The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 01, 1864, Image 3

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    gi l t Notal Paritttian.
MARIETTA CAR HOURS. The several pas
senger trains will leave the "Upper-Station
Depot" as follows: Morning train, East, at
ten minutes before S; Mail train West, 11:56 ;
Way train East, 1:45; Harrisburg Accommo
dation trait), East, 0:39 and the evening train
West, at 7:02.
'Trains leave Columbia for Reading and
all intermediate points, every morning at 7:40
and every evening at 6 o'clock, and returning
arrive at Columbia at 7:20 in the morning and
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Ocetwedcys, Ocialteo 1, 7fib4
PROXY VOTING.—We invite attention
of officers of the Election to the recent
law passed allowing soldiers, where not
more than ten of them are together at
one place to vote by proxy. It will be
found in the Sheriff's proclamation as
published in another column. This is a
very important part of the law, and i s
intended to enable soldiers in Hospitals
and on detached duty to vote. If any
of our friends desire the blank forms to
send to their friends they can be had by
calling on Mr. t 4. 11. Ettla.
gir The unwashed Democracy held a
County ConventiOn on Wednesday last,
in Lancaster, to settle a county ticket.
We find quite a lengthy report in the
inteiligencer, from which we glean the
following: Nathan Worley was made
president, ri vice presidents and 4 sec
retaries. A. round dozen candidates for
the legislature was announced, amongst
whom we found the name of George W.
Wormley, of this borough. Mr. Hugh
M. North, of Columbia, was nominated
:or Congress by acclamation. David G.
Eshleman, for Associate Law 'Judge;
W. S. Davis, of Colerain township,
Abram Shank, city, H. B. Dunlap,
Mount Joy and W. U. Custer, Earl, for
the legislature ; W. Carpenter, for
county commissioner; George W. Boyer,
of Elizabethtown and Benjamin Work
man, of Alanbeim, for prison inspectors ;
C. 11, Charles and John Hess, for direc
tors of the poor.
Qom' A few days ago an engine on the
Pennsylvania railroad at West Phila
delphia, which had been supplied with
fuel and water preparatory to tifking a
train west, got loose from the hostler
and run off up the south track like a
streak, snorting and puffing es if giving
challenge for a race, Engineer Edward
R. Black, formerly of Columbia, with
an engine of the fast line, was dispatch
ed at once on the north track in pursuit
of the fugitive, and she being the faster
animal, caught up with the runaway at
Athensville, and, running along-side,
the engineer stepped over and reined in
the flying steed. The Superintendent
at West Philadelphia took the precau
tion to telegraph 'to White Hall, and
had the switch turned so as to throw
her off the track, in case she reached
that point,—Columbia Spy. '
Air There will be a grand
ing in Lancaster, on Wednesday next,
which la intended to exceed anything of
the kind since 1840. The Lancaster
Examinervery truthfully says : "Devote
one day to your country, and hear the
questions of the day—to every one so
vitally - important—discussed by able
speakers, who are engaged, and will
surely he present. Let delegations
from all parts of the country attend, and
make the demonstration one long to be
remembered, for the enthusiasm of the
people la the , cause of their country, by
both friend and foe to the . glorious
okr A large and enthusiastic Union
Meeting was held on Thursday evening
last in the Town Hall. Mr Samuel
Hopkins, an old war Democrat, was cal
led to the chair and John Jay Libhart,
Henry Musselman, Jacob E. Kreybill,
John Paulis, Sr., Geprge Shriner, Jacob
Mellinger, Christian Stibgen, Frank. F.
Hoffmeier, Jno. Noel and J no. O'Bryan,
vice presidents ; Isaac S. Geist, secre
tary. .The meeting was ably addressed
by Samuel J. Rea, of Philadelphia, Ja
cob B. Amweg and George R. Barr, of
Lancaster. Mr. Amweg's remarks to
the war democrats were particularly
happy and several times "brought down
the house." Marietta may be set down
as all-right for honest old Abe, by a very
handsome majority.
gar Mr. George W. Mehaffey, has, we
learn, purchased the handsome residence
which 001. John W. Clark but recently
sold to Mr. Van Leer, of the Eureka
Saw Mill. This is one of the finest res
idences in the borough, and was built
only a fow years since, by Col. Clark,
and was put up without• regard to cost.
The following Columbiana put in
representative recruits : Mrs. Wm. A.
Martin, Mrs. Wm. G. Case, Mrs. E. K.
Smith, Mrs. J. G. Heim, Mrs: J. B.
Bachman, John A. Jackson, Isaac 0.
Bruner, B. F. Appold and Rudolph
Williams. Columbia has certainly done
well in this respect.
ear The members of the Union League
are requested to meet on Monday even
ing next, at their hall. A punctual at
tendance is requested as business of im
portance will be brought before the
Ter "Blue Row" will be sold on next
Saturday. See Sheriff's advertisement.
Cr The members of the Farmer's and
Gardener's Club of East Donegal will
meet in Temperance Hall, on Thursday
evening next, for the purpose of an an
nual settlement for the past year.
ar The salaries of the postmasters at
Lancaster and Columbia have been in
creased, the former to $2,500 and the
latter to $1,500 per year.
11:3•bA Card to the Suffering. Swallow two
or three hogsheads of " "Tonic Bit
ters," "Sarsaparilla," " Nervous Antidotes,"
&c., &c., and after you are satisfied with the
result, then try one box of Old Dr. Buchan's
English Specific Piils—and be restored to good
kealth and vigor in less than 30 days. They
are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt
and salutary in their effects on the broken
down and shattered constitution. Old and
young ea n take tbemwith advantage. Impor
ted and sold in the United States only by
J. S. 13trmr.a. 427 Broadway, N. Y.
fa—Agent for the United States.
P• S.—A Box of the Pills, securely tacked,
will be mailed to any adiress on receipt of
price, which is ORE DOLLAR, postpaid—mo
ney refunded by the agent it entire satisfac
tion is not given. [july 30-3 m
lCj Editor of The Mariettian. Dear Sir
With your permission I wish to say to the rea
ders of your paper that I will send, by return
mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with
full directions for making and using a simple
Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove,
in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles,
and all impurities of the skin, leaving the
same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful.
I will also mail free to those having bald
heads or bare faces, simple directions and in
formation that will enable them to start a full
growth of luxuriant Bair, Whiskers, or a
Moustache, in less than 30 days.
Respectfully yours,
Ttios. F. Cuarbrarr, Chemist,
July 313-3mj 831 Broadway, N. Y.
ire To the Young or Old, Male or Female,
if you have been suffering from a habit in
dulged in by the youth of both sexes, which
causes so many alarming symptoms, it unfits
them for marriage, and is the greatest evil
which can befall man or woman. See symp
toms enumerated in advertisement, and if you
are a sufferer, cut out the adveitisement, and
send for it at once. Lelays are dangerous.
Ask for Helmbold's, take no other. Cures
guaranted. Beware of counterfeit and imita
Kr Do you want to be Cured? Dr. Buch
an's English Specific Pills cures, in less than
30 days, the worst cases of Nervousness, Im-.
potency, Premature Decal, Seminal Weak
ness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and
Nervous Affections, no matter from what
cause produced. Price $1 per box. Sent by
mail, postpaid, on receipt of an order. One
box will perfect the cure in most cases.
General Agent, No. 42.7 Broadway, N. Y
EVE and EAR:—Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D.
Oculist and-Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Hol
land, is located at N 0.511 Pine-st., Philadel
phia, where persons afflicted with diseases of
the Eye or Ear will be scientifically treated
and cured, if curable. Artificial Eyes insert
ed without pain. No charges made for exam-'
ination. The medical faculty is invited, as
he has no secrets in his mode of treatment.
February 6, 1864.-ly.
It "To CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive suf
ferers will receive a valuable prescription for
the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis
and all Throat and Lung affeatiOns, (free of
charge) by sending their address to
Williamsburg, Kings co. N. y.
September 24, 1564.3m1
S. 0. 4tale.ei , ,
Stribintr anti Cnntapantrr.
WOULD most respectfully take this means of
informing ha friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the drawing of
and in fact everything in the CONVEYA NCING
line. 'laving' gratuitous intercourse with a
member of the Lancaster Bar, will enable him
execute instruments of writing with accuracy.
P:a' fie can be found at the office of " THE
MARIETTIAN," on Front street, or at his res
idence on Market street, s a square west of the
Donegal House," Marietta.
1/131ank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Leases always on hand and for sale.
At two o'clock, P. M., by virtue of a writ of
vend. exponas issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Lancaster County, and to me di
rected, I will expose to public sale or out-cry
at the Court House, in the City of Lancaster,
the following Real Estate, viz :
All that certain Messuage or Tenemen
situated in East Donegal township, in the Co
of Lancaster, sounded as follows, viz :
Beginning at a post thence by land of Chris
iian Snyder, north one and. three-quarter deg
rees, west two hundred perches to a post,
thence by land of Christian Garber, north
eighty nine and three quarter degrees east dl
perches to a post, thence by land of Jacob Stauf
fer, John Kuhns and 'John Miller, south, one
and a half degrees, east thirty seven perches
and five-tenths of a perch to a post, thence
south eighteen and a-qua'rter degrees, east 87
perches and sixth-tenths of a perch to a post,
thence south eighty-two degrees,east =- thirty
one perches to stone, thence by and of John
Walters, John Foot and Andrew Hershey,
south seven degrees, West eighty-eight perch
es, to a post, thence by other land of Ann Bren
neman, north eighty-two and, three-quarter
degrees, west ninety-four perches to•the place
of beginning—
Large Barn, and other outbuildings, well of
water with Pump, &c., &c.
Three Lots of Ground,
Situated on the north side of Walnut street,
between Gay and Bridge streets, in the bo
rough of Marietta, Lancaster county, .
numbered by Nos. 166, 167, 168, with . six
story Erame Dwelling HOUSES erected there-
Also, all that casters' half of Lot numbered
3 73, situated. on the north side of Walnut ,
street between Gay and Bridge streets in the
borough of Marietta, countyand State afore
said, with a one and
a half Story Fraine
Dwelling HOUSE thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution its the pro
perty of JOHN STAUFFER, and to be sold
by F. SMITH, Strxrurr.
SHADES at remarkably low prices—
to closeout. 'JOHN SPANGLER, -
Market Street, Marietta.
Gotr ..Sabt Comniontnraltb!
Sheriff's Proclamation.
For the General Election of 1864
In Pursuance of the duties imposed by the
Election laws of the Slate of Pennsylvania, I
FREDERICK SMITH, High Sheriff of Lan
caster co., do hereby publish and give notice
to the qualified citizens, electors of the several
Wards, Townships, Districts, and Boroughs
of the City and County of Lancaster, that a
General Election will be held on TUESDAY,
the 11th day of OCTOBER next, 1564, at the
several places hereinafter designated, to elect
by ballot.
One Person duly qualified for a Mem
ber of Congress.
One Person duly qualified for Associ
ate Law Judge.
Four Persons duly qualified for
Members of the House of Representa
One Persou duly qualified for County.
Two Persons duly qualified for Di
rectors of the Poor:
Two Persons duly qualified for Ptison
One Person duly qualified for Auditor.
Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
Lancaster city. The.qualitied voters of the
North East Ward will hold their electron
the public house of Anthony Lechler, in East
King street ; those of the North West Ward
at the public house occupied by Adam Trout;
those of the South East Ward at the public.
house occupied by Isaac Miller. in East King
Sreet ; those of the. South West Ward at the
public house of Amos Groff.
2d District—Promote township, at the No.
2 school house, in the village of Chestnut
Level. -
3d District— Borough of Elizabethtown, at
the padic house now occuided by' George W.
-Boyer, in the said borough.
' 4th District—Earl township, at the public
hall in the village of New Holland in Said .
.5111 District---Elizabeth township, at the
public house now occupied by George Bentz,
in 13rickerville, in said township. .
6111 District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by A. T. Myers, in
said borough,
7th District—Rapho township, ircluding the
Borough of Manheim, at the public houSe oe
copied by John Shreiner, in said Borough.
Sth District—Salisbury township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John Mason, White
Horse tavern, in said township.
9th District—East Cocalico township,. at
the public house now occupied by H. Rhoads,
in the village of Reamstown, in said town
10th District—being a part of the township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said township.
11th-District—Carnal von township, at the
public house now occupied by John Myers, in
the village of Chutown in said township'
12th District—Martic township, at the house
now occupied by Chas, T. Saulsby, in said
township, -
13th District—Bart township, at the public
house now occupied by Edwin Garret, in said
14th District—Colerain township, at the
public house now occupied by J. P. Swisher,
in said township.
loth District—Fulton township, in the pub
lic house now occupied by Joseph Phillips, in
said township:
District—Warwick township, at the
public house now occupied by Samuel Lichten, 7
thaler, in the village of Li+iz in'said township.
17th District—Composen of the Borough of
Marietta and part of East Donegal township,
at the public school house in the Borough of
Marietta, In said township.
IStli District—Columbia Borough, at the
Town Hall in said Borough.
19th District—Sadsbury township, at the
blic house now occupied by Abraham Roop
said township.
20th nistrict—Leacock township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by Frederick Styer, in
said township.
21st District—Brecknock township, at the
public house now occupied by J. Briughurst,'
in said township.
22d District—Mount Joy borough, at the:
public school house in said borough.
23d District--Being part of East Hemp
field township, at the public house now occu
pied by Jacob Swart' in the village of Peters
burg, in said township.
4th District—West Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Hen-
Miller, in the village of Lampeter Square, in
said township.
25th District—Conestoga township, at the
public house now occupied by John G. Freis,,
in said township.
26th District—Being part of Manor town
ship, at the upper school house in the borough
of Washington, in said township.
27th District—Ephrata township, at the
public house now occupied by Martin Gross,
in said township.
2Sth District— Conoy township, at the pub
lic school house in the village of Bainbridge,
in said township.
29th District—Manheim township, at the
public house now occupied by Jac. Minich, in
the village of Nelfsville, in said township.
30th' eistrict—Being part of Manor town
ship, at the public house now occupied by
Joseph Gochenaur, in Millerstown, in said
to wnsh i p.
31st District—West Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Grabill G.
Forney, in Eariville, in said township.
32nd District—West Hemplield township,
at the public house now occupied by John
Kendig, in said township.
33rd District—Strasburg township, at the
public house now occupied by James Curran,
in the Borough of Strasburg.
3 Ali District—Being part of Manor town
ship, commonly called Indiantown district,
at the public house of Bernard Stoner, in said
35th District—West Cocalico township, at
the put& house now occupied by Jno. W.
Mentzer, in the village of Schceneck, in said
36th District—East Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Rudy Hahn,
Blueißall, in said township.
37th District—Paradise township, at the
public house now occupied by John Zook, in
said township.
3Sth Distrist—Being a part'of East Hemp
field township, at the public school house in
the village of Hempfield, in said township.
39th - District--Lancaster township, at the
public house now occupied by W. S. Youatt
in said township.
40th District—East Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Jacob.
Riddle, in said township.
41st District—Little Btitain township, at
the house of Benjamin Brogan, in said town
42nd District—Upper Leacock township, at
the public house of Levi G. Kemper, in said
43d District—Penn township, at the puplic
house'oceupied by 3. Bussor, n said town
44th District—Borough of Adamstown, at
the schoolhouse in said borough.
45th District-- Clay township, at the house
of George W. Steinmetz, (formerly John Erb's)
in said township. •
46th Distriet-- , -Pequea township, at the pub
lic house of Benjamin Rowe in said town
47th District—Providence township, at the
house occupied by Mary Miller, in said towii
ship. ,
' 48th' District-:-Eden township, at thc public
house of J. G. Hildebrand, in said,township.
49th'District--Being that part Of Mount Joy
township heretofore included• in the 3d Dis-:
'llia. at Lehman's school house in said town
50th District—West Donegal township, here
tofore included in the 3d election district, "tit
Run's school house, in said township:
Slit. District-That part . of Mount Joy
township heretofore included in the 22d dis
trict, at Benjamin Breneman's school house
in said township- •
52d District— That part of Rapho towriship
heretofore included - ia the 22d 'district, at
Strie'iler' house in said township. •
5311 District7That part of East- and • West
Donegal heretofore the
22d districts, at the brick school - house, in the
village of Springville, in said township.
55th District—That part of Rapho township
heretofore included in the 520 district, at the
public school house, in the village of New
town, in said township.
The General Elections in all the Wards,
Townships, Districts and boroughs of the
county, are to be opened between the hours ot
eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjourn
ment until seven o'clock in the evening, whets
all the polls shall be closed.
Every person excepting Justices of the
Peace, who shall hold any Office - or appoint
mant of profit or trust under the Government
of the United States, or this State, or of aay
other incorporated district, whether a commis
sioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the Legislative, Executive or iudicia
tory department of the State or the United
States, or of any city or incorporated district
and'also that every member of Congress, or of
the State Legislature, and of the Select and
Common Councils, of any city, dr Commission
ers of any incorporated district, is, by law, in
capable of holding or exercising at the- same
time the office or appointment of judge, in
spector or clerk of any election of this Com
monwealth, and no ii,spector, judge or other
officer of any such election shall be eligible.
there to be voted'for.
The Inspectors and Judges of the election
shall meet at the respective places appointed
for holding the election in the district, to which
they respectively belong before nine' o'clock in
the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall
'appoint one Clerk who shall be a qualified.
voter of such district.
In case the person who shall have received'
the - second highest t umber of votes for inspec
tor shall not attend on the day of any election,
then the person who shall have received the
second highest number of votes for judge at
the next preceeding election shall act as in-'
spector in his place. And if the. person who
shall have received the highest number of
votesSor inspector shall not attend, the per=
son elected judge shall appoint an inspector in"
his place—and in case the person elected a
judge shall not attend, then the inspector who
received the highest number of votes shall op-.
point a judge in his place—or if any vacancy
shall continue in the board for the space of
one hour after the time fixed by law for the
•opening of the election, the qualified voters of
the township, ward or district for wiliee such
officers shall have been elected present at such
election, shall elect one of their number to fill
such vacancy.
It shall be the duty of the several assessors
of each district to attend at the place of hold
ing every general, special, or township elec
tion, during 'the tt , hole'tiMe said *election is
kept open, for the purpose of giving informa l .
tion to the inspectors and judges, when called
on, in relation to the right of any person asses
sed by them to vote at such election or such
other matters in relation to the assessments of
voters as the said inspectors or either of them
shall from time to time require.
No person shall be permitted to any,
election, as aforesaid, - other than a white freel
man of the age of twenty-one years or more,
who shall have resided in the State at least
one year, and in the election district where he
offers his vote at least ten days immediately
precceding such election, and within two
years paid a State or county tax, which shall
have been assessed at least ten days before
the election. But a citizen of the United
States who has previously been a Valified
voter of this State and removed therefrom and
returned, and who shall have resided in the
election district and paid taxes as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to a vote after residing in this
State six months : Provided, That the white
freemen, citizens of the United States between
twenty-one and twenty-two years, who have
resided in an ,election district as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vote although they shall
not have paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list of taxable
inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners,
unless first he produces a receipt for the pay
ment within two years of a State or county
tax assessed agreeably to the Constitotion and
give satisfactory evidence, either on' his oath
or affirmation, or the oath and affirmation of
another, that he has paid such a tax, or, on
failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to:
the payment thereof. Second if he claim the
right to by being an elect or between the age
of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall
depose an 'oath or iffirmation that he his 're'
sided in this State at least one year next be
fore his application, and make such proof of
residence in the district as is required by this
act, ern that be does verily believe from the
account given him that he is of the age afore .
said, and such other evidence as' is required
by this act, whereupon the name of the per
son thus admitted to vote shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the inspectors and 'a
note made opposite thereto by writing the
word "tax," if he shall be admitted to vote by
reason of having paid tax ; or the word "age,"
if he shall be admitteif to vote by reason of
such see, shall be called out to the clerks,
who shall make the like notes on the list of
voters kept by them.
In all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vote is found,on the list furnished
by the Commissioners and assessor, or his
riglit to vote, whether found therein or not,
is objected to by any qualified citizen it shall
be the duty of the inspectors to examine such
person on oath as to hie qualifications, and if
he claims fo have resided in the State for one
year "or'inore, his oath shall be sufficient proof
thereof, but shall make proof by at least one
.competent witness, who shall be a qualified
leleetor, 'that he has resided in the district for
i more than ten day s. next•immediately preced
:tog such election, and shall also himself
swear that his bona fida residence, in purse
sac° of his lawful callings, is in said district,
and that he did not remove in - to said . - district
for the purpose of voting therein.
Every person, qualified .as aforesaid,.and
who shall make due proof, if required. of the
residence and payment of taxes as aforesaid
shall be admitted to vote in the township,
ward, or district in which he shall reside.
If any person, shall prevent or attempt to
prevent any officer of any election under this
act from holding such election, or use or threat
en any violence to any such officer or shall
interrupt or improperly interfere with him in
the execution, of his duty, or shall block up
the window, or avenue to any window where
the same may be holding, or shall riotously
disturb the peace at such election, or shall use
any intimidating threats, force or violence,
with, design to influence unduly or overawe
any. elector, or to prevent him from voting or
to restrain the freedom of choice, such person
on conviction shall be fined in any sum not
exceeding. 000 and imprisoned for any time
not less than three nor more than twelve
months, and if it shall be shown to Court,
where the trial of each offence shall be had,
that the person so offending, was not a resi
dent of the city, ward, district or township
where the offence was comrdtted, and not en-
Ititled to vote therein, then on conviction he
shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred nor more than one thousand
dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six
months nor more than two years.
If any person or persons shall make any bet
or wager on the result of any election within
this Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any
such bet or wager either by verbal proelama
tion thereof, or by written or:printed adver
tisement, challenge or invite any person to
make such bet or Wager, upon conviction there
of he or they shall , forfeit or pay three times
the amount so bet or to he bet.
. If any person, not by law qualified shall
fraudulently vote at any election of this Corn-:
monweatth, or being, otherwise qualified shall
vote out of his proper district, if any person
knowing the want of such qualification, shall
eici..or Procure such persqn to vote, the person
so offending, shall, on Conviction, be fined any.
sum not exceeding $2OO and be imprisoned in
any term not eXceeding three months.
If any person shall vote at more than one
election district. or . Otherwise fradutently vote
more than once in the same day, or shallfraud
ulently fold and deliver, to the inspector, two
tickets with the intent illegally to vote, or
shall procure nnother to do so, he (it. .they of
fending, on conviction be fined any sum 'not
less than fifty nor more than $5OO, and be int-'
prisonetUtor• any term not less than three nor
more than twelve months, .
Zf any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth agreeably . o kaii; (exc ept the
ions of qualified citizens;) shalt any
place of election for the purpose of inflencing
he citizens qualified to vote, he shall on coal
victionlorfeit and-pay any sum not exceeding
one hundred dollars fur every such offence and
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding
three months.
Agreeably to the provisions of the 61st sec
.tion of the said act, every General and Special
Election shall be opened between the hours of
eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjourn
ment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the
polls shall be closed.
The judges are to it eke their returns for the
County of Lancaster, at the Court House in
the City of Lancaster, on Friday the 14th day
of October, A. D. 1864, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
°Sheriff 's Office, Lancaster,
September 2d, 1864. S •
Extracts from an Act allowing Soldiers to
Tote and Tote by Proxy.
Section a. When any of the electors,
mentioned in the first section of this act, less
than ten in number, shall be members of com
panies of another State or Territory, or, for
any sufficient and legal cause, shall be separa
ted from their proper company, or shall be in
any hospital, navy yard, vessel, or on recruit
ing, provost, or other duty, whether within or
without this State, under such circumstances
as shall render it probable that he, or they, unable to rejoin their proper company,
or to be present at his proper place of election,
on or before of the elections, therein
mentioned, said elector, or electors, shall have
a right to vote in the following manner.
Section 33. The voter, aforesaid, is here
by authorized, before the day of election, to
deposit his ballot, or ballots, properly foiled,
as required by the .generel election laws of
this State, or 'otherwise, as the voter may
choose, in a sealed envelope, together with a
written or printed, or partly written and part
ly printed, statement, containing the name of
the voter, the county, township, borough, or
ward, of which he is a resident, and a written
or printed authority, to some qualified voter in
the election district, of which said voter is a
resident, to cast the ballots, contained in said
envelope, for him on the day of said election.
Said statement and authority to be signed by
the said voter,-and attested by the command
ing, or some commissioned officer of the com
pany, of which he is a member, in the case of
a private, and of some commissioned officer of
the regiment, in the case of an officer, if any
of such officers are conveniently accessible,
and if otherwise, then by some other witness ;
and there shall also accompany said ballots,
an affidavit of said voter, taken before some
one of the officers aforesaid, and in the ab
sence of such officers, before some other person
duly authorized to administer oaths, by any
law of this State, that he is, a qualified voter
in the election district in which he proposes to
vote, that lie is in the actual military service
of the. United States or of this State, describing
the organization to Which he belougs, that he
has not sent his ballots to any other person
or persons, than the one in such authority
mentioned, that he will not offer to vote at
any pole, which may be opened on said elec
tion day, at any place whatsoever, and that'
he is not a deserter, and has not been dishon
orably dismissed from the service, and that he
is now stationed at-, in the State of-.
Said sealed envelope, containing the batiks,
statement, authority and affidavit, as afore
said,'to be sent to the proper person, by mail
or otherwise, having written or printed on the
;outside,'across the sealed part thereof, the
words, "soldier's ballot for -township,
(borough or ward,) in the county of "
Section 34. The elector, to whom such bal
lot shall be sent, shall, on the day of elections
and whilst the polls of the proper districts are
open, deliver the envelope, as received, un
opened, to the proper election officer who
shall open the same, in the, presence of the
election board, and deposit the ballots therein
contained, together with the envelope, and
accompanying papers, as other ballots are
deposited, and said board shall count and can
vass the same, in the same manner as other
votes cast at said election. ; and the person da
livering the same may,-on the demand of any
elector, be compelled to testify, on oath, that
the envelope, sp delivered by him, is in the
same state as when received by him, and' that
the same has not been *opened, or the contents
thereof changed,, or altered, in any way ~by
hitn, or any other person.
Section 35. The right of any person, thus
offering to vote at any such election, may be
challenged, for the:same, causes, that it could
be challenged, if he were personally present,
and for no other reason. or cause.
Section 36. Any officer of any general, or
special; election, in this State, who shall re
fuse .to receive any such envelope, and deposit
such ballots, or to count and canvass the
same, and any elector who shall receive such
envelope, and neglect or refuse to present the
same, to the officers of the election district,
endorsed on the said envelope, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof,
shall be ,punished by imprisonment in, the
State prison„ not exceeding one year, 'and .by
fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or
either, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Section 37. Any person, who shall willfully
and corruptly make and subscribe any false
affidavit. or make any 'false oath, touching
any matter or thing provided in this act, shall
be deemed guilty of willful and corltupt per
jury; and 'upon conviction thereof, :shall be
punished by imprisonment, in the State Peni
tentiary, not exceeding live years, and by
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by
either, or both, in the discretion of the
court. • •
Section 38.- That it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of the CoMMonwealth to prepare
the necessary blank forms, to carry out the,
provisions of this act, andlo furnish the same
for'the use of the persens so engaged in the'
military service aforesaid. .
Section 39. In case any qualified elector,
in mi litary service aforesaid, may be in any
hospital, military or naval; or in any vessel,
or 'navy yard, the statements and affidavits,
in this act. mentioned, may be witnessed by,
and made befne, any 'officer of the vessel,
navy yard, or other place, in which said To--
ter is, for the time being,: engaged.
Section 40. It shall be the duty of every,
assessor, within this Commonwealth, annual
ly, to assess and return, in the manner now
required by law, a county tax, of ten cents
upon eash and every non-commissioned o.ffi
car and private, and the- usual--taxes *upon
every commissioned offieer, known by them
to be in the military service of the United
States, or of this State,. in the ,army; and
when any omission shall occur, the omitted
names shall be added • by such assessors, to
the assessments and list of voters, on the , ap
plication of any citizen of the election dis
trict, or precint, wherein such soldier might,
or would - have a right to vote, if. not in such
service, as aforesaid; and such no 6-commis
sicined officers and privates shall be exempt
from all other personal taxes, during'their Con
tinuation in such service;'and said assessors
shall, in each and every case of such Assessed
Soldiers, or officers, without 'fee or, reward,
therefor, give a certificate of such regular or ad
ditional assessment to any citizen , of the-elec
tion district, or precint, who may, at any thne,
demandthe same ; abil upon the presentation
thereof, to the tax collector of said district, pt,
the treasurer of said county, it shall be the
duty of: said officer to receive said assessed tax,
of, And from any person offering to pay the
same for the soldier or officer therein name . Cand
and to endorse upon such certificates a - receipt'
therefore, and it shall alsci be the duty of said
colleetor or county treasurer to receive said:as
sessed tax, from any person. ,
who may offer 'to
pay the same for any of said officers, or sot-
titers, without requiring a certificate ot assess
ment, When the name of such persons shall
have been duly entered, upon the' assessment'
books, and tax dupliCates, and give' a receipt,.
thereof, to such person, especially stating
therein, the: name of the soldier, or officer,
-whose taxis thus paid, the yehr for - Which- it
was assessed, and the date of the paimera'
thereiff ; which said • certificate .and
receipt, or receipt, only, shall' be primdfacie.
evidence 'to any . election board, provided•
for by tins act, before which the same may
beoffered, of the due assessment of said tax,
spank, and the paymeht thereofthy,. Fthe 'solv
drei,.or officer; . therein' named,.. offering 'the.
lame, as aforesaid, but said election boar&
shall not be ,thereby - Precluded from -reqhirz
mg`other proof of 'the righeto vote, as sped
fted by this act, , or the general electiOnvhiwi
of this Commonwealth, and if` any of sal&
assessors, collectors, or treasurers, shall ne
glect, or refuse, to comply with the provi
sions of this section, or to perform any of
the duties, therein enjoined upon them, or
either of them, he, or they, so offending,
shall be considered and adjudged guilty of a
misdemean or in office, and shall, on convic
tion, he fined, in any sum> not less than
twenty, nor more than two hundred dollars:
Provided, That the additional assessments,
required to be made by the above section in
the city of Philadelphia, shall be made, on
application of any citizen of the election
district, or precinct, thereof, upon oath, or
affirmation, of such citizens to be adminis
tered by the assessor, that such absent sol
dieris a citizen of the election district, or
precinct, wherein such assessment is requit
ed, by such citizen, to be made.
F. SMITH, Sheriff.
And General ,Ifachinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling , Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Dome, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and'castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning; Brass Bearings,
Steam tir. Blast gauges, LubrictitOrs, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery Avn
flatter ourselves that we can give ge-ieral satis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. lEJ"Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14 tf
No. 622 Market-Street, PHILADELPHIA
Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver
Fine Gold Jewelry,
and . the best make of Silver-Plated Ware
Constantly onhand a large ssortment of the
above goods AT LOW places.
Witches and fine Clocks repaired by skill
ful workmen; also, Jewelry repairing ; En
graving and all kinds of Hair-Work to order
at short notice.
Don't forget the old stand, Number 622
Market street, Philadelphia.
April 9,11364.-3 m S and F]
Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupiers
by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler 4 , Pat
terson's Store, Market Street, where he is now
prepared to wait on all who may feel
na z-7_7- disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in all its.branches car
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. All operations
on the. mouth performed ir. a skillful and
workmanlike manner , —on fair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this Waco, would ask a continuation
of the liter ronage heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
3iP! Ether administered to proper persons
First National Bank of Xarietta
is now prepared to transact all kinds of:
1.4 .11,0Fli of Directorsmeet weekly, ou
Wednesday, for of,
and other business.
113 - 13ank Mourn : From 9A.31t03 r. M.
Marietta, July 25, .1563.
Michael Gable,, Agt.,
Opposite the Town Hall Park,
. Marietta, Pa.
— e—
TEEHMarble business in all its branches,
will be continued at the old place, near
the Town Holland opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern, where every description of marble
work will be kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable.prices.
Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49-ly
PIJBLIC NOTIGE.— Whereas my wife,
Mary Ann Gladacker, has left my bed and
ooard without any just cause or provocation,
I hereby give. public notice that I will pay no
debts of her. contracting.
Marietta, September 240864.-30
E,ey.'s Gun Caps, Eley'9 Gun Wadds,
Dupont's Spotting and Glazed Duck Powder ;
Baltimote Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks,
NOTICE. Public Notice is hereby given
that my wife, Mary Gruel, has left my
bed and board without any. cause or provoca
tion whatever, therefore, I caution all persons
against trusting her on my account, as I will
pay , no debts of her contracting, J. GRUEL.
Marietta, September 3, 1364. 4-3t*
Laguira Coffee; Cr.ished, Pulverized and
Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea,
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba
king Molassee; Excellent Pearl Barley at
VIET ILCO X' S' Celebrated Imperial Ex-
VV tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with
sel&adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in
use s just received at
Prepared from Maize, or Indian Corn, for
ulinary purposes. Fot sale at
fIOWE & STEVEN'S Celebrated Family
1 - 1 . Dye Colors, warranted to be fast, for
ROCER'S Celebrated- Pearl Cement an
'Oil Paste Blacking at
Q ÜBSCRIPTIONS reoeived for all the lead-
Olin Periodicals of the day
At The Golden Mortar.
L for culinary purposes, warranted genuine
H. 1). Benjamin.
PRIME NWT Crop New-Orleans Molasses
—the very best for cakes. TAist received
MO LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch
and-Irish WHISSIES, weirran
ted.Rure, at H. D. Benjamaues.
SIAESTor idle at
-110 IC E HAVANA SEGARS,andthe
'best Cheniinrand Smoking Tobacco at
YON , S.Petiadical Drops, and Clark's Fe
Lath:ale - Pills, at • • The Golden. Mortar.
DUY onee of those beautiful S 0 }"r ,
.1 . 31- HATS at 92 Market-at.
; ,