The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 13, 1865, Image 1

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Original, Genuine and
1 8./1 331=1.0.5X-A 4 '
or the Growth, Beauty and Preservation
OF 711 E 11d1 ft.
Price 75 Cents Per Bottle.
This preps
tion can ex
ibit living ev
mces of its
See Photo
•aph and read
rtiflcate of
Ire. William
tttrin—hair 5
mt and one
ich in length
-used Reeves
and certificate
of Mrs. L. M. Neil—hair FIVE feet in length
—using tho Ambrosia 18 months.
Her hair is four feet and ten inches in length
—the result of using Reeves' Ambrosia about
two years.
These photographs taken from life, have
been awarded to extend the knowledge of the
erite of this wonderful discovery. Hun&
eds have seen these ladies and heard the facts
rota their own lips.
Mrs. Maxwell's Testimonial.
New-York, December 23, 1862.
'Knowing positively that Reeves' Ambrosia
reduced a beautiful head_of hair for, Mrs.
izzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New-York, I
-as induced, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I
ieededsomething for my hair, it being short
nd thin; had used one half-dozen bottles
vhen I could plainly notice an increase in its
meth, strength and beauty. An experience
1 about two years has proved a complete
success. My halt is new, by measurement,
our feet ten inches in length, reaching nearly
to the floor. I have allowed my photograph
to proclaim the merits of
All enterprising DruggiSts have these
Photographs and keep for sale
rkPrhoeipal Depot, e Fulton-st., N. Y.
For sale in Marietta by DR. HINKLE.
Cc, M.
Corner of North Queen-St., and Centre
Square, Lancaster, Pa.
American and Swiss AVatehes
r, a1001,K.,
SPECTACLES in every style of
frame, and with glasses to snit
any Who need artificial aid. We have twen
ty years experience in this business.
Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, &c., stamped
with our name and warranted standard.
The best platedware in the United States
We warrant our best Table ware—Spoons
Forks ; &c.,—to wear ten years in daily use.
Rings, Pins, Sleeve Buttone, Studs and a va
nety of every article in this line.
Hair Jewelry made to order. Two hundred
styles, or samples, constantly on hand.
0. Repairing of Watches,, Clocks, Specta
cles or Jewelry, done neatly and promptly.
IL L. lt E. J. ZAIIM,
Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square,
Having removed to the Rooms formerly °tenpin
by Dr. Stventzel, adjoiritiNr , Spangler tr Pat
terson's Store, Market Street, where he is now
_ prepared to wait on all who may feel
disposed to patronize him.
in all branches car
ried on. TEETH Den
insertsd on the its
most approved
principles of Dental science. All operations
on the mouth performed in a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this rdeep, would afilt a continuation
of the lit r, nonage heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
13 — Ether administered to properpereone
First National Bank of Marietta
is now prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors meet weekly, on
Wednesday, for discountiand other business.
r:i'llank Roars : From 9A.srto3 c. M.
FL. BAKER, Scriviner. All kinds of
and e_ Legal instruments prepared with care
of ( 4 The
.ec ure Ye
hla •
riett R
in be4 ' Lind found at the Pthee
4 Bu between the Post Office Corner and
Front street.
Spangler lic Patterson's Store.
" 1 To t. •
)) 6TO7F. N.
ant lan+
°Ace in " LINDSAY'S BJILDING," second
floor, on Elbow Lane, between the Post
Qtace corner and Front street,
Marietta, Lancaster County, l'enn'a.
Single Copies, with, or without Wrappers,
ADVERT/SING RATES One squ.ere (10
lines, or teas) 75 cents for the first insertion and
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
fessional and Business etude, of six lines or less
at 145 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, ten cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, PREE ; but for any
additional lines, ten cent s a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly e ud half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN
TAIN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of " THE
MARIETTIAN," which will insure the f ne and
speedy execution of all kinds of Jon & CARD
PRINTING, from the smallest Cara to the
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices.
tout twenty
so C.
• 0)
Stick to the truth,
Come good or bad,
Success attends
A truthful lad.
Better be poor in goods and fame,
Than sacrifice an honest name.
Don't fear scorn
Of empty fools,
Nor sell your soul
To Fashion's rules.
A Kersey coat will keep you warm—
French cloth shrinks before a storm.
Be just in all
Your trades with men ;
Mankind are brothers
Well you lieu.
Do unto all as . unto you
You'd have your fellows abio do. •
Another thing—
Don't try with wine !
The red wine bides
A powder mine !
And by-and-by by some luckless mode,
The ticklish bombshell may explude.
Be true to love,
If rich or poor,
It matters not,
Don't give it o'er I
Marriage without due reverence
la like a field without a fence.
Be kind to all
Of low degree ;
Keep in thy breast
Much charity.
A poor man's blessing counteth more
Than all the treasures miser's store.
Go on in faith,
Hold fast the right--
And you shall have,
'Gainst age's night,
Riches laid up on fortune's shelves,
For God helps those who help them
• selves.
a RUSS upast 1.1)t S 4.
Let poets sing of Eastern climes
And golden sunset hours,
Of shady nooks
And babbling brooks,
Of moonlit orange bowers ;
Yet still to me
More sweet shall be—
A joy no wealth can buy—
A pair of pouting, cherry lips,
To kiss upon the sly. •
Oh, let theta build their lofty rhyme
As high so e'er they may;
But give me etill
If so you will,
Another word to say :
Now here's to all,
Tall, fat, or small,
I vow I'd rather die
Than miss the blies that's in the kiss
When taken on the sly.
No ApoLoargs.—A droll story is rela
ted of an honest old farmer, who, in at
tempting to drive home a bull, got sud
denly hoisted over a fence. Recovering
himself, he saw the animal on the other
side of the rails, sawing the air with his
head and neck, and pawing the ground.
The good old man looking steadily at
him a moment, exclaimed : "Darn your
apologies ; you needn't stand there you
tarnal critter, bowin' and scrapin'—you
did it a purpose, darn your curly pie
sr A Greek maid, being asked what
fortune she would bring her husband,
replied : "I will bring him what gold
cannot purchase—a heart unspotted, a
virtue without stain, which is all that
descended to me from my parents."
iao V.ight
3,11 l'ukyalVtut Vomvitatuia ' . .eurtiat for te Noint tirtJt.
A Letter from a Illariottian in Now-Mexico
Friend Baker :—With the exception
of one stray paper, I' have not seen a
copy of your journal for several months
past. Who is to blame for this, is more
than I can tell. Our newspapers are
often buried on the road to kiieir mail
carriers from freezing—often are thrown
aside by the bagful!, as to burdensome
to carry in bad weather; and are al
ways made to give way to passengers.
Mr. Comanche, Mr. Kioway, Mr. Apa
ches, and other copper colored gentle.
men, may be in fault ; but I want my
papers, the Mearorrax especially. It is
as good to me, in some respects, as a
Photographic Album of my friends, and
in some respects better. Its advertise.
ments call up the lineaments of far dis
tant friends as well as the liniments of
strange doctors. Every item reminds
me olsoine one whom I should like to
see and who, I fondly hope, would as
gladly meet with me. Your business
notices are as good as so many many
letters—l know by them who is living
in prosperity, and what they are "up to" ;
and as to marriages—don't talk—l read
them with more avidity than a boarding
school Miss, who hopes that her time
will come next. Why don't every busi
ness man advertise ? True, it would
cost him a little, bat only think, aside
from the gain in business resulting
therefrom, of the pleasure, his name
heralded to the world as one of the
great workers of the human family, ana
not as a drone in the hive.
Here, in the mid-west, we advertise
very generally ; (I call this the "mid
west," as the "far west" is Some thou
sand miles west of here)'; and we feel
the advantage of it more and more as
we continue the practice ; and yet this
country is not thickly settled with a
reading population as is the case in old
Pennsylvania. Probably you have of
ten wondered, what sort of country is
New Mexico ? It would require a good
sized book in which to describe it to
you. It is so different from any you see
in the east that no comparisons can be
drawn. Everything is in contrast with
what you see in the old home country.
Albuquerque is a very old town—was
sailed 'Defoe° Pittsburg, Pa., and it• is
yet a village and a frontier town. The
Rio Grande, that washes the western
suburb of the town is as far west as an
unarmed person can go with safety,—
once across that stream, and the mur
derous Navajo is lurking for you. To
the east stretches a sandy plain, for fif
teen miles, to a high range of mountain;
which are the faiorite haunts of • e
Apache, than whom a more cruel di
an never lived. "How do we manage
to live here ?" you ask. As generations
before us have done;'we risk it, and
ever and anon some unfortunate one
pays the penalty with his life.
One river traverses the entire length
of this Territory from North to South,
a distance of about four hundred miles ;
and along this river most of the inhabit
ants live, and fromits waters draw their
sustenance. It is the Nile of New Mex
ico, although our advantages are not de
rived from its overflow ; but its waters,
drawn oat in numerous ditches (called
here, acequias,) moisten the land to fit
it for cultivation, and irrigate the grow
ing crops, at the expense of a vast
amount of labor. We have but little
rain here, and what little does fall is not
depended on as any aid to the farmer.
We raise here ail the staple grains of
the east, such as corn, wheat, &a., in
great abundance ; plenty of vegetables,
except potatoes, which "grow small,"
and fruits of various kinds, of an inferi
or quality. We have melons, also, but
our great boast, in the way of luxuries,
is our vineyards. Grapes, grapes, grapes,
till you can't swallow another one i and
such native wine ! It is impossible not
to be a wine-bibber in this land of
Alboquerque is on the great highway
from the north and east to the new gold
fields of Arizona, our sister , Territory.
We have vast mineral resources within
our own borders, but they are yet nude:
veloped, and must remain so till the In
dian war, that we have on our hands, is
brought to a favorable conclusion. Then
the riches of our dark cannons will be
brought, to light, and streams of wealth
be poured into the lap of the nation.
The invasion of this Territory, by the
Texans, in 1862, greatly crippled the
entire business community here. Some
lost all they had, and fell, perhaps never
to recover ; others struggled on, after
the enemy was driven off, and are now
beginning to see through the dark cloud
that hovered around them. I, for one,
was one of the severest sufferers. Pre-
vious to Sibley's raid I counted my
gains by thousands, but awoke to find
them reduced to hundreds. It was
enough to discourage any one, but it was
not my fault, my countries enemies bad
despoiled me ; so I took "Nil Desperan
dm." for my motto, and am now weath
ering the storm.
We are awaking here to the advan
tages of internal improvements, and be
fore long I hope to see much done to
wards developing the resources of the
Territory. A bridge, four hundred and
fifty feet long, is.under way at this place,
on the road to Arizona ; and' many gen
tlemen are canvassing the project of
starting a woolen factory near here.
This last would certainly be a paying
speculation, as wool of a coarse quality
oan be bought to any amount at from
twelve to fifteen cents a pound. Large
quantities . are bought here at that price
and freighted east, at a cost of five cents
per pound, manufactured there into
cloth, blankets, and socks, and returned
here, at a cost, for freight, of eighteen
cents per pound ; making a cost of twen
ty-three cents per pound and all the
trouble of transfer, and per tentage of
buying and selling, over and above the
cost hereof the raw material. There
are twelve thousand Indians and at least
one, thousand troops here that the gov.
ernment has to supply iu blankets,
coarse cloth, flannel for shirts, socks,
&c., that could be made here as well as
at the east. This is aside from the citi
zen market. A good common blanket
is worth six dollars, and common wool
socks, one dollar and twenty-five cents
a pair in this Territory to-day.
The following are the retail prices of
several leading articles in this market :
Prints from 5C,t to 75 cts. per yard.
Brown domestics, 50 to $l.OO per yard
Bleaches " - 50 to $1.25 per yard
Kentucky Jeans $l.OO to 1.50 " "
Sugar - 50 to 75 per pound.
Coffee $1.25 "
Tea (good quality) $3.00 "
Whisky (common) $6.50 to 7.00 per gal
Candles (star) 75 per pound.
Corn $3.20 " bushel.
Flour $16.00 " 100 lbs.
Thus you see, things are pretty high,
generally ; but we expect a fall in the
prices of many articles as soon as our
spring supplies arrive from the East.
I have made this letter much longer
than I intended. At a future day I may
give you an account of our ways of doing
business, our amusements, the customs
of society, &c. Yours,
"Sic SEMPER TYRANNIS,"—This famil•
iar classical quotation, now memorable
for all time, from its application by the
assassinator of President Lincoln, is va
riously rendered, but the literal transla
tion is, "Thus always with Tyranny."
The quotation as used by the assassin
bad a peculiar significance—it is the
motto of the State of Virginia. from
,which source vengeance might be expec
ted to proceed. The seal of that State
represents the genius Freedom, with sa
bre in hand, and one foot on the pros
trate form of Tyranny ; lying by are the
severed shackles, and the broken sword
of the despot, and above the expressive
sentence, "Sic Semper Tyrannis." The
shackles, indeed have been severed,
thousands of freedmen in Virginia will
mingle their lamentations over the l!dar
tyred Champion of Freedom—and there
is the broken sword, lying on many a.
gory field drenched with the blood of
tyrants. "Sic Semper Tyrannis !"
BinnacatT.—There is something as
beautiful as sublime in the hush of mid
night. The myriad quiet sleepers, lying
down each their life burden, insensible
alike to joy or sorrow ; helpless alike—
the strong man as the infant; and over
all the sleepless Eye; which since the
world began has never lost sight of one
pill Owed head. Thoughts like these
come to us in out wakeful night hours,
with an almost painful , intensity. Then
eternity only seems real, and every day
like a fable. But morning comes, and
the stir and hum of life chase these
thoughts away, as the sun dries up the
dew drops, which like our thoughts, per
formed their reviving mission ere they
Rebel Brigadier General Jones
writes from Fort Warren to Senator
Ranney, on the assassination of the
President, as follows :
trust in God that, no responsible
southern man; when• all is brought to
light, will be found in , any way acces
sory to the hellish erime, but on the
contrary that all will feel. the utter ab
hoirenee of the act which it meets hem
all men.” ' • ; . .
Ornamental Women
The modern system of education for
girls is calculated so turn out upon so
ciety about as worthless an article o
women as it is possible to imagine.
They come forth from oar fashionable
schools perfectly innocent of all ideas
of usefulness, and without the first qual
ification for those responsible duties in
life it is reasonable to expect they may
be called upon to discharge. IF fortun.
ate (or unfortunate) enough to marry
rich, and she can turn over to °there
those domestic duties which every wo
man ought thoroughly to understand,
perhaps the case is not quite so—bad.
We hold that every young woman ought
to learn the art of housekeeping in all
its branches, and be able to make every
article of her own clothing, with perhaps
the exeeption of shoes, hoops and hat.
The chances are ninety-nine in a hund
red that this knowledge would prove of
vastly more benefit to her in after life
than a smattering of French, music or
drawing. A thorough knowledge of our
own language and its literature, is about
as much as most women can encompass
in this life, especially if they • would
amount to any certain sum as wives and
mothers. — There are but few men whose
circumstances will warrant a life-long
alliance with an ornamental women.
Girls are not to blame for this false sys
tem of training ; it is the mothers who
are responsible. They suffer their Mol
lies and Sallies to gad the streets, and
grow up in idleness, thinking that if
their little dears attend school and get
their lessons well, it is all that should
be required of them ; and hence they
enter upon, the great world, dolls and
nothing more.
FulmnanNrs.—Questions requiring no
answers :
Oen a man b; a good chandler if he
makes wick-ed candles ?
Is it stealing for a person to take a
How do chiropodists differ when they
are sober and tight ? When sober, they
are corn doctors ; when tight, they are
.corned doctors.
What is the difference between chir
opodiets and liquor? One doctors corns
and the other corns doctors.
How does Hamlet resemble the dev
il ? Because he could a tale (tail) un
Why are authors , perfect beings ?
Because they do nothing but right (write.)
Georgy and the*Minister :
Minister.—Georgy, where's your sis
ter Minnie?
tireorgy.=Gone to Heaven, sir.
Minister.— What, is she dead ?
Georgy.—No, sir; she went to buy
some matches.
Minister.—Why, you said she'd gone
to Heaven.
Georgy.—Well ; you said, last Sunday,
matches were made in Heaven, so
thought eho went up there to buy some.
W. T. S
Mercury is parent to the following truth
ful paragraph : "We receive at this of
fice thirteen daily newspapers, and from
sixty to eighty weeklies, all of which we
make it a point to read. From this+
mass and labyrinth of matter we careful
ly select such articles, items, gems, and
tit-bits as comprise the miscellany of our
columns.—Each editor acts upon this
principal; hence, each individual paper
is an epitome of the whole ; and in pro
portion to the extent of the editor's
gemenecontains the quintescence of
the whole. It requires more talent to
make good selections than it does to
write a good leader; hence, we imagine
that the popularity of a paper depends
to a great extent on its selections. The
editor is a fool who imagines he can
write better on all subjects than any of
his contemporaries. We all have our
specialities—some peculiar gift—in
which perhaps we may excel many oth
ers. It is the art of combining these
gifts, and culling their choicest gems,
that makes the readable, eagerly-Bought
for, splendid journal. Such is our idea
of what a good paper should be ; bat,
bless us, how few of ns "VI the bill."'
• fig• A. John Bull conversing with an
Indian asked him if he knew. that the
sun never sets on the Queen's dorsin
ions. "No," said the Indian. "Do yori
know the reason why ?" asked John.
"Because God is afraid to trait an En
glishman in the dark," was the dusky
savage'S reply.
Gar Let as so order oar conversation
in the'world that we may live when we
are dead in the affections of •the best,
arko4ve an honornble-testimpny iu the
consciences of the worst.
VOL. XI.-NO. 40.
One Hundred Years Ago
One hundred years ago there was not
a single white man in Ohio, Kentucky,
Indiana, or Illinois territories. Then,
what is now the most flourishing part of
America, Ras as little known as the
Mountains of the Moon. It was not
until 1769 that the hunter of Kentucky,
the gallant and adventurous Boone, left
his home in North Carolina to become
the first settler of Kentucky. The first
pioneer of Ohio did not settle till twen
ty years after that time.
A hundred years ago Canada belonged
to France, and the whole population of
the United States did not exceed a mil
lion and a half of people.
A hundred yeats ago, the great Fred
erick of Prussia was performing those
great exploits which have made him im
'mortal in military annals, and with -his
little monarchy, was sustaining a single
handed contest with Russia, Austria,
and France, the three great powers of
Europe combined.
A hundred years ago, the United
States were the most loyal of the British
Empire; and on the political horizon no
speck indicated the struggles which,
within a score of years thereafter, estab
lished the great republic of the world.
A hundred years ago, there were bat
four newspapers in America—with a
combined circulation notexceeding 3000.
Steam engines or cylinder or presses
had not been imagined, and railroads
and telegraphs had not entered into the
remotest conceptions of man. When
we come to look back at it through the
vista of history, we find that the centu
ry which has passed has been allotted
to more important events in their bear
ing upon the happiness of the world,
than almost any other event that has
happened since the creation.
A hundred years hence, who can fore-,
tell our developments and national
greatness ?
The Punctual Nan
Mr. Higgins was a very punctual man
in all his transactions through life. He
amassed a large fortune by untiring in
dustry and punctuality, and at the ad
vanced age of ninety years was resting
quietly on his bed, and calmly waiting
to be called away. He had deliberate
ly made almost every arrangement for
his decease and burial.
His pulse grew fainter, and the light
of life seemed just flickering is its sock
ets, when one of his eons observed—
"Father, you will probably live but a
day or two ; is it not well for you to
name your bearers ?"
"To be sure; my son," said the dying
man ; "it is well thought of, and I will
do it now."
. He gave the names of six, the usual
number, and sank back exhausted upon
his pillow.
A gleam of thought passed over his
-ithered features like a ray of light, and
he rallied once more. "My son read the
list. Is the name of Mr. Wiggins
there ?"
"It is, father."
"Then strike it off 1" said he, emphat
ically, "for he was never punctual—was
never anywhere in season, and he might
hinder the procession a whole hour !"
. lir "Poor Dick ! how sadly he has al
'tared since his marriage !" remarked
one friend to another. "Why, yes, of
course," replied the other, "directly a
man's neck is in the nuptial noose, every
one must see that he's a haltered pers
far "They talk of running Old Pete
for President next time," remarked
Jenkins to Muggins the other day, with
a knowing look.--" Pete who ?" "Pete
Relearn," answered Jenkins,walking off
at a rapid pace.
gar A younelady down East adver-
Lind for the young man who "embraced
an opportunity," and Bays "that if he
will come over to their own town he
can do better."
r Governor Blaisdell, of Nevada, is
six feet and four inches in height.
When the legislature is not in session
they use him for a telegraph pole.
sir Why is it natural that a young
lady having seven lovers should desire
to add another, to the list ? .Because
all ladies wish to fasten eight (fascinate).
GrA barnacle nosed' fallow gave as a
reason :for taking his • liquor clear, that
sinceotto flood, water had olways tasted
of einnars.
i 5117 Oil and Truth uppermost
at last: