The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 31, 1864, Image 4

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DR. ilOari.—ND'S
Pieparcd by Dr. C. M. Jackson,
Philadelphia, Pa.
(Jr an Intoxicating Beverage,but a highly con
centrated Vegetable Extract, a Puce Tonic
free from alcoholic atimulent or injurious drugs
and will effectually cure
Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, and
Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the
and Diseases arising from a
Disordered Stomach.
resulting from disorders of the digestive drgans:
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fu.ness` or Blood'
to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea,
Heartburn ' Disgust far Food, Fullness or
weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sink
wig or fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach,
iwimming of She Head, inirried and difficult
sreathing, .fluttering at tht heart.,,choking or
suffocating sensations when in a lying posture,
dimness of vission, dots or webs before the
sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defici
ency of perspiration, yellowness of.the skin
and eyes, pain in the side, back., cheat, limbs,
&c., sudden flushes of heat, burning , in the flesh,
constant immaginings of evil, and great de
pression of-spirits. . fi
A Good Appetite)
Strong: Aerves,
Healthy Nerves,
I Steady Nerves,
Brisk Feelings, '
Energetic Feelings,
Healthy Feelings,
A Good Crr.:stitution,
A Strong Constitution,
A Healthy Constitution, •
A.•Eitiund Constitution.
Will make the
Delicate lieaity,
Will make the
Will make the
Depressed Lively,
Will make the
Sallow Complexion Clear,
Will make'the Dull eye
Clear and Bright.
Will prove a blessing in every family.
13-Can be used with perfect safety by male
or Female, Old or Young.
There are' many preparations sold under the
name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, com
pounded of the cheapest Whiskey or common
Rum, coaling from 20 to 40 cents per gallon,
he taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed.
This close of Bitters has caused and will eh
awn to cause, as long as they can be sold,
aundreds to die tie death of a drunkard. By
their use the system is kept continually under
the influence of alcoholic stimulants of the
worst kind, the desire for liquor is create , ' and
kept up, and the result is all the horrors at
tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. Be
were of them.
Far those who desire and will have a liquor
bitters, we publish the following receipt:
Get one bottle Hooftand's German Bitters and
MIX with three quarts' of good Whiskey or
Brandy, and the result will be a preparation
that will far excel in medicinal virtues and
true excellence any of the numerous liquor
bitters in'the market, and will cost much less.
You will have all the virtues of Hooftand's Bit
ters in connection with a good article of liquor
and at a much less price then these inferior
preparations will cost you. -
Those suffering "from mareeraus, wasting
away, with! scarcely any flesh on their bones,
are cured in a very short time; one, bottle in
such cases, Will.have most surprising effect.
Resulting from Fevers of any kind—these bit
ters will renew your strength in a short time. ,
FEVER AND AGUE.—The chills will not re
turn if these Bitters are used. No person in.a
fever and ague district should be without them.
Front Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor.
of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend
Patent Medicines in general, through distrast
their ingredients and effects ; P. yet know
of no suffici int reason why a man ma) not tes
tify to the benefits he believes himself to have
received from any simple preparation, in the
hope that he may thus contribute to the-bene
fit of others.
I do this more readily in regard to Hoofland's
German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson
because I was prejudiced against them for a
number of years, under the impression that
they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam
indebted to my friend Rob't Shoemaker, esq.,
for the removal of this prejudice by proper
teats, and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from great and long debility. The
use of three bottles of these bitters, at the be
ginning of the present year, was followed by
evident relief, and restoration to a degree of
bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not felt
for six months before,
and had almost dispair
ed of regaining. I therefore thank God and
my friend for directing me to the use of them.
Philadelphia, June 23, 1862.
We call the attention of all having relations
or friends in thd army to the fact that "Hoof-,
land's German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths
of the diseases induced by privation and ex
posures incident to camp life. In the lists
published almost daily in the newspapers, on
the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that
a very large proportion are suffering from de
bility. Every case of that kind can be readi
y cure.l by Hoofland's German Bitters. We
have no hesitation in stating that, if these bit
ters are freely used among our soldiers, hund
reds of lives might be saved that otherwise
would be lost.
The proprietors 'lre daily receiving thankful
letters from sufferers in the army and hospi
tals,who have been restored to health by the use
of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends.
Beware of counterfeits! See that the sig
nature of "C. M. Jackson," is on the wrapper
of each bottle.
Large Size, $1:00 per bottle, or k dozen for $5.
Medium size, 76c per bottle, or § dozen for $4.
The larger size, on account of the quantity
the bottles hold, are much the cheaper.
Should your nearest druggist not have the
article, do not be mit off by any of the intOxf
eating preparations that may be offered in its
place, but send to us, and we will forward,
securely packed, by express.
Principal Office and Manufactory,
No. 631 Anew STBEF t T.
. (Successors to C. M. Jackson & C 0.,)
For sale by Druggists and dealers in .eve
own in the United States. [may 30-Iyd
Just Published, a new edition of
Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated .Essay
On the ratiltal cure (without medicine) Of
Spermatorrhcea. or Seminal Weakness, Invol
untary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental
and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to
Marriage, etc. ; also Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits, induced by self-indulgence orsexu
al extravagance. .
Price, en a Sealed Envelope, only Sit, Cents.
-The celebrated author in this admirable es
say clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years
successful practice, that the alarminer mule'
genres of self-abuse may be radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal medi
cine or the application of the knife—pointing
out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain:
and effectual, by means of which every. Ind- ,
ferer, no matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately, an d
tr This Lecture should be in the hands of
every youth and every man in the-land.
Sent under seal, in plain ertielope, to any
address, post paid, our receipt of six c,entS,- or •
two postage O 8,14 addresitiiirthe Mddish-•
J'J *UNE 4r CO.,
127 Bowery, etv-York, P. 0.-Box, 45.66.
Eleptilpe ?i•CpaiAliol)s .
For diseases of the Bladdnr, Kidneys, (travel,
and Dropsical Swellings.
This Medicine increases the power of Diges
tion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy
action, by which the Watery or Colcareous de
positions, and all unnatural enlargements are
reduced, as well us pain and inflamatiou.
For weakness arising from excesses, habits
of dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, at
tended with the following symptoms:—
Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power,
Difficulty of breatiug, Loss of Memory,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
Horror of Disease, Wakefulness,
Dimness of Vission, Pain in the Back,
Universal lassitude of the muscular system,
Flushing of the body, Hot Hands,
Eruptions on the Face, Dryness of the skin,
These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which
this medicine invariably removes, soon follows
Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits,
in one of which the patient may expire
:Who can say that they are not frequently fol
lowed by those," Direful Diseases," ,
"Insanity and Consumption."
Many are aware of the cause of their suffer
ing, but none will confess the records of the
Insane Asylums.
' Melancholy deaths by Consumption bear am
ple witnesslo the truth of the assertion.
The Constitution once effected with Organic
weakneSS requires the aid` of medicine to
istrengthen and invigorate the system, which
invariably does. A trial will convince the
most skeptical.
In many affections peculiar to females the
Extract Buchu is uneaqualed by any other
I remedy. as in thlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Painfulness or suppression of customa
ry' evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrbous state
of the Uterus, Leuchorrhoea or Whites, Ster
nlity, and for all complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits
of dissipation, or in the decline or change of life.
It causes wfrequent desire and gives strength
to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, pre
venting and curing Strictures of. the Urethra,
allaying pain and intimation, so frequent in
the class of diseases, and expelling all poison
ous, diseased and wornout matter.
Thousands upon thousands who have been
Thin Stout,
the victims of quacks, and who haVe paid heavy
fees to be cured in a short time, have found
they were deceived, and that the "Poison"
has, by the use of "poweritd astringents,",
'seen` dried up in the 'system, to break . out in
an aggravated form, and pyrhaps after Mar
Use Hembold's Extract Buchu for all affec
tions and diseases of the "Urinary, Chgans,
whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause originating and no matter of
how long standing.
Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of
a Diuretic, Ifelmbold's Extract Buchu is the
gredDittretic;and is certain to have the do
sired !area in all biseasea for which tt. is Rec
Evidence of the most reliable. and responsi
ble character will accompany the medicine.
PRICE $l.OO PERBoTTLE, •or SIX for $5 00
Delivered to any Addreas, securely packe.
from observation.
Describe Symptoms in all Communications. t!
Cures Gum/linked Advice Gratis
Address letters for information to
• H: T. HELMBOLD, Chemist.
104' South Tenth -st., bpl. Chestnut, Phila.
HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot,
HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse.
' 594 Broad Way, New York
Beware of Counterfeits , and Unprincipled
Dealers who endeavor to' dispose "of their
own". and "other" articled on the reputation
attained by
llelmbold's Genuine Preperationa. '
Extract Buchu:
Sold by all Druggists everywhere.
ask for Hembold's. „ Take no other
'C ut out .theadvertisement and send for it
and Avoid imposition and exposure.. •
Corrective and alternative of wonderful effica
cy in disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bow
els ;- cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head
ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Denies+
sion ofSPirits, Constipation, Colic, Interinitten-
Fevei s, Cramps'and Spasms, and all complaints
of either sex, arising from bodily weakness
whetner inherent in the system or produced
by special causes.
Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and
restorative in its nature enters into the compo
sition of Hostetter's Stomach' Bitters. This
popular preparation contains no , mineral of
any kind; no deadly botanical element`; no fi
ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex
tracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with
the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimu
It is well to be forearmed against disease,
and so far as the human system can be protec
ted by human means against maladies en
gendered' by an unwholesome atmosphere ) im
pure water and other external causes,
may be relied on as a safeguaid. •
In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it
has been found infallible as a preventative and
irresistible as a remedy,' and ,thousands who
resort to it under apprehension of an attaek,
escape the scourge; and thousands who ne
glect ro avail themselves of its protective qual
ities in advance, are cured by a very brief
course of this marvelous medicine. Fever and
Ague patients, after , being plied wi th quinine
for months in vain, until fairly satu rated with
that dangerous alkaloid, are not onfrequently
-estored to health within a few daysby the use
of Hostetter's Bitters.
The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated
and the appetite restored by this agreeable to
nic, and hence it works wonders in cases of
Dyspepsia aryl in less confirmed forms of Indi
gestion: Acting as a gentle and painless appe
rient, as well as upun,the liver, it also invari
ably relieves the constipation superinduced by
irregular action of the digestive and secretive
organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to ner
vous attacks, lowness of spirits and fits of lan
gour, find prompt and permanent relief front
the Bitters. The testimony on* this point is
most conclusive, and.froie both sexes.
The agony. of Bilious Colic is immediately
assuaged by a single,dose of the stimulant, and
by occa b dconally, resorting to it, the return of the
complaint may be nrevented.
Last, but not least, it is The Only Safe Stiin
idant,, being .manufactured from sound and
innocuous materiotai and entirely flee from the
acid elements present more or less in all the
ordinary tonics and'stomachics of the day.
No faintly Medicine has been so universally,
and, it:may be truly added, deservedly popular
with the intelligent portion of the community,
Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Store
keepers everywhere.
Dyspepsia, Consumption, Liver Complaint,
Diarrhea, Piles, &c., and all
Female Complaints. '
DR. W. will send his Theory of Chronic Dii-
eases; for 6 cents, to pre -Tay postale.
Symptom lists for any disease, forwarded. '
Kr Medicines forwarded to any post office
lialhe United States. Post Office Box, 3092.
St. Louis, August 1,1863.-Iy.
LocatetFon '6hestnut stivet, opposite the
and in clone proximity to the principal Jobbing
and Importing, Houses, 'll,anke, Cumin House,
and places of njninemente. The City Care
den be_takiii atitlin'dcir
.(o; within p.equare)
for, nnyidepot the.:City, The - - BOUM hat
been rennvated -and -*Wein • .
Wi r iaT'l4 LtEtiligfaSs •
Palid Countenance
" Sarsaparilla.
Improved 136se Wash
1.4 Fasiisoo Mapzilto of the iliohia?
Literature, Fine Arts and Fashions. The
:nost magnificent Steel Engravings. Douole
Fashion Plates. Wood' Engravings on every
subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knit
ting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the
Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir and the
Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a
The Ladies' Favorite for Thirty-five Years.
No. magazine has been able to compete
with it. None attempt it.
Godey's Receipts for every department of a
household. These alone are worth the price
of the Book. Model Cottages (no other mag
azine gives them), with diagrams.
Drawing Lessons for the Young. Another
specialty with Godey.
Original Music, worth .$3 a-year. Other
magazines publish old worn-out; but the sub
scribers to Godey get it before the music stores.
Gardening for ladies. Another peculiarity
with Godey.
Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co:,
New York, the millionaire merchants, appear
in Godey, the only magazine that has them.
Also—Fashions from the celebrated Brodie,
of New York. 111.adies Bonnets.—We give
more of them in a year than any other maga
zine. In faCt the Lady's Book enables every
ady to be her own bonnet maker.
Authoress of "Alone," ".Hidden Path," &c.,
writes for Godey each month, and for no other
magazine. We have also retained , all of our
old and favorite contributors.
Terms of Godey's Lady's Book for IS6I
The following are the terms of the Lady's
Book for 1865. At present, we will receive
subscriptions at the following rates. Doe, no
tice will be given if we are obliged to ailvance,
which will depend on the price of paper.
One copy, one year, $3:00
Two copies, one year, 5:50
Three copies, one year, 7:50
Four copies, one year, 10:00
Five copies ; one year, and an extra
copy to the person sending the club, •
making six copies. 14:00
Eight copies, one year, and and an
extra copy to the person sending
the club, making nine copies, 21:00
Eleven copies, one year, and an ex
tra copy to the, person sending the
club, making twelve copies, 27:50
Additions to any of the' above clubs, 82:50
each subscriber.
Godey's -Lady's Book aild Arthur's Home
Magazine will be sent, each one year, on re
ceipt of $4:50. We have no clubs with any
other magazine or newspaper. The money
must all be sent at one time ior any club.
Address L. A. GODEY;
North-East Corner 6th & Chestnut-sts.,
October 15-313 Philadelphia.
30 I_l D.E's
U. S
The Secretary of the Tleasuly gives' notice
thataubseriptions will be received for Coupon
Treasury Notes, payable three years from
August 15th, 1864 with semi.aanual interest
at the rate Of seven and three-tenths pet-cent.
per annum, — principal and interest both to be
paid in lawful meney.
These notes will be convertible at the option
of the holder at maturity ; into six per cent.
gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five
nor more than twenty years from their date,
as the Government may elect. They will be
issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO,
$l.OOO and $5,000 ; and all subscriptions must
be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty
The notes will be transmitted to the owners
free of transportation charges as soon after
the receipt of the' original Certificates of De
posit as-they can be, prepared
As the notes draw interest from August to,
persops making deposits subsequent to that
date must pay the interest accrued from date
of note .to date of:deposit.
Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol
lars and upwards for these notes at any one
time will be allowed a' commission of one
quarter of one per cent. which will be paid
by the Treasury Department upon the receipt
of a bill for the amount, certified to by the
officer with whom the deposit was made. No
deductions for commissions must De made
from the deposits.
Special Advantages of this Loan
It is a National Savings Bank, offering 0
higher rate of interest than any other, and the
best security. Any savings bank which pays
its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it
:is payinn . best circulating medium of the
country, and it cannot pay in anything better,
for its own assets are eitherin government se
curities or in notes or bonda pay able in govern
ment paper.
It is equally convenient as a temporary or
permanent investment. The notes can always.
be sold for within a fraction of their face and
accumulated interest, and are the best security
with banks as colateials for discounts.
Convertable into a Six per cent, Gold
In addition to the very liberal interest on the
notes for three years, this privilege of convers
ion is now worth about 3 per sent. per an
num, for the current rate for 5-20 Ihnids is not
less than 9 per cent. premium, and before the
war the premium on . 6 per cent. U. S. Stocks
was over 20 per cent. It will be seen that the
actual profit on this loan, at the present
ket rate, is not less than ten per cent. per an
num. Its exemption
Front State, or Municipal Taxation
But aside from all the a 0 vantages we have
enumerated, a special Act of Congress exempts
all Bonds'and Treasury Notes from local tax
ation. On the average, this exemption is
worth about two per cent, per annum, accord
ing to the rate of taxation in various parts of
the country.
tt is believed that no securities offer so great
inducements to lenders as those issued by the
government. In alt other forms of indebted
ness. the faith or ability of private parties, or
stock companies, or seperate communities, on
ly, is pledged for payment, while the whole
priipert) of the country is held to secure the
discharge of all the obligations of, the United
While the government offers the most liber
al terms for its loans, it believes that - the very
strongest appeal will be to the loyalty; and
patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for all
deposits. The party depositing must endorse
upon the original certificate the deuomination
of notes required, and whether they are to be
issued in blank or payable to order. When
so endorsed it must be left with the officer re
ceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the
Treasury Department.
Supseriptions will be received by the Treas.'
urer of•the United States, at Washington, the
several Assistant Treasurers and . designated
Depositaries, and by the
First Rational Bank of Marietta,
and by all National &aks which are deposi
taries of public money, and all reeneetable
throughout the country , will give further infor
mation and afford every'facility to• subscribers.
Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, ,
rp HE undersigned would rospectfully inyo'rni
j_ the public .that he still continues, at the
old stand; corner of Second:and Welnut!streets,
directly opposite the Cro'ss 'Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars 'from
Half Spanish, ap, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to
ONO per thaileand. Tobacco.- , -Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Caiendish, Hrinoko Virginia, Con
gress Fine Spun Ladies. Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado,_ Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's befit Fine-cut. All:kinds of fine CV
gars manufactUred of imported stock. SixEs
Rm. SPA vas El ' Rappee - Snuff nod. all kinds
Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. .Scented snuffs
`!Fii-cutipes,'Cigar•Tubes, [jan.
IDRANDIES—aII brande-rgaNielkteil ,
JD genuine. U. D. Behiamre.
ikilitiGULTUfai , L 11 E illi E. ts. L ED.'S i
. eazu F.aiiii:izziis•
PABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed
of night soil and the fertilizing elements of
urine combined, chemically and mechanically
with other valuable fertilizing agents and ab
It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea
dy for immediate use, and without loss of its
highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties.
' Its universal application to all crops and
soils, and its durability and active qualities,
are well known to be all that agriculturists
can disire. PRICE $25 PER ToN. _
is largely composed of animal matter,
such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and
wool, together with chemicals and inorganic
fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re
tain the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough
ly impregnated with urine, and the thinner
poitions of night soil.
It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops
generally, and especially for potatoes, and
garden purposes.
Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap
ness, have made it very popular with all who
have used it. Price, $25 PER TON.
highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is par
ticulualy adapted for the cultivation of trees,
fruits, lawns and flowers. It will. promote a
very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and
fruit, and largely increase the quantity and
perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot
house . antl. household plants and flowers, it
will be found an indispensable article to se
cure their greatest perfection. It vi ill prevent
and cure diseased conditions of the peach and
grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns.
The formula or niethod of coinbining its
constituent fertilizing, ingredients have re
ceived the highest appreval of eminent chem-,
ists and scientific agriCulturists. Price,:sso
r nil Chemical Company mann 'a - a
Phosphite of Limc in accordance ikt . "ew
.and valuable formula, by which a viry impe
riar article is produced, so far este be afforded
at a less price than other manuthetufers charge.
Practical tests have proved that its value, as a
fertilizer, is equal to the best Phcsphate of
Lime in the market. Price $95 PER 'lux.
La- Trains CASH.—Cartage and Freight to
be paid by the Purchaser.
Al Canal Wharf, on the Delaware.
Office, 4131- Arch Bt., Phiiadephia, Pa.
R. B. FITTN, General Agent.
The Company's Phamphlet Circular, em
, bracing full directions for using the above
Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested.
ordeted,by the Court, that the Adjourned
Courts, for 1864 for the trial and decisioris os
cases in the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court
and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as follows
1 week, commencing on Monday, March 21st
1 44 44 " June 20th.
1' •' cc cc
To continue one week from the said days re
spectively, and as much longer as the business
may require. All the cases on the list for'ar
gument in the Orphans , Court, shall be taken
up on the first days of said terms, and be pro
ceeded with until disposed of, unless continued
by consent or cause shown.
The cases on the argument list in the Quar
ter Sessions shall be taken up on Wednesday
Of said term, if not prevented by the Orphans'
Court, and if so, the cases in the Quarter Ses
sions will be commenced on the termination of
the Orphans' Court busmess•
The arguthent of the cases in the Common
Pleas to be commenced on Thursday the
week, if not prevented by the thymus' Court
or Quarter Sessions cases, in, that case, the ar
gument list of said court is to be taken up a
the termination of the cases in the other courts
and preceded in until disposed of, unless con
tinued by consent or cause shown.
it is further ordered that the absence of
eounsel at the time appointed for hearing the
cases mentioned in the preceding orders shall
be no cause for suspending. the proceedings
therein, unless by consent, or legal groUnd fur
a ontinuance be shown.
It is . ordered by the Court that Adjourned
Courts. for Jury trials in the Common Pleas,
will be held as follows
1 week, commencing the Ist Monday, Feb. Ist.
1 " cc 4th " Feb. 22d.
c 4 sc sth " Feb.29th
1 " cc 4th " , May 23d
1 44 cc sth " May 30.
I c 4 cc sth " Aug. 29.
I " 4c 3d " Oct. 17.
ct cc 4th " Oct. 24th.
Ist " Dec. sth.
And such other periods as n ay be appointed
at the aforesaid courts. or at regular terms.
* * * By the flame of a common lamp,
at the cost of a cent's worth of oal, a very
comfortable breakfast. can be cooked. * *
—N. Y. Tribune.
* * * Simple in construction, easily kept
in order, ready for use in a moment *
convenient to have on hand. • * Drug
gist's Circular.
* * * Fish's Lamp is one of the most
popular novelties of the day, * * * the
utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving
is made in heating and cooking small articles,
and can be made- to cook meals for a great
many persons, which is actually done on the
ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiery.
* 'Scientific American.
* * For family use, hospital-tent, bar
rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room,
it is an article of comfort beyond all propor
tion' to Its cost. * * Hall's Journal of Health.
• * * 1 have tried the
.apparatus, and
my wife and I proclaim the same a most valu
able and indispensable. article, and we now
wonder Iniw we could have so long done with
out. it. * * Ed. Coal Oil Circuits,-.
* * * An economical 'contrivance for
getting up heat at short notice for nursery and
general household purposes, * * * one
impottant point is the saving in cost over coal,
* * N. Y. .4oening Post .
Prices from Two to Six Dollars.
Capacity from One to Four Quarts.
Three Articles Cooked at one time with one
Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas.
A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pages fur
nished gratis.
Price 50 Cents, g '
To be attached to a Com'mon Kerosene Lamp
or Gas Burner, by which water may be boiled,
and food cooked; also arranged to support a
shtide. Every Falsity needs one.
WI4I. D. RUSSELL. Agent.
• No. 206, Pearl St., New York.
113— Agents Wanted.
11:1°. Two of these Heating Lamps can be
seen at John Spangler's Hardware.
- For the use of Mer
chants, D rug Ki sts
and all business and
professtonable men
_ - 1 who wish to do their
own' prjnting, neat-,
ly and cheaply.
• dapted to the print
,. Wing. o f Handbills,
• .
- Eillheads, Circulars,
Labels, Cards and Small: Newspapers. Full
instructions accompany each office enabling's
boy ten.years old to werk them successfully.
Circulars sent free. Specimen sheets of Type,
Cuts, &c., '6 cents. 'Address,
31 Park Row, N. Y., and 55 Lincoln-st.,
s Hoston,'Mass, 26. 1s
can be had of L & .E. J. ZABM, Cot
North Queen-st., and Center Squire, Lanese
ter, Pa., in the shape of Equal:llium Levers—
the beet article of Swiss levera nova . inthe mar
'het. They, are lowerin price,than any'vratch
of equal-quality and nem true for timekeepi
- 0 -
A Family and an Agricultural Journal,
Denoted to Choice Literature, including Po- ,
etry, Noveletts, Tales, and Moral and Enter
taining Reading generally. In the Literary
Department we shall present the choicest va
rieties within the reach of our extended means.
The Novi.letts, Tales, Poetry, &c., shall be
supplied from the highest and best sources,
and be equal to anything to be found in any
journal or magazine.
Agriculture a nd Horticulture, embracing
Farming, Gardening, Fruit-Raising, &c. Our
labors in this department for over 30 years,
have met the cordial approbation of the pub
lic. Our purpose has been to furnish useful
and reliable information upon these very im
portant branches of industry, and to protece
them, so far as in our power, against the falsf
doctrines and selfish purposes of the many emt
pales and sensation-adventurers by which the
Farmer is incessantly assailed ; this portion o-
is alone worth the whole price of subscription.
News D EPA RTDIEN T.—Tile same industry,
care and discrimination, in gathering and pre
paring the Stirring Events of the Day,express
ly foi this paper, which heretofore been one of
its marked features and given so universal sat
isfaction, will be continued with redoubled ef
forts to meet the increasing demands of the
TERMS.—Two Dollars per annum ; one dol.
lar for six mouths. No orders received with
out threash, and all shbscriptions stopped at
the end of the time paid for.
Editor and Proprietor, Germantown, Pa.
October 22-3t.]
Designated Depository and Financial
Agent of the United States.
By instructions from the Secretary of the
Treasury, dated March 26th, 1564, this Blink
is authorized to receive• subscriptions fertile
National 10 40 Five per.,' r. Loan, in Coupon,
or Registered Bonds. .
This Loan, princirntriin - interest, is pays
hle in gold. On Bond,s ofssoo and upwards,
semi-annually. (Ist of March and September)
and on those of less denominations annually,
(Ist of March.)
Subscribers can receive Bonds with Coupons
from Mardi Ist, by paying the accrued inter
est in coin, or in lawful money by . adding 50
per cent. or pre . hum. Or, if preferred, may
deposit the principal only, and receive Bonds
with Coupons from date of subscription.
Registered Bonds will be issued of the de
nominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, 31,000, $5.000
and $lO,OOO, in Coupon Bonds of $5O, $lOO,
$5OO and $l,OOO.
E9r the greater convenience of subscrib cc,
the different Banks and Bankers throughout!
the country are 'authorized to act as agent for
the Loan.,
As only $200,000,000,0f this Loan can be
issued, Ale would urge upon persons having
surplus money, to subseribe' promptly and se-;
cure the investment at par.
The Secretary in presenting this new Loan
to the public through the National Banks, re
lies upon the liberality and patriotism of our
people, to use all honorable means, and to
make exertion for its sale.
Sept. 19th.
Dec. 19th
It is hoped that Lancaster county, having
done so well in the past in furnishing , the Go
vernment means, will be equally pioutt at
this tune.
I?eady to nail down.
At less than half the cost of tin roofs.
More durable than tin.
Suitable for steep or flat roofs.
For all kinds of buildings, in al/ climates.,
Easily, cheaply, and quicklY put oh. Needs
no coating over with cement alter it
is nailad down.
Made of a strong woven fabrie, thoroughly
saturated and covered upon both surfaces
with a perfectly water-proof coniposition,
and put up in rolls ready for use-40 ineh
wide, and /3 feet long.
We also manufacture
For Leaky,•li:n Roofs,
Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint.
For Leaky Shingle Roois, which will often
save the cost of a new roof. '
Sample ot Ready Roofing and' Circulars.sen:
by mail when desired.
Favorable terms made with responsible pav•
ties who buy to sell again. •
73 Maiden Lane; N. 11.—
The above Company are kno vn all over the
world as the owners of the Coffee Plantations
of .lava and Batavia in the Dutch East Indies
and are the largest monopolizers of Coffee on
the Globe.
The undersigned (who . is appointed their
sole Agent in the United States and in the
British Colonies) will have for sale three OP
ferent kinds of COFFEE, which, for regular,
ity of grade and cheapness of price, wilt defy
Our BATAVIA COFFEE" never before
introduced in this country, but extensively
used in the Armies and Navies of Europe and
richly valued, will be put up at prices to come
within the reach of all consumers, and nur
EXTRA JAVA will be the Magnum itonum
Cone of the age.
We will have, for accommodation of Gro
cers, Families and Government Contractors,
samples (dry, and drawn) for testing. solicited. on receipt of cash, Coffee
promptly forwarded as directed. ,
A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reade-st., N. Y
Sole Agent, D. E. I. C. Company. -
put up in 25c., 50c. and $1 Boxes, Bottlts„
and Flasks. Three and Five dollars sizes 'for
Hotels Public Institutions, &o.
"Only infallible remedies known."
"Free from Poisons: ,
"Not dangerous to the:Human Family.r,
113— Sold wholesale in'all large cities.
43- Sold by all druggists and retailers eve
rywhere. . ,
liewA RE of all worthless imitations!!
la — See that "COSTAR'S" name is on each
Box, Battle, and'Flasi, before you buy.
Addressl • •
. •
Priricipal Depot, 482 Broadway, N. Y.
11't Sold by all wholesale and retail Drug ! .
ta in Marietta, Pa. LlO-30'
1 1) Having just ieturned from the city with
a nicely selected lot of Bendy -made Clothing,"
which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
redUcedpriCei; havinglaid in- a- general assort
ment_ of men and boys' ,clothing, which he is,
deters Sell LOW, FOR CASH. kIiSSIOCk
consists of OVER-CoArs .l Dizis, FROCK AND
GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, SEC. Everything in the
Futnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. • Everything sold at
prices to • suit the times. JOHN BELL,.
Cotner of Elbow Lane and Market 1,61:
RCeleinated Pearl Cement and
Oil tote Blacking at
u.i3sc,R.I.F O TIANS receiv,i dfOr
iii Peri6ificela all the lead-
S the l dayl"
At The Gorden Morlar.,
“Rate come out of their holes to die.”
next door tol Cassel's Store.
It is the only reliable self-Adjusting, Wring
er. No wood-work to swell of split. No
thumb-screws to get out of order.
Warhinted with or with-out Cog-Wheels.
It took the . First Premium at Fifty-seven
State and County Fairs in 1863, and is, with
out an exception, the belt Wringer ever made.
Patented in the United Slates, England,
Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in
every town.
Energetic agents can make from 3 to 10
Dollars per day.
No. 2. $6.50 No. 1. $7.50. No. F. $5.50,
No. A. $9.50.
Sample Wringer sent and express paid on
receipt of price.
Manufactured and sold, wholesale and m
ail, by the
No. 13 Plstt Street, New York, and Cleve
land, Ohio
That Iron well galvanized will not rust;
That a simple machine is better than a com
plicated one;
That a Wringer should be self-adjusting,
durable, and efficient ;
That Thumb-Scretvsj and Fastenings cause
delay and t: ouble to regulate and keep in order ;
That wood soaked an hot water will swell,
shrink and split ;
That wood hearings for the shaft to run in
will wear out;
That the Putnam Wringer, with or without
cog-wheels, will not tear the clothes;
That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ;
That the Putnam Wringer has all the ad
vantages, and not one of the disadvantages
above named ;
That all woo have tested it, pronounce it
the best Wringer ever made;
That it wilt wring anything from a thread
to a bed quilt without alteration ;
We might till the paper with testimonials,
but insert only a few to convince the skepti
cal: if such there be; and we say to all, test
Put narn's Wringer.
Test it thoroughly with any and ALL others,
and if nor entirely satisfactory,.teturn it.
Putnam Manufacturing Co:
I GENTLEMEN : /know from - practical experi
ence that iron well galvanized with zinc nit/ not
oxidize or rust one particle. The Putnam.
Wringer is as near perfect as possible,
can c he e rfu l ly recommend at to bathe best in use.
itespectfully yours.
Cleveland. Ohio.
Many years' experience in the galvanizing
business enable the to indorse the above state
ments in all par - Neu/qrs.
No. 100 Beekmann Street.
New York, January, 1864; •
We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer
by practical wt.rking, and know that it will
Jo. It is cneap ; it is sireple ; it requires no
roomovhether at work or at rest ; .a child eau
operate it ; it dues its
. duty thoroughly ; it
saves time and it save.s wear and 'tear. We
earnestly advise ail who have such washing
to do, with all intelligent persons who have
any, to bey this Wringer. It' will pay fur it
self in a year at most. -
Msy n 3, ' lS64.thni
~$ rM~"DUI iDie.
-7.7V-in_e of
IEIL 40111'41J ow
Klifij::i.'S Birfill.Wlßit O IRON.
PIT II.I.: stud powerful TONIC, Corrective
and. Alterative, ot 'wonderful efficacy is
.A....f.,,,..,0„,aeb, Liver and Bowels.
• Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaints
Ileodaelte, , General
• Debility, Nerveitsness, De
pression of Spirits,QonstiPalton,
Intermittent .Pever, Acidity of the
. .
Stomach, ch, N.auses, Heartburn, 'Disgust for
Food;: Fullness or Weight in the Stomach,
Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
'Sfornaeli, Sminnting of the Head, Dif
cult, Hreathing, Yello.weess of the
. Skin and Eyes,. Feyer. and
'Dell Pains in' the' !lead;"
Pain- in the -Side, :
!•L i bs.
It will - eure every case of Chronic or Nervous
Debility. Diseases, of the. Kidneys, and
'Dis•eakas arising from 'n''dieordered
Stomach,. Good - fur Male, or Fe
, nde, (lid or Young. ,
The Mogi beneficial' me - dicitie k'newri ; given
better satiffaction and cures more diseases
than any.other,preparatinn offered , to.t he pub
lic. Prepared" solely' by S. A. 'KOIKSL
BRO., 1.8 Market street, Harrisburg. •
For sale by druggists and dealers everywhere.
?S , F,WakE, OF''.
. ,
As Kunkel'e Bitter Wine*Of iron is theonly
sure and effectual iemeilyin the known world
for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and .De
bully, and as thereara a number of imitations
offerer' to theft:nitrite, We. would 'caution the
community to purchase none but the genuine
article, inanufactured by "S. A' KITNICLe 8.
Brio., and has theirstamp on the top of the
cork of every bottle. ; The very factthat others
are attertipting to iriiitatethia 'valuable reme
dy, provertti:worth and, speaks Vtdunies in
its favor,.
The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent
'and $l.OO bottieiyand sold,by all teaaectable
.druggists,throughout the country. panic
-ultir thatevery bottle bears the fac simile of
the proprietor's signehure.
This Wine includes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we poseetid ; Citrate of
Magnetic Oxide combined, with the most en
ergetic of vegeable tonics, Yellow, Peruvian
'bark. The 'effect in many:cases of debility,
loss of appetite, and , general preatration, of
an efficient Salt of ' Iron; coinbined - with our
valuable Nerve Tonic, .is most happy. It
augnfenti the appetite, raised the pulse, takes
off muscular flabbiness, remover' thel.pallor of
'debility, and gives a florid vigor - to the coun
tenince: '
JlB Market,
For ale bymil respectub.te iltalers through
out the country. [Ju 25,6 m
Tha GlattPierr-y-
Fernierly' Seesey's,
• HIS old Feriy—one of the oldest 'and most
Tsafe, arogaings on the Susquehanna River—
is now in charge of the undersigned, w ho hes
• ' refitted the old and built new boats, which will
enablabitli to do ferrying with safety and dis.
patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured.
• Sober and experienced Ferrymen always en
gaged). No inApositicin ; in , charges as the ful
lowing list will show :
• 'Farm , Wagons,'each
Horses ' per head
Single horse and rider, ;
Two , hbrse Cirriligeard two persons, 1:00
Buggy,,harse,and two. persons, 50
- Foot Passengers, each, :12
' Stock of all kinds at the old charges.
ill "1148 "ir'fiflYlPeunds, 25 centorper
160.pouri .
July 15;1853. . .