HOeFijlikin'S GERIIIaN BITTERS Prepared lay Dr. C. .111: Jackson, Philadelphia, Pa. SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM, Or an Intoxicating Beverage, but a highly cos centrated Vegetable V,xtract, a Pure Tonic free from alcoholic stimulent or injurious drugn and will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and Jaundice. WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chi onic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS resulting from disorders of the digestive organs: Constipation, In ward Piles, Fu,ness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn ' Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink qng or fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, iteimming of the Head, hurried and difficult sreatliing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vission, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defici ency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant immaginings of evil, and great de pression of spirits. 1100FLAN.IPS GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A Good Appetite, Strang Iterves,. Healthy Nerves, Steady Nerves, Brisk Feelings, Energetic Feelings, Healthy Feelings, A Good Cmstihieton, - • • A Strong Constitution, A Hepithy Constitution, A Sound Constitution Virtu. , MAKE THEPWEAM. ST.ROiII3I Wall make the Will maite the Delicate Will make the Depresded Will make the Sallow' Complexion Clear; 'Will make the Dull eye •, • Clear and Bright. 3CrWill prove a blessing in every family. , iCi - Can be used with . perfeet safety by male or Femate,•Old • PARTICULAR NOTICE. ' 'There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters; put up in quart bottles, corn- ,pounded of the .cheapest Whiskey or , common .Rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed. • This class ofrßitters ; has caused and will eon ..inue to, cause, as long as they can be sold, aundreds to die the death of a drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually.'under the influence of alcOholic stnnulauts - Of the *out kind, the desire for liquor is-created and kept up, and the result. is all the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. Be 4 ware of them.. For those who desire and win have a liquor iiittets,•We'pvibiish the following receipt: , ' Get one bottleltoojland's German Bitters and mix• with .three quarts , of good Whiskey or Brandy, and the result' ill be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true e x cellence'' any, of the numerous liquor bitters in the Market, and will cost much less. Yeti will have• all,the. virtues of Hoofla*Ps Bit- ters in connection , with 'a good article (f liqubr and at a much less price then these' inferior preps - rennin will coet YOU.% Those saffertng , from nwras'inus, wasting `sc'arcely , any ;flesh their bones, are cured in a very short time; one bottle in Such cases, will have most surprising effect DEBILI'I Y, Fevers of any kind—these bit ters renew your strength in'a short time. 'FEVER :garb ~kou.E.—The chills will not re turn if these BitterSare used. No person in a fever aridaguellistrict should be without them. From Rev. T. NewtOn ;Brown, D. D., Editor of the, !Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Al though not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through diets ast ofAheir l ingreclients and effects; 1 yet know of no maid int reason why a man may not tes tify to thp benefits he believes himself to have receiyed from any simple preparation, in the hope tharhemay thus contribute to the bene fit ; pi . ethers.. I do this more readily in,regard to Honfland'e, German Bitters, prepared by pr. C. M. Jackson because I was prejudieed against them for a nUtribir -- Of years , under the impression that tilt-kWettebietlY an ' alcoholic miEture. - nth indebled o my friend Robq Shberdaker, for the removal-of this, prejudice by proper tests; andfor encouragement to try them, when suffering. rom. great and .long debility. , , The use of three bottles of these.bitters, at the be ginning of/ the present year, was/followed by , evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily snd mental vigor which I had not felt for, six montlusbefore ' and had almost dispair ed of regaining. . I therefore thank.. God and my friend , for directing me.to the. use,of them. • • J.,NEWTON BROWN.. '„Philadelphia, June 23, 1362. ' , ATTENTION! SOLDIERS! .ARD'''TITE. 'FRIENDS" OF SOLDIERS 'We call-the attention of allhaving relations or'friendein , the army - to the fact that "Hoof land)slGerinan'' Bitters" will cure iiine4entbs of • the - diseases induced-by mrivation and incident to camp life: ' Trt the lists publisbed dlnibst daily ih the newspapers; on the'arrival of- the sick, it will. be noticed •that a very large proportion , are suffering froni de ' Every case of that : kind can - be ieadi y aurel4 by 4:looliand's German-Bitters. 'We' have no,hesitation ir6stating •that, if these bit ters are freely 'teed ninong oursoldiers, hund reds 6filiites4ilight ' saimd that otherwise would be lost. . . The proprietors sre daily receiving thankful letters froin•eWerers in, the army and hospi talsOkho Initarbeen restored to health by the use nfthese troAttEraby their ' Beata& cif - counterfeits See that the sig nitturelo£PC:M....jackson;” is On'the wialiper of each bottle. Pale BB: . • ' Large Size, l sl:oopnr bottle, qr 4 , dozen for $5, Medium size, '7sc per,bottle, or i'dozen for $4. The larger aize,mti account of the quantity the bottlesthohy,TarOnuali ttie.chenper. Shotild your nearest druggist not have the article;:do not be put off,y any ofthe intrxt ctititikVeparations thitt `rtfity be offered iti `its place, but n ,;lend to us; and we will:Thrward. securely packed, by express. Principit/ 'Office and Manufactory, '• N0.!631 Anon, - STBEET. , JONES & EVANS, • • Succeesort.to Tackson & Co. JACOB A.'WISTTER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR & STORE, Opposite"the Cioss 7i - 43 Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersigned isbuld rospectfully infornt the public that he still continues, at the old stand,'corner of 'Second and Walnut streets, directly Oppesite the O ren Keys HotelitO keep on hand . and for sale, all kinds of cigars frcan Half Spathsh up; in prices film $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousand. Tonacco.—Natural Leaf, ExcelsiOr Cavendish; Oranoko Virginia, Con gress. Fine Spun- 'Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, rewel of ophi:l...tobacco, An derson's best Fine,cut. All kinds' of fine Ci gars mantifactured of imported stock. Sixxs A la. SrArirsix;" Rippee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smokihg Tobacco. Scented snufrs,, Fnie-ent, Pipe's; :Cigar Tubes, ere. Estate ofeharles • Kelly, late of the Borough of ,Marietta, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate hay ing been granted to , the, nridersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are . re.quested to make immediate settlement, and,thcise baying elainas or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undetaign ed, residing in Fite, BoFough.of Marietta. JOHN A.UXF.R, Administrator'. MaFiettajone 17,1865. 45-6 t , 'LARGE- , LoT OF .111111.1' WIND OW SliAbESvilreffiarlcably low ' to dose out:1: JollySiawor.ra, Market titreet,'Mariettai W ILLIAM HALL & SON Which are creating the.greatest sensation in the musical world, and have received the high est testimonials from all the leading ar tists in the country, among whom arc , S. Thalberg, Wm. Makon, L. M. Gottschalk, > Francis H. Brown, Win. Henry Fry,: • Theodore Eisfeld, M. Strack °Bch, Herman A. Wollenhaupt. Having purcha s sed the Agency of George A. Prince & Co's Melodeons, Automatic and School Organs, from their late Agent, Charles E. !Bacon; we will be pleased to receive orders for those celebrated Instruments, and will al ways endeavor to keep a sufficient supply on hand to fill all orders at sight. The most fib eral discounts given to the Trade, Churches, Clergymen and Schools. AU Instruments war ranted for jive years. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Flutes, Banjos, Violins, Guitars, Violin Strings, , Accordeuns and all kinds of Brass and other Musical In struments for Bands. 'PUBLISHERS: OF. SHEET , MUSIVI. Just published. "The Venite"? , a new col lection of Chants for the F l piscopul Service, opening and closing Voluntaries, Musical So cieties, Classes, and for the Social Circle, by Virgil-C. Taylor. Price,-,--Boards; 85 cents; Cloth, One Dollar. In press, and will 80011 be issued, Bassini's twenty Melodic Exercisei, , for-the study of the proper art of singing, by Carlo .Bassini, auth or of'BassinPo Art:of Singing. AND PIA.NOF'ORTF. CALIS-61ENIC9, a collection 'of' 'Five 'Finger Chord and Scale paSsages; fov ipeedily developing-‘ the muscles of the fingers and acquiring that degree of flex ibility,. ind ' epen ' dence -and' volubility; which i are sondispensible to a good performance on The Piano Forte Francs& H. Brawn. Music , sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt pi the marked price. , WILLIAM HALL & Sox, 6m] , 543 'Broadway, New-York.' Thin Stout, HEATiDIG APPAROUS-. Boil.ing=FryingSteivim•= 2 Steepplg 7 : WITH THE FLAME THAT LIGHTS THE ROWE. * * * By the flame of a common ,lamp, at the cost ore 'cent's 'ivorth of:,M1; ti very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. * —.N. Y. Tribune. * *' * Simple in construction, easily kept in,,order, ready for. use, in a Mainent * * convenient to have on hand. * *. :Drug gist's Circular. * * * Fish's Larep is one of the most popular novelties of the day, * * * the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking, small articles, and . can tie made., to cook meabifor a, great many peisons, which actually, done,on the ambulance;cars which carry the tick Soldiers.. * * Scientific Anteiican. * • For family use,hospital tent, bar rack, picacs, fishing,,nursery, or ,sickroom, it is an article of comfort beyond. all propor tion to its cost. * * Hall's JoUrtial'of Health. * I have tried the apparatus, and my wife and ,I proclaim the s me a most valu able and indispensable article, and we now wonder how We could have solong done with out it. .* * Ed: Coal 04'qt:calor. * * * An' economical Contirvince for getting up beat at Short notice for nursery and genetal household purposep, * * • one important 'point is the saving in cost over coal tires. * . • * Y. .pvening Post . Plicis from Two to Six Dollars. • capacity frqnt One to Four. Quarts. Three Articles Cooked at one time with one •• , • Arringod`for Kap:send 'or Coil' Oil; or Gas. A Descriptive Piniiphldt of thirty pages fur nished gratis. THE UNION ATTACHMENT, ; k Price 50 Cents, To be attached to a ,Common:Kerosene Lamp or Gas Burner, by which water ‘ May be boiled, and food cooked ,• alsO arranged to support a shade. Every Faintly needs one. WM: D. RUSSELL. Agent. ", No. 206, Pearl St., New York. rj- Agents Wanted. Two of these Heating Lamps can be seen at John Spartgler's Hardware:: A Fic>rt-tin.e.. MPLOYIyIENT FOR EVERYBODY. Great , Sale of Jewelry, Watches, Chains, Diamond Rings, Silver-Ware, German,. and French - FancY Goods, Sm., Wohli : -oier-sBoo,oooall to-be' sold with out reserve. Ey t eryone to have soMething valuable. -LIST .OF ARTICLES. ' ) 1 ' Gents Gold,Hunting Case-Watches $B5 to 150 Ladies Gold Enaral'd Case, Watches 450 to 85 Gen's Hunting Case Silver Watches 35 to 70 Gents. Gold Watches, double time '75 to 150 . Gold:plated Watches ititmagic cases 3.5 to 50 Gold Plated Watches -Enameled „, for Ladies, 35 to 50, Diamond Rings ' • 50 to 100, Gold Nest and Neck. Chains , 10 to 30, Gold Oval Band Bracelets ' 4 to 8, Chased'Gold Bracelets' 5 to 10, Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains sto 20, Solitaire and Gelid Brooches 4 to 10, Lava and Florentine, Brooches to 6, Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches to 8, Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Flor., Ear Drops 4 t o 8, Coral,” Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops 4to 6, Califbrnia Diamond . Breastpins 2,50 to 10, Gold Tab and Vest'-Watch Keys 2,50 to 7, Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3, to 8, Solitare SledVe"Thittons, Stua, etc., E 3 to 10, Gold Thimbles, Pei:mils, etc., - 4 Miniature Lockets ' ' 4 to - 8, Miniature Lockets-- , Magiclpring 5' to 10, Gold Tooth Pickei , Crosses 3 etc., 3to 10, Plain Gold_Riogs;ChasedGoldßings 4 to 11, Stone-Set and Signet Rings 3to 30 , California Diamond Rings 3 to 10: Ladies' Jewelry in Sets--,Jet and Gold 8 to 15, Ladies' Jewelry in & sets, Cadieo & ?earl, 4to 12, Gold Pens" Silver Extension B o lder Sr.-Pencil *-^ . _4., Gold Pens and Gold Mounted. Holders 5 to 10, Gold Peps and Gold Extension Holders 6 to 15, Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 20 to 50, Silver , Castors, Fruit and Cakellaekets 25 to 50; Silver Tea, and Table Spoons and, Forks, per dozen 20 to 40, Silver Plate:d Tea Pots and Corse Urns 35 to 50 Silver Plated Ice Pitchers & Molasses Cups 25 to 60 See what.the must popular and widely, cir culated periodicals say. nf, our Establishment : From the "Dispatch" of February 25, 1865. We take pleasure in caging the attention of our readers ta the announcement of Messrs. Devaugh .41 Co.'s Great Sale of Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fancy. Goods, in Four advertising columns. We are personallly acquainted with the members of this firm and know them to be gentlemen of sterling worth and integrity. Their stet& of goods. for variety and extent, we have scarcely seen paralleled. From the "Mirror of Fashion," , March 1, 1865 Messrs. Devaligh & Co.'s GreatSaleof.Jew elry, etc., opened on the loth ana :we venture'to sey thtit no finer display of goods was ever exhibited .by Any .establishrnent in this city: - The ladle's 'thronged their'bazaar almost to suffocation, although the streets were rendered nearly impassable by the, melted sno.v, and shish. We predict for them a won sueceas. From: the "Ledger," = February = 2B; 1865. Our lady, friends should visit the extensive establishment of Messrs. Devaugh & Co.'s No. 15, Maiden .Lane, if they wish to indulge themselves with a sight which-they will long remember, Such -a -profusion of elegsbit, Watches, Chains, Rings, • Earrings.: =and,:in short, of Jewelry of every name, kind amide scription, we never before. witnessed. Their eilver and plated ware is superb' sand almost lasts into the shade the other splendid estab lishments which have long been the beast of our city. It is estimated that their stock is worth. not less than:one znillion or dollars, ; GIRARD W. DENT'AUCH-&-C0., 4 Z 3m] 15 Maiden: Lane, New York. i A TTENTiOikT r gkOlL'i'§iilV.V! i A tEleyls Gin ClRet; 2l 4!li Gun Wadds, .._ 1 Dnponrc stotio#,, , ing . nn4, 4 , 10Fsl. INcit: X rprdei 1 BaltrA,r,e,§hut., i , Sll4Poucties,,Pqmigr.)4sk sold.st--" ' JOHN SFANGLEIre' 543 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DRIGGS 4 New Patent Piano Fortes =I Burner G REAT SALE OF WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 81.000,000 WORTH! To be disposed of at One Dollar each, without regard to value,,not to he paid for until, you know what you are to re • ceivt. • BY '2l. R ROWEN -4. CO' tAtENTg AND MANUFACTURERSj NO. 36 BEEKMAN-ST., NEW YORK. 0 Read the following list of ,articles to Se sold for One Dollar. 100 Gold Hunting Case \Vetches each $125,00 100 ",Watches, various styles " 75,00 200 " Ladies' Gold Watches " LO,OO 500 Silver Watches . each $2O to 35 6,000 Latest style vest '& neck chains 5 " 20 5,500 Gent's California Diamond pins 5 " 20 4,000 California Diamond ear drops 5 " 10 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins '5 5" 10 2,000 California Diamond and enamelled Gent's scarf pins new styles - 5 " 10 2,000 Masonic and Emblem Pins'"'3;" lO 2,500 Gold Band Bracelets, engraved 3." 20 3,000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches 3 " 10 2,000 Cameo Brooches 5 5, 20 3,000 Coral Ear-Drops 4..'f, 6 2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains ..,. ••8 "15 6,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid assort 2 " 10, 4,000 Solitaire. Sleeve Buttons • 3 •'. 10 3,000 Studs and Sleeve Buttens,.in,setp 3 " 10 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain &engraved 2 ," 8 10,000 plain and eugravea rings 2,50. ,",10, 8,000 Lockets, richly engraved . 2 to 10 15,00t1 sets Ladiesyeyselry,new,nnd late'st stylea 5,000 Handsom'e,Seal , Rings 3 2,000 Setißoserri Studs 2, 1,000 Gold Penalind Gold Holders 1 2,000 Sets Jet and GoldPiitsan'd Ea, latest styles, very rich 2,000 Gold: thimbles, Pencils, &c. 10,000 Gold pens, and silver cases 10,000, . " Ebony holders This.enffie list of bean - W . llf and, goods will be sold for One Dollar each ticates of all the above' tirades will in envelopes, ' , and sealed: 4 ,Theitd are sentby. manias ordered; Without choice. On the receipt df the certith will see — what - you are %have and tl„,, at your option to send the dollar and take the article, or not. Five certificates card be ordered' for $l.l eltv en for $2; thirty for $5: sixty-five for $lO ; and one hundred for $l5. We will Wend a single Certificate on the receipt. of 25 cents. Agents wanted' to whom, we offer svciel terms; send 25 cents for one, certificate and our circular with terms. A. H. ROWEN & C0., - (Post Office BoX 4270,)'N0. 36 Beekman-st , May 27-6m.]New York. . . B ROWNING'S Excelsior Coffee. Whilst trying Coffee of all4he vivrious brands. Reniembef 13 i f i t e cl i r Triie, 'it's.not like olh'ers , that are "SOLD , EVERYWHERE.'? , ' A little stretch, we all do know, good goods will easily bear, • -•`, - ( But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere"- - •is very apt to tear:) • - . • Now, I can sagely say, without any hesitatidn. There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCEL- SIC !t" anthis.enlightened - nation. Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from any store - Possessing the same ingredients•as "Brown ing's Excelsior:" • Nor is there anyone, in or-out of the -Coffee trade Who - knows the articles from , which "Brown- ing's Excelsior's" made, I'm told it's made from- barley, rye, wheat, beans, and peas-; • Nathe a `thousand other things—but the • RIGHT ONE ifyon please. But with the Coffee-men• I will not hold con- tention . . ,- For the many, many things they say—too nil= memos to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running roand from 'store to Store - ' To learn the .mirrent wholesale price 'of '!Browning's Excelsior,!' Some who know my Coffee gives perfect teats. isfaction -- • Have forreed a plan' by which they hope to •cause a quick reaction.. • - The case—'tis with a few ;• no doubt 'twill be more— name their Coffee after mine, .(13hOWN ING,S)E.CE.1.;SIO.4.' Some say thews- the 'only - biattl Alfat will stand a ready,test....- Now, try a little of them all-,see. which, you like the best. Three years have 'passed awe* since I first sold a store ; Neydr.bave I inl - mir paper adVertised.beforel Ncit-Wald I now, or ever consent to publish more, . • If like some used by "everybody," "sold everywhere," in "eti , ery itOre." A trade like this./ do not:wish ; the, orders.' could not fill ; The factory all Jersey's land , Wonld take— . leave not , a foot to till. My trade is not so very large ; still I. think have. my share; But, reader, yea may. rest assured,. 'tut NOT "SOLD EVERYWHERE." illanufacitered-and for Side , by the writer,. GEORGE:L:'BFOWNrNG, , . No. 20 Market Street Camden., . New Jersey.. This coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs it contains, nothing deleterious ; many persons Uselhis 'Coffee that 'cannot use the pure coffee ; -it takes ; but one,and.a-half ounces to make a quart -of good strong coffee, that being just . one=half Ihe' , quantity it takes Of Java Coffee, and always less than half the Price. • - . , RETAIL DEALERS May purchase it in less quantitiesothan ten gross at my prices from the Wholesale Grocers. Orders by mail from; Wholesale Dealers promptly attended [2.3-3m L. BROWN & CO., [LATE 'Sopi BROWN & Co.] BANKERS AND COLLECTORS OF MILITARY' A N i b NA:VAL CLAIMS, 2 PARK PLACE, NEW YORE. 7, , . Corresponding .house in . W3slangton, D. C., J. W. Fisher 6.' Co., *ia 14th Street., TA - riving had three years' experience, in the 11 - 1 Collection of Claims and the.• General transaction of business in all Departments of Government, we can assure our Clients and Correspondents that, all/ business intrusted to us Will he', vigorously. and promptiy attended to. We are prepared to make advance upon, and negotiate the sale•of Olaims;and purelnish. Quartermaster's bills •and checks, as well 14 . collect the following classes .Pensions for .Invalidsit WidoWs, Mothers and Orphan Children. . Bounties for , Soldiers, discharged for wounds received in battle, thoite,who have served , two Years, and the heirs of deceased, also,,State Bounty to suchlis.are entitled. . •,... -Arrears of Pay for Officers and Soldiers, and the heirs of deceased. , , - • . Navy Prize money for captures.:: Navy .Pension, and 'balance or Pay. Amounts of discharged Officers settled, Ord nance and Clothing returns properly Mane Out. and Corrected, , and •clearances Obtained from Ordnance and'Quartermaster's Departments. U.'S. Revenue Stamps fOr sale at a , discount of 31. to 4.i.per cent. • f 32 -3m , „ Estate of AE. shua , Smith -Brown. late of the Borough of Marietta decaased: •„ , . Letters of ailminiatratibh on said estate byr ing been:granted to the. andersigned;all per.: sons indebted,the.t th. ito - are requested to,make immediate satfeent, tincithose having claims or demands against the, same will present them; with out to the andersign, ed, residing inisaid, Bgopgh:of ; BARR. SPANGLER. Administrator. 71865. • • 13,1ALN. .199,wieleb)rited'cliist; H. D. BENJAMIN• THE PHaTiVIX PECTORAL; or, Compound Syrup of TViid Cherry and Seneka Snake Root, WILL CURE THE DISEASES OF THE =arc:pat Lunge, Such, as Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Brongiitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping augh, c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT Pulmonary Consumption, And even where this fearful disease has taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says : c‘l was benefited more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberholtzer, or Lionville, Chester county, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phteuix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Phoenixville, certifies that he was cured of a cough of two ears' standing, when all other medicines had failed, b, the use of the Phoenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hun dreds of bottles of the' Phceitix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing coughs: John Royer, editor , of the Independent plmici.x", having used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it complete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. - The .West Chester Jeffersoriian says.: "We have known Dr, Oberholtzet personally a number of yeare, and it gives 'us the greater pleasure to recommend his medicines, inas much as the public rarely have the benefit. of family medicines prepared by _a physician of hie acquirements and experience. Dr. Oberboltzer is a member of the Alumni of the,Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution he grad uated in 1854." The Reading Gazette says: "Tiha cough remedy is made by Dr. L. Oberholtzer, of Phtenixville, Pa., and it has acquired an un surpassed reputation in curing coughs. , It is carefully and slcilltully prepared from Wild Cherryßark end Seneka Snake"ROot."' Dr..Goct.-13—Wood, Professer of 1 he,Practice of Medicine in the University of Pennsy vania, Physician to the . Pennsi , lvanitt 'Efosoit al,.and, one of the authors of the United States Dispensatory, says of Seueka Snake Hoot: c , ltd action is especially directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, Horn the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be paid back to auy purchaser who is not satisfied With its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only TWENTY-FIVE CENTS It is intended for only one class of diseases, namely, those of the Throat and Lungs. Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER, M., D., Phoenixville, Pa ? JOHNSTON, I'IOLLO WAY & CO W DEN, No. 23 , North 'Sixth Street, Philadelphia, —General Whdlesale Agents. For sale in Marietta by Landis& Trout and John Jay Libhart. RCANA -WATCH. The cases of thid Watch are an.entirely new invention - , composed of six differe,fit Metals cornbined , rolled'tbgether during an exact imitation of 18 -carat gold, called Arcane, which will always - keep its color.—They are as beautiful as solid gold, and are afforded atone-eighth the cost. The case is beautifully designed with Panel and shield for name,with. Patent Push Pin, • and engraved in the exact style of the celebrated Gold Hunting Levers, and are really hand some.and.desnable, and so exaet an imitation of gold as to defy detection. The movement is.manufacturedbY the well krioWn St. Jimer Watch , Company of Europe, and-are -superbly finished, laving engraved pallets, fazicy - carved bridges, adjusting regulator, with-gold balance and the improved jewelled 'action, with line dial and skeleton hands, and is warranted a good time keeper. These Watches are of three different sizes.. the smallest being for Ladies, and are all Hunting Cases. A case of six will be sent by MaiDor Express for $125.00. A single one sent in a handsome Morocco Case for $25.00 ; will readily sell for three times their cost. Wo are sole agents for this watch in the United States, and' none are genuine which do not bear our Trade mark. Address GIRA RD W. DEV A UGH. 4- CO. , Importers, 15 Maiden Lane;N. Y ' 3mos iMpoisfuf aiii)otmce)igot. ONE MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH! TO HE DISPOSED Or aT ONE DOLLAR EACH ! Without regard to Value ! .Not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive ! ! Splendid List of. .Ailicles,! ! All to be sold for One Dollar Each! 1:! ARR'AN.DAtE CO. Manufacturers' Agents;: .6 ,- Np:.167:,13494'D W AY, NEW, YORK, Ih'edusequence of the great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing districts ofEngland through the war having cut off the supply of cotton, a large quantity- of/raluaole Jewelry, originally intended, for the English market, has been sent off for sale' in'this country, And must be Sold at any Sacrifice! Under ,these circumstances, A.11.-RANDALE iSi.% , COI, acting as Agents for the principal European, manu facturers, have resolved, upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject , to - the following regale - flops : Certificates of the' various -articles are -fi rbt put into envelopes, scaled up, and mixed ,and when ordered, are taken out without Aagard to choice, and sent by Mail, thus givi,i all a fairchance. On receipt of the certificate, you will see what you are to have, and - then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring., or any set of Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAR. SEND .25 CENTS FOR CERITFICATE. In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage and doicg the business, 25 cents each. which must be enclosed when the - Certificate is sent for. Five Certificates will be sent for $l, eleven for $2, thirty - for $5, sixty-five for $lO, and a hundred for $l5. - AGENTS.—We want agents in every.regi ment, and in every town and county in the country, and those acting as' such will . be al lowed 10 cents on'every . Certificate ordered for them provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents by every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to' us, either in cash or, , postage stamps. Adams , ARRANDALE - k CO., 36-13t.1 167 Broadway, N. Y. FIENRY •WdLFE,' • • DEALER In 'Patent Medicine's,' Hair Stain, - Perfumery Fancy Soaps, Extracts, 6.c. • .11ianiltdii , e Hair Stain( I.Vlishler's•Bitters; Stovers Bitters, Sgmberg Medicated WiLe, Mason's Cough • Candy & ; Iticluirdson's'Tar Drops, Banvart's Troches, Gum Mastic, Weirm • Confectionii, . Bear's, Oil.„ •• - ' . Beeirs Marrow, Pipes, Segars, Tobacco, . Paper and ,Envelopes, ; , 25 finelihite l add Envelopesfor '1 (emits, , Letter and: Note :Paper:one cerif a' sheet, Parlor Matches, !s• Combs, Brushes, Leadpencils, . ; Violin Stiiitga:, Bridges„ Pocket Books, ' • Clocks and - Watches for sale.addf Repaire'd. Don't mistake the place, opposite the Post Office, and nextpor to Dr. Hinkle's Drug pore. HENRYIi WOLFE, `Agt. . tar We tall'you any t4ing . in our line 25 per cent: Yen can buy it at any other place in' the 'coinaty. C fj. A friP XGN.Er other Table — Maps •gdarrimiteed to be pure;anti kold as bi*ita ' CHOlCk.,LOth.t.Bookthfor. children calk indietructablePleasure.43ooke PapitrAos4sAtaticonary,aems, ti on , .bulderacan be boughtin Philad.o3/4144e. or,.Naor-york,i; tIANDIS On I touT. H. D. "kiiiimur Pkot Building': REEVES Original, Genuine alid RELIABLE AM33 IR CD For the Growth, Beauty and Preservation OF 7HE [ESTABLISI - TED 1560.] Price 75 Cents Per Bottle This preparatidn can exhibit living evidences of its excellence. See and read certificate of Mrs. William Sutton—hair 5 feet and one inch in length—used Reeves AMBROSIA about twenty months. Also, certificate of Mrs. L. M. Neil—haii rive. feet in length—using the Ambrosia 18 months. _ . MRS. WALLACE E. MAXWELL Her hair is four feet and ten inches in length —the result of using Reeves' Ambrosia about two years. Mrs. ,Vaxwell's 7'estimonial. New-York; December 23, 1862 Knowing positively that Reeves' Ambrosia produced a beautiful head of hair for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New-York, I was induced, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and i thin ; had used ohe half-dozen bottles when. I could plainly notice an increase in its length, strength and beauty. An experience of about two years has proved a complete success, My hair is now, by measurement, four feet ten znehes in length, reaching nearly to the floor. I "have allowed my photograph to proclaim the merits ,if 2111 R R : :e the WORLD. '.e E. MAXWELL. All entc,:pri,olg. Lori. , taists have these Photographs, and r.,..ep jar sale , REE[E.S AT 7.5 CENTS i'Ea AOTTLF.. Depot : OV Fuiton-st.. N. Y. For .sale in .thrieivi by D lit sk:.E. . . p UTDIAM'S CLOTHES WR I x - No WOOD. oRK TO BWFO,J, No` 4humb-screws get out of urder, . „. Warranted with or 11 , 01 i-out Coe ' Z ;t - wets. It took the First ,Premium at Fifty-seven State and County Fairs in 1864 ; and, is, with out an exception, the bet Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in , every town. . Energetic agents can make! from 3 to 10 Dollars per day. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz : That Jron well galvanized will not rust; That a simple machine is better than a corn plicated one; That a Wringer should be self-adjusting, durable, and efficient; That Thumb-Screws, and Fastenings cause delay and ti ouble to regulate and keep in order ; That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split; That wood bearings for the shaft to run in will wear out; 'nut the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog- wheels, will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ; • That the Putnam Wringer 'has all the ad vantages, and not one of the disadvantages above - named ; That all woo have tested it, pronounce it the beet Wringer ever made That it will wring anything from a thread to a bed quid without aiteration ; We might fill the paper with testimonials, Mit insert only a few to convince the skepti cal„if ellen there be ; aA we quy to all, test Putnam's 'Test it 0/brought!, ALL and if not tact. ; y, return it. .Putnam Illanuj.,,rui Co GENTLED! EN ikitO!i l iont lea! e xp er i_ ence that irommellgaleand= wait zr Oa: Le 411710 i oxidize or rust one pu. , .i( Putnam Wringer is as near pojlez • and can cheerfully recommend a list in use. Respectfully yours. JNO. Cleveland,: Ohio. A.l.ny Years' experience bilsines , enable me Minder,- :! A.ane state menta in all particulars. Jrio. C. LEFFERTS, Beckman St. Ns. a - York, January; 1864. 'We .have.tested Nina:lll's Clothes Wringer by j actical working, a!:d know that it will do. li as cheap ; it is simFk ; it requires no ro,m, whether at yorli or at rest; a child can opcnite it; it does its duty thoroughly ; it saves time and it saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who hale mirth Washing to do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to boy this Wringer. It will pay for it self in a year at most. Hoe...tem GREELY. PRICES—SB, $9, and $lO. Sample Wringer'sent and express paid on receipt of price. Manufactored and sold, wholesale and re- Jail by the ' PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13, Platt Street, New York, L. LYONS' PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, AND SPARKLING CATAWBAOWINES. EQUAL in QUALITY and Cheaper price than the Brandies and 'Wines of the Old IVorld. For Complaint; Cholera Inrantum, BoweL Complaint,Sramp, Colic and Diarrhoea. curl guarraniied, or the money refunded Rupp .:t of the'abovc star4ments, are pre sr: 4:l,'S of pr. james 8.. Chat ; `L Chemical In si.eetor, 6Lio ie , ,ols, Chem e,t, Boston; L. Jones, l; Qrpical In spector,l,lViAevirle", Prof.. T. Jaci..ton, Cnermst.,.Bouton ; be. Upman Shep ard, Charleston, , S. C.; J. V. Z. Blaney, and G. A. Mariner, Cons cap, all of whom have , I „nt Brandy, and cemmeud :. • for medicinal nae:. When evaporated thrmigh i,•ts no oil or offensive matter. An every it.:pect it is a PURE spirituous , liquor. oil 1, ch gives to this Brandy its flavor and aromu, is wholly unlike fusil'or grain oil. its od , r par takes of both the fruit and oil of grapes. With acids it produces ethers of a high 'fragrance. The substitution of this Brandy for Cognac Brandy will do away with'the manufacture = Of Fterrmous spirits, sold under this;nathe both at heine and abroad. Respectfully, A. A. HA'ItEg;.M. D., State Assayei; 16 Boylestors-at.*; THE SAME, IN 1864. I have analysed " L. LYONS' Pure Catawba Brandy," With reference to AS compositionail& character, being the same as that Rroduc.ed,in. past j ears. A sample taken frOna ten casks afforded the`Same results with regard to puri= ty ;,a slightly. Increased amount of the princi pie oii wbich its flavor depends Whs determin ed:by comparison , with former samples:` Tile indicationsQf analysis show _ that this Brandy is produced by . the same process as most'of the imported Brandy. Respectfully, A. HAYES, State Asitiyer, 16 . Boyleston-st. -Boston; July 30, /864, , [Mess. ' , . MA NUFACXITHED onLy BY. H. jACOB & co.: ETOrtirlom alt orders' should be aildiesseq. 3m] r , ,DEPOT. 91.Lib,erty-st., DOW- York. RE AD "ODE ("LOT HIFG Having just laurned from the city with a nicely selected' lot Of Ready-made Clothing, which the, undersigned is prepared to furnish at redifetd prides; havinklaiii ih a general assort ment :of•nieir and.. boys'- clothing, which he is detern inedtasell Law, pox CASH. His stack corigiitif . oiimii-Co:k.rs, DRESS, Faocit AND Saga . COATS, 'PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACRETS,' Reusrpao 4 uTs t (knit) VERB U LS, tRAVATp, DRAWERS, Siiii, ItiERY 3 UNDERSHIRTS, GLoVE:S,:SUSPENDERW C. 'EVerythitisln the Furnishing Goods line.. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. EverytnineSold at prices to suit the times. JOH N BELL. C,orner . of Elbow 'Lane and Market St. t i ne.xt door'..to . Gassere Store: 4 GRICL;LTURAL Clf 'Ol rt: Ar . C 0 Cheap Fertilizers TILE FERTILIZERS prep aryl ri cultural Chemical Company: ; pany chartered, by- the legislature of 1," vania with a capital of $250,000,] proved practice to be the cheater;, profitable and best, for the Farmer, arid Fruit.. Grower, of all convent s .„..' mires now offered in any market. T . pimps list embraces the following. PA BU LETTE. This Fertilizer is c 0. , ,. of night soil and the fertilizing elern,.'.;:! urine combined, chemically and mechai:: with other valuable fertilizing agents aos,,. aorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, dy for immediate use, and Without los 11 - highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties, Its universal application to all cr.r;, soils, and its durability and active q 1141::. are well known to be all that agricul• can disire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Feni,„ is largely composed of animal ; T ., 4% ;: such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair wool, together with chemicals and lurk: fertilizers, which decompose the mass, an; Writhe nitrogenous elements. It is a very valuable_ for hod generally, and especially for potatoes, g . garden purposes. Its excellent qualities. strength and th u ness, have made it very popular With all have used it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This hl. ly phosphatic fertilizer, is parti cti ;'. adapted for the cultivation - of Trees, Frt,', Lawns and Flowers. It will pronar;i very vigorous and healthy , growth of wool al . fruit, and largely increase the quantity perfect the maturity of 'the fruit. pa r nun and household plants and flow er; W ill be found an indispensable article to ; E . cure their 'greatest perfection. It Will prese L . and cure diseased conditions of the penes ar grape; and' is excellent for grass and lawns, It is composed of such elements a, aate : adiipted to the growth of all kinds of Crsp; -14 all kinds of soils. The formula or method of coralrao: its constituent fertilizing ingredient, fare re. cerved'the highest approval of em tem them_ fists and scientific agriculturists. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Szne l i tL . rat 'Clieniictil CoMpany manufanne Phosphate of: Lime in accordance With anew and valuable formula, by which a very sc lirr article is produced, - so far as to be airs* at a less price than Other man ufacturm Practical tests have proved that its vahe,t;s fertilizer, is equal to the'tbest Phesphatej Lime in the market. /ZP' TERMS CaSll.—All orders of a Ton,; ; . more, will be delivered at the railroad staler, and the wharves Of `shipment, free of maw Cartage will be charged on an orders of barrels or less. One bolhir per Ton alice. ance for cartage will beinade on all sales 4. livered at the werks of. the Company, on p. nal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co.'s WorLRS, At Canal Wharf, on the Delawar, Office, 4131 Arch St., Philade R. FITTS, General Agew. The Company's Phamphlet Circular, : bracing full directions for using the Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requesa March 11, 1865-6m]. ,Sicibts I cifobts:: cJLrL frangiee, OPPOSITE. HAIRY WOLFE , 3. A S the season for Stoves is fast apprrachk. A_ I would cairthe attention of all wiyai to purchase • - • Parlor or -Cooking Stoves, to my iarge and weltselecledistordc, which re braces the best and most desirable Stoves OW, the Eastean marketS afford, arid which we; purchased earlrynrinch will enable me todi pose of them advantageously to buyers. Among the leading Parlor and Co& Stove' are the followink: Parlor Stoves. Cooking Stoves. Meteor Gas Burner, y Galls°, • Columbia du Oval do' do Royal, Waverly, Dial, Gem, Tropic Egg, Monitor, Also, the Vulcan and Sanford's -Heatert, very desirable article for heating two orL rooms with very little, if any, more fuel th an ordinery parlor stove would consume. Ranges for cooking, constantly on hands' of which will be sold on reasonable terms. l Call and examine before purchase elsewhere. ASHINGTON Skeleton Skirts. I- V V best article of the kind made each Sk:. is guaranteed. We are Agents for the Maw facturer. Good Style Cassimeres for Suits, Cloths, Ve, tinge, Jeane, Cottonades, Shirting Flannels Neck Ties, , stc.,. Pluslins, Tickings and Checks, Ososhutei, Drills and Flannels, Sheetings, Diapers no Crash, Feathers. Tablo4ind Floor Oil Cloth. Looking Glasses and Blankets, Transparon and Holland Blinds. - - Wall and Window Paper, Ingrain and Si Carpet, Wool and .Linen, Carpet Chain. . large assortment of Boys and Mens Hats an Caps. Common and'Fine Glass Ware, Via• Granite Dinner Sets. GROCERIES Sugar Syrup, Teas , Navv• afnekeral in a. Sized packages Sugar cured 1-fams and Dried Beef, Salt, nice Spices &c. All at the 10' prices. SPANGLER & RICH OUR .FLAG. inay ihe land of the frt .and the home of -. the brave. A pr D long may it be remembered that U, place to purchatie your Choke Toilet a:- tides, is at. Dr. HINKLE'S Drug Store, Trher he has , just opened a large .assortment of tg choiCest Extracts for the Handkerchiet, sl ' : as Night Dlooming Cereus, Hyacinth, and t" White Pond Lily, three, of the most fashion . ble perfunies'now in Use. Call and exama for -yourselves..: • • ' 31.tf I f you - Want a First-Nate }Rack or.Fncy Silk A net o 4 gI.S? Chillie or De Laine A superia• Blikek oi . lancy Woolen De Da A fine.or,medium Black or Colored Alpaca A good LaVella; De Nage or Poplin An Excellent Chintz , or•good Calico A French, English or Shamhry Gingham You will End it at SPANG , LER & RICH'S FRANKLIN DiNKI.E; D. F After aplibpencp pf, nearly three yearsir: the Navy and Army VArmy of the United States b - . retnthed thh Borougia of Marietta and r s Burned the. practice,pf Medicine. a- Especial attention paid to. Surgical cf% - `1 in which branch'of his' profession he has A 9 ' very cpnsiderabip;esmerience. . . FL. , I I AffER., &rivine. All kind! cf 1: • Lega i l, inatrn m ents prettied with CS and accuracy . " :He can be fouad at the office of " The= Miiriettian,"' in " Liiidears ing," ti L etween.,.the , Post. Dflice Corner an" Wont street. Schternaoh's Army Lotion, an ble remedy for Saddle Galls, Open SO and &leaks oethe skin, • AT THE GOLDEN MORTA.B. AtoLARGE stock of Paper and EnveloP!! : of the nest quality dust receiv4en d ale at The Goldad,lNortar• MO LANDLODS!. ,JUst received, S k I and Irish W H isir I'2 s, wo ted pure, at H. D. Benjamain,s. PRE COD LIVER OIL JELLY, alsekr at DR. lIIN.KLE'S. Wellinr,ton, Lehigh, Chaim; Summer. Rose,