/he paritttian, P. L. faker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA : ,Fu . 15, 18'65. The conspirators, Mrs. Surratt, Payne, Atzerott and Harrold were ex ecuted on Friday last. , The announce ment of the sentence to the criminals did not appear to surprise them. Mrs. Sur sett begged to have four days for prepa ration, which conld,not be given her; she named two catholic priests she wish ed to attend her—they were sent for, Clergymen were sent to the other three criminals. On the gallows platform the group stood as follows: Mrs. Bar rett, Atzerott, Harrold and Payne. A s soon as the noose Vas placed around each neck, Mrs. Surratt being the- last one adjusted, the section of the platform on which they had been.standingnudden. ly fell, and the culprits were hanging several feet from the ground. Mrs. Surratt and Payne scarcely moved a muscle. Atzerott exhibited some, twitching, and Elarrold showed more nervous sensibility than any of the others. The bodies hung until life was extinct, and were afterwards given over for bur ial,,the rough coffins being already at hand for that ,purpose. Thus ended the lives of the most abandoned scoundrels the world ever saw. Car Mr. Secretary Seward has so far recovered from all his injuries, as to at tend the regular sittings of the Cabinet. His son Frederick, who was so danger ously injured by the assassin Payne, in his assault upon the father, and whose life had so long been despaired of, was enabled to visit his home in the interior of New York, last week. On his return to Washington, he will resume his posi tion as Assistant Secretary of State, in the place of his brother Clarence, who has been filling it temporarily, Qlt is stated that the perties who own the house in Washington in which President Lincoln died have pat in a claim in the office of the auditor of the Treasury; for losses incurred by the damaging of "sheets, pillow cases, and carpets," caused by the ebbing of the life-blood of the great American martyr. The bill amounts to 6550. The owners kept the house open fo r -exhibition, at fifty` cents is visitor, for some time after the President's death. eir Ford's theatre has not been par. chased by the Young Ken's Christian . Association or. anybody else. The money for the first payment could not be raised by , the let inst., the time timed. Ford announced that he would open his theatre for performances„last week. Jeff. Davis' trial, it is again re ported from 'Washington, will be by, a military commission. The charge will be that he was the leader and instigator of the assassination conspiracy; add some new eviddned ageinet . him is said to have been discovered. er All the "armies,- excepting those on the Gulf and in Texas, the armies of the. Tennessee and Potomac, and Han cock's Corps, 'treat once, to be reduced to the, minimumsrequired by: the'army regnlations. ' er Ford's theatre, in Washington, which was•to have been re-opened, ._ a few evenings since, was closed in the af ternoon by order of the . War Depart ment, giving as a reasonthat a riot was feared. far Gen. Grant's monthly pay, income tax deducted, is onethonsand and sixty two dollars and seventy cents.' This sum is exclusive of commutation of quarters, atc.; which amounts to nearly as much more. W It is reported that John, C. Breck inridge intends ,to go to Spain., The wealthy residents sit Elevens have offer, ed him a house if he would remain in that city. • Gen. Rosecrine has gone to Ne weds on :huskies' connected - ' with the Bay State Silver Mining Company Boston.' lie ie:President of the dem i:4oY. ilia A project is on foot at the .west to raise a testimonial fund of $lOO,OOO, with which to purchase a farm to.pro. 800 to Gen, Shertnen.„ . , • ar, Dr. 'Bina • O'Langhlin, . an& Spangler left Washington last Mon , day night, for the Albany Penitentiary. W Roger A. for has t.,taken .the oath of allegiance, and commenced the practice of law at Petersburg, Va. Joseph R. Fry, the iinipaser of the'opera of ; 'Leonora," died iu Phila• delphia, on Saturday last. fur Tom , Thumb44sith'll large Cigar is mentioned as it picturesque eight at t hi" I:1.dr! rate. tar The New York Herald lately published an article asserting that Hen. ry S.' Foote, late rebel Senator from Mississippi, had stated to hie son-in-law, Hon. William M. Stewart, U. S. Sena tor from Nevada, that the committee of , the rebel Congress to investigate these alleged cruelties, bad "obtained positive facts and data, proving beyond a shad ow of doubt that the system of inhuman treatment and starvation of our prison ers was decided upon in a Cabinet meeting at Richmond, for the express purpose of breaking down the constitu tion of the men, and making them use less as soldiers when exchanged." No ticing this, Mr. F. ote has sent a letter to the Herald, in which he incontroverti bly proves the fact! That Davis and his whole cabinet of fiends favored and endorsed this policy, there is no earthly doubt. air Government is rapidly dismant ling the-fortifications at Richmond- and Petersburg, and shipping the cannon, &c., to the Washington and other north ern yards soil arsenals. The number of cannon of all , kinds, siege and field, is much larger than was originally stip posed. At one time. four or five acres at the landing i below Richniond were covered with cannon, caissons, army wagons, &c. Five vessels were at City Feint and Richmond last week, loading with there, including the beautiful Whit worth battery of rifled cast steel . twelve pounderii surrendered by General Lee at Burkeeville, Virginia, which was pre sented to' the rebels at the beginning of the war by sympathizing friends in Eng land, sir A Washington correspondent -.of the Boston Advertiser, says': "the last words spoken by Btra. Surratt, before she left the prison, were to her brother, Mr. Jenkins—" Good bye, take care of Anna." What the poor girl, whom Sor row and pain have strangely touched in these long weeks since that eventful night of her mother's arrest, will do, no one yet knows. If there is anywhere among all the desolate souls of earth one who deserves the charity of a mer ciful thought, that one is this doubly orphaned girl,—whose father died a reb e!,—whose mother died on the scaffold, —whose brother is an outcast in every quarter of the civilized globe. ar The Secretary of State continues in almost perfect health. The novel and extraordinary splint was removed from his face, by order of his surgeons, and proves tahave been, a marvellous success, and very few traces are to be seen of the original accident and subse quent assault of the baffled assassin, with the exception of a slight , swelling on the side of his right cheek. Mr. Seward rose on Monday morniag;dress ed himself, and performed his toilet, even to shaving, without assistance, for the first time since his accident. gar The President's car, containing a number of distinguished personages from the Gettysburg celebration, ran in to a freight car at the depot at Balti more, on the evening of the 4th, owing to a misplaced switch? The Chilian minister and Colonel' Chas. G. flalpine, the poet, were'severely cut, and several others were Ware& ihr An gryphon boy, living in St. Syl vester, Lower Canada, eleven years of age, was,sent by his master, to drive home some cows throogh the woods. He did not return, and when 'search was made for him , a few bones and parts of his clothing were found. He had been eaten by bears. air The original secession ordnance of I"iiiinia is nowln possession of Ser geant A. S. Twitchell; 7th Maine Bat tery, who , bougkt it of a rebel officer with bread'and batter. Henry A. Wise and jubal Early are among the forty three signers" to the document. John T.. Ford publishes a card in the Washington papers in which he says in sobstince that he cannot afford to .keep his,-theatre shut any longer, since he-cannot sell it.• He will howev er.keep dined the private box in which the 'assassination took place. hlisit Sylvia Ann Howland, the wealthiest lady in New- Bedford, died there on Sunday, the 2d inst., aged fifty nine. Her income for last year was taxed on , $lBB,OOO, her whole estate being valued at about $2,000,000. jr-The colored people in and around Washington have raised $7,000, and propose to erect a monument to the memory of the ."Great Emancipator," President Lincoln. sgi The city, gates of. Quebec have never been er4houtgnerde since its cap ture from the French ,by Geri. Wolfe until lest Thursday week, when they were permanently withdrawn. air On Saturday hist General Meade issued hie order taking command of the department of the . Atlantic, with head quarters in Philadelphia. SrAn , order, found in Richmond, shows that ten. Lee is responsible for the burning of the cotton And tobacco in - that city npbn its.evacnation. „One hundred thousand e. lare.ea On igiff+l. • • • Degroe nrg i n Tilt, Yelliment rati gbt lifforlb in a Nut—Mill According to the Rocky Mountain News there is a great lack of women in Nevada and Colorado. There is scarce one woman where sir could find profit able employment. gages for common household duties are from thirty to fifty dollars a month, including board, pay able in gold ; and, the editor adds, hus bands are abundant. Bull Run battle field is rapidly becom ing a resort for visitors, and by the time the railroad isin complete running order the number of persons resorting to this farpous field will be very numer ous. Already Borne enterprising indi *viduals have made arrangements for the erection of a fine hotel in the vicinity. Dr. Habbard, of Paris, says that out of one hundred persons, sixty-five marry, three of these get divorced, eight leave Their partners without any formality, fourteen stick to the marriage relations but fight'all the time, thirty vegetate, and perhaps ten out of the silty-five live and enjoy themselves. It is astonishing, says a Charleston correspondent, to see how affectionate . ,and loving the southern ladies are to the Yankee soldiers, turning up their noses at the rebel grayback in contempt —showing that their love is for the vic tor, not the .vanquished • A very destructive fire occurred in the'engine room of Barnum's :Museum, New York, on Thursday, which destroy ed the entire building and all 'of the col lection except the seal, which was res cued by :a policeman. Quite a number of buildings were burned and the loss is estimated at one million and a quarter dollars—partly covered by insurance. Cyrus W. Field was dining with Mr. Gladstone, at Piccadilly, London, in 1863, when Mr. Gladstone remarked to him : "If your government shall be strong enough to put down this rebel lion, it will do what no other govern ment of the world could do. A man stopped at a hotel in New York and deposited $25,0001 It was stolen by a clerk of the hotel. The court recently gave the lodger only $l,OOO damages, on the ground that the first•narned sum was an unreasonable deposit. The Louisville Journal says: The Democrat says that, up to this time, we have been against abolition. But what's the use of being against abolition when abolition is a fact? Why advocate a dog's life when the dog is dead ? The Cambridge city government have erected a granite tablet at the foot of the old elm tree in Cambridge, with the following inscription :—"Under this tree Washington first took command of the Anbrican Army,.June 3d, 1775. The Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, his almost entirely regained perfect health. The splint has been removed from his face, and he has recovered the use of his' arms. He is at his office each zay attending to his ditties. It is stated, on apparently good au thority, that Miss Anna Sarratt is com pletely prostrated. Fears are enter tained that she will never recover from the-terrible blow she received on Friday last. A whole family at Newburg N. Y., was poisoned a few days since by eating veal. The husband has since died, and the wife is hardly expected to recover. It is said that the vest turned very red after being cooked. A paper published in. Fremont, Ohio, gravely remarks Viet "John P. MeAr dle,/now in his eightieth year, last week finished up his last job of book-binding, and expresses his determination to retire from the business." Our special Washington despatch says, the evidences of rebel cruelty to those officers, both wounded and dead, who fell into their hinds, accumulate every day, JaMes Jenkins of Dorchester, Mass., hung himself on Monday, the 3d .inst., through melancholy and mortification on account of being arrested for drunk enness. A boy went into his mother's garden, at Richmond, on Monday, to pick toma toes, when he was bitten by snake, causing, his death in a few hours. Lima. Gen. D. H. Hill, who has ap plied for pirdon, has not been in active service for a year or more, in conse quence of his difference with Jeff. Davis. The authorities of Harrisburg have decreed that, hereafter,. no saloon or other place where liquors is mold shall be open after midnight. • J. M. Lloyd, who conducts the Stir- raft Hotel, in Surrattsville, was on Fri day unconditionally , released front the Old Capitol Prison. George F. Robinson, the brave. Maine soldier, who saved the of, Secretary Seward, has been given a clerkship worth $l2OO a year. Tbe Cincinnati Commercial says that Gen. W. T. Sherman has selected Cin einnati ag ilia.Olace of residence. 'Anti. eat Clirba are springing tIP id mitni towns ' throughout the'Shit4:- -- A negro was arrested last week, near Fortress Monroe, charged with stealing two thousand dollars from a book-keeper. He denied his guilt. He was tied up by the thumbs ; when, in his torture, he admitted he bad stolen the money, and said if bis thumbs were untied, he would chow where he had hid it. He was securely handcuffed, and started with an officer to find the money. While crossing Mill Creek bridge, the negro, handcuffed as he was, bounded over the parapet into the water below. With his hands shackled, he sank at onco, and rose no more. Whether guil ty or innocent, mortal judges can never decide. —ln Albany, on Monday, a mau named Major and his eon were arraigned in the police court for having ravished two young girls on Friday last. As the proceedings were about to commence the brother of the girls shot the elder Major in the arm and leg, and the moth er followed up the attack by beating him on the head with a hatchet. Major was taken to his home, and an infuriated mob was only prevented from lynching him by a strong force of policemen.— Hie assailants were arrested. —The Paris correspondent of the Nord says ; "The choice of Prince Lu cien Bonaparte as president of the com mission of the Universal Exhibition is confirmed. Prince Lucien bears the title of Imperial highness as son of Lu cien Bonaparte and nephew of Napoleon I. He is fifty-two years of age, a sena tor, and grand cross of the Legion of honor ; often resides in London, and en joys much consideration there." A butcher in,New York died, on Friday last, from the bite of a fly, which flew from the back of a diseased bullock and bit him under the eye-lid.. In a few hours a swelling covered his face and extended down the breast. In a few days he became delirious, and died in great agony. The medical examination showed that death resulted from' the ab sorption of morbific animal matter ,de posited' by- the fly. It seems that $60,000 hare been raised in New York in relief of the reb el Gen. Lee. The subscription paper ought to be passed round among the Federal prisoners who were confined at Andersonville, Salisbury, Belle Isle and Libby. Let those whose feet rotted off in these vile prisons have a chance to aid the old hoary-headed traitor and perjured villain. --- A special despatch from Washing ton to the Press poidtively denies that Admiral Dupont willed his prize-money (reported at $175,000) to a fund for the erection of a home for honorably dis charged soldiers and sailors and their orphans. The prize-money awarded to the Admiral will not amount to much over $50,000. - 7 The relatives of the conspirators executed on Friday, have made applica tion for the bodies of the deceased, but so far no decision has been made in the matter. The bodies have been buried in the penitentiary yard, but they can easily be identified. The bills consequent upon the death of Mr. Lincoln, including those for decorating public buildings and those for the funeral, have all beau de livered to Secretary Harlin. Their ag gregate is over twenty-five thousand dollars. Gen. Bragg has takeu up his resi dence in New Orleans, and advises rebels everywhere to quietly submit to the powers that be and become good, law-abiding citizens, as he means to be come himself. The discarded ends of cigars are carefully collected in Paris, ground and sifted; and then wed in wine shops. where any person taking a glass of wine has the privilege of smoking any amount of tobacco gratis. A crazy soldier got loose in the streets of Lquisville a few days ago, and travelled around fighting everybody, and knocking down two ladies befoie he was captured. Several rebel officers who have re turned to Maryland, have been indicted and arrested for treason against that State—among them Bradley Johnson, Barry Gilmore, &c. It is a curious fact that President Johnson was married at Greenville, Tennessee, by Mordecai Lincoln Esq., a distant relative of the late President. It is said that there was never was but one , man who wasn't spoiled by being lionized—be was q Jew, and name was• Daniel. The New York Herald announces that after this it will keep no more hol- idays, but will issue a paper every day in the year. —ln the newest and moat elegant hotel in London, a bedroom may be ob tained for eighteenpenee per night. $31.145,14 have bean raised by the Lincoln M Dumont Association in Springfield, Illinois. Why ia a Geld of grass like a per eon older than ,yourself t Bicause its pasturage. (Past your age.) Five hundred barrels of yellow sriuff are stored at Greeisboro N 0 for Southern wornen Co" die*. U. S. 7-30 LOAN! 1-11--1 - 1 FR - JD BE► 828( ) f st )t) 000 a. Ry Authnrit t t;.t. Secretary of the Tretta- ury, the t: hde-sigt ,, i, the General Subscription Agent for the sale ..)f Unite, States Securities, offers to the public the third series of TREANURY NOTES, bearing Seven-and-Three-Tenths per centum interest per annum, known as the 7-830 L ELM. These Notes are issued under date of July 15, 1865, and are payable three years from that date, in currency, or are convert&ble at the op tion of the holder into U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT GOLD BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome. premium, and are exempt, as are all the Gov ernment Bonds, from State, County, and Mu nicipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent. per annum in their value, according to the rate levied on other property. The in- terest is payable semi-annuallyiby coupons at tached to each note, which:may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. Till interest at 7.30 per cent. amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note Two cents ' 6 ," " $lOO " Ten " " " $5OO 20 <, CC CC CC $lOOO " $1 AI t‘ tt 1i Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished on receipt of subscrip- tiona. The Notas of this Third Series are precisely similar in form . and , privileges to the Seven- Thirties already sold, except that the Govern ment reserves to itself the option of paying in terest in gold coin at 6 per cent. instead of 7.- 3-10ths in currency, Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent. in currency. nis is the only Loan in Market now offered by the Government, and its stiperi or advantages make it The Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $220,000,000 of the Loan au thorned by the last Congress are now in the market. This amount at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed - for within two months, when the notes will, un doubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on clo.ing the subscrip tions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facili- ties for taking the loan, the National Banks State Banks, and Private lialikeis throughou the country have generally - agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have con& dence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for Which they re- ceive arders JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be ieceived by The First National Bank of Marietta E. 4 H. T. ANTHONY t- CO., manufacturers of Photographic MATERIALS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK TN addition to our main business of Photo j_ graph Materials, we are Bead Quarters for tne following STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPTIC VIEWS. Of these we have an immense assortment, in cluding War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes Groups, Statuary, &c. Also, Revelking Stereoscopes, for public or, private Exhibition. our catalogue will be sent to any address on reteipt of 'tamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were the fast to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ratigtug in piice from 50 cents to 60 dollars each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beau ty and durability to any others. They will be sent by mail, FREE, ou ref-rapt of price. • J 0 -FINE ALBUMS MADE TO 0R,DER.,1;4, CARD PHOTOGRAPH& Our Catalogue now embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, (to which ad ditions are constantly being made) of Por traits of Eminent Americans, &c., about 100 Major Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, 130 Divines, 275 Colonels, 125 Actors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 other Officers, 125 Stage, 255 Navy Officers, 50 Prom Pent Women, 163 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 Copies of Works of Art, including reproductiorfs of the most celebratid EngravingS, Paintings, Statues, &c. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. An order for one dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of 411:80, and sent mail, FREE. Photographers and others ordering goods C• 0. D, wilt please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO„ MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MSTERIALS, 601 SROADWAY, N. Y.= The prices and quality of our goods can not tail to satisfy. [l2ms. pring Balmorals Gloves, Hosier; Belts and lluetles, Embroidered Handker chiefs and. Collars, Mourning Collars and Veils, Head Nets , and Dress Trunmings. • A full supply at - SPA.NGLER ar, RICH'S. CHOICE HAVANA S E G A. RS i'likid`th6 best +Chewing sailAinsokint !roboccoat iyoLFE,s. For Non-Retention or incontinenc e las:nation or Ulceration of the Bialltr Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate lO;4y, Gravel, Brickdust deposits, Dropsical ings, Organic Weakness, Dainty, Complaints, dic. And Improved Rose nsh Will radically exterminate from tie Diseases arising from habits of dissipet; t„ ; : little expense, little or no change of diet, convenience or exposure ; complete') 1 , 1;e,, ceding those unp/easant and danger, Copabia and Mercury, in curing tt,eee USE HELMBOUrs FLUID EXTRACT BUCK In all diseases of the Urinary OrgaLi, wh elh ,. existing in male or female, from wh at ,„ ause originating, and no matter of now i ov standing. It is pleasant in its taste aid immediate in action, and more stre.-.41te4;( than any of the preparations of bark 11.1, Those suffering from broken down or cate constitutions, procure the once. The Reader must be aware that slight may be the attack at the aboVf es, it is certain to affect hie bodily „c tnl. mental powers and happiness. It no r:eat. ment ;it submitted to, Consumption or;..u,n;• 86000 " ty may ensue. All the above diseases requite the eil ;:f diuretic HEL.MBOL_D'S Compound Fluid Extract SA ItS AP A.RILLI, Fur purifying the blood, removing all Oen es arising from excess and impudence in hit, chronic constitutional diseases arising from ea impure state of the blood, and the only tell. able and effectual known remedy for thf: cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, 'Salt Rheum, Pain and Swelltng of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly ETUP tion3 of the skin, and beautifying the compla ion. Of the worst disorders that afflict mauling arise from the corruption that accumulatejin the Blood. Of all the discoveries that him been made to purge it out, none can equal a etfect Compound Extract of Sarsaparrri:a. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, untie: the vigor of 4E A LT II into the Sys:ra, and purges out the humors which make ao ease. It stimulates the healthy functions if the body, and expels the disorders that g••=s and rankle in the Blood. Such a renie4;, that could be relied on, has long been s3u.:;:t for, and new, for the first time, the public have one on which they. can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates show its effects, but the trial of a single tle will show to the sick that it has virtap surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablcepoonsful of the Extract of Ssra• parilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet prink, and one bottle is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, ar the decoction as-usually made. The above -Extra . cts are prepared on tar"if scientific principles—in Vacuo—and the full strength of the ingredients entering tr.• to their composition. A ready and conclui , e test will be a comparison of their propertim with those set.forrh in the U.: S. Dispensste. ry. HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES In diseases of the Blood, Humors on the Face, or any Slid every part of the body, 119 , Extract Sarsaparilla, applying to Pimples so d all external Humors or Eruptions, the Inl proved Rose Wash. Use the Extract .Buchu • for all diseases re • quirmg,the aid of a Diuretic, except those of j the Lirmary.Organs, such as Gonorrhoea Sn' it ct ; in these use the Extract Buchu and jr 3 with the Improved Rose Wash. These extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and also see in very genera -use - in - ail the ;stag hospiall and public institutions throughout the 10 4 as well as in ,private practice, and are consid• erect as invaluable remedies. DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS. HELMBOLD'B DRUG &. C HEMICAL 594 Broadway, N. - Y.,-next Metropolitan Hotel 01C, TO iIELMIiOLD'S MED I , C.A.L D.EPOT, 104 South Tea& ,Street,l, Assembly Building' DeMOM *Wpm dis uti Ctommtneedolit ef MOM EIERINHERE: Demo of Counterfeits! TWINE. Crop' ;s.eiv-Orleans idolog.o —the very best for Cakes.; Just receive SPANGLER & RICA DE.E.IIb3OE-3).'s Zxttlet Btpo, Nelmbold's Ezeract Buchu /9 THE GREAT DIURETIC =I NOT A FEW HELMBOLD'S MEDICINE DIRECT LETTERS TO WARAHOUSE; PHILADELPHIA