The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 22, 1865, Image 2

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F. L. Oalcer, Editor,
:OatuiLdag.., .19, 9,181.4.
scR "-
12 rs acting incident-ocefirred dt
g. IA i.
,s• a , Pato consumed .Boutel's Hotel,
cri den AL •
chtgan, on Thursday morn
g ant imnit,'
co mien of au ady boarder who occupied
IiOOFLA• • ' 1- rd.floor, became Some
... t s,
A Good A ifiiii . , en the alarm of tire was
Str — ong ite down stairs to discover.
its wherear s, leaving her infant child
asleep in bed. In the confusion she for-,
got it until the flames had complete pos 7
session, of the hotel. She then attemp-,
ted to enter the building to rescue it,
but was prevented. The firemen . - and
others, in saving the furniture, Ultra the
bedding out of the window, and carried
with the other. goods on the bridge, for
safety. After the fire, in removing the
goods, the little innocent was found,
safe and asleep. . '
Owing to the liberction of prisoners
and the discharge of the army, the num
ber of applications for pensions in the
month of Jnin' was greater than ever
before. Since the war
. begun 84,000
pensions haVe'been issued ; 34,000 to
invalid soldieri, and 50,000 to widows,
mothers, and minor 6hildren; The pay
ments to pensioners the past year have
amounted to 89,000,000. and when all
pensions arising frbm the war`shall have
been granted, the annual expense will
be about $13;00,000.
fir A child named Alice Burns who
attended a pie-nic in Weston was mine,'
ed away from her young companions,
and brutally outraged by three ruffians,
aged from seventeen to Awerity , two
years, named :Richard O. Baine, Robert
Lambert, and . John' McGmerney. The'
scoundrels have , been arrested, and it is
to: be hoped willte"severely punished:,
The, child, after the perpetiiition of = the'
horrible t deed, was discovered by - her
friends in a perfectly insensible condil'
tion. Sheetillreinaiiisirilicritiaal state.
.A.tzerott was abOut being led:
out to execution he handeduo :9•eneral•
nartraelt, Avail, other effects; •a; docu-'
ment ; enclosed in an envelope,. and on'
ejoamination afterwards it was - found
that this envelope contained :.the• copy
of the death-sentence - left with him pre i
vionsly by Henetal Hartranft, and , bore
the following , endorsement: wish
this sentence to be read to the young . :
men of Port Tobacco, that' they may
take me." ' `•
- fir Orders will, shortly,be Faced mius-'
tering Out af-theordlitery service .overe
Majors and, Brigadiers,;. most,. of
whom . : have ,
_been, in,. comparatively,
pleasanj l p,o4itiOne in,eurNorlhern cities;
,bourt,Nactials, &e It, is tbe,inten-,
tion orgeperA . l . Rtantto, substitute E ini
their places, officers !distinguished for,
gallantry and meritorious conduct in
active service . duyieg t'ae,war. ,
rfir Patrick Gaffney, a returned veter
an, living at New Haven, Conn., was
one day laseweek picking green butter
nuts for pickling, and stepped upon
branch, which, *as weak, when his little
girl cried ant, ''''Father, the limb will
break."' "Well," =lie replied; not
have to l'e•bet 'once,":,and in another
moment he. fell, hreakink his neck.
Two bbuildings mire strucili by ,
lightning :in. Tandantirinot iDanbury,
Clonn.,) during ti recent. storm. •In nne ,
a cider barrel,in the cellar was unlaoop-'
ed ; in the other a bed-quilt was set ;on
fire, and a full set of furniture nearly .de
stroyed„ , .. There were eight person's in
the house at the time, • none of .them
being injured. •
Borne unpatrioticlellow who was
fond of sleeping iato,stoia the tongues
from all of the Church ip Elldworth,
Maine, on the night before u p'i rourth,
and thil next' morning, - therefore,' they
were speechless.
wir Stephen Hiss, a worthy citizen,
was accidentally shot in Baltimore on
Tuesday,,by a policeman who'shot at, a
mad dog. The ball passed through the
dog,and then, through Ines, three . hun
dred feet off, killing both. , ,
Asir Hon.4pliPanforth, of New Lon
don, Conn., lately .examined, a !chest of
old clothes,. which, was ,giyen to hint by,
a friend who died, seven4en c years, ago,
and found eagles in.thepooket
of an old.vest. , . , '
, ow The youngest and, Dilly surviving
dsaght ! er of Preeident Harrison, Mrs.
Colonel W. 11. Taylor, died in'' Cincin-
O tr
Doti on the 61. 1414 She we,sa lady
of rem ark s ah .a r Ubilfty and acionvl4-
thents. . •
G °yarn o r'Le t cher, or Virgi n
and Col. Northrop,' rebel Col:umiaklip
General, formerly' wealthy men; - 'hale`
boon reduced to poveity by the 'iesultil
or the war, Serve 'em right.
—Musicians are agreed in reference to
these instruments that they are unequal
led. Mr. Gettsoiialki the distinguished
pianist, pronounc 4 es tOe Cahinet 'Orgrin
"truly a charming instrument, worthy of
the high piaise it `has received" and
"sure to find its way into every house
hold of taste and refinement which can
possibly afford its moderate expense."
He also declares it far superior to every
thing of its class he has seen. He
knows of what he speaks, having, tested
them thoroughly i•i his concerts. Our
most eminent organists in New York
fully endorse this testimony.—New York
"KEEP TIIEM Our."--Th,e. New York
Herald certainly has a very concise way
of putting' facts. It says
"There never can, be a party success
fully constructed at present, unless such
men as. Vallandigham and ;Pendleton of
Ohio, the' Seymours of New York and'
Connecticut, the Woods of Now York,
poor Pierce and musty old 'Buchanan
are left.out of the ring.. That may be
set down as -a fixed fact. This crowd
will kill any party."
air Judas was an exemplary traitor.
After hiS treason he went out and hung
himself. Very few of his tribe have
er imitated his. example. Ruffin, of
South'Carolina is 'an exception., Hav
ing live'd like 'Judas, he was . wilting
die like him, and so blew out his. own
brains. If a'few others would "gO 'and ,
doiikewiae," it would remove a very
difficult question frOm the
..area of, de
bate. ' .
air Gen. Grant redently attended ser
vice at -the new—Methodist church in
Philadelphia, of which Rev. Alfred
Cookman is Pastor. After the seemon,
he quietly beckoned the pastor, and con
tributed $6OO for himself and $lOO fOr
his wife,•to the new church edifice. The
inspieation took;'' and subsCriptions to
the amount 0r5125,000 for the'stime :ob
ject-were inimediately raised.
Go v app r Fletcher,,,of Missouri,
has issued , ap . roclamation.declaring that
the El 07 „Constitution of Missouri went
into operation on,July4th: ~; T his is,tha
most radical constitntion'in exh3tenoe in,
the 1.1nk0n.,. wholly, excludes evory
person who,hasn,any 'Nay, , assisted the
rebellion, from the right of I suffrage or
to, hold
,office,,for,years to come:
itt"Gene.ral NOstlz, the adjatant of
General Bitichei'at Ligny Etna 'Water
loo, will be creatid'a matshal on
.the: fiftieth anniverary, of 'the battle.
The rank' is but rarely'confer7d in the
Prussian' army, and at this won-lent is
held bat by' 'a — sOlitary. -F ield
Marshal Wrangel, who commanded i
the Dinish`earial)iiigs. "
CorThe,,lightoing played :a, singular,
freak a. few evenings .ago in the borough
'of Prospect, Carnbria.cpuuty: ,It enter
ed ..the house of John 4130y1e, knock- ,
ed;the clock,,olifthe mantel, and shatter
ed three.of thp.posts.supporting a bed
upup,whichviras, a ,child sleeping, but
harmed, not the child. • ,
`Mr. r Peterson, proprietor of the
honse'in whioh PreSident Lincoln died,
denies that he' has' • presented any bill
'thimagei. butiallegeS that divers atfd,
sulidiy'persone visited the premises
hitveearried off spoons and tumblers to
beikept as relics. ' '
Mr. ,Johnson; who is a.pnre negro,
was , admitied to ;the practice of law. in
the Soprerne Potirt of New York, at:
Rochester; in Jsine of last, year, and has
decided to reprove I to Liberia, to prac
tice,his profession.
SOme seotindreld who wanted to
have revenge - on the Landlord Hill ,of
the Mason Mme, NOrthampton, for his
temperan:4, principles . and actions, gir
dled and rnined 115 trees belonging, to
hire'a few nights since.
Thomas , Sinclnir, , a clothier in'
Pittsburg, charged - cvlth fraudulent re
turns, kris ,been fined . pOOO and ^^cost by
the.Oominissioner of Internal Revenue:
The costs; it is stated, foot up nearly
another $lOOO.
. .ydigl;sh sportsmen.are beginning
to name their , race horses after the fa
mous battle fields of our civil war.
Among the names of favorites we find
those of Chattanooga, Ric:l:mond, and
.icr A man in 'Elumbertson,:.oanada
West, committed suicide. A fewleure
before the act: he told. his wife the -devil
had offered bim $150,000, 'and ".he had
concluded to accept the 'offer. '
tfir A FrenCh bonnetmaker , t old • ,a
customer who complained of the pripe
demanded fora new bonnet, "Consider,
madame, it cost me three sleepless nights
merely to imagine if.".
eir The Delaware State , Senate has re
fused to'coneur in this resolution
by.the iHo'use or respect to the memory
of President Lincoln!
ofthe Third Revenue.
Dist / riot, .134•14130Pre t . has *thin.n day.or•
two aeticied frauds to 1 the amount of
foPitettlAhousand,dollaKs.• '. ~.
60 - The'wli'ole ekrienie 'at' -WI
wn exprenfor aL Ashirig.
4dti' Of 'Presrdent'Litie9ln's fatieral - ns' a
littre'ov'er . $25,000. 'That of "Pr`es dent
obsiiquies wis 830,000.
la' John S. Wallace, a merchant of
Chicago, was arrested on , Tuesday for
using revenue stamps two; or thfeeAmes
ov4 on hip warehouse receipts:.His
manlier of . going it was to put a :stamp
on a receipt,,and agter it pad been:pass
ed,liear it'off and ese . it.ugain orAtioth7
er receipt. Numbers of receipts were
found in his desk with the stamps off,
and tho stamps in an envelope. In this
way he confesses to having saved about
$35, which will probably cost him about
$36;000, :the, penalty for,,,e'ach , .siffenCe
being .$l.OOO, with the addition of im
prisonment. Wallace offered $5,000 to
the officer who arrested him if he would
let him off.
c' ,A man and hismife living in Belle
ville, Frappe, have •been sentenced to a
term Of imprisonment and tine for mal
treating a little apprentice. They,
had not only half starvedand cruelly
beaten her but had, when she had not
beenpble to get through her, work so
,as they expected, tortured : per. ; by,
burning her face, neck, and arms—some
times with the flame of a candle;;atirdP at
others with a hot iron, such as laundress=
es limier fluting the borders of caps,"
The prisoners pretended 'that their•enly
object was to dtire the child of her idle-
• '
ness, and that they'L did iidt -knoi .thio
iron was lie hots
Madame Eliza B. Jomel died on
Sunday ; morning ,at her• residence, on
Washington Heights. Her, decoase had
been•long: expected. ,In early life she
,a French gentleman named _M.
Jpinel, by she had one child. •
Becoming a widow, her marriage with
Aaren Burr, in 1532, first brought her
into public notice. A divorce soon fol.
lowed the alliance with. Burr. She .has
been, flying since that time at her, home
on Washington Heights. ' She many
years since -resumed the .name of, her
first husband. • ;
, Cr The editor , of the Milwaulte News . ,
has been shown a watch, now the pro-
perty of Mrs. D. U. Lee, of Horicon,
Dodge county, and once the property of
the celebrated' Major 'Andre. There
are but fonr figures on the face.: 3,6, 9,
and 12, the other 'divisions being:indica,
ted by a little gold star. On the back,,
inside, are * directiOns fOr winding, and
the following : "Major Andre, 17'74,"
engraved jn bold letters. ,
tar General Carl Schurz, having re
signed his commission, has been sent by
the President to .travel- through the
South on a• tour of observation as to thti
Working.of emancipation, the loyalty of
the whites,'the cOndition.'of the
and the fitness of the several 'States for
immediate restoration , . to their stdtus ,
prior to secession. He is paid his esx
peoses only, and will probably visit eVery
State lately in revolt, Texas included.
te- The authorpf "Ben Bolt" died in.
Cincinnatti the other day ..L803t01_P94.,
It is time this • item was stopped.
"The author of, Ben Bolt" is
Dunn Englith,,and he is alive, °and ,re,
sides at Fort Lee, on
Y. Sun.
cgrA New 'England editor who 'is
travelling in Nevada says': "Egliali,
French, German; Spanish, Irish,'Chinese,
Pi 'Lite, and other languages, are'spokeif
there with much fluency and 'freedom;
but Icirie , seem'to be - so generally under
stood as--firefane languake."
ci f A despatch from New York, rel
ative to the barniog of Barnam's Muse
urn, , Says, the snakes escaped-some of
them.into Broadway; andsome of them
into the World and News office& The
infe'r'ence is that the latter were of th'e
copperhead species. • •
al - A singular murder was committed
at DMigannon, on the 30th, ult.
Two . men became intoxicated,. one fell,
and the cther--said to be an inoffensive
man . when sobec—literally whipped his
companion to death
,to , make him get
er An old.gentleman, with 'a profti:
sion of silverj , Nokia, feW days" sine's
paraded•BrocidWay,'NeW•Yoit*,•With - his
"back hair" done up as a "water-falf ; "
in a silk net, whiclrprotriided froth iie
neath his hat., .••
There, is apo t ! ,2,'rovidpnce who
has been married thirty-four years,- and
still.prqeryes his•;ivadding-suit, 'having
worn it every
• Sanday,siaae. ,he
has had, it, on 1,768 days, and it is agocid
yet: , ; C'.
fir The West Point graduates are to
have a three months' Jeave
n nf absence
from theist Of Judy. This was the 'Old ,
custom, but has not prevailed during
the war.
'Cr Ydrk;county is to' have a loft
clock, costingAix hundred dollais,';to be
placed on the steeple of the' rceivi-Dith.'
eran Churph to be erected in
GT John Hull' a boy ,of ,soventpen
yew?, died on Sunday, tittpb,nrg,
mainly on acpount of, excessive drinking
A fast youth.
gar A premium has been offe'rdilio'iilt
soldiers, wh ttave-lost thply •arus
in bat le, and have learned to, write with,
the left._ , , .
da= thiniel i;biter'i:iffdeNVls . sioeol:ll
ing the euinmeiliftli'e'w ilfiltoed;Cronn.
Lit-a Nut-,Y.)tlf
It ‘t has b'een ascertained, on inquiry,
that.the legal limit) of $300,000,000 of
national bank circulation is nearly
reached, and, theriifore, the creation of
but.compal'ativeLifew additional insti
tuti`ons under that systearwill be'.autho
rized. The entire number will probably
reach 1,600 barite:",
Information received here from prom
citizens in the Southern States
gives assurance that the work of "resto
ration" is progressing more smoothly
than was anticipated, and that the un
friendly utterances of some of the edi
tors are not indicative of the, PacifM(
spirit of.the people. • ' -
A mock sympathy has been attemp
ted to beegot up tor that she-anvil, Mrs.
Surratt, by the rebel sympathizingsheats
of the iorth. Atzerott, in his, royale
,hiS spiritual
adviser, said ,that she was more to 'blame
for the . murder of - the President than
The story thai the`owner of the house
in which Mr. Lincoln died sent a 'bill
into the Treasury Department•for $5OO,
for damages tcr sheets; carpet's,•'etc., 'is
indigiailtly denied. He wits offered
pay by a general tin the arn3y, de
clined any cornimnsation: ":
Major General Terry is about to. re
ceive $2.5.,00.0 in seven-thirties from 'his
Connecticut friends,.aud the degree of
LL. D. from Union. College. ,Bothmost
worthily bestowed. Honor and elevate
patriots—punish and degrade traitors.
Owing to the number" of troops being
, out of service, including boun
ties and other necessary obligations of
the Government, the daily demands at
present upon the Treasury are, it is said,
to the extent of between four and five
millions of dollars.
Wallace Butler, a return confederate,
was expelled from the Second Presby
terian `Chuich, St. 'Louis, on Sunday;
for refusing to acknowledge that he had
committed a sin in joining the rebels,
and repenting of his, error.
The national loan seems to tre again
loOliing `up. Over ten million 'dollars
Were sdbgcritied on Sattirday. The third
and last series is now in the market,
and there is every. prospect` of its being
all sold within two weeks.
Revertly•Johnson has arrived in Rich
mond, as counsel for Abe' properties 'of
the Ballard and Spottswood Hotels,
which have been confiscated. - Robber
ies in that city still. continue.
Gen. Sherman, in a speech at Colum
bus, Ohio, on Thursday, announced that
he was in favor of Gen. Cox for Govern
or, and that he did not intend to he a
candidate for the Presidency.
The Pittsburg Post says there is a
well known resident of that city who is
- seventy-two years of age, and has a physi
cian's certificate,that le .has not been
sober for forty years.
• Robinson; Secieta:ry 'S'eward's nurs4,
whose brave conduct saved the Secre
tary's life, has' been presented with a
farm by Hon. 0. B. Alattison, of Nev
York: ' '
. .
General Houker has issued and official
order in New York, announcing that he
has assumed , command of the Dppart
rhent of the Fast, relieving . General
The New York Herald :maintained-
sixty-three war, correspondents during
the rebellion at a cost of 'over. half, a
million dollars. •
A M . r.. Smith hung himself — in ,Tioga
county, N. Y.,, the other day, 'because
he was bored with thQ meddling of other
people in , his business
Nineteen Japanese youths have:just
arrived. in.,Great,Britain-tb be ednenied.
They:are dressed , in English.'Costume,
and all epeak.a little English. •
Montgomery Blair and a delegation
of Miryhiders called on'the 'President
on the 15th, to urge a cliansetin certain
offices in' B'altimaie:
On Monday, at Jordon, New York i .a
, ioung woman named Emma, Tuttle,- died,
from _aneurism of the item% produced, by
excessive laughter , ,
:.The subscriptions to the National
Lincoln, Monument Fund,-at Springfield,
111., .received up to Tuesday, amount to
vessel A teetotal'firdi ,
launched a ssel in
Yarmouth last week, and christened• it
with a bottle of ginger -beer.
The relic , hunters at, Washington ,have,
already attacked the gallows ort which
the conspirators mere hung.
'There is'a b•abso 'Man'chester,• Vir2
ginia, two years rold,:that' weighs 't,wi)
handrell poundi. - r •
The King of Greece ,has• ordered ,a
monument to be erected to Byron, •et
.Mi.nolonghi. •
' •-
In:boring for oij, Clearfield, "salt"
instead of "oil" was "struck" at 'seven
hundred and sixty feet.
One hqapital in lipndon uses 62,00.0
ilotaidg . ofVebfliVar beef tea.
The Lochiel and Buehler 4iotets;:iin
Harrisburg, '•:-
ab . hti lifQrri.ssey'sin'ddniels.ss9,l6o'
A FLM 11.1 i SOLDIER.-1 .113
(Alabama,) Ne‘,., says: The Tth Olvo
cavalry arrived at Bridgeport, Ala., and
encamped on the island. Weary 11E3
fatigued with travel, many sought the
shade of seine friendly tree and fell
asleep. The patrol in his rounds discov
ered what appeared to him a singularity
in one of the sleepers. Beneath the
open shirt bosom of a soldier he discov
ered a heaving, soft pair of full and
voluptuous bosoms. To report the case
to the officer of the day was the soldier's
duty. Thereupon an arrest and delivery
to Lieutenant Scripture, Provost Marsh
al of Bridgeport. Mrs. Scripture, and
the,iadies of the other officers and stit
lerg, furnished suitable female apparel,
and - with mubh apparent reluctance she
gave up the "bonnie blue" for the "crin
. oline."
. Suifficient s funds were ,donated;
and she was sent north, to the former
home of her childhood, Beaver county,
Pennsylvania: Her near is MiSs Ida.
Bruce, a fine looking girl of sixteen,
black hair and black eyesi intelliffbent
• •
and lady-like . in appearance. --Her fath
er-died in'the , year before the war. Her
mother and Ida, the only child, removed
to Atlanta, Ga. Her mother died last
summer, and Ida, left an orphan, was
anxious to get north to her friends ;and
relatives, but had no way or means to
do so.. The 7th Ohio,.of "Stoneman's
raiders .came along. ;One of the ''boys"
furnished her a suit of blue and a horse,
and passethher off as his cousin. As
such, she traveled with them in• cog.,
from Atlanta to Bridgeport, doing'sol
dier's duty, such as . standing guard, &c.,
and it was by "standing guard" the
night before that she became overcome
with fatigue and, sleep that , caused the
.discovery orher sex.
_~. ; ~
"A-man-who had - been for eleven
years the "Starter" of the cars of the
Brooklyn City Railroad 'diedon Monday.
It is related of hini that he recently fell
asleep in chUrch, and suddenly` awaking,
as-the sermon was about-concluded, and
imillining-himself on duty at the Fulton
fertifthe exclaimed in a loud voice, to
the'consternation' of the congregation,
"What's the matter With• that Fulton ,
avenue car ? Are you going to stay
there all'day?" • '
W Many persons , are anxious to
know why the 4th of March.was accep
ted as the presidential inauguration day
q'he popular theory is that March 4th.
falls less frequently on Sunday in the
inauguration years than any other of, the
first saran
. days.of,Marnh, and that this
was first discovered . by Dr. Franklin.
er,.A.n.enterprising photographer set
up his omen, in.the yardlor .the Wash
ington Arsenal, and took-four jviews.•. or
the execution : ',The Arrival on -the
Scalrold,'! "Eea'ding the Death-warrant,!!
"Aajasting the, 'topes," and'."The.,Con
spirators,Sospended from the Gallows."
I},D.LUTXON, This solution is warrnnMd,.if
rigittly'applied, to pre - i'ent the decomposition
of any;kind of fruit, and preserve it in a per::
fectly fresh and wholesome condition for
years. It contains nothing, which is injurions
to. heal th, or 'objectionable m articles' of diet.
The fruit retains its firmness nud . is , equal to
any sealed. It is a liquid ; each bottle con'-'
tains si.x.:een ounces and will preserve one
hundred and. r fifty pounds, of fruit, and retails.
atll` per 'bottle. ' "
C OlA -A I"t'S lioiLET' SOAPS
. .
How, Oly4tine,. Palm,
,Alnyt4 , poi. and.
Sh'a'ving SOAPS.' Egnal to qny irnported:
Jdat receiyed !and for,sain i , iery; Clieap al , :• ' '.'
''..4'.. • ~
OGER'S -- Celebrated* - Pearl - Celli - 01i and
pp Paste Blacking at- .;
‘ 11. 2'.4.E
1r YON'S Periodical Drops,: and 'Clark'ii.l.7e
limale Pills, at Vie Golden Illorlar.
A correspondent of the New York Her
ald states that a Mr. McCormick, who
lives about two-miles south-of Newburg,
N, Y., will be one hundred and fourteen
years old this corning 6th of August,
having been born in 1751 i The old gen
tlemen is now io tolerably good health.
His voice is very strong, hearing good,
but his eyesight is very poor. His hair
is not gray yet. He was married at for
ty-five, and hod fourteen children. He
has been very temperate in his life, and
has never felt' the want of drink as oth
ers do. He did not commence to smoke
until be was sixty-five years• old, never
drank tea or coffee, and milk he greatly
disliked. He always worked bard, went
to bed early and got up early. Any one•
to see him, would take him to be a man
of about seventy. He sleeps well, and
seems to enjoy good health, and may
live some ten years more.
Cr Harry Leslie has again, crossed
the rapids at Niagara on a tight-rope.
He appeared in woman's garb, night-cap,
petticnats, &c., and for abbet fifteen
minutes astonished his audience by en
acting, on the Main rope, a drunken
scene, staggering, reeling, &c., with a
perfect recklessness of life or limb. He
wound up his fool-hardy exploits by run
ning out on one of the guy-ropes without
pole or balance,' . and throwing himself
at full length on, his, back. This, it was
admitted; surpassed any venture-some
feat ever performed by plondin.
Cr A ludicrous incident was'observed
recently at the Meiggs' Wharf Ml:ism:ha',
in San Francisco, when, the opossum
falling sick, the largelt and most active
of the Monkeys took the sufferer:lw-his
arms, and went to ntireingitirithe'inObt:
comically affectionate mender:
Fol . sale at
Intla:nation or Ulceration ef the
Kideeys, Diseases of the Pro-traft
Gravel s Brickdust deposits, Dr,,p1,,1
lugs, Organic Weakness ;
Complaints, &c.
irSti3 F_Afilef &dm,
Ala Improved Rose Hash
Will raditally exterminate from the sy;t t ,
Diseases arising from habits of dissipating,,..
little expense, little or no change of diet,
convenience or exposure; completely sv.r.
seding those unpleasant and dangerous rereeit,
Copabia , and Mercury, in curing these diieazi„
In all diseaeeS of the Urinary Organs, Ishctl;Ez
existing:in male or female, from whatele
ause originating, and no matter of how luaz
starnlihg. It is pleasant in its taste and odo r ,
immediate in -action, and more strengthenia;
than:any of the , preparations of bark or iron.
Those suffering from broken down or deli
cate 'constitutionS, procure the reined). at
.:The Reader mug be aware that howevtl
slight may be the attack of the above dist m ,
es, it is certain to 'affect hie bodily health,
mental pOwers and,Aappiness. If no treat.
ment is submitted to,lConsurnrition or limn.
ty may ensue. •
All the above diseases require the aid of
Helm.bolcrs Extt•att Buchu
Compound Fluid Extract
For purifying the blood, rena)ving all disea3
cs arising from, excess and imprudence in
chronic constitutional diseases arising from an
impure state of the blood; and the only reli•
able and effectual icnoirn remedy for thc cure
of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains
and Swelling of the - Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Teter, Eryaipehi, and 61i scaly uu:t
tions of the skin, and beautifying the comphx
Of the worst disorders that afflict mankhil
arise from the corruption that accumulates ia
the Blood. Of all the discoveries that hue
been made to purge it out, none cau equal is
etrext •
Compound Extract of Sarsaparrilla
It cleanses and renovates the Blood, inst.ii,l
the vigor of II RA LT 1-1 into the system,
and piirges out the humors which make dis
ease. It stimulates the healthy functions on
the body, and expels the disorders that grow
and rankle in- the Blood. Such a reined!,
that could be relied on, has long bcen sought
for, and new, for the first time,'- the public
have one on which they, ban' depend. Our
space here does not admit of certificates to
show its effects, but the trial of a single bin.
the Will show to the sick that it has virtues
surpassing anything they have ever taken.
Two tablrapnonsful of the Extract of Saris
penile, added in a pint of water, is equal to
the Lisbon itoieVrhink, and one bottle is equal
to a gallon of-the Syrup of. Sarsaparilla, or
the decoction as :usually • made. • . ,
The above extracts are prepared on purely
scientific principles—in Vabuo—and embody
the full strength of ilia ingredients enteringia
to theireotnPosition.' ready andCopclu6ivo
test will-be a comparison of their iorherties
with those setforth in the: U. S.--Dispensato
In diseases of the Blbod, Thimors on the
Face; or any and every part of the body, 11,6 ,
Extract.Sarisaparilla, applying to Pimples 0-
all external Humors. or Eruptions,' the Ira.
proved Rose Wash.
Use the Extract ,BuChu foi , all diseases re
quirmgthe. aid of a p i iiietie,.except those of
t !aw
he UrinarY; n's, *eh .Gonorrhces. and
Gl6O ; in these use thie,Ektract-Buchu and in
ject with the Improved-Rose Wash.
These .extracts ave been admitted tD
use in.the United:Stales &my; and also so,
in very general Ilse the state hospitsi,'
and public, institutions throughout the lan4
as well as in, private Rractice, and are consid
ered as invaluable remedies.
• , IC t_ l f
:WA E*H4SI4E 3 ,
b 94 Broadway, N. :LY .inext Metropolitan Hotel
_ -
, 141 L P 0 T ,
104 Southireitle Street, Assembly Building'
Desoribe Ryon"tome in aid armamicatiori..
Beware of Counterfeits!
TißlME'Negi drop I;f4v-drleans iNfolasses
—the very best for Cakes. Just receirg