The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 22, 1865, Image 2

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    Zito ttatitttiatt.
.91-/vea .9 .9 ,1 81J.
append below numerous items on this
most diabolical murder. Everything
concerning the murder and the- murder
ers appears to be sought after, hence,
we devote a large space in, our columns
for this purpose :
It appears that in consequence of pub
lic announcement in the papers that
President Lincoln, General Grant, and
other distinguished, gentlemen were to
be present at Ford's Theatre on Friday
evening legit,. Gen. Grant was not in
the city and. in order. not to disappoint
the expectations of , the public, Mr. and
Mrs. Lincoln ? —both rather reluctantly,
for Mrs. Lincoln was unwell—went.
The theatre was crowded, and during
the third act, and while there was , a tem
porary pause for one of the actors to en
ter, the sharp report of a pistol was
heard, which merely attracted attention,
but suggested nothing serious, until a
man rushed to the front of the Presi
dent's box, waving,a long dagger in his
right hand, and exclaiming "Sic Semper
Tyrannis:" and immediately leaped
from the box, to the stage beneath, and
ran across to the opposite side, thus
making hie escape, amid the bewilder
ment of the audience, from the rear of
the theatre, and, mounting a horse, fled.
The screams of Mrs. Lincoln first die
closed the fact to the ,audience that the
President had been shot, when all pres
ent rose to their feet, rushing toward
the stage, many exclaiming "Hang him l
hang him I"
The excitement was of the wildest
possible description, and, of course, there
was an abrupt termination of the theat
rical performance.
On a hasty .examination it was found
that the President had been shot through
the head, above and back of the tempor
al bone, and that some of the brain was
oozing out.
On an examination of the private box
blood was discovered oa the back of the
cushioned rockingcliair on which the
President bad been sitting, also on the
partition and on the floor. A. common
single-barreled pocket pistol was found
on the carpet. ,
When•the excitement at the theatre
was at its wildest height, reports were
circulated that Secretary Seward, had
also been assassinated.
On reaching that gentleman's resi
dence, a crowd and a military guard
were found at the door and on entering
it was ascertained that the reports were
based upon truth. •
About ten o'clock a man rang the
bell, and the call having been answered
by a colored servant, he said he had
come from Dr. Verdi, Secretary Sew
ard's familrphysician, with a prescrip
tion, at the same time holding in his
hand a small piece of folded paper and
saying, in answer to a refusal, that he
mast see the Secretary, as he was in
trusted with a partieular direction con
cerning the medicine:''
He still insisted on going up, although
repeatedly informed that no one could
enter the chamber. The man pushed
the servant aside and walked quickly to"
the Secretary'e room, and was there met
by Mr. Frederick W. Seward, of whom
he demanded to see the Secretary' mak
ing the same representation which he
did to the servant.
What farther 'passed in the way of
colloquy is not known, but the man
struck Mr. F. Seward on the head with
a billy, severely injuring his skull,, and
felling ha almost senseless. The as
sassin then rushed into the chamber and
attacked Major Seward, Paymaster in
the United States Army, and Mr. Han
sill, a messenger of the State Depart
ment, and two male nurses,. disabling
them all. He ; then rushed upon the
Secretary, who,wes lying in bed in the
same room, and inflicted three stabs in
the•neck, and would have killed him on
the spot,had he not rolled out of bed
upon the floor. •
The assassin then rushed down stairs,
mounted his horse at , the door and rode
off before:an alarm • could be sounded,
and in the same manner of the assassin
of the President.
There are good grounds for belief
that high secessionists in Washington
and Baltimore are at-the bottom of this
great crime.
At last accounts Mr. 5, was sitting
up in bed and doing tvell, whilst F. W.
Seward has had his skull trepnntied and
is now conscious and , doirig as well as
could he expected'.
The assassin of the President left be
hind him his hat and a spur, The hat
was picked up in• the President's her,
and hasibeen identified by p or ti on t o
whtim Whits been shown; end accurately
described as the one belonging to the
suspected, by other Partlee not allowed
fore descriliieg
Or The National intelligencer says
"We can state, on the highest authority,
that it has been ascertained that there
was a regular conspiracy to assassinate
every member of the Cabinet, together
with the President.
"Booth, it is said, sent his card up to
the Vice-President at the hotel, but Mr.
Johnson could not conveniently see him.
The names of the severally appointed
assassin's are, we understand, known,
and after the present investigation is
concluded and published the public will
be astounded at the developements.
"A. member of the Cabinet remarked
that on the day after the murder of Mr.
Lincoln the rebels had lost their best
friend ; that Mr. Lincoln at every Cabi
net meeting invariably counseled for
bearance, kindness and mercy towards
these misguided men."
It is very evident that the then Vice
President Johnson was included in the
murderous programme of Friday night,
On Thursday a man of genteel appear
once took a room at Kirkwood's Hotel,
where Mr. Johnson boards. For reas
ons best known to the proprietor or the
detective, the name registered has not
been disclosed. During the followin:
day he was particular in his inquiries
about the room of Mr. Johnson, his
wiereabonts and habits. Since Friday
night the strange lodger has not been
seen, and on breaking open his room
last night there were found concealed
between the bed and mattress a bowie
knife and
.navy revolver, and a bank
I book of J. Wilkes Booth, showing a bal
ance of over four hundred dollars in
Since his inauguration President
Johnson is attended from and to his ho
tel by a mounted guard.
The spur was dropped on the stage,
and that also haa been identified as the
one procured at the stable where the
same man hired a horse in the evening.
His hat was found in the private box,
and identified by several persons who
had seen him within the last two days ;
and the spur which he dropped by acci
dent after he jumped to the stage was
identified as one of those which he had
obtained from the stable where he pro
cured his horse.
This man Booth has played more than
once at Ford's Theatre, and is, of course,
acquainted with its exits and entrances,
and the facility with which he escaped
behind the scenes is easily understood.
He has also played in Philadelphia and
in all the principal cities.
He was well acquainted with all , the
exits and inteinal arrangements of
Ford's Theatre, and kept ,a horse at , liv
ery in a stable immediately in the rear
of the theatre.
Developments have been made show
ing conclusively the existence of a deep
laid plot on the part of a gang of con
spirators, including members of the Or
der of Knights of the Golden Circle, to
murder President Lincoln and his Cab.
tact. We have reason to believe that
Secretary Seward received, several
months since. an intimation from Europe
that something of a very desperate
charactor was to transpire at Washing
ton, and it,is m ore • than probable that
the intimation had reference to the plot
of assassination.,
Booth, only a short time ago, was
heard to remark in a drinking saloon, in
'Boston, that he would kill the Presi
dent. The fact was communicated to
officers of the Government.
The most emphatic orders have been
issued to prevent the assassins from es
caping to Canada, which it is believed
they will attempt to do.
Booth crossed the bridge over the
Eastern branch of the Potomac at 11
o'clock, on the night of the murder, giv
ing his real name when stopped by the
On Saturday night, the pickets post
ed on the different roads around Wash
ington, were at several points fired on
by rebel sympathizers of the murderer.
One or two captures are said to have
been made.
It is shown by the papers seized be
longing to Booth that the murder was
to have been perpetrated on the 4th of
March, during the inauguration.
The horrible plot is believed to have
included every member of the Executive
Department of the Government, togeth
er with Gen. Grant.
Secretary Seward is much better, as
is also Frederick Seward, who is gradu
ally regaining fall consciousness, and it
is now confidently hoped and expected
that both the Secretary and his sod wilt
speedily: recover.
John Wilkes Booth, who, is directly
accused of the assassination of Presi
dent Lincoln, is one of the sons of the
celebrated English actor, Junius Brutus
Booth, the contemporary and rival of
Edmund Kean. The elder Booth came
to this country as a star actor, and final
ly settled upon a farm near Baltimore,
Md. His eccentric habits, strange ex
travagance and wasted life are familiar
to most of our readers. By different
wives the elder. Booth had four eons,
Junius Brutus, Edwin, John Wilkes,
and Joseph. The three eldest brothers
adopted the stage as a profession. The
younger studied medicine, and was last
heard from Georgia.
John Wilkes Booth•was born in 1838,
near Baltimore, .M. 11., in, the eanlevic,ini.
ty an the noted Rebel Harry Gilmure.
Be IsaLaal,P.9t.lafteF. John Wilkes, a fa
mous English tragedian. At the early
age of sixteen he went upon the stage,
and in 1856 made a regnlar debut at
Philadelphia. He inherits the well
known Booth face and figure and some
of the dramatic talent of the family.
After starring for a while in the prov
inces we find him, in 1859—'60, the lead
ing actor at Montgomery, Alabama.
His brothers, Junius and Edwin, were
and are most decided union men, and
several quarrels have arisen between
the brothers on account of their differ
ences. They acted together, however,
at the Winter Garden, on the 23 of No
vember last, for the benefit of the Shak
speare Monument Fund, and attracted
one of the largest and moat intellectual
audiences ever assembled in any theatre.
The play was Julius Caesar, with Edwin
Booth as "Brutus," Junius Booth as
"Cassius," and John Wilkes Booth as
"Marc Antony." As an actor John
Wilkes could not compare with either
of his brothers, although his resemblance
to them in form, feature, voice and man
ner was remarkable. This was hie last
pu;, c appearance in this city.
fur Four persons were senteoed to
six months in the Penitentiary in New
York, on the 17th, for treasonable lan
guage. A rebel flag that had been
hanging in the parlor of Mrs. ex-Presi
dent Tyler, on Staten Island, was de
manded by a number of callers on the
evening of the 16th, and it was surrend
ered. The excitement against all sus
pected of favoring treason is very great.
A man was thrown from a Brooklyn
ferry-boat for treasonable talk.
er The news of the death of the
President, was received from Maine to
California with the profoundest grief.
One sentiment of deep, abiding sorrow,
mingled with intense exasperation, per
vaded everybody. Even in Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick, Canada, &c., every tri
bute of respect and sympathy, official
and otherwise, was exhibited.
es- Lee surrendered less than 8000
fighting men to Grant. Less than 5000
muskets were surrendered. • Gen. Lee
confessed to Gen. Grant that Johnston's
entire force would not number more
than 10.000. Johnston, it' is reported,
has retreated into South Carolina.
.. The investigations of the author
ities at Washington tend to show
the assassination of the President was
part of a great conspiracy to kill every
member of the Cabinet.
Or The Diplomatic Corps at Wash
ington held a Meeting on Monday, ex
pressed their Sympathy. with the govern
ment and thelamily of the President,
and resolved to attend the funeral in a
er Secretary Seward is rapidly im
proving. Hon. F. W. Seward is also
getting better. He •was conscious on
Monday, and able to converse a little.
Cr The intelligence of the President's
death . created the greatest consternation
in Richmond, the people fearing the
for At Manitwood, Wisconsin, a
young girl having heard that arsenic
improved the complexion, procured a
supply at a drug store, and before it
could be ascertained what she had taken
the poison had put her beyond mortal
ler The Legislature of Ohio has re
moved the last restriction upon black
suffrage in that State. Henceforth the
negro, of Ohio, will go to the poles on
the same terms as the white man. We
notice in the Summary, a few days since
the similar action,taken by the Legisla
ture of Minnesota.
As an evidence of the good results
of judicious advertising, the Boston. A
dvertiser says :—"lt will be remembered
that we advertised lost a portmonnaie
last week. Before our paper was fairly,
circulated we found it—in the pocket
of a coat we don't usually wear.
sir The moat enterprising fellow we
have heard of lately is an appreciative
chap who advertises on behalf of a cer
tain famous accident-al railway that "an
experienced coroner and six practical
jurors will follow each regular train in
special cars, together with a few sur
geons and reporters."
61, - The two female soldiers captured
a short time ago with a squad of four
teen bridge burners are now in the mili
tary prison at Nashville. Their names
are Mary A Wright, of Crosby's scouts,
and Margaret Henry, ofJenkin's senate.
They are said to be dashing young crea
tures, and one of them rejoices in the
rank and uniform of a Captain. The
other twelve of`the gang have been sent
ifir When , Mr.. Lincoln heard that
Weitzel's Negroes had taken Richmond
he said : "Well, the people in Richmond
have been wanting black soldiers for
some time past, and now they've got
The rema .6 of Col. Ulric Dahl
gren have been'sent from itichmond to
Washington. There was no difficulty
in finding the griiie:`
ler The National. Flag was restored
to Fort Sumter, on Friday night, with
most interesting ceremonies.
At Mount Joy, on the 12th Instant, by Rev'd
NUNADIAKER, both of Marietta.
Zpttial liatitto.
3 113 To CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned
having been restored to health in a few weeks,
by a very simple remedy, after having suffer
ed several yews, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption—is anx
ious to make known to his fellow sufferers
the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of
the prescription used, (free of charge,) with
the directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for CON
COLDS, &c. The only object of the advertiser
in sending tne Prescription is to benefit the
afflicted, and spread information which he
conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes ev
ery sufferer will try his remedy, as it will
cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please
Williamsburg, Kings co. N. Y.
Or Editor of "The Marietlian."
DEAR Sia :—With your permission I wish
to say to the readers of your paper that I will
send, by return mail, to all who wish it, (free)
a recipe, with full direitions for making and
using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effec
tually remove, in ten ?am Pimples, 'Blotches,
Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin,
leaving the same soft, clear' smooth and beau
tiful. I will also mail free to those having
Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions
and information that will enable them to start
a full growth of luxuriant Hair, Whiskers or
a Moustache, in less than 30 days.
All applications answered by return mail
without charge. Respectfully yours,
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
831 Broadway, N. Y.
30-3 ml
while residing in South America as a mission
ary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for
the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay,
Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs,
and the whole train of disorders brought on
by haneful and, vicious habits. Great num
bers have been already cured by this noble
remedy. Prompted by &desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the re
cipe for preparing and using this medicine, in
a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it,
Free of Charge,
Please enclose a post-paid envelope, addres
sed to youiself.
STATION D, IlriLE HOUSE, New York City.
IF You WA NT TO KNOW a little of every
thing relating to the human system, male and
female ; the causes and treatment of diseases;
the marriage customs of the world ; how to
marry well, and a thousand other things never
published before, read the revised and enlarged
edition of "MEDICAL Comfort SENSE," a
curious book for curious people, and a good
book for every one. It contains 400 pages, 100
illustrations. Price, $1:50. Contents table
sent free tb any address. - Books may be bad
at the book stores, or will be sent by mail,
post paid, on receipt of price. Address,
E. B. FOOTE, M. D.,:1130 Broadway, N. Y.
THE BRIDAL CHAMBER.—A note of warn
ing and advice to those suffering with Seminal
Weakness, General Debility, or Premature
Decay, from whatever cause produced. Read,
ponder, and reflect ! Be wise in time.
Sent FREE to any address, for the benefit
of the afflicted. Sent by return mail. Ad
4.9.B,Breedway, New York
OLD EYE! MADE NEw.—A pamphlet di
resting how to speedily restore eight and give
up spectacles, without aid of doctor or medi
cine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of TEN
cents. Address, E. B. FoorE, M. D.,
feb4-6m] 1130 Broadway, N. Y.
rr WHISKERS !—Those wishing a fine set
of Whiskers, a nice Moustache, or a beauti
ful head of glossy Hair, will please read, the
Card of THOS. F. CHAemetr, in this paper.
an elegant nobelig in alintehes.
The cases of this Watch are an entirely new
invention, composed of six different metals
combined, rolled together and planished, pro
ducing an exact imitation of 18 carat gold,
called Arcane, which will always keep its
color.—They are as beautiful as solid gold,
and are afforded at oneTeighth the cost. The
case is beautifully designed with Panel and
shield for name, with Patent Push Pin, and
engraved in the exact style of the celebrated
Gold Hunting Levers, and are really hand
some and desirable, and so exact an imitation
of gold as to defy detection. The movement
is manufactured by the well known St. Timer
Watch Company of Europe, and are superbly
finished, having engraved pallets . , fancy carved
bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold balance
and the improved jewelled action, with line.
dial and skeleton handsj and is warranted a
good time keeper.
These Watches are of three different sizes.
the smallest being for Ladies, and are all
Hunting Cases. A case of. six,will be tient by'
Mail or Express for . $125.00. A single one
sent in a handsome Moroccii Case for $25.00;
will readily sell for three times their ccst. We
are sole agents for this watch in the United
States, and none are genuine which do not
bear our Trade mark. Address
3moe. Importer'', 15 Maiden Lane,N. Y
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by
the Chief Burgess until Tuesday the 25th,,
tor collecting the Bhunty Tax, amounting to
$O,OOO and the ordinary Local Borough Tax,
amounting to $l,lOO. THOS. STENC E,
Marietta, April 22, 1865. Binges&
L. BAKER, Scriciner. . All. kinds of
F. Legal instruments prepared witlfcare
and accuracy. He can be found at , the office
of " The Mariettian," in " Lindsay's Build
ing," between the Poet Office Corner and
Front street.
B LINDNESS, DEA Flues an d CATARRH treated with the utmost success, by DR.
J. ISAACS, Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of
Leydon, Holland,) N 0.519 PINE street, Phil
adelphia. Testimonials from the most relia
ble sources in the City and Country can be
seen at his office. The medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patients, as he has
no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL
EYES. inserted without pain. No charge
made for examination. [jan. 28-Iy.
Eley's Gun Caps, May's Gan ,Wadds,
Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Pow
Baltimore Shot i Shot Poaches,- Powder Flasks
&c,, at - JOHN SPANGLER S.
. ,
Watches, Chains, Diamond Rings, &.
Without regard to Value ! Not to be
paid for until you know what you are to
receive! ! !
Splendid List of Articles ! ! All to be
sold fur One Dollar Each ! ! 1
250 Genie , Gold hunting-case Watches $5O
to $l5O each.
250 Ladies' Gold and Enamelled hunting-case
Watches $35 to 070 each.
500 Gents' hunting case Silver Watches $35
to $7O each.
200 Diamond Rings $5O to $lOO each.
5000 Gold Veat and Neck Chains $4 to $3O
3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets 4 to S each.
6000 Jet and Gold Bracelets 6to 10 "
2000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains 5
to 20 each
7000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4to I 0 each
5000 Coral, Opal, and Emeoild Brooches 4
to S each
3000 Gold, Cameo, and Pearl Ear Drops 4
to 8 each
6000 Monde, Jet, Lava, & FrOntine Ear Drops
4 to 8 each
7boo Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Dropa 4
to 6 each
4000 California Diamond Breast-pine 2.50
to 10 each
3000 Gold Fob and Veat Watch-keys 2.50
to 8 each
4000 Fob and Vest Ribbon-slides 3 to 10
5000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-buttons, Studs, &c.
3 to 8 each
3000 Gold Thimbles, Pincils, &c. 4to 6 each
10000 Miniature Lockets 2.50 to 10 each
4000 Miniature Lockets, Magic Spring 10 to
20 each
3000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, gre. 2 to 8
each .
5000 Plain Gold Rings 4 to 10 each
6000 Chased Gold Ringo 4 to 11 each
10000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2.50 to 10
10000 California Diamond Rings 2,toloeach
MOO sets Ladies' Jewelry— Jet and Gold sto
10 each
7000 sets Lathes' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl,
Opal, and other Stones 4 to 15 each
10000 Gold Pens, Silver extension Holders
and Pencils 4 to 10 each
10000 Gold Pens and Gold mounted Holders
6 to 10 each
5000 Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders
15 to 25 each
5000 Ladies , Gilt and Jet Buckles 5 to 15
5000 Ladiea' Gilt and Jet Hair Bara & Balls
5 to 10 each
5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 5
to 50 dollars each
3000 Silver Castors
2000 Silver Fruit, Card, and Cake Baskets 20
to 50 each
5000 dozen Silver Tea Spoons 10 to 20 p. doz.
10000 dozen Silver Table Spoona and Forks
20 to 90 per doz.
ARRANDALE &CO, Manufacturers' Agents,
Announce that all of the above list of goods
will be sold for One Dollar each.
In consequence of the great stagnation of
trade in the manufacturing districts of England
through the war having cut off the supply of
cotton, a large quantity of Valusole Jewelry - ,
originally intended for the English market,
has been sent off for sale in this country, And
must be Sold at any Sacrifice! Under these
circumstances, AR&ANDALE & CO., acting
as Agents for the principal European manu
facturers, have resolved upon a Great Gift
Distribution, subject to the following regula
tions :
Certificates of the various articles are first
put into envelopes, staled up, and mixed ; and
when ordered, are taken out without regard
to choice, and sent by mail, thus giving all a
fair chance. On receipt of the certificate, you
will see what you are to have, and then it is
at your option to send the dollar and take the
article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a
Gold Watch, Diamond Ring. or any set of
Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAR.
In all transactions by mail, we shall charge
for forwarding the Certificates, paying postage
and doing the business, 25 cents each. which
must be enclosed when the Certificate is sent
for. Five Certificates will be sent for $1;
eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-five for $lO,
and a•bunared for $l5.
AGENTS.—We want agents in every regi
ment, and in every town and county in, the
country, and those acting as such will be al
lowed 10 cents on every Certificate ordered for
them, provided their remittance amounts to.
one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents by
every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us,
either in cash or postage stamps.
Address A.FtRANDALE & CO.,
36-13t.] 167 Broadway, N. Y.
'Estate Co.
• -o
Chartered under the General Mining
Laws of Pennsylvania.
CAPITAL, 211110,000, WITH 200,000 SHARES
Par Value k Subscription Price, per share
20,000 Shares reserved for working capital.
President, IVM. D. H. SERRILL,
Vice President, Cos.. Wm. H. EAGLE.
Secretary, WM. W. HARVEY.
Treasurer, D. R. ESREY
Win. D. H. Serrill, of Delaware Coenty.
John J. Rowland, It iC
Win. Cooper Talley, if 4C
David IC. Ralston, ic
Geo: B. Stock, Venango County.
William H. Eagle, of Lancaster Comity.
Ralph Buckley, of Delaware County.
David Rose, jr.„.51. D., of Delaware County.
John Fox, ca
William Bertram, Li ti
David B. Cochran, of Chester County.
The property of this Company consists' or
the United States Hotel, in the town of „
FRANKLIN, the County Seat of
Venango County, the present revenue from
which, insures to the Stockholderi of the Com
pany a quarterly.dividend of 5 per cent.
cholson's Run, (a branch of the Big Sandy)
considered by competent persons equal to any
Oil teritory in Sandy Creek Township.
A limited nunitier of AAaies are now offered
for sale at the office of the. Company, No. 1136
Market-st., Philadelphia, or by
40 DAVID ROTH, Marietta, Pa.
1 - 17 ASHINGTON Skeleton Skirts. The
if V best article of the kind made each Skirt
is guaranteed. We are Agents for the Manu
Good Style Cassirneres for Suits, Cloths, Fes
tinge, Jeans, Cottonades, Shirting Flannels
Neck Ties, sic.,
Moulins, Tickings and Checks, Osnaburgs,
Drills and Flannels, Sheetings, Diapers and
Crash, Feathers. Table and Floor Oil Cloth,
Looking Glasses and Blankets, Transparent
and Holland Blinds.
Wall and Window Paper, Ingrain and Rag
Carpet, Wool and Linen Carpet Chain. A
large assortment of Boys and Mena Hats and
Caps. Common and Pine Claes Ware, Pine
Granite Dinner Sets.
Sugar Syrup, Teas New Mackeral in all
Sized packages Sugar cured Hama and Dried
Beef, Salt, Rice Spices &c. All at the lowest
for culinary purpaae,l; ,Ivarrante4genurik
-1,1. H. D. Binif.natin.
For Non-Retention or incontinence of lirint
Inflanantiou or Ulceration of the Bladder or
Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland,
Gravel, Brickdust deposits, Dropsical Swell
ings, Organic Weakness, Debility, Female
Complaints, &c.
kelißboia's grthet
And Improved Rose Wash
Will radically exterminate from the system
Diseases arising from habits of dissipation, of
little expense, little or no change of diet, no in
convenience or . exposure ; completely super.
seding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies
Copabia and Mercury . , in curing these diseases.
In all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether
existing in male or female, from whatever
cause originating, and no matter of how long
standing. It is pleasant in its taste and odor,
immediate in action, and more strengthening
than any of the preparationa of bark or iron.
Those sullbring,from broken down or deli
cote constitutions, procure the remedy st
The Reader must• be aware that however
slight may be the attack of the above disesa
es, it is certain to affect his bodily health,
mental powers and happiness. If no treat
ment is submitted to, Consumption or Insani.
ty may ensue.
All the above diseases require the aid of e
Hell:1401(3's Extract B'Eichti
Compound Fluid Extract
15 to 50 each
For purifying the blood, rem)ving all diseas
es arising from excess and i:nprudence in life,
chronic constitutional diseases arising from so
impure state of the blood, and the only reli
able and effectual known remedy for the cure
of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheurn, Pains
and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup
tions of the skin, and beautifying the complex-
Of the worst disorders that afflict manki:d
arise from the corruption that accumulates it,
the Blood. , Of all the discoveries that hare
been made to purge it out, none can equal in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparrilla
It cleanses and renovates the Blood, instills
the vigor of HEALTH into the system,
and purges out the humors which make dis
ease. It stimulates the healthy functions of
the body, and expels the disorders that grow
and rankle in the Blood. Such a remedy,
that could be relied on, has long been sought
for, and new, for the first time, the public
have one on which they can depend. Our
space here does not admit of certificates to
show itseffects, but the trial of a single hot-
tle will show to the sick that it has virtues
* surpassing anything they have eves taken.
Two tableapoonsful of tlie Extract of Sarsa
parilla, added to -_-a pint of water, is equal to
the Lisbon Diet Drink and one bottle is equal
to a gallon of,the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or
the decoction as usually made.
The above Extracts are prepared on purely
scientific princlples—in Vacuo—and embody
the full strength of the ingredients entering it •
to their com Position. A ready and conclusive
test will-he a comparison of their properties
with those set forth in the U. S. Dispensato
In diseases of the Blood, Humors on the
Face, or-any and every-part of the body, use
Extract'Sarsaparilla, applying to Pimples and
all external Humors or Eruptions, the Im
proved Rose Wish.
Use the Extract Iluchu for all diseases re
quiring the aid of a Diuretic, except those of
the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhoia and
Gleet ; in these use the Extract Buchu and in
ject with the Improved Roe Wash.
la• These extracts have been admitted to
use in the United States Army, and also are
in very general use in all the state hospital.
and public institutions throughout the land,
as well as practicn, and, are consid
ered as invaluable ,remedies.
4594 Broadway, N. 1 1,., next Metropolitan Hotel
041., azLatzwiros
104 South TenllC , Street, Aeseinbly Buildings,
zowfamirorioss tis auoffirmsnieliss 4
miler ALL own= EVERYWHERE:
Bowe of Counforteibl