The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 24, 1864, Image 2

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    ale cilariettiatt.
n A
.7. L. Ocacer, Editor,
ecenilt& 24,1,51)4
• -
! I I
a'Hod. W illiiiui, .. Day n; ,he
A rnerkan Minister to , France died d in
Paris about two weeks since. Mr. Day ; .
ton was born rebrnary ritb, i 8117; tit'
Basking Ridge,fiTaW 4 jersey. ...Ine'ip3ll
ha began the practice'ot fair ; Was elec
ted to the State Senate in If.l37,'"and,
chosen Associate Judge of fteStwifinfie .
Court of New Jersey in 1838. ,
ved in the United States,Senat!l ie frum
1542 till 1851. As a lawyer,be,/, : had a
high reputation, and in,politicsAle, was ,
always to be found on the side, of ~freed
am. He was in, favor of.the admission
(.1 California as e free State, of the,,abo
iition of slavery, in the Cp 7 :
hmbia, and voted against the Fugitive
.`save bill. This courpe,gainqd,hitn.thp
nomination for *the Vice
, Aresldency
'Ton, the FrV9 o Ptftick9ttin,. lBs6 .a
1857 he was appointed AttgrneyPeper
ad of New J,erneyond upon . the,elec,tian
of Mr. Lincoln was aipointed iylinister
to France
)11.4 t -V:
tra"A Gan. Dix's headquarie4s,: on
Sunday, a gentleman ivas examined who
left Richmond sevenday",s 1 I
pany fifty-six `deserters. lie_ re
ports the condition of the'irehgalis ;
in the trenches as rEfe.heing
compelled to stand in mud gitd ;vatea
foot deep, anikiillo , k'a ntlfrapOi r d *
of meat and a Round of floii:l:P ti Ff:";3.:7..,
The men are 'iligarl
j cge l d . an d take every
opportunity . al t o
t r t t A umalting,
mate of one hundredleseitiOn4,'Per l day
from Lee's army. The Northern ppers
are kept frein tbVi(en:El'n4de„+e , l s: re!
sorted to to keep them iti
car All the convicts in the 18 - tate peu
seVt,,enbeaTol: 4 lite' - ' ibere . pardoned by the`
eroor of G.eorgia, condition_ of
their goinileitO'
"' 't r? 4 rvide.
co t rupo . n of;oud o huthirea'xitts fortn
ed. Thtp ihois'tio what seiiei'e - 4iitrern - -
ity the St4e'`Q.r,; - ,o'
w:9'.,4dii"ci 1 of. pt t ter ProOf l of,t o siii;te'Pf
exhaustion as . it regaillS“'rWeh beep,
up the rebel iorks:`llis6Cim
convict;Pa"' of
e 0 1 . 01 di tie iL remain in,
to' get 0,2 C., t";i•Lciu"?Fe
wg ,
car The New Bedford Mercury states
that Richard Almv„ of,Dartmoeth,agy
92 year dintion last f han sgivog„.
day with his brother Thomas slimy,,l 10 41 , 6, t'
the sem" town, age,d 90 years. On the,
, 411 • ..1•31 , ..411.;
dap afte'r,'Rtchard harnessed his coil to
. • • I 4.l's
a wagon and deove,trom the residence
of Thomas, at florae Neck, to hip brow,
• qv • 1 SIM,„I,
aistance of some eight mi es..
some eight =
ifir The rebels it t sold, 4Montacel
lo," the hole
Ito c k Mana, • . formerly, I VA Op to
President . I.octris6, as:tho PiciPiirty . of
alien enemies of the Co"n federacy. Mon
ticello was_ given by the sy , ill,o( the. ,Bite
Capt. Leyyto the 'seates
home for tii;wliloweandog sea
r pans
it , ~!
. F.,.
I!if: '. • ;
, :d -
(47r Thil' l lidi;7idtial wilt) brings the
h 'Pole& t ikatil-els 'fi; ' ti'lls"cdna6f .
is Joe. Barker, the notorious infio6l
preacher, tr,hVeling' in
Etigland is lr iireelpiint`fcii . • the rebel's.
/le is the salad man that was e ogitied
ia,tbe di.cumioa,wi.tb Ittpv, 02,
Brg as to„ the diviriit,y Qt . qke
66- A. dress parade of bounty-jumpers_
look placeat Indianapolis. 1nd.,,,a Jew .
days symo. „Pvr one hundred, of them,
were lashed t t 7o-ap,d-tw.o,to along yope,,
with a herculean African leading the
column through theprincipal streets,
ritvgiag a,belir; •
ti* r ; sa 3
ao Henderson, ex-Navy .1 gent
New'York C4y, whose arrest,on n a,seri..
nun charge—Mat of corrupt ioistra
tiod—efeated so pushexeitementdvipg
last l sairwer, has ben indieted by the
grandYnry, Only a few days since..
er.4 o , o rrfiappl 3 don t of,the NeWYork
Tribune, at Bea:fort,. N.,C., states, that
the ebel Bj° the interior of the State.
aro making ,evnry „proparittiogi for the
, xpeeted traps.fer 7 pt ime'S army, froM
,to:N,orth. Qaplina.
The Philadelphia Press seiYs4,
dy residing in Eleatli t areet, in that city'
Docame, on Tuesday last, the .motherV
two and,one boy. Tiis rather of
thetripletsis 60 years old`
star PrdsideotuLiridela
a All 'andi'ali draft for threa l b i tifidr6d
tlionSattilitidrg l iiibil:'ta mike nv'tiii;Lde
ficiency occasioned by the credits crii
the last call.,
p - , •
ler Gen.' M 'has - been' made t a. NEL
for thiregultraiy, On the
f..3'ecoinnieti:dittCoir6CGeliVG'ratat. *l'
Sad the following very interesting arti-
die on Christmas Festivals and Christ
mas Trees, in tie' last nuMberYof the
"Church Advocate
The holy chuiph festival`, Christmas; .r
compounded of 'Christ arid 'inns, a f4ait,
signifies Christ's Festival. In the Ger
man it is called "CHRIST-TAG," which
means Christ's day. Anterior to the
fourth century there was little or no cel
ebration of this day as a Christian boll
day, by the early.. followers of Christ.—
But at this early period the commemo
ration of the day of Christ's birth was
commenced by the churches. Then it
was that the early christian fitherd began!
to gather from traditions relating to it,i
4,13,094P1ank-e.4o4l l .eMArls. o l „ -thei , P ,, e o, l llo —
unfortunately, so much time had
elapsed, 'th "'the precise day of 13 s`
birth was already lost., and the good
searClierswere'domPelled tO flounder in
thmsdaill fora i uitab e day and whit t
vast differences of view preiailed for a
Übe:it - was finally and -permanently fixed
on the 25th day of December, mainly
fo3t e t.wpfollowing ceasens
1. The principle aisniversag_day of
tha,lieatheri(4-od i Aaturri,.was at ~t1:19,
time celebrated on the 25th, day of -De
cember, tt,pd r wa,s
„ c,a4d ,:gqurnlq9,„9 r i
feastofSatti4m, in.horior pod.,
This was a season of
,tike„ greatest per
riimp!„and rev,elry, which, were ,carrild,
to such an unbOunded eXteatyas to be
calked 'December, liberties." The
most l liberty prevailed during its eontin
utPcehv,a4l pink .and; fe,;iyity ;
friends made presents to eaCh,other;
sOoplsr,e,rj3glpse,cl;the §enrite, did [pat
Bit ; no war was proclaimed ;
nakekecut,ed,; ,sltveswere,,permittpe.,tp,
jest with their masters, and were even
waited oti,at table ,by,them ; hence the;
theologians of the fourth century agreed
to 4 subey tate, iO,, plat; 0 of heathea, cus v
toms, airoly and cSristian festival;
by this means incline,the f, peopie„to,r,?-,
pudiate the falge, and worship the, true
t God. Many, of .t4ese ancjent cu,stoins
still continue throughout Europe, espe
cially„among,Roma‘vCaiholies,--such as.
ringing bells and feasting at midnight.
2. The Winter,Solstice [ solstice
means the- Sun sta - mling still ] ends
/bout this time, when the Sun, the
source ettlight; begins • WI - loomsiron/1h!
again with increasing, wiiridkand, ItTia the birthday , of
• light, as Christmas is the birthday of
Ch'rist,Ahe'' true spirituul,aight of•t theil
Ilhe'slecoration'of 'Clinches with ever.- 1
greens is a relic of the ancient Druid
custems.-.. o.ln .-yeeirs 4aitisireaths Of; un'-I
fading green were worn -ntin-the brow. I
Tug A'ttbE 'origipataci.
Germany, and no doubt,lias ''also.bor
rowed from Druidic practices. An ev
ergreen tree Was setup in' he pati'o's,
and trimmed with toys, mottoes,vigar
devices, and'all = the beautiful things
hind hearth and Willing 'hands can put
qh , erp,,s‘pd then_ lit up ,with hundreds of
tapers, and' tme he ion tenii
ted in to re.ceive,the gifts of the '‘Chiist
kiiiiiteira'.''''rigien iifts were, pre4nte'd
to the" poor, and afeast prepared for
them and their little ones ;, and well was
this named by th'e Protestant Germans
the "Children's Festival," "for truly no
other daiinakes the hearts of 'children
repro happy, and -there is Rorie
• looked
forward toty theni with more rileasure
in phristian lands ; for the children in
heathen countries have no Christmas
Tree„receive no gifts, no feasts, nor
knowledge of a Saviours kirth.
The . good custom of making presents
. .
during the festivarof the'Savinur's na
tivity, we gleam from the Nev. Testa
ment ecripttires.:: Asiit, was,: customary.
in all ages of the world to give. gifts, to
Personsof note,;,on;*isiting- them ; sb
the "wise men of the. East" brought
with tl em . gifts pf "Gold, Frankinscence
and Myrrh" when they came to worship
him,.that was born King of _the.. Jews,:
Frankinscence, the symbol of•sacrilicial
worship't r pifayer—Myrrh, the type.
4:;t• bitterness and sorrow—and Goldothe
.representatiie.ofi liberality:.
Long before Christmas trees were
thonght of,lthere; was >another practice
in existanco in Germany, and it still
prevails. ~The parents of :the children
of the village brought their presents to
one;!person, Called \Knecht Ruprecht
(meaning in English servant ,Itobert, a
!sort., alarm children,) the
Original Santa Claus, who puts them in
a bag, and went from house to house to
4eitoi the gifts on the chili:hell.' Thh;
representative person wore "a large wig,
with'ifeat IfOrni Protruding ,
through it,
a mask, a large white robe, and high
baits; the teir§r"Orhad ' children, 'and
the friend of the Rood and obedient'
The' Pnritans 'opposed tbese pas-times'
'vigorously, and on this account
trnieia'Ort so festive a day;in the obser:
vanceoF these customs, in the New .
Edgland States, as in the ()thy States;
:Yet the festivities of , this happy daY'are
be f irigiileaq revriell among, most' dn.':
nominations within the last:few: year's..
: 'tfie'tnidseOf 'all the terriperaf
joys connected with 012ristmas, - let us .
'not olget th Soiree' of oPr happhi4se,'
namely : The birth of the S'eviour Of the
w (lAA' ; Whit (llrr
;children and friends, we should iotrfor
, tv. , f, ,
get the poor ;-; retnembering.tnat all 'we'
gift of G
(mod. Thnii
Rim,l Art
give to Rim, to en of our gratitud;
the love, acts, anA worshi
~ ~:~
Thri, ?haste attb ",5,ci550T5
. It is sigoilicaßt that the only proan
ne4:hotein e Aletiosiolis•thr was 1
notiOred recently; was A. NevcYork.
Hotel, the., generol., rendezvous :of the . :
_ g o ee _ siape .h- ts. ; 7' . ,
• 4 .
A miniature telegraph office, designed
as a present to the Emperor of Russia,
has been constructed by a citizen of
New York. It consists of a complete
telegraphic apparatus, capable p of
r trans-
milting mess l a43s betTweija; Iloston apcl`
New Ydrk, all embraced within the
compass of _a morocco case, eight inches
in length, six in width, and three and a
inttAliniatipth. •17 7
The largest tobacco mart in the world
igraTdir — tirTrt, - awriv,
erilesiduritiethe'pagt ybar were T'63322
hhds., the proceeds of which tinfiilinted
to $20,000,060.1'
Elizabeth Wap,hingtp.p„4 l gre,M,.gr,R.,iiii,
impaprtal isjaiugLop,/ ,
at ;11R 3 / 11 4ianOiltticAPits911a , ..d.AY , 19,
since.—Slie„leckedll ! l9Nyl;4B:Ys
.fliaNAktWa YefFs .af
It is' believed 'in the arroy thtit Roger
A. Pryor't 'a 'be ' c'ELlAtirdd.'; fie
thinks lie 41ii 'n6f.
'by Jeff Davis it
,•: )
There are 'lloarl y twelye !..housandi
tenement houses, in New ,York,eity, and,
they average six families, or about thin.
ty-five souls'to each house. ' ,
The 'populatien of 'Sari Fratrciseo. is
one hundred'and twenty thousand. Ipt
SeptaVioer; 1845, the number of inhabit{
aura was four hundred and fifty.
tr 4
There are.5,000,000' native aermats.
in the United States;4.and this . year's'
emigration,Mill add 70,000 to that, num
ben: r, 4.
Thirty-fourfirms sli,pended
,! 41
during the ,month o'f October, whose
unitedldbilftles amounted to $16,600,,,
600. s.
It is estimated that (here are .three
hundred .thousand.reftfgees'• froin• the
at - the Na`rth:
• ~' •• . .
nunstrels `YoTk'get
from'e,2b to'S3o n o. 'week, rt‘o'd ti)e best
sir i tgers : get something handsome
by'siogtng at the fashionable churc.ies ±
nn p4ndoy''s.
• ,
Gen.,Tom.Thumb, who is,one,
"littleest" men .li,y,ing, is at, .the,,,Aatne
time one l ,,of the- gcea , .test . Mmons. Re ,
has taken the thirty-three degrees and
is a metnlierOPthe. grand Orient'Ork
Frince, .'over:Whidh`'Cline() = Napeleoli f
presides. - •
# 1 The Richtnond Enquirer istdv,ises
every rehei t oiticer and soldier to to
One mOuth's pay in gold (if they can get
it,) and give , a receipt TOi• all iay . to
end of the war, as single
_,month's pay
in t gpl4 to support f,ie;m,
than a yeak's pay in;Confedei•ate &wren
cy. It Would :seem from this, that
Enquirer ex,pectsthe,rebelliou to sue, i
numb withkn a year
' '
Six - of the mills in the Hagley . - gti.,rd
of Dupont's Powder mills, nem%,Wil
mington, exploded on=-Thursday morn
ing, killing ten men and wounded,sever
al others. The explosion was'the most
se'riOns 'one"'lly6 tiltenlplace
several years.
Some ene'has taken the trouble, to
calculate what it costs to support all
the dogs in the worid, and has cooclud
ecl that the expenp, am,ounta to about
$30,000,000 annually.
It is stated Ahat,in 'burning the. wheat
and corn stalks belonging to .the rebels
in the - valley of the Shenandoah severe
explosions of heavy ammunition took
place. Jltlao.been,.bidden away by,the
rebels to prevent its falling into
hands.> . , e,
Slaves who ran away fiorntheir"mas
ters, in pp.rt,,,2f t i)laryland,
a year or two since, and have been em ,Washington„are now return
ing and obtaining empinymaikt with lib
eral wagps from their old s masters. •
Auguste Buell, an old man oversixty
years kyF.'age,,and . his. five sons, the
youngest of whom is nineteen years old,
hride , ,been.arrested in!Brooklyn, Ni Y.,
on the charge of highway robbery.
• ,• --
- -
The' Meon, (Gal;) . :Vele'graphi of Nor,
2ath sa) : "We noticed on thO street
yesterday atiae-liorse wagOn, ebeitaining
exactly , sis y st4cks
, of pine wood, for
which tiie'rtiOdest'Stim of thiki' dollars
was demanded."
Mrs: Eliza Fainhani, the well
known authoress, philarittrophisi,
died in New York on Thursday,' aked
ydars.' `FrieeSsive nierittiFekertiOd- is
said to have been the cause of 'the 'ilia
eEiSe of whi'Clishe •!! •
James Eittflere and his wife hit;7e been,
arrested in New . York on the charge of
shoplifting They Jive in fine style up,
town, have been regarded has pipus
people ,and po,ssiass.abbut 6'10 2 000, the
result of 'these criminal operations.
Ilhe Union / . prisonfirsojasj , ~received
from Florence and Columbia are, in as
bad a con Oionlas Aboile from Anderson-,
villa, Millen, and the Libby,,,,Theym,ere
guarded at!Oglilkilubia, in kh%prisonipen„
by a line of sentries arils pac.ko(blood
hounds: q•if ;14:: :
The agitation about the abolahtillent
of hoops ifine;vet bq.
Cr A. deliberate gait,, gentle manners
and a iracious tone of voice, all of which
'may be acquired, gives a mediocre man
an immense advantage overkbose vastly
superior to him. To be boldly tranquil,
4 to speak little, and to digest_vvithout ef
l'fort,,are itssolutely necessary to grandeur
of mind or of. , presence, or proper devel.
opment of genius.,..
Major General McCook is order
ed to take command under Sheridan, in
_valley ?(:tha Shenandoalt. Withitt
ahbut 'yeari*Shdridin 'was ih't4ing Under
McCook, in the southwest.
ir 4 I.Zpttird, Nntiqs.
.• .
L. 4 #
.ISirrefeEllta - Al'entlerdatii'dilreT tifnervbifile- -
biiity, : incompetency, pre mature . decay, and
youthful error, actuated by a desire to benefit
others, }sill,
, haypy. to furnish to all wino
need it,Vree of chafge) • th'e 'reCeiiif rind di
rections for making the simple . remedy used in
liiiindale;•l , Safretersmsishingw. to - p roll by rthri
ad,vertiserlsW experience, and possess a 51*
and valuable remedy, can dosn,l)y addressing
him at3,-once at his place of business. - The lc,-
-1.101 q 3 •
ceipt aria fall informs - don-6f vital impost
ante—will be cheerfulliientiry
' .1-.IIN B. Odoktv,'
No. 60 Nassau-si.,= New-N ark . .
Pi, S.- 7 N er Vous , fferers ", of ,both, sexes \All
find this information invaluable: , • 3m
CA'RD('/i0 •Itergyrrian;
while residing in South Ameticaras
disco Bred, a safe and simple xelf , MY .
for the cure of Nervous Weakness,. ntrly De
'can Diseases of the Urinary - and Seminal. Or
.gan'S and`tlie Whole train of disorders` - broUght
on by baneful and 'Vicious habits. Great nutu
biehlliiid,itlready Been cured• by. this noble
remedy. Prompted by a desire;to benefit the
atiljc;ted, a;n4 yatifortuna I , ; will t; sen &the re-.
ripe for preparing and using this medicine, in
a sealed envelope, to, any. one who needs it,.
FREE OF CHARGE. 11-. Please inclos , is pre
paid enve,lope, addressed to yourself.
iadr'eSs 1 ' JOstrit T.
Station D, Bible House, New-Yolk
Matrimonial ! Lades Gentlemen.
If you wish to rnarry,address the undersigned,
who will tend foil' withotit 'Money and with
out price, valuable information that will ena-
IMVou tottarry Wanly and speedily, irrespec
tive of age, wealth or beatity. This informa
tion -vAill . spst. you nothing; and if you wish to
marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All Ist
tersVietls confidential. The desired .
oration sent liiicturn mail, and no 'questiOns
asked. Address SAR'AII B. LAIVIBF:P.T,
12-3111.1 Gieenpotnt, Kings co., N. Y.
19-7 . ...-s , *antlF.All:—yrof. J. Isaacs, I 11", D.
Oculist and AUrist, fhimerly, of Leyden, Hol
land,. is located at No. 511 Pitie-st.,llhilidel
pilia;4lierd'perilins afflicted :With 'diseaSes bf
the Eye or Ear will be scientifically treated
and ieured9 if aura ble.f ;Artificial Eyes. insert,.
ed without pain. No charges made for exam
09:lic0,f4Fulty -is invited, as
he` has no secrets in his Mode of treatment.'
February 6,1664.71 y. ,
ETTWS REMAINING unclaimed in the
LYP"Ost"lfillte r 'it'ittii att. tra.D.A
DECE3SI3 ER. 22, 1564.
McGee, John
Conselinan, Miss ,L . 'lVldier, Mr. A.
Carter, Edward New,' Bartley
Gray Noel. John
Benderson, Amelia Smith, henry
Jenny, Jacob • Schultz, Matthias
I~ltightilMrs,, W t lson„Jennie
Myers, Mis. Miry 'Waltman, 'Daniel
obtain any of*these ratters, the" ap
plicant must;callfor.f‘Obertised ' ?? give
the date of this list, and pay one cent.for ad
. • ... ,
Br, F Brimon's Cdcbrated lioniedies
NO. 1. THE GREAT R4VIVED..- 7 SpeedilY
eradicates,all, the, evil elects of self . a use,
211'lbss'OrliiehitotY, liicath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis
ion, 9r any conatitiilMnal derangement of the
systein'brought onliy l the unrestrained indul
gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex.
Price one dollar. „ t .
No: 2: TWE: aarte.--IViff cure in froth two
to eight days, any case of Go,norrhoea,(clap)is
without.taslor sineji a requires pc t . estric-,
tian cifactiOn diet anti foi.eithei'sex.; priCelL
p.o.ITILF: TERM, 'will cure Gleetin the
shortest possible time, andikl can show certifi
cates of cures effected by this remedy, whey
all.others have failed; No ,tasto or smell.—
Price one dollar.
NO. 4. THE PI:NITER ia the ''only known
ieniedY thatY will. posiii'vely cure Stricture's of
the urethra, no matter of how long se:1.90111g or
neglected the cuse may be. Price Obe dollar.
NO. 5. Tar.. Soto:mow will .cure. any !case
of Gravel permanently- aid speedily remov
all diseases from and kidneys.—
Price one ••
No. G. 0,
Lion 711 ,- Al . 1; -
• - •
ir 11 ;;;: r
NO. • • • ,
• : , • . ihites
Liman . .14;: e
ctuall ; • 4',',. , -;••• t; in
uct tins is tto ..titc:'lefilcuS - ti,; : dl
c ure this disease pleasant to take. Price $l.
NO. S. THE OR.IEIiTAL P.s.sms are cer
tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua
ion or correcting any irregularities of the
i norithly periods. Price two dollars.
Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5.
Either of the Remedies will be sent tree by
inail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu
lars containing valuable information with full
l'escription of each Remedy, may be obtained
iy enclosing one post stamp. Address
F.E'LIX 13.1CLINON, Box 99,•
Philadelphia, l'a.
These Reinediesaie sold in Marietta only by
I 01 - IN - JAY'LIBHART, where circulars con
:ining, a full description,of each case can be
.tained,gratis, on application.
;' General Depot, North East Corner of York
venue and Callosvhill utreet,,philadelPl4,Pa.
' in coMplicated . cases,l can beconsulted
~,, l etter, or peisonallY tit my office; entrance,'
• 401 Yokk-.Av,enuec._
Painter, Glazier avid "Paper Hanger.
ach Works
. .
la OWE '-& STEVEN'S Celebrated'Family
1 - 11> Dye • Colors, warranted . to , be „fast; et
ALARGE etock of !aierattlEnvepe
otestivalityutrece i vedan T f j
sale at The go/detr Mortar.
Eignalagi"lPAAßeinVaitc Clark ' s Fe
. .
Nevi York and Pinladelpina
THE Subscribers /laving formed a connec
nection with Messrs. WOOD & PErinT, rof
Philadelphia. under the above title, are pre-
WOO to furnish every description of
Cast, Wrou gla "awl Pailinvi,
Cemetery Lots, Dwellings,
Public Squares. 6•c.
Verandahs, Circular and Straight Stairs,
Doors, Window Guards,
. o table Fixtures, Fountains, Vases, $ - c.,
also, having purchased of the late firm of
Hutchinson & Wickersham, Canal Street,
their entire Stock of
BedslAads, Cradles, Furniture te..,
,nd,cii offer to the public, at theuNdv, , ,;
to be found in the United States. They hare
also puyeliaSed of the New York Wire Railing
Co. the patent right and,rnaehinery.fortna,kinr,
and will continue the exclusive Alanufacture
of the same itt,their Works.
• 524 Broadway.;
. .- • New York.
Orders tiny be'sent through the American
Advertising Ageng, 359 Broadway, N.
,Y. A
And General lifaeldnises,.S'epond itrect,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for 11 . .oHirt and - Moat Furnats,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and, Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Matiner PuriiDs, Presses; Shafting and
Ptilleys, Mill Geixiing, 'Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning.;' Brass Bearings,
Steam Blast Gauges,
.Luhricatuts, nil Cock%
:Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all ttiiiii'variety; Boilers, Tanks,
Heatersi , Stacks, , idtotts, Nuts, -Vault Doom
Washers, &41..
From long expel:to:mein building machinery arc
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those wild maffavor us with their
orde i rs. t" . -Reirairirig - prpriiptiy attended to.
Orders h - y
-Mail addreased-as above, wilt meet
with, prompt attention.- *Prices. to vzi the t
• ' - .Z. SUP PLLE • •
ColuMbia, October 2.0. IStio. 14 ti
'Who would - pot be out of the Draft?
BUT that which of us in connection
with the Army, is not !h: only one—the
beuftypon'the, j , ,OCK.F.T: these times is equally
severe—consequently we p [chase goods w btu e
we get them cheapest. ' '
T9] 2_3....3.1) gler, ,
svcCILSOR, TO DAVID .1101'11
IN yin 13U§T.NESS,
Would take this methqd,bf informing the pub-
I le ' that 'fie is titila ,r pieinirealfo furnishlinstbitie
in hialine.of .business,. aueh . as -
Glass;, Oilsi:Varnishes,
Stoves, Ir,o.l?,.!Corpenter's Tools, 'Hinges,'
Bolts, Locks, 11 7 01 s ~all. „
Goads,- Ceclerworc, Clocks,
nine) , Articles in la - me variety, with a full 11- 1
sortni t ent:of_alielf goods generally, •whieh
Will sell at the lowest pliers, wholesale ve
t, ifl" Call 'and ekarnii.c the atneir:
. bi a:iet,a,. March
if B Li A
. ,D 0 KI II EAT hig B IC - G AS. .4
Smoke„,.: Xo' •
Will Boll; Broil,. Road Bake. ,Tpast, Slew,
Irons., cheaper Maw
: Otoal or IVooa
I have on ,hand„and 'ma n to order
and' Furnaces` for CileilliSlS;"ririfierS, Dedk-:
hinders; .• Dentista i . Tea Stores,. Vulcanizingf
Stoves, ,Photographer's Oven:, &c., and Laup•.,
dry. - Send for a Degmptive '
I 'also'. manufacture Coal - .Oil Stoves, 'for
Cooking tr.. Beating. Burns the .common,Ke
rescue O r il,"tind Woes the cooking for a family
fur one cent per hour.
Sole Manufacturer,
' .47-Ohmidway,
The American Advertising and Purchasing
Ageticy receive orders for - the above-named
Merchatidiie Bus. Dep., E..A.Cvo an. Cor
resp.'pev. Fowler & Welts ;
380' BreadWaV V
The -Peoples'
. .
' .P-'•Jar
331 - cDtl_er
A general assortment of Bata, Taiws, and
tonstantly on. hand, which will be, sold at the
lowest rates Vr" cash.
All goods in opr;line nianulactured to order.
tiENILY SiTtuzz:l [JoBN, &Hui-I.z:
Lancaster, Dlovtinher 5, 1864.-tf.,
_ _
!To. 622 Market-Street, PHiLA DELP/11A
Dealer dold and Silver 5
Illirie•Gold Jewelry, - ' L', ,
nd the best make of Silver-Plated Wire
,nstaßtly onhand p. ssortment of the;
Watches and fine Clocks repairOd brain
workmen;, also, Jewelry repairifig; En—
ving-tind all kinds of Hair-Work to order
short notice.
11:17,pon',t forget _.the old kand, lumber 622
. .
April 9,1 . 864.-3 m S and F]
Fashionable •
s Bgot' and Shoe :ilfannfacturer;-11,
Would most !respectfully"! inform the CitiZelli
Borough and neighborhood, that he_har
the liirgest assortment of .City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, lindd be-
Ing! . lu'aqiicia.P.A.W.T., A PIA§PPE.:MOF. 11'
himself,is enabled to select with more tudgment
than those who are not. Ile cont . :Glees forman
ufff.turcri k tlie ypryLlefit ManneLgxezything
in die'Boot Asbn) SHOE LINE, which he
well" warrant for neatness and goccd•tia!
iptalrulfrolinetap. aSockibo#oll,olWif
char g se* ere.
[Aug. 3-Iy.
THE DinlT I:
r .._ f ..
-Sohn Fareira's
' - g.eliblis l le o i_flinufliztoqi,
1 . 7
Fur Ladies and Children's. Woo-.
1 NIA ' S Via 2Glcries and Collars.
As, my. Furs were all purchased w; en ;
is ail ' a ifinefilb'eer Vremilito hail at pre,. :
am enabled to dispose of 'Mein at very r ,
onable prices, and 1 would therefore s
call from my friends of 'Lancaster county
-Remember the name, number and s
JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Aacn-sr.
above Seventh, south side
Sept. 10, '64-01'1.1 PIIILADF:LPIt I
I have no partner nor connection
any other store in Philadelphia. .
I :• 04,
,fahn. O'lzatzejlee-,
A S the season for Stoves is fast approachir
ti I would cuyl the attention of all wisniz
to purchase '
Parlor or Cooleincr Stoves,
to my large and well selected stock, oil:let:0:c
-braces the best and_tnost desirable Stoves
the Eastean markets afford, and which
purchased early, which!. will enable me to di:-
pose of them advantageously to buyers.
Amonk the lei;iiing Parlor and Cook Stacey
• . • are the following:-
Pro•lnr Staves. Conl . ing Stores.
Meteor Gas, Ganeo,
Cilumbia do - Z Royal;
Oral do.- •do Waverly;
Dial, Wellttrl.oll
Tropic 'Egg, 141.1913.111,
- ..11.1.)1)11. Or, Rose,
A !sc.,: the Vuleili andrrSanfo res • Efeaterq, a,
verb- deldrable4rtiele ft,ith r eatlpg two or law
rooms with very, little fc4rty, more fuel teaa
an ordtaery parlor ttoiriblioiald 'cOnsiune.
Ranges lor s cooking nn hand all
of which sold ' ifin : .ie'asorkabJe terns:
..L3 - Call acid eriainioc before 'wehazing
elsewhere. , "
Lana§ Trout'
Lantits - t S• 7r Hit
At the. "Golden Mortar."
11 the "Golden Mortar,"
Market St reef i Alariettrr,
Marl, et. e e 1,
. larietl~e,
Keep constnattrnnlhana.
Keep eLinsianilion.hand
7 . 2 q
' • .1' g- " 9 , . 4
cr. rs--,
P .
s • . s P
P • 0 ; T : . 7:
• • cz ,
Pretcriptions carefully compounded
Prescriptions cakefallyvompoundeil
' • ReikeMbk Me!: Plai.e,
• • ileeMeniber theplace,
Dr. Grove Stood.
rtr'o c U "Stand.
‘‘6l6etis Tan..
C11:0 . 1 70uA L,T.;
/facing removed t, the Roams feiriiierlY otnepin
by Dr. 'Raentzel, adjoining Spangler k Pat
tersares Store,frfarket Street, wliere he is now
prepared-to'wait'cin all• who may feel
m amma dis posed to patronize hint.
Dentistry in all. its branches car
tied on. 1, - TRTOoserted on..the,plost approvea
principles of' Dental scren4. :All tiperstion
on 'the rriontltVerformed in , a skillful and
work man like, manner,--on fair :principles ant!
Having 'dO - tt{.r , pflied;upori periaz . 44Lept loce
t thiS'tilnii.,,Would ask .a continuation
of tke lit'unlike herite`fore extended
torbiin, for intik- 1 1: be will reude'i every possi
ble skusfactiod..
E — . Ether adriiinisteredvto' iirop ciperso n s
'Ekctiwr of Bank . Directors.
Bank, :Marietta. Pa.,l
December 10th, 1864.
A N Election for Nine Direetors of thi,
Bank,' to serve the ensuing year, will be
klanking House ON, TUESDAY
befween the hoUrs of I and 3 o'clock, p. m.
2t] A.)l6s 80W.0.A.N, Cashier.
RANKGIN 'lll;k,l'kEE, M. D
'After an absence of nearly three years In
the Nivy and Army-Of the United , States ha 3
returned *the Borough of. Marietta avd re
sumed' praCicce of Medicine.
jp7 „Eepecial'a ttention paid,to• Surgical eases
in *' branch his profession he Las had
very, cilriaiciercihle_ experience.
. . . , . .
DR. Wbt.*. - .8. FAIINEStOCIr,
:-..-..1,111r,13T.,,. Pr.F.ARLY OPPOSITE
- -,
Spangler lc , Patterson'si Store.
. ~ ..r ) . i". 6 .TO 7P. M.
_ . .
CHOICE-Lot of Books for. children callrd
indiatructable Prelisufe:tooks ; School a nd
Papeo,ooks,, , S,taHonary, !Pens, Pen holdern.
firc.,•at' '" "'" LANDIS& TROUT.
R. E,eidgrnach , s Army Lotion, an infalli
j ble'reinedffor 'Saddle Galls, Open Son , ,
and diseases'ottim skin, •
and Othei Table Wines
Othistnteed to bemire, inirsold us low ss
ean { beb'Sughtin PhilUdelpliia or New-York
Bkrumuzzr Pied Building•
rrl - FIE • GUM CLOTH OVER COAT is the
very' t)est th itkel . ?'ut far wet weather—so t
Oil:ClotW,Lbut adra4thiag far stipatior : wsr
ranted not'to aqd 'ekaintne then ,
Ifti) RIME' G'it 0 C Java end
, Laguiti Ciltihe'd; Pulverized and
Viit Win& rSiipeti r criVieeit and Black Tea ,
RiceuMetttkailaSpiebil' Syrup and prime la
kin,lolasielvlßacellent Nail Barley at
01FM - 8...4 CB'S.
abore 7th,
Man btfacturer