The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 17, 1864, Image 1

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Who would not be out of the Draft?
BVT that which effects us in connection
with the Army, is not the only one—the
brats upon the POCKET these times is equally
s e vere—conseq nen tly we purchase goods where
we get them cheapest.
,Tc. n: Spangler,
Would take this method of iuforming•
I is that he is now prepared to furnish anything
in his line of business, such as
Glass, Oils, Var4ishes, .
Stoves, Iron, Carpenter's - .Mots, Hinges,
Bolts, Locks, Nails; all- kinds of
Building material, Coachmdker's •
Goods, C'ederware, Cloaks, :„
Fancy Articles in large variety, wittca full as
sortment of shelf goods generally, which he
will sell at the lowest prices, wholesale or re
ti il. Call and examine the stock.
Ma.iet.a, March 6, 1864.
SUPPLEE 8s BRO., I-41p
nil General Machinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
ailing!' for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
ipt, for Steam, Water and Gus •, Columns,
routs, Cellar [loots, Weights, &c., for Rail
ings, andeustings of every descriptiOn ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
fur Mining afid Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam Sr. Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Stearn, GliEl 3 and Water i.lirass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks,. blues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Froollongexpenence in building maehinery W 4
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. EE...llepairing promptly attended to.
(Inters by mail addressed us above, will meet
Waltp aptrot attention. Price* to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1800. 14 tf
The People&
Fur Store; •
Siruatz cfc Brother,
general assortment of ,
flats, Caps, and
constantly on hand, which will bnsold at the
lowest rates for cash. '
All goods in our tine manufactured to order.
Lancaster, Novunber 5,
No. 622 Market-Street, PHILADELPHIA;
Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver
Rue Gold Jewelry, .
and the best make of Silver-Plated Ware
Constantly onhand a large ssortment of :the
above goods AT LOW PRICES.
Watches and fine Clocks repaired by skill
ful workmen; also, Jewelry repairing; hln
graving and all kinds of klair-Woik to oide'r
at short notice.
tr., Don't forget the old stand, Number 622
Market street, Philadelphia.
April 6,1864.-3 m S and
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer,
Would most respecttully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
ids line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
mself,is enablea to select with more judgment
than those who are not. He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
R3'Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger.
VE7 QULD most respectfully inform the cit
-11 irens of Marietta and the public gener
ally that he is prepared to do
House Painting, ,
• Mina Glossing,
Paper, Hanging, gv.,
At very short notice' and at prices to suit the
times. He ran be found at his mother's reii
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Second
streets, a few doors below the M.E.. Church,
find 'immediately opposite the -old: Obtain,
'Coach Works. [Aug. 3-Iy.
After an absence of nearly three years In
the Navy and Army( of the United States has
returned to the Borough of Marietta and re
sumed the practice pf. Medicine.
Especial attention paid to Surgical cases
in which branch of his profession he has had
very considerable experience.
ICE:—Front street, next door toil-
Ij Williams' Drug Store, between Locust
sod Walnut streets, Columbia.
opposite the Court House, wherelie , wili sa
tinet to the 'practice of his pr °feast= in islitits
various breaches.
Itit : 34'.ll-I..aritt.ti.i. T c.
al'arptrtbtut rtnnsglilania loin:nal for te Nose girth.
41-E- .4-atzei`.
Office in "Orall's Row," on Front sti eet, five
doors East of Flury's Hotel
Single Copies, with, or without Wr appers,
ADVERTISING RATES': One squire (10
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first inset ion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion Pro
fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
at $6 per annum. Notices iu the read ng col 7
umns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly aad half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUIP-
Tili JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job (ace of "THE
MARIETTIAN," Which will insure the f• ne and
speedy execution of all kinds of JOB & CARD
P INTING, from the smallest Cara to the
LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable price's.
```till She Keeps Rocking Him."
Still she keeps rocking him,
Ever caressing him,
Brushing the hair from
His colorless brow.
Softly they've whisper'd her,
"Life has gone out of him; "
Gently she answers,
"How still he is now!"
Still she keeps rocking him,
As though she would shake from him
The cold baud of death,
Like the weights From his eyes;
itoeking, the clay of him,
While softly , y, the soul of him
Angels are rocking
Far up in the skies.
From " The crystal Gem."
Published by the scholars of the Marietta
High School.
It was on a cold chilly night of De
cember, that a tired young soldier, with
his comrades lay down upon his blanket
for a night's rest. It was, not long ere
sleep crept quietly over his weary eye
lids, and as he slept he dreamed. He
was once more in his beautiful home
enjoying all- its blessings. He once
more gathers,around that happy fireside,
with all those loved ones whom he hid
left, doubting whether he should ever
return. Oh, can it be pessible that he
has been spared through all the battles
in which he was exposed; to enjoy once
more the comforts and blessings of
home. As he sits there, by the fireside,
his mind wanders back to soldier life.
He tbinks, how often, when in camp, he
drained the gluss of that poisonous li
quid which has been the ruin of thous
ands. flow often he sat down to the
card table and played with his comrades
to pass away the time. Oh, if his moth
er had known this, would she had given
him such a hearty welcome ? With
these thoughts he awoke, not to see the
gentle face of his mother, or the loving
smile of his sister, but only to the forms
of his sleeping companions. He won
dered whether they would be as disap
pointed in 'their dreams as he was in
He began to think over his dream.
No, he does not know that he shall
ever again be permitted 'to enjoy the
blessings of the home of which a few
moments before he had been dreaming.
He resolved from that moment never
again to unite in drinking liquor or•play
iog cards with his comrades. He was
often tempted to do so, afterwards, but
in an instant he would think of the
thoughts that occupied his mind, as in
his . dream 'ha eat by the fireside of his
happy home, and he remained true to
his resolution. NETTIE.
ar Printers' "devils" are, generally,
"ladies' men," notwithstanding they have
a rather bad name. Sometime ago, one
9 4 these gentlemen and his lady-love
were taking an evening stroll, and while
walking along, chatting briskly' upon
the numerous topics of the Ally, she
suddenly caught his hand and looking
'smilingly in hiS face, asked : "Do you
know why I cannot get religion ?"
"No," replied he, "I di not, my dear."
"It is because I love the 'devil."'
eir This is the style in which the fair
ones in some parts of Yorkshire convey
the hint to backward swains. "Why
don't you get married ?" said a young
lady the other day to wbachelor friend,
,who was down there on a visit. "I've
been •trying for the last ten years -to
fpl'Appie one who would be silly enough
to haveme," was the reply. "Then-you
hitioic't :been down our
,pray , "'was` tide
insiouating rejoinder.
Information for Election. Judges.
VERY IMPORTANT :—We find the fol
lowing important extracts from decis
ions made in regard to the right of per
sons absent, for a time, from their resi
dence, to vote, in a late number of the
Washington (D. C.) Chronicle. This
should be cut out and kept for future
reference. " There are many, clerks in
the employ of the General Government
in this city," says a writer in. The Daily
Chronicle, "who are anxious to exercise
the elective franchise at their State and
Municipal elections, but who, having
been told that by removing their fami
lies to this city, paying taxes here, &c.,
they have lost their domicil at thefr for
mer place of residence, feel somewhat
in doubt what to do. Some of these
men were denied the right to vote at
the recent State elections, and simply
because they were living in and around
Washington with their familieS. That
these men may not thus be disfranchised
by a set of Copperhead judges, I would
call their attention to the following de
cision and references. "A person who
removes to Washington and holds a
public office there does not thereby lose
his domicil in the place of his former
residence, unless he intends permanent
ly to reside at Washington." [See Gil
christ's Digest, page 193, 2d par.] In
the case of Atherten vs. Thornton, N.
U. Rep., vol. 8, page 178, it was sub
mitted in evidence that defendant
(Thornton) resided with his family and
had his domicil in Merrimack, county of
Hillsborough. previous to July, 1830,
when he was appointed to an office in
the Treasury Department of the United
States, and went to the city of Wash
ington;.and in November following, he
removed his wife and one child (leaving
one with his mother at Merrimack) to
Washington, where he lived in a hired
house until the summer of 1831, when,
in consequence of the ill 'health of his
wife, she and the child returned to his
house in Merrimack and there boarded
with his mother. On the first of Octo
ber, 1831, the defendant (Thornton)
went to Merrimack, and on the 234 of
November, same year, returned to Wash
ington with his family, and kept house
there until the 7th of September, 1832,
when, on account of sickness in his fam
ily, he 'abandoned housekeeping, and
his wife and children went to Newton,
Connecticut, where they remained until
Si;ptember 1, 1833, when they returned
to Washington, and he again commen
ced hOusekeeping there. In April,lB34,
his family returned to Merrimack.
Thornton had paid taxes in Washington
during this time. 'He had often declar
ed that he did not intend to make
Washington his permanent residence,
but that he intended to return to Mer
rimack, It was decided in this case
that Thornton retained his domicil in
Merrimack, Judge Parker holding that
the domicil which Thornton had acquir.:
isd in Merrimack had been retained, not-'
withstanding his personal residence with
his family in Washington. It has been
generally considered that persons ap
pointed to public office under the au.
thority of the United States, and taking
up their residence in Washington for
the purpose of executing the duties of
such office, do not thereby, while enga—
ged in the service of the Government,
lose their domicil in the place where
they before resided, unless they on re
moving there intend to make Washing
ton their permanent residence. In many
cases actual residence is not indispensa.
ble to retain a domicil after' it is once
acquired, but it is retained, 6ninio so/o,
by the mere intention not to change it.
See Judge Parker,,Atherton vs. Thorn
ton, Story's Conflict of Laws, 39-45 55 ;
Pickering's Rep., 377 ; Harvard. College
vs. Gove, Thompson Digest, D. C.,
Mass. Reports, vol. 17, on domicil,
&c. It was held by persons of no less
eminence and legal ability than Daniel
Webster . and Caleb Cushing, late United
States Attorney General, that no clerk
in the employ of the United States
cotld .be disfranchised by. the mere fact
of his with, his family ;- and
they even held that;the exercise of the
elective franchise in the municipal affairs
of the District of Columbia did not im
pair the right to vote for President in
States where they had resided and had
their residence.
far Adam was fond of his jokes ; and
when he saw-his 80138 and his daughters
ma'r'rying "one another, he dryly , remark
ed to Eve that if there had been no ap
ple there would have been no poiring. •
A ir, -it. is, no,t the.happy ; death, bat
the happy life that makes met happy,
A Selfish' Bridegroom
A circle of gay, young bachelors in
St. Louis, was thrown into, confusion,
lately, by the desertion of one of their
bar,4llo fell a'victim to the cha . ms
tra beautiful and amiable young lady.
For someteause best known to himself,
the enamored Benedict kept the matter
a secret, and without inviting his bach
elor fried& to the wedding, .had, the
knot tied in an unostentatious manner,
and started on a bridal tour to some
pleasant village in Illinois. •
His friends, of Course, heard, of tlje
wedding the day after ,it (=tried, and
feeling Blighted, detertOned to have' re
venge. When the happy man returned
from his tour, he was taken aback by
being waited a stranger, a de
tective, who produced an order for his
arrest, on a charge of disloyalty. Hav-
ing at one time entertained a - sneaking
sympathy for "our Southern brothers,''
he was greatly troubled. He was, taken
by, the detective into a darkened room,
where the examining board was sitting,
and was surprised, to see that, they all
wore masks and dominoes. .
He asked why he was not allowed. to
see the faces of his judges, and pas told
that they were disguised ,, on account of
the discovery of .s
and traitors in
the Government service. He was then
accused of having uttered such and such
sentiments, in the presence of certain of
his friends, whose names were , given,
endue he could not deny what he had
said, he plead guilty and threw himself
upon the mercy of the court-urged his
youth-and inexperience—the fact of his
recent marriage—the remote probabili
ty of his becoming a father„ Scc.
Although his pathetic eppeal appeer
ed to soften, the flinty hearts of the judg
es, yet it could not turn neicle. :l the• pon
derous hammer of justice, and hes was
sentenced to six, months imprisonment
in the Alton prison,,at hard labor, with
ball and chain' uttached to his left leg.
This was a terrible blow to a 'man who
had been married but three'or four days,
and the prisoner was greatly affected.
After witnessing the misery .Of . the
condemned man for a few moments, the
-mock judges threw off their masks, and
appeared before him as his uninvited
wedding guests. They told him they
had taken this mode of punishing . him
for his failure to invite them to his-Red
ding, and he was so glad to find that
the thing was all a joke, that he treated
the party to a champagne and oyster
supper,‘and promised. that he would
never get married again without their.
The Philadelplahi. North Anadilean tells
the following story :
A well known frequenter, of Third
Street stopped yesterday in a barber
shop, close to the North American
building, sat in a shaving chair, drew a
newspaper from his pocket, and instruc
ted the knidht of the razor to take off
his beard. The barber was an ATaicatr.
He simply replied "yes; boss," and pro
duced his implements. The customer
silt down. He was duly shaved: "His
face was• Wiped, and he arose, donned
hid coat and hat. '
"How much?" he asked, in a dolor
ous yoice,.as he adjusted his . shirt col
"Fifteen gents, boss."
"Why, I thought you shave 4 for ten
cents at this shop."
"Dat aVs de average, sab," was , the
reply. , "Ten cents is,de price
,of a shave
in this shop. You come in- here, sab,
and read the news of Sheridan's victory,
and.your about six inches lon
ger, dan when. you came in. If. Yeur
face . Was like it was afore you read, that
news, ten cents was the pace. When
you commenced to read about do defeat
of Early, den your face . stretched dOwn
about four' inches. Dat's what makes
it wnrf`fifteen cents for der shade`:"'
The•eustomer couldn't restrain a grin,
though he was a Copperhead, - and °the.
hit at Mni - Wag mada by a 'nigger!' He
laid, down : the foe, and !qiked out, •
gir How long Eve, the first woman
lived, we know hot: It is ' a
'en r i o
fadt' that :in sacred history ) the age,
death,- and' burial , of only one woinariL=
Sarah, the wife of Abrahim—:is distinct
,ly note,d, • Woman's age ever since ap
pears not, to have been n subjeo for, his
tory or :discussion. , , .
fir A. Democratic editor in lowa says
his gart.pipi Oak State liasAgren thepde
gree , of, 1-Ab:!Arr,-"4loFed LA%
Air We ffiearctri. yourig lady
1 in, town
4 ' ,4,1
AvAio,hln,9 kitme i he,e4ed that kto 'pada
her round-shouldered.
It's an awful thing to lose a friend by
marriage'!' To see him drop into, your
room occasionally, always with a'-paper
parcel under his arm, 'suggestive of liCe
arid ribbons: insteaff-ot Vaving him all
to yourielf, '434 in' a'n'd" day cut. To
know that the blue-breathed evening ci
gar will. inevitably -be - itiibieviated 'by
"Oh,'my Wife will be anxious, if I'm not
at home by eight o'clock," To tell' im
hboutlhe'Pretty-girl with the pinkton
net that yonsinet in' the' stage yesterday,
and be . generallY confidential, and :then
find yourtongte seddenlkpalsiedty the
conviction Wilt tell' his' wife
every Word' you have. been haying:
There's 'no use talking abed :the' . thing
-its actuallyindescrihoble.
Do 'you suppose I didn't feel jealbuß
when JaCk Merelyif° got thairied't too
you suppose ihe green 2 eybd , Monster
didn't inspire 'lllB With all'sorts'orunatn
iable feelings toward the `little brown
eyed beaety who 'lied 'cut "me out so
completely IC took Spine - time to ree=
conbile me to' the'neW state 'of thugs.
But When I found' out that 'she - didn't
object to my sitting, on the'batCony and
speaking With Jack—nay, that she act
ually lighted our cigars fOr'us, and then
brought her little footstool and sat
doWn'beside us-tiatti she laughed like
vpettl' Of' merry blifs'at our bachel'o'r
chances and mishaps•thand that she lilt
ed to have me corns' to dinner on Sun
days, then thought Jack's wife wain't
so bad an institution after all. And
one day,'when she 'brought out her tiny
wickerwork-basket, , and 'stood on tip=
toe to sew the loose button .upOrt my
coat, I capitulated in good earnest.
• "Jack," said I, "your wife is:-well , not
exactly evangel, for I ddn't belie4O in
angels about the hciusebut the sweet.
little ivisinan I eier set- 'my:',eyeß
'`You- Won't 'be jealeni, 'old 'fel:
• ~! L •,;".
-"Jealonsno '!" - said Jack , stretehing
his neck so as to look 'after the light,
disappearing figure.' yilh
what; Arthur, you oughtlo see i'Mary's
siker:" • ' • ' • ,• •
S are erieugh, about two weeks' after
ward, as I came, in' at the sweet-briai
shadowed gate, and paused to Wok' at
the crimson clove-pinks just opening
their fringed petals, the silver 'tones of
another voice sounded in the low-caved
piazza, and almost before I knoW it,
Jack. Marclyffe's arm was through lithe,
and he , vas introducing me to' ' a dupli
cate 'ei
dtion of his 'wife. scarlet-lipped,
arch-eyed girl in white — mnalin - ;' with a
coral bracelet on her drat. •
From that moment I was gOne—l
didn't know whether T eat in ' Tann `vel
vet easy chair,' Or ett'the top 'of the 'rail ,
fence ; r said "No, rthank yeu - ," when
Mrs. Jack asked me hoW I Waa—l
red layeup of chocolate With a pen -knife,
and tried to pat the tEible-Cleth'into fit l y
pocket, instead .of a handkerchief, and
finally disgraced myself irrevocably, by
putting the,rnatch-bo,int,o
,the cradle,
and depositing,the baby On ; the marble
mantel r piece.., •
"Good gracious, Mr r Arden 1 1 exclaim
ed. Marclyffe, "what is the matter 7' l
"I believe—l think' ; —.l've got a cold,,
in my head _ !" faltered 1 ,, looking .at
the time straight at Agnes, who was,
playing with her coca i l bracelet, and
tending not to laugh.
"Jack," said I, that. evening,. aik- he,
went oist : to the gate :with ,4 ,ll4era'a'
no use; tryiegjo minge anatters,-if
can't win:Miss Agnew I @hall- take ar-
Jack squeezed my hand ;° !thee!'
'through the milli', • , . ,
"Do you think7She cares fo'r me, Jaok, 2'
,Tasked, plaiptively * abogt:p.' month,gt
terward. ' ,deularevhorkestly * .'l've.the
greatest mind in the world to Jump-off ;
the pier; or - hang peaceably. l
No * w.' Whit' 'doeis byCflirting
with that 'red-Whiaker j ed Carle* ?“ - 011,
-add>, de tie mereillit—Ltell: trio'. what° yik
Poor Ariarelyffe ! `ft 'tabittit the
ihirticith Übe he Mid' hedirtuilie'd 'the
I s`ariao`iluestioli. ;
."W hp, how dan' tell; ArrtliniTi ;Ten'
might as li'ask read ih6llihdOu
qilpha,bet a's l dedieher the' Mysteries
of a woman's :heart: you,
ask her. yourself ?""
"Me ask her !" and' the cold , cfiills '
ran, through. me like ieini of ice,.
"J:nok,,l.,daro net, ,for mYhfo !"
"Weiltl Fap'tgive any better "
,6 4 1 4.1 1 .!L°R 1 Y.'n 3 1 1 ?
heart never won fair
He turned away, and left me aandhig
trifelv ttniber
blue teTti of zitintimoli
VOL. XI.-NO. 20.
roses, and the tall corona's' of gleaming
lilies. Up in the rosy sky the new
moon hung, a curved thread of
and - One bright star bore its lance of
peail, against the radiant horizon. I
looked absently up at the fair atmos
pbere—dowiat the blossoming garden
of 'flowers, thinking, in the midst of my
perplexity, how like the blue heaven
was to Agnes' eyes, and marvelling that
the pink roses were so near akin to the
dainty color that came and went upon
her silk-Soft cheek.
BeSide the low French window that
opened upon the piazza floor, I saw the
finv of muslin drapery through the fra
grant gloom—it was where Mrs. Mar
elyffe was wont• to sit with her baby.
I eabglit the refrain of the low, delicious
cradle song warbled in the tiny sleeper's
ear. , A bright thought struck me—l
would take woman's wit into my coun
sel. "Mary," said I, sitting down on
file . piazza step, and leaning my head
against the rose-wreathed pillar just op
posite the window, "I wish you'd tell
me what to do—Pin desperately in love
With' your sister Agnes, and-Idon't
laugh now—l haven't the courage to
toff her: io."
I paused an instant and then went on :
"I love her better than life. No, that
is not saying enough ; 1 would die to
Make her happy, Oh, 'Mary, can't you
give me a word of encouragement ? I
are not tell her my love, because my
oheart.sinks so in dread from the one lit
tie ..word: 'No 1' Will she speak it, do
you think ?" .
There was no answer still.
f`Maryi• she , break my- heart ?"
I spoke with trembling accents, fresh
friain the' deepest recesses of my soul_
the veryliir seemed to sob around me
as I ceased. One instant of silence, in
the soft, pulsing fragrance of the mid
summer twilight,.and then there was a
fluttering &light, azure robes, the fall
of a fairy foOistep.' Ere T could look
yp,a - SOW, White afm, gleaming with the
CliniP of s bloOdire'd Coial s bracelet, was
around' my tieek—a shower of brown
Curls nestled on my breast
"She Will'eet—she never will ?"
The voice was that .of Agnes Day ;
I held the coy, coquettish trembler to
my heart !•
Life has been brimming with sweets
ever eince—many a golden moment has
paused , to sprinkle its chalice of joy
.around my toot-steps, as it passed. into
the world of the bygone; but, in all my
existence, there never came a second
time like that.
I hail bee'n pleading to Agnes herself,
and Mary stood .smiling• in the back
groundi the veriest spice of roguery
Oeaming in lier hazel eyes, through a
diiii quiver of joyous tears.
''So I'm really to have a brother-in
law !" she said, putting aside the roses
and coming forward just as the wicket
fastening clicked under Jack's hand,
and the fiery spark of his cigar flashed
through the purple gleaming, slowly
gavelling up,the garden,walk.
"Hallo !" said he, pausing abruptly,
its, gues tried vainly to escape from
my detaining arm. "Oh, I see now
Well—upon—my—word ! for such a
'bashful :young- gentleman, you've been
femarkriblY ekpeditious! Accept of
my Congratulatioris, Aggie—ditto, Ar
thur." " '
s T...Slawsop, of Kenosha, Wis., says she
has kept eggs perfectly - good and fresh
till a year old in the following manner :
•She pburs• some *heat into the bottom
ota harrel, and place's the eggs, day by
•day•as they are gathered, standing on
`the small end in•the wheat. ..When that
;course is'full,`sheliouiesnother layer of
wheat on the eggs and repeats the pro-
When theibai•rel is full it is cov
ered and Placed in a dry cellar. The
barrel stands upotrthe end without turn
ing, and the eggs are taken out as want
ed. She •
say's that it is not only none
•“, •
ceiistiry td'reverse the barrel when pack
-fecoMmisinded by some members
Vette' alb; but that it is injurious. •
JO - ,
,To,...CLEAN CLOCKS :—A correspon
dent, writing to the Scientific Ameri
can, states : "Common brass clocks
`nitiy lie cleaned by immetsing the works
in boilini water.. Rough as this treat-
'Meta may appear, it works well, and I
have for many' years past boiled my
clookd Whenever they stop from an ac
'cutmulatroyi Offlust or a thickening of
the oil upon the' pivots. They should
be boiled in pure or rain water and dried
on a warm t 3 tove or' near the fire. I
write this by thit tick of' aft eight-day
ujock r whichlias boiled a year ago, and
,b:as i ' behaved perfectly Well ever since."