The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 19, 1864, Image 2
iltafitttiatt, P. L. Vaker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA : Oat ui,da_g,,fr'auembest or An absence, for the past week, in Philadelphia and New York tnnst be our apology for any short semolina this week. ar The Columbia Bank is about to be merged into a National Bank. The following are the new directors : Dr. Barton Evilis, Pres't ; Geo. W. blebar• fy, John W. Clark, Samuel Mussleman, Henry Hinkle, Jacob C. Stoner, Corne lius Tyson, Rudolph Williams. James Myers, Geo. Bogle, E. K. Smith, David Wilson, Jacob 11. Huber. sr The Farmer's Bank of Mount Joy bele also taken the necessary steps to bring it within the provisions of the act of the Pennsylvania Legislature sushi iti,g the banks of the Commcnwealth la become associations under - the provis ions of the National Banking Law. or James Moss, of Columbia,. who had s wager with Bowery Brisman of the same place, on the result of, the late Presidential election, sawed, on Tuesday morning last, in front of Erisman's res taurant, a cord. of wood, surround/A by a large and mirth-provoking crowd. sir Henry Muscleman, seq., of the "Marietta Furnaces" purchased the• Rhoads farm. formerly the Dr. Herthey place, containing over 126 acres, adjoin ing this borough, a few daps since, at $263 per acre. iir On Thanksgiving Day—Thursday next—the Marietta post office will be open for delivery at the following hours only : from 7 to :8 in the morning ; 12 to 1 at noon ; 63- to . 7 in the evening. W Profeesor Simon S. Ratlavon, for merly of Marietta, bat for the past ten years a resident of Lancaster, has been elected to the chair of Etymology in the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. sr Col. Hambrigbt, of the Penn. 79th, has entirely recovered and resumed kie position emd,command of his old brigade in the first' ivision of the lAth corpp. or The Lancaeter. County Teachen' Institute will meet in Felton Hall. Lan caster, on Monday next and continue during the week. Gr On Monday night last, one dills oldest and moat respectable citizens of Marietta, Mr. James Milan?, dieo, aged 78 years. W . The trial of Colonel North, Levi Cohen, and Marvin El. Jones, charged with complicity in the alleged New York soldiers' voting fraud, has been postponed until Tuesday e week. Judge Garvin and hie son, and Reuben E. Penton, Governor elect of New, York, were among those who testified they had never known anything prejudicial to Col. North's character as an officer, or his standing as a gentleman, until the present charge. Testiniony of a similar character was given concerning, Messrs. Jones and Cohen. sir A railroad accident occurred at Perryville, on Tuesday night. A freight train collided with an engine and four cars, which was standing on the steam ferry-boat aryland, -both- of the engines and seven care being hurled into the river by the' shock . of the collision. Fortunately, no liras were lost. sar A boy thirteen years old died in Chichester, N. H., recently, who weigh ed 38.Vpounds.. It took,lllsEifeet of boards to make his coffin. 'lt was so large that it could not be taken into the house. The corpse was bound upon tim ber and carried to the coffin outside the house. Sr A 'regimenC of soldiers passed through Covington, Ky., a few days ago, the members of which were worth $1,500,000, when our currency was at par value with gold. It was the One Hundred and Seventeenth United Sta tes (colored) Regiment w Lieutenant Ottshing, who per formed thn daring feat of blowing up the rebel ram Albermarle, is said ;to be only twenty-two years of age, lind this le the third time he has distinguished himself by adventures of great peril . s He means toimake:a name for himself. sr A man in Chicago who had ac. quired the bad habit of taking drinks and not paying for thep,Ewas recently shot dead by a bar-tender to settle the account. or Capt. Winslow of the 'Seareage, landed in Boston on Tuesday, and inr mediate)), went to the poll of hie diitriet and Toted the Union ticket. sr J. W. Map/11411,, the discoverer.Of gold in California, atilt live. at Colama; a poor but respectable citizen. H STRONG-M INDIO" Wzonnto:—A wed ding took place at, Sherwood, recently, the contracting parties being Mr. Josiah W. Creedsll,and Miss Helen B. H amt. The ceremony was perform ed in front of the officiating clergyman's residence, the bridal party being on horseback, and the bride and her three bridesmaids, (Miss Fanny C. Hurst, Julia Shellenburg 'and Miss Mary H. Thurber,) dressed and mounted en caval ier. The brides costume consisted of a deep:blue cloth dress coat, deep blue cassimere pante, buff cassimere vest, black dress hat, choker collar, black neck-tie, ruffles shirt•bonom and buff kid gloves—plain Oat gilt buttons of , the richest quality on the coat and vest. The bridesmaid's were dressed precisely like the bride, exceptintooly that they wore plain shirt bosoms and lavender colored gloves. The novelty of the cer emony attracted a large company of the neighbors. After the ceremony was over, the bridal party rods to the resi dence of Mr. Orandall'Onother, where the formal wedding feast took place. The bride and bridesmaids wore their riding suits during the whole day. PETERBOVB MAGAZINIS.-WO are in re ceipt of this popular Lady's Magazine. for December. It lea splendid number;' with a superb title page for 1664. Not withstanding the enormously increased price of paper, and the rise in all print. ing materials, "Peterson" will still be furnished at $2 a year. No Magazine of, similar merit approaches it in cheap ness. Its stories and novelettes are by the best writers. " In 1865, four original copyright novelettes will be given. Its fashions are always the Latest etsdrret tiest. • Every neighborhood ought to make up a , dab. It is the Magazine for the times ! Its terms to clubs are unpre cedently liberal, viz :-8 copies for $12.00, or 14 copies for $20.00. To every person getting op a club, (at these rates,) the Publisher will send, as a pre mium, that superb engraving for framing, size 27 inches by 20 inches, "Washing- . ton parting from his Generals," or an ex tra copy of the Magazine fOr 1865. Address, post-paid, CF/ARLES J. Pam- SON, 306 Chestnut et, Philadelphia. SWALLOWS s4oo:—Charles Wright, a Canadian who became substitute for a drafted man is Baltimore, after eating dinner at the Provost Marshal's office, was asked to baud over his money, which would be returned to him oo arri ving at the rendezvous to which he was ordered. Be replied that be had but $5O which from, knowledge in hie pos session, the Provost Marshall did not believe. After a thorough :search of the person of Wright, it was decided that he must have swallowed some Mon ey, and an emetic was procured and ad. ministered to bim, but without . effect. A second was then given, and, in a short time, Wright was seized with vomiting and threw up a. hundred dollar note, on the Chesapeake Bank of that city. In a brief space be threw up a second, a third and a fourth. Be then confessed that he had swallowed' each note sepa rately while eating his dinner, by plac ing them in a piece of tomato. BELMONT Jewish Melsenger of New York states that "Mr. Belmont is simply the New York correspondent of the house of Rothschild@ ; that though a Jew by birth, he married out of the faith many years ago, is not connected with a Jewish congregation, and is uni versally repudiated as a Jew; that the Rothschild@ have never assisted the Rebel Treasury to the extent-of a dol lar; that their sympathies end active co-operation have been with the Gov ernment based on liberty as its main principle, as stated by Baron Rothschild, of Frankfort, to the United States Con sul General, Mr. Murphy ; that the only banker of any note who upholds the Confederate cause in Europe is Mr. Erlanger, of Paris, who used to be a Jew, but was converted to 'Christiani ty,' and married Mr. Slidell's daughter." or Some rebel guerillas have crossed the Potomac, evidently with the per. pose to plunder the border, the citizens of Obambersburg held a large meeting and organized three full companies for defence, one of which wall be armed by its members with first-class repeating rifles. Companies were also promptly organized in Greeneastie, Waynesboro, and Piercersburg,,and:all will be nom pletely armed. The people on the bor der are fully prepared for •plundering raids, and they will make short work of any guerillas who fa ll into their hands. G r The U. S. steamer Tulip explod. ed her boiler on the Potomac, on . • Fri day. and out of pixty-fitre persons on board only ten escaped. or A. report is received that General Canby was assassinated on the White River, on the 6th instant. He will shot through the body. He is recovering. In England the Bible le now sup plied for twelve cents, the New Testa ment for four cents, the Gospels for two cents each. sr Lieut. Gov. Jacobs, of Kentucky, was taken itt Washington in charge of United States others, as a political prisoner. . . sr The eall'',the 'telegraph the whispering spirit. in'. Putt sub Scissors. The general reader will doubtless be surprised to learn ttiat within the past month not less than seven thousand wounded soldiers have been received in Baltimore from the Valley of 'Virginia —nearly all having been injured in the fights conducted by General Sheridan. Generally speaking the wounds are not of a serious character, and it is hoped that after a few months careful miming !n our admirably managed hospitals, they will be able once more to take the field. S pecimens of a new style of fraction al currency, to supersede that now in circulation, have bean prepared at the . Treasury Department, and every effort will be made to guard against counter feiting, which prevails to a large extent with the present lanes. It is probable that the new currency will be df differ ent sizes, graduated according to the several deaorainations. In Patio, one of the most celebrated actrtsses of the day has given notice of her intention of bringing a lawsuit against a very youthful rival at a minor theatre, whom she accuses of himing committed larceny, inasmuch as she has stolen her gestures, appropriating her intonations, in fact her whole system of acting. Pennsylvania has 2542 miles of rail way,, which have cost $143,471,710. The dangle are 1047 miles in length, costing $3,811,700. The real and per sonal estate in 1860, amounted to $l,- 6,501,888. The State debt November 30, 1863, was $39,486, 596, showing a decrease from the preceding year of $Bl5 617. They manufacture matches in San Francisco, which can be ,. trodden upon or rolled under foot witbout igniting; and which after having been manufact ured a month, may be immersed in water Len or fifteen minutes, and when taken out will not only ignite, but bold a flame. The flag of truce fleet of transports under charge of Colonel Mulford, have left Fortress Monroe for Port Royal, where they.will receive ten thousand of our men, whom the Rebels have consen ted to exchange. A manufacturing. company has been fanned in Fentonoille. Mich., by a num ber of tbe•enterprising citizens of that village, for the purpose of engaging in the woolen manufacture. The capital of the company ie $50,000. - General Custer, who, at the out-break of the war, ranked as First Lieutenant in the Fifth Regular Cavalry, and has now the stars. of a Major General; is on, ly twenty-four years of age, and a splen did specimen of the finished 'soldier. The Paris journals state that the Hungarian General Klapka, having won "fifty-seven thousand francs in one hour and a quarter, at the Casino of Spi," has gone to Loudon to be married. Arrangements are being made to fur nieh soldiers in the Army of the Potomac, and sailors on blockade, with a dinner on Thanksgiving day. Contributions of all kinds are pouring in rapidly. Pennsylvanian is said to have in vented a michine for coal•teining, which weighs two hundred pounds, cast three hundred dollars, and will do the work of twenty men. Deacon Joseph Merriman of Grafton, Maass., a_fed 25, who has voted at , every Presidential Election since Washing ton's voted a second time for Mr. Lin coln. Parley Vallandigharn, a nephew of Clement L., is going to inhabit the lowa State prison a while as a punishment for illegal voting last spring. One of the Massachusetts colored reg iments has sent home over $65,000 just paid'them. This is nearly $BO out of $lBl paid to each man. The population , of San Francisco is one bncdred and twenty thousand. In September 1848 the number of inhabit ants was four hundred and fifty. Pembroke, Mass., cast on Tuesday 204 votes for Lincoln ; none against him. In 1660, it gave him 160 votes to 67 against him. The Canada papers are unanimous in denouncing the` recent raids into Ver mont as barbarous and contrary to all the rules of civilized warfare, ' The daily consumption of heifer matches in England is 250,000,000--more than eight to every inhabitant. One firm produces yearly 2,160,000 bunches. The Chinese language his no ,regalar grammar. The tone of the voice indi catee the verb half the time, it is said. • A new steam carriage is being built in Connecticut ; it is expected to be finished in a . few months. It is said the New Jersey legislature will elect Gen. hlcClellan to the U. S. Senate, in place of Ten-Eycic. Boston gave'93.7 majority against Mr. Lincoln on his • first election ; now, 5,063 for him. The first snow of the semen in the • west fell it Cincinnati, Ohio, on Friday - - The Boston Medical' Sourest - urges horse flesh for food. • Q Already free labor is established 1 oar Gen. McClellan has at length re in Maryland on the dins of slavery, and signedlis commission in the army. It the relations of master and slave are was sent on Thursday the 10th. Strange peacefully revolutionized without injury that he should have held it for two years, to the interests of either. The planters , and received the large salary of some in the lower counties have agreed to seven or eight thousand dollars, without pay then former slaves wages ranging' rendering any service whatever, indeed from sixty to one hundred and twenty , being a candidate for the Presidency dollars annually. If this scale is too the whole time. He bad been offered low, the competition of industry will service by the President on two ones raise it. It is enough that in two weeks do n s ; b u t unlike Hooker, 13urnside, the great principle of compensation for and Pope, refused, unless the chief of a honest labor has been established in a' department, for which he had repeated great State, wherein for two hundred , ly shown his unfitness. years society had existed on a basis of legalized robbery. OW The wife of Governor Harvey, of Wisconsin, who has actively adminis tered to ibe .wants of the Wisconsin soldiers during the war, was complimen ted at Vicksburg a few days ago with the gift ofa handsome gold watch pur chased by the Second Wisconsin caval ry. Her little speech is reply to the presentation. address contained this pas sage :• "Soldiers I may your every heart throb be as strong, steady and true as the tick of your treasure gift; •your every wish pure as its polished gold, every loy al aspiration full and free, as my grati tude is to you." ar A rebel lieutenant. who was taken to Washington from City Point on Sat urday last, took the oath of allegiance, but it was evident that be sympathized with the rebel confederacy notwitbatacd ing, He frankly cenfessed that the reason why he had given himself up was that be knew the cause of the south was doomed ; that they bad neither men nor money enough to hold out much longer. He says that Lee's army can only dis play a single file on the same length of line formerly occupied by double files. or The little town of Chester, 111., was nearly destroyed by a tornado on Wednesday morning. Over a dozen houses were blown down, a church was entirely ruined, five persons were killed, and 12 or 15 wounded. The loss of property by the tornado is about $60,000. The town of Randolph, seven miles dis tant, also suffered severely. Nearly all the houses in the place were blown down. wr Judge Ould, rebel Commissioner of Prisoners, with the assent of the reb el Secretary of War, has asked permis sion of General Grant to have thirty thousand pairs of blankets purchased in New York, for the rebel prisoners in our hands. He also asks permir'ision of this Government to pay for them with a cargo of cotton, to be shipped from Wilmington. or Among the witnesses summoned to the trial of Col. North, charged with conniving at election frauds in the army, is the Governor of New York. The determination of the Government to thoroughly expose the great plot to cheat the soldiers of their votes, will probably make another such plot impos sible. fir An engine made by James Watt is in operation at the Etrurian Works, England, and does its work as well as when first made. It is a condensing en gine of forty•horse power, and its great curiosity consists in its being worked by the "sun and planet" motion, instead of the "crank." It is the only engine of the kind in existence. ist- The particulars of the capture of Plymouth, N. C., by our fleet, have been received. Some forty prisoners, forty pieces of heavy and twelve pieces of light artillery, and a large quantity of small arms, are among the trophies. or The soldiers' vote has elected Delano, Union, to . Congress in the Thir teenth district of Ohio. This gives the Union party seventeen ont of the nine teen Congressmen from that State. akir The number of prisoners now con• fined in the Old Capitol prison is 211, ands is Carroll Prison 263. They con sist of prisoners of war, dis:oyal partibs, suspicious characters, &C. lir At the agricultural competition of Variables, in France, held at Thor, last summer, the prize for plowing was carried off by a young woman twenty years of age. er Col. Thomas S. Mather, 2d Reg't, Illinois Light Artillery, has been ap pointed Acting Assistant Inspector General of the Department of the Sus qnehanna. Ir it is said that upward of nine hundred women are going out from Eng land to India to be employed on various telegraphic lines of communication. er An enrolment in the Department of the Gulf commenced on .the let of November. Two colored volunteer regiments will be raised at New Orleans. far Conversation is a very serious matter. There are men with whom an hone& talk would weaken one more thaila day's. fasting.- - eirPrecantionary measures bare bee taken la New York to defeat the raid, from Canada. Major General Peck has command. Q` The heaviest fall of snow ever known at . St. Louis occurred on Thurs. day. The:snow fell to the depth of six inches: ' ' • ear The Louisville Journal states that when the guerrillas made an at tack ou the train on the Lexington railroad, lately, Bon. Montgomery Blair, who was a passenger, took a child from its mother's arms, stepped from the cars with the bright cherub pressed to his bosom, claimed to be the father of the rosy-cbeeked darling, was very tender and solicitous in regard to its welfare, and played his part so well that the guerrillas passed him by— the ex-member of the Cabinet thus escaping capture. ilar General McClellan, having appar ently reaigned.all ambition for the Presi dency or the command of the army, is about to be presented as a candidate for the United States Senate in the Legis lature of New Jersey. if his political friends prove true to him, his election is almost certain ; but we may be pardon. ed if we doubt their fidelity to' the per sonal service of one who so unfortunate ly has failed to serve them. In the Senate General McClellan's statesman ship can be tested, WThe rebel ram Albemarle was sunk at Plymouth in shoal water. Since that town has been again placed under the protection of our gunboats there is a fair prospect, of raising the ram and adding her to the Union navy, making the fourth rebel iron clad which has ren dered service in the same direction . We have lost three monitors since the war occurred. and those captured from the rebels will more than supply their place. Cr On Saturday night, the sth inst., a man giving his name as George Peter son, and supposed to be a Rebel spy or mail-carrier, was arrested at Alexandria while trying to pass our lines, haviing been tracked from Canada by detectives. He was dressed in citizen's clothes, gray pantaloons, long black overcoat, and gray mixed cap, He was last Fri day night committed to the Old Capitol Prison. isir As an exemplification, writes Mr. Conway to the Commonwealth, of the ignorance with regard to America which one sometimes finds, even in the best society in England, let the mention that Professor Rogers, of Boston, was the other day asked•by a lady, at. a dinner party, (where I was present), whether the English language was to any great extent spoken in the United States. fir. By the last dates from England, it is stated that the steamer Laurel, from Liverpool, had transferred a crew, to gether with arms and ammunition, to the steamer New Alabama, off Madeira. Let the, neutrality papers of England discuss this question along with that of the Florida, not one of whose crew when captured was an American I or The Hon. N. P. Tallmadge died on the 2d inst., at Battle Creek, Michi gan. He was a man of large abilities, and was, for many years, prominently connected with politics in New York. He at one time occupied a seat in the United States Senate. and was, at a la ter period, Lieutenant Governor of Wis consin. sr An individual who was drafted at Cambridge, M 869., and got off on the plea that he watratvallen, lately applied to have his name put on the voting list. producing naturalization papers dated several years ago. He was promptly ar_ rested and as now serving his country as a soldier. ilir Buffalo dispatch states .that it has been ascertained that the propeller Georgians has been purchased by the rebels in Toronto, C. W., and is being armed for a piratical excursion on the coast. Preparations have been made for her at Buffalo. It is stated. that copies or the Constitution and. Ordinance or Nevada were sent to the President by telegraph, at a coat or four thousand dollars. • The ambitions young State deemed the in vestment warranted, thereby securing . three electoral votes. or At Birdsisle, England, recently a boy was sentenced to six months hard labor in jail, for taking six walnuts from a tree, which did not , belong to him. And yet the English pretend to be a civilized people. eir The' dist rid of West Kentucky has given a majority for Mr. Lincoln. This Is considered one of the greatest changes-in public opinion in any part of the Union. sr The Constitution of Nevada pro vides that, in civil cases threetourths of a jury may render a verdict, the same as it the wholepinekagreed... • Tea SATURDAY EVENING Posy.—This is one of the oldest and best weeklies there ill. It is a first class literary p t , per, and arrays weekly its solid and no. ItleTORB columns of choice literature, in. eluding Stories, Sketches, Poetry, Es. says, Anecdotes, and everything of an interesting character designed to in struct and amuse. A family of children who read a good literary paper weekly, can scarcely fail to become more cult;. vated and intelligent under its influence, therefore we say subscribe for the Post, A Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Ma chine Premium will be given under the following circumstances : Twenty copies, one year, and the Sewing Machine, $70.00, Thirty copies, one year, and the Sewing Machine, $85.00. Forty copies, one year, and the Sewing !Machine, $lOO.OO. The paper will be sent to different post offices if desired. The names and money bbould be forwarded as rapidly as obtained, when the whole amount of money is received, the Sew ing Machine will be forwarded. The Clubs may be partly composed of sob. scribers to the Lady's Friend, if desired. The following are the terms oG the Post one copy, one year, $2,50 ; two copies, one year, $4,00 ; four copies, one year, $B,OO ; eight copies, one year, and one to the getter up of the club, 816,00: twenty copies and one to the getter up of the club, $35,00 ; one copy of the Post and the Lady's Friend, $4.00. Specimen numbers sent free. Address, Deacon & Peterson, No. 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. wir The widow of John Brown, of tits toric fame, with several of the family started overland during the past seasor with a drove of cattle and sheep, for California, There have been Painful rumors for some weeks past that Ow family have been robbed and murdered by hostile Indians or rebel guerilla!, The Akron Beacon says it is enabled to state, from letters recently received 1:1 the friends in that vicinity, that it has been ascertained that the family, though unable to reach their destination thi i fall, are in a safe position for winterice with their stock, and will resume tar:- journey in early sprinir. i Some weeks ago a worthy fatni,7 in Detroit received additions to their household circle in the shape of twisf both boys. A day or two ago the young. stern were baptized, and received their Pespective names, George Henry and James William, In order to tell one from the otbor, both being dressed pre cisely alike, a blue ribbon was tied around the arm of the former hot a stu• pid servant girl, after the fond parents had returned borne, removed the mark., and now they are unable to tell 'which from which." =1 Cr A few guerillas are reported to have crossed the Potomac, and the people of some of the lower counties of the State have made ample preparation to meet any little raids there ruffians may intend. In connection with this fact, we are glad to notice that the ins• mediate enrolment of the Pennsylvania militia has been ordered. This is the very time to attend to military organiza tion ; when danger comes it is too late. l ir The subject of universal language is now exciting c msiderable attention in England. A code of symbols has been invented, which is declared infalli• ble. The symbols are thirty-four in number, and have been tried in most of the European and Oriental languages. It is said that a person of common Intel• tigence and education can learn them its a few day'e study. sr Recently in New Orleans, a man, to all appearances dead, was sent to an embalmer's. The embalmer made the usual incisions when, to his astonish ment, the blood began to flow. And in a few moments the supposed corpse gave unmistakable signs of life. The subject is now doing well, and has not the remo test notion of being embalmed at pres ent. ar The citizens of Alexandria and the vicinity of the Orange and Alexan andria Railroad, recently arrested and placed on the trains as a protection against attacks from guerillas, have been released, and details from guerilla prisoners confined in Alexandria will be sent out in future for the . same purpose. ilia A general order has Been issued , from headquarters at Harrisburg to * the commissioners of the several cities and counties, directing an immediate enrol ment and classification of the militia of the Commonwealth, under the provisions of the acts of Assembly of May 4 and August 22,1864. . . ti' The Morns, as "they come in, show how little exaggerated were the first re ports of the State majorities for Lincoln and Johnson. New Y o rk gives several thousand more than the friends of the Union had hoped. OW Eleven or twelve of the officers of e pirate ship Florida have been ought- from Point Lookout and com itted to the Old . Capitol prison. 'On some days upwards of eighty ebel deserters arrive in Washington from Lee's army. They take the oath and are sent North. . If men will but amuse the world, t will freely forgive them for cheating