ze sjatiettian, F. ..'a,ker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA "-&" 'aitoclau., ,fru_lg. 1, 1 (8" . bb . . ar Before the Military Commission, on Wednesday last, Judge Bingham summed up the argument in behalf of the Government against the accused. He said that the evidence showed that J. 'Wilkes Booth, John H. Surratt, Jeffer son Davis ; George N. Saunders, Beverly Tucker, Jacob Thompson, W. C. Cleary, C. C. Clay, Geo. Harper, and George Young, did. combine, confederate, and conspire, in aid of the then existing re bellion as charged, to. kill and murder Abraham. Lincoln • and other officials, Mr. B. said that the, evidence , also prov ed that Jeff. Davis, who sanctioned all the crimes of the rebels in Canada, was capable of endeavoring to procure, and, in fact did procure the. murder by , direct assassination of the President of the United States. In regard to those.on trial Judge •B. said their guilt was =au established fact, as.they all were in the conspiracy .and were- co-operating •in some manner or other with each< other. The court has commenced to sit in secret session to beliberate on the testimony. Gen. Grant, some years ago, while acting as quartermaster, lost R. thousand dollars of Government funds by theft, and, though the lose was from no fault . of his own, he paid it in his settlement with the Goirernment. O. the 17th of June 1862, an act wa s passed refunding to him the amount. er Gayle, of Cahawba, Albama, who advertised for proposals to assassinate President Lincoln for 41,000,000, has arrived at , Washington under guard. He is a lawyer, and says that the affair was a joke. Of course it was ! He has applied for Reverdy Johnson and Jamea T. Brady se counsel. ar While a body of two hundred men was drilling at West Point, a few days since, a low cloud dischttrged' itself of its electricity, seemingly through the at traction of the two hundred bright gun bartels. Several men were stunned, and a large pOrtion of the guns were knock ed out of their owners' hands. eir In the Connecticut-Legislature the constitutional amendment allowing tegroes to vote passed the House on Thursday by a strict party vote-156 to 77, or two more than the necessary two thirds. The question now goes to the people, and a majority vote decidesit. ar Among the 71 cadets constituting the class.which are•now.undergoing ,the final examinatien>at West Point, are a grandson of Gen. Casa and a <brother of Major Rnth,bone, who was in President Lincoln's box on the night of the mur, der. ( s r Charles James Faulkner, a Vir ginian,And former Minister to Frande. under•Preaident Buchanan, was pardon ed a few days since, in accordance with a promise made to. Mrs. • Faulkner by President Lincoln. Cr Alward J. Roye; colored, who, twenty Yeais ago, was a bayber in Terre Haute, Indiana,' has been appointed C hief•Jiptice. of Liberia,,to fill, the va cancy r occaeioned by the death • of Rev. Bostork J..prayton. sir The Army of the Potomac is to .e further reduced to three numbering about 16,000 men. 'At one ;ime this army was compoSed of seven ,ores, numbering over 300,000 men.' igar I;he stars and stripes were raised over Jeff. Davis' house, by the negroes, on the 14th of April, tpie same day that Gengtral'AridersOn raised the flag on Fort Sumter.. , ifir It: has been proposed that the authorities of the different States adopt the rebel uniform as the garb to be , worn by all convicts in the different peniten tiaries thereof. air 'the infant son of the Prince of Wales is to be christened Albert Chris tian Emmanuel. Ile belinown der the naive Of pridoe Christian. ar A. handsome marble statue of the late Presidentaie to 'be placbd in • the centre•of the town of Lincoln, Sussex county, Delaware. Hesnan,,the bruiser, has married an English girl andr,ratired from public life, to spend his ,declining years in keep ing an inn. 44 - It ie.said that - 4h° dfood' cop of the United States in 1865 : , will be' the largest known to our history.. • obr It is proposed to erect monuments in New York city to the memory..{of Ful ton and Morse, the inventors. . gar Mrs. Lincohi has sent an answer to the letter of condolence addressed to er by the . Empress. Ecrgenie.. Cir Some years ago a man already married in a distant city, wooed, and es poused a lady of St. Louis, Not long after the original wife hunted up her truant lord and master, and he paid the penalty of loving "not wisely but too well" by serving a brief term in the penitentiary. Receiving executive cle mency, he returned to his first wife, but shortly afterwards she died. After a due lapse of time he again married his second wife, and they renewed their blissful honeymoon. lir The Worcester Spy mentions that "a hangman's rope, made two years ago of South Carolina hemp, to hang Jeff. Davis with, was forwarded from Worce ster, Mass., to Washington, on Monday. It was made by Mrs. Parmenter, daughter of Capt. Peter Slater, who, it will be remembered by our old residents, was the builder of the first rope walk out of Boston ever established in Massa chusetts. The maker of the rope wishes to have it speedily used." gir Johnson's Island has been selec ted as the prison where all the rebel officers.who refuse to accept amnesty on the terms, prescribed by President John son's new proclamation will be kept un til a final disposition can. be made of tbem.. Johnson's Island is one of the best situated prisons in, the United States, it being easy of access,, hard to pacape from, and in , a; most healthy and pleasant location. eir Our State exchanges, without ex ception, speak of the prospects of the coming crops as . remarkably flattering. Wheat and 'tie promise a most abund ant yield, and the season has been _fav orable for oats and corn: So far, we have heard of no complaints that the fruit has been injured by the frost. The prospect is that the crop of fruit will be a full one. A negro washerwomen in Rich mond is entitled to the credit of the re capture of the infamous. Dick Turner, the Libby Prison jailer. She' discover ed his hiding place by finding his name omclothing sent her to wash, and repor ted the fact to the authorities: Turner was caught'in' his bed, having a brace of pistols under his pillow. Ca- The remains of the late John C. Rives, editor and proprietor of the Con gressional Globe, were or, Thursday last removed from the Congressional. Ceme very, at Washington, where they have . , been since his decease., They, were ta ken to a vault on his country seat, near Bladensburg, the, spot where in his will he desired to be buried. , • ear It is stated that Prince Napoleon• about to write the "Histciry Of the Bonaparte: atally." With 'this object he has already engaged the services of IVl.Anperti to make the necessary his : tofical researches. It . is believed the intended journey of the Prince to Italy is connected with the proposed work. prders have been issued for the prosecution of Beojamin Wood, of New York,, for the recovery ,of 4).25,000, re ceived by, him from the rebels in Canada.. Being rebel property, it, belongs to the Government. This takes Benjamin in another joint r -one of which he little dreamed: lir The try, saVe,uslrom our friends, comes up piteonslY froth all parts of the Old Dominion. 'Roving Wands of parol ed prisoners, gderrilla thieved 'and the like, are preying mercilessly upon the quiet reiidents who entreat the• War Department for' protection. The longest pontoon• bridge ever constructed in this country wee built by Company. F. Fifteenth New York. V.Ol - It extended across the. Chick ahominy, and. was: erected on- the, occa sion of Gen. MCOlellan's withdrawing his troops from Harrison's Landing. eir An American Bliindin, named Leslie, crossed the Niagara a few days since; 'the rope was some 20 . 0 feet abbve the river. His wife was present and observed a breathless silence during the perfoirnanCe of the feit. JudgelWilliam Wilkins died near Pittsburg on Friday last. He was 86 years of age. He was at one time Sec retary of War, If. S. Senator,' Minister to Riissia and a Judge of U S. District Court. ar Thirty-three young men and boys were arrested last Sunday, at Alleghany city, Pa:: for, loafing around church' doors to the annoyauce of worshippers. Each was fined two dollars, and costs. sir Petitions in favor of woman's suffrage are circulating through Minna-. sots. They are:to be presented to the next legislature. 'gar The horse which the late Presi- , dent used to ride has been purchased' for $3,200. and is on his way to the fair In Chicago. , • igir Admiral Dupont diell at the La Pierre House, Philadelphia, on Friday morning last, aged 62 years. sir John McDevitt; the billiard play er; has publiehed a challenge for the championship of Ametiba. 'Er A gentleman is one who combines a' woman's tetderness with zeillan's co tir- CM T,,bc (?aorl4 in a Xlll—bcll Specie is the only currency used in Southwestern Virginia. The evidence taken in the assassina tion trial is said to cover 4,000 pages. The citizens of St. Paul are contribu ting money for the purpose of establish ing a Soldiers' Home in that city. Forty-one persons who were arrested in California for rejoicing over the death of President Lincoln, have been releas ed. Eight printing presses are engaged on discharge papers for soldiers in Washington, printing them as fast as steam can fly. Thirty persons are now confined at the'provost prison , at San Francisco for rising expressions of joy at the assassin. ation of Preside,nt'Lincoln. In Giecirmiiti a negro named George 4, Stevenson dispoj b of a rival in the af fections of a col.o_ woman by chopping off his head with a:hatchet. The court-house at Charnbersburg is nearly under roof again, and *ill be completed early in the fall.' The cost of rebeilding will be about equal to the cost'of the original structure. The report of the CoMmittee on the Conduct of ihe War vindicates in a very handsome manner the . . policy of Gen. Hooker, while in command of the Army of the Potomac. Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas gave a bril liant reception to her friends on Thurs day night, the Bth, at Washington, for the first time since the death of her husband. 'lt is reported that the Government detectives have succeeded in tracing John H. Surrat to the doors of a mon astery in Canada. Since his entrance there, no trace of him has been discov ered. • A sea captain has been arrested in Boston, on the charge of having smug gled into the States the trunks shipped by Harris, the accomplice of Dr. Black burn, and is said to have contained in fected clothing. Mir. Sherman, of New York, the man ager of the fund collecting for Mrs. Lincoln, announces that about $lO,OOO has already been subscribed, and says the plan will not be. abandoned until $lOO,OOO has been secured. The house now owned and occupied by the poet Longfellow, at Cambridge, formerly belonged to the.estate of a tory, and was confiscated by the Legislature. R of Massachusetts during the evolution• ary war. • It is generally believed at the Court of Vienna that the Emperor Maximilian will abdicate and return , to Austria, and will be restored by Francis Joseph. to the rights which he was obliged to re nounce on accepting the Mexican throne. In Troy they are inaugurating a new style of pavement, with alternate lines of flagstone, two feet wide and six inch es thick, divided from each other by three feet ()Nobble stones. The wheels ran on thelormer—the horses travel on the latter. • A self-playing organ has been c'on3ple ted in New lork for the musical saloon of a wealthy gentlenian, by which a child can perform difficult works withWonder fill precision. It has five cylinders, which, as' they revolve;press down upon the keys. It plays fifty-five tunes. Mani years since an Eastern man on his way to Boston, was Stopped on the highway by a robber, and requested to hand over his =cloy or have his brains blown out. "Oh," said the traveller, quietly,,' . ‘blow away,; it is better to, go to Boston without brains than without ,money." A "female Blondin," at Vienna, was kneeling on a rope seventy feet 'high, when some idiots began tightening it below. This caused a jerk'; - she lost her balance, and fell headforernost . on a table. Her head was not in the slight est degree injured,bittabe broke a leg and arm. The thorough bred black stallion Don Juan, ridden by General Custer at the grand review in. Washington in May, is said to have, been taken , by him for his own use without 'compensation: His owner afforded undoubted, proofs of loy alty,, whereupon Secretary Stanton gave an order for the rendition of the animal. He.is valued at nine thousand dollars. A writer eays that the chief pleasure derived by the 'Bostonians at a musical entertainment is criticism, and he ven tufesthe eitatement that "when they go to heaven they will declare that some of the harps are out of tune; that one of the angels takes liberties with the com poser's ieit, and that another sings flat. They will also deplore the absence of the greet organ." The Richmond. Whig, states.that white servants and porters are rapidly taking the place of blacks, in that ..city. The same is the Cas t e with, the drivers of liacks and other vehicles, while at balls an a l parties German musicians have en tirely .suppyseded the colored men,- This is something new in Richmond but it shows there has been a. socialt as well as political revolution in the South. ENE Both England and France appear to feel considerable uneasiness concern ing the disposition toward them of the American Government, and the Ameri can people. The language of the two governments is anything but defiant. Both are now paying us more compli ments during one month than they have done during the whole four years of the war. Both represent flack relations to the Government of the United States as most amicable, but endeavor in vain to calm the apprehensions of the public. --- Brig. General Gideon J, Pillow, of Tennessee, is said to have requested permission to be allowed to return to his home at Columbia, and offers to take the amnesty oath and give bonds for his future good conduct. Gen. Pillow has, or had, a large plantation near Colum bia, and was joint owner with his sister, Mrs. Governor Aaron V. Brown, in another still more extensive one near Helena, Arkansas. He has lost over 700 slaves by the failure of the rebel lion. . Eben W. Frazier, convicted at New Castle, Delaware,. lately, for the murder.of Mr. John A. Eliason, his bro ther-in-law, has been sentenced as fol lows :—''The Court sentenced him to pay a fine of $5OOO and the costs of this suit ; -on Saturday, the 27th instant, be tween the hours of ten . and tw'o o'clock, stand one hour. the' 'pillory, and be whipped: with sixty lashes, and impris oned for the remainder of his life." The, income of the great Sanitary Fair at Chicago is about $lO,OOO per day. Jeff; Davis Bible and albums are there, and in the latter are the auto graphs of John P. Hale, D. Webster, T. Ewing, Z. Taylor, Milliard Fillmore, S. A. Douglas, J. Collamer, T. H. Ben ton, Robert Winthrop, Preston King; Alexander H. Stephens, J. R. Giddings; H. Clay, J. Q. Adams. • . The old Duke of Augustenlierg, father of Prince Frederick VIII., re cently arrived at Gravenstein, in Schles wig. The crowd took the horses from the carriage, and drew it through the streets amid the cheers of the inhabit ants. Similar demonstrations were re peated when the duke passed through Flensburg. . -- Recently at Drogheda, Ireland, an old soldier, named McDaniel, married a lady seventy-four years old. McDaniel is her fifth husband. It appears that her previous husbands were soldiers al so, and each upon , his death bed recom- mended one of his companions in arms to his spouse as,her next husband, a sug gestion which she has invariably acted upon. The Old Public Functionary is busily engaged preparing his book for publication. The late Attorney Gener al Black has been engaged to assist at the interesting ceremony of the delivery of this long expected bantling. The Appletons are to be the publishers. The book, it is said, mill be issued in S eptember Au extraordinary instance of de termined endurance hae just occurred in the prison of Alcala, in Spain. A man named Tuebla, condemned to death for murder, in•his dread for the garotte, de termined to starve himself to death. He resolutely refused all food,. and • on the twelfth day he expired from exhaus tion. —A man in Springfield, Massachu setts, decapitated, a turtle and left the head in the yard. Bearing a lively squealing, shortly after, he investigated, and found that a rat, which essayed to gratify its taste for turtle, had been seized by the head, it sought to devour, and actually killed. —'The Richmond papers, of Monday, say that Dick Turner, the keeper of Lib by prison, under rebel rule, was recap tured on Sunday, and is now confined in • one of the cells of. Libby, constructed by 'the rebels for the confinement of Colonel Streight. soldier was, drowned, in a singu lar manner from a steamer, near Madi sonville, Ohio, last Saturday. The steamer was blowing her whistle ; he was asleep at the time, and, being fright en'ed at the whistle, , leaped overboard With his blanket around him. Postmaster Genefal Dennison has written to all postmasters requesting , all of theini who have occasion to appoint clerkior otheremployees, to give the preference to disabled or wounded sol, diem, who .have been honorably dis charged from the service. While a little girl, eight years of age, was placing pins on the track to be flattened by the wheels, at:Williamsport, one day last`week; she was run and killed. • The Norristown Herald suggests that the•new hotel shortly to be erected in, that borough s be called the ,Lincoln House, in memoriam of our late Presi dent. John .11forrisey, the. prizefighter has made a match at Cincinhati,. to en gage in n,prize fight for $2OOO. Itobberiee in, open daylight in, Richn3ond - are becoming quite frequent., Xr. eteted :to be domiciled : at New London, Conn. ra - No one who hears of Mason LS: - llamlin's Cabinet Organs will be sur prised at the very strong favor with which they are regarded by our leading organists. Their quality of tone is ad mirable, round, sonorous, pure, and sym pathetic; while they have abundant vol ume of tone for any private Louse, and quite sufficient for smaller churches and for such hall; as are usually occupied by Sunday-schools. With all this, their capacity for expression is wonderful, ex ceeding in some respects even that of the largest and most costly church or gans. This is mainly effected by the introduction of a swell, operated upon an entirely new principle, which gives the performer very efficient control of the tones he produces. The moderate prices at which they are sold, and the little space they occupy, are important practical advantages in these instru ments.—Brew York Commercial Advertis- ar The. Crescent Regiment, the crack organization sent into the war by the rebels of Louisiana, and which was com posed of the eons of the most wealthy and influential citizens of New Orleans and the surrounding country, lately re turned to that city, numbering sixty-one. When they started for the field, three years ago, they were eleven hundred strong. air The old elm tree on Boston Com mon on which Mary Dyer was hung, two hundred and thirty years ago, for preach ing Quaker doetrines, is still standing. Some of its heavy branches are support ed by iron chains, and every possible care is taken for its preservation. la' Those bands of the Choctaw In dians which inhabit the Indian territory, and who IJave been aiding the rebel cause in Arkansas and Missouri, have concluded a treaty of peace with Feder al officers, by which they promise to ab stain from all future acts of hostility. Cr It is reliably reported, from Fort ress Monroe, that Jeff Davis' health is better than when he first landed there. He is not ironed, and is said to be in a calm state of mind. A dog in Danbury, Conn., was struck by lightning a few days since, and one-half of him paralyzed for two or three days; but, on the whole, he was too much for the fluid. eir John Minor Botts has succeed in getting an order, for the payment of ten thousand dollars for wood represprited to have been furnished, taken or destroy ed since the war began. John C. Breckenridge is still at Havana. He .advises his friends i to throw themselves on the clemency of the President and ask for pardon. It is probable he will do so himself. air James 'Parker, of Springfield, Mass., has collected one hundred and sixty sermons and eulogies on the death of Mr. Lincoln, and expects to add more to his collection, Col. John W. Forney delivered a lecture at the commencement of Dickin son College, Carlisle, on Wednesday last, on the "Two Presidents." oar The Goodyear rubber patent has expired, after running twenty-one years and yielding about $40,000,000 profits. Cr The Chicago fair people gave Mrs. General Grant a beautiful $2OO saddle cloth. Special Notices IF You WA NT TO KNOW a little of every thing relating to the human systeM, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well,'and• a thousand other things never published before, read the revised and enlarged edition of " MEDICAL COMION SENSE," a curious book 'for curious people, and a good, book for everyone. It contains - Ao° pages, 100 illustrations. Price, $1:501 Contents table sent free to any address. ,Books may be had at the book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of -price. Address, E. B. Feorm; M. D., 1130 Brbadcvay, N. Y. * MATRIMONIAL. Ladies and Gentlemen: If you Wish to marry you can do so by eddies- , sing me. I will send you, with Out money without price, valuable inforination, that will' enable you to marry happily and speedily, ii respective of age, wealth or beauty.- This in formation will cost you nothing and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully. assist . you. All letters strictly confidential. - The deshOd in formation sent by return mail,' and no r reward asked. Please enclose postage or stamped en velope, addressed .to yourself. Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpoint, New-York. [4l-3m THE BR/DAL CHARBER.-A note of warn ingand advice to those suffering with, Seminal Weakness, General Debility, or Premature Decay,,from whatever cause produced. Read, ponder; aid reflect'! Be wise in time. Sent FREE to any address, for the benefit of the afflicted. Sent by return mail. Ad dress JAMES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway, N. Y. gentleman cured of Nervous Debility, PreMature Decay, and the effects of youthful indiscretion, will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure—free of charge. Thia remedy is , simple, safe and certain. For: full particulars, by return mail, please address Jung . B. OGDEN, 60 Nassau,st., N. y. ;OL4 ,ETEs MADE ,pamphlet di recting how to speedily restore sight and , give up spectaelesovith . outuid,of doctor or reedi cine.-:;Sent „Ily mails free,fon ,ireceipt:cif - TEN cents. #ddre,sii, 4; ,,,,y.„. j!. t):NTE o goi.,p, feb4-6mi - 1130 Broadway,'N. Y. t..clu,ir);•,) Coi6:do; • CAUMbifl, Lan CaSto Capital and A55et5,1.).9,9.1:\,, rpnis Company continues to insur e I; ings, Merchandise, and other av,ainst loss and damage by fire, on the 'dun, either for a cash premium t r nete. FIFTH ANN UAL REPORT. Whole amount insured, Amt of premium notes, $4726 2 090:66 Bal. cash premium, Jan'y 1,1364, 3,754:47 Cash receipts in 1864, less fees and com missions, 22,670:56 $452 ,1t 1 : Losses and expenses paid in 1864, $22,794:59 Balance of Capital and Assets, Jan- nary Ist, 1b65, 429,920:50 A. S. GREEN, PRESs4l5[2lnL7Ni.r7 GEORGE YOUNG, Sr., .secretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS; Samuel Shock, William Patton, Robert T. Ryon, John W. Stew?, John Fendrich, George Youn g , j r., H. G. Mini(* ) Nicholas AP .1)411: Samuel'F. Edeilein, . Michael S. Sloim q. Amos S. Green. S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. . . [xl-33 SUPPLEE & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS And Gener'al Machinists, Second suet: Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They aro prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnace, Pipes, for Steam,- Water and Gas ; Colum n ,. Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &e., for Bull dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILEfte • IN THE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps; Brick: Presses, Shaftin- and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Tips, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning; Brass Bearinp, Steam & Blast Giugds,s Litbrie:ators, Oil Cstl,, Valves for Steam, Gits,'ancl' Water : Brass F:. tinge in all theifirariety; Boilers, Tanks, Fiat, Heaters,. Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Don Washers; tkc. BLACICS'MITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery's] flatter ourselves that we can give geieral satii• faction to those-who may favor us with their orders. frkßepairing promptly attended Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet wi th pro mp t attention. Prices to suit the time, Z. SUPPLEE, T. R. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14 If F/431e, egelifiNG '''"t'4ll3ll_llE3lE 4, It In Crull's old stand, .11larkot-st., Marietta, PETER RODENI3iUSii, [wrrn D. HANAUER,' DEALER IN • Men's and Boy's Clothing, HATS AND .CAPS, BOOTS Alsl D SHOES, and Gentlemen's lournising Goods, IN GREAT VARIETY. P. R. would take this oppoirtunity to info: the citizens of Marietta and - the public gener ally that having opened this establishment fa a perMinent business,.only asks a fair trial being ddtermined not to be undersold by any Call and see the goods and learn the prices. Marietta, June 10, ISOS. 44-ti SUMMER BATS! The undersigned have Just received a beau tiful assortment of ail styles of SILK, CARRERA, FELT AND „Straw Hates , which we are prepared to sell at the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. lEr Our friends in the County are invite to call and examine our assortment. SHITP7& . BROIHER, FASHIONABLE II iTTERS, NO. 20 NORTiI QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JACOB A IVISNEWS TOBA£CO ) CIGAR & SIHJ F STORE Opposite the CrosS keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersigned would respectfully inform the putrlic that he still ,continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and. Walnut streets, directly opposite the. Cross keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars trim Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to sbo per thousand. Toa.acco.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cnt. All kindS of fine Ci gars manufactured 'of imported' stock. Stxts HALE. Spa.rirSit. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. . Scented snuffs, Fnie-cut, Pipei, Cigar Tubes, &c. A LEXAN M I onae LYNDSAY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PEN`S• Would most respecttullY inform the cilizeni of this Borough and El eigb borhoonfiat be kg the largest assortment of City' made , -work in his line of business in..this Borough, and be' mg a practical SOW AND, $1:10E :MAKER himself,is enablea to seleetWitti more judgment than those who are not. He continues to maw ufacture in the very best manner everythiq in the BOOT Amp SHOE. LINE, which ne will warn*, far neatness and, good fit. rt - Call and examine his stock before pa' h song ,elsexvhere. • *MEW -BELL. MeiTkcint 'Tailor, Car: of MathetTst.,sand'Elbow Lane, Maria (IR ATEFAJI for past favors would real r I. my thanksto my numerous friends and pr trans and:inform them that I still continue the old business at the. old;stand; where I will be pleased to see them at all tunes,..and having e full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTIVa , • . which will be Made up to orderist the s horti notice by the Veit of nrorkmen; 'and on remora: ble terms, I wouldbolanaserl k therefore,to upon my old customers arid-all who see proper to patronize me hereafter. [Oct.29-'56. BLINDNESS, Das FNESS and CATASAII. treated with' tge utmost success, by J. ISAACS, Oetilistiind'Aurist; (formerly Leydon, PINE street, Plui adelphia. 'Terit4ohntais f rom th e mos t relis hie sources' the 'City and 'Country can b ' seen at his &Mee: The niidital faculty ar' i nvited to icaoinpany their patients, as he ha no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICI A EYES, inserted Without pain. No charge made for examination,. , riali• 2S 1)' BAZIN)S PEKFUMES. . . The latest and most extrisitesuch as me Quickly," " 'Upper len," ilydeosrui g, " West End," "Jockey Club," and also mades and Hair Oils. Examine our goo" We can please you in price and quality. GOLDEN MORTAR. DRUG STORE. COLGATE'S TOILET 'SOAPS. .. ~. • , ... . - ---- Honey, Clycerine, -Palin, Almond, gaitedo d Shaving SOAPS. Equal to, any Imp . ' Just received arid fol. sale,'Very . cheap at THE GOLDEN MOBTO'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers