The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, June 10, 1865, Image 2

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    4 •
.._,.. 0,C:' 1 1, it tilt Cttialt.
L. Baker, Editor,
;71aLuidati, „farm 10, 18 1
army officer who witnessed the opera
tion, that Davis was placed in irons at
Fortress Monroe, as has been previous
ly reported. It was not done, however,
from a spirit of revenge and hate, or• to
render the position of the unfortunate
roan any more uncomfortable. After
being confined in the casemate ,he be
came very, intractable, stormed about
the apartments, abused the guard, "be
rated the Government authorities, as
serting that no major general had a right
to consign him to such quarters," and
threw his-rations at the head of the at
tendant who brought them to him.
The shacklps were therefore applied to
him, partly as a punishment, and partly
as a precautionary measure, in the same
manner as a refractory offender is mana
cled at Sing Sing.
ea' The trial, of the alleged assassins,
at Washington, is still continued, and
may not come to an end before the close
of the present week. The prisoners
presented many witnesses, but they did
very little for them, IV of them too
being "fishy!' The testimony against
them appears t 9 be of a very positive
character, and it would seem next to
impossible that any.of them can escape
conviction and punishment. The pre
viously suppressed evidence, which is
now given to the public, goes very far
toward directly implicating the ,Chief
Traitor Davis in the scheme to ,murder
the President, Vice-President, Heads of
Departments, Chief Justice Chase, Gen.
Grant, &c.
Cr Instead of a Crown, to possess
which he struck at freedom and civiliza
tion, Jeff. Davis now weary the iron man
acles fitted for a criminal of his grade.
He struggled like a viper when the
blacksmith riveted the Jewelry of treas
on on his limbs, but his rage was impo
tent, and the defeated traitor now lies
in chains. His next ornament will be a
wiEr The scoundrel Dr. Blackburn, who
tried to import a pestilence into the
Northern cities from Bermuda, is now in
Montreal. He joined the Catholic-
Church a few days ago, probably with
the desire to get forgiveness for his sins.
The priest who undertakes to save him
from purgatory will have a hard job on
Car Government has distributed three
hundred horses in one day gratuitously
to the people in Virginia to enable
thorn to work their farms. A Virginian
ought to blush with shame while accep
ting the gift and thinking of the injury
which he tried to' do the Government,
now so considerate towards himself.
sur The spreading of pestilence by
infected clothing is not a recent one
with the rebels. Two years ago Parson
Brownlow received what purported to
be au exchange paper, done up in the
usual manner, but proved to be a cloth
dressing from a small pox patient.
ar The whirligig of time has made
some queer changes during the past few
years. Five years ago Andrew Johnson
voted for John O. Breckenridge for
President ; now he is President himself,
and will hang Breckenridge if he can
catch him
er The Secretary of war has ordered
that returned prisoners who have endur
ed the hardships of Andersonville, Sal
isbury, and other rebel prisons,te mus
tered but as - soon as possible, and that
they be allowed three months extra pay.
eir The trig of Jefferson Davis will
take place on or about the 19th of this
month. Charles, O'Connor, Esq., of
New York, will act as his counsel. Da
vis will be placed ip the Old Capitol
Cir General Banks, like General But
ler, has been ordered to report at home,
in Massachusetts. Cotton operations
are said to be the cause of this order.
They are undergoing examination.
ar: At the New England Anti-slave
ry ConventiOn, in Boston,. on the 31st,
Wendell Philips advocated national re
pudiation. The society insists on negro
CO' Gen. Wilson has ordered all the
Confederate horses,, harness, wagons,
etc., not required by his cavalry, to be
distributed among the poor as a loan
from Government.
fEr There is a report that members
( f the British Parliament will present
to General 'Lee a house in London, with
a competency, for himself and family.
Negro labor in Virginia bas been fix
ed at $5 per month and board. In Itar
vest $1 per day.
TWAL U' .1
ton corroz . 7.pondent ho ha
high authority that Jeff. Davis will b.-,
tried in that city under the indictment
reported by the Grand Jury, all rumors
to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec
retary Stanton has not, as reporte(P, re
fused to give up the ex-rebel President
to the authorities of the district. Nor
is there, among those whose opportuni
ties for information aro the best, any
apprehension that a jury cannot be ob
tained as easily as in ordinary capital
cases, where jurors are objected to be
cause they have formed or expressed an
opinion based upon newspaper or other
statements, The practice has been in
the courts of the District to ask the jur
or whether he can or not try the case
and render a verdict under the law as
given by the Court, and upon the testi
mony as proven upon the trial, irrespec
tive of any previously formed opinion.
If he answers in the affirmative, he is di
rected to take a seat upon the jury.
And it, has been found that the more
thoroughly educated and intelligent the
person thus interrogated, the more
promptly and readily he answers in the
(Ur Jeff. Davis has been taken from
ortross Monroe and brought up to
Washington ; but he remains on board
the gunboat Connecticut near the Ar
senal, where he will stay, perhaps, until
his trial shall take place. When. Jeff.
was placed in irons, he refused to eat,
and at the request of his physician the
shackles were removed. Instead of the
"stern statesman" and the dignified
"President," he has proved himself to
be a "baby." The fiend who murdered
by starvation and disease thousands of
soldiers, and made miserable their fath
ers, mothers, brothers, and sons, whimp
ers like a whipped spaniel when the rod
is applied to his own back. Let us rest
assured that he is suffering poignantly,
Though the irons have been taken from
his limbs, the keen iron of remorse is at
his soul. The skilled leech cannot min
ister to the mind diseased. The skele
tons of Andersonville and Belle Isle
must at times stare and gibber through
the bars of his' prison.
Or Benjamin G. Harris, Representa
tive in Congress from Southern Mary
land, who was tried a few weeks ago be
fore a special court martial upon the
charge of harboring two paroled soldiers
of Lee's army, and urging them to vio
late their oath by returning South and
again taking up arms, has been released
from the Old Capitol Prison. It is un
derstood that the court martial which
tried Harris, found him guilty, sentenced
him to three years imprisonment, and
forever disqualified him from holding
any office under the United States Gov
ernment ; but upon evidence brought t 6
light since the trial and sworn to in affi
davits, President Johnson remitted the
sentence and ordered Harris to be re
ifir Having taken some pains to satis
fy ourselves respecting the merits of
Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet. Organs, we
are able to speak very confidently in re
gard to them, and to recommend •them
heartily to, our readers. We have not
found any difference in the opinions en
tertained of them by musicians ; all val
ue them highly, and all agree that their
superiority to all ocher instruments of
the class, American or foreign,.is indis
putable.—New York Examiner.
far It is said that the Government
has recently become possessed of addi
tional evidence against the Canada reb
el agents, JacObThompson and Sanders,
showing not only their direct implica
tion in conspiracy to murder President
Lincoln, but also in Dr. Blackburn's in
famous'plot to introduce yellow fever
into this country from the West Indies.
fir Robert Ould, the rebel commis
sioner of exchange, has been arrested in
Richmond by order of the Government;
on the charge of having defrauded Fed
eral prisoners of large amounts of money
and supplies entrusted to his care for
th "r use.
Cir John Nicolay, private secretary
to the late President Lin3oln, was in
Washington making arrangements to
leave for Paris on the 24th inst., to en
ter upon his duties as consul at that
60- Major W. M. C. Sherman, pay
master, who recently resigned, did so
because the death of his wife's father
leavei her a fortune of $400,000. Maj.
Sherman is a native of Rhode Island.
titir The graduating class at West
Point have this year started a baby cup
to be claimed by the first of them who
earns the proud title of father.
to- In some of the cities of Georgia,
from the lack of more convenient cur
rency, the newsboys are selling. papers
at three eggs a-piece.
la^ An Irish couple with twenty-three
children, were among a party of emi
grants that arrived in New London a
few days since.
iwzb A few only of the iron-clads will
be kept in commission ; the others will
probably' be laid up , in the river Dela
fir:Recruiting stations for , the regu.l
army *ill 'be openOirseob,..
I'i s?l~iu~r
1C f: i
Judgo Cr,.._eur, c::f Lilo U.S. Supreme
Court is dead
ari , 751 lager beer saloons in
Cincinnati and suburbs.
Segars at each may be bought on
Broad way, New York.
Ths Springfield, (Mass.,) policemen
have appeared in a new uniform.
A safe prediction —that gold will nev
er see double again.
Joe Smith, eon of the original Mor
mon, is out against polygamy.
A race between a horse and a camel
was the last novelty in California.
On dit, that Thurlow Weed is going
to take supreme editorial charge of the
New York Times.
One Senor Peyel, a shoemaker by
trade, has been recently elected Presi
dent of Peru.
There is in Portland a soldier alive
and well, who has been shot directly
through the head.
Janina Brutus Booth is still in the
Old Capitol Prison, where he astonish
es the inmates by his gymnastic feats.
Booth, Orsini, and Charlotte Corday,
all selected April 14th for their assas
sinations, completed or purposed.
A well•executed one hundred dollar
green haul has made its appearance.
It is quite likely to deceive.
It is said that Commodore Nutt and
Miss Minnie Warren are about to be
The soldiers at the grand review in
Washington, if marshaled thirty abreast
in solid column, would extend forty.
wo miles
James Gordon Bennett, of the New
York Herald, and W. C. Bryant of the
Evening Post, are both over seventy
years old.
A man in Mariposa, California, has
educated a pig to draw a small two
wheeled wagon, which it does with
eat ease and regularity.
An Indian doctor who had been prac-
tising several months at Passumpsic,
village, Vermont, in male attire, was ar
rested and found to be a' woman.
Hon. Martin F, Conway, formerly
member of Congress from Kansas, has
located himself permanently in Rich_
mond, Va., in the practice of the law.
Washington, William 111, Anne,
George 1., George IL, George
George IV., William IV., and President
Lincoln, have all died on a Saturday.
There is a boy in an insane asylum at
Hartford, hopelessly insane from a
knowledge of the suffering and conse
quent death of his father in the rebel
prison at Andersonville.
A cow in Cumberland county gave
birth a few days since to a calf with
seven legs. in the same county is an
animal resembling both a cat and a
A young mare in Bedford county,
aged four years, has given birth to twin
colts twice within the las - Cl:Moen months.
In four years her progeny has been as
great in number as the years of her age.
The canal at Dutch Gap, cut by order
of - General Butter, allows passage for
vessels drawing seven feet of water, and
is now regularly used by such steamboats
and other craft as do not draw over that
Richmond letters state that members
of the English Parliament have offered
General Lee a splendid residence in
London, and a sum of money, the inter
est of which would support himself and
family for life.
When Chief Justice Chase was at
Key West, he was served by an old ne
gro, to whom he promised a carte-de
visite, and handed him a one-dollar bill.
"Ah !" says Sandie, "now I know you,
massa ; you are 'old greenbacks.'"
Gen. Hellenic has issued an order di
i'ecting clergymen and magistrates to
encourage marriages between negroes
and to prevent as far as possible the
commerce of that people as man and
wife where the matrimonial rites have
not been solemnized.
The mill where Henry Clay, when a
boy, used to ride, with his meal bags, is
still standing and performing its old
work. It is about three miles north of
Ashland, on the Fredericksburg Rail
road, and about nineteen miles from
Richmond. It escaped all injury from
the ravages of war.
Gen. Wilson has ordered the exten
sive prison stockade and graveyard at
Andersonville to be enclosed by a fence,
and the book containing a list of names
and description to be kept for the infor
mation of relatives and friends, there
being over 14,000 Federal dead at this
noted place.
Amos Kennall, who in his old age,
amassed a fortune by investing in tele
'graphic stocks, has devoted the sum of
$50,000 to the erection of a Baptist
church in Washington city as a memor
ial to his deceased wife, who was a mem
ber of that denomination. Mr. Kendall
retired from General Jackson's adminis
tration poor, but now, at the age of
eighty, enjoys an income of $40,000 a
rak, n ro.,
doubled, or of blanlict, 01:1kI1,1 * .
shape of a pudding bag (A) o;'.-
size to cover the v:ater pitcher; Let it
be lined with gia%r/ muslin or 1;n -n to
prevent any fez getting into the water,
and covered outside with anything to
suit the fancy ; put a sufficient quantity
of ice in a pitcher of water to keep it
covered with this. Ice-water kept in
this way, and carried into your chamber
at night, furnishes you a cool drink in
the morning.
Or A dreadful accident took place on
Saturday night, on the Washington and
Philadelphia railroad, about six miles
this side of Wilmington. A soldier had
stretChed himself upon a seat, and find
ing himself cramped for room, put' his
feet out of the window, when a passing
train took off both legs, about four inch
es below the knees.
tar The Pennsylvania Central Rail
road Company having given $50,000 for
the foundation of a Pennsylvania Sol
dier's' and Sailors' Orphans' Dome, the
State has added $75,000, and this most
worthy institution will soon be a fixed
Or A. harmless-looking mattress, on
its way out from Canada, was ripped
open at St. Albans, Vermont, by the
inspector, and found to be crammed full
of broadcloth, hosiery, and other duti. ,
able articles.
oir It is said that discoveries have
been made in captured rebel documents
implicating prominent Northern men,
whose loyalty heretofore has not been
Cr President Johnson has recently
received a very threatening letter, mail
ed in Washington, which has been turn
ed over to the police authorities.
lair A call has been issued by. ,Simon
Cameron for a meeting of the Republi
can State Convention in Harrisburg, on
Wednesday, 19th of July.
air' Payne, the assassin of Secretary
Seward and family, is now said to have .
another name and is really a nephew of
Gen. Lee.
The Union Leagues of New Jer
sey have made extensive arrangements
to receive the soldiers of that State on
their return.
00' Miss Delia Webster, the well
known anti-slavery advocate, was burnt
out on her farm in Trimb:e county, Ky.,
late in May.
Cr The original Mrs. Bloomer, now
residing at Council Bluffs, Ohio, has ta
ken off the breeches.
Cir A beautiful cross, worth $l,OOO,
has been presented to Archbishop Mc-
Closlty, of New York.
A CARD TO IrivA tins. A Clergyman,
while residing in South America as a mission
ary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for
the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay,
Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs,
and the whole train of disorders brought on
by baneful and vicious habits. Great num
bers have been already cured by this noble
remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfOrtunate, I will send the re
cipe for preparing and using this medicine, in
a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it,
Free of Charge, Please enclose a post-paid
envelope, addressed to yourself. Address,
3m) New York. City.
IF You WA NT TO KNOW a little of every
thing relating to the human system, male and
female'; the causes and treatment of diseases;
the marriage customs of the world ; how to
marry well, and a thousand other things never
published before, read the revised and enlarged
edition of " MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a
curious book for curious people, and a good
book for every one. It contains 400 pages, 100
illustrations. Price, $1:50. ' Contents table
sent free to any address. Books may be had
at the book stores, or will be sent by mail,
post paid, on receipt of price. Address,
E. B. FOOTS, M. D., 1130 Broadway, N. Y.
MATRIMONIAL. Ladies and Gentlemen:—
If you wish to marry you can do so by addres
sing me. I will send you, without money and
without price, valuable information, that will
enable you to marry happily and speedily, ir
respective of age, wealth or beauty. This in
formation will cost you nothing and if you wish
to marry, will cheerfully assist you. All
letters strictly confidential. The desired in
formation sent by return mail, and no reward
asked. Please enclose postage or stamped en
velope, addressed to yourself. Address,
SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpoint, Kings Co.,
New-York: [4I-3m
ing and advice to those suffering with Seminal
Weakness, General Debility, or Premature
Decay, from whatever cause produced. Read,
ponder, and reflect Be wise in time.
Sent FREE to any; address, for the benefit
of the afflicted. Sent by return mail. Ad-
dress TAXES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway, N. Y
gentleman cured of Nervous Debility,
Premature Decay, and the effects of youthful
indiscretion, will be happy to furnish others
with the means of cure--free of charge. This
remedy is simple, safe and certain. For full
particulars, by return mail, please address
JOHN B. OGDEN, 60 Nassau-st., N. Y.
OLD EYES SLADE pamplilei di
reefing how to speedily restore sight and give
up spectacles, without aid of doctor or medi
cine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of TEN
cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, Id. D
feb4-Gm} 1130 Broadway, N. Y.
11Z . WHISKERS !—Those wishing a fine set
Of Whiskers, a nice Moustache, or a beauti
ful head of glossy Hair, will please read the
Card of Trios ! F. CitarmAn, in this paper..
- 3
C.' .'
N [III3ER SiTA REiz, ‘210,0 ,, .
Sn'Jscriplion PritT, 2i Cals prr Share,
- 113;r60p C . op:111, SO, 000
SII 11`rIS, 4.1 331),(100
Office of the Company, at J. A. Bigler 6
Co's Banking House, Harrisburg.
of Lancaster County, Pa.
JOHN A. BIGLER, Harri,sbuq,:, Pa
William H. Eagle, Marietta.
It. 1. Sloan, Alexandria. Virginia,
Col. S. 13. Thomas, Harrisburg . ,
Abm. H. Mussleman, Marietta,
James H. Smith, Franklin, Pa.,
James J. Martin, Philadelphia.
Wm. H. Trump, Philadelphia,
J. T. Carroll, New York.
DAVID ROTH, Agent, Marietta
Gait) &e.
The entire stock of one Gold and Silver
Watchfactoiy, Two Immense
Jewelry Establishment; One Silver
Plating Ware-house, One Gold Pen
And Pencil Maker,
The Goods are of fashionable styles and
most excellent workmanship, and are sacrifi
ced in this manner to relieve the proprietors
from embarrassment occasioned by a distract
ing civil war. It should be prominently sta
ted, also, that they are mostly of
and therefore peatly superior to the goods
imported front abroad and hawked abdut as
the cheapest ever sold. The simple duty on
imported goods and the lugh premiuniOn Gold
foreign bills are payable in gold,) amount
to more than the entire cost of many of the
articles offered by us to the public. To facili
tate'the sate "
will be charged for any article on our list, and
this sum the purchaser need not pay until he
knoutN what he to to get! This plan accords
with the method recently become so popular
for disp,sing of large stocks of Jewilry and
si uilar productions. _ _
The name of each article offered for sale
as "Gold Hunting Watch," "Gold Oval-Band
Bracelet," •"Pearl Breastpin and car-Drops,
"Hold Ed amelled Ring," "silver Plated Cake
Basket," &e., is written on a card and en
closed in a sealed envelope ; these envelopes
are then placed in a drawer and well mixed ;
then as an order is received, with twenty-five
cents for return postage and other charges,
one of the cards or certificates is taken at
random and sent by first mad to the customer,
who will see at once what he can get for One
Dollar. It he is pleased with his fortune he
can forward the money according to directions
on the certificate and secure the prize. If the
article awarded should be unsuited to the
purchaser—as for example, a set of Pearl Ear
Drops and Breastpin to a young man who
could not wear them, and had no • one to give
them to—we will send any other article on the
catalogue of equal price which may, he pre
ferred• Or if, for city mason, you choose to
venture no further, then you can let the mat
ter drop where it is and speed no more. Ex
amine carefully our Catalogue!
300 Gents' Patt.nt Lever Gold Hunting
Case. $5O to $2OO
300 Genii:, Detach'd Lever Gold Hunt
ing Case 40 175
400 Gents' Swiss Gold Hunting Case 30 100
200 Ladies' Gold Und Enameled ilunt-
ing Case. 30 80
40 0 Gents' Patent Lever Silver Hunting
Case. 30 90
400 Gents' Det. Lever Silver Hunting
Case, 30 S 5
300 Gents' Detached Lever Silver Open
Face, 20 50
300 Gents' Patent Lever Silver Open
Face. 25 GO
300 Gents' Swiss Silver. 18 40
300 Diamond Rings. $4O to 120
305 Gents' Diamond Pins. 20 100
5000 Cents' Gold and Enameled Fob
Chains. 3 40
3000 Gents' Califoinis. Diamond Pins. 3 15
3000 Gents' California Diamond Rings. 3 12
4000 Gents' Gold Vest Chains. 5 40
4000 Pair Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons 3 10
4000 Pair Gents' Gold & Enam. Sleeve
Buttons 3 10
6000 Sets Gents' Gold Studs. 3 S
SOOO Gents' Stone Set and Signet Rings 3 12
5000 Gents' Stone Set and Signet Enam.
Rings. 4 15
6000 Ladies' Gold Neck Chains. 5 . 50
4000 Gold Oval-Band Bracelets. 3 10
6000 Geld and Jet Bracelets. 8 12
5000 Gold and Enameled Bracelets. 8 15
3000 Gold Chatelain Chains. 8 30
5000 Pair Ladies' Gold Sleeve Buttons. 3
40(10 Pair Ladies' Gold Ena n. Sleeve -
Buttons. 4 10
8000 Solitaire Gold Brooches. 3 12
6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 3 12
5000 Gold Cameo and Pearl Ear-Drops 3 S
7000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava & Florentine Ear
Drops. 3 10
5000 Gold Thimbles. 5 10
10000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear
Drops. 3 10
10000 Miniature Lockets. 4 10
10000 Miniature Lockets-magic spring 8 25
10000 Plain Gold Rings. 4 12
10000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Gold & Jet 5 20
10000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl
&c., 5 20
10000 Ladies' Gilt and Jet Bracelets. 4 P 7
10000 Ladies' Gilt & Jet list Suppor
ters. 2 12
10000 Cups. $2 to 20
5000 Goblets. 3 12
10000 Pair Napkin Rings. 2 10
2000 Card Baskets. 4 'l6
3000 Cake Baskets. 5 20
4000 Castor Frames—Fomplete with bot
tles. 5 20
2000 Ice Pitchers. 10 20
6000 Pair Butter Knives. 3 8
5000 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladles. 2 8
1000 Engraved Pie Knives. 3 6
8000 Dozen Tea Spoons. per doz. 5 15
6000 Dozen Table Spoons. per doz. 8 24
6000 Dozen Dessert Forks. per doz. 7 25
6000 Dozen Table Forks. per doz. 8 30
12000 Gold Pens; Silver Exiention Hol
ders. $8 to $lO
12000 Gold PensAilver Mounted Hol-
8000 Gold Pens, Gold Mounted flol-
6000 Gold Pens with Gold Extension
Holders. 10 25
6000 Gold Pens, Gold Holders and Pen-
cils. 10 30
6000 Gold Pencils. 6 20
In all cases we charge for forwarding the
Certificate, postage, and doing the business,
the sum of Twenty-fire Cents, which must be
enclosed in the order. Five Certificates will
be sent for $1; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5;
sixty-five for SIQ; one hundred for $l5,
Throughout the Country to operate for us. A
large compensation will be paid. Send for
terms, &c., enclosing stamp.
3rn-in7 75 FULTUI 4 I STREET. Dr, Y
T.; L. , ;IR \.
- .50,000
1 111.:11o14,1 I;,
:;11 , 1 French Fancy
ever .SSOO,WILIa:I to be 50...1
out reserve. Everyone to here
something valuable.
Gents Gold Hunting Case Watches $,2,-.Sls;_jict,t,-1,,t.,,,0;:,-,,,,,
Ladies Gold Enanit'd Case Watches sFiii t . ,
Gents Hunting Case Silver Watches 35 1 ,,
Gents Gold Watches, double time 15 to
Gold-plated Watches in magic cases 35 t „ ‘ .,
Gold Plated Watches Enameled, fur L..
35 to 50,
Diamond Rings
Gold Vest and Neck Chains
Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4 to
Chased Gold Bracelets 5 to 1'
Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains 5 t„,.., '
Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4 to :
Lava and Florentine Brooches
Coral, Opal, and Emerald Brooches to
Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Flor., Ear Drops 4t, 3 ,'
Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops 4 t , h
California Diamond Breastpins 545, t ., : ,'
Gild Fob and Vest Watch Keys
Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3,
Solitare Sleeve Buttons, Stues, etc., :3to l'
Gold Thimbles, Pencils, etc., 4 to
Miniature Lockets 4 to•
Miniature Lockets--Magic spring s to '
Gold Tooth Picks, Crosses, etc., 3 to i
Plain Gold Rings, Chased Gold Rings 4 to l''
Stone Set and Signet Rings 3 to ,:'
California Diamond Rings Ito i '
Ladies' Jewelry in Sets—Jet and Gold 6 to 1
Ladies' Jewelry in sets, Cameo & Pearl, 4tp :,'
Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holder & Pelt::
4 to 10,
Gold' Pens and Gold Mounted Holders 5 till,
Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders fit° I'',
Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 20 to
Silver Castors, Fruit and Cake Baskets 251 0 .5 r,
Silver Tea and Table Spoons and Forks, p t ;
dozen 20 to;;,
Silver Plated Tea Pots and Coffee Urns 3-i t 05,.
Silver Plated lee Pitchers & Molasse s c ops
25 to GO.
See what the most popular and wdely cif.
culated periodicals say of our Establat •
From the "Dispatch" of February 25,1.0,.
We take pleasure in calling the attention 4
our readers to the announcement of
Devaugh & Co.'s Great Sale of Jewelry-,
Ware, and Fancy Goods, in our adver;isk
columns. We are personallly acquainted win
the members of this firm and know them
gentlemen of steiling worth and integrin,
Thor stock of goods, for variety and exte&,,
we have scarcely seen paralleled.
From the "Mirror of Fashion," elarchl,l
Messrs. Devaugh & Co.'s Great SaleofJew
elry, etc., opened on the Intik ult , and wt
venture to soy that no finer display of good,
was ever exhibited by any establishment is
this city. The ladies thronged their hazer
almost to suffocation, although the streets were
rendered nearly impassable by the mite
see v and slush. We predict for them a woz.
derful succeas.
From the "Ledger," February 28, 1565,
Our lady friends should visit the, extetb;;;
establishment of Messrs. Devaugh &
No. Maiden Lane, if they wish to
themselves with a sight which they will
remember, Such a profusion of elerar
Watches, Chains, Rirgs, Earrings. and, it
short, of Jewelry of every name, kind andlt.
scription, we never befora witnessed. The:
silver and plated ware is superb and abut'
lasts intothe shade the other splendid e:ia•
lisle resents which have long been the boast
our city. It is estimated that their stock b
worth not less than one million of donurs.
Send Twenty-Five Cents to us, and as so
as we receive it we will mail you a Cuntlea:,
showing what you are entitled to. If the ,Ll.
Vele or articles please you, send back the Ca
ttticate and One Dollar and we will fortva:
you the article, no matter how costly it 'may
be. if the arttele as not what you wish, state,
when you send the Certificate and dollar, wii:
other article of the same value you prefer ant
we will send it. If you wish more than one
Certificate send us $1 and we will send the;
for $2, eleven ; for $5,, thirty; for $lO, sixty;
for $l5, one hundred.
Agents are wanted in the Army and
every place. We have an immense stock
goods to dispose of, and need a large num'.
of Agents. Our terms to Agents are very li
eral and some even of our Ludy. Agents •
making from $5 to $2O a day- We gi
Agents 50 per cent. on all Certificates th
sell provided they remit not less than $1
Write your name and address distin
ly, and nay only what is necessary•
3m] ;5 Maiden Lane, New York.
Cheap Fertilizers.
rrIHE FERTILIZERS prepared by the A:
ricultural Chemical Company, [ a corn
pally chartered by the legislature of Yeansyl
vania with a capital of $250,000,] have tee'
proved in practice to be the cheapest,
profitable and best, for the Farmer, Garden.
and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated is
nures now offered in any market. The Col
patty's list embraces the following :
11 - )ABULETTE. This Fertilizer is comps
ot night soil and the fertilizing elements
urine combined, chemically and mechanical
with other valuable fertilizing agents and a
It is reduced to a pulverized condition, re
dy for immediate use, 804 without loss of I
highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties.
Its universal application- to all crops St
soils, and its durability and active qualms
are well known to be all that agricultul ,
can disire.
is largely composed of animal math'
such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair er.
wool, together with chemicals and inorgar..
fertilizers, which decompose the mass a n 11
tain the nitrogenous - elements.
It is a very valuable fertilizer for field cru:
generally, and especially for potatoes, ar ,
garden purposes.
Its excellent qualities. strength and chea
ness, have made it very popular with all ,
have used it.
ly phosphatic fertilizer, is particule:.. t
adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Diu: ,
Lawns and Flowers. It will promote
very vigorous and healthy growth of wooti:ri
fruit, and largely increase the quantity
perfect the maturity of the fruit. For V'
house and household plants and lloweri,
will be found an indispensable article to .v
cure their greatest perfection. It will preve
and cure diseased conditions of the peach 5:
grape, and is excellent for grass and lawn , ..
It is composed of such eldments as 10' T '
adapted to the growth of all kinds of crop
all kinds of soils.
The formula or method of combining 1 ,
constituent fertilizing ingredients have
ceived the highest approval of eminent 6°l
ists and scientific agriculturists.
11110SPHATE OF LIME. The Aericu
I - rat Chemical Company manufactua
Phosphate of Linie in accordance with a nea
and valuable formula, by which a very
rior article is produced, so far as to be alfar , !'
at a less price than other manufacturers chalr e '
Practical tests have proved that its value) ,
fertilizer, is equal to the beet Phasplot °
Lime in the market.
2 8
3 15
TERMS CASH.—AII orders of a Tan)
more, will be delivered at the railroad gado,:
and the wharves of shipment, free of
Cartage will he charged on all orders of ')
barrels or less. One Dollar per Ton atio
slice for cartage will be made on all sa!es
livered at the weeks of the Compauy,
nal Whsrf.
At Canal Wharf, ou the DelawAr : ,
Office, 413 i Arch St., Philade p!‘ja,
The Company's Phamphlet
bracing full directions for using the
Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when req''''
Mak-li 11, 1663.6rni
IL B. FITTS, General Agent