Zhe ttatiettiatt. '6> P 4 • " F. L. - Baiter, Editor. MARIETTA, PA : :August It, 18"65. Admiral piblgren was mar ried in New York, on Wednesday, to Mrs. Goddard, the daughter of the late Hon. Samuel Tinton, of Ohio. The ac complished lady.ifrovel; known in Wash ington cirelee i , not only in private , life, but as an elequent-and ingenious author ess. : Tkeinapriage took•place at 5 P.M. at the•bouse of Oa Rev. Dr. Cutlmiaga, the pastor . of SG, Stephen's Church, and it : wae conducted•in a quiet and unosten tatious way." The. A &are is said to be about 55, and t his lady is, some 25 yeas his junior. .There,w,ere hat futy persOns present, at the ceremony. ; , fir Gen. Giant, it.would seem, will after all said and, done, make his old home, Galana, 111., his permanent' reei dense. Some' twoi or three friends thare have purchased a handsome • house, and furnishedit from, top to botOiii,land presented l it 'When 14 `accept ed the Phiiiidelpfila reildence, - it was conditionaliy that eventually he Was to return to Illinois.: Gir . That Wrettihed esitiff John Bell, bee taken the an3nesty , oath at Nahbville Kennett Rayner, °see a' leading North- Carolinian, has begged for and'receiveii the pardon of the Piesident. - Many others of note, in otherdays, either' have receiVeil or'are petitiohing for. mercy. Bittalo; who 'ha's not a hair more loyal thin any of these, has not yet:niade aPplication. 4i,t, Barkley, Md., a young colored man, who bad been paying.atten:tion to an unwilling Adored ,girl, Tecently naked her for. the.4ast, time if sha tvonld, marry him. J3he , said not,..iten he held „up a piece- of paper, 'remarking, "This is.your•geath •warrant." He im mediately 'drew a revolver; and fired twice, killing both -her and. himself. • Robsit R. tioivtlier, ,form Orl y. of Armstrong c - ounty, fate a colonelio the rebel - army, retUrrieid' to Kittanning last week. He tiund some relatiVes, but very fec,v !Fiends , and after a brief stay, was waited on by a committee of citiZSUP,. and, ordered t out . of: town—a command ,wli,ichlS, lost no time is 'obey- Or Br. Coll:Kith, lit Leighton, Michi gan, some Months' since, kissed a lady named Bright, whose husband was in the army. She iesented" it, and- informed her husband of the ineult; when he came home. Theflinstiiina vowed vengeance; and Meeting. the offender, soon 'after, shot him with a revolver and killed 'him; 'Alemeleiw !Wile !attire Was ar rested the 'otheCnight. in the_ streets. of iecienati ilith °proved .to - be W ,respect. able. lady efilibe city, who 'had, adopted this disguise, to - ,wateh her husband; whodi she stuipebted .of infidelity. She was released and:advised to. return home, whieb,see eoneentedito P..., . the rinforlobs per. illelei(dei,l on trialb6fore,a military commission in session it M'eniPhia. The testimony so far warrants the gential opinion that his life will be forfeite4 for thWiinmeronseapital 'Offences which 'are being broight'lininiVA, him. ' ' ' writ: is said that "Elder ,Brigham Yenng intimated tcr:SpeakerColfax, in a recent interview at Silt .Lake City, thatita eipected wrevelation,lrom the Lordlhitt Ypolygarny 'should be, Stop ped," and said he was.larepared.to force the divine injunction. Majoryclen.., grentise 4 was arrestedAt Q,liine3s Illinois, on Sa turday, and ,Ened sP—far. t4ratehiag a young man ,who kept company with hie daughter against the, General's ,isiehes. His eon aided in theyiork, and was Maud a like amount.. GF General Carl Schurs left ,Savan nah on tbe,2d for Augusta, and Captain Cider on the same daY arrived from Augusta with 63,000 in silver, and 82,4100 in gold, said to have been scattered„by Jefferson.Divie in his flight, near the reeidence of aowell Cobb. 4 Sam Erosion, it , is now proved, was Unionto the last. , The rebel pa pers lied about 111E4'0 aliont everything else, and the rebel ,afilt . po rittes tried to get him to swear:feafty - to' the ionfed erany, knit.the old lierk:speriled them. ia - Harry Gilmore, the rebel leader,, pet of Maryland and"highway, robber,, went 'straight to Europe from t Fort War-. ren t fearing to go home on Redoubt of a warrant for" treason 'being bat igainet him " • jar Mary Harris, lately acquitted of the milder of Bnirotighe, , in Washing ton citfis 't o Ireland. A. liberikretibscriiltioll for her for that purpose.:";r ` . vrilE LIFE OF LINCOLN.-It WES an nounced some time ago that the Hon. Robert Dale Owen *as about to com mence writing the Life of President Lincoln ; and we . now learn that ,the task has been commenced, and so labo rious is it considered that it will require two years to complete it. His publisher, so cognizant is he of the magnitude of the work and the distinguished ability brought to bear upon it, pays Mr. Owen three thousand dollars in advance, and fifteen thousand when the work 'is ready for the press. fir At Oxford, Rock county the oth er day, a copperhead, formody postmas ter under Jas. Buchanan, who ran'away at every call for men and prospect_of a draft, returned home, when the 'neigh bore_ in large force assembled„and gave him notice to leave within twenty-four hours. At the end - of that time he was stall in town, whereupon preparatione were made' o tar and feather him, alarre; ed which he again skedaddled. lir A fat cattle epidemic has broker; out in Woodstock, Canada. A number of cattle and horses died within a week. In hogs it first shows itself, by a swell. : lug of the throat, - and'terminates fatally in about twelve`'hours. In cows and horses, they are sick only ten or twelve hours, • and in every case: where they have' been attacked the resnit lids 'been fatal.'.:: - Or The catafalque used on the: occa. Sion.of President Lincoln's funeral In New •York was_ put up at auction 'in New York 'on Thursday: - It was divi. ded into-:a 11:5 lots, of which only'thirty were sold, and although it cost $lB,OOO originally, it will not now bring $ l2OO all told. •The-remainder will be.sold at a fair, for the benefit ors charitable in- Stitation. •• tar A.hoFse insurance company is the latest successful enterprise in Illinois: Its officers claim to have, established a thorough,system of horse thief detection, by Imiving one or more agents and de- Vectiyes in every county in the State, whose iconeinees it is, not only to take applications for insurance, but to be on the alert for the detection of thieves. isr Wm. Puffer, of Peterbore, N. H., who ie in his eighty-fifth year, goes into the field every morning, and mows all the 'foram:inn, and rakes in the afternoon an steadily'an h . man in the'prime'of life. He 'has lived on' fhe lame 'farm eighty Years. '•He reads `without-glasses, and walks to the village, three miles, and back without a'eane. ' ' ' or A London letter says.the Daven ports and Pay have been taken posses sion of by,an old;East Indian Nabob, who, having plenty ofmoneY, has carried them of i tto a Castle in France,. where, he has nightly. seances, in which the spirits give him concerts, drink whisky and play at billiards. sir General Howard has issued an or- der, to the effect that if the planters of Lower Maryland' do not cease turning off Weir slhves to Starve, or neglect tO • diniiloy then), the governinent will , . seize their farms and put freedmen to work upon the lands. ar A. "mad-stone" for the ,cure of hydrophobia is in the : .possession.. •of Leonard Evians, of Linn Co: Inwa.' Du ring the-,past eight:years hik says it has cured 379 cases. The stone acts as a leech, and when applied to 'the' wciund absorbs all the poison. ' • • • evil professor of music was oowbld l Sala Erie on: Tuesday night by ",an' en rige;i fattier. The prolessor being, a Married man had paid his attentions to the, daughter, and thereby brought dowii upon his devoted head the Wrath of the father. '4404 A 4ittle4child' of Henry-Barns -of Willistown, , died 'a few 'days ago from tae effeete 'nreatifig matches. A and of Enoch"-Qtly, same township, died a short time previous from the same cause: Two-chadien lately died , in Tredyffrin - , also-from eating matches. Rudd, Arnold, O'Laughlin and Spnngler_wero assigned C.) Fort Jeffer son on the Dry Tortugas, on July 25th, Dr: *mid has been -made an assistant Burped ; Arnold a clerk, and Spangler a carpenter. There are now 550 prison era on tie Dry . Tortugas. , • or may - be preserved for sever- Wehks in the following simple manner': Pour:fresh milk into, glass bottles, then Set thcrbottles`info a kettle-of cold wa ter to boiling pOints, and then - cork and seal tight. our 'A. Sisterhood of Fenians was last week ...organized at. •Rew York ; when thirty-five daughters of Erin mere, en rolled under the Fenian banner. ' How John Morriasey *ears - an $l,BOO ditirnond in his shirt bosom is the anhject or a Saratcisa letter , ' I The Meow. (Geo.) Journal 'and .Meetenier . hae been' eippreseed, for .rid -10111113g:the oath otallegianoe: **,Anti..meat clubs are springing up many, towns and boroughs of Penn sykvania. I Dire. Lincoln is lividg =in perfect ofeclimidfr refeit Miles . from /Ohictgo. c--v - '(&TI - IE M.A_RIETTI.A.N.@..,-0--) Zile Mora in a Nut—Sbell Queen Victoria's salary is about two millions per annum. A brother of Charles Dickens is resi ding in Chicago. The French Emperor is going to have a black regiment from Africa. The "waterfall" is going out of fash ion at Saratoga. Admiral Stewart has been in the na vy eixty-seven years. Mary Harris, the - murderess, is going to live with her parents. Hayti has had eleven revolutions •in six years. Erikente is — said to be laboring under a fit ofjealousy 'provoked by a flaxen haired beauty. , Somemonkeye ttUaoked.a roan in the Zoologidal Gardena in Antwerp, Eng land, and nearly bit; hiin.to death. Thiee ears are now running on the Harrisburg Street Railway and are doing well. - The fashion at Newport this season is forladies to invite the nice young • men to ride, the lady driving. .:Only: seventeen hundred deserters from the draft have' availed themselves of President Lincoln's offer of pardon. A romantic young lady in Waterloo, New York, proposes a monument over the grave of Edgar . A. Poe. Ratber late. Nearly: twenty thousand 'dollars •have been collected for the statue of Shake speare, which is to be erected in• Cen tral Park, New York. • Secretary Seward and the members of his family have arrived at Calie. Isl and, where a cottage bad been elegantly furnisheA for their reception. One or, two of the French Ministers have spoken of their determination to resign if the French troops are .not recalled from Mexico within two months. • Miss Imogen Willis, daughter of N.• P: Willis, editor of-the Home . Journal, was married a few days ago, at Idlewild, to Dr. William Eddy, of New Bedford, Mass. Describing the burning of Barnum's Museum, an exchange says the ,happy family bad an unhappy end o —their dooni was written in letters of fire ; their fate was sealed, but the seal was saved.' The Saratoga tribe of Indians in -re duced nearly taa minimum. It consists this year, it is stated,..of six or eight Canadian Frenchmen, a -candle-eating Labradorian, two octogenarian squaws, and a North American papoose.. The Northern Central Railway; Ccim. puny has contributed $2,500 to assist the borough of York to pay for the as sessment made, upon the citizens by the rebel Gen. Early, during his raid into that portion of the Flte.te, A private letter from Paris says that there arcynore Am,ericans there - at the present time than was ever know,n z Some of the largest Parisian. linters are almost !utelusively -occupied, by. .rizh Americans. In Bridgeport, Rh6lse-island, a bounty of one dollar is paid for- a . dog's' fortt ploys ; in consequence of whichiSoye hniit the animals and cut off theiipnws, and cruelly leave the poorbrutes in their misery. Covent Garden Theatre the largest, in London, has seats for two ,thousand elven hundred and. fifty people,..; the New York Academy of.Musie seat two thousand eight•hundred and thirty. On Wednesday, Veal. Admiral Dahl gred was married in New York, to Mrs. Goddard, the daughter of the Sam „tall Vinton ; of Ohfo. marriage took plane 'at the horse of;tlie :Reir: Dr. Cummings, pastor - of -- St.' Stephan'S Church, New York. - • •” The receipts for the internal revenue in July approximate to twenty-two mil lions. 19 . 0 w. that the income tax is .be ginning to be paid, CA,is s estimated tluit the receipts will be at least a million of dollars .per day for.the.nest.two or three months. - . Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie 'has been engaged by the manager of the Beistcin theatre. to appear next season in the series of characters in: which 'she won so muel reputation fen `yeais ago. He gives twenty-five- thousand dollars for eight ruobths' engagement.' Experiments are being made in Phil adelphia in infiltration, a process by which alive hog may be converted into corned pork- in twenty , urinates..--. The animal is killed„his heart removed, And an instrument inserted in' its place by; which sweet pickle is sent through the ,mein artery into every part of the pig. It is estimated, that this - propess,will re duce the price offood fifty per cent. Parson Brownlow says he.agrees with those who are horrified by the execution of Mrs. Surratt. But the terrible' thing is net merely_that a woman should be huoi,.but that a woman should do a deed meriting banging. In his oprnjon, a she•devil is - ns much' to ,be` dreaded, and as properly snbject to punishment atrone of the otheilea. The great national arms manufactory at Springfield, Altos., has, like other es tablishments which flourished during the febellian, experienced great changes with its suppression. Since the close of the war, of the three thousand men constantly employed there during the last two years of its continuance over two thousand have been discharged. While the war lasted, 8180,000 were re quired monthly to pay the workmen's wages, and one thousand guns were turned out daily. No more of the old and celebrated pattern of Springfield muskets are to be manufactured ; 250,- 000 of them are now stored in the arsen al, and 50,000 were recently sent to the arsenal at Columbus, Ohio. A startling balloon accident has hap pened in Ireland. Mr. Coswell's balloon after having ascended from Belfast with ten people in the car, effected a perilous descent, owing to the valve at the top not acting properly. Flight:of the mro newts succeeded in getting out (some of them severely injured,) when the bal loon again ascended with two gentle men still in the car, and nothing has since been heard of it. After the death of Abdermen, caliph of. Cordova, the following paper was found in his own. handwriting;-"Fifty years have elapsed since .1 became caliph. I have possessed riches, honors, pleas ures, friends : in short, everything that man can desire in this world. I have reckoned up• the days in which I could say I was really happy, ; and they amount to fourteen." At the wedding of a burghmaster in a village of Upper Austria all the rela tions of the bride and bridegroom were entertained for three days of uninterrup ted festivity. The bill of fare InclEides, among other thing's consumed on this occasion, forty-eight oxen, forty-six pigs and sheep, sixty seven calves, and sev eral hundred barrels of wine. A married couple were alone in a rail way carriage In England, when a colli sion occurred. They were uninjured ; but to secure damages the husband struck his wife in the face cutting her beautifully. He has instituted a suit against the company for injuries sustain ed by_ the railroad accident. say, Pat," said a Yankee, "Why don't you sue that railroad Company for damages received. Both your legs bro ken all to smash ; sue them for dama •ges." "Sue them for damages ! 1 have• damage enough already; I'll sue them for repairs." A late captain in the army has, open ed a school in Chicago for the purpose of instructing gentlemen in the use of the common walking cane as a means of attack and defense by scientific rules— something like those which apply to fencing: On Tuesday last the bank of North umberland, at Sunbury, deStroyed by fire the old issue of bank bills, to the amount of $62,700, The bank.is calling in its notes with the view of becoming a National Bank. An expert swimmer is giving exhibi tions at Fall. River. He suffers himself to be thrown into , ths water with his hands and rea tied , when he will release himself and-perform other unprecedent ed feats afloat. - A Montreal despatch to the Toronto Leader says that another attempt was recently made to abduct George N. Saundisirs. - Two of the conspirators have been arrested, and the police are on the track of the others. - Blondin commenced an G engagement.. at Kroll's (garden, Berlin, on, the Ist of July. A rope cine hundred feet long and ninety high was been erected for his exclusive accommodation... The" employment of camels in the carrying of mails across the Plains will soon commence. Omaha is to lie the Starting point in.Nebrasita, and Sacra mento the terminus in California. Sotneliedy has written from New York the'Londen Times that. John Mitch ell would be sent to England under the Extredition Treaty as an escaped con . vict from Austraile,. A. race.between a horse and a steam carriage which lately came off at New Haven, Conn,, ._ for $1.,000, was won by the horse. It is-to he tried over again. Majar•General George G. Meade has taken -up .his -summer residence: near Jenkintown ; on the North Pennsylitinia Railroad. • The,town of Lincoln, in New Ha:nip . shire, has 1:10t: furnished a soldier in the late war, nor raised a cent in the prose cution of it. Constance Kent, who murdered her , little brother in England, is to - be par. doned because she is pious and, prettjr. An Irishman - in Danbury, who weighs 127 r potiride; lately lifted a atone with hie teeth that weighed 1251 pounds. The Siamese twins,. having lost all their ,property in North Carolina, will soon exhibit thenisolves. . Forty thousand ne'groes have learned to read and write since . the rebellion broke out ' ' - A brother of Stonewall Jaelison fell over board near Mobile and was -drown- THE FATHER Or PATNE.—The Florida Union says that the afflicted father of Payne, the would he murderer of Secre tary Seward, has been making a visit to Jacksonville in that State. The Union adds The father of Payne called on us one day this week. Ity resides on a planta tion three miles from Live Oak Station, on the Pensacola and Georgia Railroad. He lost one son at the battle of Mur freesborough, another returned home maimed for life, "Lewis" was his only hope in his old age. The afflicted fath er was a Baptist minister, as has been stated. We must necessarily pronounce jast the terrible punishment to the son, but we cannot withhold our deepest sympathy for the heart-stricken parent, or esteem him less as a worthy man Bind citizen. ' The Old Stnyvesant pear tree at the corner of Thirteenth street and Third avenue, New York, bears fruit this season, as it has done for a long pe riod of time. The recent storms blew down a number of the pears, and only a few remain on the tree; but.these are of good appearance, and are larger than pears usually are. It is expected the fruit will be ripe in a few weeks. The person recently arrested and brought to Washington city, and who, without any apparent reasons was sup posed to be John R. Surratt, gives his name as John G. Ryan, of Texas, late captain in the - Confederate Navy. It is said he was engaged in the Booth con spiracy.* Much and very unnecessary mystery has been attached to this arrest. eir Some boys being surprised by the police while bathing at Troy, the other day, one of them made a rush for the shore, and put for home. He naturally created a sensation, running as he did four or Eve blocks through the business part of the city without any clothes on, ear A wealthy old gentlemen just de ceased in Paris left 100,000 francs to a young man who politely gave up his seat to him one night at the crowded opera. trZ" A brother of Charles Dickens, residing in Chicago, had three children born to him last week. & CoitihtbiQ rp RAINS of this road run by Reading Rail Road time, which is ten minutes faster than that of Pennsylvania Railroad. TRAINS OR THIS ROAD RUN AS FOLLOWS LEAVING COLUMBIA AT A. M.—Mail Passenger train for / j Reading andintermediate stations, lea. ing Landisville at 7:.43 a. rn., Manheim at 7:58 ; Litiz at 8:13 ; Ephrata _lit 5:42 • Rein holdsville at 9:08; Sinking Springs at 6:40 and arriving at Rvading at ten o"clock. At Read ing connection is made with Fast Expresst rain of East Pennsylvania Railroad, reaching New York at 2:30 P. M. with train of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, reaching Philadelphia at 1:20 P. M., and also with trains for Potts ville, the Lebanon Valle) and Harrisburg. 2:15 PASSENGER TRAIN R M ea .— dinr , sad intermediate sta tions, connecting at fandisville at 2:50 P. M. with Express trains of Penn'a. R. R., both East and West, leaving Man helm at 3:26; Litiz 3:41 ; Ephrata at 4:10; Reinholdsville 4:37; Sinking Springs 5:03 and arriving at Reading at 5:20 P.-M. At Reading connection is made with trains.for Pottsville and Lebanon Valley. _ o _ LEAVE LITIZ AT 0.1 P. M.—Express-Passenger Train for Reading and intermediate sta tions, leaving Ephrata at 2:44, Reinholdsville, 3:11 ; Sinking Springs, 3:30 and arriving. at Reading at 3:45 P. M. At Reading-connection is made with Fast Express of East Penn'a R. reachiug - New.York at 10 o'clock, P. M., and with train of Philadelphia and Reading R. R., reaeliine Philadelphia at 7:05 P. M. I= LEAVE READING AT 6.00 A ..M.—MAIL PASSENGER iain for. Columbia and intermediate sta • tions, leaving Sinking Springs at 6 16 ; Rein holdsville at 6 44, Ephrata at 7 11, Litiz at 7 '4O, Mai:Maim at 7 58, making connection' at Landisville with train of Penn'a Railroad, reaching Lancaster at 8:33 A M. and Phi's delphia.at 12:30;' arriving at Columbia at 9 o'clock, A. M., there connecting the Ferry for Wrightsville and Northern Central Railroad, at 11:45 A. M.with train of Fenn's. Railroad or the West. . A. M.—Passenger Train for. Litiz and intermediate stations - in ar -10:55. , rival of passenger trains from Philadelphia and Pottsville, leaving Sinking. Springs at 11:18 Reinholdsville at 1l:53; Ephrata 12:25 and arriving at Litiz at one o'clock, P. M. 6-15 M.—Mail Passenger Train for Columbia and intermediate stations with passengers reeving' New-York at 12 M., and Philadelphia at 3:30 P. M., leaving Sink= ing Springs at 6:31 ; Reinholdsville 6:59 ; rata 7:26 ; Litiz 7:56 ; Manlieirn 8:11 ; 'Landis ville 8:27 ; arriving' at Columbia4f9 P. M. liz3=• The Pleasure Travel to .Ephrata and Litiz Springs from New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other points, is by this schedule ascommodatedseVeral.times per day. with Ex', press.trains connecting in, all directions. 113- Through tickets to New-Yark, Phila delphia and Lancaster sold at principal sta tions. Freight carried with utmost prompt ness and dispatch, at the lowest rates. =I Further information with regard _to Freight or passenge, may be obtained froin the agents Of the , Company. A - • M ENDES coligN, Superintendent. . E. F. REEVEII, General Freight and TiEket Agent. DR. J. Z:.l-IOFFER ; DENTIST, • _ . . ..."7:17 OF. THE BALTIMORE . COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURpERY, .. LATE OF HARRISBURG. OFr I CE:—Front street, next door to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust sod.:Waliaut, streets, : _ , 'TOWARDkSSOCIATION, ;PHILADELPHIA, P 4, Diseases of the-Urinary aud Sexual Systems. —a new and reliable treatment. Also, the BRIDAL CHAMBER; an Essay of warning and Instruction, sent -in ,sealed •envelopes, free of Charge. Address, Dn. S. Sitzturr HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth-st., Philadelphia; Pa. - [ jan. 1,165-Iy. DR: , WM. B. FAHNESTOCIC, , ' ORF/CE:--7MAIN-ST.i NEARLY ,OP.PO_SITE Spangler do Pattersen'a.Store. • • __ _ F.pat' TO g .X, OFFICE HOURS. "_ITo 2. - L - • -..-. -•— .-•-:•?, • 6 iffl-i.-711.- 6urclia. The Drug Store opposite 1;lq POST OFFICE, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbak ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR &c., ize &c., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, —ALSO— TOILET ARTICLES, Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils, H a Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Soaps, Tech Washes, Hair; Nail, Clothe and Tooth Brushes, of all descrip tions, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Hair, and many other articles too tedious to Ladies and Gents Port ..119n n • of every deseziption -A L S 0- All the moat popular Patent 31 edicifil, NOW IN USE, SUCH A$ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Altera:, pectorant, and Vermifuge, Jayne's P 1.25 e. Carminitive Balsam, tke., Hostetter', :ir.,- Hoffland's German Bitters, Swai r w s Worm Confections, Mrs. Winsloa Syrup t and in fact all the most reliable Psi, medicines now in use. Fresh Coal Oil constantly on hand. 1 assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades neys, Sic. Also, articles of nouns:in.er,t • the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, ... Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of all kinds, Cloves. Cinneine a , spice, Mace, Black Ppper, 'African Cu a ; ., Pepper, French Mustaid, &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Fi g ,;. ing Cupsfor the Sick, Breast Pumps, Sippie Shields, Nursing Bottles, Self-injecti ng ringes, Flavoring Extracts for cooking : Sc' Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts,ill,i Aquariums. Arrangements have also air, made with one of the best Aviarys ;: e State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Bilds.c A lot of Family Dye colors, of every alhilv. Fresh and reliable Garden Seeds. A large assortment of Books and Stationary, Eyerything in the Stationary wey, such fts Pens, Inks, Note, Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of Paper, Envelopes, Clarified and other Quills, Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, eai an endless variety of fancy and useful strider. usually found at such establishments, but a1. ,- article not on hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards, called nUnier, Cards," having Stars, Flags and Crests insteil of Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, &c. The Pace cards are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Jacks. This is a beauti ful and patriotic substitute for the foreign ere blems and should be universally preferred. School Books, Copy Books, Slates and the School Stationary general]) , and Bibles, Sze., always on hand.' 117- Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and Mammoth Weeklies received. Sheet Music of all kindi will be ordered with promptness ana dispatch. Having secured the services of Mr. Cliss. If. Bnitrroer, an Operiericed and competent Pharmaceutist who will attend to carefully compounding with accuracy and dispatch, it all hours. The Doctor himself'can be consul , ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally engaged. Being very thankful to the public for the past patronage best Owed upon him, will try and endeavor to please all -who may give hint a call. F . IHAV,KL.b.:, M. D. Marietta, February 4,'1865-tf. ANATES El Oalarri, Corner of North Queen-St., and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. American and Swiss Watches IN GOLD AND SILVER GASES • ) ' EIGHT DAY AND 30 HOUR, IN , GREAT VARIETY, AND FAUN 'THE arsr FACTORIES. SPECTACLES in et - Cri style ofierieiS frame, and' With e lasses `suit any who neeitartificial aid.. We have twen ty years experience in this business. SILVER-WAnE. Spoons; Forks; Butter• Knives, &c , stampd with our name and warranted standard. PLATED -WARE. ARE. , The-best plated Ware ib the United States We warrant our best' Table ware—Spoon: Forlra, &c.,—to wear ten ty9nra in daily use. E Rings; Pin,S j leev \ e V .l3st L oo ll e,.tuds and a Va riety of every-artielejn this line. - HAIR JEWELRY. Bair JeWelry made to older..l'w° hundre styles or samples, constantly on hand. ri 2 Re p'a king of Watches, Clocks, Specta cles or Jewelry, done neatly and prempdy. H. L.s E. J. ZAIIM, Corner North Queen Street Una. Centre Squart, LANCASTER, PA. EAGLB PETROLF;tTM COMP'NY VENAN GO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK; - 450,000 NC MBER OF '200,000. Subseriptiort s Price, 25'tents ier_Share, 11eSeirbea eapilal, .80,000 SHAICES or $20 , 000 . Office of the annpanyipt . J. , A. Bigler Co's Banking liroge i . Harrisburg. PRESIDERT frALzor If EAGLE, of LancostetCpwAy, Pa. TREASURES; . _ JOAN A.BIGI - R; .. llcist . nerg, Pa atcafrietiii; B. FRANK CHANDLER, Harrisburg WHijaPjAbßig.ttia 8.. I. Sloan, Alexandiiih Col. S. B. Thominr,"lllitristiurg, Abm. jl. MusplesaanOtarletta, James H. Smitls.ll.anklin, Pa., Janie's : J. kartin(Philidelphia. Wm. H. Trampt,Phlladelphia, J. T. Carroll, lipw,York. • DAVID'ROTH; Agent, ltlarietta. . . JOUN BEIJI. Merchant Tailor, Car. of Market-at.; anel-E7bow lane, Marietta et R &TERI!: for past fivers rwouid returr N.Xmy thanks to m3 . ' /waitrons friends 2nri tronntind inform them that Pell! continue tbe old business at the old stand, where I. mill pleased to see them at alLtunes,and having full and splendid assortment of CLOTH .; CAS'SIMENES ;Sr VIESTIN which will be made up to' order at the shortsi notice by the belt of Wonlaneniaind on reasons.: hie terms,. I would be pleased„ ;AL erefore, to we'' upon 'my old' 'diatom - eye and aIY who see proper to patronize me lieieafecr:ii Toct.29-'56• ANIEL G. BAKER,' - 11.1704N-FIY-AT LAW-, •LAPI,CASTER. T OFFICE i=—No. 24 NoIiiw — DIIKEST RZE -opp,oeite the'-Court Houed, where he will _tend to the practice of hie profeanon 211 t various britebee. ~ `"~'