The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 07, 1865, Image 1

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;,• “.# timt•z 543•111..i.ft •*vk I . ] r1"•'- -^4
. . . . • wlEFtlsztrierMe" _ _
/ g. 42° 44 - 10 1 thwo ,
------,------ -
Office in "(troll's Rom," on Front st: sot, five
doors East of Flarl's Hotel.
Single Copies, with, oz 'without W
rows, or %eos) 50 cents for the first inset ion and
• •cents cur each subsequent insertion Pro
essional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
S 5 per 3.. annal. Notices iii the read ng COl
- flee cools 11 larriages and Deaths,
he simple announcemenl, FREE ; but .or any
tditional lines, five mils a line.
A liberal deithetion made to yearly s ad half
my advertisers.
Hliving just added a " NEWBURY MOUN-
Joniina PaEss,",twether with a large
isortment of new Job: and Cartl type, Cuts,
)rders, &c., &e... to the Job Office of "Txe
LA RIETTIA N," coThichwill insure the frie and
needy execution of all kinds aloe & CA RD
'INTEND, from the smallest Cant to Mc
, STER, at reasonable prices;
John Fareira's' •
O:JDhiblisNO fttlr
For Ladies and Children's Wear.
God's Far Gloves and Collars.
Ay my Furs were all purchased wl.en Gold
v.l a noich lower premiutelhan at present,
~ t niMed to dispose of theiri at very reas
tie prices, and I would- therefore solicit a
tram my liiends of Lancaster county, and
ail — livnivinber the name, numbenand street.
above Seventh, south side,i4
Sept. 10, '64-sm.] PHILADEL.PITYWV r
ir.P I have no partner nor connection with
iy other store in Philadelphia. •
would not he , out of the Draft?
JT that ; which- clUects ,us in corm:
ivith the Army, is not th' only on:-
Lft upon the rikeve these times is e ,
- t re—cienteq ti tYY e pfrfclfusegoods -..:,:;.:
';et themcimajeast. • •
luld . -take this methodof informhig, the
that ht is now preparea to' furnish ttgth
his lind busipeas, such, as ,
Glass, Oils, .Varnishes,
tees, Iron, Carpenter's Tools, Hinges,
Bolts,' Locks, Arils, all kinds of
Building material, Coachmakees•
Goods, Cederware, Clocks,
icy Articles in large yariety, with a full as 7
'Orient of shelf goods generally, which he
sell at theilowest ,prices, re
. Call and examine the stock.
ta.iet.a; March 4084, ,
E. 4 . . H. T. ANWONY 4 CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic
addition to-our main business of Photo
„7aph Materials, we are. Head Quarters for
following ,
these we have-an immense assortment, in
didg*War Scenes, American and Foreign
ties and Landscapes Grbups,Statuary, Arc..
,so, Revolving Stereoscopes , for pnblic
ivitte exhibition. Our Catalogue, will tie
it to any address on reteipt of Stamp:
We were the:first to introduce these into the
cited States, and we manufacture immense
antities in great variety, , ranging in mice
in 50 cents to 50.doilars each. Our Albuins
ye the reputation of being superior in beau
and durability , to`any atftdre. They milli 'be
4'. by mail, FREE:, on ret.eipt of price. , 'v
, ,
Our Catalogue now embraces over F V E.,
'IOUSAND differenCsubjksti,,(tp" ivhich'ad 7 )
mns',Eire constantly. being mide)4f
tits of Einirient Americans, &c., about
1 Major Generals, 050 Statesmen,
lirig,Generals, 130 Divines,
c v i one j st , 120 Authors,
Lieut.-Colonels,,. 40 Artists, Ji
other Officers, 125 Stage,
Navy Olficeis,. 50 PromPentWomen.i.l
150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. , 4,
3,000 Cipies of Works of Art,
luding reproductions, f,kogt celebrated''
;;ravings, Paintings, Statoes, , !..Bc. Cater
ues sent on receipt of stamp. lin order for
dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be
)don receipt of .sl:Bo, , andlenl;M9il,FP.EE.
'hotographers and others goods C.
D. will please. remit 25 per cent. of the
unt with their order.
E. 8t H. T. .ANTHONY-WC.O.','.
prices and quality of our goods can
satisfy. - fl2rnal
)aite then 4lldlise, *Wahl% ,411111t 1
ito the piaitiee proferiatorl in all Rif
one branches.
Pots, kettles and pans, • •
Pans, kettles and pots ;
I am sick of their sight, and would give
• , [ them all
For a bunch of forget-me-nots."
131 A my children are mor`tal, and cannot
On the scent of a nosegay fail ;
They would much prefer a warm pork pie,
To flowerets rich and Tare.
, appers,
Tubs, soap and suds,
Suds, soap and tubs !
My arms are red, and my fingers sPread,
With thig long continued nib,
You may talk of theoripplihg brooks,
You may rave of streamlets fair ;
It,would take ihe'waters of both I wean,
To make these clothes look clear.
t, Wood, chips , and coal,
Coal, chips and. Wined; •
Pvg arranged them all as well as I can,
But my fire will not'burn good.
You may sing of the sturdy oak,.
You.may praise the lofty pine,
I would rather hacie some splinters now
To kindle this fire of mine.,
It is hard indeed to reign
In kitchen and parlor too,
And to meet your friends with a cordial
When you smell that burning stew.
To fold your hands and be calm,
And insist on a longer stay,
When you know your bread is being
And the soup all boiling away.
above 7th, south
Manufacturer of
Oh, I wish I had never tried
A. lady's position to. take, ,
I could theri keep on my,calico gown,
And wash, and scrub, and bake.
Oh, pity me ye who dwell
In cabins with one small room-;
Oh, pity me ye who never know.
Wtat it is to handle a Broom.
Scatter smiles, brig ht'sre iles, as, you pass
ou your way,
Tbro' this world of iciil and care";
Like the beams .of> the. morning' that
gently play,* .
They will leave a sunlight,there.
Scatter smiles, bfight smires,
S'eatter smiles as` you pass_on yotit
Scatter smiles, brigbt
6eatter smiles,,smiles
Scatter smiles, bright, smiles,
little they cost ;
iitut your heart may uever,know
What a joy they maymay parry to weary
Whb are pale with want and woe.
Scat4er smiles, bright smiles, o'er the
„ grave of the past,
Where the orphan's treasure lies ;
In the tear-drop"that glistens there light
will shine,
As the rainbow paints the skies.
Scatter smiles, bze.
Scatter smiles, bright o'er the
young who have strayed.
From the path where once they trod ;
You may lead to the fountnin of truth
- agatn,
Yon may bring them home to God
Scatter smiles, &c.
Scatter smiles, bright smiles, as you
Through this world of toil and . care ;
Like , ,the beams of the morning that
gently play,
They Will leave a sunlight there.
Scatter smiles; Y.o.
AlbIS LOST I* BATTLE :—That a raw
soldier in the excitement and agitation
of a battle, may fail to discharge his,
gun, and put charge upon charge until
it is loaded to bursting, is probable
enough. gat the extent to • which this
sort of blundering proceeds is greater
than most persons would suppose. In
'Abe annual report of the Chief of the
Suweau of Ordnance of the Navy 'De--
pertinent, itis stated that—
"On the field of Gettysburg` there
were 47 1 574 , guns pick ed-u ppsn d , of-these
25,000 were found to be loaded, and half
of thetn'were double loaded. One-fourth
had from three to ten loads in, and many
had five,or six balls to one charge of
powder. In some cases the powder was
above the ball, in others the cartridges
were not broken at, the ehd, while in
;dune Musket twenty:three balls, sixty-two
buckshot, and a quantity of powder were
all mixed up together?'
lir A. Barrister is only invited to 'sit
on ttet'bench when ha has . had
considerable amount of standing at ghe
Thep have Borollnda young man
N'tw;,l dik l :4 ; o4 9,4 3ltrs ,TC
from Egypt, and is a mummy.
1 .. ~.,,,. .
~ ~ .
.. . , .. +
t • ,
-4...._ .._
t ..4..
. _
Scatter Smiles
pass on your way
n 16gobtntVtimsalbauia `4ournzil fax bonte :
3 • 3,1 , •
„f,04 W
A female writer Vays :'"Nothing, l6d'lls
worse on a ladj% f.tian - darniid stodkings."
Allow us tO stockings
that nebd darnink,''lOok :Worse 'than
darned ones.—Exchange. • "
Stbcb:in'gs lciok'be§t,
any "darned" 'holes
t3rentlemen, yen had better attend to
your knitting, anti let the
. injury COM.:
plained of; heel itself.--Boston, Post:
Yes,t= you may get woieted.—Tallz
ingtort r.
And if not worsted, y,eall most likely
get thelcinki taken'otht`O f you.—NatiOn
a/ Flag.
The above perpetrations compose the
darndest nonsense VC. luife heard of.--
Livingston County News.'
The foregoing are all the yarns on the
subject that'we hale found unraveled.—
Marylan d'Patriot:
Why don't they narrow and come to
the point.—Pinery:
Perhaps the fear they will get toed
of, if they gettoo near the pof,nt.—Ber
Dare it, gentlemen if the lady has a
hole in her stocking, can't she knit in a
piece ?—Plover &raid:
• Gentlemen, you had better drop a few
stitches end bringthe' iv . hold (hole) to a
close,---Independent' Phenix.
Would like to khow how the 'above
gents 'can speak so clearly on such a,
darned subject. Did you'ever attempt
to unravel' a hole'? `Orlunibia lathes
look Well because they wear stodkings
ribbed, not darnd.--Coluzizbia Spy.
The whnle of the'at)ovn has been cell
darned, but we'd like to know how, ihe
last belied eater gets his intormatiOn.
Is be, liirself; ribbed ? If not; has
certainly•put his `•dartied" Riot
York Cartridge Box.
States 'now free of slaver:y*llre tlfese il..'
Maine; '2. New Hampshire ;' 3.' Ver
mont; ,4. Connecticut'; s'. Rhode
Island r. 16. .".krassachneetts '; ' 7.New .
York; 8. F'ennSylvahial9: New Jersey
10. Maryland ; 11. West'Virginia; 12.,
Ohio ; 13• Indiana ; 1.4. Illinois - ; 15.`
Mi'chigan';' 16. Wisdansin ;'ll. Minne
sota ;A.S. lowa ; 19. Kansas; 20. Ne
vad'a ; 21. Califo'rnie'; '22. 'Oregor. ,
The States 'still noMinally . slaVe, but
sure CO be free, are Deb:mire, MisSoni,
Arkanias, Kentucky, Tennessee:atd
Louisiana-6.' The Missouri Sta e
Convention'ls alretidy elected[pledged
,to immediate and unconditional emn
cipation, and it will soon assemble and
take the necessary'steps for, that pur
pose, Louisiana has organized a free
State govertnent, and her Uopgression
al delegation will, iu all probability; bs
admitted at the Present session. These
change's will make the uumb,er,of nb's9-
lutely free States 24. Zrliansas was in
process .of reconstruction last
• ,winter
under a free . State. constitution, but tle
over running of the State by the' rebes .
again has prevented the success of ,t, is
measures then initiated, Tennessee i
likely to organize a free ,State .geyer 4
ment so soon as the State ia cleared „if
the,rebel troops, and Krktucky is • all-:
ieusly seeking some avenue of escapo,
from,slavery. , , _ .l , , .
The success of the ,measures , looking,
; to the establishment of emancipation in,
these, regions will make the number ef
free States 28, aud.reduce the, area if
slavery to the seaboard and, the folloif-,,,
,ing States ; 1, Virginia ; 2, North Gar- '
olina ; 3, South Carolina; 4, Georgia; '
'5, Florida; 6, Alabama.; ,7, .Mississipk?
pi ; S, Texas. In all of .these -,Statets
, the institution of slavery and.the rebel(•
lion groving put of, it are, both...ylt
strong. Georgia, preba,blyi ,contairts
more linion,sentiment than anyof then!,
except North Carolina, and if She,rintit43
operation® slattuld be confined 401 that
State, he; .would undoubtedly ;not only.
extinguish the rebellion there, but all!
traces of slavery with' it. The advan
'lage of this Woultrbe that by tliih'e:hangel
the rebellion would be divitled'ai'effec: )
' tually as it was previouslYby the :drool
quest of the , Midsissippi." , The- inere
- March 'of' Sheimated: army "'though
Georgia has seveied , the• reberOarrifniit
nications so completely` that the refit
loaders id.flichmond know nothing of
affairs beyond the ) savantin.h river..
'tis but
cir Do all in 'your .Ipower' ti>. teach:
your children If) a
child is passionate, teach hith brpatient
and gentle means to ort:itto his i nner.
If 'greedy,
him: lengiilJl6kiiii6.ll - 6ibleVi'ilrir
tv p
7 . , •
Melted snoweprodneesfilbotit 0nt4 , 1
eig its_bulk of water.
larortrga 'Sin" '131,4': 1 -4The' resider
IwillTememberithelease 'of Airs. TWit
send the arietobratic9serepstreis, detec
ted, after a three years' career;'`ii : TOV-
Iper t y , ,of housee in :whieh she.warrertiOny
ed, and who died in prieowshbitl,y after
heniarrest, , as , is generally' believed •`b . 'y
poison. , , A. female. bre .egtial 'breeding,
a ncl-,Am edes t, triistakertlikni4pettitideti,
employed , in at splendid' clotik.rstotd ton
Eighth street; was,arrested onrWednes
day byldeteetives'Oarlin, and Oallaban,
on ~a similar charge. Theefficers foci:e
ered at her residence: and at pawnbrokL
ers' stores, several., hundred dollars
worth of clothe, silks and .laces. , The
defendant acknowledged the
,theft, ( and
admitted that she had ,been robbing her
employer for months past s She, ,was
liberally paid and treated with .decided
deference, but was not safisfied.witktba
legitimate rewards of her labor. ~The
case is a sad one. ,Tlie defendant is
manners, demeaiior"and
• perior to most ofthe females . em,[4(jyaq,
in stores. She:wae,loclEod . a
await the disposal the . pasq. : Rer-,
mantown i Megraph,'
Gs- The death of a celebrated dwarf,
the 'French cotinteriihrt of T'out l Thixteb,
is just repo"rfedi. In. hii‘l6th . yetir" tie;
was plac'e'd in the estiliblishMent
DucheSe , or Orleans - , the mother clt
Citizen -King, and sks so small: at that
age that he passed for 'an infant', itrid'
was so dressed. During the . stortny
riod of the 'First Ilevolation, secret ae
spatches were sent by him, which t 13 4 1,
reached without suspicion the imprison
ed members of the royal family of Franc:6. ;
To the day 'of -his' death, thiis' divhef, do
mail Richebourg;received'a pensid'n frOni
the Orleans family of 3000 fraticS a year.
During the last thirty legit liaS
in the satin house, in the 'Fitrib6ureBt:'
Germain. Unlike Torn , Thiiiiibithe Wad
altiorior of appearing in. publie;' ithd, rot..
nearly half a' life' Cane hate rietrel*'ci.Age'd t
the threshold of his own door.' nelived`:
to be 92 years - old, ~;: •
•:kr Some people are' very credulotisp.
and will give due credence- to' ;the fol."
lowing:, A Florence paper r elittes the
following instance of the certainty with
which a r murderer may,, he Edetebted
. byo
taking a photograph of the victims, eye.
after, death. , A woman •named Sagnoli
having been murdered in .Florence,
•feW days ago, the,Prefect of, police, who
had already caused two 71 e n to .be
rested on suspicion, resolved to try.the
above experiment, and,bad the eye of
the dead body photographed. The pho
tograph 'obtained being , duly enlarged,
the whole of the right cheek and lower
part of the face of one,of the men in cus
tody were discovered accurately depic
ted on the interior nierubrane of the eye.
The reseiabiance is said to be so strik
ing as to preclude all poss,bility
Theodore Tilton was not very gal•
laneta the
, Chicag,,
olitdiee'in hieaddresSii
to :them' lately. Ile 'said there
more ways "of recruiting 'our army than ,
one. ' 1 There two seldiers 'once;
Grant's army,` lying
lobking - upiit thestaikiti u Virgin=
is sky. 'EdYs , lJieck,' h'What' Mdde YOU'
enlist,tToia ?" 'replied' TOM,
"I had me WOO, had i'leve"wity:; 'What
made "youtgouto , -Wer', Jack
he replied,' '• iiaa a Wife: loved
peace,. so I wentite liad
'no doubt that among the &Chi
fore hilt,' many ,had , con tribated to' esvell .
the ranks of,lhkrariny' in Asoth' 'Ways': •
dir The spry goesithathen - thinga ,
,Nyorkipglso badly in
,the S.henan—
doah Valley,. Secrutury.Stantorappliod.
to Canera}, Great for a repindy. I.f'S,end ,
me," says s ttpAenretary„ Ythe,very best
Irian you have got in the army." Grant•
replied by sending P,hil.,.shuridan, say=i
'hag, j `‘ . :TherniistVjt i ptiqh.,o,frhip, , . , bute,thp.
the 1-41 n yo,u Aant.4' t is L saidf
Secretary tooheA, : sonwillaliskancet
.the slight and youthful figure standing;
Vefore him • but he iet hid at work, audi
now„hidg,Fp, valued ,the n ,qrapt,ikpaNy
'his man
4 46°It a home late . ci
.1p: • • L •, °
night, it little - more tad] "half seas over,"
feeling thirsty, prodared &glass of water
and it: lo 'irt di:3'6lBo 1e .. 40110;a4d i l
li t :Ean al 14 ha 11 ‘l4P's at: lay '
tom'tftlie end gich c ilaiiii'
his teeth. Feeling something, in'4l's
'Mouth:, and , not'lktioatingt vaia'fie
• beginvilling 4 trt
ball unrolling, he soOniliteStli , eigl°fat
•tri atill o endi t applen.ll-7
•I'J'afr 4 fle4the... 9 .l l . o . l 4teti.. 4 4 thetfiktiMol
ihis, voice, "Wife !
comehere ! 'I am all unravelling I"
.. : 'IREV.OLIITIONAIIti* , SIREiS OVlth e ISrst
of:last Jakuary4theie) 'kern ettitaltVervb
Revolutionary pensionais
dot ; o f akl) rilv4B64, 4 provid efisanitid d
A l ign al bon dredAol larettoteeelocifa 4tltetn,,on,attdrafteratli fire Do f aaff
nary, 1864...: Singe. theti,Seyetearesknovin
to, hay% ("jerk; andt oft theltiKenstiVpdstal
40, be still 4i vi rig thelfbilda¢i i4aocnarnt
le given t 11
Lemuel Cook-+enlieted:Cat _Hatfield,
Maes....;i,isaqqw-Abonteninety-eight - jears
of.age„anci . Lresidee :ittl;Clarendod;abr
leans county, New York. A aft
Samuel Downing enlistedCaroll
county;-Newillairipstife 61fidefittoe
ty-eightyearelopiig.B, aladlivtl'i
burg Saratogit doilltyPiVew.lYOrk . :`
Castle, Ike.,n(`tlien , N.aesachneette) ;
now`ore !bud dtddyeltrat ordricnil 'raglan
in Penabsdotilf_ldfitticlitoithiityl,'MtiZfic.f
YofklAtiaca dfrili3lne?
is.hiw4VOrit-bineflifiniP Yard' (of Rot
Fi iri , residelide county'
`,td .b-,0
iradits l, l3'tihfi6dt-itib§tittitteqfOi: ARM.
ted nianlirx.Sorithitrifiltb`& l 6ciiiilfyr
ginia t ; ,livei in thrt'tate of lyss.onri
• = iv
and YPAz
01'16 a g e.' ,
4,'S 1'4..
u 4.l:l;glTW.k
sensation eras created"id Tiali'faa a'Short
tfule'siac'dlal' the`Marriage; d' fh3
COralilial'a and ;beautiful daughter of
dile 'Ohba Wealthiest citizens, now de-,
cea'stid;Wito held 6.tigh position in so
cie:ty. The happy Man was Farini,:the
champion of Niagara Falls, who, will
lie recollected," *atteiapte:d qhe daring
feat of crossing the ripide Within twerhy
feet of l the-hrMli, All-Atilts,'• and. When
hale way„ansoss,wastKeeipitated-( by . ortel
of,his stilts tkrettiting .into the iroaring.
w i nters. , -,..ais...e#ruorainaryescapet..andb
reKhing . an island whicja,had uaever... be!!
fora - limn
• Yisited-:by , tanyuhumaa, ,being,,.
must our
readers: ; .The lueJ y
w.ell-brecl, an Upper ,Uanadiaa,by , „,lairthk.
and,one wbct,stadied.,lthe.imedical)-pro6
folvjoil v t,lwueb from; some strange faa-i
cination, he has adopted that-Aar crop-e,
walker. The lady izettid to be exceed
ingly liealidful i
and is hoirge" pielYeitr
leak, 836,000.
ea - An elephant , ancliliull- fight.Ltooki
place lately. at iSalsgosile; 'TWO
;elephant was walking; quidtlyasirohnli;
the arena-when the first•bnliwaS
.ed and rushed at it with all his-IS:tight: l
The elephant receifird his ,antagoW
with great coalne - se, ,and I : hrey; him
dowli with the ireatesOastse:
rose again and made two more
which the' 814461,1 lesantE4 bye killing
him with, his tuiks. The conquerer„did
not seem in the leasteckted,bpt o
ply drank some watur fl offeT,d;b,y a hplie t epril
er and afiasve;al eats.of Indian corn.
second bull, was then TeeleaTeßViiiidNit
tt few minutetusfifferedathelamet fate as
;the -first: 1 -; Es. t;';3;1
tom' The Isrevarii,Llail,y is responsil)le.
for t he f P /i t" i ggi, `;!klick9,l'": s So r37 . : l — ;
Waison Snyder, of,b,To. 2,441 Broad
.1 xli •
street, Eftiem,pted l a eltifken, by,
cr. .
cutting off its head. The neck was sev
ered just hack of the-eyes, but the fowl
Was h:lffer this '
about d 'apt:mien 11
`for 'laving lost ifshea r d."
hds 3 t6 . 1 1 '°
non( wine y a a ge num
ber of te'redn'S Kibho w 41 44
I;tif wince coinpi3lled t'4,11 . 644 41 1,g,'
/.1 a 3 11}
fp fir The military atp.Nashville have
ins ti ttrrhe 'on it "ifOr ifeNa c kpigrldi e
It will: ae%iiin enhilte .Affity ,
can k4pi.e
: whodttt
;tout feal"lff d re3tify; Afintiff with tf e'
8 pe,nfir,,Titt9o A rgilek i
,g E ga!, 9 y, =bq
'thettlcgt,lN p AgrY9 l l . .4YeActntnentri
a oldinrs inside: 4 ,I,3,:pgp a,tie ja op ef a tttp
car ,r04, 1 ? 0 4 P1aP 4 340
coulchbedlaaA.lYA ttiflobnia l ll , o xa.tfiripgi
` t clop& gentleniaolnotsilongiAalinotif i
One .of bik,ridesainiffiaathernhlllinoisf
houghtotnanake:,himaelt ititeientingottr-siti
good looking tniether:, ofaa et - 11fabyli
loheupy.iog she,t exkseat in thetrari-
Ur duly praisingthe i baby,lheMTeknarked':
:1,6 the mother," Ile ilr.a7etl - gu4efr i *
:suprlifsle" Elie`lad?
libttrettiklgiliienlit! MGM I `t e : "
reading, and has not bragged on any
15 AMPeatal litoootat/ 4111'
irtif6iiit't o Atar . * l - 3 1" .
the pig to the boy who cut off his tail.
b *~
,~. .r~ 3 =.....
• ,
bPOONS :—ln those goO.d .old times
.41 t
iimen picky Itivf . sr was recorder of New
t Orkfrdan.„toy tie name of Wilson
.r,h4,4-41 /
'was taken bp.oq, the c h ar ge of stealing
• Arttil
Winne spoons. tie ha d no co u nsel to Lie
fend him, but Mr. Graham gettino. an
tipp i o 4 r i t t p4v A tto l hayo. { word with
a qyv t , ip t iqs ! Ae fellow acquit
14111qttelAylkaTs. The lawyer told
hid not to sax, a Kord but `:spoons" to
alA t the i limiries ~,put to him. _Wilson
avq yon any, counsel ?", the record
er,non asked.
, 4
IPClSinti " ,paid ,
counsel,?" the recorder
delxim,ided, still.louder4
4-Igoolls 1"
• kt
"Your honor perceives that this man
is a fool, and by no- means is he in a fit
state of , mindi tb• be tried."
Is The clerli:put thn Usual question to
hiln,° 4 tGuiity, denot guilty !"- to which
tho4irisondisiiteadity answered`:
qßpoima Pie
IWhe Recorder asked' itvlitit - the man
*as np for i .attd•inditirtbat it was for
italieg a. few% spo ons; Gnk. *Man g the
fella* wski half (Slily Witted, told hint to
go: Graham follOwed.rhimont, and de
manded the ten dollar fee.
"Spoons!" said lson, and to all tho
lawYs'es t `deinands he answered only':''
roire,: 'courage, gentletese and affection.
Three' things Acis admire : intellectual
power, digtay and gracefulness. Three
things to hate : cruelty, arrogance, in
gratitude. Three flings to ,delight in :
beauty;fr ( alliness ,and freedom. Three
things '
to. Wish' for i health, friends and
,cifeelfilesPirit. Three thing's to pray
faitli„peace and purity of heart.
Three things to l i lke : cordiality, good
. Three things
'to avoid : idleness, loquacity and flip
,Three tliings to cultiv*:
good i hoo i lis,,,,good friends and good tam
,P?ref) qiings to contend for:
hon ct or, country And.. 4 friends., Three
o 4t, , c
tams to govern : .temper, impulse and
tongue. , '
4,loquapious,genth3man; finding
hunsSff, ,ft, passenger in a stage-coach
; 17 4„. 1 3 . , 10 , pr,im and taciturn
maiden lady of some forty winters, en
deavored,l4 vain to engage ia,conversa
tion. Atlength night came ; as noth
ing was said, both felLasleep. The stage
finally stoppedaod the driverennouncefi
to, the 440Y:th0 she thad,artived at her
place of :destination. ; , Her fellow pas
seeger,be,ing awldiened at the same time
',thought he would= compel the lady to
exchange a word ato4eaving,, and ad•
-drgged her':—"Madam, as we shall
i notter*Wirt, PrBVably,:ileep in the same
,rotiiirtoWe'ilink; 'I - hid - Yoh a very respect
ful farewer""A: `scream, " end silence
itige The F i clectic Medical Journal ar
. men wearing a full
.beard, and among other things says :
-"What. , y(taldJ?e, said of him N% ho would
shaye,olbhie eye-brows or pull .out his
ieYe T 4t§beptett; hpva, his head,shaved all
.over? Sue4-aTragtice would- =be pro
nounced uncouth, tiffreasonable, un
,hetift*,'Wtine'di'sarilyi Wrong yet if the
hatiAlfftielhehrp4,tnin‘`tO the laws of
n' t ata, Whe; darti, '3'4 the beard
lias a lest . itiP'o r rfaVi to fill."
)1 , ..1.1 ni Tit-P:2747 A . i .
IW,peman the dramatist was asked
'if te'klar l `Tillive` ,Hook. ; "Yes,"
ire .14.1eloAa ii.if R oo k .1 •
piied the wit - " and go are old
bad •,I,
Alt 7,74 4 set
F* t fc b P l a tPl iab et corn;
Selp ti Olazk iggrbtn,janglp,? ? , ' fie , letter
—it makes nigger, ' '
Le NdiF i ga u g h A ss 2M e9 tq• be emPlor:
Ata in 4 PiPqt;uVAßtli, ,
A nCl isr4 h° : YliN 9 3 4
Artemne Ward defines war as hard
eylaele for the eOldieillnd har4 taxes
.for igBletilsnr l
-UOtt. &Olt
Igar Daylight irwasiedv upow
olomatists and owls, that can EPA so
ir.) •
much bet,terin Oar
at Nap, ;At - -
sd IT•veixty-ttiree .galroils• , rnaire- one
sieg head,lbilw:iniabroielinqthe: entire
animal ?
1 1 . ` i : t- ' Cr u . Beef at lat.-MOT . Nat takfilrl Iterried
waikit to pasture after_ the hay. leaking
It .1: 1 x,,eA
E ,,, ,*-041tio-mel3lreoktevel atathalatire the
Vats and moles ; they always go' it
Mind - -
,1 nW t 4 lllO SOO tll- ..3
t4ll.4locomottiivepJ difieltigiiiheel six
Met in dtaareierruitilo3o2Bolitizine
ning a mile
~}~ , ~..
• .r