pariettiati. P. L. Baker, .Editor. MARIETTA. PA : ,7 1 1'aliuttiati„ pfulg. 8, 18.46,5 Sr "The 'Press," decidedly the best of the Philadelphia dailies, hae.been re duced to fifteen cents a-weck, or 47 per year ; $3:50 for 6 months, or $1.:76 for 3 months, This reliable and highly val uable journal should be , in the hands of every loyal and intelligent gentieman. New and more extensive quarters are being erected for the publication of this paper, at the southwest corner of 7th & Chestnut, which will be taken possessinn of abotdtha first of September, when "The Press" will appear in a new dress —which, by the way, it does not stand in need of. ifir The Military Commission having charge of the Conspirators case has an nounced its decision and'the President has ordered Mrs. Surratt, Payne, Atze rott and Harrold to be hung to-day (Friday) between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. Dr. Mudd, Sam Arnold and O'Laughlin to be impriZoned for life and Spangler for six sars. If this soutane° be put into execution "everybody and the rest of mankind" will gay AidEN 7 Two Indian chiefs named Two /faced and Blackfoot, were hung at Fort Laramie, Dacotab Territory, on the 27th ult. They boasted son the scaffold of the number of white men they had kill ed, and said they would kill more if permitted to live, bat as they were about to join their fathers in the ,happy hunting grounds, they would leave far-, ther murders to be committed . by the surviving braves of the tribe. eir Oo the stairway of a roofless dwelling in Richmond, which was ren: dered untenantable by the great fire of April 3d, several stalkrof•corn have at tained a growth from the debris of fifteen or twenty inches, and bid fair to yield a few roasting ears. A. usually quiet and peaceable cit izen of New York one day list week shot the driver of a flsh-cart, who had, for several weeks, blown a hideous horn under his window every morning, destroy ing the sleep of the' entire neighbor hood. Or Beverly Tucker has written a letter to George Francis Train ; reprov ing him for some` rreverent'comparisons in one of his recent manifestoes. publishes the epistle, and labels it "Sa tan rebuking sin." W Marshal Magnan died in such .pe, cuniary, difficulties, ,tl2at, shortly before his laskiliness, draw three years! pay in advance ,as chief huntsman, of the court, and the ,diamouds of hie military orders were found in the •Mont•de-Fists. Gen. Dix recently visited e. Cath olic senibiary at Montreal, and was pre slanted with an address by the students. In his reply he said.he was a pupil of i fifty-years' ago; and not one'of his teach era was now living. fir A wandering , paragraph says that Edwin Booth has not yet decided wheth er to return to the stage ; that he has a little daughter only five , years old, ,who is a born actress, and that„he, is to, be married to At young lady of Philadelphia. Richard Yeadon, the South Caro 'mien, who-offered a reward of $lO,OOO fot Butler's head, is living in abject poverty at Aiken. lie. has taken the oath of allegianCe. '4 sar It is. said that orders have ; been is sued for the arrest of McOausland—the incendiary of Chambersburgi Pa.—who is now residing on his farm in West Virginia. sar It is reported . that Miss Anna Dickinson, well know as a public leciar- Pr, is studying to fit herself for the'stage, sod'will shortly appear' in New York. or Henry Winter Davis, of Afayland delivered the • Fourth of July oration In Chicago. :It is said he declared for negro suffrage. The money order system has been such a success that the offices have'been increased from two hund red , and eighty tolour, hundred and. twentY. l The colored troops at St. Louie have subscribed $7,000,f0r a monument to President Lincoln, at Washington. 9,one hundeed ; tone•of , old. bones wanted," is a cheerfoLposter on the walls of a cemetery at 'Norwich,. Conn. sir From all of our . exchanges-,,we learn that the celebration of the fonyth everywhere was upon the grandest scale. liar Forney's Press says Faulkner 'has rot yet been pardoned by the President. ear The Gettysburg pageant, on the fourth, was a grand affair. int v nub in a Nut-151AII It is reported that the War Depart ment has designated Rock Island as the grand department at which shall be col lected and stored all artillery, arms, ord nance, and other trophies captured dur ing the war by Northwestern troops. the prison, barracks, storehouses, etc., are to be vacated as soon as possible, and at once made available for new uses. A young man in St. Clair , street, Cleveland, shot his mother Friday after noon, causing her instant death. She was upbraiding her son, because he had lately married against her wishes, when in a fit of rage he drew a revolvei and shot her through the head. The young man had recently returned from the ar. my. A copperhead at Milwaakie, named Warnecke, a few days since, knocked down a one-legged soldienpimed 13mbel, who ,had lost his limb at Gettysburg. Bombe' sued Warnecke for the assault, and the jury, taking, into consideration that it was a soldier who waii attacked, brought in ; verdict of $4OO and costs, to be paid by the assailant. 'A private letter. has been received . from Louis Kossuth, in which . the. great Hungarian orator and statesmani presses the greatest pleasure at the eradication of slavery from our country, and anticipates a glorious future for our now really free Republic. A. crazy German, in Indianapolis, named Youngblat, endeavored to com mit suicide by driving a large nail into his abdomen with a haromer. lug in ihis he drove a smaller nail :into his head, and this time `'hit the right nail on the head. It is alleged that sit has been determ. ina to remove into obscurity the bust of the late ex-President, John -Tyler, hitherto standing. in the Virginia State Library. SOMl3,affArni3Oftt Tyler, in ad ditiop to,heing a traitor, to, his country, likewise, betrayed the old. Whig party. At St. Paul, Minn., drunkards and all other Persons convicted' of slight often ees, if not able Ao pay -fines; are •futnish ed with a -ball end chain, and. set at work in the streets. . • A. number of familiea in Hoboken have formed an Anti-Meat Club, wbere by they pledge themselves to totally ab stain from meats of all kind's for two weeks, hoping thereby to bring down the present exorbitant prices of meats. A partridge's nest was found in Cum berland, England, lately, containing seventeenrpartridge s'eggs and six com mon hen B eggs.. A partridge. and a hen were found setting together upon In a speech recently made at Low ell, Mass., General Butler is "reported to have said that only one in eight of ten thousand rebel prisoners whose 'Muster out lists he , stiw was able to sign hie own name The rebel General Lee seems inclined to calmly await the issue of events, and, with bis hunily_has gone to Vs., to spend the. heated term, at a friend scotintry residence. Arhey have now :a "railway velocity indicator in.Englandthate is quite in genious. .When Zied inside a railway carriage it recordsttheapeed .of a .train at all parts of,the journey. , Judge Trigg, of Mist Tennessee, re cently charged the Grind Jury to indict Gov. Brownlow for executing the laws. The jury unanimonsly'refused to find a On June 16th, the colored troops at Portsmouth, -Virginia, who are - being sent to Texas, mutinied the second time.. Six were killed before order was restored. Gen. Schenck ie.:said, to be . In the fieldfae , a.competitor. with Hon.- John Shermisn (or Ohio U. S. Sena torship: ; , 'The wcild-moarited pistol at the Chica go Sanitary Fair, "to be awarded•to the beet 'weneral;".has been voted to aen- Sheridan. The miners,and printers of Colorada recently told Speaker Colfax that they intended to present him as their next candidate for the Presideney. General •Bogor has presented $5,e00 to nillips Academy, Andover, to pro vide a free scholarship, fifty years, for the son of a soldier. A dentist in Bath, Me., has recently extracted a couple of aching teeth, one of whinirresemblea a man's hand, an d the other afoot and leg. A furious tornado swept ever portions of Minnesota and lowa on the 16th inst. A number of persons were killed and mach ,property destroyed. From an points, the announcement comes that the crops this year will be •larger than for several seasons past. 't:` Nashville, (Tenn.,). Teeple are so fond of•liquor that the annual fines for d runkenness reach about $30,000. Several - Virginians are in Wash. ington, urging the removal of Governoi Pierpont of Virginia. The guerilla Moeeby has opened a law office eA°Culpepper, Da: The Rebii . l r Generfir-phet . :Mheit'Fike hae errifed at New Orliene. ' ' ®' The Nashville Gazette publishes the following as a partial list of Catholic Generals who have served in the nation al armies during the war Major Generals W. S. Rosecrans, Quincy A. Gillmore, Gdorge G. Meade, E. 0. C. Ord, Philip H. Sheridan, John C. Foster, George Stoneman, James Shields, Daniel E. Sickles, David S. Stanley, John Newton, Alfred Pleason ton, General Richardson, Joseph B. Corr, J. Hunt, Thomas Francis Meagh. Brigadier Generals Michael Corcoran, Thos. W. Sweeney, Patrick Edward Connor, M.-K. Lawler, Thos. Ewing, Jr., Hugh Ewing, Regis de Trobriand, Thos. C. Devin, Alfred H. DOM,. Acting Brigadier Generals James E. Malone, Patrick H. O'Rourke, _M. T. Donahue, James A. Mulligan, Florence M. Cornyn, Stephen hicGroarty, Rich ard Byrnes, Patrick Kelly, Matthew Murphy. The,Gazette further adds the name of Major General W.-T,Sherman, who,, it says,. behame a : communicant of the Catholic Church just before entering upon active service in the army. itkir A singular instance of bird affec tion transpired in Bath, Steuben county, one day last week. A robin had built, her nest in one of theqhade trees, 'direc tly in, front of the dwelling of e4-Sheriff Seymour. While the house was in flames, the iebin was noticed to fly frpm its neat, and, in the : most persuasive birdlangtage, endeavor to call her little brood, who were lying . unconscious of danger in the nest, and nimble to fly. The bird flew hack and forth for a few moments, then, finding her efforts una vailing, calmly took her place upon the • nest, where mother and little ones, per ished in the flames. ear Three major generals on one of the Cincinnati and Louisville mailboats, on Thursday last, took• seats at the din ner-table reserved for ladies. Two of them withdrew, upon intimation of the state of affairs by the captain. .The third one refused to: vacate his seat, though a lady was waiting for it. The captain politely remonstrated. The ma jor general was gruff, and called bini 'a condemned offspring of a female canine. The urbanity of the captain gave way at this point, and he gave the major gen eral a good flogging, seated the lady in his place, and proceeded to have " the dinner served up, as though nothing had happened. er A man in Salem, Conn., owns a farm which has been in the hands of the family for over one hundred and twenty five years. This farm has been in two counties, three towns, and two probate districts. All its owners have:lived to a great age, two living to be over ninety. The beee on the farm can claim as direct ancestors those who lived and made honey on it one hundred and twenty-five years ago. fir Rev. E. H. Chapin delivered the Fourth of July oration at Albany, P. T. Barnum at Bridgeport, Conn., Horace Greeley at Stanford, New York, Eras tus Brooks 14 Port Richmond, Staten Island, John Sherrean at warren, Ohio, Henry Winter Davis atChicago, Gener al Howard at Gettysburg, and Rev. L. H. Terrill, of Brunswick, New Jersey, in the Libby Prison at Richmond. sr The • sexton of the Methodist cemetery in Pittsburg was treated to a big scare a day or two ago by seeing in the gray light of early morning a per fectly made man on one of the graves. He proved to be a small-pox patient, who, in a fit of delirium had escaped from the hospital. Clothes and • assist ance' were procured and the patient re turned to his place. fir They kill pigs by steam in Chica go. A great iron , claw, with five , fingers, hooks oat the pigs.which are quarrelling in : the pen below, and lifts the Porkers to a gibbet near by, and then plunges them again into scalding water. By the machine fifty porcines are killed, scald ed, scraped, cleaned, split, and hutig in rows ready for salting, within an hour. or A cat in Titusville has given. birth to a litter of four kittens, which are joined together at the back and sides in such a manner that'*hen two of them are Wilking, the' other two are on their 'backs with their; feet sticking up. They are doing Well, and will 'mOst likely be sent to Barnum. • IV Illinois papers say there is a grow. log interest in sheep raising in that State. Almost every leadiog farmer, whose locality seems fitted for the pnr. pose, is turning his attention to this useful and profitable classof husbandry. l A. horse which left Portland, one day last week, at, sunrise, on a bet that it would travel over one hundred and sixteen miles before sunset, dropped dead when,within six miles pf,the,ptace of destination, - lir Slavery -now" has an eiistence only `in DelawaislO and Kentucky. :In Ken tucky the beat men of: the 'State. favor its abolition, audio Delaware it is so in significant' as to be an' absurdity: sr The death is announced ofSteph en AIWA Ronson, tot eight, years Presi dent of. Libriria r whocdiedt on,thir2eth of January last; 4 1. Important to the People FRAUDS UPON UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES.-2s, imitation, are reported in circulation. Poorly done. se, altered from Is. Portrait of Chase 58, imitation. Poorly done ; coarse, ss, photographed—have a blurred look ; the paper is stiffer and heavier. Signatures very heavy. 10s, imitation, well executed, are re ported in circulation. There is no Treasury stamp upon the bill. 10s, altered from ls, vig. portrait of Chase on upper left ; genuine have por trait of Lincoln. 208, imitation, engraving coarse; gen eral appearance bad. 50s, imitation. The head of Hamil ton is coarse and blurred ; otherwise excellently done, and well calculated to deceive. 60s, altered from 2s,—vignette por trait of Hamilton below the United States. In genuine it is above, 100 s, imitation.—The, only points of actual difference between the genuine and counterfelt are these : . ; In the , upper left corner are the words.;"Act of Feb ruary 25th, 1862." In counterfeit the "th" and the ornamental lines above run into and touch the border; in , the .gen nine there is a clear space between. On the. right end of back of note there are fourteen small ovals.; on the edge of each oval the figures in the bad read 00j, or inverted, while , on the left they are 100. ,This is the reverse of those figures in the genuine ; there it, will be seen that on the right hand they read 100, and on the left 100. These notes are well executed. Postage Currency.-25 cents, imita tion—poorly engraved and on poor pa- per 50 cents, imitation ; --poorly done. The heads of Washington are blurred, and are not alike. , 5 cents and 10 cents, imitation, poor ly printed. 50s, new issue, aremow in circulation. Observe caution., The portrait on each coarsely done National Banks.-ss, imitation—well executed, and of a dangerous character, are reported in. circulation. Coupons.—Couoterfeit coupons, dated March 1, 1865, for $12,50 in the simili tude of 10-40 five per, cent. United States $5OO bonds have been offered at differ ent United States depositories. ' 7-30 Bonds.—Some of these are in cir culation with the coupons cut off, and are offered as currency. Without cou pons, they are of no value until mature. Refuse all such. NW Sherman's veterans are doing a lucrative business in selling the heraldic insignia of the Southern chivalry. As high as two hundred dollars has been paid for a cup engraved with the Rhett coat of arms. The Drug Store opposite the POST OFFICE, Where. Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR otigs,,diletlicirles,Ofrxtiamzlfg, &C., &C., &C., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. -ALSO TOILET ARTICLES, Such as Perfumed Soaps, Hair Oils, Hair Dyes, Pomades, Tooth Soaps, Tooth Washes, Hair, Nail, Clothe and Tooth Brushes, of all descrip • Lions. Extracts for the Hondkerchief, Colo gnes, Ambrosia for the Halr, and many other articles too tedious to mention Ladies and Gents Port Monnaes, • of every description, —ALSO— All the most Joplin,' Patent Medicines NOW IN USE, SUCH AB Agre's Sarsaparilla, Jayne's Alterative, Ex pectorant, and Vermifuge, Jayne's Pills and Carminitive Balsam, &c., Hostetter's Bitters, Hoffland's German Bitters, Swaim's Panacea, Worm •Confections, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and in fact all the most reliable Patent medicines now in use. • • Freah Coal Oil constantly on hand. A fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades Chim neys, &c. Also, articles of nourishment for the sick, such as Corn Starch, Farina, Arrow Root, Tapioca, &c. Spices of all kinds, Cloves, Cinnemon, All spice, Mace, Black Pepper, African Cayamie Pepper, French Mustard, &c. Chemical Food, Citrate of Magnesia, Feed ing Cups•for the Sick, Breast. Pumps, Nipple Shields, Nursing Bottles, Self-injecting Sy ringes, Flavoring Eitracts'for cooking, &c. • ' Golden Carp, or Gold Fish with Founts, also Aquariums. Arrangements have also been Made with one of the best :Avieryi in the State,to furnish Canary and Mocking Birds,&c. A lot of Family Dye colors; of every shade. Fresh and teliable 'Garden Seeds: A'largeassortthent of Books and Stationary, Everything in the. Stationary way, inch as Pens, Inks, Note,Tissue, Blotting and other kinds of 'Paper, .Eivelopes,.Clarifted and other Quills,Scented Gloves for the wardrobe, and an endless variety of fancy and useful articles, usually found at'such establishments, but any, article not on hand will be ordered at once. A new kind of playing cards, called "Dolan Cards," ha• Sing Stars, Flags and Crests instead of Clubs, Diamonds,:silearti, r&c. The:Face cards,are Goddesses, Colonels, instead of the Queens, Kings and Julia. This is 'a 'mind ful and patriotic substitute lor the foreigu.em blems and should be universally preferred. SchoOl Books ; Cepy Books, Slates and .the School Stationary generall3, and' Bibles, Asc. always on hand. .. 1:3- Subscriptions for all the Magazines, Il lustrated and Maminoth - Weeklies received. Sheet; Music of all kinds will be: ordered with, promptness and dispatch. Having secured' the Services of Mr. Csas. 11.,Barrron, an experienced: and, competent pharmaceutist who .will attend to carefully compounding - with accuracy and • dispatch, at all hours. The Doctor himself can be consul ted at the store, unless elsewhere professionally ,engaged. Being very thankful to the Public toithe past , patronage bestowed upon him,. will try , and endeavor to ~p lease all who may: g ive him. a.' IiTNICLE,"M.' Marietta, February 4, 1865-tf. E. & H. T. ANTHONY 4 CO., llanufaeturers of Photographic MATERIALS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 601 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. TN addition to our main business of Photo graph Materials, we are Bead Quarters for tne following STEREOSCOPES & STEREOSCOPTIC VIEWS. Of these we have an immense assortment, in cluding War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes Groups, Statuary, &c. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on reteipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were the first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ranging, in price from .50 cents to 50 dollars each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beau ty and durability to any others. They will be sent by mail, FREE, on receipt of price. ri - FINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER.( CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue . now enibraces over FIVE THOUSAND. different subjects, (to which ad ditions are constantly being made) of Por traits of Eminent Americans, &c., about 100 Major Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 .Brig.-Generals, 130 Divines, 275 Colonels, 125 Autors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 other Officers, 125 Stage, 255 Navy Officers, - 50 Prenii'ent Women, 150'Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 Copies of Works of Art, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engrbvings, Paintings, Statues, Bic. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. An order for one dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on receipt of $1:80, and sent mail, FREE. Photographers and others ordering goods C• 0. D. will please remit 25 percent. of the amount with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC Marnixata, an BROADWAY, N. Y. 113"The'prices and quality of our 'goods can not fail to satisfy. [l2ms• cc, C/0-, NO. 64 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC 'ucdtualLe. Keep constantly on hand a full mock of Buil- ding Material, Naila, LOCHS, HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OR CEMENT, &C., IRO N: Rolled and Hammered iron, Steel, Horse-Shoes Bar, Nor Way Nail Rods, 'Hoop and Band Iron, Horse=Shoe Nada, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS. FIRST-CLASS COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES,. RANGES, Tubi, Churns . Cedar Stands, Wash Boards, Buckets, Knives and ForkN &led, cV gflzaans, Sad. Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lumps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted Chamber Setts, &c., &c. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Horse Brushes, Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils, Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Traces, Breast Chains, &e., &c. TOOLS: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets, Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, Chissels, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Pruuning Hooks and Shears, &c., &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit and receive a continuance of the same. PATTERSON 4. CC Marietta, July 30, 1864. GEO : W. WORRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, liaving removed to the Rooms former l y occupies by Dr. Ewentzel, adjoining Spangler 4 Pat terson's Store, Market Street, where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel 8 04= disposed to pationize him. • Dentistry in all :tei branches car ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. Ail operations on the mouth performed. 'in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERNS. Having determined upon n permanept loca tion at this place, would ask a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to hina r foi wu& be will render every possi ble satisfaction. cit- Ether administered to prOper persons 1865. PHILADELPHIA { J Paper Hangings. 1865. HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF NALL PAPERS, AND' WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Corner Fourth and Market streets, ' PFIILADELPHIA. U — A fine stock of LINEN SHADES, con stantly on hand. ' [3m Our Nation's Pride. OUR FLAG. Long may it wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. AND long may it be remembered That the , place to purchase your choice Toilet ar hele, is at Dr.'HINKLE , B Drug &Ore, where he has just opened a large assortment of the choicest Extracts for the Handkerchief, such as Night Blooming Cereus, Hyacinth, and the White Pond Lily, three of the most fashiona ble perfumes now in use. Call and examine for yourselves. 31-if .Inr °WAR D ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Systems. , new and reliable treatment. Also, the; .13aIDAr. CHANBEa, an Essay of warning and Instruction, sent in' sealed envelopes, free Of charge. Address, Da..l. SHILLIV Honowrox, Howard_Association, No. 2 South Ninth-et., Philadelphia, ,Pa. [ jan. 1,765-Iy. DR. WM. B. FAHNI:STOCK, ORFICE: NEARLY OPPOSITE . . Spangler & Patterson , / Store... FROM 7 TO S A. M. OFFICE HOURS. . »' ° 1 TO 2. • . ~?, , 6T0:7 P. 311. L. 'BAKER', Scriviner. kinas of F Legal instruments prepared - and accuracy. He can be found at the office 'of , "The 141ittiettiin," " hetween the Post Office .Carner,and, Front street. D ANIEL .G. BAKER, "ATTOANEY, AT LATV, ' LANCASTER, PAS. ' OFFICE:—No ; NORTH DUKE STREET opposite the Court House, where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. , - AZIZ:I'S PE itFUMES. B • me latest and most exquisite, such as "Kiss me Quickly," " Upper Ten," ", Hydeosmia,' , e , West End," " Jockey `Club," and also Po mades and, Hair, Oils. Examine our stock. We can please you in price and quality . GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE. -COLGATE'S TOI4ET,SOAPS. Cly cerine, Maionct; Bath"lnd owaving,SoA , PS4 Equal: torany impqrto. 7 - Just receive d apdfp,r sale,.very cheap At, Tlik dfOLDENWORTAR: --....; LANDIS & TROuT, Landis i t Trout Landis 4. Trout At the "Golden Mortar," At the "Golden Mortar," Market St ree t, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hang Keep constantly on hand t i • on • •L. ? " P K nt g ar IM rn P. es c r , "e , 17. 1 ,S ; :;" O 0 P. "'" - • et ' 4 4 6 cn 'a "' 3 . 0 t Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compound e d Remember the place, Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old Stand Dr. Grove's old Stand Give us a call. . Give us a call. SUPPLEE & BRO., ‘N ri IRON AND BRASS le 0 "UST D ER S And General Machinists, Second !tree: Below Union, Columbia, Pa They are prepared to make all kinds of Ire. Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnace: Pipes, for Steam,. Water and Gas ; Columti. Fronts, Cellar DOOlB, Weights, &c., f or dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shatuno,! Pulleys, Mill. Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machue;, for Mining and Tanning ; Brass lisor mi: , Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Co,c A . Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; BranFr, tangs in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues. Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Dori, Washers, &c. BLACESMITHING in GENERAL. Fram long experience in building machinery Sr , flatter ourselves that we can give general sat faction to those who may favor us with then orders. ;3—Repairing promptly attended !,. Orders by mail addressed as above, will !Ten with prompt attention. Prices to suit the ties. Z 1 SUPPLEE, T. R. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20. 1860. 14 11 WINS & LIQUORS. / EL D. BENJAMIN DEAI WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building. Marietta. Pa. BEGS leave to inform the public thathe will continue the WINE & LIQUOR bui• ness, in all its branches. lie will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scold Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters,e.c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose •.11"hisly, ALWAYS ON HAND. A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which , is warranted pure. 113— All IL D. .8..n0W asks of the public is a carefill examination of his stock and pri• ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from l im. Scribintr ant Ganbtpanetr. WOULD most respectfully take• this mesm of informing hie friends and the public genet:ll4 that he has commenced the drawing of DEEDS, MORTGAGES, JUDGMENTS, and in fact everything in the Corry Erasers& line. 'laving gratuitous intercourse with member of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena bled to execute legal instruments of writing with accuracy. Ile can be found at the office of "Tut MA wiTTlAN,"—"Lindsay's Budding, ,, (Ne on d floor) near:the Post Office corner, or at his residence on Market street, half a square west of- the "'Donega l House," Marietta. ZIP - Blank Deeds; Mortgagee, Judgments aud Leases always on hand :out for sale. T O HOUSE-CLEANERS. WALL BRUSHES, A new article in , this market, and far supenor to any other in use. A few reasons why: First.—They are free from twine, which it affected by the lime, and liable to rut, cssl ing the falling out of the bristles. Second.—The: bristles are inserted in the wood, or body of the brush, when green, which when dry, canoes them to be held firwlyin their place ; anysubsequent soaking or shrink' age fails,to affect them. Third.—They are made of Bristles exclusirt• ly ; many 'kinds being composed, in part,of whalebone. Fourth.—z They contain more bristles for the size, and are as„cdeppria, the ordinary kind. Sold excltßioc/y,by JOHN SP4tHOLEII, AT xis,, HARDWARE STORE. MARIETTA, MARBLE YARD MICHAEL GABLE, Aar., MARBLE' MASON , AND STONE CUTTER. - . Opposite;the:,Totun 1421. Park, Mariettai.: Pa. HE' Marble -business in all its brancheil T will 'be continued at the old place, peg the Town Eiall and opposite Funk's Cross 80 1 Taverni where every description of mar* work will be kept on band or made to order it short notice and - at very 'reasonable prices. Marietta, June 29, 1861. . DR J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, --- OF THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE Ilil • •• OF DENTAL SURGERY. LATE OF HARRISBURG. FF O I CE: 2 7 Front• street, next door tolt• Williabis"Driii Store, between Loctut and Walnut streets; Columbia. CHAMPAGNE and other Table WWI guarrante6d tO be pure and bold aa low* , can boughtin Philadelp hia or New-York. • 1:1• D. Barrrahrh Picot Buittinig• A CHOICE'Lot of Books for children cue A indistructahle Pleasure Books; Beholden Paper'Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holderi &c., at N DIS &TEM; T. To LANDLORDS! Just received, Sco and Irish WHISKIES, warren ted pure, et H. D. Banjamain,e. ROGER'S Celebrated Pearl Cement spa Oil Paste. Blacking at " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. , HDRIME New Cro New-Orleans brolarg! 2-"-tbe very best for Cakes. Just receiviu SPANGLER & RICH.