Zhe • F. L. Baker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA cd aCar~. e/zfe rfeK - BrS 7~b4: r A V NvEtc/x.s.EL Fiteian op pl 2, named Jbbn Hick ae beeh'visiting D 'il l Mignualigh&MB4 . 7o, , CrAPA...ols4. he mlnoved - in 1813 to the West. He 1'0(4 , 13 in 11;(e'Bia'Cle'Llawk War in 18.32; and %tail' tbe i-ebelllen began, in 1861, •Irirjoitre'd rabn 'ITO nt en t frotti iindier'ved a c.arripaign'iri blissonri. He subsegiisnili eriiisted atralb in tli'e 58ib RegitnenCof Indiana Volunteers,' and thatoE inizatitin was'in the' bettlea'of , and Blur frOesborii, atfd - sa'ddier'othets: l 'A year ainee;:iktifqf o fgreei ` key vras mustered - oiit br Life seriCe; and for a' g, r P it"liner; beta been'eniftleYed'ioe‘Veo*ei Strap Re. freshoitikt6e6od e riff'bilirialitiii: Tbia r e a'rilitb foorth:i•eir,' 'the . eat •ni an h 'Ciarie - d • l a' the ratilti of hie ir"iitiitrnfon r sir A , distinguished Ige . oLleina.a, , 4lo cen v e out i _Nit h site 14Preside at - A fe* days ago fi tt t , tashingtoe,. renarked , ,t 9 him : 7l:pernsive,,hir-Joitusen, that the . 00 PPI.lrilV10.14tillocCacY. errs Olakiug, great efforts to, capture : , our I=flsasidept —4o withdraw fgo/n4ha p,arty Ishich lIPAn aAe elected; him, p and. tol'at him in to, the keeping,of,the party which sleeflered,endyilided himbefore the,elee tipp,andswhiek,pjekted his, assassination afterwar,d, and L l should Ake., ,to know theirohancen of,..srignensei. :The Fresi. dent Topiled .Virctor them too well to,hein danger, of capture by them, and sup,po,sed„Ahey.i knew me . .well enough , not toimktip the attempt . .";,, ler Tliat'fatillite i old E 466 adefphiitßattrd , ,YeWing' Post, baa paFeed into other bliude, Mr. Edmund Napo]] withdrtiTingWild M liii place "T he SVeaber taking} hi', -e DOW firm title ; Henryenry Petersorillt co. hire . Spencer will have efiat *r Td g P The Poet bap secure d an . ... , 4 h :eothilAnt e find Olin; ises many imorovetneati' under th...*' - aew atm Mrs. s peoce! tuii, for some' eine ' h connected with the editorial departm ent -ep of die - :syr a ang — ein l ent will ail effeet Lad Y' s. Viienal „ That ,A• n magakinbWlll 4 Co enderiyis eon and Pet:et:soil; and m 4: O - 14 ca p e i t own as Itiyi:titfFfreio . rlt'aed u the 'P e loitl or: Peterentria ifitigagins for potolier ie ;on otmdgett. •,-.lllhrfriinftisiilece !,te.The Little Street. tatir.epdicZ'lls ,nenylpfAttiy,; the fashion-,:plate ;Ideeign A foratrimming Balmoral. Pottieoltts aad 11 rime o.pageemf fine wocnliengiliTioge:gotopoae.thb Wits trated portion4.oC OtialaveriteAtnileheap lady'a,:bbolraa4litly two-dollars la year. AddreecoGhnevAl.oPeteracinp 306,0heat nut eti, Philadelphia. -,;:c , , , ; , . ; . ashingioa,Yeeel4l7 ,!ii:i the em: Washington , eame opurtli J iiiiicti — "Mies *kills was acquitit'ed'r 'Er 44 . . - ,or 0 ogtfog'l3fie ..,...._' was tried fo r .eicabt v , .. rPllps, a au6a brali-ei.".if ~•.:. :J I M' 'a 41 ° 663111.1 'isho PTassiselifk iiillii . 'ii-ts - ''' ' to fo e u i3 u t d e r t ii ,, tlitiiks - Seeac i ei, Y tii'lailTiat a a l r eig t, !Gard. .... ..4 , -: s.! . ,•. , , eir , Ritholittttre g reeVoil city inainn eylverds; waelbtonname4 in coneequeone of en estreoidinery pit or .eavern. , that (Miner about - threw wiles kfrooll the? city. In this pit etdge& eke? thrown', tut:i they are never, beard fdrop. , :iite deptie: hoe: not yet .been fathomed T . 4./ ";(,) fai1t!. , Z.,,,.; ), Jane -4 ger pr,a l Ot her parts oP the Si,qtv'h,v . eipreeeqdt the, boPlk:ge people ponuecicut; by volqfi t iary kcjill - fii f , wfil:e r e A t tq the memory,. or tbs„latq, „AI ey. a d9PPRe.at her fqmp. :., ' , Sir It: tali; Weinril‘ildiiti f td - eallaXliez l ender H: Stepbeite, of 4.l4orgia,f4:to -ibe e vitamin litiand•in'ttie I ' V tcial , ~s3prove the echntAieityageffasYhrent `ttilrontreiteckir nivel - Uteri and berbaiiiiesOrriette •A'a etAndereonville. • - ; IlhircgrutllrSPßi l s4tr:Ogti !lied by 00 °0 INFAiis a: abort time.:,'C6ie,m~un;is ; vil'er,thao, the vilest rebeirtfigt4PAl6enl!" tPitir 1; 0 131 -' lion, olk3 6 p 492RF' 1 ,tismr: !hen the rel.milllMPfflfaiatißOld- ; sir Alg a Poilint i inf him Ciernianyliake'firrivid Intently: #i Lopoll,"and. genii" now •oinploy-, , ed. n . - Irak! A# that stippiy of this kind of nOw • igilrialenreuesboLgiviul slooo4or, Brat the erection daaroldiere: alepaaoA ink -114iabiksai,...LIBAW79ociv6ag gliiiaOrei or Buchanan or Pierce given. fiphiajotAien:ASSlVOitli r • 4autis,. of-catalry,faute.tar,utaaurrie at (i,laye,, hind. Gko?ocTehavidoWilltiO* l o4o)-Tott daughter of es-Gor The fripleti boina the .iother'' v i e etb i at 1 „ ce.plegke Dide , throw 2-- .e sae. •ft fie , oritrOn Nut—,bell Ole Andreae Iktuasis f b giant, formerly skinning it 13aintnla Museum, s flirt 'Oka fitiree;ti,fottaig* since, in New York. He is 8 feet one inch high and large in proportion, so that his capacity for beer drinking rath er astonished the tavern keepers whom he:Vatninilsed. Fle.linally went to sleep when he was arrested by a single bold policeman.- Beer glasses are said to be very small la - -Wiecunsin,.—& - returned'aoldier wit° liked beer—as some soldiers do-.-asked the bar tender for tliftloaniof hand kerchief, and On •ricelv-mg.thsi , "vipto, ; . tied one end of it around the handle of 'or iiitie7 - arialtre efi'bisingAatikid the reationlor stibh &per's, i "the mtig'is So small that l'tri'afraid I might eurellaitoit'byttcbident" General Fremont, is, turning his at tention to kkissonri, and dodos estab lishing at St touis the manufacture of railroad iron, railroad,,enginas and roll itig stock. Be iii'presideat of the":,iiie bonri go m pany--5 corporation chartere d in 1864 by the Legislature,—and thitt company will, astimpas the, proper ar . rangements can be completed, engage in that ,business.. It is , related (that S. Todd .:of Sethlehero,Wonnectient, Was bitten- by a copperhead nooks 'the other day, while aowitirryellw,his Ibid. • He - continued to -work, Rodeo diit the' poison; and he screw .beganq in grow dizzy: He made his way !hoiheilli 'great agony,"-but on his arrival •there drank tibotittwo quarts -of fourth-proof 'cider brandy,-end - is now in ayfair way tot recover:.; • " ' They liad a dead ; lock in the Demo cratic Senatorial cOnferance in the Coin lierland and York district lan week. The York confFres voted fifty times for.lion A, thestOnd ; the Cum berland conferees voted exactly the sane number of times for Col. James Chestnut, and each cindidate had exact ly the,saine nuinber of votes at every ballot. -There are; in Washington ;nine color ed:day-schools, whose teachers are ,sup- Toned. by:toitipn : fees. : There , are also .twanty,tive. : free .schools , iinpparted ,by the philanthrophy of the.north, and eight. L ffee evening : 4oools volantarily ,teught by-clerksin the ; different departniems. :Neither , in-its corporate or individual capacity, doesothe city of Washington pay, onc•cenk.for thn instruction of its eoknedeitizens. ..; thetiugh` hav ire *Did repala'tioU C'oriequelit liForatte rehellioti end' ific iailare,aud. from Lhe of the slaves, the value of property in South Carolina, which was i tiiii'huildred..titillione of dollars in 1860, has been redUced to fiftyWiwi of &Hire at the present time. c:Weeds k y.which, hate • toetnk ,pegletttod 'daring the,grpwing season, =are. now r). perking pp a nicesrop i of,aqedo to.,.take poottepeion se the legit ilt•edvan ce of cqh exopk.; cat. off tbe 'reit)! Pest!. and .—Ilitillikttithem in kil:idle!' :to, burn the M— thegebxegyjpgA ttqaple the roitt,,siitaeop• 1 .W . 4 I;, : Every 'tibler-bclied l Inigro 'who wits 'elite° Wade 'Elinfil)ton'i-'slive is aow'hir• red by I 'at4lo Or , mon tb,',Wo tfed. sBi , Witholt ) lehard: f l lieteYoeots liYraise 800 , 5iiies-Crf 'cotton this' season, land tneetilie to - girt* free n grit 'labor a fair-triely - Camp Curtin, Burris'iorg, is althost doseried. But few soldiers remain. there to be ;#,Ocilargoll and paid of Soine (threregiments will yet arrive, an e. 4 i.wari then`, the camp h,ecotne. nunecussury ;Geri. Kilpatrick -fiat. , taken:the stump, Neva Jersey , ,for the=Union §toto,..tick iiit.,,Tbelgallata•General .announces : that, shiheanio:froro.Sotith EOsrnliva 'ta fight thewcippOrtteado and .ineacte:t9 do it. , with; a e., ; =I men- • in- Afe joie : 411161 S '-hefore dai; - diMinistied ' ig eMonhoA o 8436,00111 1 /.\:. w::«.» ,\ ms, -' -. Y7 . „•• A negro, woman, .kp_d a tizbd, ma, , esnie felt& the vhice l i; ble o d' t. Grederal Gran - d. . . W. W C i ox of the Post ,Offiee De- PPrtinePS , 4S's' is !' dl,ll, lb ° gri s o ed -a l ac sp:d o ie ooßyo fjiepje i toioFrAtoipiO 3 :ll#rst l ed icf' r yPO l ike•P4ParsPP, 4 ll lo'SPS 1 ?) . !).im ,felf(lshiloßo§.t:ol6l#lt.M.YVS,llll,::= Maj:' , Generai :Banda& iir.inojanpaingc witlitllisitamily 'at, ‘Norriatowia OenetaVexpritasen bimiailfin 2- few. of: . Fitelatendon 'of El Wrenn. and Catnfibalk A boree thief neqr Bridgeport; r dent' • . , ,tlyoenti,tyy IWO . sta , al mace Rkurk w h en qfilfice(l and ,_. r Calleing U.W3 Li, DRnti,c bro OE* to ity qf 111111 ii-r4Dl.w.hal ttmekelittlibilicfkkAlmind„ ; ef the gplietata Weettingtopeateeiher, I:9ll2;oo(torkeithe 451 t" gi; lla :W4l /hi+ 81411411417 natiliAte t critir t or Oaceing,-edifielliveifplyT t or li tu tur n. , tom , a ri 7,„:1;m1. .40 ' VZhlShlttrietii wilMiksOlN in Per!larlde wati , ' MARIETTIAN,Ri-g.) _, I' 'DING 1 . IV4II „ 110 W a o f ten - igi see men :nd .4 mee(lho a fairly Fling oat i axis hoe. h i n ey em to h no t : . esEpsclallf ~.s e,,, A t. geteral as iinde )anlg";or ; ab ambition, g energ , indi gestion, weakness, total inability to eat and relish food, &c., &c., all of which i 3 nothing but Dyspepsia. , Coe's Dyspep sia cure will _surely care _every such case, no matter of how long standing. lt , is also a most expellent remedy for chOleridnorilite; cramp oiiiiiigfititeither. stomach or bowels. We advise all our ferieg -to' tr:ylC- - ":-:- - " ireirelrybe-lisw i York Tribune's Ritleigh •# ?,1 E -• .1 .00tr,08p0Odellt Oat tb t• - the _I) en „of rations to whites was to cease on the 15th niTiVitie""Therrlewawenworcoloredtpeople in.Raleigb receiWng -rations. .A good many whitnst-lave , either , sold- their :tit , Lions given:them by the •gonernment,tor tadAbeir, hogs with,thern. Toong tally,' Sing Sing Stal.3 ..4 P;:ison, reopenize'd in one or theconmeta a lost brother who was convi c ted of wrong doing ender; an assume i name. Tl3'4 Wee aildrn - 74,are %Adept 'Tew . York merthant; and . tte boy was mourned kinedin the war. Hero; the Russian 'bloodhound from Castle Thunder, • and Jack, the. blood. hound. kept at Anderponville, , by Captain %Vim; tire now on exhibition at _Boston. ''' jIIitAItRIED..: , 7; - : 4 1 -';' , :.:'- :. 'hi Lancaster city, on the 21et initint, by key. me. ThOrnpeon, Mr:Hifi:lll.i L. SuLtzseco, of Philidillphta, formerly ht of Marietta, to MARY, daughter of Jacob Oriel, esq., of Lehi-aster. nti.cus. THE BITTER Fa xu Or BAH . BITTERS.-.-Ill valid terider;do.you-knotv , wlrat , nine,tentbp of the bitter compounds you are solicited, by the ! proprictorap accept espniversal panaceas are comp.osed of? qive heed for a fitment. They are manufactured ft - Om unpurified 'ilied- Rol;contaiuing a ConsideFaiile 'Portion of fusel oil, a poison tihnuat AeadlYith priisslic acid. Thebasia of the regular tinctures of the Mate ria Medics is the-same.,. No amou.t of "her bal extracts?' can overcome the bad tendency . of this pernicious- *pent. The, elfsferice of sound Rye thoroughly rectified is the only stimulant:iv bich can be sifelYtised as 'a cod . - ',anent 'of it Tonic; Alterative, and anti bilious medicine, - and'Hostetter's Stomach Bitter's is Abe only .medicinal preparation in the world in which thie erticle . is uscd,aearhigredient. Hence the extraordinary egeqs o f .his great speCific. It gives strength Without producing exeitenictit-' No tither tonic doer Ibis. All 'the tittertf-fish the Ince and .affect the .brain.; Hostetter'a Bitters.. diffuse an agreeable, calm through the neryous isystein, Kornote and , produce port : ,other. soriuielry, phyneal energies : restores, the umietiti, lurid reindiektlie'globin'and' depreision ways ationspanies' NOeulrliess of the bodily powers: " _ • T£111:1BiE Mtimiorr;!h- •A• trioit valuable and Avondeiful publicatiOn.! - .Carrcielc , ofr, 400. pages, and. , 3o eolored, Engravings. , pr. tiunjees ym.de. Me cum. an original and popular treatise on Man and yeoman their Physiology ? Furictior.s, And Sexual disditers 43f gev *lt'eMediee ' speedy'' The:pi - notice of 'Pi. linete; has long teen, .andunbounded; - bn t. at the, earnest, so • licitatieu-01 oninkrenti : persone v Al. has. been induced usefulness through the medium pf hii "MADE EXIT M." It is a volume that should be in tt'e hands of Ineitind; as A liibieritive 'of e asiest' vices;' or'as a guide for :the riflOile of , •the; inest" ,, awfult and.; deStructive swinges 4over% visited manhunt.-One; renurely.envelope,d,,will : be forwarded free of postage, to uny., , prirt L of the United Mates for 50 cents in P. O. stamps. Address, post paid, Pr."liii - aer *O:3 PiVision street, Netti 44r,f,dilpr of !!'!'he.tgarietiffin." . . DEAR Sra:4 7 ,Witliyoyr, permission wish to sa j y i to4e , rea ders o f . y our paper thal.; will send, by retUrn ;id Ofito le (free) , •• • iceecipe, with' full directions for - akinglind `iniinglilliinple Vegetable Biiimthatiwill offic inally remove; in bean aye, Pimples, Blotches, ,Tan, 2 Frechleiti an.d. all,Bnpuritiewof„tle ,ki t yAng the same ciQn43mrtpp.o:6eAu lifl4.l s will also marl free to tlioSe hating fleld"Hems, or gire` Bare Fa dirbctions' i and'informatib~n ti at will enable thein ' to Start Ai!htiobstachd, less l than .30 = ; Theme re, eipes,are valuetue:ioo,ty gig . and. youpg,Andiasl.heylare . pailed wtloreed . „tAient,,freu.uf c h arge , they are wßl.hy heat t ea - pnrig'n of aj,l PUre'Skin;or , " by !return Inuit Respectfully yOrs.'. ,T4iBs.F.,,Csbtr.stAuakentisgok s ßerfumer,. EIRJ lirmiwaYo I `!ruXri "; - t-Old - Dcietcir Snehan's! , Drunkaidshpire ',permanently eradicates??thez taste fot,stronpdricdc, andeAkestke.,,wp.rat cae ce . 4oruPY,..cWrft i °4VP 6 •9 I , ?ig4 weeks Thousands of re fanned inebriates Dar/ live to bless the. day they were-lortupate"eneugh ehirliaeiigtiieuse• of dia &Altai 41;"prieleriee.` Mailed - tO.,=any , address freeeipitof*an, order...by, r, Jsaz E,s S BUTLER, 4201-,BrArinY;l4 l leCT,,.,'Toor,,sole , agent for the,Unitsd, Stat,,es , • ES% Dt3:4 F4FEN 4 a n d !ca l la... T h., ttea ited. *Alt I.4e44 l 'l l c 4 ltAP9eAt b Ya I ;',FLA: 1 4!,ti A , cs '' P cu .KP l ll.Alifi lit ! , ( fn 9e l 4 :l/ land,) No 519 Rzsts stieet. timoniala frOin 2 ttie mdst' 41111114054/44itthe*' ", 4'o irigen 7 lxt drricel‘ '7 he-titPdical invit*d to atehbviony patienti, as hethasoasseeketslia tiCe*: AAtkoCrik-ICEIrt.EP igeeiKTFilhs o }l*P.3"nc igo.NshAte et'lt;.(9 . j•F6-14' , rt'irigiei o ..ligni.4.7 l inar, z , I )P.ril - r• .1121ri* 2 '4. -*shim !atarr IC: Pr i c.4A - 4}! !6•Wfitc# . / A c t...o oll d ‘Plitt T irr2Sar "rtgartikat later - wlr give , _ . y , ::ette lekterai i tle s, pi . t.gft4 l o Otli -- lIN V I lel 49 o, 9Y 3 lTses " e!VOe ur, r3illralele orztilia . iretrialidiPAYl9l4.;.ox.,Atifor,ad-., lherach 4'1.18 ...Icluya„ l Also cuFeeSa); Rheum j uttili 3 / 4 * A r ifiLAttp. o .Dt . l. a.8:1 , .:L,, ....I , M , : ' Urcienl:9lllblaina, aVd s tili eriiiiiiciii fit'Elit il etrin. , - - ,-... I,APAE etoelg..4 Paper aud ,Luvelope PAge do jig. / `i'iii.We byalriii4jari:: ((; ' -.. - 1: of iiiitiesi - qtialiii ° l6l ritettivell. ant' Soi 1 j , Li tift - seAlinik tticiedteltis' , iribriPB6Piritz -- e - eit" :-` ' , !'=. 4 - 1( '; - "'SW - 0 Ehrlaa.44lostaiL r : :131)16Z jkieittir;l9olWithiattod , stire!r,::1101014, ' Map.,. it I*lll t be, tonna* Amtinktillf ctki stietwra ifkillitiPeo o A I A 44)00 OPW/j6441 WATOITES. t . .-1 3-J.:tce r 3i 7 l_ T.: .oa, \dr (-corner of, urth,Queen-St.; and -Centre Spare, Lancaiter, ,er imerion'lnirtwiialehex IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES • - (*. EIGHT DAY AND 30 HOUR, 7 . "'"• -•=4.lt Taws THE HEST 3461 1. 011.1E5! SPECTACLES in every style of,gl-114041 - 1-84 , frame,-and-with flassea_to:suitor•-•! any who need artificial aid. We have twen .ty years experience,. ifi r lhis business. V ,S L ATE .tit-fgA i rt, r -,,spodh.:Ffirles; RutfertKiiveli, &c stem d. with our name and warranted standard. The li,est platedware in the United States. We' Warrant* our iniSt- Table wart-L.Boons, F • orlts,ike.,, , rrto,weat:,terkyearkin,44l3l. JEW, I.'LR Y. • jtiegs, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs and a ya-- --- ifity or every attic:Win • thin line -- ~ HAIR J it; . - Hair , .leyirelry made to, urder .. . Two „hundFed styles,or saniples; ednitantly on llsßSPairing of Watches, Cinckti,-SRecta- Act or,.tewelry,, dent neatly and promptly `H. L. 4 2 J."ZAHiII,' 4 • earner North Queen Streit 'and Celitre.quale, LANGALSI',4%ti. A tiLE PETROL KOM CO M P'Nl( -V ENANGO COUNTY; .PENNSYLY,WA VATITAL STOCK. =3-'1; -850:000 ginVIBE . II: OF - SHIRES; MACK). SubicriPtiiin Prie o 2i Cents per Slsare,s —ilesatirab Voripog , eapitss, 80, 000 or 5?. 0 . 0 c9- • - 'Office 6 . rthe Cempang, at J . : A: Bigter ' Co' s• Hurrisbarg:" • =I • • PRES/DENT :, e COL. WILLIAM H. EAGLE, of Lancaster County, Pa = JOHN :W.. HIGL'ER, HarrisburgiTa.. • • et6RkTelliY • L B. FRANKICHARDLEB, Harrisburg, William H. Eagle,_ Marketta. R. 1. Colv SFB.4lnimas,titliirrlabufg, - ; Musalenian, Marietta, Jainia Pit.; " Jaingo - J.-' Marlin, Philadelphia. Win. H. Tramp, Philaaelphia, J. T. Carroll, New Iraik. — DAVIU RO 171, Agent,:illarietic. Pcatt,Bx;=o GAG C 30.. ip. 6,6 i MARKET ST R MA ill ETTA, D EALERS : IN FOREIGN & DOMEST IC H A ROW ARE.; keep constantly on Nand a full ding- Material, Nails, 0 CA S, OBS , ~ ... , CLASS,` C'l LS, WHITE LEAD; A . . SIJI;EETVE: ARTICLE dF CEMENT; &c.. ' •• f. * IR'O'N - r: ifirdlid and-Hrtriuriered ' 0 * ' . lrOn - , Slat; Horse-^Shots Bar, N, . , , , . ~ Norway " Nail Itoils," - froop and . Band Irei, , .. . Ilatee-Blent-Nails;-Bolts; Files,'R.iepsi ate. • 7 ~6.1 0 USE-K 11::SPI.A. W , GOODS. •., . ' . FIRST-CLASS. COOK/SG' ~ ,- ..s' a ,AND.:,pAR.,.....„ 5T9, 1 .:E5„,q,ANGF.5 . ,..1--- Tubs, Churns, Cada, Stands, . . Wass Boarils, Buckets, _ , . . . 'lcttiliea and • , - Plated and :illetalte Spoons, Sadfrons, Ki"atit , Cutteri;lWaiters;Thlirass and Coaper, : liettles•, Clothes .W.rine,ep,. Vans, Iron Ladles, Miai stanes„Coal Oil Lamps, Shades and 'Li:thief/is; Ted " : • - , 7,= -§etaiMAieftee: Mills, Ifallildi:1 Chamber t,•etts, &c , &c. Forks, Shovels, Hares; Bpades - ,- Horse , Brusbee, ..: Wheel:Grease; le_refrr, Sperntund Lu bric .9its, Cistern Pumpa, Long and Short Traces, 'lrretat Chains, liCE,lie. %.' T.:0 ; 0 L.-B.: ..Banktinfl .I,yood,Saws, Hatchets, ,Chuppittg,and Hatud Axes 2 Planes, Chizt.ela, Augers and Aiitr' Hits, -Braces, Prunning . •-liooks .and ; Shasta; arc.-, Am. • ~.... ~., Thankful' for past patronage, we hope to merit, and reciliN'e a continuance Of the Blithe. ! ... : '::.: • ....P.:47.'kE.10.0.N 4. GC?. Marietta, .Tuly .30, 1864. 61IPPLEE , & BRO:, 1 4 - 1-111. t. • IRON AND, BRA S NNW F. 0 N 11, S. • • ad; Qehertgl- Machinilts; ..stree alumloicf, Pa. "- ° They are prepared to moko.all kinds.of Irunt Cisti:oge for Rolling`' lend' Bikst - TtiiitiEes, Apes, for: Stean, Vfat.er and - GAzi3l- Colui,ous,- _,Frooto, C,Fllar, Dpots, for dings, and castin s eve'tYdescription ; STEAM ENGINES ;- AND-BOILE-114 - THE. HOSTiMODEHN. D 41.11 3 / 1 .0 V ETtE Manner ; _Pumps, Itrick Presses, .iihafttug:and, Pulleys. Mill Gearing, "Taps:, Die's; Madliiner3 'f6r . ‘Mifting i itrid ''Tannin' ; I , Brass.: sßeariegs,' .Steittn,&.Bludit qauges, ,Lubricators, ,041,Cocks,i' Valves for Steam, Gas, and' Water ; in"alt Weir varfeKyt , lioilers, Tanka, Flues aleaterp,.,qtacks, !pits, Nuts, Vault Washers, &c. BLACKSIVIIItiIING ' Vreari long eiperieneeltibliil g mathmery fleeter otirsetrealthax woxii;negive f,e-leral saris captAp._ to,Luse may rEtS 0 with their attinitedid. idOidera - byornail: addressed .aa ahoyei vedlLmeet eith prompt attentipia. ,Prfces,tp suit t4e ti nes. SZIP:Pifk ‘t } I%4dt- SUPPLE.:E.,.: CplynWa„, October, 14, tl dfolltitrietta NKPN G ASS >CI A.Tibk" ltitiilizeo - Zoliiicttin ITS 0 BSA , is,nOW; pp a Fei., py.ttaac...t kr.ds of 134NiiiINKFr_ 131 JBLNyaiS. The Boaid of nirettnis ;sea t wealiff; - Oil ( kVeirree§iltiy; for d matt ttt ; and 'otherLbusin - eost 3 . nritiatik iii,9lLyfi Front, 9A: 14t013,p.,/tt. HOI.,LiN4 KR; .111iNiS PM . A N;faisliiiii - • • kiAtKIN `the " PRai"Offiie v 1 tAUVIUSTa# I4 .. OW: , t : 4 Adam n t, • .C4,rile4 t.d ward+ L. J• L et, ;•. "Reed; Miss, Laura Dom*, William Sen. limiest; tti 3 3 '-` iliiitrikiigairAVlesar St -ir` a *6l trifNilltd . trt4r; lUadottu'ex: Witir agonewato &apt* AMC 0 4 1 0 11 4.1 7 / 1 0 ... .~#413 t SI. , tic; GRieutriußAL CecinaAt Cot hr t Any's Fertilize I . 11"Pta A ILIZEU R VI id by the Ag ricult. Chemic'a'l Company, [ a com pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl vania with a ,dapital „ of $250,000.] have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, meat profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit - Grower, of all c ,ncentrated ma nures now offered in any market. The 'Corn pally's list embraces the following : • DA MI LETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. . It isiadimed.tis-41-pulgerized•_eonditinncrea dy for Immediate use, and without loss otTti highly pi ogenous fertilizing properties. f:ld i;ini &sal application to all" eittiVid' stdial and Is durability and active 9 404 are well known to be all that agricui unal can disire. oil St • -Yairtottr:-6rosurgrnett } is larg,eiy, composed of animal matter. such as , meat„hone, fish,lesAter: bail.. and Wool; together wi h chaluiattle , siid fertilizera t ,which decompose, The mass, and re tAin the nitrogen:l'6 . de efementi. It is a V s errirlittablelaerler•fretd crops generally;, sod. aslieeially for, po:atoes, 411,d garden - , purposea.• _ .lts expellenj quplities, strength. end cbap ness; have made it,Vid popular with all. who have-ueed+it. - ' ' COMPOoITk. FERTILIZER: This high ly phosphatic .fertilizer, particulltrly aoapte4 for ttle. , ,oultivation.cf , -Trees, Ftnits, Lawns and Vloviers. promote "a very ‘fearous and healthy geowth of tvendand fruit,' and largely ircreinte tile quantity and perfect the trtaturity.,pf the fruit: For, hot house ,and household plants and flowers,.it will be found an indispensable taticle to se— cete 'their gresitatipetteettuit. •ti iiPpreirent and cure diaeased,conditiontot the peach and grape, andis excellent fur grass and lawns. It is CointioSed oftrubh - eierfien - fslis mate it adapted to the growth of siVirindi tif'cronstn all kiiide.tif * The formula• or method of ,combining tte constituent .fertilizing, ingre.dienis :Have re 'ceibed the highest approval of etaufeiit chem . - ista and iwientifil• 'agriculturists. . 1 . 'l3 1 - 10 SP HATE- OF LIM The' A'griculfii „rat Chemicai Compaiii4...manafaciurt, - a of Lim( ip . accordancc with a new find iraliiableflitinula, by whicha very slipe tier artitle is produced; so' for as tci be' afforded st lexcpricgA ekg44.liStiatiuuaKturNiaharge• Practical tests have proved that its Vitiutc at a fertilizer, is equal to title best Ylicephate of Lime in the market. :::'2`All'Orders' siTonyor mote, deliwered at , thelisitrOad stitions and i the. whar,res of shipment, frea.ofleartip. Cartage will 0e charged, on ozziletal..of,, barrels or,leas. — One Doilar ; ,peg Teri acme for cartiigewill - he . iniide,oirall sales de livered at the works of the cam Oar,' ozi , Ca nal Wharf. AGA 1 CULTURALCH E.M1.C.4..L, qO.'S 14 - 0A7c14 ; At C anal tVlimt,,..pts ; t&e: belaware. Office, 413 i lrcA 'St.; Pfilaite~~leiu;` Pa. It.' 6. Fl The doinitkitiy',o 'PhitrOhletvellcitler, em bracing iull,l4iyectitmettferf.usieg, the kttgifre +Fertilizers, sent by natul.,free when zequested. "'Marc) 11, 1865 tim] NEW - 13 001' SKIRT FUR 1061 IN ENO ilibPiioPfilWaein . OOP !..41tR'FS. J. Wv 7 BRASL = Nero)ffitz clop We) 741 . 179Minj ktrt. THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or tr:n) FAlipticTure rutii,cd steel spri, , gs,,,iugeniously 'braided , i;thtly and drolly tiiefi.er, edge to that.ing the , tnugliestonnst flexible, alas .tie.and duiable spring ever used. rbey . dorn bend or break, lil.e the single springs, and conseqnently pre•erve th l ir perfect and beautqn: shape more Him/ •tleice as long ae any sing le spring skirt that ever bas or can be macre: " • Thp, , ifoudetfai flexihility and great comf ort and' pl easure to soy lady weariug the_ Duplex Ellipue Skirt *ill lie'exPerietiteu particularly in,all., crowded triblies Operas carriages , railroad card , church ; pews, arm _chairs, 'for promenadehuul.e diva; ai the skirt, can be f9lded' Wben' it? ine.t..? oqc.uPY; a 19141 place at ea s ily and 'coo vehiewlf as a silk or muslin dress:* " " ; ' ° 'A lady njoyedlhe plessuse, corn fort(lki eel' convenience pfeY ptic•steel spring skirt for dtti .will never.attprwerds wiping!): iliskientie pith their use. For chittlreA, Vitndea, and young ludiewtheriir supeeter to *ll tither& s l'he...hogps ; ufe eoveied with .2 ply_ double twisted tfiread and will wear twice as Idnilias 'the single:yarn 'ilk - eking - which le used on all ,The three, bottpti) rods on every skirt are also dooble steel, and twice or hobble cbiiered-to prevent•the 'Weer ; ipg from„.wearinpdX,lhe rods when iiiragg;ng down stairs, stone' steps, &cc.. Whieh they' stihjict Co'wheii in •uie - • • are. pi adu ot • t riew and elegantcorded tapes and are tile best quality , in every part, 'kivitieto the weiiier :the intiet's-gracertil-indi tperfect. shape ,possi Lig, and are pnquelitionably the lightest, most deriradle, comfortable and 4C'hiioniieaf Sleiriiever ,Proprie,tors • of ttie ipvennon, and_ Sole Manufacturers, 97 C~i'ait lei 'sad 791 t St l ltiaitiVatieetti; 'New Fur sale in all tir.st-class stores in this City, alirtirrhiegliout - ttli 3 Uitited States: abet:triads, KIVU° li-Ae ,Cuba,•;:bilexicp,-.South ,Aknerica, and ,the West Indies. "in - "1 - Initiiie . for thi r ''Dupleir. Elliptic--(or Asti ole);spring,Skirt. , . - • 3 , 12 ? , •AA C.. i• --" -134 1 ',N3AKIN, .!.. O E4 I Ea, xN f, Picot Bid/di]; g. is t .4" ••••••••••• LT5 1).1... iEGS leav - e iliform 4 thiit bt ,4EIO will thrttinuthe W.IRE nee!, in all iota brany.l*l.. ' constantly peep on tiaisd all'kindi of '" "-" • • • Le G S cotch ' ran tea. Ines, rts an Whiskey;. BEItYNIN - z t 0 '< Justly . 4 Celabketeil Rome" 'Whilkit;" ALWAYS. ON HAND. - A very euyeriOr' WHIMERY • uer feceired„whichiswarrantedlonre." • H.. D. B. now, asks of the public. ear'efir r ititi'minittilie of tie etoCk alid'priT• tea, fiviiich will;lhoieveonfident; result in Ho, el tieepejeapol qthera.fiulling it, to_theiv iiittik4e to =tie theiquiehasei - frOill 4.2 ' 116121 „tztuibiner eanbikaltAX•ol, I= Arritabk: •• , ' -.4 iVoirnn ,: niiitit‘ reqierflilly,takefthiethearmof , Boos ~.a a s it' ' o i, . Manufacturer , .4.; knl9Miltig has f r itlillisAV/th,TFI! ) ../FMF„ VA ,„' k0,...-, 4 ,. ' , 15 _ 1 ' , that lie has cmilm,e3aF° the " I r iu/ S " .. 3 ifitttANET STREET . 1 - ''.- DEEDS, - "'""' ' ;.I ' .; 4 ' ''' :. 1 .... : 4^ - " - : jl+l. . f.-- i nfo the f l y .... MORTGIVGEtt. ~..; !-. IR ...! %%WAIN most r ealm at t 4l/3 Y - b oo rli d that -01 cif-1J ‘,,, 4,11„,,i ..4 11 / I .q.ASENTSt, , 4 ,: , of: this: BortPigh4 n ifit I lie ltl y . umi ts li te I and .in filet eyeathkng in the con,virratrorra :the larielit'sul 1 1 1! . ii i , B ozo agh. el." 0 :1•411,441ETTA, 0 line: ilitiktig 'griauitoiit fti'tercOuret. with er:itis ..lineArl ime en ß l ßMa t i s.sli oS Zda 'Ol member of the Lancaster.. Bari he Ivil.ktkevena- intr:s I .B,?' " tic a l trea2totelget within' , " i f l ost vbledeo,,ex.ecute legal, instruments ot ,writing . hintliel its egi,,.. _ . ,_ _ nano& ~, , 04 it i c . e 6.44.a.t.. -ti,-•-. .. '. ~ ~* ;',l _ - - than -thoiewno a t e -v t at zos ux; , ' le; Is Ick.llle;.:cati berfottlidstt iliteggoetofirilisc ti a ll i n i ' 4 OZ 'LI"' Will - .A fit. -A .1 azArTkarc,,", r , ! . I.9dpor's Buttainge (sec- . 'W. '''' ' ' ''' and go." 0 P on'eftbibrYtielf iltiePoit m 'OMeel'«iineri-or at i unit warn, . . _. . dr.. beta 4rIWINIRITIS Am ftl" : his iresideni4esic Iffiraetistree% MIS azequins a -WW I. " b ' ,vres,t4cfliie l ,'.' Danegat Hous e' Marietta. eNiellie•...flAw,...r/Tq.." , 1 tt. . .as jo roth ir,l"l3lliniii 158 414"Milrigkes,tblidirierifia,nd r , 12 - j t,,, m c is. ritiii , r4"h ne s 0 . neaseiiiiien.eirketutad - ziosi lot Wei .R - -- ,-, :" ---r-r d es a ddle Gees, '"'" i, .- zrlikr.lr Y t u, Ida; • 'MOO' .. & .0..' &5... , , -.4.4 ' ' ~.10 A . & J t r.t.' . , .5 . 4 Itt i . 4.' ~, , &,•E..... ''....." 8 getialtlit N.P . " ../....' A vc.TIPJArIi 101. Of 1 19.0 6 11. 1 % Children =lief - .:lT•arA, ~rf. :, ...- ts lridistructable Pleats)» 'Book s ; Scheoland ~.,_, _ Warier 4 41130 , 1404j*Staligyakj . P e as ,- P4 4 4 1 4 ,4,..43 r 961,§N1i r , 11 r „ frili.3o ti. , , , - 14 AX 2 / 1 1 1,14,P. WI ' ......:___,....---- .e...1a.,... - '...._ .. ..,•-•rr..- f' . &We ' : (&:.&521k WINM LANDIS & TROUT. At the "Golder' Mortar," zit the -'Golden Mortar," Market Street, J.farietta, Market Street, Xarieti a. Keep constantly on hang Keep constantly on hand Deny, saes, goaioalm-ogiaohade t , 'l6nvek t SteasYs 7 by. cote, qoloo,tialp f ,fio i c au, Beekationag, „ ,Pciktmonnale.e, >c: ; ,. . 4 480gstei N'42qpkaniOaietaity compounded, Pre.4APioiaarfiullicampo un d at, ..itanutaiber the place, • ."Reilarlabtr the place : Dmr:Groveli oid Stand. - rte%itaiwe aid Stand. aatut a call. 4 4 1stiffit i a call. ' ll4 Nsig. - .41r , .41106.11111 MIN • ~r ~ ..i e's.;.. tF F' NB ACH, •LI.AN1114:114100-101C.EN 11/S OLD STAND, Wonlitiutilotiiice to the public that riono / 'shall .be left Undone to.sell goods cheip,4 `Betep cuplin - eitellent sisortinent of Elul. thing is the , - .p . :_Rp:,P.. 006 IMI . . GV-raocerlsr Line. titthad.joAeturn,ed from the Cities, wils, besielestedlA stock of fashionable 'SOMMER GOODS, At'ederstlemen's wear, 1415,,,,NL . p.5,ELL CHEAP 103 . 4 -11 , 41 1 i4W-Ilt3de 11a . ving pprilisuied , fwelietively FOR CM will enable`him to imeilitleaper than ;oath lit goiluts wilt be matte! ;It :the Edth'eq'Faih Figure tiAliitrY.AlgiiiitOLlFen iii ez.ellll,Al god d 4: (flay 1 4 1 OW. . - ,S i:':AettiVoN, Meteliantliiildr; and Clothier, At P 7 Olaf , Stand, on the Cm, ner Nord 'Queens and Orange Strectific - 1,44,. P enn' a. R U t. to the Citizens of Mitten Ijr,,and ,y3ciiiity,llsr4thp, 'liberal pstrottp herOotore extendeiilimmuleirsigne4 row• fully solieits a continuance of the lame; suring them, that under all circumstancri, efforts will be spared in rendering a entistneun equivalent fomverf j of.cpnfidence reposet • Ct. lG tm ail itch' V Err 1110E, ed such other seasonable material as fashion eel the market furnikhes, coustunily kept on Jail and manufactured to order, promptly, Andra• souably, as taste i pr ty4 e sugges t. LSCb-, rAp TIM AD k CLOTHING, YiWnishing Goon& and such.aniclectiatnausily. belong toe chant Teiloriumend Clothing estan/iennent 4:40 miiiniuLlUPALA-310. -LL Varket-st„ Mari* DE,rEik - {MOIL HANAUER ,1 :'DiALER IN Boy's . Clothing, ,IT AND CAPS, 1 0 1 BOcYLS I `A N D SfiOES, and. GelitYgiiiis' Furnishing Goat, 4fUsIME/IT VARIETY P.R. WeAlA.Agle*khia ppotlrtuoity to to the, citizentl,q.Alltria,t,tajapd,the public ge,:. al that hatitepg,ppened this establishment fit a pert:n*llmi; .tkapitseeta,o,ply:salta a fair deter*ike4 not,lo-P.a,upitlefoold by El' Call and seo,lb>o,fls and learp the Pric e " Marietta,Ai@e 10 3 Fiffl„ tof GEO : --W.- -WORRALL, =:,I3IIROXONAISN,TI4T. 4Havflig-noptred # 4 01 . • Itopplf: formerly NO by Sit4ngfer r P . l ' terson'il9tibs; Armlet street; where he one ele prepaaitiVtalWitil.on all who mei le l lea;;;;;; disPPBO l O inkt r rosize e him. • Dentistry in all itif blanche. tr, 'did ,TgillifileeitelOn:the moat sprl i pribeiWee of,Ve*" seigiite.: All oper iti '9 on AllW 4 niontb skillful woltailkt!gki;iitailsei t Lier4air : principle's :l aving ii,ACkeoNa ZILE ?LENS. upon. eipermanentl es ' tion - at this' would aak eontineue S , of the ' fibers' Aiti r tinate hererofore &Ma to him; fo wtrik - fgli will' reedit : every P' ble Ilan/dieter:l l- ' • VihOi• sdriiifiibietedlo prbper P o ✓ SVIV.IIIIIII, 11:411.1 . . 4* 'l4llllrlF-.1-; Ape i undvAktip, h i. jo i received s be it. 4e5Q11124.4.9( .01,4 7 .1 is Si Li, .C.44 , 1 5 .11a R A A p.l aka. 1 1414 r WO, tgc, wMcilitre arg,pirrfie4 tei at the MOST REASONAN,ATERMS . 11:3 7o 6 ca u i : I f st ri nttertfue thli pp i r aentotYtt Srfgrf ri3ROTHER , illetloo-1017.E HATTER& NOZIIII:NeR74I-,,Q0-ELN STKEtt LANCASTER, • MOM d eta MM AtgriNVl:R-DYNDSAY't ,400 I,—,Ased cAtiyit Landis / V n owt Landis t Tout Perfamttiel. Fa oey Artkka, MEI AND