The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 30, 1865, Image 4

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Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, and
C.:unic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the
Kidneysi and Diseases arising from a
Disordered. Stomach.
re st,l Bog ,from disci dere of the digestive orgsns:
Corstipation, Inward Piles, Fumess or Blood
to the Head, Acidity Of. die Stomach, Nausea,
IleArtburn ,
Disgust, for Food, Fullness or
w,,;ight in ;fieStomieh, sour eructations, sink-
Ling or fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach,
iwinaming of the Head, hurried and difficult
sicathing 2 fluttering at tht heart, choking or
sultocatihg sensations,when in-a lying posture,
dimness of vission, dots or webs before the
sight, fevcluand dull pain in the bead, defici
ency of perspiration, yellowness of-the skin
and eyes, pain-in the side] back, chest, limbs,
&e., sudden fl ashes ofheati burning in the flesh,
constant immaginings•of evil, and great de
pression of apirits.- •
GIZVE . , YOU - •
A Good Appetite, •
&rung . • '
Healthy Nerves, ••
&catty i .i,Verves
.- • '
tEnergetic_Feelings, ,,
'•. . Healthy; Feelings,...,
A (461 . ...'f . 00iitution, • ,
.:„, -• . Curistitutian . ,
A llealtiky Constitution, - . , ,
~.„ . • Constitution. -1V4i4,040,F.;zuE WEJNE &4R0;140,
Will make the
Will rttgke, .the
Delicate .Heaity,
r 4
W ill .make .0q;,
Dep . reased Lively
Will make.tlie
~Sulluw .CentPle*.ion . Cleary
Will make the Dull eye
• ob3ar ILO Bright.
Will prove a bleeping in, every family.
- 4 4 . u§ 9. 4 with,perreet safety by pale
or Fernale s .94 or, Young. , , •
There tire 'many Prepatations sold under the
name of Hitters, put:up in . quart bottles, emu=
pounded alba cheapest Whiskey or` common
itUtn; tiVitfill'frdrit 20 to' 411 cents per gallon,
:he taste disgUieeirby Anise Or Ceriander Seed.
his alms of..llitters has caused and will eon-
Anne to cause, as long as they can be sold,
.w.ndreds to die tte death of a drunkard. By
their use'the system is coritinually under
the' 'Of aleoholla stinimaatti of the
worst kind,' tfie desire for liqueris'ereated and
kept up, and the result is all'the horrors at
tendant upoit's:ditinitardiSlife and death: Be
ware of them.:
For those who desire 'and 'will have a liquor
bitters ? .. we plitdish folloWing receipt:'
Get one bottl'e lloeffarties German Bitters and
MIX With three quarts' of good Whiskey` at
Brandy; iind.the reafile will . be a preparaticaf
that will far excel 'ill medicinal virtues and
true . extellerthe any of the. - 'numerous "Neer
bitterein the 'Market, and will cost much less.
I' oil will have all the virtues of Hoojland's Bit
ters in connedtion.With a'good article of liquor
and at a much less price then these inferior'
preparationiwill . cbit you. ••
Ttlesti suffirlik from' marasmus, wasting
awaf,'With' acin'cel.l any
,fiesti on their bOdes,
are cured in a verY:tiliert time; one bottlil in
such have'inoSt surprisirceeffect:
- .13,111BILITY,
ReSultbrgefroin Feversaf'any•kimi-t,these
terslwill renew ycluratrength in' a,sliort
I , lX.vr.a.stiM.4ous..--The chills will not re
turn if these Bitters are used. No person inra
feverandiagneidistrict should 'be Without them.
From' Rev. Ji.:Newton , Brovn,-• D.- L.. Editor
°fake Encyclopedia ofilteliguitts Knowledge.
Althiougan t ot diepOsell to.favor or recommend ,
Patent Medicinestin .grineralvtlrriniktv dish mit
of their-ingredients-and- effects ; -I yet know
of no suitini,Mixee:sonankiinoilinahikt n t of tes
tify to the benefits he 'believes himself to have
receiteduNiti kdynnnplelifep'anition; in , the
hope that be may.thus. coatribute„to the bene
fit of othito ty , t;t: ; . 4;
,; ;
I do thl3 morli regaidlo' lloofiand's
German Bitters, prepared,h.f.l3c..C. M. Jackson
becusescif ysasgrejudisedi;against,tbern .
iiumbet r osf, ; years,. uxu,,Vr Atha
.iniptnesior,i, that ,
thLy„wens ehiedY, tiloP llo 4 o ,M#lPte... , . l anm:
indebted : te c my,friond. Ito b,?t„6htiemakez,,ish.,,
for the removal of this prejudice by proper ;
tests, and for.ennourage oent to,try them, when
suffering frbtl'lrekif The
use4irtliiiil m bottles of theselbitterSiiitthe
ginning of the present year, waS ,, folltivtl , d: try ,
evident relief, and- qiiitoti‘tion , to, a degreeM
bodily and mental vigor which' ,- 1 , had:not felt.
for six months before ' ''aliebad alracigi diaper- 1 ,
ed of regaining. I therefore thank 4 GOd'and
my friend for directing ; me to` the use of titern:
Juntr.23; • 1862.
Beware of counterfeits! see 3 th4t fhe' big
nature of "C. M. Atli 664 i , I F , on theWnipperi
of each bottle. •, thi
, PRICE Srl' ,l "-
Latxe Size o _lll:oo.Ver'bOttle;or Vdnitm:fOr
Menitiii:inze,-445e per bottleinr dozen for $4.
The , rater ofkthe, quantity
the bottles holir,''are' mueti:thw clietltier.? •
Should ybilvliettiest'dimigilk 'not bnl'e The ,
article, do not be purofftranyt of the intoxi
cating firetinnttionalhat may be, , ,sts,
place, 4.4445enc1.10 us; 'and We weilhforward.
securelytntOredr, tylexpress.
,' , 2 4 ninttitalAtlice and Manufactory,
• arniNlo...69dos SpitEgTv
V,-StigeeitiOre to C. M. Jaekson :Az *C0,..;
mici . 4et7; liar AU,
RerflimPry,.Earncy iSoopfi, Agr acts,
Hamilton's Hair Stain,
51 b,.. g hl e 4 r's ii i ptiMPATOli •
SimbergMe'dfcated Viii e,
Beatisip's Co;i4g4
Ititharolson s
Bantartli, 'Troches, xnk r „,
China !Vlastic, •
Warm COnfectinnti,
Bear's Oil,
Reef's Marraw,,
Pipes, Segal's, Tebaecq,
Paper and Envelppes,
26 fine white and'ilufF Envelopes foF 10 cents,
Letter and Note Paper one, cent n, s#eel,
Parlor Matches, '
Cutilbs, Brushes, Lead ilPrOlik
'Violin Strings, Brigea,
Pocket Rooks,
Cloc,lp and Watches for sale and **aired.
1/611 7 t mistake the place, opposite 'the Post
Office, and , next door to Dr. ilifiteTos Drug
store. HENRY WOLPE, „
We Will tell you any thing in our line
25 per cent leen than you can buy it, at 'any
other place in the . County .
Raving jobsektuzne'd. from the'eity with
a. nicely solqcted 3 kot ;of .4sadvmade Chlthinsi
which the uutlerinei . edle - Preparedtolurilish at
reduced prices; havinglitidin a geneir‘f assort:
meat of men Ali& bOVlll , Clothipg, which befit
deterrr ined to eel! 7.1 T o - foa gAsn.. 4js qtqck
co inne:s of ervvniCoikrer,- DiEtn Fiso ex/ A ni.)
GLOV ES. SUSPEIMERSi 'Everythin& in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call ai*examine be;
fare purchasing etsewhere.: Eyetythingssold at
prices to suit the times. :JOHN; DELL.
Corner of Elbow Lane and Market St
`next door. -to'CaliellteStore::-*..
IA rrEviioN! SPO ATSPeIEN N ,4
Elerk Gull CEPV: MO ' , 4 Gun -AV adds.' • - •
Du p out's, Spartilfeaad; Glazed Duck Powder
Da I t lingo - 411,0X;..Shot,Pcuchas,Powder Flasks;
Sold ,at . •; ~ lagiN SPANOLER'S.,
, T..
. . ,
liAm p. 4%NE Other: Table Wihes
U guar raiitii.'d to biLip_nra, and 844 us low la
ca n be bought in I'hiladelnhia Or `New -York.
• f1.,P.,.-PWA4U 2 .(•• Buildmg
SkIADES , prides
to close o*. Jon), 132:sgaLme,
Market Efttset; Ilarietta.
or, Compound Syrup of Wil , l Cherry
and &mace Snake hoot,
T.ht_r(Dat CfC
Such as Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Bron:hitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat,
Voarseness,, Whooping Cough, .kc,
'DA iimELt Oam WILL raEvENT
Pulmonary Consumption,
And even where this fearful disease has taken
hold it will afford greater relief than any
other medicine.
Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says :
"I was benefited more by using the Phmnix
Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used."
Elias Oberholtzer, or Lionville, Chester
county, was cured of a cough of many years'
standing by using the Plicenix Pectoral. -
Joseiti lu kens, of Hall street, Phcenixville,
certifies that he was cured 'of a cough of two
vears' standing, whed all other medicines bad
failed, by: the. use of the.Phtenix Pectoral.
Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hun
dreds of bottles of the Pfueriik Pectoral, and
that all who tilled it beat testimony of its
wonderful'effectd in' curing coughs. •
John Royer„ editor' of the In/lA - pendent
Pheenix, having used it, has no hesitation in
pronouncing ita complete 'remedy for cough,
hoarseness and irritation in the throat.
The West Chester jefersaaian says : ' "We
have known Dr. Oberholtzer person ally fo
number of yeais, giVes- us* the giestter
pleasure to recommend his medicines, inas
much as the public rarely:have the benefia
family riedicanes,prepared by , a . „pliysician of
his acquteitWiatlit - aad: efrWeiteneb;._ •
Dr. Oberholtzer is a.memher of the Alumni
of the Medical ; Department of the. University
of Pennsylvania, al tvhieh institution tit 4rad
uktfeiii t 1854:" !
The Reading Gazette, says : "Thia couch
remedy is made by• Dr- L. Oberholtzer, of
"Phronixville,Pa., and it has acquired an un
surpassed reputation in curing coughs: It is
carefully and skilliully prepared from Wild
Cherry-Bark end Seneka Snake Root."
Dr. Geo. B. Wood, Professor of the Practice,
of Medicine in the University of Pennsy
vania, Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospit
al, and one of the authors of the United States
Dispensatory ; says of - Seneka . Snake , &toot :
"Its actionleespeciallydirected to the ltniga:"
The propsietor of - this mcdieine has so much
confidence in its curative powers, irom the
testimony of hundreds,Who have used it, that
the money will be paid back to any' purchaser
siiho ie-not satisfied with its effects:
It is so pleasant to take_ that children cry
for it. 4 "
' It costh,pnIy,,ATISEALT Y-FIVE. CENTS.
It is intended' ffir dray oiie classkarts - ages,
natnely, tholie 'of. the Throat and - Lungs.
Er. Prepared . only by.
, phcenjayiDe, Pa.
Nci. 23 - 'Werth' Sixth .:'Street; Philadelphia,
..—General WhOlbsale Agents.-
311— For, sale in Marietta
. by Landis & Trout
and ' • •
EQUAL in QUALITY and Cheaper in : price ,
than the Brandies and Wines af then,
• 'Old' -
ijor Sanimef CopTiplatrA{,,nafilera Infantarn,
Irsl, Bctival Camplaia;:;'Cianap, - Ccilia and '
J i s :' '''''• ' ' Diarrhoea
M sure cure guarrantiectibi the money refunded
In support of the abbve statements, are pie
seatedthe Certificates' oT,-Dr...Tames R. Chilt
en,.New-York; Dr..H Warn ''dliOrnical - lii ,
'speetor 4; Ohio , ;--Dr. James R. Nicliole,Theirf
'ist,-Boston ; Dr. Ei• N. Jonea, o:l4th:teal In
spector; Circle Ville; Oldoe Prof.C: T:Jacksok,
y .tote
Chemist, Boston ; r. Charles 'Lipman Shep
ard, Charlesiton`,, S" C. ;- .31
add J. Z. 'Blaney,
and . G. A. Idariner t . , suiting Chen ist, Chi
cago, all of whom hatAse . yly,zed the Catawba.
Brandy,, ancLer;romendlfß the,highest Amu,
ctienial use. * ~."' - '
When, evaporated thrkeyb clean linen it let
,pp oil or, offensive mattet",.:ln• every rerpec
iris a PURE spirituous hnitbr. The oil which
gives to this Brandy itsirdver and aroma, Is
Wholly unlike fusil or grain oift v ,lts oder:par
takes of both the fruiOand oil of grapes. With
`aeids itproduces- ethers .of a, high fragrance;
The iiiibstitation of this ;Brandy for Cognac
afratidy will,dh a ay with, the rhatiiittf.;re&ofe
;riottrfolik - sPirits, sold. Under ilia name bath
at hifune;andabrosA. Respectftilly,!, ,; ;:. , ;
A. A. HAYES, Al-D., state Assayer,
-.; -.•-.. -; - - lf.Boylestoststi:.
BYE THE Ire-X1,564. rUT eying had three yeais' einerience in" the
I have analysed ." Itt.,,Limee Pixie Catawba - 'lll Collection of Cluinis and the General
Brandy," with reference to ittrcoMposition and transaction of business in 'all - Departments of
characte%beiiig , ,the same all thatopredueß in Go ' . .ernment,.!vre- can assure. our Clients' aird
Past 4eare. A sample 'taken from ten casks,„ Coriespendenti. that:ell business intrusted to
afforded . the same
. resulte with regard to pura' us will be vigermisly and Proniptly , attended
'ty ; - "ii slightly increased arrionnt . of the' princil''' , to. We are prePared to make advance upon;
ple on whiehitsfirivorideperids wastdetdfmin- and negotiate the sale of Claims, and purchase
ed by comparison with former samples.,, Quartermaster's bills and 'checks, as well' lir'
`The indications of 'analysis 'Shaw 'that nit) colfdat'the folloWing classes': ' •
Bt .
andy is prodtichdt:by the Sameprocese as Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers
most 'of *the imported .13 randy•; : ' • t and 'Orphan
Ilespectfully, .A.. HA TES, M.•Oti ; (Bounties foi Soldiers,-discharged, for wounds
.1 •10.-: State Assayer,..l6 those who haVeaseryed two'
Beiston,lbly 30,1864 • , 'years, and the heirs of deceasedi- also State
• 'M-A`murAelrmanD .01eiv 'EY I .lienetylo such as dre'crititled.
13r !Hr.JACOBn& CO.,„' , • Arrears of Pay for Officers and Soldiers, and
[TePtaihoin all orders.should beaddressed]. tlie heirs of deceased.
t3ml-- DEPor, 91 Liberty-st., New York I ! Navy Prize money, for allcapturei.
- •
ri) Navy Pension, and halance'ol Pay.
DR. BRUNON'S REAM Dig% ! Aocounts of diachargell Officers settled, Ord
o— nanee and Olotliin,g'rettirns properly mane out
;NO. 1. THE G REAT . REVtvna.--,Speedily l and cer'rected, and t elearhotes obtained from
,eradleatee all 'the_ evil eikiti, Self use,„Ordnance and qu'arterinakes Departinetits.
'litS loss of memory, shOrtnesei 'Breath, U. S. Revenue Staiiiniforsale ata discount
'hese, palpitationof the heart, Ail - poem of vii of 3i to 4f per cent • ' f32 1 3M
ion or any r .derangement of ttkj
sy,atem broligirt o4.bythe unrestrained 1
JOHN BELL, at r,
erC ant /o
mice of the passions Actitilikeeneithertex- ,
Price one'dolliir. , u 5 , ' Cor. of Mcirket-st.; anatAhow , Lane,Mtirtietto
No. 2. - rf-qtE;141 , 11.-ftWill cureinfromtWo
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is.' P t A.T.EP'UL fdrpaStfavorit I wont dretuir.
withent titsW of knell and requirea kjm.Y'thankk toniYmnifierons friends andliii
tian of salon or diet; for either. Sex'; price trons and'inibrintheinqinit I the'
;NO. 3. Tim; aufebleet in the old buSinese skittle alit ilfartd,!:Where 1 will be
shortest,possi,ble i time, and I can - show certifi pleased to see them at all times, and having a
tates of Cures. effected by this remedy:, wher I full'and splendid itiseortifent of
all °there - 1)1W filled. No taste dr sthell.— I CLOi'HS, CASSIIVAUS'& VESTINaS"
Price one dollar t -
' NO. 4. THE PITATER is the orgy known . which will be-made up tcoirder n i t the shortee
notice by the best of workinen, ant :on reasona
ble terms, L ivould be pleaSed, therefore, to wait
theiriethra; no matter of how longstanding u,
._upon old customers and all who see prope r ,
neglected the case maybe. Price one doper. • natroeiie methereafter. . [Oct .
NO. b. THE'. §01;t1OR NITHV cure any ease '; - • •
-01 Graysl . pe . ritaartently anti „
all•digetises 'Vona the bladder - end' kid'rieys:
Price one dollar
/ II
6. TEIE' Te'nv.e,ramon-i's a sure preven
tion against-the contraction of anydisease, is
liss'eXPenSitre , tind , far preference' to anything
in use. Adapted" to' either'Sex., Price .$l.
N 0.7. THE AMARID. will cure the whites
radically 'and in less time than they can be ef
fectually removed hi' an: other tieamicrit ; in
fact this is 'the only'remedy2that will really
cure this‘diSease • pleasant to take,.. - Price sl'.
, NO. 8. • Tan brtiErrax.Ptisfeci are cer-
Mir; safe - and speedy in. producing menstrua
tion or correcting any irregularities Of- the
, :mionthly periods. - Price two dollars.
No. 9. Tjt.e,F,BIAL.E. SaFtenaa'n. or Off
spring Regulator will last a lifethne. Price $5,,
'Either 01 the Remedies :will be sent tree by
mail on,receipt of the price annexed. Circu
lars containing valuable inforinatihn with full'
description Of each Remedy; may be obtained
by enclosing;one post stamp. 'Addrqss
D.K. FELIX .91tUNOIV, Box 99,
, • • Philadelphia, P r e.
These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by ,
JOHN JAY LIBHART, where circulars Con ,
tainin& a , full description : of ; each case can be
obtained gratis, un application. '
iGenerall6pot; North East Corner of York
Avenue an CalloWhill
In ,coinPlMated cases Lean be consulted
by, letter;' ,Of pelionalltat °Thee •, entrance,
= '4Ol Yolti.:Avenuee.
Clycerine; 'Palm;: Almotid, Bittband
Shaving SOAPS:.'-Equal; to any. imported.
'Jost received and for sale, very cheap at
. ,
T. CROIX .fi riD NEW ANGLAIVD .41.1111,
fa: culinary purptnea;warrantedgezinise.
H. 1). .113004.12Kri.
i 1.1 _______ 0
No WOOD WORK TO SWELL Eon SPLIT, Whilst trying Coffee of all the various brands.
No Thumb-screws to get out of order. Remember " BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR"
Warranted with or with-out Cog- Wheels. —at the bead it stands.
It took the First Premium at Fifty-seven Trne, it's not like others that are "SOLD
State and County Fairs in 1864, and is, with- EVERYWHERE." •
out an exception ' the best ; Wringer ever made. A little stretch, we all do know, good goods
Patented in the linited States, England, will easily bear,
Canada, and Australia." 'Sgbets wanted in ( But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere"—
every town. is very apt to tear. )
Energetic agents can make from . 4 to 10 Now, 1 can sawly say, without any hesitation..
Dollars per day. • There's none like "BROW NINCPS EXCEL
WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz: , 810 {" in this enlightened nation.
That Iron welt galvaniteff will not rust; Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from
That a simple machine is better than a cow- any store .
plicated one • Possessing the same ingredients as "Brown-
That a Wringer should -be, self-adjusting, , ing's Excelsior."
durable, and ejficient ;' I Nor is there any one, in or out of the. Coffee
That Thumb, -k'crews, and' Fastenings cause L trade,
delay and bauble to regulate and keep in order ; Who knows the articles from which "Brown-
That wood soaked in hat Water will swell, lag's Excelsior's" made,
shrink and split I I'm told Ws made from barley rye,wheat,
That wood bearings for the shaft to rumtin i beans,.and peas ;
will wear out; -- Name a thousand other things—but the
That the Putnam Wringer, witk. or without RIGHT ONE if yon,please. •
cog-wheels, will not tear the clothes; But with the Coffee-men I will not hold con-
That cog-wheel regulators are - notessential ; teution . .
That the Putnam Wringer has all the ad- For the many, many things they . say—too nu
vantages, and not orte'ot - the , disadvantages L merous to mention.„ g
rou ,
above named; W hil s i s -
t i o h i e e y
t 'r o e s e to n r g e age d iii runninnd from
That all who have tested- if,'• pronounce it I
the best Wringer ever made; 1 To learn,.,. the current wholesale” price of
That it will wring an'Ything from a thread j ...Biowning's Excelsior,?- 1
to a bed quilt withoutiilteration ; i • . Soine who know my Ceffee gives perfect sat-
We might till the paper withteititrionials, ! - isfactiun,
but Insert only a few to convince the skeltil. I
Have formed a plan by Which, they hope, to
' , ,
cal, if such there be ; and we all, test cause a quick reaction.
Putnam's Wrniger. 1 Thescaie—'tis with a few . ho doubt 'twill be
Test it thoroughlOvithmni anditaik. others, ' '
and if not entirely satisfac t ioty, viturn it.
Putnam` Manufacturing CO I.
GENTLEREN : I know frompraeticalexperi
ence that iron well galvanized with.zinc - mill not
oxidize or rust one pdrtib/e. The Putnam
Wringer is as near perfect-Aar:possible, and I
can.cheerfully recommend it to bethe best in use
Respeetfully, ,yours
Many nears' experience in the,galvnuizing
business enable me to indorse are' aboiie staie
mauls in ail particulars.
Jrso. C. LEFFEBTS, 100-Beekman St.
New York, Janiad, 104
. • .
We have tested ,Putnam's Clothes Wringer
by practical wishing, and .khow ,that it will
It is neap ; it is simple.; It reiLuires no'
room, whether at work or at - rest,; a child can
operate'. it it , 'sloes ifs duty thoroughly ;it
saves. time and it Saves, wear and iear. We
earnestly - advise all who have much washing
to do,, with all: intelligent persons who have
any,_to buy this Wringer. it will pay for di
self a year - at mOst.
/1:r PRICR.SS . B 3 ` . .S9,, and $lO.
Sample . Wringer sent and expreis paid on
receipt of 'price.
Manufactured and sold; wholesale and re
No. 13, Platt Street, Now. Yoik
The cases.of this Watch are. en entirely new.
invention, composed of six different metals
combined, rolled together and planishedi pro.
ducing an exact imitation of 18' carat gold,
called Arcane. which will always. keep its
color.—They are :as beautiful as 'solid gold,
arid are afforded at one-eighth the. cost.. The
case is beautifully designed with Panel. and.
shield for name, with. Patent: Push:_.. Pin, - and
engraved in the exact style of the. celebrated
Gold Bunting Levdrs, gulf are, really:l.and
some and-desirable, and sceexietaniimitation:
of gold as to defy' detection.! The movement
.1s manufactured. by. She. weill.known St. Jimer,
Watch Company of Europe, and are,•siiperbly
finished, having engraved• Pallets ,, fancy carved
bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold. balance
and the , mproved . jeWelled action, with line
dial and skeleton.hlinds, and is: warranted .a
good time keeper.
These' Watches are of Piree....different sizes.
the smallest being for Ladies,- and are -all
Hunting Cases. A. clisrisT six will be seht by
'Mail or &press for -$125:00r.!7A' single one
sent in a handsome Moroccb for $25.00 ;
'will readily sell for three times eir ccst.. 'Wa
are sole agents for this Watch. the United:
States, and 'none -are genuine , dn.:mot
tearour Trade mark Addtess , :...l.ll - •
importers; 15.14Iaide !Lane Y
L. BROWN '& CO., "
B4..isIKERS' ivp, (MLLE C,TOR.S'
OFI4.II.TTAitY A D NAiIACA - A.f.ks7
2 - PeiffK PLACE, NEW Wii.K.-•4'
. . .
Estate ofJoskua &Ma E Brown.late,of
the Borough of „Marietta. decoased
Lettertitof administration on said estate hav
ing been granted iii-the .undering,eeil,-all per.
eons indebtedtheretbrare Teqiiested, , ,ty make
immediate settlement,! and those having claims
et deinands aga.nst: the same will present them
without delay for seitlen? . eht toth6 unteraiguz.
ed,.residing in said Borough of Marietta.
Marietta March 17,'1565.:
. .
Estate. of„Charles. Katy, late" of the
Borough of Marietta . deceased
= Lettere of adMinistration on said'netate hav
ing been:granted to the undersigned, all per
i -.
sonsmiebted.thernto tire, requested. to make .
immediate settlement; and those baying claims
or dethands 'against the wine w1:1 Pieseaf them
without delay for settlement to the undergigi
edilresiding in the Borough of i.:Aarietti:
; 4 . • Administrator.
Marietta, 'June. 17, 1863
'01 . 31'? *.t..iit+
Long mayyit wave o'er - the; - land of the free
and `the blimp of the brave. ,
A- - - ,
ND long may itbe reinembered that
plate to purchaSe your . choice Toilet ar`-
Ateles, is at 'Jr- HINKLE'S Drug Store, where
he has
. just-opened a 'large-assortment df
choicest Xitracts fOilthe 'Handkerchief, such
as Night Blooming ; Cereug, ; Hyacinth, and the.
White Vona LB?, three pf `the most &Stikine
ble perfumes now in de' Call and examine
for yourielvei. 3.1-tf
P - nRIM Ne * Crop New- Oii ean s ivies
very beat for*
.Cakes.'Just received
. .
To name their Coffee.after inure;,
• INO'S) ExCEismit.? ,
Some say their's the.. only that.will
stand .a ready teik:
NOw, try a little of them which you
like the beet. •
Three years have paised away since I first
sold a store;
Never have I in your paper advertised before;
Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish
_ .like some nse.d , by "everybody,". "Bold
everywhere," in "every store."
.ktrade likethis L do not wish; the orders I
could - not fill ;
The factory all Jetsey's land would take—
lealeinit afoot to till:
My trade is not eo.very large; still I think. I
have my share ;
But, reader, yin, may rest seemed, 'tie NOT
Manufactured and for Sale by the writer,
No : 20 Market street Camden, New Jersey
This coffee is not composed of poisonous
drugs it Contains nothing deleterious; mauji
persons use this Coffee. that cannot use the
pure coffee ; it takes but one and a halfouncela
to make's: quart - Of good' strong coffee, that
being just oue-half the .quantity it rakes - of
Java Coffee, and always lesi"than half the
pride. '
RETAIL DEALERS may purchase it in
lesi quantities/than ten gross at my prices
from she Wholesale Grocers.
113 Orders by mail from Wholesale Dealers
promptly attended• to [2B-3,n
-' Great 'Sale of *JeWelry, Watches, Chains,
Diamond Rings, Silver-Ware, German
and French 'Fancy Goods, &c„ worth ,
• . over sBoo,oooall to be sold with. :
- - outreeerve. Everyone to have .
something. valuable. ' '
•‘Gents Gold Hunting CaseMetcher -
W 4. 68.8539 150
Ladies Gold. : Enanird Case _Maich - es sso,to.aoi
GenVs iluuling Case Silvel:aft"",3s tel7ol'
' Gents Gold Wa.tdties,double time
.75 to 150
Gold; plated Wat.hed in -- rifaglecipea - '35 to 50. 1
Gold - Plated Watches . Enameled,, for Ladies,' :
.35 to 50, - .
Diamond, Rings . . • • 50 .to 1.00,
'Gold Vest and Neck Chains• . 10 to 30,
Goid Ovlll Band Bracelets• , 4. to 8, 1 = '
Chased Gold Bracelets - ===
" .5 , t0 IQO Con - pound Fluid Ext Tact
Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains 5 liti , 2 o l-,°,! = . :'`' - '
Solitaire ann Geld Bro o ches'i r t r e l' ai l "S Ai! ..1.1 : S AP A RILLA,
,Lava and Florentine - tirouciies i- ''' f O "01"-• ,
Coral,'Oiial; and Emerald Breeches. • -to 8, For purifying the blood, removing all diseas
'Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Fier., Ear r i/ropii 4. ti. - S, ' , es arising froni excess and imprudence in life,
Coral, Opal, and.Einerafili Ear Drops 4to 8,- . - chronic constitutional diseases wising from an
Califerms Diamond-Breastpins - 2,sorubilo;" impure:state of the brood, arid- the ...illy Jeri-
Gold Fob aneVesi Watch Keys 2,50 to-7, , , able'and effectual known remedy forthe cure
Fob and Vest , Ribbon ;Slides in"- 3, to" 8" - of S_crofula, Scald Head, - Salt Alleurn, ' Pains
Solitare Sleeve :: Buttons; S'ineb, etc., .3 to .10; , :
and , Swelling of the Bones, -Ulceratioris of the
'Gold Thimbles, Feimild, etc., in..-, ` 4 to - '7.; . Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Miniature .I.ocitets - c.. ,, : - %
,i- , -;-- , - , :4 to-Sc-? Face, 'fetter, Ery sipetas, and at scaly erue
-Miniattire-acliets--Miigic spring o. to-10, , ~ t icitis of the skin, and beautifying the complex-
Gold Tooth Field, Creases, etc., 3 to, tO, j0 i1 ,.."' . .4 + -
Plaffi'"Guld Ring*, Chsised Gold Pangs 4 toll,
Stone Set and Signot Rings . - ....• - 3 to:10, • - -
t altiornia Di.vnund,Rings --3 to - 10 -Of the waist disorders that afflict, mankind
Ladies' Jewelry. in-Sets—Jet and
.Gold - 8 to 10, arise' from the corruption that accumulates in
Ladteff''Jeu elry in s e ts, Cameo St Pearl; 410-12', the Alood. 'Of siirthe 'discoveries that 'have GOld.Peni,' Silver Extension Holder & Pen a been beeViliete.p l urge it-lout l none can equal in
Gold Pei,,es,pia OtifdMo,4.4teil Holders - 5 to 11T " -' e ec
'Gold Peniati4Goiq , k:x:!.o4,,Rn. tioldergy§..ika
Silver Go blets , and,DruiOng Cupe,„= . .: . 20 to 50,
Silver Castors, Fruit and Case Baer:lets 25 to 00,
Sileer Tea and:Table Spoutia and . Foras,-per,
- citizen . - , • , 20 to 40,
Silver Plated Tem.-Pots and Colfee Iffna3s.teno
Silver Plated Ise Pitchers & Molasses" Clips
• 201-0„ 80 ,
See what the , most poptilar and Widely cir- .
cule.ted.peliodics4say of our 'Establishment,:
From the" Dispatch- of•Febtearyi-2-?;.186.50-
We tai.e, plealoii'l6' Calileig the 4144436 0
our readers to the• antieunceinent of. Messrs.
De viriiili Si: CM'S'il Feat 'Sale Nif J'ewel ry,n Sitar
`•Wareould Fancy Goods, in ,our advertising
columns We are persomillly acquainted with
the members of this firpl amt. know them to be .
-. gentlemen of .sterinig zorth and integrity ?
Thris Stacinf godds, for Variety and . exten't
we have scarcely seen paralleled.' - -
. from the '" Mirror°, Fashion," 'March 1, 1865
lideigi'S. Devaugh & Co.'s Great Sale OfJe*
.. ,
elry,"etc., opened on the ,- /.sth tilt , and we
venture to soy that nofiner display of geode
was ever exhibited : tiy "an y ' "establishment in,
this city. The ladies thronged their bazaar
altriost to suffocation, altliough"the streets were
rendered 'near)) impaSsable by '"the - melted
soil v and slush.' We predict for theni : a wen;
derful 'species. -
Vi6h). the-" Ledger;" -February 28; 1865.'
Our - lady friends should - visit
M the extensive
establishment of tiles , ' Devaugli & Co.'s
~Nci'r i fi' Maiden = Lane, if they Wish to indOlgo
themselves with . a sight which they wilt long
1 rernefribE, Such d" profusion of elegant
I Watches, Chains; Rings; Earrings. and, in
short, of Jewelry of everl name; kind rand de ;
scription. We' never beford witnessed-. Their
;eilver and prated Wlire is. superb and almost
lasteinto -the shade the other. spleudid. estab
lasliments. w loch have long been the boast of
mer city. 'lt is -estimated that their stock is
worth not less than one rnillionef dollars._.,;
5 Maiden Lane, New York
Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel,
T"'tinderaigned would rtispectfully: inform
hie public that he stol continues; at the
, old. stand , corner . of Secona and. Walnut streets,
'k directly optioSite the Cioss Keys Hotel, to keep
~on hand . and for sale, .ali'kinds of cigars_ from
Half Spanish up, in prices -from $6,-$7 $2O to
litio per theusand. TOBACO.—Natural. Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, oranoao Virginia; : Con
' kidse Fine Spun Ladies Twist. Coarse -SPun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel-of Ophirtobacco, An
derson's tiest , Fine-cut. All kinds of fine CA
gars rnandfactured of-importett stock. StxEs
I HALF SPANISH. Rappee Snulrand all kinds
-Fancy P- Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
Fnie-cut, PipeS,- Cigar Tubes, &c.
45-6 t
. .
rilms is the most 'desirable Lantern in the i .
i • =ilia. ':lt burps Coal Off without go-
Chiinnek 'emitting neither sMok6 nor smell.
. .
.ttgiv;eiii t , pUte white 'light.
It stands quick" tniit;ons in anydirection.
The flame is teguiate'd tiorn'the outside.'
It is neat and compact in form and size.".
liii free,frixi:solder in the: upper parts and
Nl9 plirwise very subbtantiM . nrits stiimpire. .
For sale at JOHN SPANGLER'S'
Hardjoare Store,- on : 111arket etrket
1 I YON'S Periodical Drops, and , Claik's gp
tale Pziloy TM Oblde4 Mertar. '
Foh nowteteption of thine, bh
Intlarnationi.ot Ulceration of;the Bladder of
Kidneys,. Weathers . of the Prostrate. Gland
Gravel, 4i'iclrdust: deposits, Dropdicai
Orgadie Weakness, Debility, 'Felnale
Complaints, &c.
Flui6 Fatrot- BOW,
And . knprnved Rose Wrish.
Will radically exterminate from the system;
Diseases arising from habits of dfssipation, at
little i;xpense; little or ito change of diet, no in
convenience or exposure;-completely supek
setting those uvdeasant and dangerous remedies
Copabia and Mercury, in curing these diseases.
In all diseaaea of the Urinary Organs, whether
existing in male 'or fem a le, from whatever
nose originating, and no matter of how long
standing. It is pleasant in
,its taste and odor,
inrm.edia4 in action, and more strengthening
than any of the preparations of bark or iron.
Those suffering from broken down or deli
cote constitutions, proeUre the remedy at
once... . ,
The Retder must •be aware that howeya
slight may be the attack of the above diseas
es, it is certain to street his bodily hedlih,
mental powers. eind ,, happiness. If- no treat
ment ‘s submitted to, Consumption or Insani
ty may ensue.
All the above diseases require the aid of , a
diuretic. -
Co ,( •! I Extract of Sarsaparrilla.
' It-cle ' a and renovates the- Blood, inittilal
_ the vi to • .1-1 EALTH into the witern,
and ji . rges out the humors which makedis
ery-s% t stimatate,s the healthy functions - 4
thetr.3o:#,-T.find expels thk. disorders that grow
' and rankle in -the ,'Blood. Such a remedy,
that etrit/d. be-relied on, has long bsen sought
for, emit iisw, for the first time, the
. public
have which they can depend. Our
' space here does not admit of certificates to
show its effects. but the Irial eta' single bet,
tle vv . -ißshow , to the,sick- that it- has virtues
Sserpassing anything they have ever taken.
Two tank Apoonsful of the Extract of Sarsa
parilla, added , t6 a Pint of water, is equal to
the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal
to a gallon of, the Sup of Sarsaparilla, or
the 'decoction as usuallymade.
, .
The above ti:xtrbr,ts are-prepared en purely
scientific principlds—in Vscuo—and - embody
the full strength of, the ingredients entering in
to their c9mposition. A ready and conchtsive
test will tie a deiriparison of their" pitmerties
with those set forilvin,lhe U.' S. Dispensato
ry. _
In diseases-of the ( plood, Humors on the
Face, or any and every part of the body, use
Extract Sarsaparilla; applying to - Pimples and
all'exterilarHUM&S' or Firuptionsi jrn
pro„ved Rose Wash.
Use the ELitriletßuchn for all .diseases . re
quiring the aid of a Diuretic, except ; those, ni
the,PrinaryA:gliris,, such as Gpribrrhcea and
G r eet ; in these use ttie Riitract - Buchu andlir
ject,toitti the
Rose Wash.
11 These have been -ridniitted to
use in. the Muted States Army, ,arict-'41.150 are
in very general use in all the istate hospitals
and public institutions throughout the% land,
as.well as N in piivid practice, au'd - are e?usid
ered as invaluable remedies.
DELIVERED 7p , ANfiit t,DREss
• 11411E,C21 LETTERS TO
8.41Q,T3 BE,
594 Broad way, N. Y.i'litort•Platrapolitan. Hotel
. ;iVP , Ep 3 CAA. : .1 ) 0
104 SouthTen.l , Stte,et,,A.seern Busilciini
Describe symptoms in all GommunicOion.s.
EVE IR.VWI - 34Eft.Vr.
„ _
TAKE NO a'ximit.
FISH'S. 11E111'1Ni) APPAir
Boilin g —Fr V in g — Stmoing—Steapi, l6 . ,
• By the flame of-a contmeri
at the ,cost of a cent's worth Of 0 1 1,9:
corrifortalile - breakfast can be cooked,
—N. Y. Tribune. •
• • • Sample in construction, e asily k„
in order, ready for use in a 1110 61813 t 4
convenient to' have on hand. • •
gist's Circulatr• _ "i•
* •- • Fish's Lamp is one of die it
popular &wellies of the ,day, • • „
utility of it is unquestionable, a great sav e"
is made in heating and cooking small attic
and can be ,made to cook meals for a p et
many persons, which is actually done os
~ • ,
ambulante cars which carry the sick solditt:
• Stientilk American. ,
• * • • .t'or fatatlx use, hospital tern, 4,
rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick t oo ,
it lien article of comfort 'beyond all p ro :
tiou i * cost. * Hall's Journal of li ktji.
* r have tried 'the apparatcs,,,A
my wife and. I'pnoclaini the same a most v i ta
able and .ipdispensable article, and ue
wonder ho we could have so long done witt,
out it: *:':• Ed. Coca Oil Circular.
* * * An economical oontrivance 1
getiing up' heat at•snort notice for nursery at i
g im el p le o7ta l ri h t ° p u ot h t ° i l a d th p e u s rP av o io lle x s ' *
in cost orer sq
fires: • • • N. Y.lrenzng Post
Prates front Two jcpSix Dollars.
rapacity from One to• Four Quarts,
Three Artielis Cooked at one time teiale k
• Burner'.
Arranged for Kerosene or, Coal Oil, or Gi l .
A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty plgetfut.
nislved gratis. ' • •
Price" 60 Cents,
To be attached to:a Common Kerosene l ot
or Gas lityrier, by:which water may be band,
and foodcooked ; also arranged to supports
shade. Every Family steeds one.
W.M. D. RUSSELL, Agent,
No. 206, Pearl St., New York,
n'" Agents Wanted.
lat— Two of these Heating Lamps cash
seen at John Spangler's Hard ware.
81.000;000 WORTH!
n be disposed of at One Dollar m c k
urithaut re:qizrd to "value, not to be paid
jar until yok know what you are to r.
ceive., •
bend the following list of articles to GI
• . 7
sold for One Lollar.
100_Gold Hunting Case Watches. each $15501
100 " Watches, various styles " 7544)
20 1 ) " Ladies' Gold Watches
OU,Silvet Watches each s2olo li
6,000 Latcsi style vest & neck chains 5" 4
5,,m0 Gent's California Diamond pins 5
C.hrornia Diamond ear drok 5
3,000 Miniature'ltevolving Pins 5 " :1
2,0u0 California Diamond and enamelled
Gent's scarf pins new styles 5 "
2,000 Masonic and Emblem Pins 3 "15
2,500 'Gold:Band Bracelets,.engraved 3 "i.l
3,000 ; Jet and Mosaic. Brooches 3'.10
2,000 Cameo Brooches 5 „10
3,0u1) Coral Ear-Drops " 5
2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains S "
6,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid asset's 2 "10
000 Solitaire :sleeve Buttons 3" 11
3,%.00 studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets 3.10
5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain &engraved 2 "
10,000 'Plain and engraved rings' 2,50 "10
8,000 Lockets,- richly engraved 2 to IS
15,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, nett and
latest styles 6 " 11
5,009 Handsome Seal Binge' 3 o 8
2,000 Seta Bosom Studs 2,50 •' ti
1,000 Gold Pena and Gold Holders 15 " 21
2,000 Sets Jet and' Gold Pins and Ear drops,
latest styles, very rich 6 s.
2,000 Gold thimbles, Prntils, &c. 4" 6
30,000 Gold pens,
and silvericases 5 "3
10,000, " s Ebony holders 4 " 6
This entire, list. of beautiful and valuable
godde will be sold for One boilar each. Cati
buttes of all the above articles will be peed
in envelopes, and sealed. ,These envelopu
are sent by mail, as ordered, without regard to
choice.' On the receipt of the certificate tat
~will see whet you are to haye, and then it it
at your option to send the dollar and take the
'artivele,"'or not.
Five eertilteatespan beordered for $1; do
.en for $2:;
...thirty for 25: sixty-five for $10;
and one hundred for $l5. We will sea a
- single Certificate on the receipt of /5 tens ,
Agents Wanted to whom we offer smite
terirls`; geld tents 'for one certificate and
our. cirenkar.:witb terms.
. ll A:11. ROWEN & CO.,
(Post_O.tWee'iik 4210;) No. 36 -Beekman-s4,
May 27-6m.r." New York.
•,Cheap, Fertilizers. •
rirl[f E FERTILIZERS prepared by the 4.
ricultural _Chemical Company, [ a CO'
puny chartered by the legislature of Pentnyl•
'vania with a capital or *250,000j have hero
proved id practice, to be the cheapest, Da
profitable and
,beet„.for the Farmer, Gardena
and Fruit',Grewer, of. all concentrated
'lures now affereditt any unarket. ' The Cow
pany's list , embraces the following :
Jout i ETTE.- This Fertilizer is comps!
ot night soil and the fettili2ing elemental
urspe combined, chemically and mechanical 4
with other valuable fertilizing agents and sh•
It is . a pinverized condition, tek
dy for immediate 'Use, and without loss of Its
highly_ nitrogenous ,
Its universal application to all mega.
soils, and'ifii ,- duitibiliVilatid active elialllt 6
are. well .-kuPwla' 19, 1 4 e all that agricultalin t
can disire.
COVIPORT. This Fertilin t
j, Is , largely:xi:imposed of animal matte:
With as .meat, bone, fish, leather, hair
wool, together with ' chernicals and Margot
fertilizera r ,Whioh'deioliposekhe MEM, 811 , 1 11.
:sin the nitrogenous-elements. •
It is , a very, valuable fertilizerfor field crue t
'generally, apd especially for pleas,
garden pOrPoiesi"
Its. excellent limlitielhistrength and ellfg .
ness, have made it very popular with all
Matte used 'it.
kJ) phosphatic 'fertilizer, is particula r],
adapted for the cultivation of Trees, DA
L awns = and.' Flowers: If will promote A
very vigorous and healthy growth of woodsos
fruit, and largely-sincrease the quantitl l‘ s l ,
perfect: theAnatprity of fruit. For 11° it
house and household, plats and tlowell ,
will tie -found an indiapelisable article to le;
cure their greatest perfenop: It vi ill pretes;
and cure diseased conditions of the peach
gripe' and la excellint-for grass and lawns' it
It is composed of such elements as mil k %
adapted, o the growth of all kinds of crop
6 '
all kind's of • • ~,
The formula at, method. -combining _
constituent fertilizing ingredients have F"
eeived:the , highest. approval of eminent cheo'
I ists and scientific agriculturists.
PuespiiATt-GF The Agliob •i ll :
rat' -Chemical .Company Zmanufacturg.;
Pheopltete of LitI,IC in accordance with a!!„,
and valnable'forinula; by'Which a very
' slur artiele , is produced; soaaras to be atfor!„
at a less price than othernkanufacturers chop.
Practical tests have proved that its value, l
'fertilizer, is erinal *tlie7 best , Phosphate"
Limbln the market:
Tzitms: sn.-Ailltirders of a
tome, delivereclAtpe railroad start,lu,,
and, the. wharves of shipment, free of cam a s:
Chtage . Wlil be'clarged-On'alll ordeal !:," 0 ,
barrels or less. , , one; Duly' per Toe fin e .
since for cartage will be made on all sales co•
livered at the tov . ,nilts CempallYi °V
nal' Wharf. ' _
Ah It I CM:TVS:A C. 13 Etna L COA
Of1:anal„ Wharf,,onthe Dels 8 :` 04 ,
Office, 413 - itra"Sf., PlailadepAint.'
• • EITTS, General M." ear
The - Cernpany , ii PhaMphlet Circa so ya
bracing full directions., for -using t r k,,40 1
Fertilizers, pent by free. when e.