The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 22, 1865, Image 1

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In Patent Medicines, Hair Stain,
Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Extracts, ,3%.
Hamilton's Hair Stain,
Mishlet's Bitters,
Stover's Bitters,
Bamberg Medicated Wit. e,
Mason's Cough Candy,
Richardson's Tar Drops,
liativart's Troches,
Gum Mastic,
Worm Confections,
Bear's Oil,
Beef's Marrow,
Pipes, Segars, Tobacco, •
Paper and Envelopes,
25 fine white and Buff Envelopes for 10 cents,
Letter and Note Paper one tent aiheet;
Parlor Matches, ;
Combs, Brushes, Lead Pencils,
Violin Strings, Bridges,
Pocket Books,
Clocks and' Watches for sale and RePidred.
Don't mistake the place, opposite the, Poet
Office, and next door to Dr. Hinkle's Drug
Store. HENRY WOLFE, Agt.
107 We will tell you any thtng in our line
25 per cent. less than you can buy it at any
other place in the county.
Marietta, March 18, 1865. 32-3m*
[LATE Souza, ]blowzy, & Co.),
Corresponding house in Washington,
D. C., J. IV. Fisher 478 14th
Having had three years' experience in the
Collection of Claims* and the General
transaction of business in Departments of
Government, we can assure our Clients and
Correspondents that all:buidnesic intruited .to
us will be . vigorously and promptly attended
to. We are prepared to make advance upon,
sod negotiate the sale of Claims, and purchase
gourtermaster's bills and checks, as well as
collect the following elnroses :
Tensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers
and Orphan Children.
Bounties for Soldiers, discharged for wounds
received in battle, those who have served two
nears, and the heirs of deceased, also State
Bounty to cinch as are entitled.
Arrears of Pay for Officers and Soldiers, and
the heirs of deceased..
Navy Prize money for all captures.
Navy Pension, and'balance of Pay.
Ancounts of discharged
,Qfficcra settled, Ord
ante and Clothing returns p'r'operly mane out
lid corrected, and clearances obtained from
sninance and Quartermaster's. Departments.
S. Revenue Stamps for sale at a discount
, 13; to 4 ; li per cent. [32-3ni
~f.l R W
I. 73 a,tterEsc)3a.cfc Go.,
„Itaoduccit , e.
Keep constantly on hand a full stack of Buil
ding Material, Nails,
1; L
1110 N: Rolled and Hammered
Iron, Steel, Hor'le-Shoes Bari
emu' Nail Rods, Hoop and Band fro-t,
Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Fileg, Keiji's; etc:
Tuba, Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wash Boards, Buckets,
Knives and Forks,
_Add & gffraarts,
Sail Irons, _Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass arid
Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans,
Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil
Lamps, Shadeii and Lanterns, Tea.
Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted
Chamber Setts, &c.
Forks, Shovels, floes, Spades, Horse Brushes,
Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric. Oils,
Cistern Pumps, Long and. Short Traces,
Breast Chains, fze„.Bte.
TOOLSi Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets,
Chopping and Hand- Axes, Plaries ' Chissels,
Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunning,
Hooks and Shears, &c., &c.
Thankful for past patronage,'we hope to merit
and receive a continuance of the same.
Marietta, Ju1y'30,1864.-''''
"Coming events cast their:Shadows before,"
The approaching collapse of the Rebellion
is already fully anticipated in the great
decline of nierchandiie.
Are now selling at
At very greatly 'reduced 'pities. 'And the
styles are•inuch prettier 'than tiny tbe"...Mann
lecturers have produced 'since the 'beginning
of the war.
If you want a
Ant-tate Black Or 'Frin'ey Silk
A neat or gay challie or De Leine
A superior Blacker fancy Woolen 'Do Liao
A fine or medium Bleck or Colared'Alittea
A good Lavelle, De Beige or Poplin
An Excellent Chintz or good Calico .
A French; English or shtinabry Gingbitn
You will find it at
I OTICE r ,, Margo lot of Square and. Round
Logs H ave lodgid'on my bottomland, a
•bort distance abdiod.Schoek's Mill. en the Sus
9uehanna river, which'in a`short time will be
it ray way for ploughing ; ..ficqiee is hereby
given the owner or owners to come forward,
Prove property pay 'ehluvesindltake it away,
within 20 days, otherwise it will be sold ac
.1-1 - 154 TZ-4clri .N.ELL4N*.i
THR kf" R P ctliO enelle nt e ellP t 3t r
A sale. rktifie TinWaigfy cif
- i-,- .
SPi%Aiwls palmorals Gloveg,
DettlAnd d u e; s:
cluefs ali,e 'Collar' , otifilineli.
Veils, Iletanfetil Pdis Trbnth
11. full supilyi...,
7e GLER. & IttIPS.
ci c.-)l,ltiri.ttL;'.r:.4,n,
Office in " , LINDSAY'S BUILDING," second
floor, on Elb ow Lane, between the F'oit
Office corner and Front street,
Narietta, Lancaster Comity, Penn,.
Single Copies, with, or without Viriappers;'
, .
lines, or less) 75 cents for theirst insertion and ,
One Dollar and-a-half for 3 insertions. Pro
fessional and Business caidi,`of sixhines oriels;
at $5 per annum. Notice,slin the reading col-,
umns, ten. cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,'
the simple antiouncemenl, Finn; but fur any'
additional lines, ten cents aline.
A liberal deduction made to yearly end half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NEwnuicx Moon
"rain JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &e., &c., to the-Job Office of "TnE
MA ILI ETT/ AN:," which will insure the f tie Rini
speedy execution of all kinds of Jos & Cann
PRINTING, from the smallest Cant to
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices. ,
'The Old Bachelor's' C6mplaint.',..
Through all my life I've sought a wife,
And courted many maids.:-
For hearts ; l've sued and many wooed,
Of different types and grades;
And scores I've won,but now I'm done,
For all of youth has fled—
I'd not be bound to one I've fotid,
And so I've never wed.
If you'd , know why the reason I
Still walk Life's path, alone, '
Please lend an ear and you shall hear
How youth's wild oats were sown,
When very young. I heard it sung
That earth no greater prize
Contained for man—,by ffeaven plan'd--
Than woman's loving eyes:
Here I'll annex, that women's, sex,
I worship and adore ;
Awake, it seems, or in my dreams,
Her presence haunts me more.
Sweet solitude, and vernal wood,
Remind me of her still—
Fresh burns the flame, and. each sweet
Or face awakes a thrill.
When buts boy I loved to toy
With little maiden's curls :
Each learnod page I used to gage
By what it said of girls.
The Bible read with puzzled head,
How evil we should shun,
Yet how the good, for whom God stood;
Could act like Solomon.
And, little fool, while yet at school,
I'd many a dear sweetheart;
Seine little Miss would own the bliss
Of,Cupid's,early smart.
The Lizzie Rays and Annie Mays.
• Who then I thought .1.1. - wed,
Are women now-each van worn brow
Tells of the mlrried or tfie dead.
Though long since. grown, nokonu would
the flame of early`days,
And I at last haVe onward Famed
On fairer forms to gaze.
In youthhood warm I felt the charm
Of many a rosy maid,
But could not find one to my mind.
And did the, noose evade.
And I have spent, in discontent,
A joyless life unblest,
No woman true, as heaven's blue,
I've folded to my breast !,
bit now I'm old, and growing cold,
Earth binds me by no tie ;
No child I leave, nor wife to grieve,
And miss me when,l die.
But !ill thy 'rtice l facies frim the feee.
Of nll the,beanteous earth;
0 I - raise a titOne'when I am gone,
To bear my name and birth. /
Without a isrife,/ , a useless life,
No oue-,will care I'm dead ;
So go, ye youth, in love,' and truth,
And ivho, and win, and wed.
SEEING DOUBLE.-A devotee of -Bac:
thus steppOd out of a hold at Elihira
the other evening, and - his' , perspective ,
faculties rick being plirtiCularly distirg .
tumbled unawares into the catal,'',•Al
terpaddling, around about half au
he succeeded in getting but and• obttirt
ing admittance into the hoige. '444
his hat by the stove, he exclaialed.:' ii
say. (MO' mioter, this may
. 'be 'dam,
good tavern, (hic) but I think yotie ,
house (hic) has got' 'a- 1-e-e-f-l-e larger
cistern than it can wellatiVid.'
. .
er One of the German almanace saye ,
that a young girCis a fishing rod, the
eyekare the hooks,ihe smile-is the bnit;iLl
the lover the:gudgeon""and , the 'mde
riage the butter in which he is fried.
acubrgenkut Vtriusglintuia actrurnal far tide ffinme irde
Local lgilit'irYr Reingicences.
. • .
Muster Iro11:af the "Pemasylvania Grays."
The following names are precisely' in
the order that lhey l Wei'e r 'Widttlin 'by.the
indiViduale"compo"sing the company
themselves:ll-The,„Trolt 'de preceded ^toy
the •follO vying. arti.clesw hich 'was regarded
as :tle factd the , C cme;titntiOirfVrlthe or
ganre 'upon . whfeh" the cora
‘!We the ,undersigned- whgee Damn
:are thereunto attachpd,•do:bereby'-adree
'to -assciciate , 'nurselVei trikether -, for the'
purpose of forming a new Light'lnfantry
4 . t
•eorps, to De styien 1,110 - rENNSYLVANIA.
; - GRAII!," t. to be, naßrnandnd, John
Flury as Captain, Willictm Hippie as Ist
Lieut:, and .Andrem,Armstrong as 2n'd
Lieutenant." ' '•` • • - •
"To insure :the contiOnanee of said
company, when the requsite number of
names - provided by law "Shall have be
'cote attached hereto, We pledge our
selves to conform to the several acts of
'As'serahlymada, and. provided for the
regulation•of the' Militia and volunteers
of this ctimmonwetilth,' and to • make 'a
code . df By!Litws for the.tatter govern
,morit of the company, and to 'amend
ahem at such different times as a major
ity,may think. most fit.and ,proper."
Marietta March, 1831. • ,
1 Fhirj.
2 James Swords.
3 Casper,
4.41 11 11-14EtroY.• ~ •atr . 4
5 George ()Bracher.
'• 6 MC - V '
7 `Samuel Saylor . • '
B,Jaukes McClosky.
• 9 William, S words.. , •
10-John tFlury„ , • .
14 William - •
12`Jdhir 'Foltz. '
14Satatie4 ,
15 Raniel.Gamber. •
16 Thomas Swords. ••
17 Robert'McDowelL - •
Joseph. Leader, , , • •
• 19 Samuel McClellan. .
20 Simon S. Rathvon.
21 Simon S. Nagle.
22 Jacob Brmineinan.
23 j 117i"chael
_Trump' :
•24 William Davis. •
25 Thomas
26.1Tenry - McOlosky.
'27 John Coyle.
28,Lavi Fitterer.
-29,Benry Leaders.
30.Bitikuilin B. Ware. • • • •
31 Lewis Gorner. - • - • •
'32lstael A. 'Smith.
33 Henry Charles. ! ! • • ;
d ward .Saylor. ' •
35 Marks - Snider".
37 Andrew Armstrong.
• ,
,4,1, •
38 John Fisher.
• 39 Henry Hacker.
40 Ti;olillo • ".
4 3 1 George _Ferro. ,
42 - Jacob Jimes..
43,Thomas McClellan,
44, James M: Charles.
45 Satnival A. Henry.
46• Daniel -
47 Francis Hawthorn. , • •
48 'George 'Alitadt.-
.49„WilliaM Iller., . ,
' 50'Jambs McCafferty.' •
51. Levi Brenneman.
52 Ferry Ripple• ' •
• 53 Randal Aptilare.
54 John Barr. , • ,
55 John•B.'
66 William Sharp. • •
57 Henry, Shill.
58 John Shill. • • •
59 Ch a rles Fernier.
60 Thomas McGuire. •
61 Flak Rapp.- , . •-
62 John Farren.
Alibi 'Green: •
64 William. McCafferty.
65 Coiiiiiditia - RobibSon.
• 66 John't. Sheets. • ,
67 John Icuster.
68 0 4 1 04 11 ;4 1011 V, • :•, •
70 Samuel ~Yg`et t .
•• „
•": '7l Jno. G, McLaughlin. •
9 !Kipmnins. ; - t i
The foregOiriglfst. viere:'ncit ce!
Ade:roetniie'r'.4.:o-,.11;.cg 1
'they/did not , all Is rlifOrtr Wad'
• .1,1 • or r
1 1 , ppe4r on ,paradc,., :Nor .dol they,. sign ,
the 'Ord,er, thati ««
.nuiVered niltr4iers . f haye,rayseif
'alto:had for thesake of .cotivenidit WIZ.'
ietences but they occur in a double
u s • cir) V. °
,v 4 7 ; 48'44 h 6a,
~69irk an ' d .
Cane tiVlSAt)3l9 l. lk l iftl i l:,s ll ulililoti t eatifi,,:ti :.
babe iiteral7 "scratched out"; sia.
I ha , e' no ''rec'Cillectio'n' of ` 'ever' hiving
seen them in uniforin on parade ;
thoiigh some ofihein had hee'nmenibeie
of the "*.A.SnINGTOA GRAYS;" a military
organiiatron that hada : bfief 'e'xi'stence
of a Twin i 'tit; d ill a' 'sipiabble
among 'the commissioned 'CITMers was
and '6f . 'Whose
ashes rose the l iPZiii : iskt.v.tti4rA
andIthe,.,„‘DokrEGAL,RANG,ERS,:'- the latteN
Bilie Qoppo,; _commanded •by, .Capt.
John;HUH. • • •
The!".P.ENN'A..grRAYSt were , organized
: at Springville by Col. Joel Baker, dtg
ing a RegimentaLtraining, in
_May 1831,
.and during the Aims, it was , ,
'by. gat4. Flury (from , its
November 1882) the non-commissioned
:nfficers , :were,ae.followe i as near..askcan
recollect:: •• , ,
• Robert McDowell Ist. Sergeant.
William Swords -2nd. do.
Randal MC'Clure 3rd. - 'do. •
Si S. Neil° '
• Shaine' Algier . • LA:
Efenry Shill • 2nd.' :0;1147
j'amea'McChisky • do.
S. 8. Rathvan 4th. 'do.
creinelins Robinson 'Fifer, 'Seniuel
McOlellan•Diummer, T. Mc'Clellait Debi'
do. From the autumn of 1832 to'`the
spring 0f,1833, the cOmPapy,was, under
the command of Lieut. Ripple (with'
`some changes in the roll, of DpII-C,olll,4liS
siopeitofficers), when Rohert McDowell
mas,,elected Captain,. and *Randal. Mp-
Clare let. Lieut. in place of Lisut Hip
pie, resigned. • ,
Under the Captaincy, of A. McDow
ell-the rion-commissioned'officers ''were,
as follows as nearly as I can recollect:'
S. S. Rathvoti Ist: Sergt.
Wm. Sivords 2nd. do.
S. S. Nagle •3rd. do.
SamL,glgier,;..4th LL `do.
Henry Shill )4 .Corp •
John Farren 2d'd: - do.
aeo. Caracher do. ,
d° *
with the corps of musicians the same as
under the former commanders.
Itklieispring 01'1835 the a company
walvigain without a'Captain, in conse
quence`-of the removal of Capt. McDow
ell, 1.00, Of the bounds" of the regiment.
The two Lieutenants also about, this
per4Ul removed to the west
Accompanying the "old 'muster roll"
I fannethe - hilloWing'dodum'eut :
"Marietta, October 2lat, 1835
Mr. S. B.•Rathvon
Sir :..I wish you , to hold •an elect,ion
Tor one .Captain, one first and bne,.813C7
and Lieutenant in, the "PENNSYLVANIA the public house of Mr. Jno.
Clements, .on Saturday the 24th inqt,.
Your compliance with the above will
confer a favor on your 'friend and well
Major of "Ifinoo Battehon of Done=
"N. See Art April 1828
Sec. '5 PieMilitla Laive.
bider t'h'e above order' the electiOn
was held at , the time,und place'epeeified;
.and' the result was, that S. ,S. Rathvon
`was 'elected: Captain, Christian , •lnhoff,
lst.,Lieut. and Renry•Shill 2nd. Limit.
.who served in, aud• executed the func
tiona.of.said offices mail •the company ,
havingserved sevem;years,•was•disband
'ed on the 4th of Jidy 1838. ,
No specific recordirnow in my pos
'session', the' pieCiie roll of the' non:
coditikioned officers under any of 'the
captains of the 'Grays ; these records
beiiil in theliande of the Secretary, Mr.
'Geo. faithfolly discharged
the functiOns of that Office,lroir the or
gun 2 ' atioii`
thecottiPitiy 'to its dig
bandment. From sundry 'returns; 'Of
"diets, of absentees: made tothe.Court
Appeal, 1 : find that S.• S. Nagle WM let.
l'Sergeapt during'part,of 1825 and '36,
and Saud. Algier during 183'1 and part
Of 1838. William • Swords, on account
, l)f his tall and ; robust frame, served as
2nd,Sergeant-,-who,,was the ensign or
color, bearerLduriog the, greater part
of thu,seven years of the company's 0.-
isterice. The other nbn-commissioned
;Officers during the last Captaincy were
;as nearly as I can recollect as follows :
Xothi Coyle . 3id. 'Sergeant.,
' 4th. do.
'th Robb:l66n Pifer. • '
5'..11.601611an Torninteer.
Datisl; *Baas Inrnminer. • '
Geo. Caracher let. Corporal
1 3 13ipp, - 2111. 4 11,.
John,ltteirenan 3rd.. do.
non-comitissioned l Opoo;
ably to theXplaws, warp .elected anon
fiLlltereforef nontikwicthese Aistfi;'
'iNeMtbeytttgioorTeetiiire , likelyltmhavid
-keen the same foritwelears u da endues).*
sin. For instance, under the Captain-
cy of John Flury'', S. S. Rathvon did not
jump from 4th Corporal, over all intdr
ven'ini grades, to Ist Sergetirt, under
the 'Captaincy 'of Robert bi!CDOwell ;
but'On the contrary, he had' filled sever-
O:filicise intermediate offices, 'before
hervi'ag latterpOsitionl
Fofiliree 'or forie'iiio' nfhs - prior' tO
election tolhe Caritiiinciof the Grays;
S. S: R.4had exercised de facto as - well
as dejimo all the ftinOtions of that Office;
in the eritire'Etosencelof any cominissidn:
ed otcer, And it was perliiips titorelo,
this' ciliuixiStance; than to any"'other
partiorilaiinerit; not • posieSsed' by: his
,conirEtiles'in general; that he owed' his
,election to' the CaptairmY atAllis:partic
clar ' .
A'fel words in ccitellisien in 'regard
:to the Constitutiorip'ort;rganic docninatit
under4hich the Grays were foamed- in
to a legal volunteer company, and main
tainiiti -their iiiitince'qhrongh many
jtrials and 'diScbutageinenid for frill eeveo
That original " , docilinent was
bouiPoied- 'and' Petaled 'by `"Alex. Lt:
Evan's:Esq.; and' it sitenislo'm'e',lat even
this ''reirtbia' ate, - tht;t nothing' more.
parposec could . be 'put
togetger' Tory& siniiirir - etil. • *Sir:lit:4i
4 EVEttII3 was fiuTfait in matters of this
kind, Whatever else he marhaie .been.
A fewrwho hadisigned that' article,After
t,he'company was organiznd aitaniptad
to Sat : it itt=defiance, blitthey hadleient
nallY 'compromise or nio '"vase the
ranch " in order to get clear"ofthelold
it liiid'up'on 'tli M. • ` •
And now Mr:Editoi, you, hafirig a
knOwiedge who have served:their
conatiy daring thn present war, by ret .
erence to:this old 'Roll, will be
able "to see' liaWnisity: of thein, or of
their eons. were, - or 'ire; among theM.
I do not "wish io'inake "disparaging; die=
I an 434' there' were
iio`iiittei'ewn'iniiiii the - 'company,' that:
were more constantly at their post;mora
punctual ino - their attendance; and more
faitfitioil fit' the dischaige'of their dvities,
than "Oniporals 'CaraCher and 'Bopp.;
and by 'a : Singular coincidence too, if I
'tnibfalin - noi., a largeepiloPoriion of the'
`Bohn of tliesn `bleu liatre'vOlunteeriid into'
the'sert4o•orth l eir - cbtmfry in this war,
than' Of tiny °tienr men the bo
rotigh "Pot' 'thy o OIL pivrt,
hake itivesn littleof
ratisiti Ins; that 'experiehdes in'
military affairs soe'm 'to 'Melt -an nu
that I have come to the cditeinsiiiirlitiit
I never- knew' fit and What
did kno'w - liiitveinrikiidety-fdigoitteht
piirlitipti'lied. latent: 'in 'place • lzif
Lieut. Armstrong-promoted - le - Ist.
Lieut. • • y
*I. shall-never, forgat : the . , visit pf
iel Wetioster . tOXiirietts7 sfr)!in'g
''1837. Siluirb %Vain - tho ' only
"man in the side•room of Libhart4H'otel
j(now7Flnry's) , lthere Webster was - re:
teive,d, -that appearedito bemblo,to hold
:ap .inte a lligont and posy conversation
with him: The keen ijoh'etrittion of' the
"God D'aniel""isiiiv'thiS, -"and -he
availed himself of the opportnnityAt
gave him to‘make,himfisil l agr,esat?le to
dozen or twoPf a,iilßirpse of the gregt
statasman, but who o3omeinot to know
iwiikt to '
,pondent of Harper's Drawer, islivolved
in 'domestic - peipleiitiee.': f ife writes
got 'acquainted' with Wybderividoty;
Who lived with herittep-diiiighter, in'the
same house'. married the Wido'w ;
father fell, shortly after-it, Iry love with
the itepAirigh ter •of my 'wife; '" and 1 mar-'
tied' her.' My wife 'became the 'Maher
in-law and also the thitighterlinlaw of
'my own fiither ; my Wifetilitip4ltinglitet
is my step.mother, and 'I itiii - theliteip-fd:
ther of my; mother-inadw; .311 1 1 step-I
Trk dthe'r;Vhe is the atop-danghtet'of injr .
wife has's, boy ; he is- naturally inisteP l
brother, because he is the sow Of my
: father and of: MY step-mother; but 'bd-•
nause'he is 'the sem of- my wife's step= `
'daughter' so. is my 'wife the grandmother
Of the-little bay;' and I dm the pendia:.
ther'of My steli-bto thet.—My wife his
diso'a hey;'my-'step='mother 'is anise
iluentli the step-sister of my:boy;'and tiS
gianiimother, heeause lie -le: the
'child of 'her Atep-iion ; and my father is
th&brother-ici-law:ei''Cly "tone because.
•he hatilgiit his Step-slater:int a I
am Abe titither. of !mY sown eon, lwlfo is"
thelion;of f mratep•tilother the
brotheriid-laiv Or My • own '-mother; ray
wife' is th e titint'bfler ewirlonAny • Ben
thwirandson* of nly fitheii and am
owu grainifither..- .
Alf Sdittir` he tiffs fiis 4ist of
n1413 4 14'6; iiniftablaelftt i cii-h"FlgtbAg
inadtlefi,itfiearsplit6iree , % : & VW
deserves to have hie face scratched."
VOL. XL-NO. 37.
Writers and Speakers.
Willigm Cullen Bryant gave the fol
lowing excellent advice to a young man
who offered him an article for the Eve-
nin . 4 Post
"My young friend, I observe that you
have used several French expressions in
your' article. I think if you will study
the Eriglish language, that you will find
it capable of "eipressing all •the ideas
that you may have. I have always found
'it so, and all that I have written Ido
not•jecall an instance when I was temp
tedito use a foreign word, but that, on
searching, I found a better one in my
own language.
"Be simple, unaffected, bid honest in
your speaking and writing.' Never use
a long word when a short one will do.
Call a spade not a well-known oblong
instrument of manual industry ; let a
home be a home, not a place of resi
,dence ; a pled() 'a place, not a locality,
and so of the rest. Where a short word
willi'do,'you , always lose by using a long
01301 Yon lose in 'Clearness, you lose in
hodest expression of men who are com
petent to judge, yea lose in reputation
for lability.
'The only true way to shine even in
this 4itlie World, is to 'be modest and un
assniiiing. Falsehood may be a thick
crust, 'but Truth in the course of time
Wiillfibd`a place=to break through. El
egance of language may not be in the
power ;if all of 'us,' bat and
"Write Much as ' - you Would speak;
speak as you think. If your inferior,
speak . rio coarser - then usual ; if your Su
perior, speak no finer. Be what you
eat and Within the rulee of prudence.
"N - o'one'ever wa '
s•a gainor by'singularity
CT words or in pronunciation. The tru
ly Whit:46ll . 4in 'eo speak ihat no one
hem 'he speaks.—A man
) rntriehdan'great knowledge of chemistry
aboht bladders of strange
gaffe's to breathe, but he will enjoy bet
tertealthiltinfilind incire time for busi
ness, who lives on common air.
"Sydney Sinith once remarked : 'AL
ter .you have 'Written .an article, take
yourien , and striko . out half the words,
and you will be surprised -to see how
much - stronger it is."''
A Teen's TOILET.-4u4bon relates
that be once saw a toad undress himself.
He commenced by pressing his elbows
;hard against , his sides, , and rubbing
downwird, After a few smart rubs his
sides began to burst openalong hie back.
He kept ,on rubbing urttll , he had worked
;all his skin into folds on hie sides. and
;hips ; theit grasping one,hind leg with
both hands, he hauled off one leg of his
papy hiLlisatrleas-autiody would ; then
he stripped off the ether, hind leg in the
same way:, Efelthea took his cast off
cuticle forward between his fore legs
into hitt month and swallowed it; then
bylhising and lowering his head, swal
lowing as bis,hea,d came down, he strip
pad. off the skin underneath until it
came;to his fore legs, and then grasping
one of those with the opposite hand, by
considerable n pulling,strippeo the other,
calla ,by a . lipgle,,motiop. of the head, and
',by swallowing, he drew it from the neck
'land swallowed the whole.
a li l e.nafar of the' vine called Gadabout,
; the Same qu'antity of root calle.d News
• ' '
engue, s. sprig of the herb called Back
',bite, a feW . flowers of the very common
shrub 'called I-Heard, a fable-spoonful
uf sit drachms of Mal-
:ice, a fdir drdps of Envy, which can 'ha
31,0 ebbs') at the shops of Miss Tabitha
Taittabla andlltisiNancY Night-walker.
ptir i thain tOgether, spice With • a
Says She, and simmer them fdr
half antour over the fire of Discontent,
lr,ilidled• with' a little Jealousy, then
strain through the rag of Misconstrue
tion'and ddrk'up livabottle of Malevo
lenpb, hang it upon a thread of street
.yarn, Ankh it decasionally for a few
daisfaridit will then . be fit for use. Let
.n few drops be taken just before walking
oak s ict—ivlien expecting company, and
thd'eribjCct*ill be oliabled to speak all
maiiii4tof evil;and that continually.
- W Air. Lincoln has told his "little
'story? in Richmond. While seated in
ihe . p . tylor of the fugitive Confederate
Presdent,.sema one:related to him the
circumstances of Davis' flight. Ee said
it reminded him otthe negro who, when
preacher Apld, the , congregation
'there .was only twoiroade fl oneieading t 43
liell, : altd,Alo other to. duronation,
01(410, , r c 4 Den die nigger fakes to .r
Ilrog4A" (
'$ jp.atio .:
Light infantry caovemehts—Agi
tating a cradle with a baby in it.