- DUTNAWS CLOTHES WRINGER. , • it is the only reliable self-adjusting No WOOD-woim TO SWELL OR SPLIT No ThuirS-s'eretis to get out of order tVarranted with or witb-out Cog-Wheele It took the 'First .Premium at Fifty-seven State and ponnty Fairs in, 1564,, and ,is,,ifyith out an extegiiih, the best Wringet eiet Made. Paten ted, ,in 4 t15e,, United „Slaps, ngland, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in e very ;tolvn. ; ; Enqrgetic,,agewp rffalf , e, 6 f.Fom 3. to 10 Dollars per " • ' WY{ A7-EVERYBODY KNOWS,-Tiz That ko galvanized will ;not ,rust ;. - That a oititßie machine is better than a coni ptieated'obe; That A Am riiipr„sh9uld, be s'elf-adjUsfing, durable, and efficient; That Thitinb4eraws, and Fastenilsgs cause delay, and tfentplA to regulate, aml kecti..m order ; That wood soaked in hot miter will sUlell, shrink - and , siplit4; , 4 r • •. .; •, , That wood bell y ing!' fur the , shaft to run in will wear out ; • That the Putnam Wringer,.Nith.,ormAthog cog-wheels { , will not tear the clothes; That co...wheel rekulatars are fiat essential That the Putnam Wringer, has All • the . ad vantages, and not one at the disadvantageS above named ; " That all wl.o have ,vested ,it, pronouqee i the best Wringer ever made; That it4wilt wringnnything from a; thread tu g a bicdqpilt without alteration ; We iniglittilfthO ri '' tifei - with testimonials, hut.insen only.a,fcw to convince : the skepti cal, if such there be; and we .ay to all, test Putnam's Wringer. Teat it thol;qughig.Tvith any and ALL .others, and if noc entirely satiiiiiietoiY,'return it. .Puincm‘dianyffietwingr Co : GENTLEFEN : I know front practical eaperi (mei tliariith yield gatvafitzedtbithzinc iciltatoi oxidize or rust one particle. , TM, Putnam is as near perfect as possible, and 1 can cheeif,ulN rea'aptipaea4..ittabkthe pestin*se. Respectfully yours. Jig°. W. WHEELER Cleveland, phi 9, Many, years' experience in the galvatilzing business entide lo indorse the lib° ye state ments in all par‘icuiqrs— _ Js 0. IxFrEnts,loo` Beeknian St. ..New York, January,.l.B64., . :*. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practical working, and'ltnew that'it Will da. :rltas cheap.; sirppie,;, it.. requires no romn, whether at work or at rest; a child can operate it it Aloes duty - thordughly , ;.'it saveatime. and it sates wear and, tear., , We earnestly who lihve'9iruch washing to do, wittuall intelligent persons who. haYe any, to buy,this Wringer. It will pay for it self in a " • ' ' GRAELY. •, PRICES—SS, $9, and $lO. Semple Wringer 'sefit and express paid on. receipt of . price., • Manufactured la i`cdd; wholesale 'and ty;.the a : A .Y; PUTNAM MANUFACTURING,( . No. 19,P41.tt ,Street, New York, ltenningion; VeritAnt, Clevelnud,,Qtan,- , ‘ 9- IiOSTETITR , '§IIITTEICS A" PURA' ND. IPO LITEREUH Corrective and alternative of wonderful ernes- Fy in disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bow els; cifrea popppgiii; ache, general tlehifity,-Nervoiisheis:Delies sion of Spirits, CatiStqoarten,lCOlic}. Intermittent FevMs, Crareps and Spasms, and all complaints of either sex, athiiig . frotiobßdily weakdess whether inlientin ,the, in oypteor, produced Causes.by special eAuse Nothing. that.,ia . pot.,:ivholfeonie, genial and restorative in its nature enters into the compo sition of , fregteltet's. Optpt;c4" , ,Eligersp; f. This popular preparation contains no mineral of uny kind, doAleadly blitanical.:eldmentlino fi ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex micts of rare tlialearnieoherbs'aittl , plants with the purest .artd,mildest of all diffusive stnnu- it is well to be forearmed against &seas°, and so far as the hunrdiraYAtem can be protec ted by human moults agt!.ip,at, maladies en gendered by an un*liolesome atmosphere, im pure water and they external caries, , t. s • HOSTETTER'S BITTERS may be relied einms a.safegbard,!, I In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it has been foupd ( infalAihlp asa!preVeaktOve and irresistible as a remedy; and thousands who resort to Auntier apprehension ,of an attaek, escape 'the scourge; add 'fhousainlSVTio 'ne glect ro avail;themselleppLits prptectiVe qual ities in advance, are cured "by a very brief eourse of thisynarveloul me : gaping, tFever and Ague patients, after being plied ivi th quinine for months in yainointil fairly. sap rated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently -estored to healthowithin•aleav'tlaysby the use of Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach , as':rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable to nic, 'and hence it ‘ k Works: wonders an eases of Dyspepsia andJn less confirmed fornis of indi gestion. Acting as a gentloandpainiesSU:ppe rient, as well us upon the liVer,' it also invari ably relieves the 'constzpi tioifsuperinduced by irregular action .of the. digestivoandtaecretive organs. Vetsons offeeble habit, litiblg to ner vous attacks, lowness Nifspirits and fits of lan gour. find peamiit,una permanent relief from the hitters. The 'tekeitrionk on' this point is roost conclusive. and from both sexes. 7 Ise agqnr s ofi . Bdl qus - Coyeis,iimmedkately assuhgLed a singteleee'df tike`stimtilangAal by occasionally &Stott* to' it; 'the return M,ie complaint may be c ptey,ented. Last, blititot 7 least, m,t is The , Only Safe vi„„,, behig.ruitnidattiikti 'Troia sounit--...1. innocuous niateriath; and entirely flee fret acid elements present more or less in ordinary tonits and stornachics of the da . 4 .- W No,fami,li,piedicine has peen .0 so niv,er and, it .fria/ Weittly ildited; . n'esir:uedigipo, u tilt the iiiietlikent:pofiai qf the c'hrtunti;' its 110STFIt at'S nitTEILS: • 1 :4 4 Prepared ~by, AO SMI Pittsburg, Pa. • ; Sold by' DrtiggistSk Grolgerl", and Store keepers everywhere. I ) issolauzioN. ..; 'Cite Copattnershitv'beretnfore' the Firm of Spangler & l'atterson,i hits , itreWn dissolved by teatdallianesebt; to date fronilth - e: mh day . ofiJaluukry . :lB6s. , Tbeliunsettl'edhusi. , l miss of the firth will le ebtbed E aft by . Birr, Sparigler:t tStUM:UW.II PAIMRSoN. X.tf persons having claim's against, or are indebteii; to (SIN latn!civil ., of Spanglqr Patterson, are requelted to and 'make . settlement of tire sanienieTofe - the Ist day at April nest. c•IBARR::SPANGSE-R. REM •••'' I:. . N EW • '1 he undersigned, havingi Associated r them helves together, under the IA Spangle/ lir lticli,BOALM,llt,Oopto3u e Vie.,,lyisvessof per „a„di,ing. - 6,t the old stand, l v t 4 l 4r Pt. ' t VC I RY be httl-lpY to ORVlO>itbo•public I n t l i Vviet9Sliqk I'l their line; at •the lowest rates•tlia.t the mar kit will afford” ;BAILS SPAN, GLKIL. .TOH , / Slanelts, Feb. 7. '65. W. 11.1 Cit. 1, AT O'l'l CE, all persons indebted to the late firm of piittersanl & -Cml mill please .a.ll id settle their ,nocountsl•pn p.or . hefore the I st day of 441 nextimdid all havin g c l a i ms ,I 1 present them , for Vayfidentwithopt Oel n 0 , 4 'Fite business. willibePeontittliett bY 4 .4 ,1111 51ett :o,:rietl (with content)(in the napes- 01 4 ,4'40 - JA I . ( ,11 & Cu. S:I"...4.I"rERSIJN. THE PI-REJVIX PECTORAL; Or, Compound Syrup of Wild Cheju and Senclia Snake Root, WILT CURE THE DISEASES OF TDB 'l r Jarc).at cYc Litalag Such as colds,' Coughs, Croup, Asthma And even where this fearful disease has taken hold it Will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of . Pottsville, says : "I was benefited more by, using the Phmnix Pectoral than any otherinedicineJ ever used i ,P Eltath•Gberholtzeri 'of' Lionville,- Chester county, was cured of a cough, of many years' standing, by.using the Plunnix Pectoral. • „ foseph.Lukens,of hiall Street, PliMnixville, certifies that he was Cured' of a cough of two vears'idanding„when - or other medicines:had failed, the'use of the Phoenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies.that he has.sold hun dreds of bottles of the PIIC2IIIX PeCtoral, and . that all who, used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects . in curing coughs. , John Royer, editor of the Phanix, having ,uiecl it, has no' hesitation in a pronouncing it complete remedy, for cough, hoarseness a nd.initatioa,in the throat. The Webt Chester feffersoniav says : we. have known` "Dr. Qberholtz(er. Personally' :a' number ofyears, a9d it givea,.t . he . greater' pleasure to, reCommend, his Medicine's,. inns- much as the Public rarely haire the lienefh. of family,medicines,prepared,by. a,physiaiaa his acquirements and experience." Dr. Oberholtzer,is.a member of the 'Alumni of ,the Medical • Departinent of the University of PennsYlvania, at which institution lie grad-:' uated ,in „ The Beading , Gazette . says: "This cough remedy is made by Dr. L. Oberholtzer, of Phcenixville,'Pa., and it has acquired an un surpassed reputation in curing coughs. It is carefully and,skilliully prepared from Wild Cherry Bark Mid Serieka Snake Root."' . Dr.. Geo. B. Wobd, Professor of he,Practice . of: Medicine in the rniversify vania, Physician to the Pennsylvania al, ,and one of the authors One Uniied States Dispensatory, says' .Setieka Snake Root is "Its action is especially directed to thelungs.7 The promietor. of this medicine basso much confidence in its, curative liowers, Horn the' testimony of hundreds who have used that_ the money will be paid back to any ptttchaser who is not satisfied' with its effects. ' It is se pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only TwErf Y-FIVE, CENTS. It is intended for only one class 'of diseases; namely, those of the Throat aud`Lungs. ler Prepared only by ' ' ' • ' LEVIOI3EMICILTZE - 11. f fj" 'PluenixVille Pa. Sold, by all Druggists and Storekeepers. JOIINSTON,,I-1011.C1 Y'& i ,, ,'DEN; No. North' Sixth' Street, —Generhl Whdlessile . Agent's: N. your:nearest drukgist or store-' keeper does not keep,this medicine do not let hint put you off i7ith some other medic:lite' because he..makeslnore,moneyou it, but send at Mice one of the agents [3m shle in Marietta by Landis & Trout and ", FISH'S LAW HEATBIG .APPARPITUS. i l Ailing=-.Frying—Stewing--,,Steeping,— , T ) WITH' TAME Zi LAME THAT LIGHTS THE ROOM. !it , -' . * By, the,ll4me pf comport la!np , „ at the' ecist cep's 'Worth' of oil; e've'ry } comfortable otireakfast can 'be•coolced. * —N. Y. Tribune. • * * l* , -'Sinitile,inconstructipm'ea,s,ilbl kept in order, ready for,use in a moment :* * * convenient tc; Wave - hand. D'rug gist's Circular. ' ' * * Fish's Lamp is one of ibe,fnosti popular 'tioveltiee',o'f the day, • „ tv g the utility of it is unquestionable,. a great saving' is niade in heiting and 'Conking: Small w aiikly% and ca be .made , to cook for great' 4 nia6Y„lpersone;which is actually",:done DR' ths, arfihrignce'cars which! oarry; Oet Sick ysoldierv. , * * —For faimlytuse,lospital.tent,,bar:„. rack, picnics, fishiugoiursery ; ,or, sick room,. it is an al:tide:Or coin fort beyorid all prppor tioh to its Oat: tlawsuoarfial eivartC , * * •'T , have tried' the :aPparateic . n.tid my wife and i pioelairritthe swim a most valu able and indispensable Wide. and 'we now wonder„how we couldhave sodong.donewith-i i out it. * t , • * * * An economical contrivance for getking,up heat at.shortnOtic,Torr,nurbery and general Aonsehnlq.„ one impottant point is t4epaviiik in,cost over` coal Ares. * N.' Yi Ei)ening P-bsi Capailty fr'uot Chte tO' l'ou - i 4, Quarts. Three Articles 'Cooked at One-tiinelundh one - ' • .13nrner. 3 = 1, ' ‘'f,' Arrangtieffli Kero4ene or COal Oil, or Gas. A: Descriptive Pam'plilet of ,11ilityl'paffeslur nished t ' • 'IIIE UNION ATTACHMENT, • "Price To be.atti!s , ed.til.a.,colwilizpefqvric .La 1 1 11) or Ilurndr t ;:bcr' l / 4 1 vhielniat'e li t diartie and Food conked ;, ALSO' 'artnnge,thtteilnpport a'l, shade t Evpry..F4rity, tyfcts pntg.' RITSsELY., Agrt*: - • • ,Nexv• 'York. Agents Wattled. - Icsi Tim of -these! Heating Lanips can be seen S.C.Tahn Hardvvi.re. • The Peoples' • • 1 10., . P"WAT , "CAP AND ...9'torte; 4n9,,20.iypi 3 : 7 ft ,kit.EF,N,STREET, 1,-ANCA'STER,I PA. SItULIG j' BROTAVER., HATTERS. A general asiorinctent. Hata; -Caps, and ! oF AIL , THE LATEST STY,LEg, constantly on band, which will be sold at the lowest rates.iforlcash,.:; AlLgoodsiinAur line,manu lectured to ordtvi HeptaurA.lSH 1 NL77.„ [JA HN 4.5 4 .6 14 . 4 . ; , Lancasteri,Dlovember 5, 180. 7 t,f. ; F RANKILIN JIINKLE,II4I, D. 'i ~, .. ~r` 7 After an absence of neatly:three years .in the' IsTaiy .and Arroy 'of the-United Stntes ,h as returned to the BOreu„sh. of Marietta' and re- burned'tho , pradit4eiofilViedicine. 3:Cliispecial a ttertiidi.Paid'to SurgicaLcases in'which — branch of his profession he has had very considertible experience. DISSOLUTION, the egpartpership exist- Ang:noder the name. of Putterson.,4,Co.,,,, has been dissolved by mutual consent;; taking elreeton,the sth, day of January last. business of the firm will be settlectv ', terson, • -BAT•Tt Si ANGLEiIt, . • . S.. P AVTF.RSON: IEIPEII I°74°Pl4.ri 6k , lreaking ll"on.i g'#! "el i whenCree i cr s t" "i444Y!?6n7n-e-lad' cheap tIPANatER'S •VEird*are. • Anot i her Call f0e50,00'.1116a, Who ..4VaritittlieirAFatea t Shaved clean-their" II Air Cut And Heads Shampooned-i4 :the nosl einutifie nuinnerccan ,, do pug n0111'0,41 4t. that Warket .Street Banter-au/09n) < oppaile ~,ihhart's Drug Store. t Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT Pulmonary Consumption, Przces• :from Two to Six:Dollcirs. IMMO 1111EMiEl '- 2 - , ,tobrst ,c-i'folltl !' ,Ja/Ln Vlzanr4les, OPPOSITE HARRY WOLFE'S AS the season for Stoves is fast approaching I would call the attention of alt wishing to purchase Parlor or Cooking Stoves, to my-large . and*Keirselectedatockovhich braces the best and most desiratile Stoves that the Eastean markets afford, and which were purchased early, which will enable me to dis pose of them advantageously to buyers. Among the leading Parlor and Cook Stoves are the following: Parlor Stoves. Cooking Stoves. Meteor Gas Sumer, Gallen, Columbia do Royal, Oval do do Waverly, Dial, Welllng,ton, Gem, • 'Lehigh,' e Tropic Egg, Charm, Monitor, nime o e, Su r4 O Also, the Vulcan and Sanfores Heaters, a very desirable article for heating two or four rooms with very little, if any, more fuel than an ordinery parlor stove would consume. Ranges for cooking, constantly on hand, all Of which will be sold o,„%aasonable terms. ' Call and examine before purchasing se w h ere. New York and Philadelphia ORNAMENTAL IRON I .VORK. THE Subscribers havin g formed a connec k nectioo with Messrs. WooD & PEROT, of 'Philadelphia, under the above title, are pre pared to furnish every description of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, Cast, Wrought andrire • Cemetery Lots, Dwellings„ Public Squares, &c.. Verandahs, Circular and Straight Stairs:, Doors, Window Guards, Ptahle Fixtures, Fountains, Vases, also, having purchased of the late firm of Hutchinson & Wickersham, Canal Street, their - entire Stock• of : Bedsteads, Cradles, Furniture ge., they now offer to the public, at their New Warehouse, THE MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK or O!tNAMENTAL IROPT , :,,CO.QDS to be found in the United States. They have also purchased of the New York Wire Hailing Co. the patent right and machinery for making WIRE RAILING, FARM FENCE, WINDOW GUARDS, GRATING-, COAL SCREENS &c. And will continue the exclusive Manufacture of the same at their Works. CHASE & CO., 524 Broadway, New York. Orders may be sent through the American .Advertising- :404,`,389:13i.pa*4y; N. ~5t JACOB A. WISNER'S ,TOBACCO, CIGAR & SNUFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. TE utidersig,ried'WOUld rospectfully inform. .1 the public that he still continues, at the old stand', corner of Second and Walnut s; roe "directly opposite,the COSs keys hotel, to keep 'on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars fi Clll Half Spanish up, in prices from 55, $7 VD ;;; IVO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Lez,f, ." - Hiceelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con 1/giess Fine Spun Lathes Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of ()phir tobacco, An derson's best Fiine-cut.• All kinds of fine Ci ,krars manufactures of impOrted stock. Sixes tIALr SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kiwis Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs Frple,cutipq, Cigar.Tabqs, 4c. I: ja n . 3U,'5 OSBORN'S Celebrated Prepared Java Coffee. Warranted superior to any in the Market. - Eris ukii . by . firs't-Class families everywhere, and highly recommended for nervous ano dyspeptic persons, being very nutritious and free froM all deleterious substances, in testi mony of which t have certificates from the Most eminent Physicians and Chemists in this country. Try it and you will l e.sum to con tinue its use in - Preference - to any other. Sold at retail for Twenty Five cents a-pound, by first-class -Grocers throughout the United States. A. liberal discount allowed to the trade. Put up only.by • ' ' LEWrS A. OiI3OIIN, Wholesale Depot ; 69 Warren st., N. Y Black Hairdi lien Ore Washer. undersigned having just completed new paterns for the manufacture of the eele brated Black hawk Iron Ore Washer. He has removed several objections to the old pat ern, and now feels certain of being able to wash oue:.third more iron ore. per day, and much. cleaner. Machines manufactured and put up anywhere desired at the shortest no tice, and the working of the machine guarran, teed. He can refer, by permission, to Col. James Myers, of 1 trmgal Furnace, Marietta, and to James L: Stlia , z..Esq,'adjoining Mari etta. Address SAMUEL HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster Ca., Pa JOIIN BELL'. illereh.ant milo.r, • Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta R - Mi'EFUL fo r past' ftittits Pwould Urrny thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and infoi4iheni thatl cOatinue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CA SSIMERE S 3r JTESTI V.GS which will be made up to order at the shorter notice by the best of workmen, andoil,reasona tile terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers arid,all who see proper to patronize me hereafter. T0ct..29-55(i. 'llk Patent Uonflex Reflector Lantern, I' gnus is the ,inost , L flesirable Lantprn in the market. It' burns Coal * dii without la Chimney, emitting neither smoke nor smell. It gives a pure white light. It stands quientbtlona , itfriinrdirection. The flame is regulated from the outside. It is neatand.cumpact in form,and size. It is free from sOlder in the uppei parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its structure. For sale at JOHN' SP'2I,44O.I.ER'S Hardware Store, on _Market street. . , 'TOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Diseases of the Nervous, Seminel,' Urinary and Sexual Systems—new and reliable treat ment—in Reports of the HoWard .Association. Sent by mail in sealed letter:envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dn. T. SKILLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Associatithi,No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia,,Va. .ATTENTION I SPORTSMEN ! f Eley's Gun Cops, 1;; le ' y's . Gun, Wadti,p, Dupont!,l ; Sporting:and; Glazed [Duck' 4awder .Baltimore Shot; Shea Pouches, Powder - .Flasks &c, a..f,r 4 t . JQHNSPAVE , S, , . t c L W 1 TV: I.TBSCR 1 PT lON S received for all the le io /Periodicals of the day,: l(1 ;+ , l AA Tie Golden ..11,10tar. TT OWE & STEVEN'S Celebrated Family Dye ~.o, o lo4B,tygiffplipld :hi Mel fast, at THE GrOLbEN'IIIDIZTAR. PURE. COD EITVEWOIL J : I3LLY, for sal at DR. HINKLE'S. . r.A GE sto'cli 'Or rape' r'anh. giivelo'pes of tt:la . 4es ‘ . t go just received and for sale at lIAMPAGNE n and ,sither li l'able Wines IL" guatrantepdkokoecrhrelialialksold as low as can be boughtin Philadelphia or Now-York , ' ' D. lIENJA.Dinf Piebelltii/dthe' L. ' LYONS' PURE OHIO L CATAWBA BRANDY, AND SPARKLING CATAWBA WINES. EQUAL in QUALITY and Cheaper In price than the Brandies and Wines of the Old World. For Summer Complaint, Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Colic and Diarrhoea. A sure cure guarrantied , or the money refunded In support of the above statements, are pre sented the Certificates of Dr. James 8.. Chilt on, New-York; Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical In spector, Ohio ; Dr. James R. Nichols, Chem ist, Boston ; Dr. E. N. Jones, Chemical , In spector, Circleville, Ohio ; Prof. C. T. Jackson, Chemist, .Boston ;. Dr. Charles Upman Shep ard, CliarleVon, S. C.; and J. Y. Z. Blaney, and G. A. Mariner, Consulting Chemist, Chi cago, all of whom have anylyzed the Catawba Brandy, and commend it in the highest terms, for medicinal, use. An'alysis of the Mass. State Assayer. [lS5B.] When evaporated through clean linen it lets no oil or offensive matter. ln every respect It is a main spirituous liquor. The oil which gives* this „Brandy its flavor and aroma, is wholfy, or, grain oil. Ifs' dOr par:, takes`of :both the fruit and oil of, grapes. With acidS it produces ethers of a high firigrance. The substitution. of this Brandy for Cognac Brandy' do away with the manufacture of F4TITIOTJ6 spirits, sold under thiss flame both at home and abroad. Respectfully. .A. D state Assayer, 16 Boyleston-st. BY- THE SAME, IN /r 64. , I have anaii•sea " LYONS' Pure Catawba Brandy," with reference to its composition and cheracter,,baing the same as that prodUced in past.. gars, A sample taken' from ten casks afforded the same results witlf; : regard.to puri ty ; a slightly increased tithaiint-of the princi ple on which its flavor depends was detertniii- - ed by comparison With former samples. The indications t)t analysis • show that , this Brandy is produced: by .the same process as most , :of _the,imported Brandy., • Respectfully, A. A. HAVES, M. D.,. • ,f State ,Assayero6 Boyleston-st. Boston, July 30, ..15 . 64 [Mass. MANUFACTURED ONLY DT H. H. JACOB & CO,, ilTo whom all orders should be addressed]. :3ml ' llEror#iOl Libeytr-st., New-York D EEVES' —OruitnalGenuineGenue and RELIABLE j l A_ For the 6‘rowth, Biauty and Preservation OF 111 E HAW. [ESTABLISHED 1860.] • " Price"."'7s ' Cents - l'ex: 13:ottle. - " ' - ~ . Tkiis preps- F - ' V t ! !;' , 1 .,. : : . ,111 . 9r1,V . 0 t 1 - ,- , , , j1 , 1 .1 • V , — . 1 7 . 11 ,- -'7 , 4 r e ' , :‘..,' ( 'C't .ift t •— ,'''T 1 -, 1 .t . "4:!"4,,' 7 4 ., ii? , # , . ://4. , ? . k .` , ..,,, ~, .__ ~..0,.., ~:„..,:;,,?:, 41.. 4'' :,' A - , i ,4,,,, - ,,', ~ ,,, !2 1- • ~.,,, i :.!„ , 1 , 4, ~,„,,,,,=„,,,,,,k.,,.,,„.:..,,;7: ~,.,- .':' , 1.. - • , ''..-,„, , -. ~ io . t.::-...44;‘,, .. F ' r-7, - ;,,71;r5q. , ,iti.:,,,' _.-',. 'iv ' q. 4 I . :, 4 , 4,..x ;. • : ,. . - ',4•: ,, , ,, ...,.1,5' , Pin:, , :-- - -- ~, 5 , ,,7 - 4 . 1 . .,1 „ 1 , : t6trai. : 7" ,: „ .„,•. : ......,. of Mrs. L. M. Neil—hair FIVE feet in length tho Ambrosia IS months I r:' '' ' ..i 1 6 #©«a,, l, ' i i ,, , ,, , ,,‘,, , 1 ,, - 3.,.,,.., , i , .• ~ I !,,,_ L ult.. (.... ,„ „_,.._,.„...,.„..„-, „----•• ~ „•—•,,-,...,...---,, - , --_----•------------ -•._ , --: .r - ,-- , s ~,, mod: , , ,i, , ' 11 MRS. WALLACE E. MAXWELL Her hair is four feet and ten inches in length —the result of using Reeves' Ambrosia about two years. These photographs taken from life, bane been awarded to extend the knowledge of the merits of this wonderful discovery. Hund reds have seen these ladies and heard the facts from their own lips. • Mrs. Maxwell's Testimonial. New-York, December. 23, 1562. Knowing positively that - Reeves' Am bresia produced a beautiful head of hair .for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, Of Brooklyn, 'New-York, I was induced, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being- short and thin ; had ,used one half-dozen bOttleii when I could. plainly notice an increase in its length,.strength and hehnty. An experience of about:two years has proved a complete suceess.. My hail is now, by measurement, four, feet . ten inches lemilt, reaching, nearly to the:flonr., I ,haye, allowed my photograph to 'proclaim-the merits of REEVES' AHBROSIA' to Ihe:.LITORLD. Mrs. WaLtacr. E. Maxtw,Er.x.-. - - - - - All enterprising Druggists.4tove these Photographs and keeij , for'Stild • • 1TE,57 21:11:1BRO:574 'AT 75 CENTS Pk ' B O TTLE.E Druggists, who`, may, not have cut. preparation, lot. apOlied ' Priiiripal, Depot. id Fultop,st., N. Y. YorNarietta , , T;IIRST NATIONAL •BANK OF . .MARIETTA. .Designated Depository .and Financial Agent of the T{•nitetl . .By.:instruotions from • the Secretary of the Treasury, dated Mayen 26th 1864, this .Bank is anthorized. to receive suCscriptions for the National 10 40 Five per cent. Ulan, in Coupon or Registered. Bonds. , • ,Tlkis Loan, principal and interest, is pays , bleJin Bold. ,On Bends, of, $:300 and .upwards,. sernbannually.,,(lst of*arcb and Septena,ber) and on - those of less denominations annually,.. (Ist of .March.) . •,, . Subscribers canseceive Bonds with Coupons &Pm Maroklat, by paying the accrued inter est incokn ‘o,r in lawful moncy,by adding per cent. for pre•Ourn. Or, if preferred, may deposit the principal only, and. receive Bonds ., witlLCouppns.from date of subscription. Registered. Bends wia be issued, of the de 7 nominations efA5O, $l9O, l $AOO, Ml,OOO, and $ 10,60 u, in Coupop., : liogds of $5O, ; $lOO,, $5OO. and For the greater convenience 'of subscriblre,. the, different;; sanksand, Bankers throughout the o ggryry, are authorized to act as agent for the ~1 4 4 M-: • • . , . Apsionly 4290,Qp8,800. of•this, Loan can he issned, we would , urge upon : persons hail rig surplus money, to subscribo promptly and se cure Om: in YaStMent. at Par,: •' • Loan:- ,The,Seeretary in presenting this pew to] the puhlie through the National Banks, re lie3 upon the liberality and, patriotism of our people : , Au use all : ,Honorable menms, : and,to make:exertion fnr,its sale, : , , Jt , is hoped thki Lancaster ,county,, having done;so well in the past in furnishing the Go vernment ~,nmans, will, be equally prompt at this time. AAI OS. WAI N, Ca s ter T J I P../.I),AICEII, I Pjain and_Vaney . Job Prin j_Thijer and Copycyaigeer,-„Chlta.. at The Nartettiaii,""Pront stieet. " T.. yorpg ? fis iodic A l Dr9pa,'and • tlprk's „Pei male Pills, at , 2,7/4e,9041,en 1100171,A1M; 1 0`14:11i1IftiV Prepared by Dr. C. 3.1". Jacl.s n, Philadelphia, Pa. SUBSTITUTE FOR RUM . , Or an Intoxicating Beverage, but a highly cos centrated Vegetable Extract, a ruse 'Tonic free from alconohe stimulent,or injurious drugn and will effectually cure Litter Complaint, Dyspepsia, and Jatindice. WILL CURE EVERY CASE. OF Chronic or Nervous Debility,, Disease of the Kidneys,and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. ORSERVE THE FOLLOWING.+SYDIPTONS resulting from disorders of the dkestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fumess or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight.in the Stomach, sour eructations, ,sink ,qng or fluttering of tne Pit of the Stomach', iwimming :the. Head, ,hurried and difficult sreathing, fluttering at the .heart, choking or suffocating'sensations When in a lying posture, dimness .of vission, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defici ency of perspiration, yellowneas 'of the skin and eyes, pain in t the side,„back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden flushes Of keat,.burniag in the flesh; constant immaginings •of evil, 'and great de pression of spirits. - BOOFL'ArirD'S GERMAN BITTERS • inv.i-rotr ' A Good Appetite s . Strung elves, Healthy Ncitves, tends + Nerves, Brisk, Feelings, - • • -Energetic Feelings, • :Healthy Feelirgs, A Good Couatitution , AStrong 'Col:1St:hullon, A Healthy Constitution, A Souna Cdristitutio4: WILL : MAXE THE WEAK STRONG, • ' Will make the . • Delicate 'Hearty, Will make the • • Will neake the Willimake tbe.. . • • • Sallow Complexion Clear, Will make the Diill - eye • =Clear and. Bright. , .11:3=*Will prove, rt,..blessuag everyfamily. a-Can be 'used 'With pleifiet sifetrliSistiate or Female, Old or Young: PARTIOARJNOTICE. There are many preparations soid under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, com pounded of the cheapest Whiskey'or common Rum, costing from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, he taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed. This class of Bittera has caused and will con drum to cause, as long as they can be sold, acndreds to die tte death of a drunkard. ; By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of; alcoholic stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, indthe result is till the horrors at tendant upowit drunkards life and death. Be ware of -them. • For those who desire and mill have a liquor bitters; we pubiish t • tie following receipt: Get one bottle Hoofiand's German Bitters arid . !MX with three quarts of g ood Whiskey or Brandy, and the result will be a preparation that will far_ excel in _medicinal virtues and true excellence any- of the numerous liquor bitters in to market, and. will cost much, less. You will haveall the virtues of Ilogliand's Bit ters in connection with a good, article of liquor and at a much - less price then these inferior preparations will - cost you... Thbse suffering from viardsmus, wasting. away, with., scarcely, any . fiesh on their bones, are cured iri`avery Short tithe and Bout:rid such cases, will .ha ve -most surprising effect. • DEBILITY, ration _can ex hibit living ev tdences of its excellence. See Photo graph dnd read certificate of rs. William Sutton—hair 5 feet and one inch in, length —used Reeves A BROSI iIIOUL twenty months. A LSO Photograph and certidcate, - 0 Cl 7. et , 0 Resulting from Fevers of limy: kind—these bit ters will renew your strength in a short lime. tot c‘• ' 1 .... (\ g . 8 ‘k. P k ks j ° E... . . E sr ( ,-, - :.-.-.. ,t -.7. ri, 'FEVER AN n AGUE.—Tfie : ChinSllot re turn if Aliese„.l.3itters are used. No, perspn in fever apd . ague district should be without them. F:razia' Rdr. 'iVevitan Biciwit, •D; 1).,-Editor of The Encyclopedia of liens-lons Knowledge: Although iibt diSposed tri•favor or recommend Pete,nt :Medicines ip general, through distrust of their ingrtulients end effects ; I yet . kricriv of no Slam end reuson dchy a man may not tes tifY. to the,lienefitshe believes himself to have received from any „simple fireparation, in the hO'pe that he may thus contribute to the bene fit of others. • , . ,c., i , \ L do, this more readily in regard to !too band's Gentian Bitters, preptfrell'by'Dr. C. M. Jackson becaiise I 'was prejudiced against tbenvfor 'a number of years, under the impression that thi.y were chiefly an alcoholic mixture: 'I 'um' indebted:to my friend.. Rob't 'Shoemaker, esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests ; andfOi encettragement toiiy them, when suffering from -igreat and, longdebility.. The. use . 9f• three .b i nttles of these hitters, at the be ginninCo'f• 'the preSent *year, waS`folloWed . by evident ieliefp and restoration to, a degree ef. bodily and, mental vigor which, I had not felt . for six Months' before; and bad aimost ed. of regaiming.. therefore.thank God .and. my friend for directing :ne tp the ,use of them, ' - • J. NEwrott'llaoWrt.- • • Philadelphia, June 23,;1862. f ATTENTION! SOLDIERS! AND Tar, FRIENDS OF SOLDI'ERS.. 1•;=:g We call tlie . attention bf all liaving. rbtatiofts or friendsin tli.,.army l to I..ofriet,that. , :Hopf-, land's Gerinan tifre mile-tenths' of the diseages indneedbrprivation and , eki posures incident to s carnp.)ife,.,ln the lists, published alnadkdnilY in The newspapers, ou the itrrivallof - socki.it will be milked that is very.large:propor4;on are i sutfeqn& from de, bility. , - .llwelYci.'se of that kind can lie reaili rcure.l by HoOflandls Gernian Bittnra: ;WC have no hesitation instating thafoifithese ters,aeifre'ply used. among our soldiers, 11114 7 ; reds of lives tnightlin Saved that oherwise. w ould trc lO t " Tlie piornietor's orb - daily receiyinitilankful late - 11;4pm su iferprs: in ,thd army and: hoSpi tals,w ho have‘beenrekored to health by the pse of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. Beware. df coitnterfeitsll _See .that .the natur:e Ad., Jackson," is on.the wrapper of midi ' • ' ICES: . Large Size, $1:09 per bottle, or _;,dozen Medium size, 76:e per bottle, - or z &ion for.s4. The larger size , on 'account of - theNitiahfitY the bottles hold, are.much the cheaper: Should your pea - rest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of thi . inteotiil . eating preparations,that may be otfere4 , inAtit place, but ,send,to us, and we will forward, , securely clieked; by express. - 'Pi Principal Office and Manufaetory, No.i 631 A2xten SYILF:E I T: • Succeshors' to C.M. J,acloon 8z: Co. HEAP .4FO AY - Pt - 4J e/ Ar I V 4 giii„. l ' • Having ,lust teturneu'irom the city ntalY tireete , d bitkof Reidy '-made:ClOthifigg which t Aq lll,d gr4gPe4 9 oel , frefl to fur4ipP; ft t reduced 'vices; havinglaid in a general assort ment 'lien- lava'a Clothing, which-befit! deters ined to sell ,Low,,poß 94. s Ai. 411ckt consists of OVER-COATS; DaEss, S.A.cfc. PA NTS, V.S.STS,, REA:TACIEE.4, B.OI7NDBOUTS, (knit) "OV.EICHA TJ LS, CR:4: V.:ATI, DR:tili 'Sal Rl4, 110I§ERir, UNDERSHIRTS,- GLOVES SUSPENDERS, .Everythillg,init4? Fnrnishing Goods line. Call and examinel4:- fore , pdrchasing elsewhere. Everything sold'at prices:co, sit the lines. JOHN BELL. , Corner of Elbow .Lane and. Market L gt next door fo.:Cassel's.Store:; A 'LARGE LOT' OF' BUIE `WINDOW •' SHADES reiaarktibly iew prieedli• tox.loseett r JOHN Market Street, MaettMarlette„. A.CHOICE Zot of. Books far _children called iiidistractahle PlepsiireßoPlul; Sghpoirtigd Paper Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen he - O%JB TROUT.-`-0 rrio LANDAOII.I3II Jest j_ and Irish TV H I S IC .1 1, E4‘p ed pure ; s 4 H. I.Y..Benirernainls. O,G,ER'S Celebrated Pe. 1 r `Oil' Page Italtidg at' 410.Z;eFT44 and " T.II'.SQOI,II.EN.NIORTAR;' Ni,. 1. II: LE. s l'• CIIO . .IC:LteS :OA tilt' rttects of scat as loss of memory, s'iortmas of '.neut.,, nris, palpitation of the heart, shion, , , ion, sir any constitutional deran,zerrivnl systc:n hrnintht on by the unrestraini genre of the passions. Acts alike on ciaiel Price one dollar. Nu. 2. TB E. BA 1.31.-Will cure in ft,.7.. to eight days, any ease of Gonorrhocii,o:, without taste or smell and requires nc re, tian or action or diet; for either sex.: NO. 3. Tnr TEREB will cure Gle,•t shortest pefssible time, and I can show c,o, cates of cures effected by this rernet. , all others, Lace failed. No taste or Price one dollar. , NO. 4. THE ruNITER is the only k:1;, remedy that will positively cure strictnn•, the urethra, no matter of how long stanilm; neglected the case may be. Price WIC NO. 5. THE SOLItTOR will cure Itn!. r:. of Gravel. permanently and speedily remu all diseases from the bladder and kidney, Price one dollar. No. 6. TRL PRLVENTOR is a Sllre pm-c r . tion against the contraction of any , 11, , ca,r. less expensive and far preferable to anythia in use. Adapted to either sex. Price I, NO - 7: THE Asi.iyar. will cure the ivhit.: radically and in less time than they can Le ,:- fe . ctually removed.by an: other treuttLunt ; fact i ttris is the• only remedy that will rea:l; cure this disease pipaSar.t to take. Price NO: 8. THE Oeintsr.itt. Pasrits are c 4 taint' safe,and. speedy, in producing menstl - us tion or correcting any irregularities of roteuthly period s; Price' two dollars. No. 9. .THE I FEMAI,F. SA FEGUA RD, or (1 0 . spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price Either of the RemedieS will be sentfri-e • mail on receipt of. the price annexed. enc.:. lam containing valuahle information with description of each Remedy, may be obtain,: by enclosing one.post stamp,. Address FELIX BRUNON. 80x'9.9, These Remedies are sold in Marietta out, . JOfIN JAY 111 M ART, 'where circulars taming a full description of each case cap obtained gratis, on application. General Depot, North East Corner of Yoz, Avenue,andcallowhilt street,Philadelphia,Ps. In complicated cases 1 can be consuilk by letter, or personally at my office ; entrun,, 401 Yokk Avenuec. Thin Stout, Depressed Lively, TN idditioli 'to our main 'business of Flint I, graph Materials] we are Bead Quarters the following STEREOSCOPES' Bz, STEREOSCOPTIC VIEWS. Of these we have an immense assortment, eluding War Seenqa, American and Fortv. Citie,s,and landscapes Groups, Statuary, z s ,. Alstclievolving 'Stereoscopes, for ; , 11, !lc private etxliibition. Our Catalogue Ind dent to any address on reteipt of Stan p. We were the Ititit'to introduce the.w United States,nnd we , manufacture .•• quantities in ,great variety, ranging in from 50 cents to 50 dollars each. Our A!! ,, . have the reputation of being superior in In, - ty and durability to any others. They wL sent by mail, FREE; o❑ rei.cipt of price. ALBUMS MADE To ORDEII.z Our Catalogue now embraces over F I c T HOUSAN 1) different subjects, (to whie'i ditions are constantly being made) of is traits of Eminent Americans, &c., /Loom 100 Major Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generale,, 130 Divines, 275 Colonels, 12.5 Autors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, 230 other Officers, 125 Staie,, 255 Navy Officers, 50 d'rotni s e n t Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 Copies of Works of Art, including reproductions of the most rr et rut I F.ngravings. Paintings,. , Statues, ,0,- logties sent on receipt of stamp. At order tot one dozen Pictures from our filled on receipt of .$1:80, and sent Photographers and others orderinz goods 0. D. wilt please reirnt. 25 per Dent. of amount with their order. E. & 11. T. ANTHONY Si MANUFACTURERS OF PHOToG RA ir MaTERIALS, .561 Bat:1,11)W Ay, N. 3T'l . lle prices and quality of oul . not fail to satisfy. [l.2m. SUPPLEE & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS • • FOUNDEItS And General Machinists, Second Below Union, COlinnbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Fems , -. Pipes, for Steam, %Valet-and Gas ; ColtoeL, Fronts, Cellar pools, Weights, &c., for hu 1- dings, and castings of every description ; Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machin ~ /Y for Mining and Tanning ; 'Riess licannir. , Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cock , . Valves for Steam, Gas,. and Water; Brash 1::- tings in all their variety;" Boilers, Tanks, ileaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts; Vault Doors, Washers, Six. BLA CKSMITHING, GENERAL. From long experience in building inaehiner. , w , Patter ourselves that we can giVe ge-/eral faction to those•who may. favor us with .7 orders. 11) — licpaiting prOmptly attended t”. Orders by mail addressed as above, will ruff: With prompt attention. Price., to suit the tie,s. Z. SUPPLE E, T. it. SUPP.LE E. Columbia, October 20;1860. 14 tf "\r ) WINES & LIQUORS. t . D. EI D 13V.,NJAIVI . Dr AI Ell IN ijgl§r& LIQUORS, ~,:gigg?t, A itildi4g,-,4arietta, Pa. EGS leave toklirioriii the public that ho ~pK+llc9}ltinnethe, cgutipue the W.J.HE LIQUOR hu=g' Hea d to all its, branFhes. He. will constant; ketp , oif thin& all kbdiot' Girti, Irish and Sew': l ''l4 7 itisk-, 'di-dials. Bitters, 6 . c., T AMEN'S f•:ly 'Celebrated Rose Whisky, ' ‘"- 'ALWAYS ON HAND. lk.''`l•Very"Surerior OLD RYE WHISKE) ustlteceivArhich is warranted pure. , ltr All H. D. B. now asks of Inc publv: is a careful examination of his stock and Fr ces, .which will, he is confident, result in terkgeiiiit and nthere aiding': it to their ad vantage to punks , their *purchases from I MI , 1 1 126'gr.latz Ferry- Keesey's. -,PI - .T . 40,-S ; ITE MARIETTA lIIS old Ferry — one of the oldest and m safe 'cros'ain'g on 'the Susquehanna River— is,nciaufiatharge of the undersigned, who :bar , refitted tfil,pid and built new boats, w hich ;En: enable him ta do 'ferrying with safety and di. , Wo unnecessary delay need be endured. Saba 'nnie expettended".Perrymen always en gaged. - ,,No_ imposition in charges as the fol loiwing list will Elbow : . Firm Wagons each ;:Horses, .per head Single horse and rider, Two-noise Carriage and two perser,s, 1: 01) . 4 Baggy,,,horse, arta two persons, AAA 4 1 5 asseilb-er4 each;" • :12 _B3O- 6f Ludo: tit:the old charges. All Luggage over fitlypounds , centb 170 pounds extra Dr. F. Briinon' s {yl6l'll4ll New Philadelphia, pa 4..4r IL T. ANTHONY 4 Co., ,Ilanufazturers of Photographic ; .41.41E131A.L5, WHOLESALE A D RETAIL, 50} BROADWAY, ,NEW-YuRK PHOTOGRAPHIC • CA RD 1'110:10ti ft.APBS. STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE HOST SIODEIRN -.IITH 'IMPROVED JOHN ECKERT sl.on
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers