The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 14, 1865, Image 2

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    the litariettian.
. •
• AW:. ;•,
F. L. Bcf.7ce;.• , Editor.
Via ta-dag., ,ftxnatzoli. i. 4. YRb
NW There has been quite a controver
sy geing on betvierr l MPreffraWThir
Philadelphia Inquirer , With regard to
the circulation of the latter. The Press
ufferS to contribute 'te'the Sanitary and
Christian Commissioiii the sum of • ten
thousand dollars if the circulatibn of the
Inquirer is over 60,000, which number
has been posted in large letters at the
head of that journal, as being its circu
lation. Also„ $5,009 mo r e, if oe
lation is over, 50,000 ;•.$2,000, if over
40,000 ; and $l,OOO it i over 30,000. The ,
Inqui;er does not squarely -face:_the
music," but evasively accepts the offer.
The fact hes long , been'Patent that' the
Inquirer was not tha Moit, reliable news
paper on thecontiniat'and' 'some went
sn tar as to questiorS its loyalty. The
Press is, unquestionably, much the bet
ter paper of the two.
Gr General Butler has been removed
and General , Ordappointed his tempo
rary succeseor. The New York Herald
speaking of his removal says : "Wheth
er rightfully er'ncit General Butler has
for months'peet been losing the con&
deuce of the' officers of the army; until
very few will regret his departure out
side of those'Who swarm around'and at those_in t Tower. ;It
has been Gen.; Butler's misfortune, to
appoint too many.of these selfish „and
irresponsible perso,notoof6Cial positions
of trust and responsibility.. ; Their indis
cretions have in no small degree been
instrumental in causing his removal.
The ostensible grounds for depriving
him of his cornmand are undoubtedly
his recent fiascos 'of Wilmington and
larch Croix But a mountain of dissat
isfaction has been accumulating against
him for mouths. Thus ends the mili
tary career of a distinguished civilian
*kr The Clearfield war--the military
expedition sent to Clearfield county, to
enforce obedienCe to the laws has thus
far proved a success. Over one hundred
degertyrs have been forwerded to 'their
r. , trinwnts;to Ilitrrisburg, and to Fort
NI fll n Crafted men are 'reporting 'to
rioy provost mixibia's`officers daily, stir
roderinc. tltemselves, and asserting that
'law had been indOced to resist' the
tuft by men of influence and positiciti.:
SlllllO of the leaders of the oath-boned
society, organized to resist-,the draft, are,
now in Fort. Mifflin, awaiting trial.
tar Alexander T. Stewart, The dry
goods nabob of NeWyork, ha's-the' lar
gest income of anunian in AMEllice; or
( probably) the world. He has' lately
paid an income tax of $250,000 !—on a
net income of, live million dollars !
This would be the interest, at 6 per, cent.
of over eighty. ,We know ; of
no case among the wealthy men of Eng
land that surpasses or equals. this,:; and
we suppose.. A.. T. Stewartis the "rich
est man" living., t „
efir The Illinois Central Railroad" is
making an effort to . have the , capitat: r of
that State reineved frona•Sprins. , field to
Decatur, and, offer • .as inducement,
$1,000,000 to build a new:capitallatabit
place. 1 11136.!,pe0p1e of -Spring6eldri are,
in consequence, much' :exercised . upon
the subjecto-- r-.
tilir file embalmers at Washington
are doiog a: thriiiiig'businesb. hey re.
very fastidious; b'ciiire't•ei, 'the regu
lation of eliefr' 'prices. .Forclitiatinee,
they charge 05 for enihalinitig alirivate,
and for officnis fivedollars'for 'elioh:lttri
ditional higher grade. 'ln this case,. at
leeist, the old inixinfitutt **lir is a great
leveler is'tiot true: ", '
or The Treasury clerks at Washing..
ton will not have their usual• t lsiew , Year's
present of penknives thie,Vear,'aild' the
Government will save, some S8:000 by
it [he custom originated 'when 'the
clerks had to make aCd Mend their own
pens., and'thereis no justice in it now.
The rumor! has been, sevived in
Washington , that Secretary Welles will
leave the Navy Department. on •or; prior
to the 4th:of March neat and that. Col.
John W. Forney will 'sticceed to the
Ifir The steamer , Arago broright-over
200,000 lettersi from Gen. Sherman's
army, As noneiof,:thette:rnps had been
cancelled, ft required the libor of fifteen
clerks in the post offimfor twenty.hours
to do the work,
air About ;400,000 hae 4uefai been
expended'in Raying to yrie
onere at Atinvokis the commutation of
ration , ' due them while in,the . hands of
iho rebels.
4prf, . 1 •
tkir Seven or eight men were kilted,
laet Friday in :Rol igi ay ; ntrant,, 144,412 ore ,1!
by the breaitiog,dos,m,offioi,ltapgath 7
which they were at work.'f- 4,
Judge Taney wll ‘ ele l ien 'years 'older'
then the Federa4Conaitutioi 7
• He re.
4 .; ' •
membered when it was sop
be went to the pile glider the impre*
sion that be-had anentl eOce e.
Dr. Douglas unrolled a lady during a
lecture at Quebec before a large. audi
ence, and then was so ungallant as to
pronounce her three thousand years
old, I •
A petition to the French Senate for
the abolition of capital punishment, has
received eighty thousand signatures.
Edward Everett
ded by leading Bostontans Minister
Viceadmiral Farragat was presented
with $56,000 in,New York on Saturday
last— •front• the citizens of that
Four of the St. Albans raiders, it is ,
said, were captured at New Haven, dt.:
last week.' "Tbey"hait enlisted io the.
Union armY. •
The §ecretury of War has initiated
measures fora the immediate reduction
of a number of officers employed in,'..and
about Washington, some.of whom will
be sent to the field, and others will be
mustered out of ths service.
President . said ; wrote
his last message on sheets of card paper,
which he laid upon his knees and wrote
upon as be sat with his feet on the table
and his chair tilted; after the Yankee
style. '• -
The Missouri Democrat ,publiehes n
copy of the application of U. S. Grant
for eile office of Cbunty engineer of St.
Louili''County, wLich is dated August
15th, 1 . 859, and is marked
,Hon. John Covode has been assured
by. the President and Secretary of War
that the exchange of prisoners will be
immediately, resumed.
Savannah was taken by the English
on the 29th of December, 1778. It was
again taken by Sherman in the same
The Post-Office Department finding
that the letter delivery system works
badly, has determined to confine it to
large cities,
There is a daily paper at Pekin, Chi
na, which has been published for over
one thousand years.
Kossuth has three nephews who are
officers in the armies of the United Bta
A negro, who had been drafted, in
Trimble, Kentucky,: recently, drowned
himself through fright.
The American brig Gen.' Ward was
blown up at Shanghai on the 25th of
October. All the crew were killed' but
It appears to be pretty , clear that
Sherman has sent a force to liberate the
Union prisoners, said to be from 40 to
100 miles southwest of Savannah,
The North Carolina Legislature has
fixed the pay of its members at the fig
ure of $45 a day—confederate'dollars, Of
The produce "of' oranges on many
plantations in Limisiana be this
season much in excess of sugar or cot
` The:receipta , at the Interne! Revenue
Bureatt%duringthe month of Decembei
amount to $20,000;000.
The steamship North Atherican; from
New Orleans for NeW York, foundered
at sea on the night of the 22nd. ' She
had' on, bpa i rd 2.03 siekseidiers, 12 cabin
passengers,-and a crew of 44 mon. The
number of passengers 'and crew gavel
was 62, making, the jOas Of 197.
In his'recent teeth atabehdale, Mr.
Iticlird)eAdei said that if. a 'map of
the United" States mere laid before 'the
members and 'prefessors of Oxford Uni
-vergity, and they were asked to designate
the positioirof Chicigo, he did% not be
.lieye that:one 43f.;them ,could come with
in a thousand tniles•of it.
'The indications of oil in West Vir
ginia are improving in every part of that
region, so that , enterprising .speculators
,Imve leas,ed most of the territory and
are engaged : in sinking wells.
rt The 'West.Jersey Press says, the cel
ebrated trotting mare "May Queen" for
tnerlrowned by the late Samuel An
drewsWoßlitmden, and Captain Bodine,
was:sold'lasttweek by Mr. John Turner,
for $12,000.- She bas beeome one' of
the fastest trotters in the country,
It bee been.proved,by, experiment at
Alexandria.that &pinged bard tack and
hay, mixed togett;er and, subjected to ; a
considerable pressure of steam, which
removes the mould,and sourness, makes
exgal,',ent food for;cattle, being both•fat
toning and nutritioug. A great waste
of bread and bay br thus avoided.
Two gentlemen were recently oat
shooting near Harriitthrg, Pa., When a
farmer, without notice'to them to leave
his, premises, shot one of their "dogs, a
valuable animal. - Ansel:la was biought
to recover damages, and the reeulta s
that theefinimer.was compelled too pay
$9O dollarstdamdges and, sl9,eoste.
er Success in the &lig, it ii,hOught
wil.e o a red u c ti on of . two n
•lii au
:4. r 11
millions in the army eetimatee.
13t1t, Vast an .45tisgors.
T TR f TRAGEDY : We publish
ed a 1aec0 , 4.64 n I et weeW4s klaFiltian
ifi e
of a exert: b& g'7ound lead in alarge
trnn l in :t tinVoA, one ity last !week.
The oma. iavin the link in c i harge
i •
N wa
rest 't t tikm3 Ad selifklyn
to orfolieNirginta, wheiii the desertion
took place, where she was tried on the
6th inst., before a Military Court. We
copy the following account of the trial
from a correspondence of The Press :
. The4reat. trunk tragedy which has
excited se much attention throughout
the United States, came to a final close
on the 6th instant, by the tria', convic
tion and sentence of the accused, Maria
it f , •
'Looisa Li n der; who is a tall, thin, slim -
Agman,,panul about 40 years of
• age.
At the trial , she was dressed in . a plain
black 'dietis '&l'6'd:irk bonnet. She kee
a trifling , german lisp on •her ton:ne.
Fier whole appearance exhibited great
mental agony. here is her testimony :
Mira' Lciaisa Lindei aworn.—l -am
the perscn accused and guilty'of taking
a think &dm Norfoli to BaltiMore don
taidini the bmiy of John Freeborn.' ' *
Q,66iti6li. l AViYO'u Vmeriied woman ' ?
• Aniiyei.:No, sir never was tnar
ried, !Alt kePt a`cOmmon house thh'
corns of Tiroddfiide lane and Little' Wa
ter street'. I lived with' this than
born, to Whom I becathe attached, and .
welived toiether as roan and'wire:
Q. Did yOu'ever bave : anY children'?
A.'Yes, sir. ( The Wothan bluskid
deeply.) , ,
Q. Who-iris the fitter of these chit-
.A. I do not know, sir •°` • "
Q. Did you ever lire with • this m'an
after he' h'ad enlisted ?'
A. Yea, sir; I never knew him - be.
fire that time. - •
Q. Now'state to tho' court all you
know about the trunk affair.
The . woolian'here became 'greatly af
fected; and wept bitterly, but in a short
time continued her evidence : John
FieebOrn'told me that he was tired' of
the army, and that if I would get him to
Chicago, he would give me four hundred
dollars. I asked him how he would be
Able to get Bo much money. He said
he was going to jump the bounty and
get 'a thousand dollars, and then we
would. both go to Canada and get mar
ried. I told him that I would not know
how to get him away from here, for the
Government, men watched everything
so closely. He said, "Go and buy a
large trunk, and I will get in it, and you
can do with roe' just aa' thOugh I was
your clothing. You can check me to
Baltimore, and then get in the cars and
go to Chicago." I did not like to do it,
but he made me ; and so I got the' trunk,
and then be got in it, and we went on'
board the Baltimore beat. '
Q. Did he not say anything alsout
smothering ?
A. Yes, and he cut a small hole in.
the ',gunk. ( Here the trunk was shown.
It is a large and handsome .une, about
twenty-five iuchee high, sixteen inches
broad, and, thirty -two-inches long. Im
mediatelyseneath one of the straps is
seen a very small orifice, through which,
the deceasedgained hisbreath, by means
of aTipe-atem. would be almOst im
possible to detect the orifice, unless it
was-pointe3 ont...,The hole. would : ; not
admit the passage of sufficient air , to
sustain animation in a. rat. There - is,
plenty of room within the trunk to al
low a limited use of the limbs, but they
would necessarily be contracted: to;such
an extent as to produce a violent cramp,
after &person had been so, subjected for
a period of five hours:) He did- not
think there would' be any difficulty in
brealhing through the stem of _the. pipe
which: hebsed. When 1.,g0t to Fortress
Monroe I wentup.tothe trunk.and kick
ed it twice.. rhat was the sign,by.which
I was to know,le was ;getting on.
lle answered, it twice, so: that. I knew
it was all right. He had :no liquor in
trunk---nothing,but a canteen of Wll
- towel, and,a, piece.of chewing- to-
bacco. When I got to Baltimore or
dered a haciroian to take me to a hotel.
I:do not know which one it was, was to get there. When I got
1 16 -the hotel I went.up stairs, and had
I the trunk brought up, with me and then
I:when we got into the room I locked:the
door. I was so glad when I got there
that I kicked the trunk with all my
might, but I got no. answer. I said,
"Now, Johnny, you are all right." , He
did not answer me,' and I thought he
was foOling me. I got the key and
opened the trunk, and he laid perfectly
still, when I said, "Come, Jack, get up :
you are in Baltimore now, and rio One is
about here but me." He said nothing,
when I put my hand upon his fade
, and
he was dead. [The woman was here so
overcome with her feelings that it was
some minutes beforisshe couldproceed. ].
I dropped the lid of the trunk, and "was,
crazy in raj , head:" I'sa* a card on the
mantel-piece of the room, and I wrote
the word "Chicago" on it and'rang im
mediately for a servant. He'got t 'me a
haekman and.reold him i rwanted to go
right away to `Chicago. He said be
would 'to ; '
daliert • I street
station for two dollars. I 'Old
would give him that; tad handed him a
five dollar bib, when he gave me back'
Ihree`dollars. ' trunk behind
the carrittif,;an'l whiia we "got; the
depot tie 'asked mt if I .. Waisted' it i ctieck l
; I,told yea. B ow gap an ,
get your ticket and Twill gekit--.checkh''
for yoti.". t r witose j'ed almost to death
',near fel .FlO Nutty before in my life,
f wanted icristiiif Out !.he
earl, to tel. any CMe. I
~.went to get
y ticket , nd insead ofdoing so 1
! %ho "strifk • I dn.-not know
/What made mp, bat I couldn't help it.
I saw a policeman coming down uear
me and I wantedlo tell him,lut I did
not know how. I walked the streets all
night; no one said anything to me, and
I did not say a word to any one. The
next morning I heard some one say
something about a trunk, and I thanked
God that it had been found out. I walk
ed through the,streets during all the
morning; andifinally..l felt so bad that I
went and told-on myself. This was all
ly crazy after I found out that the sol
dier was dead.l
This is the , major part of the evidence,
widch is given nearly as it was taken
down by the reporter. There is no
doubt whatever, that the woman is la. a
state of intense misery. Her opinion,
from the moment ,of her first examina
tion, has been that she would be bung.
But, as, a matter of course, it was not a
case of marder. On the part. of the. man
it was voluntary death ; on that of the,
woman it was aiding and abetting de
sertion. The fact of the man's having
died does not alter the punishment
which is' due the woman. After the
woman gave herself up in Baltimdre she
had an examination and was imMediate
ly returned to-Norfolk, where she was
kept for three days, after which time
she received her trial as above -record
Judge S Webster sentenced her to a
fine of five hundred dollars and two
year's imprisonment at hard labor.
fir, Gen. McClellan, it is reported
will sail for Europe in February; his
wire and child will accompany
"Burleigli," the Boston Journal's cor
respondent in this city;'makes the fol
lowing statement in reference to the
General's movements:
"A company of gentlemen in this city
have fitted up a fast sailing clipper ship
in elegant style, placed on board every
conceivable luxury, manned, her com
pletely with a fine crew, put her in
charge of one of our ablest captains,
and tendered her to George B. McClel
lan for one year, to sail with his family
friends where 'he will—the entire ex
pense to be born by the gentlemen.
This is the New. York style of doing
our George B. Mattoon, of Swanzy,
NewFlampshire, has earned the laurel
wreath of Mine early. lie is only eigh
teen years of age, and yet he has served
three yeisrs in the Union'army, been in
forty-three battles and twenty-seven
skirmishes, had two horses shot under
him, and during the whole time has• not
received a single injury nor been absent
from duty a single day.
.65 - John W. Watkins, jr., a. citizen
of .Towsentown, Maryland, has , been
sentenced by a. military commission,
now in session at Baltimore, to three
year's' i'mprisOnment at' bard labor in
the Albany Penitentiary, for tearing
down` a United States flag which was
displayed. from the dwelling. of Mr. John
0. Longnecker, a royal citizen of Tow
l ir It is stated.that a few , days before
the surrender of Savannah, Gent Sher
man intimated to his , division comman
ders that the first one to'enter the city
should be made Military Governor after
its naptpre. General John W. Geary of
Pennsylvania, was the lucky one.
sir It is , said that when Fort McAll
ister was captured it was found that the
rebel commander bad lived in fine style,
as nearly $4,000, worth of wines and Be
gan were found, stored away in his
quarters. and this in sight of the Union
prisoners, dying of starvation daily.
Agr le Army and Navy Joann',
makes the singular announcement that
General Meade has ordered each divi9ion
of the Army of the Potomac to prepare
its graveyard and fence it in, on the
ground now occupied by our forces be
fore Richmond. .
fr There were more poop, killed
,and wounded by railroad accidents last
year than any year since 1854. One
hundred and forty accidents occurred ;
tour hundred and four lives were lost,
and one thousand eight hundred - and
forty-six persons were wounded.
_ .
. sr Mrs. Sarah Hutchings, of Balti
more, charged with purchasing sword
for the rebel Major Gibnore, and other
secession acts, has , taken the oath of,al
legiance to the Government, and promi
ses to give, no further aid to the enemy.
- sr The senior of'the Blair family' is
off again to Richmcind. This time with
documents which it is expected Will
bring him face to face with Jeff. Davis.
Of course nothing will come of it. *
fur The Ottntral Methodist ChM.*
Seventh avenue, New York, have made
+3,40 . 6 by subatituting horse hatr for
Olit‘tOn - in'their iew*enallionu baek.
Out of. the twelve •revolutionary
patriots living oh the Ist of January,
1864, b ut live survabd to welcome this
ew 143 tg4,,j
Zpetial Notizts
Sufferers.—A gentleman, cured of nervous de
bility, incompetency, premature decay, and
youthful error, actuated by a desite to benefit
others, will be happy to furnish to all who
need it, (free of charge) the receipt and di
rections for making the simple remedy used in
his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertiser's bad experience, and possess a sure
and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing
him at once at his place of business. The re
ceipt and fall information—of vital import
ance—will be cheerfully sent by return mail.
J lire B. OGDEN,
No. 60 Nassau-st., New-York.
P. S.—Nervous sufferers of both sexes vii
find this information invaluable. 3m
rP.A CARD TO . ri VA LI DS.-A Clergyman,
while residing in South America as a mis
sionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy
for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early De
cay, Diseases of the Urinary and *Seminal Or
gans and. the whole train of disorders brought
on by baneful and vicious habits. Great num
bers have already been cured by this noble
remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the re
cipe for preparing and using this medicine, in
a sealed' envelope, to any one who needs it,
FREE OF CHARGE. /Cr Please inclose a pre
paid envelope, addressed to yourself.
Address JOSEPH T. Inner,
Sharon D, Bible Hobse, New-York
1:3- EYE and EAR:—Prof. J. Isaacs, M. Di
Oculist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, liol
]and. is located at No. 511 Piue-st., Philadel
phia, where persons afflicted with diseases of
the.-Eye or Ear will be scientifically treated
and cured, if curable. Artificial Eyes insert
ed without pain. No charges made for exam
ination. The medical faculty is invited, as
he has no secrets in his mode of treatment.
February 6, 1864.-Iy.
Landis 4. Trout
Landis !rout
At tke "Golden Mortar,"
At 'the "Goldeii Mortar,''
Market Street, Marietta,
Market St ree t, Marietta,
Keep constantly on Nana
Keep constantly on hand
' 03
Ng P
121 . 7) . 0 `. 2 .
O eb
•—• p !F . 3 r" I:, 4 ,
Ch W . tti p 7.. m 0 Z%
Peg, g g m a
f D`.l5
e s g. ?,"
g g. n gt
r3L.. •-•
H = eiT
1 4. 2- ..
O 3
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Remember the place,
remember the place,
' Dr. Grove's old Stan 1.
Dr. Grove's old Stand.
Give us a call.
Give us a call.-
1864. 1864.
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Nevins sorted up his stock during the great r
est.decline in Gold and :Merchandise and is
now- predared to sell goods as low-as
Any Detail Muer in or out of the Cities,
Now selling good Prints at 31 cents, the
best at 374 e. Good DeLaines, 4.5 c, best 50e.
Ginghams from 37i to ; 50 cents,. e
Bleached, and Unbleached' Muslin
from 31, 37 to 50 cents.
Latest style goods for Gentlemen and 'Boys
Wear, Fancy and .-Black Cassimeres, Tweeds,
Jeans, Cloths, together with all kinds of Do
meetic goods, such , as Ticking, Checks, Dri
lling, &c., &c., at
Good Saga' at .18, 20 to 22 cents. Good Cof
fee at 40 cents—best in market at 50, cents.
3:3" Syrups and all other Groceries at re
duced prices.
He also continues to keep on hand a large
supply of superior. Brandies, Wines, , Ging,
Schnidam's Schnaps, Drake's Plantation Bit
ters, and that superior Old Rye. Persons pur
chasing Liquors can rely upon getting the best
article at the lowest price the market, will
arietta, October 22, 1854. .
Sat' , .oealirza agaacts.
Best . Merinoes,
'Fashionable Silks
Nobility Plaids,
Pim's. eoplins, .
Dark Foulards,
Figured Merinoes,
Good Blankets,
Plaid Shawls.
We follow GOLD DOWN, as close as we
follow it up. Now is a good time for
Merchants and Customers to come in.
,October 8, 1864.:2m.]
Eley's Gun Caps, Eley's Gun Wadds,
DuPont's Sporting and Glaze&Duck Powder
Baltimore Shot ; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks
&c,, at t JOHN SPANGLER'S.
ICKOHY & Oak Wood, 40 Cords each
Hickory and Oik Wood. Orders most
be'accompanied with the cash when they will
be promptly filled. Spangler & Patterson.
ÜBSCRIPTIONS received for all the lead
in Periodicals of the day : a •
dt• 2he Goldin Mortar
for culinary purpose ,a rwarranted ermine
; v tint: - .4.lB6rjampk. -
I Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping_
• • • By the flame of a common tar
at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a l E .
comfortable breakfast can be cooked.
—N. Y. Tribune.
• • • Simple in construction, easily 1, 7 „
in order, ready for use in a moment • •
convenient to have on hand. • • D,,
gist's CircuLar.
• • • Fish's Lamp is one of the
popular novelties of the day, • • •
utility of it is unquestionable, a great sa,,,
is made in heating and cooking small &m i l e :
and can be made to cook meals fL.r a gr Eb l
many persons, which is actually done on
ambulance cars which carry the sick soldier
• • Scientvic American.
• • • For family use, hospital tent, b ar
rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room,
it ie an article :of comfort beyond all p ropo ,,
tion to its cost: • • Hall's Journal of Ikartf.
• • • I have tried the
.apparatos, an:
my wife and :I proclaim the same a most yak.
able and indispensable article. and we now
wonder how we could have so long done with.
out it. • • ,Ed. Coal Oil t.Yrculat
• • • An economical contrivance f,•
getting up heat at abort notice for nursery
general household purposes, • • • 0 „,
important point is the saving in coat over
fires. • • N. Y. Evening. Post
Prices from Two to Six Dollars.
rapatstAr from One to Foii, Qu a rts
Three Articles Cooked at one Lime with on e
Arranged for Kerosene or Coal OH, or Gm.
A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pages fut.
Lashed gratis.
Price .50 Cents,
To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lam
or Gas Burner, by which water may be bo•1led,
and food cooked ; also arranged to support
shade. Every Family needs one. •
WM. D. RUSSELL. Agent.
No. 206, Pearl St., New York,
It3P- Agents Wanted.
IQ — Two of these Heating Lamps Carl 1.
seen at John Spangler's Hardware.
TIOABULETTE. This Fertilizer is compoy.
JE - of night soil and the fertilizing elements
urine combined, chemically and mechanic 4,
with other valuable fertilizing agents and IS
It is reduced to a pulverized condition,
dy for immediate use, and without loss of
highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties.
Its universal application to all crops aL!
soils, and its durability and active qoalmes.
are well known to be all that agricultuii3,
can disire. Patciis2s,ozz Toa.
CIIEMICAL COMPOST.....This Fertilize r
is largely composed of animal matter,
such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair an'
wool, together with. chemicals anti inorganic
fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re
tain the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough
ly impregnated with urine, and the limner
poi tions of night soil.
It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops
generally, and especially for potatoes, and
garden purposes.
lta excellent qualities. strength and che:tp
iiess, have made it very popular with all woo
have used it:. Price, $25 Pea Ton.
r lUEE Ffiurr FERTILIZER. It is ti
ji highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is par
ticuluzly adapted for the cultivation of tree,,
fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote;,
very vigorous and hehitity growth of wood and
fruit, and /Sigel) , increase . the quantity an
perfect, the maturity of the fruit. For tot.
house and household plants and flowers,
will'be found an indispensable article to ,c
-cure their greatest perfection. It %till prela
and cure diseased conditions of the peach ac t
grape, and is excellent for ...miss and lawns.
The formula or method of combining oi
constituent fertilizing ingredients have p
calved the highest approval of eminent chem
ists and scientific agriculturists. Price,:s:t
r rat Chemical Company manufacture
Phosphate of Limr in accordance with Xi DOS
and valuable formula, by which a very supe-
Mr article is produced, so far sato be nltorde.l
at a leasprice than other manufacturers (luau.
PracticaFteits have proved that its value, Ili%
fertilize:, is equal to the best Plicaphate
Lime in the market. Price $45 Pl. R eN.
11:* TEriins Cisx.—Cartage and Freight to
he paid by the Purchaser.
At Canal Wharf, on the Delaware.
Office, 4131 Arch 0., Philadephia,
, K. B. Fl rrS, Gcuertil Ageat.
The CornPlinPs Phamphlet Circular, em
bracing full directions fur using the atIOVII
Fertilizers,,sent by mail free, when requested.
Stobts 1 5tobts !!
,Jdzn Oliceruge",
AS the season for Stoves is fast approachilx,
1 would call the attention of all wishin,.:
to purchase
Parlor or Cooking Stoves,
to my large and well selected 'stock, which cut
braces the best. and most desirable Stoves that
the Eastein, markets 'afford, and which wee'
purchased early, which will enable me to did
pose or Were advantageously to, buyers.
Among the leading - Parlor. and Cook Stoves
• are the following:
Parlor Siov6...' Cooking Stones.
Meteor Gas Burner, Geller),
Columbia . do, Royal,
Oval do Waverly,
Dial, Wellington,
Gem, Lehigh,
Tropic Egg, Charm,
Monitor, Nummer. Rose,
Also,- the Wenn and Sanford's Heaters, s
very desirable article fel heating , two or four
rooms with Very little, if any, more fuel than
an ordinery parlor stove ♦ would consume.
Ranges for cooking, constantly on hand all
of which will be sold on reasonable terms .
la- Call and examine• before purchasing
171 Ea: ' W. WORRALL,
Xjr .. 5 41;'; SURGEON - DENTIST,
Waving removed to the Rooms formerly Gamlen
by Dr. Slceritzel, adjoining Spangler 4 Pat
torson',l Store,Afarket greet, where he is now
prepared to wait on all who may (eel
- dispieed to patronize him.
• Dentistry n all its branches car
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. operations
on the mouth • performed in a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles sod
Having Aiterniined upon a permanent loca
tion at this tikes.; would ask a continuation
of the lit al - ronewe 'beret o for e extended
to him, for which he will render every pow'
tile satisfaction. -„
1:3- Ether administered to properpersons'
The Patent Conlin Reflector Lantern.
HIS is the most desirable Lantern in the
Market. It burns Coal Oil without
Chimney. emitting neither smoke nor smell.
It giyes s pure white light.
It stands quick mot ons in any direction.
The flame is regulated from the outside.
It is neat and compact in form and size.
It is free from solder in the upper parts, and
is otherwise very substantial in its structure.
Hardware Store; on Market street.
BUY one of those beentiful SOFT
HATS at CarrLi.'s, 92 Martiet-fit. Jll9 •
BRANDIES--allbrande—guarrented tcb
genuine. -0 Benjamts.
y,ON'S Pe r iodical Drope, and Clark's
male 9Pille, - - et TheVolderi Mortar.