BY FRED'I...-L-..:;130E. PIITVABI CLO;FES;I4I:fait:G..II,. It is the only reliable self-Adjusting Wring tr. No wood-work to swell of split. No thumb-screws to get out of order. Warranted with or wttb-out Cog,'Wheele. It took the First Premium at. Fifty-seven State andTeunty Fairs in 1863, and is, with out an exception, the beet Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town. Energetic agents can make from 3 ,to ,10 Dollars per day. No. 2: $6.60 No. 1. $7.60. No. F..58.50' No. A. $9.50. • • • • , • , Sample Wringer sent and express paid, on receipt of price. - 11danufactifred and sold, wholesale and re." tail, by the 1 1 1.1TNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Platt Stieet, New York, and Cleve land, Ohio 8.. C. NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz That Iron well galvanized will not , rust; That a simpis niachine,is better than a com plicated one; That a Wringer should be self-adjusting, &rails, and efficient; That Thumb-herewa, and Fastenings cause delay and baubie to regulate and keep . in order; That woud soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split; That weed bearings for the shaft to run in will wear out; • That the Putnam Wringer, with or without oog-wheels, will not tear the clothes; .„ That cOg-wheet regulator's are not essential • Thafthe' Putnam Wringer line all the ad vantages, and not one of the disadvantages above named ; That all woo have tested it, pronounce it the best Wringer ever made; That it will wring anything from a thread to a bed quilt without alteration ; We might till the paper with testimonials, but lilSert only a few to convince the skepti cal. if such there be ; and we nay to all, test Putnam's Wringer. Test it thoroughly w,th any and ALL others, anti it not entirely satisfactory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co : GE:NTLEIII : I know from practical experi ence that iron well galvanized with zinc v ill not ezidize or rust one particle. The Putnam Wri.ucer is as hear perfect as possible, and I can 1.14 E I r.; ully recornuand it to bcthe best in use. tiespectfully yours. JNO. W. I'M F.ELF.Ft. ChveA.nJ, Ohio. Many veers' experience in the galvauizing 11.19irP99 cnobie me to inAmrse.the ahn.4e-etate *us ta ea, e4racui.N. S(1. C. I.FIP-' l ,lV.i ', No. 100 ^•..v.. York. I nuary. 1014. ive have tested Puttiaites Clothes Wtingc r by prnetical wtrking, and know: that, it mad do. It is cheap ;it is simple ; requires no roam, whether at work ofat rest; a child can operate it; it does Its duty, thoroughly; it saves time and it saves wear and. tear. We earnestly advise all who have much Washing to do, with all intelligent persuns who have any, to buy . this Wringer. 11 will 'paY for it self in a year at mot. Hok. HORACE dREELY. May 28, 1884,Grri.1' • TAR DRAFT: '^';' . 4l-,;;!< : ', 1 ,,, - vi TILE DRAFT!! Who would not be , out , of the Draft ? DWI' that which &rects us in condection Ir) with the Army, is not only one L-the binft upon the roczEr these times is many severe—co nseqtren tly we purchase goods where we get them cheapest. Spangler,, SUCCESSOR TO DAVID ROTI4- IN THE HARDWARE BUSINESS, Would take this method of informing the pub lic that he is noir prepared to furnish anything in his line of business such . as Glass, s, Varnishes, &byes, Iron, Carpenter's Took` Hinges, j Locks, Nails, all .iinds of Building material, Coachmaker's Goods; -Cederware,' Clocks, Fancy Articles in large variety, with a full as sortment of shelf koods , generally, 'whlClr he will sell at the lowest prices, wholesalefotire ti il. Call and 'examine the stock. Ma.iet,a, March 5, INC AGENCY OF THE '4 •• - • - Dy2:9l - L;LEAST COFFEECOMPANY_ DEPOT ;•16.$ READS-ST., N. Y The above Company are kno en all over the World 'as the owners of the Coffee Plantations of..lava and Batavia in the Dutch East Indies, and are the largest monopolizers of, Coffee on the Globe. TAelkultilertoinfd (who ie . ampinted tkeir. sole - Agentifisihi•trnifed"Stittediliia'in the. British Colonies) will have foreale three dir ferent,kinds of ,COPFRE, / which, T fooregtilar-0 ity of gradFand'ebeipliesslf 13ride,"Will defy competiti(M.' ' Our (‘ BATAVIA COFFEE" neverheforer tutroduced in this 'country; But ektinsively "used in the Armitidadd NaviesOf Europe and richly valued, will be put-up arprite's to come within the relith' °flat consumers„ and our' .EXTE.A. J. 4 1 74 will, 13,a the Afrignootßouum ,c,ogsp, of the age, , . have, forlacsciipitoda:Bori.44GM cars, FaMilies and Governmenit:Contractor's,,, samples (dryond drawn) for testing.; solicited. (In receipt of cdApCofee Plilliiiltlrflifytarded as directed: latigi • • A. LIPPX AN, 168 Reade-st., N 1,1". , Sote: Akent, D. E. L First Ni,tiolig i ,BallE of KftrietUt TH" RANKING ,ASOCIA.TION HAT tzio COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now prepared to transite i t, all kinds of BANKINGEitTSINESS: The Boatrd ililectors - neetorepkv, Wecinesday, for clwolincinl p other business, trßank Hairs v'Pliom 9A. m JOHN HOLLINGER; P " AMOS BO FVM A NIICas/tUr . Manetta, July 20, 163:, () 8 - OWE 3-4 STETEDPS.CflgbFgmfirrill Colors, warrintiiii.„to:Alo a 0 at THE. G OLF;.: for F% PUBLISHED_ WHEILLY : . • ..o;o4lakeiej , AT ONE DOLLAR 'AND ATALF . i Office lOrnll!s, It ow,'?ionlFrontleticrel,live :„g6 , - 4 Acins,Ert SingletOopieE4rrith, ,, 6r4without WrAppenr , •T 1 sCLEvN S 1. I Anviaiisind It ir AiCs : 'o3le" inmate ( lines, or less)` 06 cents for the first ineertiniriad 25 cents. for 'each: wibsequent insertion. Trig fessional and Busingis cat ds,•of BLlCAliffl or less at $5 per annum.. liotic.c!sin the teading umns, fire cents a-line. the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any additional lines, five cents a line. 'A. liberal deduction made to yearly'and alf yearly iadvertisera. laving just 'added s " Nr.wrip.l,blovrc.7 TAIN" JOBBER PS " t og ether with large • PRESS," ) assortment of new Job and Cardttype,Cute, . Borders, &c., &c., the Job Office Of "Itit MA RIETTIAN," which will insure the fine and speedy execution of all kinds of Poi PRINTING; from the smallest 'Coed to the LARGEST POSTER, at reasonable prices. She n ever did .return, his love,, While fiercer still she saw it burn ; Nor with• one word did she reprove The name she never would return. ; In vain he. told, with love.lit,eyes,, Ilow well he worshipped her alone;, She never beard his, burning They fell upon nleart of stone , She slighted him, for he was poor, No fortune had at his command; His humble lot was too obscure To win a noble lady's hand. With heavy heart away be turned, And when thro'life he was more bleSt The memory of the girl who spurned, His early love he . still caressed r She had another suitor, too, A youth who left no-art untried TO prove his love to - her was tine; • He was a wealthy lad, beiide, -She Baldly heard hid vows Mit 'When he tat lin fthii3 Arta& la id frown w-4"eJterbea-rifitgi'a amilF= Mtn ber G ecrt udd hiM;ll They .a while in. blissful state, l'rolusely wureter wants supplied, lriaad of fate 4 """hashed her idol' gifts legilted hetirt was told, The vows he Made Wei were nano; krid' tluit'lle' 'who cieds for gold 'When too lite' liar choice will 'rue 1 Grief was ,inspressed upon her brow; - The cherished•hopes she bad were set ; -She thought of het first lover now,. ' . And,whetber he r was living, yet.: And And while she• was a ; faithful wife„ Nor mormured-atrher lot obscure, She riled the'clior6 - shis bade' forite, Ana wisbeirthat sbesbad marriedpbor I ANECDOTE OF - AN ernANT;='An"of cor'tid tbevEidtig,til ' " army had a l PaWiiite elepliant:-Which was diipplidd; dent in his piesente ivith a cetittin filloWa i nb,l4 ,l of toed ;- but being -totatietlea , td - atididut • Ihirdfielf on a• journey; thd keeper of ;the : beast diiiibished the. eation•oflood,cand the anima' daily : , bedarrifie 'tbitinerl• and weaker:_,,When 'its • niti - sNer "returned the elePhant exhibited .the'grentest signs of pleasure ; the ' feeding time came, and laid befit° it 't e ormer a - the' keeper ' h' r lotraiiCts of food, ,isiii!Ali divided ' filio' two parts, constiming 4 ;o:ne immidtately, and leaving the other , haouclied!,;The officay, knowing 'theAagacit'y of :his 4 4 7a vorite, saw immediately the frgria ° that 'lind been conialitted, and made`the ;an confess his crime.' '•‘ ' '"::'° CURE FOR A FELobi.—At i s soon the part begins To swell, int: the titiatate'of' loheha and wisp the'part affected with cloth' as urated th roughly wfth"The, tinctiie, and the felodis'dtiliff. " raiyarcian says he hio kriown'thie to care. in scores ' case's', and it fan n e; if nppYled in season' ss t , In - Sussex eao- duu n ty, E nglan r d lately, i - sligh o poet ofeertlquaXe w,ti r e felt. old tgoman who" came mach alarm-~. ea ca ield ont for 'a 1' . . • • 11.! • . - • - . • e 1,51.0 - 'l. .4 MARIETTA SATUIDAY-M6RNING , OCTO Ett . 29 486 t 4;." 01 ,- 11 et'At.f - il 'O'lT • t..; f l ' Mbt 3/obtrs. G rir kiith is then lonly2reah ebsstAng: foundation - for irtendship ; in, all but troth thee is `a principle of'decur end . ...I dbislinuia ion. ; " a 5 tj: • Arr , ' :cintuntsaist Thatiittisi truest way to pronounce isPolish, nabs( was to sneeze - thtere - times and say ski., sr A:eurrselis gke - al to ward , h eav eiA;; =bet .41ijlelyato ereturn on the head of him that senkitala ° • GEr HeiwbonkbolvalthetWorEdiglitl not, beton tayttfill,tialnietitgabg knowoo.him, sell' will never be impudentlkenot: 144 , • ~ • .321 lAtptulitnt tinsetato i 4trttat , for lir -slnnt-tddr 41 , "• -I :‘= - : ThWBsiildr's WifiY. . & l' AN ‘ . ~: . " ;v,""*"r";f1 ~ ow, Rqseolon't cry ; you' remem-1 ber vihat you proiiia4 vifieri'lliiihaeinile t:teeii i ire of a si‘ifarl r T. ' ''' -"':i "'nil, I know!' I 'Prorbisa 10 be "1 ' 11. A r' 4 I''l"' ' 1)16 "libi ' a courageous, o e h opef ul , to r in- Csls; 119M 1 i4111 1 AlM.. nc 'i t ,':kra l la !MIT lir e tgit?'"?-Parlas aßgektlrM fitiT,,,Yis r f 'Mt, a a: happ ine ss I U knew nothi u q t p o t: u t' 'tC 41 , qh 3 RSPWAT e 'MkßM" W ffq!atqtt"ll Rav!.l.imm , t-xo9olhriAlveV?- 1 9 1 3.. _,- ghoo r,e. RLYrA° B l , 6S a lif9P;o o -77,4110, buret into tears and thEow b,ersels into , into , tear s ~ .-u , i, - 41 1.1.1. ta .the arms kir qt.4 1 1 1 4"L".;,11 .55.19i1W3 1 Rose Ilad , Nien h ";, l l e 4Pt4ilPi ll .4 , l? l : ll, l widowed moth er . bait thlitilft d f9r A P'n°Che r,etw ßntgggq W1RP4,14 gPT.I looks. With all these advaplemp d g can be imagined-thataho-dial—not want for v Aitcird; ''''Rodti,e 7 liciiitiltailitiiSled froiii 4 alltthe - gitYlOttigtelltitirEWfib E irti 6l ed her Pbrit WhOglaattlitliOGraricilyttinile to bet; he' inOtileAlthe464.ltltsiti Mandrel ly'and , :silentlyAlfhheiirdellblitlidtdgl u ol i t DeideihOneAraiVimirblihteltqd ?AN:klieg 16, tcPtliehiO6oillit:heafthii*Fiiiie i nf r4 titi adveiittired - fiticl'eiploite i tii tlititar Varietal far distant 'ldails dactliftlatn'illiteahltil : vie= i t ivd! .. . -,,,,_ i ,:-- IF. nt)111 •:c < :1..;-'1 !,.. Re was the captain and •ifoWner /it'a merchant vessel o aria,had — ,Esttainekjhe age of • thirty-siffr4l/91.4 NI! f , 61tVMg thought of coFming .i atly, Alls o thaS 4 4;4 bind him 19kia9c111.) riit4 e P l eiti e r M to, be:the ; ocean ; : man,and.boy jlo,,,lait o o! lived o n i it, .All the -, associates of his youth wure, with,lt, „Ile conardereit his visits to land and his, sojourn. : in cities mere incidents--recres.tio6s. that bad nothing to do with,the real , husiness of life. 'somehow, since his return to his native - village, where lar-bail mbt - Men for.many years, a strange-o.w feeling tied-come over• him. , 'He ito longer thought exclusively otitis projected'YO 7- oges_ when he .was' 'aloud ;,. he .oitetler saw 'before him the bright'eyes'andgen tle looks of. Rose Daoverslhawthebbie dancing waves ; instead of: thinking 'qif, future bargains and,v,,tradesin . : - -alta shit seemed - to occuprhia, mipd - was the' ...... , • ~. ~i .., ,, t.krite - ..11fl t 1 , ... : ty, an ell ~. vt vsei-ilI xlB - v.9/i 4 ,8 , t. 6 ,ltl i;( ? itlf:Ll ' . • '; td,V iVilat . ..l.l 44 .4 1 , ifj..i,? . Surely that liOse NV