The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, April 01, 1865, Image 2

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    he Matiettian,
F. L. Baker, Editor.
OatuAdag, :11-Iz4ll, fcrbg,
u - Pbe li'rcitdet Mar/hal Geneollha's
deoia4 that aliens, peirions citidbr 20
ye a Re,,,otagn. udL,00910.31110.0.3.41x
empt from draft on e g e e nn i t, of service,
can enlist in and be credited to any
sob-distriet, iribifaictivcf of Vcieideitee.
There are a number oVekempts in some
of the sirbYdiettiVtit cif this cdentY,' who
bays been projentildfiCiar entering the
army sinee' i the. - piesage tini supple
ment to the enrollinent act by C ongress,
on acConiii ar 'llnWilliUkbe'ss of 'HI.
cruiting committees to 'risk accepting
men fr'om Other tilitti . dts' than thaie 'in
which they reside; the promulgation of
this oKdec o: ls4llb2,th,a,maane.of,adding,a
number of moik ev tn, Abe quota of this
county. .t
ear The poorest' an to be met with,
i)l`O.4estirring times; is the
man who is wtoo pbor:tO take , a newspa
per."` We ivity6c i ti" , a' man—es'pecially
if he is a man of Property as he general
ly i£3.' . 117110 iiiiar t tfOf ""too
poor" tin' sihtiktcoelhoWt6hacco,
ted to either pr,aqiqe ? : Apd „Tat; hap,-dreds of men Who spend , from' 5 to 25
cents a d ex for Jthe weed," or, drop of
"the ertitur," are too, poor to take a
newspaper, in the, MeVigenjurpt3Ft r apd
instruction of which their families might
participate,'. Really, such men, are poor,
and mean too.. They are objects of
Fifteen s triilfeS graduated from
the Medical Collewe for Women , - in
New*York, last weak, the,first class of
graduates from ;the jgstitutinn. , IThe:
young ladies bore themselves handsome
ly, were dressed, in, , tlie t Florence Nigh;t-,
ingale style--black silk caress with white
gimp bra t plyig, fitpng, jackets;
white cords round
„their , waists, with
long pendant and rosettes
their baems..;Tha, P,rssideAt,
lara. Greenough, pruisied. Bishopeox
conductel ; the. df3lre,tipu#l ,exercises.
Rev. Mr. tool°, Henry, Ward Reacher,
sad Horace :greeley,, mails, addresses,
The, affair was a, great success. ,
Gir Governor Brinlatte, in a mesaiige
to the! has '6?-* .
pressedilijalrekrefflatAthe' action'
, cif 'iti .
m'emberkzinAdt- ratifyink 'the eonettii
tionallionendminWitd "atioliehi slivery:
He' thiditta it aliong 'haTre' Bean mneti
more iblitidtfokhein to have approved'
it, instead df tiiiebtfen open,
tcr be paelsadinplitr bi Einecasiori;
thurelkeepink it# the akitatidti
mittetel for he , belieVea'qhat" alaverird
irrovdeably'ddonfed;'lMEl that 'no ; 'dna
carr'enterfairrthalainteat" 'hope of its
contindatkill:: ' ' '
lor .y 4 „Delaware ~(N. Y.,)- Express
sap funeral cortege passed
6,rnugh yraniFlie friva,Aanceck, recent,
135 tliepps yfives,o'f„the,decqueed, (Oliver
Butts) ' follnyiAgioncl A pash,;lankenting
the loss of her husband I Deceased and
bisiwlves held livectiogether.hapiiily ?
unslerstandituudek , ,the , Bade .rnof: Ale
had six children by one wife', and mien
by the other.'!.. •
7-13 eesereFite leade:obyr
Goverppr,Curtinhtha ,aeretaxy ,91:• i war
says that i4iPiti,n9Abni.4aoSaerYrte;raise
the Stateßuar,cl aLproposed..l3.V. -Legis
lative enactment that
_the United States
Governme,ntNis ableto protect ..our
bor!lers if, an eznprgenpy,should arise.
This will save the State • seyeyal< million .
dopars,wbich woald•ctberwise rbe spent
in raising -troops ? •.•••••••• • •
a- Before Vice 'President Johnson
left his home for Washington, says ,the
Memphis Bulletin, the colored people of
Nashville waiiadppo,o him athiß!,
and in behairof themselves and friends,
presented him with It fine gold
worth $350, for "his untiringencrgy
the cause of freed Om."
tejobe'Burkhartand TOM Prighls
took jr., two lately exchanged priseners,
d,ied,at Annapolis, a few days ago, from
eating tdo freely , after their prolonged
starvation in the rebel prisons. They
belonged, toClomberland,conety, Pa.,
or A' Waihington correspondent of
the Springfield (Mass.,) Republican says :
"Geneiti Ehttler'S'oOmniiisiOn as major
geneila expires fiea shoit; time, and he
will then probably be qiiietly' mustered
out of thii sell;
':.John Overtop,,.' the, Tennessee
millionaire, who gave,$6;000;000 to aid
the rebellion, has deserteit the , cause,
and is once more a peaceable citizen of
Nashville. A ' A Ai-A
:sr It re a; hoteworthy fact-thlit' only•
four cities, containing a potmlEitiOn of
ten thorisand,-now remain in poseieesion
of the rebel , confederacy. These - ire
Richmond; Petersburg, Augusta'ands
LON , JETITY.-A Quebec journal men
tions the case of a woman named Ma
dame Pierre foyer, Residing. in Rich
mond street, SL John's subnibs, of that
city, who has rbached thiV respectable
age of one hnndred and thirteen years.
Her child+, dand:chilargn, and great
grand-children amount to the patriarch
al number of two hundred and twenty
six, The old lady retains all her facul
ties, and resides with her son, who has
himself attained the very fair age of
seventy-nine. .
ter A. letter from Charleston to the
Washington Republican says :—"Ex.
Governor Aiken is one of the largest,
slaveholders and wealthiat men of the
South. Since the occupation of Charlet
ton by our forces be has reported the
names of alibis seven hundred
and fifty. in .cumber, tO the cornmandent
of the ,post, and given ~e acli‘family "s
farms on. one of the most fertile and , pro:
ductive islands on the coast, placed'
them on it,: anti album' well' started
life. Stich a;deedfdeserves to be recor;
fra"There are about 760 female clerks
employed in the Treasury,Department s
and ieledted fr:om' alinest all the 'States
in the Union: Many ihetrfliave been
rich, but are poor; 'Many Of thebi
are young ladies ; triany'ck them . are
widows; and '''Saine' 'fee in'ariied.
Their chief bubiness is in cutting'hitcl
aounting new:legal tender and' batioinal
bank4notes, andsin cohntiog and deatioy
ing-old ones.; •Their papis 8720 pert:W
imp each,. ~ • .
ar, Ihe Provost .Ta.rshal at St. Louis
his recently made ft . 'seizure of $90,0,00 end paper mopey,„with notes and
papers of an estimated value of $lO,OOO,
YCT99 banks Oat pity,
and belonging' to the wife of the, rebel
Major General Ewell. 'firs . E., is now
iu 'Cahada. 'She is the ,daughter of
John Campbell, a wealthy . Union man,
residing' near N'as !iv ills, `TePri.
, Atr The Military, Coultnission so long'
in,session atawrrisbnrg qfias `bean disS
banded by orders trom headquarters.
Ths ch, againsk,.the.prisoners' from
Qlearfield,coupty. numbering`some thir=,
tyodd, 7 bave all bego t eent .Philadel..
piu ex.arnipatfotk, Most of the pri:T
senors will no doubt be
while several of , the, ringleaders, it is
said, will be remanded to the custody, of
the dtyirtribunals for,trial.
• I
VW Charleston is not without its Joy
al men.. AHirert S. Me.l4y,Tt".,
Mari well .. knoWtff&tlie Masiinio fratbo
- stood boldly out trife'to the old Tag;
desiiite thretitspapiiVations.: :Ex
Aro r ell a oh 6 the i u Fria isfnee
- -
rthinly 2 fiiiil fehrle4S
i es t 'Men
Of the south
Cr Walter, S li, :I'aylor, who araskfor
tvslaty-five t yeara , nlorkja.the ku
,ditor's office at Washington, and\., ho
went tpßiclaaond o f the request ofJe
Davis . to 141 e. Second
..luditor of the con
feOprate Sates, liaslesigned- that posi
Eight rai •
lroad diens .
ters p ee , R . F O
last week in different P9r 4 ons• of .the
mencement of the year,
7, and forty-tive eine the.
o'f Wix •ilog the
loss y-one persons
and four
hundred ,t
and forty
.Gen. Payael,.oki Ttieeday Fast, was
attacked by Dr: - Ale'xaifder,4iblid enter
ing the Oburtilbutte iit - Peinealt. The
doeto,r drew revolver; nporr:the "Gener
alowho: ikaocked I.itt from a the 9 'doetorle
hanslovith:a eaneivandithemiame .4am a
drubbingiwith datureisterOatiOnd.' •
France has ;had 7silty-well
Trps. Miserable lives they led.
E ' leven were divorced ; two executed;
nine died young, seven were widowed
earls; three cruelly. treated ; three ex
iled. The rest were either poisoned or
IsirA Ldwistoiman, 'while endeavor
ing to pall the carcass' ora defunct cow
fiourthe iailtoad iraek, had the misfor.
tune to have the tail come out, which
tfo'was thgging at, and' he" rolled heels
`over-h - ead 'down - a thirty font' embank
ment.- ' •
far Jeff:Davis' Arabian horse, pre
seated to hini by the Viceroy of Egypt,
has been captured in'North Ca'relina by
Sheilien's iconts, and is to be present
ed'tdlthe.Preli3ident-of the "United
tr Theivelieeim iidows are calling
indignation meetings witioreference . to
the adverit' of hfiiseadbtisetts virgins.
The male persuasion is too scarce for
the home'inarli"et, wifliont iMportations.
•or John Boyer, Esq., a citizen of
Norristown,.President of the bank of
Montgomery county, died on Sunday,
abouVls years..
Twenty-sixirnion families of 'Cor
pus. Chiisti and vicinity have been ban
ished to Mexico by ethe 'rebel .authori
• , ‘' • • ..•
'sr Joseph Halleek, a brother of Gen.
Halleck has enlisted , as` a private in =the
Union army.— •
or Paul Aforphy,tho : choss champion,
:is practicing law in Now Orleans.
In South Carelina, aside from giarles.„
ton, no town his 2,000 inhabitaiiiii, and
only two towns rise to 1,000.
North barolini has a dozerkt4wns of
over 1,000 people—Raleigh, Newborn
and Fayetteville have 4,000 to 5,000
Gen. Schenck, in the course of his re
marks on the enrollment bill, stated
that- under •the prosentt construction: of
the commutation lel, Gen. lEfallick re.
ceives $2,100 per year more than Gen.
Sheridan, who is constantly in the field,
•• . •
"Phe ,
'C'otomiseiondri bf tirigiation
have directed the'District Attorney to
prosettitErthe '6WrieTer
vessels bringing;convicts to.Neis York.
The GoiertinCen't is hereatei . ftirn
lab the goldiefs , iiiih toliacoo, at "coat
Fine; a"pioVision'tb that , effent'.baiing .
been engrafteff . nOon the "Ai)toin=
Qu e en yie,tpria,l3l A s temporarily maw!,
ged• from her; seetusion l by sacniyin .tho
foreign ambassadors,,metpbars °CAI a ,jp.
gations, • ,te, in-. state, At , ,, , Backinham
pa;0151111._ . ,
A lock 'of Queen E izabet 'l3 ,
• ith an original poem by, Sir
ey on receiving it, as , lately bee
otind in an old folio volvmepftbe Ar 7
adie, at Walton, The' bald
= • zt
color is golden brown.
only professionahskater. Old?
or in!leedwny .coun try tso lams we Allow
has yet produced,has,nad, a $3.509; by.
'his skating; feats :at ,Lonion,. and: has
gone to' Paris at the requesfr,i orthe
peror. Haines uses parlor
,skiites when
he carinotiget ice.'
Alexandi Milliner, a ieiolutiApary
soidier, did at Adataa'
miles 'from ,Rochester, last weak
at' the age of one hundred and Bye
.The colored men of Philadelphia Awe
filling up3he new regiment,fickwdforning
nt' Camp William Penw. Phe educated,
ones, now'ficitie. the , color 7
edanan, ate:enlisting in thelsirmyyknom
ing that they havethe'same chance ,to
rise as the .white soldier. - .
1I , • ,
Commiesioner Lewis has notified all
collectors that limiter and friction
es exposed for sale,,,,w,ithout being etttm-
Ped, are liable, to.confiscatiOn, whether
imported or in original packages, a large
or small, or otherwise.. •••
Sharp's rifle Hartford,
ploy 500 tvorkmen„anctttie machinery is
kept ,runningnight tiodTWenty
five hundred rifles and `carbines are
manufactured every month , for the Gov
In the gallery athe ()convent of Jest
its, at Lisbon, ,there is.a: fine :picture of
Adam in Paradiffe dressed-in blue,breeeh
es, with silver buckles, and. Eve ; with a
The slitt , e-pens' in - Louisville, ICy.,
like thoie of B!iltim'dit, WaOhington
and New Orleans,
On the 4th oiabrii&tliei'e
eised'Of nil elatei'ennfineeia-Louis
A large meeting braermans was held
on Sunday night last, at the Cooper In
stitute, with,a view of promoting a bet
ter observancs of the 'Sabbath' among
that nationality.
The fine large mansion of Carville S.
fthe 'Raltimr
was on'Trfday The
bone destrOyed'haS• tidlorighdt"to' - are
faidi IY upiimeds' ofitwO 'hind red yitirs.'
Charles A. gurt, the well:known and
wealthy byewctr at Albany, wee instantly
killed, on Tuesday, by the aecidental
failing of a'stone from the tog of hip,
brew,ery.. .
Horseflesh is becoming popular ,ott
the Continent. In Denmark public!.
ly sold,. and-at Vienne there."are, seven
special butcherieu; where, in 1862, 1954
horses : were retailed, ,
A Chicago merchant; Who• went to
that city ten yea s ago pith only $1.27:
in his pocket, haS just been tsking an in
ventOry,-.and 'finds 'that his 'stock' now
amount's to1432;000:-
Among the recenUeinforcemen o
the Army. otthe Potomac is a_heavyar
tillery.regimentv numbering .1600
1000 of whom received $.1(00
boutitk= for One yeas , service'!A It- is
known at the front as "the.millioxdolt
lar regiment."
In ten YeArli before
1850 to 1860,-Tennessee lost just twpn
ty-ntattoinaway elayea,,accort4g44,ap•
curate statistics. ,How MOT; she has
lost since is an unpleasant subject of
contemPation . to her pro-alavery citi-
Georgia has lane towns. Augusta
12,000; - Atlanta, Aoco • Cohunbus
Richthord had 28,000{ of whom 14,-
06d are ,a
half blacks.
The populatinn :of 011atiesfon in 1860
was '46090, Viit• wfiiteh, 23,000 r; ~blabia4
Savannah, inhibitante,
14,000 whites; .B,ooo'blaeks.and
Ven. 13astc ant cisEorE
A WHOOSSMEgiv.---licrth branches
of the P'ennsillinia Legislattire have
passed au' act declaring that if any em
ployee of :a railroad company shall vio
late any Ole of such company, and
ju+y or la' 's of life shall thereby result,
the offender shall be immediately arres
ted by the prosecuting attorney of the
city or county where tha„accident hap
pens, and, if found guilty, shall be con
victed of misdemeanor, and punished at
the discretion of the court with impris
, onmetit:W the Statll Penitentiary for
five years, and a fine of ( $5,000) FIVE
THOUSAND DOLLARS. In addit ion to this
criminal prosecution the offender and
the ritiiiold;itimiiany shall be alike li-
able for . Civil damages. •
-13nder*this act .everremployee , of a
railroad company, no matter how hum
ble hie position, through whom anacci
dent: - 15c.c.tirs, , by 'failure to "obey 'any
rule,"' or by "neglect of any precaution,"
can, and will be arrested,,,and prosecd
tda utmoat, rigor of the law.
tier'etofore the' only
. punisreent that
could` beitiflicted' was diimissal, but
Weaker; the leading officers of a nam
befortallioads will unite 'with the 'tra
yelling publie in . Punishing any carelese
or' ziegilent'agent by fine and impris
onment,, which can be inflicted not
merely fuc fc;e'oe . lii6,' lint also for
- air PlAifejelling at Vettres Moni;oe,
office, a largi)
bog adreaned - to one of .Jay Cookn's
pe oiiiifrottiant , Loatt Slibsetip'tion Agents
id ' ll ‘RiCilMOtid, Va." ' It...contains' band=
Ibills and-cirenlais; giving *pcipular infoir
math:ill about the Seven-Thirty Loan,
aitosi, kik°
andhhe`Convensation of banks' and tiro
kerev;tio het as' agents, and instruetions
for their"guidanee. This bcii will pro
bakily'be•tthe very first' freight landed at
Rie:hreond:after the `city shalt come into
onepoiselsion. •
or Parson Brownlow, Governor eledt
of Tennessee, has beenewarded $25,000,
in a snit for damages inflicted 'by impri
sonmentiierd paiseention at the bands
of certainprominsint - rebalsolKnoxville,
'which islo' be assEiesed. npon' 'the;' t•ro
perty of Ramsey, Sneed, [lnd 'others,
wlan,were influential' in the. early, days
of the, rebellion, in getting the Parson
' to all
Mr Letters from Wilmington, North
Carolina'dated the 15th, State that the
'great . meeting held there was ft great
ievOlntion In public sentiment. All ar
rnyt,olficials carefully, absented tbemsel
vtis, to allow the popular will of the peo,- be developed Large numbers of,
prominent persons, identified with the
rebellion heretofore, came out for ,a, re
united country. •
'Kelley and Crodk, the two douty
generals who were sotrietitne ago'polled
out'ot theirheds'at Cuiriberlarid, Md.,
by half a dozen rebels,4 who ha'd to pass
the picket's of four or five thousand men
to-get at them, and hurried 'down to re= -
befdom; have been paroled, have' come
back, and Lieut. Gen. Grant has very
kroperly sent them to their respective
ear Mrs. Andrew Allison, residing in
Beaver county, tbree,milearom.Hooks
town, last%Week agaves birth= to - four
healthy. children. Some twenty months
ago, Mrs.;Allison gave' birth to•T three
daughtets; whom s,he naniedegortyPora
and ;Nora: These'seven Children, born
within &period of.two years, were, at
last accounts, doing well, at; was also
their mother.
gir An extraordinary instance of de
termined endurance has just occurred in
th e e prison of Aleala, in Spain. ,,,, man
named Pueala, condemned to death for
murder, dread of the garotte, !'de
tern3inedoto -starve limself to death.
El.e resolutely.reftmid,all food, and on
the twelfth day , expired frot exhaus•
- plar Nathaniel West, convicted many
yeari ajo of the murder of his wife, in
hinichant street, F'hiladelphia,bas been
pardoned. HS lids lain in Moyamens
,prition, under, sentence, of death,
ever singe. His history is known to
every one familiar to Philadelphia. He
murdered his wife in a fit of jealousy.
or Robert, Cobb Kennedy, who as
convicted of being a spy, and an incc en
diary in attempting to barn the city of
New York, was on§.aturday executed
at. FArt loafayette. , He was shockingly
FlX9faPe; fiang ,a, song as , the . execn
"tioner adjusted the rope.
er By command' of the French Em=
peror, the heart' of Voltaire, enclosed in
a gilt metal case, has been deposited' in
the Imperial Library in Paris. The
case, bears the,insaription':. "Tbe.Heart
of Voltaire, whodied in Paris the 30,th.
of May,. 1778.". .
ar In the Siiperior Conn, for Btiatol
county, Mass., John., E. May sued 11"ath;
Davie for darriages to the .amount
of $lOOO for,theisedaction othisqM.ay'e).
wife, and lhajury gave him $25:: •
tql• It is said that Sherman captured
°none' cotton; turpentine, pitch, and
rosin to pay.the • expenses of his cam
New'torli has had
ierdiot of $2O damage tiainit another
for"ealling him a Copperlictrid 'ind a trai
SYVIIER ' S lIISTOM—Wo have glanced
over an advance copy of the History of
the Pennsylvania Reserves, published
by Elias Rarr & Co., and judging by
what we have read of it, it will be the
most popular book ever published in
this State. It is exceedingly well writ
ten and Mr. Sypher has reason to con
gratulate himself upon the success of
this his maiden-effort in book-making.
There is probably no other man who
would have done the work so well—cer
tainly, none could have done it better.
It will be treasured as household words
in every patriotic Pennsylvania family,
and especially by all who had friends
and relatives in the heroic band', whose
history it so faithfully and ably'recorde.
Not-the-least.interersttnr - part- of - the
volume is the rolls of the different regi
ments and companies, which are, ,so
ranged that the military career of each
man can be read at a glance. This
book deserves of,every Pennsylva
nian, and we have no doubt,it will have
a large sa l e.-7Ezpress.
:Tob n •biomes - dairghter is ise eh
negroes in
,Governor Wise's
11- To Cimmixirrvx.s. The Motersig,ned
having been restored to' health in it-few weeks;
by it very simple remedy; after having suffer
ed' beveral yams, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption-Lis anx
ious to make' known to' his fellow sufferers
th'emelins ofeiire.
To all who desire it, be will Bend a copy of
the piescription ' used, '(free of charge,) with
thi • direetiona 'far preparing and using the
acme, which they will find a sure cure 'for Cox
simrrioN, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Conon!,
Coins, &c. The onlyobject of the iidnettiser
in seziding - tsie'PriaCcititton is to beneEt the
afflicted, and elireild infemnation which he
conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes eir
eryrsaffeCeewilr 'ttrti.Vieriieily, — ii'elf
cost them nothing, and• May prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will p lease
Rev. EDWARD A. Wx csorc,
Williamsburg, Kings co. N. Y
gar Editor of "The Mariettian."
Dnert Siw:—With your permission I wish
to say to the readers of your paper that I will
send, by returp, mail, to all who wish it, (free)
a recipe, with full directions for making and
using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effec
tually rernove, iu te&Nys, Pinyles; Blotches,
Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin,
leaving the same soft, clear ; smooth antlbeau
tiful. I will also , mail free to those having
Bald Heads, or Bare. Faces,, simple ,directions
and information that, will enable them to, start
a full growth of 'luxuriant' Hair; Whiskers Or
a Moustache, in less•than '3b days.
All applicationivansWered .6 3 i return mail'
without , charge. - Respectfully yours,
Tiicts. 4 ".•Ci - k.k/PlAN,`Citentist3
831 Broadway, N. Y.
30-3 ml
A CARD TO' :INVA I IDS. A Clergyman;
while residing:in. South America as.a mission
ary, discovered a-safe and simple feinqdy for
the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay,
Diseases of the urinary and Seminal Organs,
and the whelp train of disorders lirongbt on
by baneful vi'ciOus habits. Anim
bets have been already cured by this noble
remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the re
cipe,* preparing and.u.sing this medicine, in
a sealed envelope, to any one 'who needs it,
Free of dare,
Please elide* a, post-paid envelope, addres
sed to yoniself:
Address, , : 4
Jos. T. INMAN, •. •
STATION D,.),liousny i Neto York City.
Is You WA IcT TO 'KNOW' 8 little of every
thing relating tOthe tinning syStern; male and
feriiald , rtlie7cauleS and treatment otdiseasesi
the' marriage „eustorns of the *arid ; %how to'
marry, well,•and thousand other things never
published before read the revised and enlarged
edition of 4, Mantcar. COMMON SENSE,":
curious book for curious ieople, and a good'
bodk for every one. It contains 400 pages, 100
illustrations. • Price,' 81:50: Contents'.table
sent free to any addreirs.' Books may be had
at the book, stores, ore will :4c.. sent_ by mail, -
post paid, on receipt,of, ,Address,.
E. B. incrin M. D 1130 Broadway N. Y.
OLD EYES . .lusaye. , ;NEw.-1 pamphlet di
reeling howl°. speedily restore. bight
,ant give
up spc.c.tacleu,•wititout aid of doctor or rnedi
rine. Sent by mail, free, on .receipt of TED
cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D , •
feb4-6111] 1130 Broadway, N. V.
E WHISKERS .!—Those wishing a fine set
of Whiskers, a nice Meu.stache, or a beauti
ful head of glOiy ffair,..„will please read the
Card of Traos,F.., in this paper.,
LETTERS REMAINING upcianned in the
Post Office at Maiietta,'Pri.,'Munanay,
MA inn 30, 186bt
JrZ• To, obtain any of these letters, the ap
plicant must cilia for "advertised letters;" gwe
the date , of thii -list, and pay, one antler ad
vertising.. 4BRAHAM ; CASSEL, P. M.
.13i11,gt, Mehala 2.
„Morgan, Tames.
Brenneman,,Hattie • McGanghleY, Jahn
.;,Margriazdy, C.
Cumannal, Miss .
E. Mr.
Digenderfer, H. G. Mullaney, 'Archer
Fattest, Mr.::l.Tamei , l,festomer, ,
Fabelinger, Fre,detick P,kolfer,,Mialqtel
GeriA,V, Jacob ' Itee3; John"C". 4
Joheph 2 -7 iii6hao ; :Margaret
Liston, Ellen ~, , Stewrirt,•Charles , .
Witmer; Miss Laura Steacj, Mrs: M. L.
Huffall, John NV. :,' Shultz, Mrs. Maryz
Harper,,David Sickel, Wni. 3
Killing, George Saildr, V. :Esq. •
Lindemuth, Miss B. • Shmit, Benjamin.
Loucks, Henry Whunkle, Michael
, • , Wyez, Miss Manila ,
• Hay fOr •
HREE'oI-fmir tons - excellent Timothy bay
for.oale. Infinite immediately of.
. _
ACHOICE Lot of Books for children called
indietructable Pleasure Books r Seliool and
Paper Books, Stationahr; Pens,. Pen holders
&C., it: ' 2 - • LANDIS & TROOP:6
p gilveisie" Crop New-Orleans Molasses
-•:-the very best , for Cakes. -Just - seceiired
for culinary genuni-
H. Eat
_ .
• ,
itcioGir:lta'sSte7l:cltdaTearl cainint and
" THE GOLDEN .31011 TAR,
RO NIN G'S Excelsior Coli ee
Whilst trying Coffee of all the various brary,
—at the heed it stands.
True, it's not like others that are "SI.11.1;
A little stretch, we all do know, good g0,, 33
will easily bear,
( But a stretch like this—"sold every where'+_
is very apt to tear. )
Now, I can slimly say, without any hesitation.
There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCEL.
SIO H.". in this enlightened nation.
Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from
any store
Possessing the same ingredients as "Brown.
lag's Kseelsior."
Nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffe e
Who knows the articles from which "Brows.
I Ines EXcelsioeslr made,
I'm told it's made from barley, rye, wheat,
• beans, and peas ; ' •
Name a thousand e qther g things—but the
RIGHT ONE if yon please.
But with the C9Efeg.7*iit pot hold con
For the many, many tbinga.they say—too nil
merout to mention. •
Whilst they're engaged in running round Iron
store to store
To - learn the current wholesale price of
"Browning's '
me who know my
„Coffee gives perfect sat
Have formed alhars-byi which they hope to
• eause,arguickreaction.
The case'tis with a few . ; no doubt 'twill be
More— -
To name their Collie after mine, -(3ROWY
Some ,say their's the
. only, bran I that will
Alma areadYiest.
Now, try a little et them all—see which you
tike the best., •
Three years havepeesed away lance I first
sold a store;;
Never have I , your paper advertised before ;
Nor would L now s or eves consent _to publish
If like some: used, by "everybody? " so ld
everywhere!' in "every store?'
A trade like this i j do not wish ; the orders /
could notfilli
The factory all Jersefa land would Wie-.
leave nut a foot to till.
Illy,trade is not so very large; stilt I Oink 1,
have my share ;
But, reader, yok. may rest assured, 'Us NOT
Manufactured and for Sale'by the writer,
No. 9.if Market. street Camden, New. Jersey,
This coffee is not cornposed,of. poisonous
druga it contains nothing deleterious; many
persons use this Coffee
, that cannot use the
pure coffee ;, it .taketibut one and a half ounces
to make a quart of good - titrong coffee, that
being just ouerhalf the, quantity. it , takes or
Java Coffee, :and always, less. than half the
RETAIL DEALERS may *chase it in
less quantities than ten gross at - my prices
from the Wholesale Grocers.
la' Orders by Mail from Wholesale Dealers
promptly attended to. [2B-3m
Cheap Fertilizers.
METE vEvalLizEtts prepared by the Ag
ricultural Chemical Company, [ a com
pany chartered by the legislature of Pennsyl
vania with a capital of $250,090,1 have been
proved in practite to be the cheapest, most
profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener
and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ma
nures noW offered in any'marhet. The Cont
pany's list embraces the following :
PABULETTE, This Fertiffzeris compose,l
of night soil and the fertilizing elements of
urine combined, chemically and mechanically
with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab
It is reduced to a pulverized condition. rea
dy,for immediate use, and without loss of de
highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties.
Its 'universal application to all crops and,
soils, and its durability sod active qualibeg,
are well known to be all that agriculturi,:i
can disire. PRICE $3O PER TON.
CHEMICAL COMPOST. This Fertilize' .
is largely composed of animal matter,
such as meat, bone, - fish, leather, hair and
wool, together with chemicals and inorganic .
Terrifixers, which decompose the mass, and re
tain the nitrogenous.. elements.
It is a very valuable fertilizer for held crops
generally, and especially' for potatoes, asud
garden purposes.
Its excellent qualities, strength , and cheap
ness, have made it very popular with all who
have used it. Price,:s4o REA TON.
ly phosphatic 'feitiliier, particulurly
adapted for, the cultlis' i tiosi of Trees, Fruits,
Lawns and Flowers. promote a
very vigorous and healthy growth, of.wood and
fruit, arid largely increase the quantity sin
perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot
house arid household planta and Sowers, it
will be found an ,indispensable article to se
cure their greatest perfection. ^fit Will prevent
and cure diseased conditions qt the peach and.
grape, and is excellent forirass and lawns.
it is composed of such, elements as make it
adapted to the growth of all kinds 'of crops m
all kinds of soils.
The formula or method of combining ite
constituent fertilizing ingredients have re
ceived the highest approval 'of aminent chem
ists and scientific agriculturists. Price, $5C+
IItIOSPHATE OF. L1111E.....;The Agriculte
r rat, Chemical Company manufacture a
PhOsphate Lirnc in aecordanciWith a new:
and valhable formula, by which . a very supe
rior article is produced, so far ad to be afforded'
at a less price than other manufacturers charge.
Practical tests have proved that its value, as a
fertilizer, is equal to the test Phosphate of
Lime in the market. Price 465 Pea /Ulf.
IE3 TERMS orders of is Ton, or
more, will be delivered at the railroad stations
and the wharves of shipment,, free of cartage.
Cartage wlll . be charged On all ordeis of six
barrels or less:" One Dorlir per Ton allow
ance foi cartage will be made on all sales de
livered tit the werki of the Company, on Ca
nal Wharf. ,
At Canal Wharf, on the Delaware.
Office, 4131 Arch ,St., Philadeighia, Pa.-
R. 13., FITTS, peneral Agent.
The 'Company's Pharnidilet Circular, em
bracing full directions for using the above
Fertil4pxs, sent by mail freeiwheu requested..
Maich 11, 1865-6 ml
• BROWN & CO.,
[LATE Som linawrir & Co."
Corresponding how in Washington,
D..C., J. W. Fisher 6. Co., 47:8 14th
TTaving had three years' mill:m.ll'm' ce in the
_nrCollection of Claims and the General
transaction of business irLall tepartments of
Goverpinent, we can assure our Clients and
Correspondents - that ell bifeinees intrusted 10
us will be vigorously` andproinptly attended
to. We are preparedto make advance upon,
and negotiate the sale of Claims, and purchase
Quartermaster's bills . and checks; as well as
collect the following classes :
Pensions 'for Invalids, Widows, Mothers
and Orphan 'Children.
Bounties for Soldiers, discharged for wounds hattle,those who have served two
years, and the heirs of deceased, also State
Bounty to such as are entitled.
Arrearrof Pay for Officers and Soldiers, and
the heirs of deceased. .
NaVy Prize money for all captures.
Naiiy Pension, and balance of Pay.
Aocounts of discharg,ed' Officers settled, Ord
nance and. Clothing returns properly ll , :a ae out
and corrected, and clearances obtained from
Ordnance and Quarteimaster's Departments .
U. S. 'Revenue 'Stamps for sale it a discount
of 3z to 4i'per cent': [32-3m
fAR. Echternach's Army Lotion, an infalli
ble remedy for StiddleGalls, Open Sores ,
and diseases of the skin,