The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 22, 1864, Image 1

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444 rg• 41-akeo,
Office in "Crull's Row," on Front street, live
dos East of Finn , s Hotel.
Stogie Copies, with, or without VT/uppers,
FOl-112 CENTS.
ADVERTISSNG Rams: One square (10
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cal ds, of six lines or less
at 95 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, fire cents a-line. It larriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line.,
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN
TAIN JOBBER PRESS," together with a large
Assortment of new Job and Card type, Cuts,
Borders, &c., &c., to the Job Office of "Tux
Mearer - nari," which will insure the fine and
speedy execution of all kinds of Jos & CARD
PsisTrrre, from the smallest Card to the
LARGEST POSTER; at reasonable prices.
the IF.qaiot) I)YAgqzino of the aisorial
Literature, Fine Arts aid Fashions. The
most magnificent Steel Engravings. Dour.le
Fashion Plates. Wood .Engravings on every
Subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knit
ting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the
Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir and the
Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a
The Ladies' Favorite for Thirty-five.Ytars.
No magazine has been able to compete
with it. None attempt it.
Godey's Receipts for every department of a
household. These alone are worth the price
of the Book. Model Cottages (no other mag
azine gives them), with diagrams.
Drawing Lessons for the Young. Another
specialty with Godey.
Original Music, worth $3 a-year. Other
magazines publishold worn-out; but the
scribers to Gmdey get it before the music stores.
Gardening for ladies. Another peculiarity
with Godey.
Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co.,
Yopi, the millionaire merchants, appear
Godey, only magaiine that has them.
Also—Fashiods Loin the celebrated Bpdie.,
of New York. rrLadies Bonnets.—We give
more of them in a year than any other maga
zine. In fact the Lady's Book enables every
lady to be her own bonnet maker.
Maalox IlArmartn,
Authoress of "Alone," " Hidden Path," &c.,
writes for Godey each month, and for no other
magazine. We have also retained all of our
old and favorite contributors.
Terms of Godey's Lady's Book fot 1865,
The following are the terms of the Lady's
Book fur 1b65. At present, we will receive
subscriptions at the following rates. Due no
tice will be given if we are obliged to advance,
which will depend on the price of paper.
One copy, one year, $3:00
Two copies, one year, 5:50
Three copies, one year. 7:50
Four copies, one year, 10:00
Five comes, one year, and an extra
copy to the person sending the club,
making six copies. 14:00
Eight copies, one year, and and an
extra copy to the person sending
the club, making nine copies, 21:00
Eleven copies, one year, and an ex- .
tra copy to the person sending the
club, making twelve copies, a 27:50
Additions to any of the above clubs, $2:50
each subscriber.
Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home
Magazine will be sent, each one year, on re
ceipt of $4:50. We have no clubs with any
other magazine or newspaper. The money
must all be sent at one time for any club.
Address L. A. GODEY,
North-East Corner 6th St Chestnut-stah
October 15-3 t) Philadelphia
. , •
Itribintr anb Conbqaitur
WOULD most respectfully take this means of
informing ins friends and the public generally
that be has commenced the drawing of
and in fact everything in the CONVEYANCING
line. Having gratuitous intercourse with a
member of the Lancaster Bar, will enable him
execute instruments of writing with accuracy.
la' He can be found at the office of "THE
MARIETTIAN," on Front street, or at his res.
idence on Market street, a square west of the
" Donegal House," Marietta.
la• Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Leases alWays on hand and for sale. •
' ll / 2 Za; OF , DENTAL SURGERY,
OFFIC Ei—Front street, next door to R.
Williams' Drug Store, betafeen Locust
lino Walnut streets, Columbia.
• After an abience of nearly three years in
the Navy and Army of the United States has
returned to the Borough of Marietta and re
turned the practice of Medicine.
11:3". Esmcial attention paid to Surgical cases
in which branch of his profession he. has had
very considerable experience.
Omen in his private residence :—entrance
at the Hall door.
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the practice of his profession in all its
various branches. • •
Spangler & Pattersort's Store.
FROM 7 TO 8 A. H.
2 ' 6TO 7 P.M.
UY one of those • beautiful SOFT
1 'HATS at Curia:a; Weblitilket-st.
at an~
faartial Enstrummio
Sound, sound the Spartan fife;
- The. Persian banners wave,
And, marching to the strife,
Let muscle thrill the brave ;
Above the clash of steel,
The shock of meeting foes,
The charger's clattering, heel,
The ringing twang of bows,
A bolder'strain is played,
And Persia flies dismayed.
Castile is up in arms
Against the Moor to-day;,
Sword-clang and lona alarms
Announce the coming fray:
The atabal is heard,
Thrown by are light djerreeds,
And, on to conflict spurred,
Rush Yemen's milk-white steeds :
"II Allah !" loud and high,
Their turbaned riders cry.
Beat time upon the drum—
A brisker measure play—
Old England's warriors come
In thunder to the fray.
Their bayonets are bright,
In blood to redden soon—
Oh ! cheer them to the tight
• With still a bolder tune:
Ono shock, and all is o'er—
Crushed foes can form no more.
Ring out, wild bugle ! ring
Thy loudest, clearest note;
To horse the troopers spring,
While plume and pennon float
They charge, and fallen lie
The broken, hollow squares,
While quaver, sb,rill and high,
Gaul's ancient battle airs :
Thus music valor warms,
And nerves strong hearts and arms
Blow, plaided piper, blow
Some rousing Highland air,
For the victorious foe
Back Britain's bravest bear !
The litperjo4der plays,
The clans raerat.the fight,
And while their muskets,blaze
Foes scatter wide in flight : ••.
For how can Smitland Oral
When music cheers the Gaul!
Bark ! Hail Columbia wakes
A thrill in free born breasts ;
The hostile column quakes,
And shorn are knightly crests;
Where man encounters man,
And shot and shell raid fast,
Our banner in the van
Is flapping on the blast :
The earth with foemen strewn—
- -
A. host is overthrowc
kuntreb Beats from Nob
What millions live to-day
As they might ever stay I
How soon to pass away !
Svleet face, and lofty brow,
So pleasant now to see--
Alas ! where will they be
A hundred years frOM now '?
The time seems far away,
Yet will not long delay.:
It comes with every day,
That goes, we know not how ;
Howe'er thy lot be cast,
'Tis all the same at.last,
A hundred years from now.
In all but this the same--- •
Some few may leave a name,
A monument of fame,
Thb,t time shall never bow,
Or heavenly•thoughted page,
To consecrate our age.
1 hundred , years from now !
Goon.—The following is too good to
be lost—of,a schoolmaster and pupils:
"Joseph, how do people live ?"
"Sy drawing:" '
"Drawing what—water?" •
"No sir, by drawing their breath."
"Sit down, Joseph. Thomas what is
the . equatur?" .
"Why, sir, it is the horizontayT i ole
running perpendicular through thtke,-
gination of astronomers.and old geogia
"Go take your seat, Thomas. 'Wt)-
iiam, what do you mean by an ecliPse4"
"Ati eclipse" is a thing as apPOtis
when the moon has gone off on a
and runs agiii the sun-L:consequO,y
the sun blackens the moon's face. '
"Cis as is distitissed."
f ir The qrtestion is often discussed
whether the 'savages enjoy life. We
suppose they do, as they always seem
anxious to take it when theY 'get a
Pr Many a, huaband_practilm,frtern
deigal toward solf=but only , f•toilatd
t•other waif.
err 4 . o9tukitt aletrusgbauia *anal for tht Nvinnt o:firth..
Interesting Items
In the East Indies climbing plants (or,
vines) twine around trees a hundred feet
in height, which stand so close together
that the spaces between them are filled
up with canes and *under brush in such a
manner as tosrender the forest iropassa
ble,—the vines of those 'countries being
a foot or more in diameter, are the lat .
gest in' the world.
The largest flower in the world is the
raffiesia, a paradise plant of the East In
dies, nearly 3 feet in diameter.
I hnzaid nothing by saying that the
largest pumps ever constructed were
made in Holland ; the Harlem lake con
tained 45,230 acres, but the Dutch, con
cluded to use the land for,farm purposes
and so they pumped the water out of the
lake into the sea, at the rate of 63 tons
per stroke of 11 pumps,—valves 6 feet
in diameter, 10 feet stroke.
They have serpents in Africa 100 feet
long ; according to the Rev. Dr. Livin
gston, they lie along the creeks, conceal
ed in the grass and bushes, and when a
thirsty lion goes down to the water for
a drink, they wrap themselves around
him, and in an instant after
.they have
brushed him to a jelly, swallow him
The largest suspended ceiling in the
world, (largest room without piers or
pillars,) is one in Moscow, used for the
purpose of a riding school.
The largest bell in the world is one
in Moscow called the Monarch, weight
nearly 192 tons, height 21. 3 feet, diam
eter 22.5 feet, least thickness 3 inches.
One of the largest and lifindsotnest
churches in the United States is the
. Catholic Cathedral in Albany.
The largest one in America is the
Mexican Cathedral.
The largest Book (that is, the one
containing the most reading matter,) in
the English language is said to be the
one before me,—Lippincott's Gazetteer
of the world, the number of pages is
2,182,d0ub1e columns of very small print.
The most popular name in th? Je,sg ;
raphy of the United Btate4.:A 'Washing
ton, it pecure„in the gazetteer 185 times
there are 105 Washington Townships.
The second in order of the frequency,
of its occurrence is Jackson.
The third in point of popularity is
One of the largest known diamonds
(according to the Gazetteer) was found
about 300 years ago on 'Motirit Land's
in Borneo ; if it is' the same with the
Kohinoor it did not sustain a very high
reputation for fineness at the London
fair in Hyde Park. Weight 397 carats.
The longest Tunnel in\the United
States is the HoOlar, in, the, western
part of Massachusetts,—about 3 miles.
The upper Schuylkill bridge in F'hila-
delphia is the longest single arch in the
world,-346 feet span with only 20 , feet
The greatest speed of the locomotive
was attained a few gears ago on the
Liverpool and Manchester railroad,-
100 miles per hour.
There are about 100,000 words used
in connection with the English lan
guage, '•
Light tiavels so fast, thatit would.go
eight times round the earth while a per
son counts 'one.'
MArterads.---Lo'ok at, the great mass
of marriages which:take place over the
whole world ; what pooh contemptible
affairs - they are! A few soft looks; a
walk,'a dance, a squeeze of the hand; a
popping of the question, 'a purchasing
of a certain number of yards of white
satin a ring, a clergymin,'i ride or' two
in a Hired carriage, a nighein a - .conntr ,
inn, and, the whole matter is over. For
five or six weeks two' iheepish looking
persons are seen danglingon each ether's
arm, looking at water falls, or making
morning calls, and .guzzling wine 4. and
cakes; then every thing ,falls into the
most•monotonous routine ; the wife sits
. • .
on one side of the hearth, the husband
at the other, and little quarrels," little
pleasures,little cares and little , children,
gradually gather around them. . ' ,This is
what ninety-iiine .out 'of , a hundred find
to be the delights oflove and matrimo
eir A yoting fellow once .offered to
lass a Quakeress. "Friend;" . said she,
'thee 'must, not do it" "Oh,
, by
. Jove,
but I mint," said • the ' youth. '"Well,
friend, as thou host sworn, thee may do
it, but ihea must riot make's practice df
A. lady in a Oredicainent—croes
ing the street, the, mud ankle deep, the
train ponring4owne heromibmdta turned
sb'' the' Wind, mid,-herliat blown , o1r; into
a mud puddle. • ,
you have remarked with satisfaction how
the little .oddities . of men who marry ra
ther late In, life are, pinned away speedi
tysifter marriage. You have found a
man who used to,bashabbily and
lessly dressed; with a huge shirt , collar
frayed at the edges, and a glaring yellow
silk pocket-handkerchief, broken of these
and become a pattern of neatness. You
have seen a. man whose bait-and whisk
ers were , ridieulonsly cut, speedily be
nunlike. other
. human beings. You
have seen a clergyman.whoMOre along
beard,in alittle while appear without
one. You have seed -,who used to
sing.ridiculous sentimental songs leave
them off. You have seen a man who
took snuff copiously, andwho generally
had his breant covered with snuff, aban
don ti ivile habit.
A wife is . " the grand . wielder of the
moral pruning•knife. If Johnson's.wife
had lived, there would haie been no
hoarding up of bits of orange peel ; no
touching all the posts in walking along
the street; no eating and drinking with
a diskusting voracity. . It Oliver Gold
smith bad been married, he would never
have worn that memorable and ridicu
lous coat: liVhenever you find a man
whom you know little about, oddlydress
ed, or talking ridiculously, or exhibiting
any eccentricity of manner, you may ,be
tolerable sure that he is not a married
man. Forthe little corners are rouuded
off, the little shoots are pruned away, in
married' men. Wives generally have
much more'senae . tlian their husbands,
especially when the husbands are clever
men. The wife's (Lavine are like the
ballast that; keeps the `ship steaily.
They are like the wholesome, though
painful, shears nipping off the little
growths of self-coaceit and folly.—Fra,
zer's Magazine.:
*MC IN THE FAMILY.—M cob as we
have heard and talked against overdoses
of bad music—two young ladies in ad
joining rooms playing different tunes at
on'ce,'nitreof-tho- WSI3OB Smith taking it
by turns to practice linrerse..,k.ed melo
deon, while their brotlier plays' tho.flute,
-find the ififant 'phenomenon• assess' foe,
violin—yet we sometimes -think: that
even too muck poor music Whetter than
none at all. Nothing seems' to gather
people together so easily as a piano.
Whereolifferent members , of• a family
Biog. endplay, there is always an ample
opportunity to driveaway sulks , or' ill
humor; and,whero the, performers are
skillful, tlyo effect is like magic. Who
can,resist an old Scotch melody well
rendered, and sounding; as we once
heard an old see-Captain say, `,'as if it
grew so'?" Who does not feel a terpsi
chorean-impStlse whensomeinerry jig or
polka is rattled off by flying fingers - ?
And who doosnot love to lounge dream
ily en a WE', while'' Stnne sweet voice
warbles "Ilathleertlifatieuroeen," "Ever
of Thee,' "liett4,-Styeet Home or any
other tender, hearttoucbing strain'which
,sinks deep,down into the spot where we
hide our best and purest ernotioniv?
There should, music in, the
family,; I:mothers and sistep should sing
together, and mother and .father with
them. ,So they will be, bound more
closell tegaher, and s'o, if .sometimes
parted, will memories of the past be
strengthened by the.notes of some well
remeditiered tune which 'Ella' or Ruth,
or Edward used to sing so often. Music
and home Chime Well together. It is
pleasant to think of thdin together.
NOT . ' HE.—One day last week a couple
of lawyers,, not Tery . far
, from the city,
were c'e'Rducting a, snit before a justice
of the , peace, got into a dispute which
ended inlittte hairpniling.--"The
• fit
court" sat by and cooly looked on till
hostilities ceitsed, when the combatants
apologiaed.foi diitiiihing his honor
the justice. carefrillY WI - Orli' specta
cles, remarked, '"0 'them things don't
diaturb tine, didn't see nothing, I took
,off my 'specs,.yott Ileow justice is •blind
to Jacticins done-in' its presence by' wise
men or fools-nothiug personal, ran
along with,yer uarayments.u. •
- gar Stubbs 'sal to one of his .debtors ;
"lEtti't 1E aboit'time thel you paid rue
that little bill r "My dear sir," Was
the con'soling . reply,. ',.it's.not. a question
,ofitime, it's a. queStion.of - rsoney:". ..
Eir There exists a singular domestic
Ducbati, 43PerMani. 'Th'ere
th'el "iineet+Veks'" (cheim "se) Ofthe women
will often be banded'doivn.bud•slorri for
,three•,,goneratiotis. • ,
, •
or Maori), woman:would raitiiiheve
`ainberoie•in herliots than s pi gle'
on her nose. J:4l
PAY Or Posniscritss. ,- -IJuder•the act
of July Ist, 1864,: postmasters are•to be
paid salaries; ,instead of commissions.
We give a list of offices ofthe first, sec
ond and thirdlclasSeipin this State : •
• First Class—Philadelphiai salary,
$4,000.; P,ittsburg, $4OOO. ,
Sseond -Class—Allentown,, salary,
$2,200; Carlisle, 2,800 ;: Chambersburg,
2,3oo; ; Chester, 2,100 ;-,,Easton, 1,400;
Erie, 2,400 ;..Elarrisburg, 2„700 ; Johns
town, 2,000; A ltoona, 2,000 ; Meadville,
2,3001 T Norristown,.. 2,100 ; Reading
2,300, ; Lancaster, 2,500 ; • Pottsville;
2,400; Seranton,2,3oo ; ;
Williamsport ; 2,600 ; York, 2,200 ;. Al
leg6any,-1,600 r.,West Chester, 2,1'001
Wilkesbarre, 2000. -
Third Class—,Ashland, salary, $1400;
Bedford, 1,0004 f3ellefonte,; 1,200 ; Bu
chanan, 1,000 ; Bethlehem, 1,800 ; Car
bondale, 1,000 ;: Columbia, 1,500 ; Dan
ville, 1,900 ; Franklin, 1,300 ; Gettys
burg, 1,600 ; Greensburg, 1,600.; llolli
daysbUrg, 1,600 ; Honesdale, 1,6110 3
Huntingdon, 1,500; 0 ;
Lebanon, 1,700 ; Lewisburg, 1,600 ;
Lewiston, I,600 ; LOck haven, 1,900
Mauch Chunk, 1,400; Mechanicsburg,
1,100 ; tdilton,l,loo; MineTsville,l.2oo ;
Montrose, 1,200 ; New Brighton, 1,100 ;
New Castle, 1,000 ; 'Oil City, 1,400 ;
1,300 . ; Pittston, 1 , ,700:;
POttiiown,' 1,100 ; St. Clair, .`
1,090 ;
Ship'pensburg, 1,000 ; Tamaqua, 1,300 . 3
T - owanda, 1,200; Uniontown, 1,100,
Warren, 1.000 ; WashingtOn, 1,60.
ANYBODY LIKE -hi a.--I ain't anybody
—l'm married—l ain't a bachelor any
longer!—Phis ain't my home, 'tisn't my
carriake, my horses, my opera, box; oh,
no !,they are Mrs. - Smith's. I'm not
John K. Smith, the rich,est broker on
Montgomery street, but = that,fashion ,
ahle Mrs. Smith's,hesbandl .;„;
Nellie came down to the office yester
day.; sweet Nellie !'sbe alrnoWcousoles
pope for al , l. bis l cares, ; clustering
. curls,
blue eyes 7 —dear
" Whose lo,vely, child is.92et- V' ,
Of course .. , it ie.! she don't belong, to,
me—oh, certainly* not I wish 1
little more clear on- that point. That
esiPCn sive
_plate jus Vio i o tee 421e&i g a
What if I'dicePai for,
it? dilinl..,Flielbeg'tollis. f 'Pdtir
oppressed siren' I they have bUli - all
theirowa pro'pertY 'andlalf of their 'hug-"
bawls by laiv, ;Id_ the rest bypiisietisioii;
but they need trio t? rights? 'Where
lightsitib wrong, I Wtzder whal Woids
the; petitioners would 43'1_,And 'then
the idea of calling me "ctnybo 'ri
a cipher 1, I'm
jaßk 7 p'-11ante,ro—a , vision..
A D -As the train from the,
south on the N. G. R. R. 'Wes `ic;iiiting .
its usual time at the depot yesterday, a
party of blatant Mcelellanites passed
through one of the cars after a flea..
'Meeting an old gentleman, a Citizen Of
Baltimore, he tvas . .asked . his prefirenee
.for President. Be named, Lincoln.
"But," said he, "I have five nephews,in
the army who each ,prefer McClellan."
The,cops .became , nproarions..with ap
.plause at, this announcement.: i When
one, of the,vipers,conuratulated;the
timorean upon, the choice of id nephews.
and ia, (lair ed , ."1111der vth at, Gen eral • are
your nephews making targets of them
selves ?" imagine- the surprise which
struck thercops as this Old ''Man
- but 'sarcastically replied, ' 4 Gretieral
Robert E. Lee' An audible titter ran
through the"cats - as 'the cops 'fierriedlY
left, the "tralif.Lifairisbuig Telegraph.
Cr A correspondent sayi : 4 • "In 'the
present price of kerOsene lamp.
people 'can make abetter wick than t. zy
'buy by taking cotton lionnel, * of, which
all have pieces, and foldiel it up thiree
thicknesses, jest wide enough to go into
the tube, and catching the
„edge with'
coarse stitches."
lam' The grass Valley Nettonal kt of
California,, t mentions, : the ,discovery.
its vicinity, ofla bee-tree .with it, inrgoi
bee,hive, honey and•bees
The reinaining.portion treFtlin
which tbeehive was found tw,n, ;: atid•
half feet in- diameter, and about forty
Teet bug It' aims' found seventy ve
feet beneathitheirirface oNtie Sitrth.
gir A fellow st race=course ;wae,
etaggeriog,aboat 'the Atrack more
liquor than he could carry. '"Hullo,
what's the matter now ?" paid, a chap,
whom the 'inebriated individual had tun
;„:4, 11 ) h... `why
tiOamit; y- ic-y, `thy fact'is,
%lag b i et4liettipi
higher' iitt tlii' r4e 114itip
. 11Cit Me' to hold the MOO."
VOL. Xl.--NO. 12.
inunt2 Nt F is ago.
meta girl the other day,
Some twelve years old, or so,
The image of a nymph I loved
Some twenty years ago. -
The blushing cheek, the sparkling eye,
The hair of raven flow.—
Ah how they set my heart a-blaze
Some twenty years ago !
I spoke—her answers did not much
Of wit or wisdom show—
But thus the lovely Mary talked
Some" twenty years ago.
What I could a shallow girl like this
My heart in tumult thrOw
I must have been a little green
Some twenty years ago !
I've met the lovely Mary since—
Her charms have vanished though—
Her wit and wisdom are—the same
As twenty years ago !
I look upon her faded cheek,
s ' Unlit my feelings glow ;
And thank her that she scorned my love
Some twenty years ago !
Fond boy ! who now wouldst gladly die
To please some , simpering Miss—
God knows what thou wilt think of her
Some twenty years from this I
Taney, tor twenty-six years Chief Justice
of the Supreme.sDourt of the United
States, died in Washington on the even
ing of the 12th .of Octobet He was
born in Calvert ' county, Maryland,
March 17th, 1777, and was therefore in
his eighty eighth year at the time of his
•de.ath He was educated at Dickinson
College, in• Pennsylvania, and was ad
mitted to the bar at Annapolis, Mary
land, in the - sprinrof 1709, nearly sixty
six years ago. He was 'shortly after
wards elected to thiliLegislature ; in
1816 he served as • State Senittor; in
1823 he removed to Baltimore ; in 1827
he was appointed Attorney-General of
Maryland, in which office he served four
In 18.31 he was appointed Attorney-
General of the United States by Presi
dent Jackson, with whose bank policy
he agreed cordially. When in 1833 Mr.
Duane was dismissed' from the cabinet
for his refusal to remove the deposits,
Mr. Taney was nominated Secretary of
the Treasury in his place, but the Senate
refused to confirm him. In 1835 he was
nominated by, General Jackson Associ
ate Judge of the Supreme Court, to fill
;the vacancy caused by the resignation
of JOdge Duvall.' The Senate refused
to act npon the nomination, and thus for
4e'Second time rejected Mr. Taney.
fitly aftarwarda . Chief Justice Mar-
E ih a Ned, and Genetal jackson at once
nc ; i ,l arde % MC; Taney : to' fill his place.
l ''' , Whe n t t .Sennte met in May' ch, 1836,
; senate
sufficient change
obbad taken place in the
; political complesidiY4'f. that body to ef
fect. a confirmation 0t4 13 a ct w h ich
tvonld have scarcely been p ;,:fermed had
not the ,President preferred to :".: a t , i f Y
and ,reward personal, friendship raiiit.". 7
than place , npon the Supreme ,I3ench as
,E3 I 9CCeSSPC of the great Marshall one
of equal worth, .genius and reputation ;
one whom Chief Justice Marshall bad
- designated as 'his successor,' namely,
Justice Story: .
When •Mr. Taney became Chief Jus
tice of the .Suprep,e Court he was al.
ready•poosiderably past the prime of life;
he, was fifty-nine years of age: He had
been previously a lawyer in good prac
tice and of considerable local repute ;
originally a Federalist in politics.--New
- YoreEvening Post. • : . •
ow No less, than thirty juvenile
,thieves„ all under fourteen years of age,
were laiely arrested in, in New
York city. They steal fruitiodoor-mati3,
baskets, cart stakes, or anything else
,portable,•whia they can lay'their bands
;upon ivith4 hoPe of making off with the
plunder without detection.
9.t . a t ;ecent. Ames
rifle gall at,Bridgaport, asheli, weighing
;107 pounds;•witti a.ohisrge%o(2s pounds
ill, powder; went' allistanee of •7f miles
in 30'secoirds.'
• A bachelor of thirty-seven years
standing _has been :Band -ten dollars in
Otinada, not for playfully kissing a iieigh
iborla wife; bat, for - afterigtardit 'telling of
Served him :right:ll--;
ar A. man in England- recently stated
thtiphis wifethad nonanmed:loo - paniads
opiamisincelhey bid been married=
17 years. 1.1,, • ; ' -
Illux , :gtestitsVdeptb-of the if 'about
five MilailL• .