The ,Drug Store opposite the POST OFFICE, Where Gold, Silver and Greenbacks ARE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR ~i i < will 01 That all'who have tested it, pronounce it the best Wringer ever made; That it will wring anything from a thread to a bed quilt without alteration ; We might fill the paper Alwith testimonials, 'hut insert only a few to convince the skepti ,cal, if s uch there beg and we Pay to all, test 'Putnam's Wringer. Test it thoroughly with any and ALL others, land if 1101 entirely satisfactory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co : • GENTLEMEN : I know from practical expert -Ace that iron•ui,ellsalvaniged ; with.zinc-wiliriot oxiiiiie" rust one' panicle.' The Putnam 'Wringer is as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfulty recommend it to be the best in use. Respectfully yours. Cleveland, Ohio. .Many years' experience in the galvanizing basiness,enable,me to indorse the,above 4tate--1 menti iif-aliptirticistars. -I ' 4 /fi t , I Jr.°. C. LEFTERTs,.IOO Beekman St New York, January, 1564. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer :by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no room, whether at work or at rest; a child can operate it ; it does its duty thoroughly; it time and it saves wear and tear. • We earnestly advise all who have much washing do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to buy this Wringer. It will pay for it- Self in a year at most. HORACE CREELS. PRIQESSB,,.S9., and Sample, Wringer seritand'expresa .pa4l' on receipt of price. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and ye ail, tby*thie.i, , PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Platt street,' New York, Bennington, Vermont,. •i Cleveland, Ohia. ' LMay'2B,- 9 64.. ly. E.MONoI). Pens to snit the hand, and prices to snit the Pocket. ()N receipt of ,theifollowing. sums, we will send, by mitil„"or a / s &Acted' n Gold Pen or Pens, selecting the same accarditr to de scription, namely: Gold :..- Gases with Pencils. • 9 , 9 02 0 0 0. N 0 10. -c44,1 For $l, No. 2 Pen; for $1:25, No. 3 Pen ; for $1:50, No. 4 Pen;. for $2.,.N0. 5 perti for,,• $2:25, Nd " Oen.. ' • MI These pens are stamped THE IMPERIAL PEN, and,ure Well, finished and:fine _writing GOLD PENS, with good arldum points, al though they are unwarranted, and cannot be exchanged. %VARRAtTtIYGOLb 714148. OUT name ( AMERICAN GOLD PEN Co., N. Y., ), is starnpefl . .qn all our lst Iquailty•pens, and the Points 'are wah'rtinted Tot 'six Months, except against accident. Cur second QUALITY Pens, are ,starape4 THE with the.iiiitiala drotti'llhrf It, P.' Co., ) and are carefully made, having the same points as our first, quality. Pens, pievnly great difference being In the quality of the Gold. :Gold Pens, Ist and 2d quality in Sol id Silver Extension Cases, with Pencils. For $2:00 a No. 1 pen Ist quality, or a No. 2 :pen 2d quality. ,For $2:25 a No. 2 pen Ist quality, or a No. 3 pen 2d quality. For $2:25 a No. 3 pen first quality, or a No. 4 pen 2d quality. For S3:SU a No. 4 peu Ist quality, or a No. pen 23 quality. ,For $4:50 a , No: 5 p'64'l4 - quality,.or - al'is - O. 6 ;pen 2d rfualifY For $5:50 a No. 6 pen Ist quality. The same Gold Pens, 'Gold-Plated Ebony Desk Holder's: and Morocco • Cases. For $2:25 a No. 3 pen 1.4 quality, or a No. 4 pen 2d quality. .For $2:50 n No. 4 pen Ist quality, or a No. 5 'pen 2d quality. . For $3:.,2p a' No. 5 pen)lStiquality, or ti pen 2d quality. For $4:00 a No. 6 pen Ist quality. For $5:50 a NoiI:PCP4 - .No: 8:: !Phu: : Foi $12:00 a No. 12 pen : all first quality. Our pens rank t ,throughotit t the: r country as eqbal if not superior to'llay'gold"pens' menu 'factored. Not only for their writing qualities put durability and elegant finish. Tlicgieat est care is used in their manufacture, and none are sold with the slightest imperfection Which skill can detect. Parties in ordering must specify the, name, Number and quality in all' ii;Stances and whether still' or limber, eoarse•or..fine. TO Clill`BS ' A. discount of 12 per cent. will be allowed en , sums,of4ls, if - sent to one address, at one time; 15 per cent. on $25; 20 per cent. on • All remittances by mail, REGISTERED, are at our risk. To all who enclose 20 cents ex• tra' for registering, we guarantee the safe de• livery of the goods Circulars of all ourmew.styles,,with "gngra tings of exact sizes, and prices;"sent Ilion re ceipt of stamp, if desired.. ~ Yens ile?poiqted for 50 cents, by mail(' - STATIUNEEs aad JEWELERS are requested 'to correspond with us as we can offer them GREAT INDUCEMENTS. Address. AMERICAN GOLD ,PEN - po., '3m] • No. 200 Broadway, N. Y ~ AN IMPROVEII LANTERN. , THIS is the most . itfeairable Lantern in the .1_ market. It . . burns Coal Oil without -a Chimney. eniitting'neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light. It standsAu i i,ck motf,ensip.any,4riection., The 'lathe iSl 9 egfilated front the out6iire." ; It is neat aud i .ewpae l titt fpxtri...,sel t sife Ar It is•fred ftotii sobihrgnlthelup)betvpartWa ds otherwise very substantial in its structure iP GA,. ONE ;D.OLD-Allt u For sale at JOHN - SPAjsiGLEIVS, Hardware Stare'oh Makk'eli•kee 4.r, rf4l - 11 ..1 'VI ? . .3 gowARIPA ,sil i , !HATTON, l aitJta. • P ILADELPFITA, PA, messes of the w N ( efvps,,, ; Semirp#l, Urinary :,siad Sexual Systems—new and reliable treat -1 Ifient—in ,Iteneyts o ,tpe Alward AssocAatio t n. Sent by mail) in , ikaded'llettell en3d4 apes, free of 'charge. Address, Da. J. S.xxrairr Hounkr • TON, HOWack#,MMipAyo.ippOyth i lSTinth Meet, Pnliadqfpina, Pa. '..." ' , PGEIVS Celebialed•R'etirritement and ' " cil,lyiste Blacking at , , i t •• ••• , t THE Gor-DEk iltiltTgli: - " ' THE PHCENIX PECTORAL; or, Compound Syrup of Wild Chem WILL CURE THE DISEASES OF THE Erlarcpat cfc Such as Colds, Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore „Throat, hoarseness, Whooping Cough, 6.c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT Pulmonary Consumption, And even where this tearful disease has taken hold it wilt afford greater . relief than any other medicine. Miss I.l."ate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says: "I was benefited using the .Phoenix Pectoral than , any pther medicine I ever.used." _ Puss iOherholtzer, of Lionville,. Chester county, was . cured,of a cough . of many years' standing using the Phceoix Pectoral. ; Jodeptk,Lukens, of liallstreet, Phoenixville; certifies that he was cured of a cough of two velir&,standing, when alL.other medicines had failed, b;, the use of the 'Phoenix Pectoral. . Jacob /. Vowers,certnienthat he.has sold bun dreiln Or bottles of the ,Pbcenix , Pectoral, and, that esti who.,osed it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in caring-cougns. , , , • d c ,tip Boyer, editor, the ...l . ndependeig Phcent.r, 'u.sed it, 'has •no, besitatipn pitinouncifg i it.a. complete remedy for cough, lloarieuesdland n irritation ,the, throat. . . The'West Chester Jecrsonian says : "We thave•known ;llr Oberholtzer personally, a nin t riber.of years, and it•gives us . the,. greater pleasure to reeommend his medicines, inas much as Ahcopubl,ie rarely have the : benefit 4 of family medieines j prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. Dr a member of the. AlUmni of the 'Medical Pepartment of the, University of Pennsylvania, at which institution liegrad uated ,in, 1854." • The Beading . Gazette . saYs: "This ,Cough remedy is .made .by Dr. L. Oherholtzer, of Phcenigville, Pa., and it has acquired an unt surpassed,reputation in curing coughs. It is carefully an d. ; prepared from Wild Cherry ; Bark end Seneka Snake Root.", Dr. Cep: B. Wood, Professor ,of the Practice of Medicine; in the ll,niversity, of Pennsy vania, Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospit al, and ene of the authors of the United States Dispensatory ; says of Seneka Snake ; ,Root "Its,action isespecially directed to the langs.'" , The proprietor of this Medicinelias so infieli confidence its curative 'powers, item' the- testimony' of hundreds who have used4t, -that the 'money will be paidback to any purchaser who is 'not satisfied with , its effects. JICO. W. WHEELER It is so pleasant to - take that 'children 'cry for it:'' IteOsts'only TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Itii'intedded for only one class of diseases, namely, those of the Throat and Lungs. L Prepared only by , . • . , LEVI 013.ERHOLTZER, M. D., • Phmnixville, Pa. Sold by all priiggists and Storekeepers. - . JOI3NSTON, DOL LO WAY St : CO W DEN, No. 23' Mirth Sixth Sztreet, Philadelphia, — . General Wholesale AgtntS; N.'l3.—ff your nearest druggist item keepei: does not keep this medminedo not let Mai mil you off with 'some other . ` medicine, because he makes more money-omit, but sou p . at once to One of the agents for it, f3lll Far.sateln Marietta by Landis & Trout and Jay Libhait. • A GRICULTURA.I. , CIIBMICAL COMPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. HE FERTILIZERS prepstred by the Ag-, sricultUral Chemical Company, a com pany.chartered hy,the legislature of ik.ennsyl -itania with a capital of $250,000,] have been proyeA in practice to be the cheapest,. most profitable and best, for the Farmer,. Gardener And Fruit Grower, 01 all concentrated ma nures now offered in - any market.. The,Com patty's list embraces the., folldWing IDA BULETTE. • This Fertilizer is composed I - of night soil_ and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically . with other, valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. it is, a pulve:tized. condition, rea- Ay, for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing prOperties. • Its universal application to t crops and soils, and its durability and .active qualities, are well known .to be all that agriculturists can dialie. Parce,s3o PER TOlf. CIHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilizer j is • largely .6omp'osed. ; of •ardent matt*, such as meat, bones ilah.:leather, hair , ane wool, together with ehe,rnic,s,ls, and inorganic fertilizers; - Whieh , deCorOPose"theMiais, and're tiin the nitrogenous , elements. his a very,.valuable- fertilizefforifiekd crops generallY, and especially for,, potatoes, and garden purposeS. Its excellent qualities, strength and 'cheap ness, have made it vcry popular with all, who have used it. • Price, $4O PER Torr. ' OMPOSPRE • FERTILIZEIt: This high ly phosphatic fdrtilizer,"'is particulurly adapted for .the cultivation .of Trees, Fruits; Lawns' and Flowers. It Will • promote a very vigorous and healthy"groWth of Wood and fruit, and .largely increase the quantitY and perfect the maturity of, the, fruit. For hot house and hOnsehold -plants and 'flowers, it iyill be found an indispensable article to se— cure their greatest, perfection. It will prevent and epic diseased conditions of the iMacli and grape, and is excellent for grass•and lawns. it is comp osed , of auch; elements as make it adapted to the growthmf all kinds of crops in 'all kinds of soils.. . in, Solid Silver . The formula Or niethod combining its constituent' fertilizing ingredients. 'have re-- ti ceived the highest approval of eminent chem ists and scienti c- agriculturists. , Price PER TON. , , PHOSPHATE OP LIME. The Agricultu, ral Chemical Company manufacture '4 Phosphate of Limc iwacconlance - with a new' and valuable formula, by Which a very suPe rim' article is produced, so far . as to be afforded' at a less price than other munufacturer.s charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, its a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in themarket. price $65 PER: I,UN. TE.RDLS CASH.—AII orders of a Ton, or more, will be delivered at the'r ailroad - stations and the wharves of shintrient,Tree•of cartage. Cartage w.lll be charged - elf all orders of six barrels.onless. One Dollar Torralle* , ance for cartage will, be made on all.sales de livered at the wells of the'''Conipaiiy, on Ca nal Wharf. ; - • I ' AGRICTATURAL CCi:'S 'WORRS; At:Cariat'Wharf, on the Dela Ware.. OPT, 413 i ifich St., Philadelphia, R. B..F.T.TTS, General'. Agent. The Conipan - soe Phamphlet Circular, em bracing •full ' directions for - using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested. March 11, 1865-Gm] WOULD most respectfully take this means of inforkihg his friends andthe public generally: that he has commenced the drawing of DEFIDS .. NLORTGAGES ' t JUD,tMEYhTS,, and in Aist..everything;in the,donVEYA.NPI,NO . Tine. ; paving gratuitous ; intercourse with member of the Lancaster Bar,,he will,be.ena bledj instruments _of writing. with'ancuracy,,v „ l He can be found at.the