riot Eariettian. MARIETTR CAR Houns. The several pas senger trains will leave the "Upper-Station Depot" as follows : Morning train, East, at 79 minutes after 8 ; Mail train West, 12:03 ; Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at 77 minutes after 5 in the evening; the same train West, at 39 minutes after 6, in the evening. aqrsins leave Cblumbia for Reading and all intermediate points, every morning at 8:40 and every evening at 6 o'clock, and returning arrive at Columbia at 7:20 in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. =lli SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1864. OUR FIRST PAGE : We present to the readers of TI 1E MARIETTIAN, this week, several lengthy extracts from a Sermon delivered in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, on Sunday evening, October 9th, 1864, by that deservedly popular divine, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and commend it to the careful perusal of every one, who 'honestly desires to see our national trou bles ended by a permanent peace. Let the reader lay aside all party predilec tions and read this sermon with the pur pose of dispassionately weighing, in his conscience, the arguments it adduces in favor of removing the cause in ending the rebellion. We have not a doubt that all w ho have not closed np every ave nue of reason from their souls, will shrink with abhorrence from associating with the arch iroitors of the North, who, under the guise of that sadly abused term, Democracy, are seeking to rend in fragmentsthat government to which they aro indebted for every civil right that they enjoy. No man who loves his God or Country, can, in the light of the truth ful-utterances of this sermon, conscien tiously cast bi 3 ballot for the nominees of Treason and Rebellion. gir Our boys—youths from six to six teen—started out a few days since and -obtained a fine hickory pole—seventy five feet long—from the farm of Mr. .Shultz, a strong Union man, proprietor of the Major Haines farm, adjoining ibis borough, and raised it on Saturday afternoon last. Just as the pole was being raised, the Mount Joy delegation, with their band, was passing through own to attend the Maytown Union de monstration, halted and gave the boys a ljt. Speeches were made by Col. Am weg and Jessie , Landis, Esq., wbo were 111se on their way to Maytown. The allele thing passed off finely and now the stars and stripes Heat defiantly from . on high, co At tho quarterly election of I. 0. Good Templars, on Wednesday eve ng last, the following officers were elected : A. itaniter, W. C T. :fury ‘l' orialey, W. V. T. Theo, Girod, W. S. George Worinley. W. John Carroll, W. 1. G. James Lindsay, W. 0. G. Susan McMichael, A, S Amanda Carrot, W. F. S. J. Clayton Steacy, W. M. liattie U'Bryatt, W. D. M. George Stibgen, R. Ti. S. John W. Petecs, L. B. S. Kate %Vatter, W. C. John Peck, W. P. 0, T. C. C. P. Grosh, L. I). air There was a large turnout of the friends of the Union, at Maytown, on Saturday evening last. Andrew Arm strong was called to the chair. A band from Mount Joy accompanied that dele gation, and in passing through this borough halted at a boy's pole-raising, near the Cross Keys Ho el, and dis coursed several patriotic strains. A large delegation from the furnaces star ted in the evening and at Market square quite a crowd of our citizens joined the throng. Jessie Landis, Esq., and Col. Wm. S. Aturreg were the speakers. gir We received a letter a few days since from a Mariettian travelling in Illinois, in which he says he found Nel son Malony, formerly a Mariettian, post master in a one horse'town called Low point, and that Nels is a violent copper head. It does appears very singular to us that the administration would tol erate a copperhead to hold office under it. We do hope some loyal man in that region will be substituted for Nels, and that too, very Boon. • fir Let every loyal voter be on the election ground, on Tuesday nest, at an early hour--and vote early—and, then see that his loyal neighbor is cared, for, and all will be well. Leave no stone unturned to achieve a glorious and sig nal 'victory over the enemies of our government. Let us see how much bet ter Marietta can do on Tuesday. She must do better. Patriots, see to it. air Elections will take place on next Monday, for directers and officers of the following turnpike•road companies: the Marietta and Lancaiter; the Marietta and Mount Joy ; and the Marietta and Maytown. lief) advertisements in next column. 01611 - We would call the attention of ocr readers to the advertisement of James B. Clark. He will.sell the wood leave' of fifteen or sixteen acres. .WF'' are told - the timber stands quite 'thick:. and• present-pricetkist of coal inuf4 . ,MilkA . wed jetive quite a inorituil;altjec. • fir Special services in the M. E. church to-morrow (Sabbath) morning . The annual Bible Missionary sermon at 10 o'clock by Rev. J. Gregg, and at 7 o'clock in the evening Rev. Mr. Clawges will preach from Proverbs 22 and 26, "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old be will aot de part from it." Cr Pr. Worrell und,Mrs. Worrell, the celebrated and accomplished vocal ists, are forming a class in 'the M. E. church, where gentlemen and ladies are invited to attend, on Friday evening, at half-past seven o'clock, to learn the beautiful art of singing. Terms very moderate, Come and join our singing school. cr. Prof. Southworth has opened his second course of instruction in penman ship, in the secondary school r.oOrn of the Town Hall. The Professor appears to give entire satisfaction to his class-- many of whom made fine progress, and in point of numbers, his school bas been a complete •success. gar The meetings of the Patriotic Circle. will, during the winter, be as heretofore, at the , residence of the mem bers, on Friday evenings. A box of Hospital stores was sent by this unpre tending but patriotic band, on the 29th ultimo, to the United States Christian Commission, ear Our usual variety is very much curtailed inconsequence of the length of Mr. Beecher's sermon and a crowd of advertisements. In another week the election will he over and the certainty of the re-election of Mr. Lincoln mani fest, when we will be enabled to return to our routine of news, spice and local intelligence. tre Read the advertisement of Shultz Rs Bro., Lancaster. This is one of the most extensive firms west o r Philadelphia. There is no necessity for going ;o Philadelphia or elsewhere for any thing in their line. Furs of every description on hand. Call end see their assortment and prices before going elsewhere. egr The Susquehanna, is again high— in good running order. A number of board and timber rafts and _Lewisburg boats passed down, which has made things look a little spring like for a few days. The river is falling, however, very fast, and in a few days all will be quiet again. A few rafts are here now. or Capt. Charles It. Grosh's company of "'hundred Days Men," arrived at liar. risburg on Wednesday night. Several left the train at York and took "Walk er's linn,'; for Marietta, arriving here at midnight. The Union League has made arrangements to give them an ovation on their return home. One more grand rally and the day is ours ! A final and death blow to do mestic traitors. A mass meeting will be held in this place on Monday after noon and evening. Speeches by Hon. Wm. A. Cook, of Washington City and Professor Dunbar, of Massachusetts. 44 A new railroad time table went into effect on Monday last. A train now passes through this borough at S :18 in the morning for the East, and returns at 13:03; evening train East at 5:17, and returns at 6:38. tur We observe by the Philadelphia Inquirer of a few days since, that Mrs. Sarah Haines, widow of the late Major Frederick Haines, formerly of this bo rough, died in that city, a few days since. oW Several advertisements intended for this week's paper have been unavoid ably crowded out. ....... ear Daniel Dougherty will speak in Lancaster on Monday evening next. CHEAP HAT, CAP AN,D Fur store, NO. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. eliialt2,cfc Brother, FASHIONABLE HATTERS A general assortment of Hats, Caps, and LAMES .FURS OF ALL THE LATEST STYLES., constantly on hand, which will be sold at the lowest rates for cash. All goods in our line manufactured to order HENRY A. SHULTZ.] [JOHN A. SHULTZ Lancaster, November 5, 1864.-tf. TURNPIKE ELECTION NOTICE he Stockholders of the Lancaster and Marietta Turnpike Road. Company, will meet at the public house of John Kendig, on Monday,' the 7th day of November, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to elect officers for said Company, for the corning year.. By order of the Board. A. N. CASSEL, 'Oct. a% 3t. Secretary and Manager. N OTICE. The Stockholders of the Mari 'etta and Mount Toy Turnpike Road Co. will hold an Annual Election, at the " Cross Keys," (Funk's) Hotel; Mariettaon Monday, November 7th, 1864, at 2 o'citc , k, P. M., as required by law. As a Treasureristo be elec ted, a full attendance is requested. ; By order of the Board... JOHN W: -CLARti, Snotirraay. Marietta, October 16,•1864-3t. NOTICE. 'The Stockholders of the Ma nett& and Maytoyrn Turnpike'Road co. will hold an Annual Eleetion 'at the " Toll House," on Monday, November 7th. 1864, at 9 o'clock, A. M., as'required by law: . As Treasurer is to be elected, it is hoped the at tendance will be full. , • • • By order of the Board. — . JOHN W.CLARK,SE.cairART • d Etivel4es: A LARGE st°.all PaPPr Zetied and Mt of ti‘e.bett 1 / 1 1-alit Yh u s st jaldea Mortar. sale at 1864. -..i.i_ 1864. 31 'INTERESTING TO ALL! .cil D RY GOODS & GROCERIES SELLING AT Grcatly Reduced Prices J. R. DIFFENRaCH NO. 66 MARKET-ST., MARIETTA, PA., Havine• sorted up his stock during the great est decline in Gold and Merchandise and is now predared to sell goods as low as Any 42etail House in or out of the Cities Now senior , " good Prints at 31 cents, the best at 37ic. Good DeLaines, 45c, best 50c. Gtoghams from 371 to 50 cents. Bleached and Unbleached Mullins, from 31, 37 to 50 cents. ► CLOTHS, CAS,SIMERES AND VESTING, Latest style goods for Gentlemen and Boys wear, Fancy and Black Cassinieres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cloths, together with all kinds of Do mestic goods, such as Ticking, Checks. Dri lling, &c., &c., at EQUALLY REDUCED PRICES. Good Si.gar at IS, 20 to 22 cents. Good Cof fee at 40 cents—best in market at 50 cents. lC Syrupe and all other Groceries at re duced prices. OM A LARGE 7;?'' V LOT OP PURE LIQUORS He also continues to keep on hand a large supply of superior Brandies, Wines, Gins, Schnidant's Schnaps, Drake's Plantation Bit ters, and that superior Old Bye. Person's pur chasing Liquors can rely upon getting the best article at the lowest price the market. will afford. Marietta, Octobera2, 1864. 1 .1 1 ",,,„ . 1 1 WA R IT'attere cfc, Co_, NO. 66i MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. D EAL E RS IN FOREIGN az DOMESTIC /..11aodutczse. Keep constantly on hand a full stock of Buil ding Material, Nails, LOCJIS,, HINGES, I T) GLASS, PAINTS,.OILS, WHITE LEAD, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OP CE3IEtiT, &C., 11l 0N: Rolled and Hammered Iron, Steel, Ilorse-Shoe Bars, Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band Iron, Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts, Files, Rasps, etc. HOUSE-KEEPI AG GOODS. FIRST-CLASS :COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, RANGES,4 Tubs Churns, Cedar Stands, Wash Boards, Duelists, Knives and Forks, 22 Lated A!. ,/1/Let.oli.c. VAacitr,s, Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters, Brass and Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers, Pans, iron Ladles, Meat Stands, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades and Lanterns, Tea 'Scales, Coffee Mills, Painted Chai,:her Setts, &c.-, &c. Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, Home rirushes, Wheel Grease, Fish, Sperm and Lubric Oils, Cistern Pumps, Long And Short Traces, Breast Chains, &c., TOOL S: Hand and Wood Saws, Hatchets, Chopping and Hand Axes ' Planes, Chissels, Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prowling Hooks and Shears, &c., &c. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit and receive a continuance of the same. PATTERSON g CO. Marietta, July 30, 1804. tf LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the Post Office at alaiietta, Pa., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 3, 1864. Albright, Jacob. Harris, Mrs. Annie Bucher, Miss Caroline Jason, Mary H. W. Bacher, Mr. Conrad Keller, John Breneman, Mr. 1). J. Knight, Mary 2 Calms, Miss L. Miller, Miss E. Dowhouer, Mrs. Myers, Jacob Eisen h oner, W. Mellen, Mary Jane Ebersole, Benjamin Miller; C. Fisher, Mrs. Amelia Snyder, 'Mrs. S. J. Faust, Franklin Witnier, A. R. Gish, John L. - \Vanier, Martin lieberling, Mr. F. Zona an, A. 2 11 chilling, Mrs. R. Kr. To. obtain any of these letters, the ap plicant must call for. "advertised Letters ' 3 ' give the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad vertising. ABRAHAM CASSEL, P. M Tu . 00D-LEAVE • 1 .1 1 , AT PUBLIC The undersigned will offer at public sale on TtTESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1869, at 2 o' clock in the afternoon, on the promises, the Wood-leave on a TRACT OF LAND; con taining 15 or 16 ACRES, divided into lots as follows: No. 1, containing SIX ACRES. No. 2.-3 Acres and 10 Perches. No. 3.- 3 Acres and 60 Perches . . No. 4.-3 ACRES. The Tract is well situated, being near the crossing of the road from Maytown to Hiest and's Mill and the Marietta and .Colebrook Persons wishing to view the. Tract p ro r a e d vi . ous to the sale, will call on the subscriber residing near the same. Terms at sale. JAMES B. CLARK. November 5, 1564-ts* ~ ~~ S TRAY STEER. I 111110, Came to the residence of the undersigned; re siding in Conoy township, about two miles east of Bainbridge, on Friday, Nov. 28th, A GREY STEER : with two white spots across his back, about 2 years old. The owner is required to prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he•will be sold according to law. • JOHN HA.LDEMAN. November 5, 1564-3t* • S INGING SCHOOL.. The undersigned proposes opening a Sing ing School, in the High School Room, com mencing on .Monday evening, November 7th. The course will comprise fifteen lessons, de-, voted to the practical cultivation of the voice, and on the elements of Vocal music: • ZrTEttats: For Female scholars, one dol lar. For Gents, two dollars. Another Call for 5000 Men, Who want their Faces Shaved clean, their Hair Cut and Wads .Shampooned in the most scientific manner, can do so by calling in at the Market Street Barber Saloon,= opposite Libbart's Drug Store. ATTENTION !. SPORTSMEN !! Eley's Guo C : a . ps,Eley's Gun Wadds, Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck;Powder,; Baltimore Shot ; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, &c,, at JOHNISPANGLER'S. tchternaeli's Arrny Lotion, an infalli ble remedy for Saddle Galls, Open Sores, and diseases at the skin, - AT THE GOLDEN MORTAR. PRIME Nev. Crop New-Orleans - Molasses —the very best for Cakes. Just received y S'PANGLER PATTERSON.' BRANDlESrrallbran.deguitirmated to'be. genuine 8, , D...Benjamip x UY,onectidtiotie.teantifulfS O' F.:TAM 4 BHATS at'ZiiiLes, 92 Market-et. alik - WE have lately received from the Eastern markets, a large assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, that were purchased during the Gold panic, when prices had touched the bottom ' - we are, therefore, prepared to furnish all kinds of 'mer chandise much below the present market value. 01.7 R STOCK COMPRISES ALL GRADES OF CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Vestings, Over-Coatings, Fancy.Cassimeres, for full suits, AND FOR BOYS WEAR, Cassineus and Jeans, Ladies Cloaks and Cloaking Cloths, A full line of French Mericoes, Coburgs and Alpacas in all colors, Rich Plaid and Brocade Lustres, Plain. and Fig'd Wool or mixed DeLaines, Superior Mourning DeLaines & Alpacas, A large assortment of Merrimack Prints, Scotch Plaid and Plain Dress and Skirt. Flan nels, Long and Square Shawls, in great variety, Sacking and Shirting Flannels, Large and Small Balrnorals, Washington Skeleton Skirts, the best article in . ,the market—every Skirtguarranteed, French Corsets, - Traveling Over-Shirts, Neck-ties, 'Under-Shirts, Handkerchiefs, • . Drawers,' Shirt Fronts, Hoods,•ontags, Nubia Scarfs, Globes, Hosiery, 6-e., 4-c, HOUSE,FURNISHIN.G GOODS. Ticking, Checks and- Osnaburgs, Bleached and Brown Linen and Cotton Diaper, Fine and .Common Toweling, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Blankets, Counterpanes, Coverlids, Sheeting and Pillow • Muslims, Transparent and Holland - Window Blinds. Glass, Crockery and Queensware, Full Tea, Dinner and Chamber Setts, Fancy, Market and Clothes Baskets; ;. GROCERIES.—Caffees, Sugars, Teas ' • Fish Salt, Dried Fruit Cranberries, Spices, etc. . early call is solicited. - - 'SPANGLER- 8f PATTERSON. Marietta, October 29; 1864-tf. LADIES FANCY ohn a r F e R a 'Ss AT OID gsfgblis46 hqh iffqlitthefotT, As my Furs were all purchased when Gold was at a much lower premium present, I am enabled to dispose of them at very reas onable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Lancaster county, and Remember the name, number and street. JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Ancx-sr., above Seventh, south side, Sept. '64-sm.] PHILADELPHIA. I have no. partner nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. LANDIS & TRO Landis 4. Trout Landis - 4"! rout At the "Golden Mortar," At the ."Golden. Mortar," Market - Street, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hand Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumeries, • Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps, and Shades, Howe & Steven's Family Dye Colors, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, Papers and Periodicals, Books & Stationary ; Portmonnaies, Segars, &c. - Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully, compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, ' Dr. Grove's old Stand. Dr. Grove's .old Stand. Give us a call. Give us a call. n WINES .& LIQUORS. - r H. D. BENJAMIN, - DEA] ER IN WINES & LIQUORS,. Picot Building, )Xarietta, Pa. EGS leave to inform the public that he JD will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. Hs will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pnre. 113 — All H. 17. B. now asks of the public ier a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in lio tel keepers and others finding it, to their. ad vantage to' make their purchases from l im Or THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE 4147 1 ,,i, OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF EI.A.RRISBURG. OF F CE:—Frout street, next door to R. Williams , Drug Store, beti-een Locust end Walnut streets, Columbia.' C. WM. GIROD DR. WM. B. FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE NEARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patterson's Store. Fawn 7 TO 8 A. 31 OFFICE _HOURS. . )) 1 To 2. " 6T07 r. THE GUM CLOTH OVER COAT is the very best' thing Out for wet weather,-not OH-Cloth—bat something far superior : 'war , ranted motto shrink.: Call and examnie them;`, 5 AT DIFFENBACH%. RAMP AGNP, and-other`Table .:ItTin ea C guarranteed.tole pure, and sold tie low as can-be boughtiii Philadelphia or New-York . . DiA Dr. dierrJAmitt d Picot p BYER'S R D MAIZENA 3 -Prepared from Maize, or Indian Corn, for- FO't, , Do- -S. R.' DIFFEN,BACWS: ILARGE- LOT OF BIThF - WINDOW ISlVADES!Wr*rititi,rkibly. low 2 prices= to clOgeont.' , ' , . - ' ' SpwirGir.kit; J`f! Arsiket Street, MarieltiO -C7V-1-n_ter G - c)Cpci. I 71S ARCH-ST., above 7th, south side, 'PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTER, Manufacturer of AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FAWCY FRS! For Ladies and Children's Wear. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters, §.c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose - Whisky, ALWAYS • ON HAND, DR. J. Z. H OFFER,' DENTIST, S 7-30 LOA I%T. The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subseriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1364 with semi.annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per-cent. per annum,—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will bd convertible at the option of the holder at nfatunty, into six per cent. gold heating ilonda,_payable not less than five nor more than-twenty years from their date, as the qovernnientmay elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $3OO, $l.OOO andss,ooo, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. . . The notes will be transmitted to the 'owners. free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of thr original Cerlineates of De posit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of nofeto'date of deposit. Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dol lars and upwards for these notes, at any one time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent. which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the,amount, certifiedhto by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must. be made from the deposits Special Advantages of this Loan It is a National Savings Bank, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the best security. • Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S.. Notes, considers that it is payinn best circulating medium of the country; and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in government se- cu cities or in notes or bonds vayable in govern- went paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary- or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their faCe and accumulated interest, and are the best security With banks as colaterals for ciiscounts. Convertableinto a Six per cent, 5-20 Gold Bond In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes forthree years, this privilege of convers ion is now worth _About 3 per gent. per an num, for the current rate for 5.-20 Bonds is not less than 9 percent. premium, and before:the war the premium on 6 per cent" U. S. Stocks was over 20 per cent. It will be.seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present mar- ket rate, is not less than ten per cent. per an num. Its exemption From State or Municipal Taxation But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special Actor Congress exempts all Bonds and Treasury Notes from local tax-- Mies. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, accord ing to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. It. is believed tat no Eieturities offer so great inducements to lenders as those issued, by the government. In all other forms of indebted ness, the faith or abilitnof private parties, or stock companies, or seperate communities, on ly, is pledged for payment, while the whole propert) of the country is held to secure the (libcharge of all the obligations of the., United States. ' • ' • - While the govergment offers the most liber 7 al terms for its loans, it believes that the Very strongest appeal will 7,1 e to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate,eertifteates will be issued for all deposits. The party depositing must endoyse upon the original certificate the deeomination of notes required, and whether - they are to be issued in blank or payable to order.. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer re- ceiving the deposit, to be , forwarded to the Treasury Department. • Sups•zriptions will be received by the Treas- urer of the United States,' at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated DepositarieS, and by the First National Bank of "Marietta, and by all National, Banks Whith are deposi taries of public money, and all respectable • . BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further infor mation and afford every facility to subscribers. _JACOB LIBHART, JUN., ICABINET MAKER ' l 11 UNDERT..4.KER; , MARIETTA., 1 ,- ..k". . . . . WOIJLD most respectfully take V V this method of informing the cit izens of Marietta and the public in genera,l, that, having laid •in a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepared to yr 1 • manufacture all kinds of . . CABINET 'FURNITURE; in every style and variety, at short notice.! He has on hand a lot of Furniture of ills own , manufacture, which for fine* finish and good; workmanship, will rival any. City make.. Especial attention paid to repairing. He is, also now prepared .to, attend,an all its branches, the UNDERTAKING business, be ing supplied with an excellent Herse, large and small Biers, Cooling, Box, &c., J' COFFINS finished' in any style;—plaiii or costly. .- . Ware Rorin:r and 'Man'afactory, near .Mr: Duffy's new building, - near the "Vpper-Sta tion',"• Marietta, Pd. • - [Ont. 22. jAjOWARD 'PA,: - Diseases of the — Nervous,. Seminal, ,A Urinary_ and•Seauai Systems-new. and, - relialfle treat= ment 7 -in„ of, the Howard .Aasociatiell.. Sent by Inail in sealed. letteren.velopes,free of xharge..,•!Addreso;Da,:J„*Savar t rt Hot° = Ton, flowarAlAssociationvliM e 2 South 'Ninth‘ StteetoPnibkile,tp.hia,-Pa.,., • ÜBSCATPYrKiN4reheived ; for all tile read_ idasr - • At 77te Afiritar. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! WATCHE9 AND JEWELRY Or EVERY DESCRIPTION AT TILE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH Army and Country, llierchitii 44 Pedlars, Tra ders, Sutlers and Genenit Dealers can make enormous - pritAs.upon a small investment! Jewelry of any patens or quality, and in any quantity made to order. ltrEstiniates for any class of work furnished. Particular attention paid to supplying Auctioneers, Country Ped lars, Indian Traders and Army Dealers. Any style of Goads manufactured, such as Inventions, etc., at short notice. EP Good con nosing cleilts, with a small capital, can find constant employment l Illustrated lists and full particulars free. . . The profit to the retailer is very large.! A wholesale supply can ,be catried Ina knap sack, band valise, or carpet bag, and will not be like books—bulky or inconvenient to carry from place to place. Remember another,thing l—This business is strictly honorable !. fr, -- r . There is no need of misrepresenting or- exaggerating. Our goods show for themselves, and prove them selves!'! s. It is a business in which an ample and sat isfactory equivalent is given for the money received and an encouraging plofit is pocketed at the same time. It is an occupation in which no person need be afraid Os' ashamed to canvass the same field again and again, for where once our goods are introduced, a perma nent and continuous demand is creati•d. To'Soldiers in the army, or those at hone disabled by the hardships of war, to Clergy men out of health,. Teachers, Postmasters, or any person who wishes either local or a n ac tive occupation, and one that brings with it great pecuniary inducements, this presents an opportunity seldon met with. Try it. And see for yourselves. Carefully selected lot; of Jewelry, compris ing our newest styles and most saleable vari eties of goods, will be sent anywhere in the Loyal States. We are constantly filling or ders from persons leaving the choice of goods wholly with us. To such we promise the best exercise of our taste and judgement, and from our long experience can insure satisfaction We ask no pay in advance, state what style and quality of goods are wanted, and we will send the same and collect pay by Express at the end of the Route. GQLD AND SILVER WATCHES Good movements and manufactured in the best manner, of pure material, all 'warranted at prices from $lO to $250 each. Seat aay wbere,pay collected by empress. Satisfac tion guarranteed ! All Watches at first prices; they being of our own importation. I Circulars sent free by mail ! Send for them. T. 4 . IL GAUGHAN, Manufacturers and Importers, No. 11-3031 . 716 Broadway, New York. Stabts I Stains ! ! clan Vlzanales, • OPPOSITE HARRY WOLFE'S AS the season for Stoves is fast approaching I would call the attention of all wishing to purchase Parlor or Cooking Stoves, to my large and, well selected stock, which em braces the best and most desirable Stoves that the Eastean markets afford, and which were purchased early, which will enable me to dis pose of them , advantageously to buyers. Among the leading Parlor and. Cook Stoves are the following: Parlor Stoi2es. Cooking Stoves. . Meteor Gas Burner, . t Galleo, Columbia do Royal, Oval do do Waverly, Dial, ) Wellington, Gem, Lehigh, Tropic Egg, Charm, Mositor, ' Summer Rose, Also, the Vulcan and Sanford's Heaters, a very desirable article far heating two or four rooms with very little, if any, more fuel than an ordinery- parlor stove would consume. . . Ranges for cooking, constantly on handy all of which will be sold on reasonable terms. D:3" Call •and examine before purchasing elsewhere. - LIME & LANDELL, 11/ FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA CATER FOR THE BEST TRADE, AND OFFER NO BAITS OR DECEPTION'S TO INDUCE CUSTOM BUT RELY ON ealin.g. tYa': ( S.c.ati Scads Best Merinoes, Fashionable Silks, .Nobilily Plaids, Pim's Poplins, Dark Foulards, • Figured Merinoes, Good Blankets, Plaid Shawls. We follow GOLD DOWN, as close as we follow it up. Now is a good time for Merchants and customers to come in. October 8,1864.-2 m.) S. S. RATITVON, Merchant, Tailor, and Clothier, AI J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cor 'tier of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. RATES U L to the Citizens of Marietta ijr and Vicinity; for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the .undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as duringthem that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in renderings satisfactory equivalent for every act of con fidence reposed. CLOTHS, CA SSIMERES A. N D VESTINGS, and such ottier, seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. • ALSO,—READ V-.MA DE CLOTHING, .Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and, such articles as usually belong to a Met'. chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment, • s. .4jah_p_s- Ztribintr an Coninna.n.ttr. • WOULD most respectfully. take this means of informing his friends and the pubbc generally that he has commenced the drawing of DEEDS, MORTS-.P.GES, SVDGMENTS, . and infect everything in the Couvt - rarrman line. TJaving gratuitous intercourse with a member of the. Laneasterßar,.will enable him. execute instruments of writing with accuracy. He can be found at the office of Tire MARIETTIAN," on Front street, or at his res- , icrence on Market street, ? 1 a square west of the "-Donegal Hmise, , . Marietta. Blair Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and Leases-always on hand and for sale. - A LE_X ANDF,A LYNDSAY, „Aka Fash.ionable .11011 1111 5 Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET. STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respecttully inform tbe, citizens of this I3orough and neigbboihood that fie has the largest assortment of City made work in "line of business in this Borough, and he.- ing, a practical BOOT AND SHOE. MAKER iltiratielf,is enables toielect with maze judgment 'than'tliose who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very .:beet; manner everything in the 1 3.00 T AAZ .SHOE, rINE, which be will maven! fOr neatness and good fit. 1137Ca11. and examine his 4tock before pur chasing, elsewhere.- ' - . . Celebratqd Peatl. Colle:tit an r io t ; r•ivct Viet Bliakink " THE GOLDENVORTA.R.,