The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 05, 1864, Image 2

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F. L. Baker, _Editor,
gfatuiclag, „fratLemlzeie g, 78'64
ZEttinrc Elittoral Vtittt
MOSiON MCKIM' A EL, Philadelphia,
13. Elias W. Hale,
14. Chas. H. Shriner,
15. John Wister,
D. 111'Conaughy,
David W. Woods,
18. Isaac Benson,
;19. John Patton,
1. Robert P. King,
2. Geo. M. Coates,
3. Henry Bumm,
4. Wm. H. Kern,
5. Barth; H. Jenks,
6. Chas. M. Rank,
6. Robert Parke.
1. Wm. Taylor,
120. Samuel B. Dick,
21.'Everhard Bierer,*
22. John P. Penney;
23. Ebe'zer Bl'Junkin,
024. J. W. Blanchard.
8. Jno. A. Hiestand,
9. R. H. Cornell,
11. Edwd. Halliday,
12. Chas. F. Reed,
sr Ex-Secretary Chase has been
speaking in Kentucky. He rested the
Proclamation of Emancipation upon the
authority of the Constitution, in an ar
gument made at Covington, which was
as conclusive as brief :
"An old Roman maxim declares that,
'The,safety of the Republic is the sti
prem—e law.' There is no law—there can
be no law—higher than tlzl safety of
the country. Whatever is necessary, to
insure the safety of the country, is right
and fit to be done, and must be done.
But we are not obliged to resort to any
extra constitutional views, for the Con
stitution provides for the case. When
Congress authorized the raising and or
ganization of armies for the , suppression
of the rebellion, the President, by its
very terms, became Commander-in-chief.
The safety of the Republic is committed
to him, and it was right,—nay, more, it
was his duty to overcome and destroy
whatever opposed inself to it. Under
the Constitution he had the authority to
proclaim freedom to the slaves, and he
performed a plain duty when he did so."
Or Solomon Sturges of Chicago, one
of the wealthiest man in the West,
died on Friday at the age of 69 years.
In the early part of the war he gave
$20,000 to'equip an organization known
us the "Sturges Rifles," and his contri
butions in aid of the war have been ex-,
ceeded by no man in the country. He
leaves nine children to inherit his pro
perty, which is estimated by millions.
An hour or two before his death when
told h e must soon die he quickly replied,
"No I shan't until Richmond is taken."
Ilir Governor Curtin has issued a
proclamation, setting apart Thursday,
the 24th inst., as a day of Thanksgiving
to Almighty God, for the mercies of the
past year. This is the same day as has
been designated by President Lincoln
as the National Thanksgiving day.
Or Orestes A. Brownson, heretofore
veheinently opposing Mx. Lincoln, now
declareß that the choice between the
candidates of Baltimore and of Chicago
is virtually a choice between Union and
Disunion, hence he goes for Mr. Lin.
sr Green, the Malden murderer, is
to be hanged on the 13th of January,
1865. A. little more than a year will
then have elapsed since this double
crime was committed, as that took
place on the 15th of December, 1863.
or Donahue and • germ charged
with the late gigantic- soldier fraud at
Baltimore, have been convicted by the
Military.commission, of which General
Doubleday was president, and sentenced
to imprisonment for life.
lir General Butler has been ordered
to New York to remain over Tuesday,
to keep down any effort to interfere
with the election. He is the . right man
, ft
in the right , place.
sir Morton McMichael, of the Phil
adelphia North American and his `son
Major McMichael, addressed a large
and enthusiastic union meeting at Potts
town, on Saturday last.
or The New York Tribune, in taking
a careful retie* of the political situa
tion of New Y.ork, estimates that Lin
coln's majority in the State will range
from 30,000 to 50,000.
Or The loyal merchants of Pittsburg
have determined to dose their stores on
the . day, when we are to elect a Presi
dent of the tithed Slates.
ay The Richmond Examiner stated
that arrangements have been made to
exchange immediately ten thousand of
our prisoners.
sißr Coal is now accumulating at the
minee is Penneylyania 7 the supply,,, ;
l'eirig meter than the ,demand _ . ~,-„
A. GREAT MARCH.—The St. Louis I
Democrat of the 18th inst. says : The
gallant division of General Mower,
which has just ;tome into this State,
made one of theliardest marches of the
war. They left Brownsville, Ark., on
the 17th of SepteMber, and reached
Cape Girardeau, on the sth of October,
a distance of three hundred and fifty
milesfin nineteen days. The command
had just come off of the expedition un
der General Smith into Mississippi,
and was ordered into Arkansas without
rest. Ten days' rations was all they
had for the nineteen days' march, and
the last two days hundreds of men
marched in their bare feet, having worn
out everything in the shape of shoe
eather. But there was not a murmur
in'the . ranks. All these patriots ii . sked
was to get in at old Pap Price's Demo
cratic meeting. And should they be so
fortunate as to succeed in this, there
will be such a disturbance as will seri
ously trouble General Sterling, as well
as General Tom Price.
it A most outrageous riot occurred
in-Chestnut street, Philadelphia, on
Saturday evening last, during a torch
light procession of a Copperhead meet
ing. One man was killed and a number
of ladies injured. The cops made an at
tack upon the Union Head Quarters
and with stones, bricks, &c., almost de
molished the front of the building.
The police made a number of arrests.
Speaking of the occurrence, Forney's
Press says "Mr. Samuel B. Day, who
bad several of his ribs broken, besides
receiving other injuries, on Saturday
night last, was somewhat better yester
day. He' says that he was standing
among the spectators on the sidewalk,
When bricks and brickbats were thrown
from a wagon in the procession. One of
the bricks struck him. Mr. Day faceti
ously observed,,yeateiday, that he went
as a Democrat to look at the procession,
but that blow knocked the Democracy
out of him.
eir The Richmond Examiner of the
'7th, pays the following tribute to the
skill of our Yankee sharpshooters:
"Conceive a line of battle beyond a
breastwork ; each man squatted com
pletely out of sight, firing over his
shoulders, while, instead of exposing his
head and hands to the advancing con
federates, he looks away from the enemy,
and narrowly examines the stock of his
own gun. Two little mirrors, scientifi
cally placed at the proper angle and at
tached to the stock, enable the soldier
to see the sight on his bariel, and all
that comes within range without expos
ing any part of his precious person.
eir Several parties have been arrest
ed, and are now on trial before a milita
ry commission at Baltimore, upon the
charge of preparing large quantities' of
soldiers' ballots to be used in the New
York election. Seven store boies fill
ed with uchballots, were seized. Some
of the defendants are the State agents
appointed by Gov. Seymour. The de
velopements made are quite interest
eir In New York on Sunday last a
boy four years old, who had suffered
greatly from toothache, was taken by
his father to a dentist to have the bad
teeth extracted. Two of the teeth were
drawn without any trouble, but when
the dentist proceeded to pull the third
the boyrwas seized with convulsions; be
came ibsensible and "soon after died.
Congestion of the brain, induced by
fright and pain, was the cause.
The aggregate Union majority in.
Pennsylvania, at. the October election, nearly as can be ascertained in
the absence of the official vote, fifteen
thousand. Sixteen Union Congressmen,
out of the the twenty-four, ere certainly
elected, with an equal chance for two
more.—The State Senate will stand
nineteen Union to fourteen Opposition ;
and the House sixty-two Union to thirty
eight Opposition..
giii• Though a Protestant country, the
veneration for the emblematic cross is
very great in the national religion of
Denmark, and most of the churches are ,
hung with pictures. of the Crucifixion,
and of other religious subjects, while,
during the administration of the Sacra
ment, the robing of the priest is of ' the
Roman Catholic pattern.
lar Efforts are soon to be made to
introduce the culture of the coffee bean
into the Connecticut valley—a product
that is said to be the best substitute for,
coffee yet discovered. Marsh Stiles, of
New Ashford, in Berkshire county,
Mass., has the seed, and it is believed
that the article can be as profitably pro
duced as tobacco.
Copperheads greased about half
a mile of the track on which a special
train was to run to a Unimi meeting in
New Jersey last week. The grade was
ascending, and of course the engine stop
ped. That is a genuine copperhead,
gar The President has issued a pro
clamation admitting Nevada into the
Union as a State, in accordance with
the act of -Congress
oar A._ young l a d y in Canade. west,
. •
wb i lleidayiug, with her Mover, , ehot,him
dead Withs Isladed gun
Veit, Vasit anb ISTizgors
On Tuesday, the day of the elections
in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the
rebels hung out a huge placard at a
point in their outer works before Rich
mond, inscribed, "Vote for McClellan,"
and fired a blank charge to call atten
tion to it. It got attention speedily—
good Union attention. A concentrated
discharge of shotted guns knocked pla
card, breastwork, McClellan canvassers
and all into finders.
A cavalry soldier died recently at
Overton Hospital, who belonged to a
Missouri regiment and had been through
all the battles of the West: .After the
death of the veteran it was revealed that
the supposed young man was a woman.
It seems that she entered the army early
in the war, and served her time faithful
ly until mustered out. •During all this
time she was able to retain the secret of
her sex. •
On last Friday morning a heavy storm
of wind and rain passed over Mahanoy
City, Schuylkill•county, causing'consid
erable damage. A new Metbodist
church, newly . erected, was completely
wrecked by the violence of the wind,
nothing but the front wall remaining:
The gable "end'of the Catholic 'church
was blown down. Fortunately no per.
son was seriously hurt.
The bids for the extension of the
State Capitol were opened in Harris
burg, on Tuesday. But two or three
were presented, and these, were: from
builders in Harrisburg and Philadelphia.
Owing to some deficiency in the details
of the lowest bid, no definite allotment
was made, and the matter for the pros-.
ent is had under advisement.
Schenectady boasts a novelty in
nalism. It has a daily paper with two
editors, one Republicanand , the . other
Democrat, who each - have' a' page of
every day's paper. 'The second page is
for McClellan and tbe third for . Lincoln,
and spirited controversies are constant
ly going on within the limits of a single
The terror of the desert of Sahara is
being removed by the application of
science. In 1860 five wells had been
opened, bringing fishes to the surface
from a depth of .500 feet. Vegetation
is springing up around the. wells, and
the "deseft will blossom like the rose."
There is at St. Etienne, in France, a
young lady, eighteen years of age, affec
ted.with a rare, though not unparalleled,
infirmity. She is unable to see while
the sun is above the horizon, but sees
perfectly well at night and in complete
Two of the trees in the mammoth
grove in California, each ;measuring
thirty feet in diameter, have been named
respectively "John Bright" and Richard
Cobden," and tablets with their names
placed upon them.
A Yankee, who has a pie factory in
New York, turns out 35,000. to 40,000
every week. El e occupies four buildings,
and:has ten horses and wagons engaged
in delivering his pies about tbe city.
A n Eastern editor says he is quite in
love With a fellow who took a twenty
cent cigar from his mouth to grumble
at paying five cents for a : daily news
Efforts are being made to introduce
the culture of the coffee beau into the
Connecticut valley, a product that is
said to be the best substitue for coffee
yet discovered.-
Cornelius Mullen, convicted of murder
for killing his wife last winter at Perth
Amboy, New Jersey, has been sentenced
to twenty years' confinement in the
State Prison.
The Duke of Newcastle died in Lon
don on the 17th inst., in his 53d year.
He was a man of much ability and en
larged knowledge. He accompanied
the Prince. of Wales to this country.
Gen. Bragg has' been assigned to com
mand at Wilmington, N. C. The Char
lottesville Chronicle, in announcing the
appointment, exclaims "Goodbye, Wil
mington !"
Pittsburg, Pa., has forty-six foundries,
consuming forty-six thousand, tons of
metal, annually, and paying ,a million of
dollars in wages- -
A. boy last week found a: $lOOO check
and restored it to the gentlernan that
had lost it, receiving 25 cents as a com
pensation. •
Jeremiah •H. Ellsworth, orAvon, Me.,
committed suicide a few days ago be
cause he had made a poor trade in swap
ping farms.
Some benevolent Nay Yorkers are
engaged in a movement to .supply, the
soldiers with tobacco and pipes.,
A McClellan club at Hartford; Con
necticut; has , very appropriately taken
rooms over a copper warehouse.
Mis. Maria Meck died in , Reading, a
leis: days ago, at . the ,advanced age of
103 years 2 months and 8 days,!,:,
,Appleton, the ‘New York • publisher,
Ilse: in, press a life of Ericsson, the world
recsowned; inventor. , •
A Le?idea plijsician his been' arrest
ed for locking nil hie ivireiri a 'Cal roi'
' ' • 't
.. art
—I state clearly and distinctly
that, having some few days ago had a
full conversation with Judge Woodward,
I find that our views agree, and I regard
his election as Governor of Pennsylva
nia called for by the interests of the
Judge Woodward's view was that
soldiers should not be permitted to
Judge Woodward's "view," as avowed
at the time, was that the South should
be permitted to go peaceably rather
than resort to coercion.
Judge Woodward has formally enun
ciated the "view" that "slavery is an in
calculable blessing:; there Must be a
time when slaveholders must fall bask
upon their natural rights, and employ in ,
defence of their slave property whatever
means they possess or can command."
Judge Woodward announced the
'view from the bench that "we must
arouse ourselves, and protect the rights
of the slaveholders, and odd suck guar
anteee to the Coristitution as will protect
his property."
Judge Woodward proclaimed his
"view" that the draft was unconstitution
al and eppresSive,
And in 1863 he expressed his view to
Judge Conytigham, that, "In my judge
ment the only course is to withdraw all
our armies north of Mason and Dixie's
line and offer terms to the rebels," thus
anticipating the Chicago platform and
the "resort to the arts of statesmanship."
George B. wants it "glearlY and dis
tinctly" understood that his views agree
with those of George W.
will see to it that their fates agree also.
She repudiated the latter by an em
phatic majority last fall. In common
With her sisters, she will consign the
"gentlemen Georges" to a more •over
whelming defeat.--Brasla . gton Clzroni
Spttial Notitto
€13.11. CARD TO INVALIDS.4I. Clergyman,
while residing in South America as a mis
siimary, discovered a safe and simple remedy
forthe cure of Nervous Weakness, Larly De
cay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Or
ns and the whole train of disorders brought
on by baneful and vicioustabits. Great num
bers have already been cured by this noble
remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the
afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the re
cipe for preparing and using this medicine, in
a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it,
FREE OF CHA 110 E. it:r Please incloar a pre
paid envelope, addressed to yourself.
Address JOSEPH T. [KHAN, .
Station D, Bible House, New-Yoik
To the•Youug or Old, Male of Female,.
if you haire been suffering from a habit in
dulged in. by the youth of both sexes, which
causes So many alarming symptoms, it unfits
them: for marriage, and is the greatest evil
which-can befall man or :woman. See symp
'torus enumerated in advertisement, and if you
are a sufferer, cut out the adveitiscriient, and
send for it at once. Lelays are dangerous.
Ask for Helmbold's, take no other. Cures
guaranted, 13eware of counterfeit and imita
Matrimonial Ladies add GentltMlen..
If youlwish to marry, address the undersigned,
who will send you without money and with
out price, valuable information that will ena
ble you to marry happy and speedily, irrespec
tive, of age, wealth or beauty. This informa
tion will cost you nothing, and if yodwish to
marry, I will cheerfully assist you All let
ters strictly confidential. The desired infor
mation sent by rEturn mail, and no questions
asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT,
12-3m.] Greenpotht, Kings co., N. Y.
1113'" EYE and EAR:--Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D.
Oculist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Hol
land, is located at No. Oil Piue-st., Philadel
phia, where persons afflicted with diseases of
the Eye or Ear will be scientifically treated
and cured, if 'curable. Artificial Eyes insert
ed without pain. No charges made for exam
ination. The medical, faculty is invited, as
he has , no•secrets in his mode of treatment.
February 6, 1864.- ly..
n- To CONSUMPTIVES. .Consumptive Suf
ferers will receive a valuable prescription for
the cure of Cnnsumption, Asthma r Bronchitis
and all Throat and Luni, affections, (free of
charge) by sending their address to
Rev. EDWARD A. Witsorr,
Williamsburg, Kings co. N. Y.
September 1564.3m] •
Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupier
by Dr. Swentzet, adjoining Spangler 4.Pat
lerson's Store,Market Street, where he is now
prepared to wait on all who may feel
et i p i Z a Tz, disposed to patronize
Dentistry in all its branches car
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. 111 operations
on the mouth' performed in a skillful' and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles and
. .
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at thifi 015 c.., would ask a continuation
of the liter ronae heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction. •
Et4er administered to Proper persons
MHE subscriber offers his services to the
I_ citizens of Marietta and. vicinity, in
He has kindly been permitted to refer to
James Thiffy, esq., g. S. Nagle, esq.,
James Mehaffey;esq., S. F. Eagle & Cb.,
0. W. Mehaffey, esti., S. & B. Hipataild• .
Can be found at all times at his dwelling.pp-,
pbsite John W. Clark's residence on Mar
ket street, or at George W. Mehaffey's Saw,
Mill, at the Upper Station.
• • -
After an absence of, nearly three years an
the Navy and Army of the United States has
returned to the Borough' of Marietta and re
sumed the practice.of Medicine:..
Especial attention _ paid to Surgical cases
in which branch - of his profession he'has had
very considerable, experience. ;; :;
OFFICE in his private residence :—entrance
at the Hall door. _ - •
BOH Lk lopg emjebratai;lTsi,
s • H. 11`4BENTAMIN.
New York and Philadelphia
THE Subscribers having formed a connec
nection with Messrs. WOOD & Prnor, of
Philadelphia. under the above title, are pre
pared to furnish every description of
Cast, Wrought and Wire Railings,
Cemetery Lots, Dwellings,
Public Squares, 6-c.
Verandahs, Circular and Straight Stairs,
Doors, Window Guards,
Stable Fixtures, Fountains, Vases, 4r.,
also, having purchased of the late firm of
Hutchinson & Wickersham, Canal Street,
their entire Stock of
Bedsteads, Cradles, Furniture kc.,
they now offer to the public, at their New
to be found in the United States. They have
also purchased of the New York Wire Railing
Co. the patent right and machinery for making
and will continue the exclusive Manufacture
of the same at their Works.
524 Broadway,
New York.
Orders may be sent through the !American
Advertiiiizi Agency, 389 Broadway, N. Y.
I Of Columbia, Lancaster Cowity, Pomo.
Whole amount insured, $2,604,435 63
Whole amount of Premium Noted, 255,931 46
Ilal. Cash Premiums,
January 1, 1863, $2,120 31.
Rec'pts for premiums,
less .41's commiss
ions in 1863, 9,352 45
Receipts for Assessments
- less Agt's commissions
in - 1863, 2,335 02
$13,337 79
Loss'es and expenses paid
_in 1563,-, $10,13332
Bal. of Premiums, Jan. 1,
1864, 3,754 47
313,887 79
GEORGE YOUNG; Jr., Pecretary.
Robert T. Ryon, John W. Steacy,
John Fendrich, ' H. G. Minich,
Samuel F. Eom lein, .Michael S. Shuman,
Michael S. Shuman, S. C. Slaymaker,
George Yining, Jr., Nicholas Mc Donald.
Edmund. Spering, Amos S. Green.
'DEPOT :-168 11.EADE-ST., N. Y
The above company are Iwo vn all over the
world as the owners of the Coffee Plantations
of Java and Batavia iirthe Duteh East Indies,
and are the largest monopolizers of Coffee on
the Globe.`
The lindersigned2 (who is appointed their
sale Agent in the United States and to the
Drifts!' Colonies) will have for sale three dif
ferent kinds of- COFFEE, which, for regular
ity of grade and cheapness of price, will , defy
Our "BATAVIA COFFEE" never before
introduced in this country, but extensively
used in the Armies and Navies of Europe and
richly valued, will be put up at prices to come
within .the reach of all consumers, and our
EXTRA 'JAVA will be the Magnum Bornon
Coffee of the age.
We will have lor accommodation of Gro
cers, Families and GoVernment Contractois,
satnpfes.(dry, and dritWn) for testing.
Drd ,, rs solicited. tln receipt of cash, Coffee
promptly forwarded as directed.
A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reade-xf., N. E •
Sole Agent, D. E. I. C. Company.
Who would not be out of the Draft?
BUT that which effects us in connection
with the Army, is not,the only one—the
Draft upOn the POCKET these times is equally
severe—consequently we purchase goods where
we get them cheapest. •
John_ Spangler,
Would take this method of
the pub
lic that be is now prepare,: to furnish anything
in his line of business, such as
Glass, - 1 Oils, Varnishes,
Stoves, Iron, Carpenter's Tools, Hinges,
Bolts, - Locks, Nails, all kinds al
Building material, Coachmaker's
Goods, Cederware, Clocks,
Fancy Articles in large variety, with a full as
sortment of shelf goods generally, which he
will sell at the. lowest prices, wholestile or re
t. il. Call and examir.e the stock.
Ma.iet A, March 5, .1864.
Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer.
rilHEundersigned having just completed new
paterns for the inanufacture of the eele •
brated Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer. He
has removed several objections to the old pat
ern, and now feels certain of being able to
wash one-third more iron ore per day, and
much. cleaner. Machines manufactured and
plitrup anywhere desired at the shortest no
tice, and the working of the machine guarran
teed. He can refer, by permission, to Col.
James Myers; of I (regal Furnace, Marietta,
and to James L. Stu. z. Esq., adjoining Mari
etta. Address
Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa
First National Bank of Marietta
is now prepared to transact all kinds of
The Board of Directors meet weekly, ou
Wednesday, for diseount and other business.
rrßank Mari : c From 9 nt to 3'p. M.
Marietta, July 25, 1863.
A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called
liindistructable Pleasure Books;.School and
Paper Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders.
&c ~ at LANDIS & TROUT.
ICKORY, 4 Oak, Wood, 50 Cords .each
Fl" Hickory'and 'Oak Wood. Orders must
be accompanied. with this cash when they will
be promptly fillet. Spahgler & Patterson. ,
yiT I .LC 0 X S Celebrited • Imperial
V V tension Steel Spring Skeleton , Skirt, with'
self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in
use, .just received at -
HoW - 4r STEVEN'S Celebrated:Family
Dye Colors, warranted to be, fast, for
O t LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch
said Irish' W H'l SKIKS,
ted pure; at D—Beafamain , s. .
D • •
OFFICE :--No. 24 NORTH 'Dinck'Srurr
opposite the Coutt House; where he will lit,
ten 4 to the praetiee'ef pFc!fearn in all
varione Inlinelkes.
iif:E aili:::f ,ToifiC'
1-g- - T_TI , T I= ,S
Bitter Wine c.
PURE and powerful TONIC, Correct,„
11 and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy
diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Cu res
Liver Complaints
Headache, General
Debility, Nervousness, De
pression of Spirits, Constipation,
. . .
Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Co:
17ood, Fullness or Weight in the Storeso,
Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Dif.
cult Breathing, Yellowneas of the
Skin and Eyea, Fever and
Dull pains in the Head,
Pain in the Side,
,hack, Cheat and•
It will cure every case or Chronic or Serer,
Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and
Diseases arising from a disordered
Stomach, Good for Male or Fe
male, Old ea Young.
The most beneficial medicine known ; give,
better satisfaction and cures more diseas,,
than any other preparation offered to the pu:,
He. Prepared solely by S. A. KUNKE.L
BRO., 1 c 8 Market street, Harrisburg.
For sale by druggists and dealers everywhere.
113 - COUNTERFEITS. 4:11
As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the oil!,
sure and effectual remedy in the known wail.:
for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and De
bility, and as there ara a number of imitation,
offered to the' public, we would caution
communit) to purchase none but the genuile
article, manufactured by S. A Kusrk - LE
Bao., and has their stamp on the top of th
cork of every bottle. The very fact that other,
are attempting to imitate this valuable rerne
dy, proves its worth and speaks volumes 1:.
its favor.
The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 73 ce:it
and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all tes ,
Be ectat,,
druggists throughout the country. e partic
ular that every bottle bears the fac sirni/a
the proprietor's signature.
This Wine includes the most agreeable a:
efficient Salt'of Iron we possess ; Citrate
Magnetic Oxide combined, with the most c:
ergetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Petuvi..-
bark . The effect in many cases of debili:
loss of appetite, arid general prostration,
an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with cr
valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. 1
augments the appetite, raises the pulse, ta'.‘,
off muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor .
debility, and gives z florid vigor to the co.
118 Market eel
For sale by all respectable dralurs thr
out the country. (Ju
And General Machinists, Second str,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kind, of I:
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast humor-
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Column
Fronts, Cellar Dooms, Weights, &c.. for ilci
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick. Presses, Slur :Ir.'.
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Macl:muy
for Mining and Tanninr, ; 13rass
Stearn & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, tb.
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water Bra, !':
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tank,, I ...t
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault 1) , „ :
Washers, &c. •
Frain long experience in building machinery ;if
flatter ourselves that we can give general seta
faction to those who may favor us with tl;,.t
orders. i" — fiepairing promptly attended
Orders by mail addressed us above, will ryr
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the
Columbia, October 20, 18150. 14 ti
No. 622 Market-Street, Pli ILA DELPI: I
Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver
line Gold Jewelry,
and the best make of Silver-Plated
Constantly onhand a large ssortment
above goods AT LOW PRICE!,
Watches and fine Clocks repaired 1, s;.
ful workmen; also, Jewelry repairing :
graving and all kinds of hair-Work 1,1
at short notice.
IC.r Don't fulget the old stand, Nu:n!
Market street, Philadelphia.
April 9, 1864.-3rn S and F]
Celebrated Prepared Java Coffer
Warranted superior to any in the Mark:.
IT is used by first-class families everywl,
and highly recommended for nervous
uyspeptic persons, being very nutritious
free from all deleterious substances, In t
mony of which I have certificates from
most eminent Physicians and Chemis , s 111 !o.
country. Try it and you will be sure I
tinue its use in preference to ally other.
Sold at retail for Twenty Five cents a-po 11 : 12,
by first-class Grocers throughout tile
A liberal discount allowed to the trade.
Put up only by
Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren st.,
Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger
XX) OULD most respectfully inform the c.t-
Vy izens of Marietta and the public g,em. ,-
ally that he is prepared to do
House Painting,
China Glossing,
Paper Hanging,
At very short notice and at prices to suit the
times. He can be found at his mother's resi
dence on the - corner of Chesnut and Secon-i
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and immediately opposite the old Oberlin
Coach Works. [Aug. 3-Iy.
Michael Gable, Agt., _
Oppbsite the Town Hall Park,
Marietta, Pa.
THE Marble business in all its branches,
will be Continued at the old place, near
the Town Hill and opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern, where every description of marble
work will be - kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Marietta June 29, 1861. .49-ly
V Superior Old Brandy, Old Ryo Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and
Port Wines. ' •
Pittsburg Whiskey .always: on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Arandy :a
a very low 'figure.' .
J. R,,DLF ,ki*kig-at
Ll9l4 's.
erioiligal Drops, and .aarles Fe
mire Ville; at The GOlden. Mortar.