •that ,clause in their State cenetitetipi which, pre- scribes the qualifications, of.voters. .:The Democratic party, have tstlien. ,ground against it, the Union party in its favor. ow Secretary. o#3wllvi''haflbeqn ally *formed that the amount of tbe tyeasaie stolen by ,the ; St_.,Alban'e raid- era, has bees; paid.o‘reF to 00, ban'o, banks by , the Canada. authorities,. olf - It is proposed at Lewistoirn, to have an' eithiliition Of the 'different styled'Of tionniti worn' Within the pitst twenty ; five very large hall will be ' ' WM Seven!: thundred • young women, chiefly froim lifainutehusetts, sailelEfrop New York. last msreek form Washington Territory, seekingtiMbbau'di•and 'honies. , or During S ep t e mberpe there were in Newlrork five , deather by saieide, mine by -mikond'hocident,- sixteen by drown ing, four - by:Aros e and ten 'by:murder. • Oat mines of th Lackiiwann e a Valley; Penn., have resumed their work, and there 3@ a_prQppect of it talk' 'price's. ow It is staj,ed tiott,ita flag of a Ver. , 4:41. f moot regiment ; was, ;evefy3.l . le keepilg of an enemy daring tile war. gay Twenty-live Lplentere ewe rimier wrest at Vinktburg, formattrentipg , or killing their former eleven. Barrisu AL/dm—The Fenians, an or ganization which is intended to free Ire land from what they call the thraldom of England, have , increased their num bers to such an extent as to cause con siderable alarm to the ,Minis y. 'there is no mistake in this, inasmuch as sever al British gunboats have been stationed in Bantry bay, off the Irish coast, to watch some mysterious but anticipated expedition from the 'United States ! This is excellent I Ooly let Ireland rebel—fix up some kind of a goiernment and England will quickly find her late doctrines of neutrality brought home to her in a way she may have little thought of, but which she moat heartily deserves, and will most sensibly feel. °unions HIDING.PLAqm—A lady:pas senger in last Thursday's evening , train for New Yoi:k had her pocket Edeked of a portmonnaie containing . $lBO. The thief, else' a Woman, was seen to take the notes from a portmonnaie, and then restore it in the lady's pocket:to !hem it belonged r , She was . arrested and searched, but it was •some time Istore the place of concealment could be found. It was finally discovered in the pilferer's Waterfall. . A. Trani Solisit —A fellow hailing froth Boston, and who gave his name as David Healey, was hauled out from nik der n,loConietivn at Lowell, a' few days since, the cow-catcher of the machine haying passed completely over him. The only injury he sustained Was a bro ken and crashed great toe,,,bnt re mark when pulled out, pat "It was a dained tight squeeze," will not, be ques tioned by those ; ho know,how close to , the track the cow-catcher runs, ar Some of the Virginia planters are directing'ittention to the importation of foreigneri to conduct the Operations of agriculture. One gentleman in Char lotte has introduced 'thirty-two Swedes aslabbiere ivho have proved.themselves patient; persivering and industrious, but some , apprehensions are entertained that the chi:kite so far south will operate unfavorably ori their,health and powers of endurance. fob' Dorence Atwater, who was tried by a military commission; for stealing from the tent of Oapt. J. M. Moore the records of the names of the Union sol diers who died,in the Andersonville pri son, has been unfenced to be 'imprison ed eighteen months, pay a fine of three hundred dollars,. and stand committed until the fine is paid and the stolen Pro petit.", returned tolhe'War Department. Aar William Jackeon; a negro, has been acting as a juryman, in Brooklyn, at-the "sitting-of -the September term: of.tbe City Court. It ie said that . Jackson - was summoned an the pinello test .the. sentiments of the people;on the negro question. The people seem -to have borhe the test very easily,, as Co protest has been made on= their part against. Jriekelin. ar The agent of the Scotch Emigra tion Company in Washington has suc ceeded in securing a Awenty years' lease pt upward of thirty- thousand, acres, of bottom land on the James river below Richmond, which will be taken posses siOn of - about the last of Octoliej. •By a colony of three hundred ScOttish agri cOlViirists. They Will make market gar ' • oar A year ago, a military commission tried ; and convicted. at. Fort. Snelling, two Sioux chiefs named , little Six and Medicine Bottle, for several ; cruel mur ,ders. Thais sentence was not, made public. tilt-the 25th ult., when an order •to hang thorn was, received. _or In a cemetery "in Sharon, Conn., a'fainily lot in which are seven graves arranged in a circle.- Si* stones com memorate six deceased wives of -13. 1 A-:- . B—, while the seventh and more sia telislab bears t 1 e. simple but affecting inscription, "Oar Husband." i'Niblioras - Tan'Wert, Of = Troy, New' York;-aged ieventy-sii years and foitlineithe, living on the burgh'-"green" with wivell-beloved wife, aged _years and two anda - half months, has 'just been tileised with twins. tom' Fanny Jackson, a young colored vier:did of Washingtion, , D,lCA-graduated 'frriii the - eleiraiear: course' - of !Oberlin Colleie' it P . We' 'commencement. She is the first female college gradriate of African dericeirt: " Xra•RTi.fideb the r,i4 B b t qg 11 Pk' oner,,le charged with .having c*eed-Me ,death .of five, persone,at i differeef, and aelnany as a dozen more have been sick after being entertained by her, bit havb.finally recovered • wAtlepgth"Fighting,Toe " gook-. . er hae,been married., The. event took place;in Cincinnati, onTßoi l iai e iel l i last, - to the. riah *Os :Olivia Groesbeck. • ' sjr•The-retnene of the Connecticut electidi r on Monday ••itidicate` that •- the State hale r.egro suffrage by a considerable.'inijoyity. belßiehmottli - - Commerdial4 illitidlesubeeilgenppiesiett for libelling 'PreeidentiTobrreorit : ! M. Buiratt's property in Wash ington, has bees fold at auction. Intl law rimoaDvi _ Horn.—The Scripture saith, that " Hope is an anchor to the soul, both sure and steadfast." It is the unfortu nate's only comfort in adversity, arid the star of promise which erges forward the struggling poor man. What is it that gives contentment to that mother who sees her darling child attacked by the ghost of the deadly croup, or suffering from the effects of a consuming cough or violentcold. What is it that wreathes in •smijes the lips-of that patient con sumptive who, though she knows she cannot live, yet murmurs her silent and thankful prayer for ease and relief. What that has become a. nation's iloper•from North.,to South , (rem' East ,to West, comes but one joyful response ‘-=zGivir us Coe's Cough %lima. sir A. story is told of a man who , in sured in London one thiitusand digbrs, valued at £260, against 6re and Water. After the laiise of six months he made his appearance ,tha insurance office and demanded his Money; as the cigars had all been banidd.. " But not on board the vessel, sir," said the seeretary, for We' is in clock now:" '"Yes, "on board the vessel ; I smoked them, and, therefOre;burned them ' 'all myself, and the insurance says against fire." The secretary deemed taken abaek, bat told the`smoker to call 'again nest day. -He called at the appointed thee, but Was met by the SOlicitor. of the eoniiiany, who told him if he did not relinquish his claim be would be prosecuted an one Who had'knowingly and willfully set ere to' goods insured by the company. or. Hemmer Lana, the noted linklish boxer, so called from his having been brought up to the trade of ma king, died recently in Birmingham, He achreved a deserved ''repniation for sciatica, .courage like that bf a lion,quid game of the most indomitable sort. When he first appeared in the • ring`' he had`no pretensions 'to setencaiiand`:•iron by strength and fortitude. The , boxers .mightla,mmer on his anvil4ilta head 'um til they cracked their tools, but.' they could 'never make him cry anatigh: Ha' was a fine, effective fighter, •as , well as one of fthe, strongestand herd list 'men of his size that ever stripped- in the ring. But his time hadbome. He Was beaten by thwoolored fighter, Young Stolineaux,, in a desperate battle, which .laated an -hour and-tab> minutes. Afterthis .Lane fought,. , Yankee Sullivan, and made ,a gocid battle, but was beaten.. lir. Engineers engaged in surveying,a routo,fot: a,railroad to connect Franklin, Pennsylvania;, , with the Philadelphia and Erie Road, have : arrived -at Frank-, lip, having, surveyed a t onte of-one hun dred and-thirty-one: and-a :half,miles in .length, with maximumliade ant of for :ty feetoper mile; and_ maximum curves, -of six degrees. For forty miles they ,were on a - continuous coal -bed, the mo tor of workable :seams from three to five ands varying- from twenty-eiglitinches to eleven feet in, thickness. aitx springs , alsoAtbound in the.rogion,.ands iron ore is found. in abundance. eir A fearful -affray _ occurred recently. near Rome, Ga. Two desperadoes ; game to a church, during , service; aud called out two of; the congtegatiop., They refused to copmeout,when the des peradoes commenced firing „at them, killing one and mortally wonoding,a 4. .SKI bee quen,tly,a squad of ; the; 29th Indiana, with three citizens,,, followed' , them up and surptiseil:.them sin . Weir ,, The.two-men; in company 'with,.three , eons, : made a ~datermined 'fight, killing two of the 'citizens, - hut re -suiting eventually in the death of the .whole gang. et Travelers,' especially fat ones. who lieve,taufferedinteusely,frvp.being-pack .ed,in the,narirow,Cers of the Reading railroad, will 4Ok i eltO•A°.) l Olv, to learn, that wide passenger cars will be placed soon on'that rond, the..t.unnel ; at Port Clinton having-bean arranged as regards thetraok so is to perciiit their passage.' - - - Air James W. Duncan, .who: was ,call ed to Vi r ashingtortAs•amiiness for Wirt, And -.afterwards cowmitted to prison, charged; ivith croelty to oAr prisoners At .A.ndersonville,iAApparAntly Act Above twenty-fivoyearsroCagei.' is a baker by Wok; arid .his; residencetis ' Nor folk; :Virginia." Ago-4 meetimiqf yirginians, a:ho hive been loyal from the first is t sosin, to , be , heldin Alexandria. • -Senator Wilson, of MIl£113111 . i1;1180:4, °Mid' ' Henry' Winter Davis liii4rbeefiinirited to'• address thein2 _,llO : 1 3 , ; - H,, Zink*, of .Birtniugham Conn., lat,ely.couglied,up,an ottnco ball which vteutAearly.thyougb hie, head in thebattle 4f IMPrYal?9r o 9-1 P., .ml4 l could not be previously extracted. The ;number, of , prisoners in the Old. Capitol diminishes .daily, and on Saturday there • mere- only; -forty-eight prisoners confined 4here. , oir'Dr. George B.' the strongman, now lifts over 3,500' Poun and, is in 11 1 9vfect tkeakt4. ,•Tt . mall- big age!3. fatkor, wh,o „ dr An 'English railway company has alreddiliiild . 05,000 damages to . injired passengers, and more snits are pending. Mbt Elora in a Nut—Sbcll Property amounting Co between three and four hundred thousand dollars is daily stolen by professional thieves• and pickpockets in New York. The Pennsylvania — State Agent in Washington will open - polls, on the sec ond Tuesday of October, for troops to vote. Qonnterfeit one dollar greenbacks have been put in circulation. The pa *peris said to be inferior, the color light er than the genuine, and the engraving very indifferent. :Our readers would do well to be on the lookout for them. The school law,- as amended last -win ter, does not permit children under six years'old to attend the pOlic schools. -By the 'end of this' year the Navy will be reduced to' abontlhe iininbei 'of 4ei eels that were in commission at the ginning of the war. Bit' thiee' - ifoll clads' Will remain inactive service—one et Cliittleston, one atNew . Orleans, and one at San Francisco. • A Dave, nearly as large aa the litam- otb Ciive of Kentucky, has recently been discovered about ten mires from Fort Ruby, California. It, was, found to be a•l immense subterranean lake of Clear water, with high wnlls of,limeo,one on either side. The ceiling, or. arch, is fifty fait high. A populous suburb, Melbourne, Australiavhas heen,diecoverod ;to have Seen louilt on - a. °line. of gold, .and drifts are being,run ,under.the town for the purpose of working- it out. About the richeet joke of the'- season is they idea, which has 'obtained-some credence among verchint circles in En rope;' that the 7 GOvernMent or the United States'will:aeeume the rebel cotton arid pay off thecotton* boat df Jeff. Davis: The Pacific RailrOad is extending eastward from the shores of the great ocean from yhich it receives its name, as fast as enterprise, energy, money, and the combined labor of 2,500 able-bOdied men can force it. The road bed is now being constructed through the violin tains of Placer county, California, and the locomotive has already reached p point 43 miles from Sacramento, which" is 1,803 feet ahove the sea. .' Two young:Virginians, who were re cently discharged from the Union army, returned totleir home in Green-county, when they were informed. thitt they ,would certain* be -essassinetedrif they remained, .by ex rebel soldiere. a'• A NashvilleYePer states nit Wil liam L. Yancey died front a spinal injury. received ‘ in a yersonal encounter with Senator Ben Hill, of Georgia, daring a secret:sitting of the rebel Gongress at Montgomery. • A facsimile of the Psfsident'e tar, has been •prepared,and over .thrne handuld parilousLare_ reported, to .have been stamped .with at the White House -9n Tuesday. A youth 'fifteen years old residing hear Marion Ala., drank three glasses of buttermilk, ate three watermelons, and.a basket of peaelies ; on the same day dined heavily, and died in the after Leading Democratic' papers in Ohio are vigorously denying the Anderson outrages,. asserting that rebel -pri soners were badly' treated, and denoun cing the Oornmission that is trying the notorious and brutal Wirz. _ den:Lee,,the. nq,!.Eresiiien t of Wrish - - Ington College, at Lexington, Va., ar rivid thire on the 1.811), after travelling 100 miles on horieback. The intrebarite of 'lVortiilk, lire., are 'endeavering-to-establish , a line of,steam ere between diet Ifort arid;Frtinee: An association has beam formed min diana for the-pnrpose,of introducing the Cashmere: goat into this conntry,, -Shp teen of these.animals .have alrpady beep imported under ths anspices of the, ,so- The Conimissio'n apiiointed' by the liegislattini of MassaChnsette in aid of -, iiiiicieulture are abcint to visit the -labia `of New - and ihe upper waters of literrimac;-Witta: view - - to - stock rivers-With apiwn of the sairrion and - landLlock-sitiniony and -introdueing `tha-blnck into LiikdWinnepisagee. Five Catholic priests have been arras tad iti •St. tnuis, 'for prettaiing , ivithout •takitig the oath; and several ; rninistiis other dennminations, in' various parts of the : State; art; laity under bodds to au -stver'for the saiiiii'Offence. 'Father Cum 2t, riings; of Pike' cotinty,. who refused 'to alio* bis pay hie-Snit,- and wits irodiedlit jail:, has- thought. better •contltibt;:qind giVeri-boati; an&• Will-- UP peal his cites itiligher-eofifts Ifor ,deci sion: • - men Twelve or fourteen d Vrent to the -residence of a yoUng =manlin , Olathe 'cceintY, Ga.; and sliot-himfireferal times, leaving-Wm for•dead.- . The sister of the young man, finding hi m dress ed hielwinuidri. mutilhrers , return ing shortly after, forind‘Atheir , helplelsa victim sitting in the lap of his sister, - Mad was mmmterifig to hith, when'they 'again adt*ni aid departed,' legvirig 'him deka: . All bet of the wretches were arrested by Federal SOMETHING NEW.-.-We call attention to the advertisement of the Duplex El liptic or double Spring Skirt. Though a recent invention, it has become very popular, and is rapidly obtaining the preference over other kinds in use. The rods in it are composed each of two delicate and well-tempered steel springs, which are ingeniously braided together edge to edge, the lower rods heavier, and having a double covering. This peculiarity of construction makes this skirt very strong and durable, and also so exceedingly flexible that it readily adapts itself to the form of the wearer, and allows of any amount of doubling , and crushing without injury to itoshape. These skirts are unquestionably the lightest, - mostdesirable, comfortable and. economical ,"These-,.are ad vantages which liadies, who. have eXpe rienced'the'_discemfort' and inconveni ence of single sinlip, Will' duly' &Lige- air A clergyman called on a poor parishionnr, whom , he found bitterly la menting tfie loss of au only son,a ,boy about five years of age. In the hope of consoling the tainted woman, he re marked to her that, "one so young could not'have committed any „very grievous sin, .and that no, doubt the child was gone toji pavan." "Ah, _said the simple-hearted creature, " - but Tommy was so, shy, and ,they„ are all ntrangers there . • ifir In .a country; school where there were many, ol4.scholiirs, and. a young la dy teacher, she, told, one of, the. young pen to.give the.lmperative:Mood of the verb love. . .$e .answered, "Love l" an.d„slie,- to, help, him along, . asked, "Love ; ,whatt,?"• Ee timmediately. ex- .claimed, "-Love you,"•..‘and- jumped - as though he had4been struck: They:said ao more about " love " that time,- but in a few , weeks were Inarried. air Little three!year old 'Mary Was playing roughly , with the kitten; carry ing it by the tail. Her mother fold her she •would , hurl -pussy, t" Why, no i I won't," sabl,she ism carrying it by the han&le."-:' :Igar'costs= -the ititierernment sixty thousand-dollars-to advertisegnlellver °diallers. This 'is 'tia'arly .all , a`-total loss;'ts.only , taranty,.fire-per cent. of the letters rare. evettalled ;for. - fir A new and dangerous counterfeit bun d re'd- comtiotind:interest•bear ing note hits„ba s enreceived s hy the Treas ury Department::. They are exceedingly well executed... Zlittird NafittE lIOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS • Read E. D.'E. N. E'outhworth's.Letter• 'Prospect College, Georkitown, 1). C. April 2, 1863. lliessrv.; Hostetter tt --Smith „ 'Gentretnew-',lteves me pleasure to add my testimonial to those ; of otherkin.favor of your excellent preparation.—Several years, of resi dence on the banks of a ,'Nouthein river, and of close application 'to litleraly Work,' had so thoroughly Maui - listed my nervous system and undermined my health, that I had'. become a martyr to dyspepsia and nervous headathe, recurring at short inter.vals, and ,defyin& all known remedies in the Materia Medics. 1 had come to the conclusion that nothing bat a , total change: of residence and pursuits would restore my //Math, When a friend recomMend en Hostetter's Bitters. procured a bottle as an experiment; ibrequired hut one ,bottle to convince me that.l had found at last the right combination ; of remedies„ The relief, it affor-. ded me, has been complete ItrM now some years since I first. tried ,Hostetler's pine* ~ars.d it is but just to say that t hays found the •preparatfon - ail thatit claims 'to' be. It is a 'Etan'darrFititilly - Cordial Withi - lis,''euid• even as a-stimulantivilike;H:better thin anythihg else-; but we use it in all neryous,;.bilioua,and dyspeptic casee, from toothache, If what I have now, said will lead anydyspep tic.or nervous invalid 'to a sure ierneii shall have done some good. - I remain; gentlemen, respectfully yours,” 'E. D. IC - SO LITH WORTH. To Codsumeirvds.—The undersigned hay ing,been health in a few,weeks,by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several' yaws, With a severe _l`ung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption, is 'an xious to make knowd to his fellow-sufferers , "the means of ctire. To all Who', he 1 1 will send a r cepv.ofallie prescription, ftee . ,of ,charge, with, •the Aireetione far. preparing-and uPCPAg the sarkep . W:hicktilPY,W4 ll find a sure cure for Consunip4on,Astma,Bronchid.s,Colds, Coughs, etc. t The " only object of the advert/- 4er 'in' sending - the'Presisiption is to Veneht theeillieted and'ePtiiiidlinfOrination which lie -conceives to be invalujibleiamd. he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy,,as it wil/:;cost them nothing, and .may prove.a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will.please address , ERN:. .E.DWA.R.D 4..W.u..loN,,Williarg sbuFg, kings County,New 7 York. rii&e3in 'BLINDNESS, DES Victim and Catairh, tree ,4a thintinat ineeeris; by Dr. J. likares, °enlist aid Autiatkformerly of Leydon,lfol land,) N 0.519 PINE street, Philadelphia. Tes timonials from the most reliable sources in the City and'. Country, - can-. be seen at hie :office. Th medic4l, faculty ,are. invited to accompapy their patients, sale has no secrets in•lus prac tice. 417IFICIAL EYES inserted iviOniut pain. No charge inadc' for 'L26-Iy. ITCH ! Frew I ! ITCH ! ! ! .&iiitekil4cfatch!! Scratch !!! ----, !whefitercs - ointment'' will cure "tlie ItcWi iti 48 hours 'AQ , a , ttathat Rheum, Ulcers' eruiiireiiii of the ekih. Price 50 cents.. +=Tail/lido biliwaroggid o . By sending 60 centslo WEEKS & PorrEn, Sole Agenia, :1101"Washinglthi Mice, Bpston, Massy at wiLl ,. be;.rfQ warded . ,by, free, of postage, pto im part of the U. tater, 10rn TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES—SECRETS /Op MlLLrorr A most valuable and worid e ; f t , publication. A work of 400 pages, a " cum, colored Engravings. Dr. Hunter's Fade It, an original and popular treatise Man and Woman their Physiology, p unctioL 4 and Sexual disorders of every kind, with le;' er-failing Remedies for their speedy t , The practice of Dr. Hunter has long t 4 , 4" and still is, unbounded, but at the earn est lc ' licitation of numerous persona, he has 4, 4 induced to extend his medical usefsin4 through the medium of his "VA DE NI ECUNL, It is a volume that should be in the hand -11 every family in the land, as a preventive cl secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviatsz of one of the most awful and destrutti, scourges ever visited rnankind. One cc . l securely envieloparj, *ill tie forwarded f re : ' , l postage tc4ty pat of the United Su re- ; 50 cents in P. 0. stamps. Address, po st p tl ! HuifterOgo; - -3 Division street, New y,34 PE THE MARIETTIAN., 'E ar ith your permission I alsb say to the retiders of your paper that 1; ,send, by return mail; to'all who wish it, (fr, ' a recipe, with full directions for making etf using a aimpld Vegetable Balm that will ei:ol Wally r emove, hi ten ?aye, Pimples, Ell Aci, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the leaving the same soft, clear, smooth ant te:. tiful. I will also mail free to those hat; ; , Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple direct: and information that will enable them t o a full growth of luxuriant Hair, Whiskers:; a Moustache,lii less than 30 days. All applications answered by return as: without charge. Respectfully Yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist h Peirtm. 831 Broadway, N. Y. [u&c-3m WATO B ES HM—r. CYC E.. Corner of North Queen-St., and Squpre, Lancaster, Pa Kier an 'and Swiss Viateheg Tlti .VOLD AND SILVER CASES. *, EIGHT DAY AND 30 llon, IN I:MEAT VARIETY, AND FR%9 THE BEST FACTORIES. SPECTACLES in every style of frame, and' With glasses to suit any who•need artifitial aid. We have ty years experience in this business. SILV Eft-\V AR K. Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, Sc , stag, with our name and warranted standard, PLATE:D . 4V A RE. The beet platedware in the Unitcd We warrant our beat Table ware—SH, Fork, &c., to wear ten years in deny ue. ,JEW ELRY. Rings, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs and a riety of every article in this HAIi. JEWELRY. Hair Jewelry made to order. Two Ilun; styles, or samples, constantly on hand. 13 : Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Svir cies or Jewelry, done neatly an .I prorup;.i. H. L. EJ. Z. 411.11, Corner North Queen Street and Centre LANCASTER. PA. m RIETT A ACADEMY Corner of Market Square and Go This Academy will open for the uuc pupils of both sexes, on MONDAY, ii of SEPTEMBER. Instruction will be in all the branches usually taught in bu stitutions. The patronage of the public is asp. , r solicited. TERMS :—For Five Months, Latin and Greek, each, (extra) A Boarding !louse will be opene d Spring. R. S. MAXWELL REFERS TO Rev. J. J. Lane, Wrightsville, Dr. J. Levergood, Lancaster, Dr. H. Carpenter, Lancaster, Adam Bp. e Chathaay Chester, D. ...',..;Balthuore, Md. R.C.4 : ;;'.'4, Samuel Lindsay, Marietta, Calvin Schaffner, ac Dr. Cushman, At H. D Benjamin " Marietta, September 2,1565.-6 m S UMMER HATS! The undeisignea have Just receive.; u', , tiful assortment of all styles of A SILK, CAPRERA, FELT AND ,Str i 9,77 , Kr Ia tom, which we are prepared to sell at the MOST *REASONABLE TERM'. n- Our friends in the County are in'. to call and-examine our assortment. - SHULTZ 4- 8R0777E1Z, FASHIONABLE HATTERS. NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREEF LANCASTER, PA. REEVES' AMBROSIA FOR ~, THE 11.1,:, I=l The Original and Genuine Air VIV prepared by J. ALLEN REEVES an best hair dressing and preservative I use. It stops the hair falling out, grow thick and long ansi prevents , t turning , prematurely grey. It era] dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and rends' hair soft, glossy and curly. Buy it, tti" ,t be convinced. Don't be put off with a ous article. Ask for Reeves' Ambrosia 5, other. For Sale by Druggists ' Deal.Ts in Fancy Goods everywhere. PRICE, 'l5 Cents per bottle-0 per 1,1; Address, REEVES' AMBROSIA DEF'' 82 Fulton-at., New-York n- For sale in Marietta at Dr. F. Drug Store. I f you want a First-rate Black or Fancy Silk A neat or 'gay challie or De Leine A superior Black or fancy Woolen De L BI A fine•ormedium" Black or Colored Alpo A good Lavelle, De Beige or Poplin An Excellent Chintz or good Calico A French, English or Shambry Gingham You will find it at SPANGLER & RlCLair HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual —a new and reliable treatment. Also, BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of WELMiII. Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes , charge. Address, Da. J. Sancta tiorGsT.,;, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth:: [jan.l,'6sl•`, T HE MASON & HABILIS Cabinet Orga'f•_, Forty different styles, adapted to socred.,9. secular music, for $BO to $6OO each. r,,, e . fine Gold or Silver Medals, or other fir, 4 ,,Vr miunisa*arded them. Illustrated Caio-0. ; sent free. Address, MASON & HANLIN.' ton, or MA6ObIitROTHERS, Neir-Y001.• September ' 9;1865-Iy.] HOICF„ HAVANA SEGARS, 5%, beet Chewing and.SmokinlcolliiV, ii a i 1. FIZIO