Eijt Yotal fflariettian. SATTJRDAY, MARCH 25, 1865 ror ilroati Time Tabk, see first page i rr We aro antler obligations to Mn Child, for early garden seeds from the, ,Ticultmralhareatt,..,Was..: ton. 011010 4;y : ' . _ T:. LW F aEsuft— Aft ,(14ving at aint-d a height of oor twenty cone, in -1,,..: higher than the great 110°441134 . 6, I ] , .- us quoliannacotathenced to fall, and Idit too, rapidly, It , was s.t its highest i:int about noooloi4Saturday last. A amyl: had been mad 4 on the key hol of the river, or outside doer, of the picot warehouse, situated between the canal and river, marking the height - of the '46 flood, and at neon oo', Saturday a party went out in a skiffalld,foku4 that mare covered by over 21 inches; 'lt remained /Stationary for several Atoays, when it ;commenced to fall, andlin ti, short time 'Front street was cleared of the much dreaded invader. OnBundayl several ll excursions were mad) 4upiana down Front street in skiffs. .A.,l , early all of the canal bridge abutmentstebh were just being put up, preParatoWi the lov al of the tow path to the lower eof the canal, in order to allow the *Sent tow path to be used for the second rail 'road track, about to be laid, were mush damaged and some of the:bridges swept away. The bottom of the canal and ; many points along Front street are 'now literally piled up with round and square timber, trees, and debris of every• de scription, and many are busy cutting up everything into stove wood, verifying the old saw "that it is an ill win:d .1ho:t ~ blows nobody good;" as nearly every person on Front street has a huge pile of wood. The injury done.-the railroad -nil canal has been very great. No rains for five or six days passed up or down the road; on Sunday, however, the Pennsylvania r iilroad company com menced repairing—all the hands 'that could be got were put to work. The railroad bridge across Chiques creek had been moved several feet from its foundation—the track near the henry t'lay inimace for several hundred yards lind been entirely swept into the canal and a lung stretch of the tow path and, iln• high wall below. Chicplos was w,:-lied even with the canal bottoin, into the river. On Wednesday evening frvight trains began to run. ,Telegraph , ononuitication—east and west—for sev- . oral days had beencut off, and for our :tails we had to send Private aonVeyan •s to Columbia, and thus, for nearly a .eek, we appeared to be edit 'oft'. "from II the world and the rest of mankind." Alen are now busy at work on the rail road and canal and the work of repair wilt tie vigorously pushed forward. A urge saw mill, said to have come from Mit island, near Middie,town, .lodged across the canal neat Muiser & Miller's mill—one end resting, on the tow path and the other on the birth bank of tbe canal—a log is (Mile carriage way an:d the saw set; at the other .end of the mill is a large pile ef tobacco as if just being prepared for_triarket, indicating clearly that the mill had been hastily abandoned.' The work , of pumping out the cellars:oh Front streetis now being generally done. ilfaT arcelns Jerome Clark, allas._"Sue Mandy," was hung tn kv., on the 15th instant. Dr. Grove of this borough, now stationed at one of the Hospitals in that city, sent us a copy of the Louisville Journal, containing it full description of the. execution. _ Vlach was very •young--not twenty-one until August next, and had been a gnerrilla for aver• three years:;, Be said on the gallows that he had not perpetrated the fourth'of the dritrieri'aitributett to him, more than enough, however, to have long since deserved_ death. = Mr. Editor :—Duriog the past, winter —from the 18th of November to the present date—the musical class of Dr. and Mrs. Worrell, held in the M." - E. Church, has been an entire success , and at tie close of the second ,se,ssion, many friends of music were present and were delighted at bearing such charming mu sic. Rev. Mr. Gregg made his farewell address to the class, which will long be remembered by all present. The third session 'has just commenced, which in fu ture will be known as the "Musical Union of Marietta," enters withincreas ed numbers. It is to be hoped our citi zens will soon hear them in a public con cert. P. H. G. gar The "Viver America Troupe" gave a couple of concerts in the Town Hill, on Wednesday and Thursday eve nings. ,The einging was very fine=the bass particularly so—whilst Mons. Du bois with hii budget of French, English and American blunderskept the house continually in a roar of laughter. They will visit us again and deserve a better audience. The closing exerciSes of the Ma- Tietta High school, took place on Thurs day evening last. We could not be present, but learn . that everything passed off mach to the credit of lir. Hoffmeier, the principal, and the Mr. H., will open a select summer school, commencing on: the' lath of April. See his card in another column. In looking over the last number of the Middletown Journal, we find our former townsman, William D. Hendrick has been elected one of the Council men of that place. W. D. is a loyal and an energetic young gentleman and will make a progressive member of that body. son, Notitts ;cp. To CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a. very simple remedy, after havin,g suffer ed several years, With a severe Jung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions , for preparing and using the same, which they will find ' a sure cure for Cory , SPBUTION, A5T1131.4, fIAOSCIIITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, 4e.. The only object of the advertiser in sending tue Mier iption is to benett the afflicted, and sptead information which he conceives to he invaluable ; and he,hopcs' ev ery sufferer Will, try his remedy, as it will cost i tlietti nothing, and may prove a blessing. • Payties wishingithe preseription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Kings co. N. Y. if Editor of- "The Mariettion." DEAR SlR:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return in*, to all who wish it, (fiee) a recipe, with full. directions for' making and using a simple Vegetablefiahn that will effec tually remove, in ten rays, Pimples, Blotches,. Tun, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaying the same soft, clear,.emootltiod beau- . tiful. I will also. mail free to4boae Bald'll cads', or Bare Faces, simpleidirections and information that will enable dent to start a full groWth of luXuriant Nair,. Whiskers or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. . All applications - answered by retain mail without charge. • Respectfully yourS, • Thos. F. Cu/mints', Chemist, 831 Broadway, N. Y. 30-3 ml A CARD TO INVAJIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a mission ary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great num bers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the re cipe for-preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge, Please enclose a post-paid envelope, addres sed to youiself. Address, • Jos. T. INMAN, STATION D, HOUSE, New York City 1) ^ INFORM:IT/ON FREE ! —TO Nerroms: SulTerers.—A. gentleman, cured of nervous dee incompetency, premature decay, and youthful mem, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge) the receipt and di rvctions for making the simple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's bad experience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The re ceipt and fall inforitathrof vital 'import anre—will be cheerfully sent by return mail. J .11N B. OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau-st., New-York. P. S.---Nervous sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. 3m IF You WA NT TO KNOW a little of every thing relating to the human system, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well, and a thousand other things never published before. read the revised and enlarged edition of " MEDICAL COMMON SENsE," a curious.book for curious people, and a good book for every one. It contains 400 pages, 100 illustratiofis. Price, 050. Contents table sent free to any address. Books may be had at the book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price; Address, E. It. FOOTE, PoI: D., 1130 Broadway,• N. Y. OLD EYES MADE NEW.—A paripphlet di •reeting how to speedily restore sigA r t and give up spectacles, without aid of thictor or medi cine. Sent by mad, freC, on, receipt of TEN cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D feb4-6m] 1130 Broadway, N. Y. • St:' WursKEris !—ThoSe wishing a fine set of Whiskers, a nice Alrustache, or a beauti ful head of glossy Hair, will please read the Card'ofTHos. F. CHAPMAN, in this paper. LI N DNESS, DEAFNESS and CAA. TREN, Btreated with the utmost success, by DR. J. ISAACS, Dentist ats Aurist, (formerly of Leydon, aolland,) N 0.019 PINE street, OAR adelphia. Testimonials from the most hie sources in the City and Country cai:ibe seen at his office. The . medical faculty are invited to accompiny their patients, adlt i as no secrets in, Ins practice. MITI L EYES, ;inserted without Jrain. No &s he made.for examination. [jan. 20151: LETTERS ,R EM. AI N I NG,..unclaiine4,the Post Office at Marietta, Pa., THURSDAY, lllAudH 23, 1b65. Baker, Mrs. C:" • McFee, Alex. Bell, Miss S. ;T.'2 Miller, Lillie at Chahers, F.Nebe, Valentine Diginan, Margaret Pendle, John Fresher, Miss R - ., Reib, Miss Sarah Gould,,llichard Reishr Augustus GlatteAher, Mrs. Ann Rime, Margaret Hentzlenmn, Annie Stormer; Barbara Hawaner, David . Stocumb,'Mr. S. Harding, John " Strom; Mrs: Harris, Mrs. Mary Stevens Mrs. Susan Harris, Mrs.. Annie Thomas, Lewis Longenecker, Eliza Wrentz, G'otleib Leed, Peter Winters, Miss Katie 1•• To obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call for "advertised letters," give the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad vertising. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M. Our Nation's ~Pride. OTT FLAG. Long may it wave o'er the land, of the free and the home of the brave. AND long merit be remembered that the place to purchase .your choice Toilet ar limes, is at Dr. HINKLE'S Drug Store, where he has just opened a large assortment of the choicest Bxtracts for the 'Handkerchief, such as Night Blooming Cereus, Hyacinth, and the White Pond Lily, three of the most fashiona ble perfumes now in use. Call and examine for yourselves. 31-lf DR.Echternach , s Army Lotion, an infalli ble remedy for Saddle Galls, Open Sores, and diseases of the skin, AT THE G OLDEN MORTAR. BOHLEHI's long celebrated 11. D. BENJAMIN "Coming events cast their Shadows before,' The approaching collapse of the Rebellion is already fully anticipated in the great decline of merchandize. SPRING GOODS Are now selling at SPANGLER & RICH'S At very greatly reduced prices. And the styles are much prettier than any the Manu facturers have produced since the beginning of tlie war. i f,you want a First-rate Black or Fancy Silk A neat or gay challie or De Laine A superior Black or fancy Woolen De Laine A tine or - medium Black or Colored Alpaca A good Lavella, De Baige or Poplin An Excellent Chintz or good Calico A French, English or Shambry Gingham. You find it at SPANGLER & RICH'S •'1 pring Shawls Balmorals Gloves, Ho siery Belts and Buc'lles, Embroidered Handker chiefs and Collars, Mourning Collars and Veils, Head Nets and Dress Trimmings. A full supply at SPANGLER & RICH'S. W ASHINGTON Skeleton Skirts. The best article of the kind made each Skirt is guaranteed. We are Agents for the Manu facturer. Good Style Cassimeres for Suits, Cloths, Ves tings, Jeans, Cottonades, Shirting Flannels, Neck Ties, Se., Moslins, Tickings and Cheeks, Osnaburgs, Drills and Flannels,. Sheetings, Diapers and Crash, Feathers. Table and Floer Oil Cloth, Looking 'Glasses and Blankets, Transparent and Holland Blinds. Wall . and Window Paper, Ingrain and Rag Carpet; Wool and Linen Carpet Chain. A large assortment of Boys and , Mens ,fiats and Caps. Common and Fine •Glass Ware, Fine Granite Dinner Sets. 'GROCERIES Sugar Syrup. Teas New. Macke.ral in all Sized packages Sugar cured, Hams and Dried Beef, Salt, Rice Spices &c. All at the lowest prices, SPANGLER. 8t RICH TTENAY WOLFE,. _EL DEALER In Patent Medicines, Hair Stain, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Extracts, 15-c Hamilton's Flair Stain, :Nlishlei's Bitters, Stover's Bitters, Samberg Medicated Wit e, Mason's Cough Candy, Richardson's nit Drops, Banvart's TroChes, Gum Mastic, NVorm Confections, Bear's Oil, Beef's Marrow, Pipes, Segars, Tybacco, Paper and Envelopes, 25 lice white and'Bulf Envelopes for 10 cents, Letter and Note Paper one cent a sheet Parlor Matches, Combs, Brushes, Lead Pencils,' Violin Strings, Bridges, Pocket Books, Clocks and Watches for sale and Repaired. Don't mistake the place, opposite the Post Office, and next door to Dr: Hinkle's Drug Store. HENRY WOLFE, Agt. 11:, - We will :ell you any thing in our line 25 per cent less than you can buy it at any other place in the county. Marietta, March 18, 1865. 32-3m* Estate of Samuel Collins, late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate hay ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those hailing claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersign ed. residing in the Borough of Marietta. -- - A. SUMMY. Administrator. • Marietta, March 11, 1865. 31-6 t Estate of Joshua Smith E. Brown late of the Borough of Marietta decaased. Letters of administration on said estate hay ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having clainis or demands against the same will present them without delay fur settleinent to the undersign ed, residing in said Borough of Marietta. BARR SPANGLER. t Administrator. Marietta, March 17, 1865. LEVI FILE, : ' =4 COACH AND BLACK-SMITH, Upper Railroad ~§tatibn, Marietta, Pa, AVING permanently established him self in the BMITHING business at the old established stand near Houseal's Hotel, at the Upper Railroad Station Depot, where he is prepared to do everything in his line—ex cept the Shoeing of Horses—in a superior and workmanlike Manner. Especial attention paid to Coach work. Being determined to turn out none , but the best work at reasonable prices, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public favor. Marietta, March 11 1865. ' 81-tf S ELECT HIGH SCHOOL A School for pupils of advanced and second ary grades will be opened in the High School Building, ON MONDAY THE 10th or APRIL NEXT. Every effort will be made to make it a first class school, worthy of the patronage it seeks. Terms, per quarter,-$5 to $7, per pupil. For further particulars address the Principal. T. F. HOFFMELER, Principal, Marietta High School. February 4, 1865. LEXANDER LYNDSAY, A, Fashiernabte .112009= Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTAiXEN.N. Would most respecttully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the rargest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Bormigh;rind be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE more himself,is enablea to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will 'warrant for neatness and good fit.• P - Call and examine his , stock before pur . hosing elsewhere. S.. 0. qtykei-, . .Stribintx an Conin2anttr. WOULD most respectfully take this means of informing his friends and the public generally that he has commenced the drawing of .DEMDS, , MORTGAGES, JUDGMENTS, and in fact everything in the CONVEYANCING dine. Having 'gratuitous intercourse with a member of the Lancaster Bar, will enable him execute instruments of writing with, accuracy.- 311 - He can be found at the office of " TILE MARIETTIAN? On Front street, Or at his res idence on Market street, g a square west of the " Donegal House," Marietta. 113 - Slank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and Leases always on hand and for sale. LAST NOTICE. All persons indebted to the subscriber, are requested to settle their accounts, on, or before the Ist day of Agin next. J. R. DIFFENBACK. 20 EMPTY LIQUOR BARRELS,. For Sale. Inquire of R. DIFFENBACH FL. BAKER, Plain and Fancy Job Prim; , ter . and Conveyancer. 9fsce at , °G 'the Martettisn," Front otreet. RO WNIN G'S Excelsior Co.tr-ec. Whilst trying Coffee of all the varioosbrands. Remember "BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" —at the head it stands. Trite, it's not. like others that are "SOLD EVERYWHERE." A little stretch, we all do bnow, good goods will easily hear, ( But a stretch like this—"sold everywhere"— is very apt to tear. ) Now, I can safely say, without any hesitation. There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCEL- SI 0 S." in this enlightened nation. Skilled chemists have not found a Cotfee from any store Possessing the same ingredients as "Brown ing's Excelsior." nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffee • .trade, Who knows theartielcs from which "Brown- ing's Excelsior's" made. I'm told It's made from barley, rye, wheat, beans, and peas ; Name a thousand other things—but the RIGHT ONE if yon pleasdt Bit with the Coffee-men 1 will not hold con- teution For the many, many things tliey say—too nn- merous to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running round from • stole to store To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's Excelsior," Some who know my Coffee gives perfect sat isfaction,' Ilave'formed a plan by which they hope to cause u quick reaction. The case—'tis with a few ; no doubt 'twill be more— To name their Coffee after mine,-(BROWN -ING'S) EXCELSIOR." ' Some say their's the - ivirly - bran I , 4lrat stand a ready test. Now, try a little 01 them all—See Which you like the best. Three years , have passed away since I first sold a store; Never have I in yourpriper advertised before ; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more, If like Some used 'by "everybody," "sold .everywhere," in "every store." A trade like this Ido 'not wish ; the orders I could not All ; • The factory all Jersey's llnd would take— leave not a foot to till. ; My trade is not so very large; still I think I • hate my share ; But, reader, Yoh. May rest assured, 'tis NOT "SOLI)EVF.ILYWH ESE." . • • Manufactured and for Sale by the writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING, No. 20 Market street Camden, New Jersey.- This coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs it contains nothing deleterious ; many persons use this Coffee that cannot use the pure corilee ; it takes hut one and a half ounces to make a quart Of. good strong cone, .that being just one-half the quantity it takes of Java Coffee, and always less than half the price. RETAIL DEALERS_ may purchase it in less quantities than ten gross at my prices from the Wholesale Grocers. ia-,Orders by mail from Wholesale Dealers promptly attended to. . • [28.3m GRICULTURAL . CHEMICAL COMPANY'S Cheap Fertilizers. TIM FERTILIZERS prepared by the Ag ricultural Chemical Company, [ a:Foto pany chartered by the legislature of Fennsyl7 vania with a capital of $250,000,] have..been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, for the Farmer, Gardener and Fruit Grower, of all concentrated ma= nures now offered in any market. The Com pany's list embraces the following : PABU LIME. This Fertilizer is composed et night soil and the fertilizing elements of untie combined, chemically and mechanically. with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a p'ulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitroorious fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops aid' soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be - all that agriculturists can disire. VIIICE $3O Pr..a. . . CHEIVIICAL'COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely -composed of animal matter, such as meat,,bone, fish, leather, hair r and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, vvhici. decompose the mass, and re:- tali' the nitrogedous elements.. It is a very, valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap 7 ness, have made it very popular With all who have used it. price, 4t) rzn Tea. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This high , ly phOsphatic fertilizer, is particularly adapted for the cultivation of Trees, Fruits, Lawns and Flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indiipensable article to se— cure, their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is a ekcellent for grass and lawns. ' itis composed of such elements as make it adapted to the : growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds of toils. The formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing: ingredients have re ceived the highest approval . of eminent chem ists and scientific agriculturists. Price, $5O PER TON. TIHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultu rat Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Limc in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by which a very supe riorarticle is produced, so far as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. Price $65 ?mn. Tim D:r TERitS CASH.—AII orders of a. Ton, or more, will be delivered at the railroad stations and the wharves of shipment, free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of six barrels or less. 'One Dollar per Ton allow ance for cartage will be made on all sales de • livered at the werks of the Company, on Ca nal Wharf AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO.'S WORKS, At Canal Wharf, on the Delaware. Office, 413 i Arch St., Philadelphia, 'Pa. it. ii. FITTS, General. Agent. • The CoMpany's Phamphlet circular, em bracing full directions for using the above Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested. March 11, 1,51Z-6m] L. BROWN & CO., [LATE Soma, liflowN & Co.] BANKERS AND COLLECTORS OF MILITARY A ND NAVAL CLAIMS, 2 PARK PLACE, NEN YORK. corresponding house in Washington, D. C., J. W.' Fisher Co., 478 14th Street. . - - - - TTaving had three years' experience in the IA Collection of Claims and the General transaction of business in all Departments of Government, we can assure our Clients and Correspondents that all business intrusted to us will• be vigorously and promptly attended to. We are prepared4o make advance upon, and negotiate the sale . of Claims, and purchase Quartermaster's bills and checks, as well as collect the following classes : Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers and Orphan Children. Bounties for Soldiers, discharged for wounds wears, in battle, those who have served two years, and the heirs, of, deceased, also State Bounty to such as are entitled. Arrears of. Pay fa' Officers and Soldiers, and the heirs of deceased. Navy Prize money , for all captures. Navy Pension, and balance of Pal. Aocounts of discharged Officers settlted;'Ord , mince and Clothing returns properly mane out and 'corrected, and• clearances ottained" from Ordnance and QUiptermaste.r's Departments. U. S. Revenue Stanips for saleUt a discount of 313 to 4 3 - per cent. 0132-3 m lrbli u RE CO IY LWEIRIL JELLY , tot sal r at pit.. mitmErs.. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Tress- ury, the undersigned has assumed the Gerwral Subsoriptio. Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes,• tearing seven and' three tenths per cent. interest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN These Notes are issued under date of August Lith, 1864, and arc payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six PER CENT. GOLD-BLARING BONDS These bonds are now worth a premium of tine per cent. including gold intetest from Nov.; which makes the actual profit on the 7- 30 loan, at current rates, including juiciest, about ten per cent. perdiunurn, besides , its ex- emption from Mate and municipal taxation, which adds from one, to three per c nt. more, according to the rate levied on other property The intciest is paid semi-annually by coupons attached to each - note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker The ieterest amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note Tiro cents " " " $lOO " Ten " " " " $5OO " 20 " " " ai slooo " $1 " " " $5OOO " totes of all the denominations named will be proniptly furnished upon receipt of. sub- scriptions. This is , The Only ..Loan in Market now offered by the Government, and it is eon- fidently expected that its superior advantages will make it the Croat Popular Loan of the People, Less titan $200,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be dispOsed of within the next GO or 90 days, when the notes will un doubtedly command a premium, as has uni- formly been the case on closing the subscrip- tions to other Loans In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may: be afforded facili- ties for taking the loan, the National Banks,. State 'Banks, and Private Bankers througliout the eonntry have generally agreed to receive snliscript‘ons at par. 4ubscribers . will select theii own agents, in whom they have confi- dence,•and who only are to be responsible ,for , the delivery of tite notes for -Which they re ceive Drders SUBSCRIPTION AG!NT, Philadelphia. . Subscriptions willt'be'received by The-First .National Bank of Marietta ,ATos3Es Corne t r of Nori4Queeri;St., and Centre Square, Lanca:ster, Pd. •- • iinpricon and4wiss Watches IN,. GOLD AND ILVER CASES. r .j ' Clc of 3 7 F EIGHT DAY AND 30 HOUR, , • IN GREAT VARIETY, AND., FROM THE REST FACTORIES. SPECTACLES in evcr.fstyle of frame, and;with glasiep to suit any whiPileed artificial aid. ^We have twen ty years experience in this business. • SILVER-WARE. Spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, &c „ stamped with our name and warranted standard. PLATEDW ARE. The best platedware in the United States. We warrant our best Table ware—Spoons, Forks, Sie.„—to wear ten years in daily use. 'JEW ELEY. Rings, Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Studs and a va riety of every article in this line. HAIR JEWELRY. Hair Jewelry made to order, - Two hundredstyles, or samples, constantlypn hand. 31.3 - ' Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Specta cles or Jewelry, done neatly and promptly. E. J. ZAHN, Corner North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER,. PA. S. S. RATHVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. .Kramph's,old Stand. onthe Cor ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. Gft ATEFUL to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned'respect fully solicits a continuance of the same, as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in renderings satisfactory equiValent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIHERES N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Met chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. 1865. PHILADEAPHIA 11865 j Paper Hangings. . H OWELL & BOURKE,'-• . , • MANUFACTURERS OF WALL PAPERS, AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Corner Fourth and Market streets, PHILADELPHIA. 11•Jk. fine stock of LINEN . SHADE§ coil stantly on hand. DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE Wawa OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HA:RRISBURG. OF F I CE:—Front street, next door to R Williams' Drug Store, between Donn end Walnut streets, Columbia. DR. WM. B. FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE:—MAIN-ST., NEARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patterson's Store. ' . '. .Tann 7 To 8 A. M. OFFICE ROUES- ",.- ITo 2.; t " - - 6 To 7.P. M. . • OR SALE. In excellent Fallingrtop :Buggy—win 'tic 'oiaif cheap if applied for loon. 'TOBIAS B. STElgir AMatietta; February 18. 1565.. afb q - 0 iki:TtebeS, ietreli.p, EMI Tiiii - - Pi Ng , iiBLLAR PLAN The entire SWek of one Gold and Silre,. Watch Manufactory, Two iyamex4e Jewelry Eslahlislcttents,• One Silrer Plating Wire-house;. One G)ld Pen Aid Pencil Maker, TD BE DISPOSED OP AVTIPEC 15V4PATclI WITHOUT REGARD TO' GOST The Goods are of fashionable styles most excellent workmanship, add are sacrifi ced in' this - manner to relieve the propri4elors from einbarrassment occasioned by a di,vtract ing civil war. It should be prominently eta ted, also, thaf they are mostly of and therefore greatly - superior to the gceiti imported front abroad and hawked about as the cheapest ever gold. The simple duty or imported goods and the 40 retain/it on Gold (all foreign bills are payable in gold,) whom', to more than the entire cost of litany of the articles offered by us to the public. To facili tate the sale OINE DOLLAR will be charged for any article on OUT i tA, and this sum the purchaser need not pay until he khottih what he re to get! This plan accords with the method recently become so popular for disposing of large stocks of Jewelry and productioris. THE PLAN IS SIMPLE! The name of each article offered for sale-- as "Gold Hunting Watch," "Gold Oval-Band Bracelet," "Pearl Breastpin and Ear-Drops," "Hold Ez smelled Ring," "Silver Plated Cake Basket," &e., is %lifted on a card and en closed in a sealed envelope ; these envelopes are then placed in a drawer and well mixed : then as an order is recei v ed, with twenty-five cents for return postage and other charges, one of the cards or certificates is taken at random and sent by first Mail to the customer, who will see at once what he can get for One Dollar. It he is pleased With his fortune he can forward the money according to directions on the certificate and secure the pri2e. If the article awarded should be unsuited to the purchaser—as fur example, a set of Pearl Ear Drops and Breastpin to a young man who could not wear them, and had no one to give them to—wp will send any other article on the catalogue of equal price which may be pre ferred- Or if, for any reason, you choose to venture no further, then you can let the mat ter drop where it is and spend no more. Ex amine carefully our Catalogue ! . . WATCH DEPARTMENT. 300 Gents' Puttnt Lever Gold Huntieg Case. $5O to s2otl 300 Cents' Detached Later Gold Hunt ing Case 40 175 400 Gents' Swiss Gold Hunting Case 30 100 200 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Hunt ing Case. 30 SO 40 0 Gents' Patent Lever SilVer Hunting Case. 30 90 400 Gents' Det. Lever Silver Hunting Case. 30 SO 300 Gents' Detached Lever Silver Open Face. 20 50 300 Gents" Patent Lever Silver Open Face. 25 60 300 GeYits' Swiss Silver. 05 40 JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. 300 Diamond Rings. $4O to 120 50u Gents' Diamond Pins. 20 100 3000 Gents' California Diamond Pins. 3 15 3000 Gents' California Diamond Rings. 3 12 5000 Gents' Gold and Enameled Fob Chains. 3 4000 Gents' Gold Vest Chains: 5 4000 Pair Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons 3 4000 Pair Gents' Gold & Enam. Sleeve Buttons 6000 Sets Cents' Gold Studs. 3 8000 Gents' Stone Set and Signet Rings 3 8000 Gents' Stone Set and Signet Enam. Rings. 4 6000 Ladies' Gold Neck Chains. 5 4000 Gold Oval-Band- Bracelets. 3 6000 Gold and Jet Bracelets. 8 5000 Gold and F.nanielekßraceleta. 8 3000 Gold Chatelain Chains. 8 5000 Pair Ladies' Gold Sleeve Buttons. 3 4000 Pair Ladies' Gold Enam. Sleeve ' Buttons. 4 8000 Solitaire Gold Brooches. 3 6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 3 500 Gold Cameo and Pearl Ear-Drops 3 7000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava & Florentine Ear Drops. 3 5000 Gold Thimbles. 10000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear Drops. 10000 Miniature Lockets. 4 100(10 Miniature Lockets-magic spring 8 10000 Plain Gold. Rings. 4 10000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Gold & Jet & 10000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl &c., 5 20 10000 Ladies' Gilt and Jet Bracelets. 4 17 10000 Ladies' Gilt & Jet Hat Suppor ters. 2 1 - 2 SILVER PLATED WARE. LW COOKE eWise • 0000' Cups. 8000 Goblets. 0000 Pair Napkin Biligs 2000 Card Baskets. 3000 'Cake Baskets. 4000 Castor Frames—complete with bot- 2000 Ice Pitchers. 6000 Pair Butter Knives 5000 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladles. 2 S 1000 Engraved Pie Knives. 3. 6 8000 Dozen Tea Spoons. per doz. 5 15' 6000 Dozen Table Spoons. per doz. 8' 24 6000 Dozen Dessert Forks. per doz. 7 23 , 6000 Dozen Table Forks. per doz. 8 30 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Exiention Hol ders, $8 la slo' 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Mounted Hol- der 8000 Gold Pens, Gold Mounted Hol- ders 6000 Gold Pens with Gold Extension Holders. 6000 Gold Pens, Gold Holders and Pen- cils. 6000 Gold Pencils In all cases we charge for forwarding the Certificate, postage, and doing the business, the sum of Twenty-fine Cents, which must be enclosed in- the order: Five Certificates will be sent for $1; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $Er sixty-five for $10; one hundred for $l5: AGENTS ARE WANTED Throughout the Country to operate for na. A large compensation will be paid. Send for terms, &c enclosing stamp. NEWBORN & CO.; 75 FULTON STREET. N. Y. 3m-in] sthins I stobts galin Olzangieo, OPPOSITE HARRY WOLFE'S. AS. the season for Stoves is fast approaching I would call the atteritkar of all wishing to purchase - Parlor or Cooking Staves ; to my large and well selected stock, which em braces the best and most desirable Stoves that the Eastean markets afford, arid which were purchased early, which will enable me to dis pose of them advantageously to buyers. Among ,the leading Parlor and Cook Stoves Parlor Stoves. Cooking Stoves Meteor Gas Ramer, f Galleo, • Columbia do Royal, 'Oval do. do Waverly, Dial, Wellington, Gem, Lehigh, Trope. Egg, Charm, Monitor,/ Summer Rose, Also, the Ville= and Sanford's Heaters, a very desirable article for heating two or foul rooms with very little, if any, more fuel than an ordiuery parlor stove would consume. Rangea ter cooking, constantly on hand, al r of, whii.cti. will be sold on reasonable terms. • 11••:call and examine before purchasiu. elseWh ere. ' -IMF: RIC N MA .N UP.A(TURE REMEMBER THE PLAN! are the following: 10 12 12 S $2 to 20 3 12 2 10 4 16 5 20 E=MI 3 lo 10 25 10 30 6 20