The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 17, 1865, Image 2

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    he Illittiettian.
F. L. faker, Editor.
,fittftb , clatt., / furze (7,18'61.
A. DEAD DRIVER.—A late Paria paper
contains this remarkable item : On
Thursday evening the omnibus doing
duty between Paris and the suburb of
Creteil, arrived at the latter destination
under the actual guidance of a corpse,
the driver having died at an early stage
of the transit. He still retained-.his
grasp of the reins, but along the whole
route a strange rigidity and oscillation
of the body attracted notice from the
bystanders. The vehicle with its pas
sengers drew up at the appointed halt,
when the dead, man was lowered from
his seat on the box, cold and stiff.
sr punish Jeff. Davis.—"A.
Lady" writes to a New Haven paper as
follows ; "Pat him in a strong iron
cage, place about it photographs of our
poor starved, maddened soldiers, give
him into Barnum's hands to exhibit,
first in America, then over the eastern
continent. In the course of one year
sufficient money will be realized to pay
off the national debt, and a surplus ; tax
ation will then be unnecessary. After
thus exhibiting him, shut him up the re
mainder of his days to meditate upon
the good he has accomplished, or—hang
eir A woman who had not seen her
husband for three long years, caught
sight of him in the ranks of one of the
the returning regiments in Porthind,
Maine, last week as it was marching
through the streets. Affection got the
better of strict decorum, and the over
joyed woman rushed into the ranks, em
bracing and kissing her husband, amid
the cheers of the spectators.
4fir A boy ten years old was discov
ered in,Pawtneket, Rhode Island, the
other day, just after he had fastened a
rope around the neck of a little girl of
tour, and was about to suspend her in
the air. The girl screamed, but the boy
said in a business-like way that he was
merely showing her how they were going
to hang Jeff. Davis. .
•or John Mitchell, late rebel editor
of the Richmond Enquirer, the organ of
Jeff. Davis, has actually come North
and become the editor of the N. Y.
News, in which he is as bitter against
the Government as he was at Richmond.
It is understood that the miscreant has
been ordered to leave the country. •
itir A few ladies in New Haven, whose
position and influence are universally
recognized, are endeavoring to abolish
the present system of wearing the hair.
The bag is tabooed in to to, and in its
place is substituted the more tasteful
Grecian tresses, looped up behind and
falling over so far as to cover the ears.'
lir As Sherman's army was marching
froth Richmond to Washington they
crossed the field of Spottsylvania. They
found the bones of about twelve hund
red Union soldiers bleaching in the sun.
G,en. Sherman contracted with a man
who lived near by to bury these remains.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Qom
pany have placed upon the road a num
ber of new care expressly for the accom
modation of the U. S. mail service
They are handsomely constructed an.
conveniently arranged for the use inters
'llar. Mr. W. S. Dickey, of Benda
township, Clearfield county, recently
clipped from a single sheep eleven and
three-quarter pounds of wool. Way
ette county, a "three years' Reece"' was
taken off, weighing seventy-eight pound.
Gir'By a most sensible amendment to
the school law of this State, passed last
winter, the mininnm age for children to
be admitted to, the common schools was
changed from five to six years of are.
fur The Washington Chronical con
tradicts the report of Secretary Stan
ton's resignation. It says Stanton's re
lations with the President are of the
most friendly character.
ilar A young man, while engaged at a
,card table in Frankfort, Kentucky, on
'Thursday night, received a paralytic
stroke, and expired with the deal in his
ea- The coal dealers at Easton have
reduced the price of coal $1.50 per ton.
They are now retailing stove coal at
$7.50, and chestnut at $6.50 per ton.
GBP The ploughman's is a dangerous
occupation around Richmond and Pet
ersburg, because of the unexploded
so- The remains of the soldiers, both
Northern and Southern, on the Wilder
ness battle field, are to be interred.
ar Two brothers have been arrested
in Cincinnati for robbing a dead woman
of sixteen hundred dollars.
for the Second Series of the 7-30 Notes
was so great that the Treasury Depart
ment was unable to print them with
sufficient rapidity to fill the orders. It
will be remembered that a hundred mil
lions were subscribed and paid for in a
single week. The printing presses have
finally surmounted the difficulty, and on
Wednesday, June 7th, the deliveries of
the Third Series commenced, and will
be continued with the same promptness
that marked the supply of the notes of
the first and second series. It has been
this interruption of delivery at the time
of subscription which has given an ap
pearance of a falling off in the popular
taking of the loan,—the great body Of
small takers being unwilling to pay their
money unless they receive their notes
right in hand, to carry them home. It
is expected that after this week the daily
subscriptions to the Seven-Thirties will
run up into millions, as they will undoubt
edly be stimulated by the opening of
the farmers' wool markets East and
West. It is not at all likely that the
Government will ever again offer so de
sirable a security as these notes, and
about two hundred millions only remain
to be taken.
With the close of the war the nation
al expenses will be vastly reduced, and
investors must look for a sharp reduc
tion in the 'rate of interest as soon as
the present loans become due, and can
be paid off. There is no reason why the
United States credit for money should
ever again fall below its credit for cour
age. The same , spirit that preserved
the geographical integrity of the cotntry
will place its pecuniary integrity on a
tar with that of the most favored nations
—and that will represent a rate of inter:
eat under rather than over four per cent.
ear The New York Tribune, in speak
ing of Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Or
gans, says : "These instruments have
been blown by the wind of genuine suc
cess from Boston to San Francisco.
That Messrs. Mason & Hamlin have
succeeded in making a superior small
instrument—from little bandbox-like
things, to those which, though portable,
and not larger than a piano, can make
themselves felt in a church—is the uni
versal opinion of the musical profession.
They agree that no such mechanical
works of the kind can be found in equal
perfection in Europe. The tone is pure
and full, and with an immense body for
so small a provocative mechanical force.
They stand rough travelling, bad usage,
and will live in climates which will kill
American missionaries."
fir A drunken soldier in the army in
India, having been lately confined in the
blackhole • for intoxication, felt some
thing crawling over him. Knowing it
to be a serpent, and fearing its deadly
bite, he kept still, while the reptile
crawled inside of his jacket and coiled
himself up for a• nap. When the guard
came to release him some hours after, a
snake—a cortira—quickly glided away.
The'guard noticed with surprise that
the prisoner's hair had turned white, and
he died a few hours after telling his
er Secretary Seward has so far re
covered from the effects of his injuries,
as to be able to visit the State Depart
ment, during the past week. He walk
ed up the steps of the building unassist
ed, but was compelled to take a seat at
each landing and rest for a fi3w minutes.
The Secretary remained at the Depart-
men t for a considerable length, of official business.
Cr The New York Tribune eta
hat Mr. Connover, whose testimo
concerning the complicity of the re,
leadersis now made public, left Wa
ington for Canada a fortnight ago, to
turn in a few days, but be has not
heard from since, though his preszl
I , ,Washington is urgently deinan ed.
It is feared that he has been foully , iiajt
eir The Pope of Rome was seventy
three years old on the 13th of May, and
on the 16th olthis month will reach the
9ineteenth year of his pontificate. Out
'sf the long list of two himdred and fifty
nine Popes, only eight have worn the
tiara for a longer period than Pius the/
lir Runaway wives from their hUs
bands, it has been recently decided by
the Supreme Court—that is a wife who
lives apart voluntarily from her husband,
cannot force him to maintain her. She
must go to him and demand a home.
If he does not give it she can obtain ali
mony, but not otherwise.
fir John Mitchell, formerly of the
Richmond Enquirer, and lately editor
of the New York News, was arrested
on the charge of treason. He was taken
on board a Government vessel, whose
destination is said to be Fortress Mon-
Tee. •
or Before the war the income of
Gov. Aiken, of South Carolina, was
$lOO,OOO a year. Now he is without
the means of support.
er An exchange says the most popu
lar agricultural fair is a farmer's daugh
ter. Who would not "attend" such a
fair ?
fit Steps are being taken in Cincin
nati to purchase and give to General
Sherinan a handsome residence.
The :dinuesetians iuteud to use blood
hounds against the Indians.
. Two dollar counterfeit bills on the
York County Bank are in circulation.
Gen. Duff Green appeared at Wash
ington, desiring the privilege of taking
the Amnesty oath, which was not gran
Tho Commissioner of Internal Rev
enue has decided that, where receipts
are made and issued in duplicate, both
require to be stamped as original.
General Scott is physically better
than be was a year ago. His conversa
tional powers and memory of persons
and events are remarkably preserved
for one of his years.
New potatoes are now on sale in Buf
falo, brought from Bermuda. They are
only worth $7 per bushel.
Miss Harriet Hosrner is now occupied
in making a design for a bronze door
for the castle of an English nobleman.
Rosa Bonheur, through the great
price that her paintings command, has
become one of the richest women in Eu
Not less than 5,000 photographs of
Booth, the assassin, have been sold by
one firm in London.
Mrs. Lydia Huntley Sigourney, the
poetess, died in Hartford, Connecticut,
on the 11th instant, aged 76 years.
A decree will be published in Turkey
rendering the teaching of the French
language obligatory in Government
Mrs. Colonel Mulligan, of Chicago,
bas been presented with $2500 in cash
and a $5OOO homestead by admirers of
her brave, dead husband.
Captain Robert Lincoln has sent - to
the Chicago Fair the manuscript, copy
of the message sent to Congress by his
late father, on April 16, 1862.
The banisters of the grand staircase
of Baron Rothschild's new • mansion in
Piccadilly are said to be made of gold
and platinum.
Abbe Guette supports.the Bishop of
Oxford's statement that there are seven
hundred and fifty interdicted priests
driving cabs in Paris.
South Carolina slaveholders are re
ported to have become extremely sav
age during the last three months, and
many a negro has been killed for simply
speaking of his freedom.
The bile of McKean, Pennsylvania,
are covered with a plant claimed to be
asuccessful competitor of the Chinese
tea. A quantity of it will be in the mar
ket the coming autumn.
Mrs. Lincoln and her family will re
move to Hyde Park, a surburban village
on the lake shore, six miles south of
Chicago, in a few days. Her residence
there will be only for the summer.
One of the good results of a recent
expedition in Alabama has be . en the re
storation to freedom of an old man of
78, who was kidnapped at the age of 15,
and therefore been 63 years in servitude.
Andrew Cochrane aged 70, President
of the Petersboro, (N. H.) Bank, com
mitted suicide by hanging himself in a
stable, on the 30th ult. He had been
subject to fits of depression for some
All negroes found loitering in the
streets of Richmond, Va., are taken in
charge.)q the provost marshal of the
distrihtand are set to work cleaning
the streets.
Twenty-five years ago a Mr. McGuire,
of Albany, adopted an orphan boy and
educated him. After becoming of age
he went to California and made a for
tune. He subsequently visited England,
where he recently died, leaving by will
$50,000 to the McGuire family.
A widow lady, seventy years old, ap
peared in the city court at Louisville,
the other day, and asked for protection.
IShe stated to the Judge that her son,
IJoshua Smith,- had- assaulted' her and
!threatened to kill her, for refusing- to
supply him with money to get drunk on.
While General Sherman was on the
way to West Point he stopped at Ooz
zen's Hotel to pay his respects to Gen
eral Scott. The old soldier greeted
him with : "I'm glad to see you here to
day unhurt.' You have made a great
name, sir; you broke the back of the
rebellion, sir.
Ammi R. Mitchell, an old and respec
table citizen of Bath, Massachusetts,
was so much pained by a soft corn on
one of his toes,
that, two weeks ago, he
had the toe amputated, but gangrene
had set in and extended to the foot, BO
that it became necessary to amputate
the leg below the knee, and there is
now little hope of saving his life.
The editor of the Universalist having
been centured by a correspondent for in
timating that Jeff. Davis should be hung,
replies: "After the excitement has pas
sed, and Jefferson Davis is hung, we
may be sorry ! But in all soberness let
us Bay, if Jefferson Davis is not hung,
the hand that in this land ever after
signs a death -warrant should drop from
its socket. If he is pardoned, let every
prison door open." .
lion. \er AlicbilesA,trth,
county, died on the 2nd inst., in ti,. ,
year of his age. lle was a Captain in
the war of ISI3, and distinguished him•
self for his gallantry in several severe
battles. lie served with distinction in
both branches of the Legislature, repre
sented his district in Congress, and for
five years was an associate judge on the
bench of his resident county. He was
strong minded, common sense imbued
man, whose natural energy and integrity
of character rendered him respected and
beloved by his fellow citizens.
—lt is reported that the Govern
ment has discovered a large batch of
letters from Fernando Wood, Ben Wood,
the Seymours, and various persons in
the North, among the rebel archives
seized in Richmond. It is further sta
ted that these letters, when published,
will startle the community, showing as
they will the complicity of the writers
in the devilish work of the rebellion.
The ceremonies of inaugurating the
monuments erected on the battle fields
of Bull Run, to commemorate the two
sanguinary and memorable contests
which took place there on the 21st of
July 1861, and the 30th of August, 1862,
were performed on Monday in the pres
ence of a large assemblage of military
and civilians.
The review of the returned Phila
delphia troops by Governor Curtin and
Itlaybr Henry on Saturday afternoon
was a fine affair, although
, the pleasure
of the occasion was greatly marred by a
heavy rain. Gen. Meade,who rode at
the head of the military, was greatly
Governor Wells, of Louisiana, has
effectually crushed the hopes of the
Louisiana politicians, by ordering a new
registry of voters in the city of New
Orleans, in which city he declares there
are nearly 5000 names as voters who are
not citizens under the laws and consti
tution of the State.
The War Department has decided
that volunteer soldiers wishing to enlist
into the regular army will be forthwith
mustered out at their several commands,
receive their discharges and final state
ments, and not be sent to the rendez
vous, but receive final payments.
At the recent dedication of a tem
ple at Cincinnati, the rabbi defined a
true Israelite to be one 'who trusts in
God and believes in the divine truth of
the Bible, needs no king to govern, no
Messiah to redeem,. and no miracles to
demonstrate the truth of religion."
A citizen of Brooklyn proposes to
harness a pair of sharks, and attach. them
to a boat, and with this novel establish
ment make the circuit of any of the
islands in harbor. It is said that he
only waits the acceptance of his wager
of $l,OOO, that he can do it.
They use a new drink, called "tur
pentine punch" in some European hos
pital's, in low stages of fever. It is corn
posed of two ounces of brandy, eight o
boiling water, one of turpentine, ' and
sugar to sweeten.
In consequence of the Muller mur
der the Southwestern Company are
building first class carriages with win
dows for passengers in different compart
ments of the same carriage to communi
cate with one another.
A Massachusetts judge has decided
that a husband may open a wife's letters,
on the grciund so often and so tersely
stated by Mr. Theophilus Parsons,- of
Cambridge, that "the hus band and wife
are one, and. the husband is that one
Truth is stranger than fiction.
A Lexington dispatch to the Cin
cinnati Gazette says that the friends of
John C. Breckenridge in that place
have received information of his safe ar
rival in Cuba. How he got there they
refuse to say.
Twenty thousand Poles, it is said
aro coming to the United States. The
Poles, are an agricultural people, and
to the Southern States they.would be a
valuable acquisition at this time.
The journals who pleaded the
strongest for the banging of Old John
Brown five years ago, are now the most
anxious that Jeff. Davis and his confed
erates should escape.
The shackles were removed from
Jeff. Davis last week. His suit of rebel
gray has been exchanged for one of
black, and he is now permitted more
Lititz, the great pianist, has turned
monk, had his head shaved,and has re
nounced the musical world altogether.
H goes by the title of Abbe Lititz.
Captain Todd of the rebel army
Mrs. Lincoln's brother), his wife and
three children, have arrived in New Or
leans from Mobile.
The clerks of the departments
Washington are giving one dollar each
for the family of the late President.
Every Chinese house in San Fran
cisco was draped in mourning for the
death of President Lincoln.
Henry S. Foote, lately of Missis
sippi, is on his way to California; where
he has children residing.
-- A horse in Birmingham, England,
died from fright on seeing a camel.
York wants to be in the fashion
and have a passenger railroad.
Gen. Canby has turned , over part o
his cavalry to Sheridan.
or p
who shall malle,ou-ily crick, or throw
down any post or rail or other fence, or
shall carry away any po,,t, rail, or other
material, of which such a fence was
built, shall be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and on conviction shall be fined
Fifty Dollars, (550,) one-balf of which
shall be paid to the informer, and the
other half to the support of the poor of
the township or borough in which the
offence was committed, or to undergo
an imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or both, or either, at the discre
tion of the Court.
sslr The Howard Association of Phil
adelphia, one of the oldest and most re
liable Institutions of the kind in the
country, still pursues its philanthropic
labors in all parts of the Union. A new
card from the managers will be found in
our advertising columns.
New Patent Piano Fortes
Which are creating the greatest sensation in the
musical world, and have received the high
est testimonials from all the leading ar
tist.; in the country, among whom are
S. Thalberg, Wm. Mason,
L. M. Gottschalk, Francis H. Brown,
Wm. Henry Fry, Theodore Eisfeld,
M. Strackosch, Nfax Maretzek,
Herman A. Wollenhaupt.
Having purchased the Agency of George A.
Prince St Co's Me lodeons, Automatic and
School Organs, from their late Agent, Chides
E. Bacon, we will be pleased to receive orders
for those celebrated Instruments, and will al
ways endeavor to keep a sufficient supply on
hand to fill all orders at sight. The most lib
eral discounts given to the Trade, Churches,
Clergymen and Schools. All Instruments war
ranted for Jive years.
Flutes, Banjos, Violins, Guitars,
Violin Strings, Accordeons
and alt kinds of Brass and other Musical In-
Struments for Bands.
Just published, The Venite," a flew col
lection of Chants f.u• the Episcopal Service,
opening and closing Voluntaries, Musical. So
cieties, Classes ; and for the Social Circle, by
Virgil C. Taylor. Price,--I3ourds, S 5 cents;
Cloth, One Dollar.
In press, and will soon be issued, ißassini's
twenty Melodic Exercises. for the study of the
proper art of singing, by Carlo Bassini, auth
or of Bassini's Art of Singing.
a collection of Five Finger Chord and Scale
passages, for speedily developing the muscles
of. the •fingers and acquiring that degree of flex
ibility, independence and volubility, which
are so indispensable to a good performance on
The Piano Forte, By Francis H. Brown.
Music sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the
marked price. IVI LLIA at. HALL & Sox,
Gm] 543 Broadway, New-York,
c?c ,T_ .2.1a:12cm ,
Corner of North Queen-St., and Centre
Square, Lancaster, Pa.
American and Swiss Watches
SPECTACLES in every style of
frame, and with glasses to suit
any who need artificial aid. We have twen
ty years experience in this business.
Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, &c , stamped
with our name and Warranted standard.
The best platedware in the United States.
We warrant our best Table ware—Spoons,
Forks, &c..,—to wear ten years in daily use.
Rings, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs and a ra-
riety of every article. in this line
Hair Jewelry made to order. Two hundred
styles, or samples, constantly on hand.
Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Specta
cles or Jewelry, done neatly and promptly.
H. L. $• E. J. ZAHill,
Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square,
The undersigned have just received a beau
tiful assortment of all styles of
which we are prepared to sell at the
11:3 Our friends in the County - are invited
to call and examine our assortment.
Estate of Charles Kelly, late of the
Borough of Marietta, deceased.
Letters of administration on said estate hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto are requested to make
immediate settlement, and those having claims
or demands against the same will present them
without delay for settlement to the undersign
ed, residing in the Borough of Marietta.
/Marietta, June 17, 1865. 45-6 t
"Coming events cast their Shadows before
filhe approaching collapse of the Rebellion
I is already fully anticipated in the great
decline of merchandize.
Are now selling at
At very greatly reduced prices. And the
styles are much prettier than any the Manu
facturers have produced since the beginning
of-the war.
OF P I CE:—Front street, next door to R.
Williams' Drug Store, between Locust
end Walnut streets, Columbia.
Spangler & Patterson's Store.
_ ...... _._.
- FROM 7To BA. M.
" , 6 TO 7 P. M.
B OHLEN'S long celebrated
I.,t_e;i:l;_tllrt.:. at
H":).30 000 000.
By Authority of the Secretary of the ir,
ury, the undersigned, the General. Subsc
_,Kent for the sale of United Stales Securi
offers to the public the third series of
bearing Seven-and-Three-Tenths per cent
interest per annum, known as the
1 7-3 C) i_sc)aaa.
These Notes are issued under date of Ju;•
15, 1865, and are payable three years from that
date, in currency, or are convertible at the ep
tion of the holder into
U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT.
These Bonds are now worth a handsome
premium, and are exempt, as are all the Coy
ernment Bonds, from State, County, and Mu
nicipal taxation,-which addsfrom one to three
per cent. per annum in their value, accordiz
to the rate levied on other prdperty. The it
terest is payable semi-anrivally,by coupons at
tached to each note, which .may be cut offal
sold to any bank or banker
The interest at 7.30 per cent. amounts to
One cent per day on a
Two 'cents " " "
Ten " " " £ 1
20 cc cc cc cc
$1 If ft it it
Notes of all the dendininations named will
be promptly furnished on receipt of subscrip.
The Notes of this Third Series ore preclßly.
similar in form and privileges to the Seven.
Thirties already sold, except that the Govern
ment reserves to itself the option of paying in
terest in gold coin at 6 per cent. instead of
3- lOths in currency, Subscribers will deduct
the interest in currency up to July 15th, at
the time when they subscribe
The delivery of the notesof this third series
of the Seven-thirties will commence on the
Ist of June, and will be made promptly and
continuously after that date
The slight change made in the conditions 5f
this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter
of interest. The payment in gold, if mate.
will be equivalent to the cuirency inkrest d
the higher rate
The return to specie payments, in the event
of which only will the option to pay inturoit
in Gold be.arailed of, would so reduce and
equalize price that purchases made with six
per cent. in gold would be fully equal to the*
made with seven and three-tenths per cent. in
This is the only Loan in Market
now offered by the"Governinent, and its superi
or advantages make it
The Great Popular Lean of the People,
Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan au
thorized by the last Congress are now in the
market. This amount at the rate at which it
is being absorbed, will all be subscribed 'hi
within two months, when the notes will, in•
doubtedly command a premium, as has uni
formly been the case on closing the subscrip•
lions to other Loans.
In order that citizens of every town ad
section of the country may be afforded facili
ties for taking the loan, the National Bunk.:
State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout
the country have generally agreed to receive
subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select
their own agents, in whom they have confi
dence, and who only are to be responsible fur
the delivery of the notes for which they !e-
ceive orders
Subscriptions mill be received by
The First National Bank of Marietta
Wont') most respectfully take this means of
informing his friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the drawing of
and in fact everything in the CONVE.Y.ANCIF 6
line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a
member of the Lancaster Bar, he will be ena
bled to execute legal instruments of writing
with accuracy.
He can be found at the office of ""Tar
MaatErrtial,"—"Lindsay's Building," (sec
ond floor) near the Post Office corner, or et
his residence on Market street, half a square
west of the " Donegal House," Marietta.
UZbßlank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Leases always on hand and for sale.
ASHINGTON Skeleton Skirts. T 1
V V best article of the kind made each Skid
is guaranteed. We are Agents for the Masa
Good Style Cassimeres for Suits, Cloths, Vei
tinge, Jeans, Cottonades, Shirting Plannel 4
Neck Ties, &c.,
Tickiegs and Checks, Osnabstrr ,
Drills and Flannels, Sheetings, Diapers an d
Crash, Feathers. Table and Floer Oil Cloth,
Looking Glasses and Blankets, Transparen t
and Holland Blinds.
Wall and Window Paper, Ingrain and Rag
Carpet,. Wool and Linen Carpet Chaln ,
large assortment of Boys and •Mena Hats an
Caps. . Common and Fine Glass Ware, rul e
Granite Dinner Set&
Sugar. Syrup, Teas New Mackerel in s i l l
Sized packages Sugar cured Hams and
Beef, Salt, Rice Spices &c. All at the Owe'
• • . .
Eley's Gun Caps, Bier a
Biers Gun Woi92 ,He.
Dupont's Sporting and, , Gissed : Duck
Balttainie Shot StioVPonclies,
&c„ at: , n:TOHN 'SPAN&
- V L. "BASER, - Scrivioer." All kinA 3
'Legal instrun!ents prepared with t?!,
and accuracy. Ele" eaa 'be found at the
of ,{ The Mariettian," in " Lindsay's liri
ing," between the 'Post- Office Corner e
Front street.
SHADES at-remarkably low Pric'''
to closeout .TORN SPAT:GiE F
. Market Street, :%larlai.
L . i-30 (JA \!
$5O note
$lOO cc
$5OO ci
$lOOO "
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