The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 26, 1865, Image 2

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    int Mjariettian,
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44 5 1174i,"VkfV ,-
- zr,:•* . tor-
F..?.,. Baker, .E'clitor,
V'attLitcLaff, gugast 2ih , 18'6 j
Monroe Stated it, in hie message, De
cember 2d, 1823, in clear and explicit
words, as follows :—"With the existing
colonies or . dependencies of any Europe
an power We have not interfered, and
shall not interfere.—But with the gov
ernment who have declared their inde
pendence, and maintained it, and whose
independence we have on great consid-,
oration and on just principles acknowl
edged, we could not view any interposi
tion for the purpose of oppressing them
or controlling in any other manner their
destiny, by any European power, in any
other light than as a manifestation of an
unfriendly disposition toward the United
air The thieves of Brooklyn halm
adopted a new mode of robbing stores
at. night. Oovering a pane of glass in
the window with a paper saturated with
mucilage, they await the paisage of
some noisy vehicle, and then by a quick
blow, the pane is, shivered, bat no glass
falls twit adheres-to the paper, which
also deadehs the sound of the blow.
The rogues then cut thiv pans out, and
take what they hen get.
tar A Saginaw (Mich.,) officer start
ed in the cars for Detroit;the other day,
with a female prisoner who, had been
sentenced to the penitentiary. While
he was absent in another car, the con
ductor came along for the fares--female
culprit refused
.to pay—conductor
threatened to put her off the train—fe
male culprit dated him to do it—con
ductor did it.
.1$ A fellow known ,as "Old Jim
Smith," who had been a leader in out
rages upon Union men in Tennessee;
was recently arrested near NashvN.
The Sheriff stepped aside to give some
curious person an opportunity to look
at the outlaw, and instantly several bul
lets went buzzing through Old" Jim
Smith's body.
1112 r Lieut. R. C. Loverfdge, provost
marshal' at Jacksonville, Fla., adminis:
tared the oath to Payne's father, George
C. Powell, oflawience county, Fla., on
the 18th ult. Mr. Powell : had started
for Washington, D. C., in" response to .a
summons from'his wintohed son to visit
Mrs. Stoor, the Pxesident's
daughtei, and three .children; Colonel
Robert Johneon, son of the President.,
and his son-in-law, Senator Patterson,
of Tennessee, arrived in Washington on
Saturday last, all in good heafth, and
are now at the Presidential Mansion.
Mrs. Key plunk the daughter ,o
the, author of the "Star-Spangled s Bgn
tier," has lately been in Paris, endeav
oring to prepare 'herself for the Stage'
but although-full of talent, she lacks ex
ecntive posher. She is a . lady of seces
sion sympathies. .; •
The • Oil City: News gives the
number of oil companies at fourteen
hundred and fiftyseven, with a total
capital of eight huindred and sixtiy-nine
millions, five hundred and ninety-four
Si" It is estimated that the , snm of
$15,000 will be required •to 'put the
streets of Petersburg, Va order.
An appropriation forthis - amount ,was
asked of the City Councils, but no ac
tion was taken irt the matter. •
eir It is said that the Government is
about to make a descent on the faro
banks of CindinnatAi l to recover $90,000
lost by A, P,Stone, who recently com
mitted suicide on.adcount of his defalca
or James Buchanan Cross, who has
served Dot hia term of five yeare in the
Eastern Penitentiary, has been released.
He is probably the most 'expert Forgei
in the United States. 1.
Major - General Burnside, since
the acceptance of his resignation, has
gone into - business in Blioe , Island,
whore he will continne to reside.
dr Barnum's late -property- in New
York, has gone•into the hands• of. Ben
net,of the , Herald—passed.-from a big
humbug to a bigger one. ;,
ifily. Six thousand five hundred dollars
have been subscribed' by" Washington
secessionists to the Mrs: Jeff Davis tee-
gar The Salt Lake Daily Telegraph
has the name ofl3righam Young hoisted
is candidate for Governor of Deseret.
Ex-Senater Preston - King has
been appointed Collector of the Port of
New York, vice Simon-Draper.
Hannihal,Hamlin was appointed
by the President, CoMotor of the port
t f Boston.
iw . • Col. J. Buchanan Cross, Friday
morning terminated his five, years' im
prisonment at Cherry, Hill, and was re
leased from his late Mime. •Hia history
is well known. • He it' the most' accom
plished living forger. Of this there can
be no doubt. He has atoned for his
past crimes by paying their penalty—let
us hope that he will go and sin no more.
How near he succeeded in escaping
some time ago by a forged pardon is
known to every one. That he *seri
ally forged the papers by outside assis
tance is scarcely to be doubted. That
he will again resort to the exercise of
his brilliant but illicit accomplishments
is what those who beet' knoW him most
fear. Monroe Edwards, compared
him, was , a =pretender.,- -
ear' The income of the Girard estate,
in Philadelphia, is now about two hun
dred thousand dollars a year, and still
increasing. On the first of January,
1864, there were four hundred and forty- .
five pupils in the institution, and five
hundred and sixty-three on the Ist of
January 1865, when thirty-seven vacan
cies existed. During 1864 twenty were
Bound by indenture of apprenticeship ;
seven on trial, waiting agreement be:
tween the employers and the pupils to
become their apprentices ; nine died;
three had their indentures cancelled,
and thirty were. expelled. In February
last there were one hundred and forty
two apPlicants for the benefits of the
institution, although' twice during the
past four years every applicant was ad
mitted into the college.
Cr The dabinet Organ of Mason &
Hamlin hits, for so small an instrument,
wonderful volume and power, and a va
riety of expression that is equalled only
by a costly pipe organ, while its purity
and sweetness of tone are truly charm.
ing. It is most admirably circulated to
meet the wants of families and small
churches. It can be transported with
safety, takes, up no more room than a
melodeon, does not soon get out of order,
and makes an elegant article of furni
ture for the parlor. We are but doing
a favor to our readers by calling their
attention to the Cabinet Organ.—Amer
can Baptist.
fir A correspondent who ought to
know denies the story that Horace
Greeley has ceased to have control of
the Tribune, and says : "Mr. Greeley
is not only the editor-in-chief still, but
he does not write less than Iwo columns
for every issue of the paper, unless he
*peps to be out of town. .At the last
meeting Of the , stockholders of the Tri
bune, his salary, to whose advance he
. .
has, always been opposed, was raised
from $5OO to $7500 per annum, in spite
of his protestations against it."
A French mason, named Gaibut,
father •of five children, recently blew out
his brains in this strange manner :—He
filled along atiothecary's vial with gun,'
powder, and introduced the closed end
into his thou,th.; he thep applied a light
ed match to the open part, and the pow ;
der exploded. His heid was blown to
pieces in a dreadful manner.
er A. party of men while indulging
in a spree at Southbridge, .Mass.,
couple of weeks ago, fell into' a pond,
and one.of'thero,:named Timothy Mor
an, was drowned. • The man who sold
the liquor to them was subsequently
complained of. and — fined $5O and.'costs,
with three months in the Honse of Cor
rection, -
gar A Dr. Chapman, of London, has
made a new discovery in the treatment
of paralysis and apoplexy. The treat
ment, is briefly described as the applied
tion of heat to one part of the spine, and
of cold to another part. The Medical
Times and Gaiette narrates severarca ,
see of parties restored to perfect health
by'his treatment.
gor The Harrisburg Telegraph says
that official intelligence received from
Washington, states that no order has
been issued -to have the 77th Penna.
regiment sent home 2 Notwithstanding
all rumors-that have been current 'on
the'subject, it seems that the reginient
will he held-to service forthe present.
dtiel fought near New Orleans
about an actress resulted, after, twelve
shots, in the death of one, and, the mor
tat wounding .uf the other. The last
shot was fired,by one of the duelists on
his knees, being unable to stand from
the loss of blood.-
A. Brussels letter at., tee that King
Leopold has just been again punctured
fOr the dropsy, which had
.gained the
chest. His, Majesty's strong constitu
tion enables him to resist those repeat
ed attacks, hut there is no hope of a de
finitive cure.
Gr. A G'ertnan paper will shortly be
started in Nashville, called the `relines.
see Journal, Edward Erdman, publisher,
and Adolph Erdman, formerly of Gen.
Thoilas'etaff, editor. The Journal will
he a daily paper, and unconditionally
far Rosa.• Bonhdur, the - talented
French artist, has lately. been beaten in
a lawsuit. She had got the idea that
her: artistic nature absolved her from the
necepsity.of fulfilling her contrapts.
sir The Yellow 'Springs; Chester
county, are to be sold by the Sheriff.
LAr - (&THE MARIETTIAN.@.-tt-)
%bt Mora in ir
Cows are worth only a - dollar apiece
in Baenos Ayres. N, xY
The" oldßank 6f Northumberland is
calling in its notes with a view to be•
coming a National bank.
Stephen A Douglas and his brother,
Robert M. are students at the George
town ( D. C.,) College.
Miss Mary Harris travels ; tinder an ,
assumed name in the West, to escape
General MeVlollop, who let resident
of•Orango, N. 4., returns an income of
$1,449. . •
Robert (Mid, late rebel Commission
er orExchanke of Prisoners, hareiuni
ed the practice of law in Richmond.
The Town Council of Allentoyn have
resolved to enforce the Sunday law
against the traffic in , liquors by .ealopn
and hotel-keepers.
A man-named Wiseman waa arrested
in. New York on Saturday with a large
amount of; counterfeit , postal .currency
and other bogus money.
It is announced that 'Mr. James E
Murdoch will return to" the . stage; and
will probably appear first at Plke's
opera house in Cincinnati. - -
An enthusiastic young surgeon says
the war is worth all it has cost in the
improvements it has brought to the sci
ence of amputation.
A. man in. Illinois has invented a horse
shoe which needs no nails. or screws,
and which, after being fitted, can beta= ken off and put on by any one. •
It appears that Alfred Tennyson, is
not' wasting away with a mortal disease,"
although he is not in a• robust and un
poetical state of health,
A man arraigned before an English
police court recently bad been in prison
twenty-two times since 1843 for various
The' London Lancet advocates the
custom of writing medical prescriptions
in English, which it says has long been
the practice of many eminent physicians.
The irrepressible Foote, banished to
Canada, beeps his tongue wagging and
his pen running. Re haS now written_ a
long letter,-in which he comes out in fa
vol. of negro suffrage in thelouth.
Brigham Young has, a family large
enough to ulone . supply audience and
actors and actresses , for the Salt Lake
theatre, which he runs on his .own pri
vate account.
R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, confin
ed in Fort Pulaski, has applied, through
influential friends, for a parole of two or
three weeks, to visit his family, who are
suffering under heavy 'domestic afflic
tions. _„„
Adjutant General• Terrill publishes a
communication warning the soldiers not
to part with their discharges, which will
at some future time, be as good as a ti
tla•deed to one hundred and sixty acres
of land:. • • •
Accordini to •the Staunton (Va.)
Spectator, thb presidency of Washing.
ton College at Lexington has been ten
dered to. General Lee by the unanimous
vote of,tlie trustees.
Bayard Taylor will spend the summer
of 1866 in Europe, visiting the relations
of his 'wife in Germany, and lu making a
tour of Spain and Portugal. He mill
have a new novel ,ready for the press be
fore the autumn sets in.
Tuesday being the ninety-sixth anni
versary of the birthday of Napoleon
Bonaparte, the French men:of-war in
New York Harbor celebrated the occa
sion by brilliant displays of bunting-and
morning and evening salutes.
St. George's Methodist Episcopal
Church in Philadelphiv, which was built
in 1763 and was occupied by the British
in the Revolution, first as a hospital,
and after Wards as a stable for cavalry
horses, was recently partly destroyed
by fire. •
Tbe only provident Indian on record
is the Chippewa chief Hole-in-the-Day,
who has, in Minnesota, a fine, splendid
farm one mile square, a comfortable
dwelling, a large stock of cattle and
horses, and an income, $3OOO 'a year,
free of income tax. '
The Albany Journal bays tbat, now
that General, Megiellun. is self-exiled;
Governor Seymourhopelessly sunkinto
oblivion, 'and General Sherman declines
to be entrapped, the ghost of Mrs. Sur
ratt is the only. recognized , leader of.tfie
democratic .party.
In regard to 'We, •'statement that the
town of Lincoln, N. 13,. has furnished
no men for the war, we learn that that
town has had only one man on the en
rolment list. No quota has been Misign
ed it under the various calls, perhaps
under the impression that one egg shbuld
be left in the nest.
Hon. Theodore S. Fay, late American
Minister at Switzerland, has - imblished
at Berlin; in the German language, a
work, the design
, of which is to give . thr
German public Sr. Clear and jnet view of
the causes, the nature and the ` history
of the '
late rebellion in the' United
States. - '
Barnum,. the : showman, says he• is
worth a million and a-half, and doesn't
owe anybody a dollar.
Pk-Governor Wickliffe, of Kentucky,
is said to be hard at work trying to se
cure the pardon of his brother-in law.
Senator Yulee, of Florida, who is con
fined in Fort Pulaski. But as Mr.
Wickliffe himself has not been over loy
al, the boon ought to be obtained with
General Jeff. Thompson, late of the
rebel army, advertises in New Orleans
for a situation in a cotton factorage
house. Young, enterprising, and "hav
ing a large ficquaintance" in the Missis
sippi valley, he believes he can influence
a large trade.
The Springfield (M. 0.) Grand Jury
has refused to swear Nathan Robberson,
the-rebel-postmaster at . that -place in
180, on whose house the first rebel flag
was hoisted. Right in the Grand Jury.
We honor them for it. •
A girl fell out of a third story window
at Cleveland the other day, and struck
on an awning, and then fell into a gen
tleman's arms, and so was saved from
what would,most likely have ,been in
stant death.
- An irritable old copperhead named
Jerome has been arrested for cowhiding
his daughter until her back•was scored,
because she had -in her room and; was
secretly, reading a memorial on Abra
ham Lincoln, at Verona, Ind,
Mary Harris, the acquitted Washing
ton murderess, has passed through Chi . -
cago on her way - to her home at Burling
ton, lowa': She traveled under the as
sumed name - of Mrs. Phillips, to escape
The property left - by Mrs. Starkweath
er, at Manchester, Ct., has been ap
praised at $3,662 ; and so soon as the
estate is settled, it will go to the son Al
bert, who murdered his mother and sis
ter for it.
Six young negro mien from the island
of Hayti have entered the Episcopal
Theological Seminary, at Gambier, Ohio,
with a view to prepare themselves for
missionary work among their country
Clive Johnson, of Tennessee, formerly
a member of the United States House
of Representatives, and ea-Postmaster
General, has recently been pardoned by
the President,
J. Barclay 'Harding has been appoin
ted Collector of Interual Revenue for
the. First Dletrict of Pennsylvania, to
fill the vacancy. occasioned by the death
of JOsper Harding, his father.
There are' now but four revolutionary
soldiers living. Lemuel Cook, aged
104; Samuel Downing, aged 104; Sam
uel Barbaro, aged 101, and William
Hutchings, aged 101.
Thirty Laplanders, dressed in furs and
skins, accompanied by twelve Swedes,
have arrived at St. Paul, to settle in
Gen. Robert Potter, who -has been
assigned by Gen: Hooker to the District
of Rhode Island, is a son of Bishop Pot
ter, recently deceased.
The population of Chicago is estima
ted by the publisher of the new City
Directory at $22G,000.
Major Gen. Banks intends to reside
permanently in New Orleans, where he
will practice Jaw.
A monument to John Brown is
talked of in Torrington, Conn., where
he was born.
President Johnson's brother is descri
bed as "ff venerable old gentleman, with
a long flowing beard."
Agentletnan in London, named Squirt,
hae, by law, ebanged his name to Ator-
Brigham _Youngs' daughters alt dance
in the ballet at the Salt Lake theatre.
General 8.-F. Butler 'reports hie in
come for 1864 at $34,228.
Wno CARES 7—Well, the British at
tempt to lay the cable to, connect.their
territory across the Atlantic-has failed,
and the roopoply has failed with it.
The folly of such a proceeding is simply
told by the result. But, who cares
whether:this project was- a success .or
not ? Certainly- its successful consum
mation could interest few persons, in the
United States, and could be .of little
advantage to any save wealthy specula
tors in stocks and agricultural products,
who could afford , to pay five, dollars a
word for a dispatch; while in case of
war between the two countries it would
prove, to be of importanc9 to the British
just in proportion as it would be damag
ing, to us and this would befin u mean
r Chalk James Webster, aged sev
enty-four years', who resides OD Stevens
creek, Grant county,. Kentucky, is the
father`of forty-five children. His grand
children number eighty; and his' great
grand-children twenty-seven. He is
now living with his fourth wife, who is a
sister of thewife of one of his own sons.
Father and - son thus stand in the relation
of-brothers-in:ls* to'kie:ch other. '
-Soldiers' widows may be interest :
ed on being informed that a widow .who
re-marries forfeits her niaim to o, pension.
from, the Government,. The - widow's
children,.if there be any. under sixteen
years of age,,are entitled.• to a - pension
from the day of the widow's marriage.
OUR GANDIDATES.—GeneraI l3artranft
is a gentleman only thirty-five years old,
of fine education, who began life as a
civil engineer, but afterwards studied
law, and was practicing law in Norris
town when the rebellion broke out.
He at once raised a regiment for the
three months' service, whose term ex
pired just as the first battle of Bull Run
-began. Be refused to go home with it,
and offering himself as a volunteer aid
to General Franklin, he rendered effi
cient service throughout the battle.
He then raised another regiment—the
filet - Pennsylvania—which he led through
various campaigns with great valor.
When its term of three years had ex
pired the regiment - re-enlisted, with Col.
Bartranft at-its head. Be was soon af
ter placed at the head era brigade, and
for his great services in the arduous
campaign Of Gent Grant,- in 1864, ho
was appointed brigadier general. For
especially' brilliant conduct in last
spring's campaign before Petersburg,
he was breveted major general of volun
teers., The loyal people of Penn Sylvania
will rejoice at the opportunity of offer
ing one of their highest offices to - a man
who has so well maintained the honor
of their. State in scores of battles for the
safety of the Union.
The candidate for Surveyor General,
Colonel Jacob M. Campbell, is best
known•in the western part of the State,
where he is extremely popular. For a
number of years be was superintendent
of Idorrell's..T.ron Works, at Johnstown,
where he was much respected by the
whole community for his worth, ability
and integrity. When the war broke
out . he settled np his private affairs, -in
vested hie earningi in Government secu
rities, and offered his services to 'the
country. Be was commissioned July
30th 1861, as Colonel of the 54th Penn
sylvania Volunteers. This regiment he
led most gallantly through various cam
paigns. He will receive - the unreserved
support of all true Union men, as a gal
lant soldier in time of war, and a valua
ble citizen in time of peace.—Evening
The story is told of a recently de
ceased Parisian that; perceiving one
day, after a heavy ' fall of rain, -a very
well dressed young woman standing at
the edge of the aide pavement of the
Boulevard, and evidently much perplex
ed as to the best method of traversing
the sea of mud before her, be gallantly
advanced, took her up in his arms and
carried ber across dry-shod. The lady
made no objection to the mode of trans 7
it, but, on being set down, expressed
her gratitude as follows : ' Sir, you are
an insolent fellow I" Thereupon, M.
Bouchet, immediately repaired the
wrong by, again transporting her, with
the same rtVeautious, to the very spcit
where he had first met her, and took his
leave, with a profound salutation.
Cr Lowellyn, on Thursday morn
ing, Mary, child of Mr. Shaw, aged eight
montha, was aecidentallY hung while at
tempting to crawl out of bet], in conse
quence of her night clothing catching on
one of the bed-pegs and gathered about
her neck. When the mother went into
the room after the occurrence, she miss
ed the, child, and supposed that abs
had bee; stolen, but at last discovered
ber between the bed and wall, in, the
position stated, dead.
Cr Howell Cobb, who was recently
in Augusta, stated that it wits his earn
est wish to see Georgia resume her for
mer position in the Uoion. Slavery, he
said, was forever dead, and in his opin
ion, it was best for'all to submit prompt
ly and willingly to the authority of the
United 'States. Ex Governor Brown
Was lately in Atlanta, having recovered
from his illness. He expressed the
nine views as Cobb.
10` . Soma seasation was created at
Freedom. Forge, Mifflin county, a few
days ago, by a boy eighteen years old
running away with another man's, wife.
The runaways were pursued and captur
ed. The reason given by the erring, wife
was, that she liked the handsome youth
better than her husband.
J.-1). Howell, a brother in-law of
Jefferson Davis, who was soundly thrash:
ed in Savannah 'on the 4th hist:, by a
Captain Hassey, for nsindlanguaga dis
respectful to our Govermnent, and un
bearable by any lOyal man, has been or
dered to pay a fine of $250, or be con
fined in the county jail six Months.
tfir A Scotch woman having invited
a gentleman to dinner on, a particular
day, he accepted with the reservation,
iam spared. " ''Weel, weal," said
Mrs. Robinson, if ye're dead I'll no
expect . ye. •
sir The negroes are said to be abused
and to have been killed near 'Warsaw,
N. O. A company of soldiers have
gone from Wilmington to investigate
the affair.
iihr.A.shade tree society has been or
. .
ganized in, Rockford, 111, the object
being to procure the planting of shade
. .
trees at the sides of every street in the
Thereare two hundred and eighty:
five Congregational churches in Connec
Brigham Young keeps a fat deposit
in the Bank of England.
21.1 .4R/ET'TA, 1. 4,
Keep constantly on hand a full
. -
ding Material, Nails,
.c: A
GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, v . ,' HITE Lp, k ,
.1R 0N : Rolled and 11.;, 7 .....,
CI )
..i_ 7 •.... :
Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Jr
Norway Nail Rods, Hoop am; 8 . ,,, 1
Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, lisrips,E!cS
Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands, 1 1111
Wash Boards, Buckets,
Knives and Forks,
Plated and llletalic Sp.) T, , ,
Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, 1ir,.,.
Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers. 1 . ,1,
• Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, i: u l ~.
Lamps, Shades and Lanterns,
Scales, Coffee Coffee Mitts, fainted
Chamber Setts, &c., &c,
Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse 14 :..
Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and La.:::•
Cistern Pumps, Long and Short 1,...
Breast Chains, &c., &c.
TOOLS: Hand and Wood Sawi,ll:v. , ..
Chopping and Hand Axes,
Pittllli, C.;., ,:
Augers and Auger Bits, Braces,
Hooks and Shears, &c., &c.
Thankful for past patronage, are !; .pc t , ,•
and receive a continuance of tau
Marietta, July 30, ISSN.
CABINET \l.lloE[t
N 1)
AITOULD most re.i ., ctril
tilts method of _
izens 61 Marietta and tie
general, that, haring Ist i
seasoned Lumber, is no•.r
manufacture all kind. uf
in every style and variety, at it
He has on hand a lot of liar r:
manufactu,e, svhien for tine ;Mu,
workmanship, will rival any
;Cr' Especial attention paid in ,
He is also now prepared to alt ,
branches, the UNDERTAKING 1,. ,
ing, supplied with an excellet,t
and small Biers, Cooling Pox, &e.
COFFINS finished in any
or costly.
Ware Room and MaLufact ;
Duffy's new huildniz, near the
tion," Marietta, Pa.
)1 1 ,12)!
-- ET. D. BENJA:\
WINES cC LI Q1:01 tH,
Picot Building. Marietta,
IDEGS leave to inform the pn!.';,
will continue the WINE
ness, in all its branches. Hs
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, }Vines, Gins, Irish nu , :
Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, is
Justly Celebrated Rose
A very surcrior OLD R YE rri
ust received, which is warranted pm,
Oa' All H. D. B. now asks oft,
is a careful examination of his st,ck
CCs, which will, he is confident, rt•su' .
tel keepers and others finding it ur
vantage to make their on:chases
and General Macitinists, Sce,;•; , i
Below Union, Columbia, Pa
They are prepared to make all kin
Callings for Rolling Milk and ISiant I
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gay ;
Fronts, Cellar Donis, Weig,hk,
dings, and castings of every deseripti , :.
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses,
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Ala
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass 0 ,
Steam & Blasf Gauges, Lubricators, itit•
Valves for St,kam, Gas, and Water;
Hogs in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vaal; 1.
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machine:) , '
flatter ourselves that we can give genera':
faction to those who may favor us with
orders. Repairing promptly attenitid:.
Orders by mail addressed as above,
with prompt attention. Prices to suit Mc tivL
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 1411
. toots I thins!!
John Spangler,
Market Street, Marietta, Pa.
AS the season for Stoves is fast appros . 6 ls :
would call the attention of all Wig°
to purchase
. Parlor or Cooking Stoves,
to my large And well selected stock, whicha
braces the best and most desirable Stores tb s !
the Eastean markets afford, and which "r e :
purchased early, which will enable me tau'
pose of them advanyigeously to buyers.
Among the leading Parlor and Cook Stdre
are the following:
Perrier, Stoves. Cooking Stoves.
Meteor Ga . s 13tirher, Galleo,
Waver] r,
bummer Rage,
Columbia • do
Oval do do
Tropic Egg,
Also, the Vulcan and Sanford's Heated'.
very desirable article far heating two ori ° ",:
rooms with very little, if any, more fuel 0/
an ordinerysparlor stove would consume.
Ranges for cooking, constantly on Imel,P
of winch will be sold on reasonable terms:.
lii- Call and examine before por cllils' '
elsewhere. .
Having removed to the :Rooms formerly creciir;
by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler 4
terson's Store, Market Street, where he 15 ,1 , e '
prepared to wait on all who ite*'
g ata ii-_,. disposed to patronize ,r
Dentistry in all its branch°, ejej.
rued on. TzEin inserted on the most apPO., O ;
principles of Dental science. All opergx,!
on the mouth performed in a skillful
workmanlike manner—on fair principleis.
Having determined upon a pervountl:,';',.6l'
tion at this place, would ask a contiou.,l!;!
of the liberal patronage heretofore,
to him, for with he will render every
ble satisfaction. -
a" Ether administered to propel Fer'-'s2'