The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 24, 1864, Image 3

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    tit Yatal Varicitian.
MARIETTA CAR HOURS. The several pas
senger trains will leave the "Upper-Station
Depot" as follows: Morning train, East, at
ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 11:56 ;
Way train East, 1:45; Harrisburg Accommo
dation train, East, 6:39 and the everting train
West, at 1:02.
pi-Trains leave Columbia for Reading and
all intermediate points, every morning at 7:40
s ad every evening at 6 o'clock, and returning
arrive at Columbia at 7:20 in the morning and
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Saturday, September 24, 1864
A Nsw Tnig-TABLE went into effect
on the Reading and Columbia Railroad,
on Monday last. The fast line leaves
Columbia now at 6 o'clock in the even.
rag and arrives at Reading at 8:40 ; and
leaves Reading at 1:35 P. M. and at 4
arrives at Columbia. An : accommoda
tion train leaves Columbia at 7:40 in the
morning and arrives at Reading at 10:05
and leaves Reading in the morning at
5 o'clock and arrivaaat Columbia at 7:20.
The train that leaves Columbia at 7:40
arrives in Philadelphia at 12:50, noon,
and in New-York at 4:40 in the after
noon. Trains leave New-York at 9in
the morning and arrive at Columbia at
4 in the afternoon, and leave Philadel
phia at 7 in the morning and arrive at
Columbia at 4in the afternoon. This
new arrangement will accommodate this
"Godoy's Lady's Book," owing to
the enormous increase of printing paper
and every article in the printing busi
ness—more than 100 per cent—Mr. Go•
dey has been compelled to increase the
club subscriptions of the Book. The
November number will 'state the price
at which "Godey" can be clubbed fur.
This is no surprising news to us ; we
wondered long since how this admirable
magazine could be furnished at the old
stir We are happy to be able to an
nounce that the lAorough of Marietta is
out of the draft. The Committee, com
posed of Messrs. John Auxer,
George H. Ettla and C. R. Marks,
having succeeded, on Wednesday last,
in getting the required number, at the
neat round sum of four hundred and fifty
dollars each.
fad' A. frightful railroad accident oc-
curred on the morning of Tuesday
last, near Thompsontown, above Barris
harg, by the Cast line running into a
coal train lying on the main track. The
eu)iision occured about 4 o'clock in the
morning. The stoves were upset and
two cars burned up. Upwards of thirty
persons aro supposed to . have been burn
ed to death. John Mullison, formerly
of Columbia, was the conductor of the
train, and was instantly killed. The
taus° was altogether with the coal train.
.dr We learn from Mr. Anderson, the
Adams Express Agent at this station,
that the Messrs. Engle shipped, during
this season, to Pittsburg and elsewhere
westward, between thirteen and fourteen
hundred boxes of Peaches. This is
what we would call a large trade for sev
eral farmers.
4Fir Wile Rail Splitter" is the title of
a little campaign paper, printed at 'the
office of "The Manheim Sentinel," by
Henry M. Eneminger, a young son of
Mr. Ensminger ofthe "Sentinel." It if 31
a spirited :ittle sheet and comes out
strongly for Lincoln and Johnson: Only
Twelve cents untilafter the Presiden
tial election.
* The great mites meeting, of the
Copperhead democracy at Lancaster,
on Saturday last, turned out, it is said
to be quite a fizzle. AU the big gun
speakers (Vallandigham amongst the
rest) disappointed the meeting and "home
production" bad to make up the loss.
The "Young War Horse" S. EL Roy
adds, being the leading speaker.
or A vast deal of our space is taken
up this week by the lengthy report of
the late agricultural exhibition, but as
we regard it as a "local institution" of
very considerable merit, think it should
not be denied a hearing. It will be
found on our first page.
11 A. draft took place for East Done
gal township, oa Tuesday last, bat we
learn that district has an agent in the
south-west procuring substitutes and
they daily look for a credit that will en
tirely relieve them.
si r Elder Owens, of the "Church of
God" persuasion, will preach in Zion's
church on Saturday (this) evening at
7 o'clock. The public is respectfully
invited to hear him.
lir Samuel SIOCUM. Esq., h a s b een
elected Chairman, and John J. Cochran
and 1:1. ft. Tshudy 'secretaries of the
Union County Committee.
The Union Mass Meeting at
Christiana, on Saturday last was a
elr Don't forget the furniture sale of
Col. John W. Clark on Thursday' nest.
'"Blue Row" will bo sold by the
sheriff on the Bth of October.
tar The Lancaster Locomotive works
are now in successful operation.
On Tuesday, August 23d, 1864, at 'Waverly,
lowa, by Rev. Mr. Berlinson, Mr. Alvin
F. Pomeroy, of Vermont,to Miss Emma V.
Child, of Marietta, Pa.
31:r A Card to the Suffering. Swallow two
or three hogsheads of " Buchu," " Tonic Bit
ters," "Sarsaparilla," "'Nervous Antidotes,"
&c., &c., and after you are satisfied with the
result, then try one box of Old Dr. Buchan's
English Specific Pills—and be restored to good
kealth and vigor in less than 30 days. They
are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt
and salutary in their effects on the broken
down and shattered constitution. Old and
young ca n take themwith advantage. Impor
ted and sold in the United States only by
J. S. BUTLER. 427 Broadway, N. Y.
13-Agent for the United States.
P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely Tacked,
will be mailed to any adireas on receipt of
price, which is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid—mo
ney refunded by the agent if entire satisfac
tion is not given. (ply 30-3 m
ila" Editor of The Mariettian. Dear Sir :
With your permission I wish to say to the rea
ders of your paper that T will send; by return
mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with
full directions for making and using a simple
Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove,
in ten days, Pimples, Blotchee, Tan, Freckles,
and all impurities of the skin, leaving the
same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful.
I will also mail free to those having bald
heads or bare faces, simple directions ar.d in
formation that will enable them to start a full
growth of luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a
Moustache, in lesathan 30 days.
Respectfully yours,
Tues. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
July 30-3m] 831 Broadway, N. Y.
To the Young or Old, Male ot Female,
if you have been suffering from a habit in
dulged in by the youth of both sexes, which
causes so many alarming symptoms, it unfits
them for marriage, and is the greatest evil
which can befall man or woman. See symp
toms enumerated in advertisement, and if you
are a 'sufferer, cut out the adveitisement, and
send for it at once. Lelays are dangerous.
Ask for Helmbold's, take no other. Cures
guaranted. Beware of counterfeit and imita
Oa Do You want to be Cured I Dr..Buch
an's English Specific Pills cures, in less than
30 days, the worst cases of Nervousness, Im
potency, Premature Deco), Seminal Weak
ness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and
Nervous Affections, no matter from what
cause produced. Price $1 per box. Sent by
mail, postpaid, on receipt of an order. Ono
box will perfect the cure in most cases.
Address JAMES S. Burets,
Gneral Agent, No. 427 Broadway, N. Y.
EYE and EAR:—Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D.
Oculist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Hol
land. is located at NQ. 511 Pine-st.., Philadel
phia, where persons afflicted with diseases of
the Eye. or Ear will be scientifically treated
and cured, if curable. Artificial Eyes insert
ed without pain. No charges made for exam
ination. The medical faculty is invited, as
he has no secrets in his mode of treatment.
February 6, 1864.-Iy.
DZt• To ConsuntrrtvEs. Consumptive suf
ferers will receive a valuable prescription for
the cure of Cnnsumption, Asthma, Bronchitis
and all Throat and Lung affections, (free of
charge) by sending their address to
Williamsburg, Kings co. N. Y.
September 24, 1864.3m]
LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the
Post Office at Marietta, Pa., THU REDA Y.
SEPTEMBER, 22, 1864.
Alexander, Mr. E. H. O'Stephens. Joseph
Bowman, Henry Rainlom, Mrs. Ama
Benedict, George Esq.,Stope, Mies Eltza J.
Culver, William Shirk, Miss Addie
Font, Franklin Strianfing, Miss Sustm
Foster, Alex. R. Wiseman, Frederick
Gable, Israel Walker, Thomas
Hall, Miss Clemcnda Waller, Mrs, John
Lea,, Henry
ITo obtain any of these letters, the ap
plicant must cull for "advertised letters," give
the date of this list, and pay one cent for ad=
PUBLIC NOTIGE.— Whereas my wife,
Mary Ann Gladacker, has left my bed and
[ward without any just cause or provocation,
I hereby give pnblic notice that I will pay no
debts of her contracting.
Marietta, September 24, rSB4.-3t*
' ey's Gun Caps, EleyN Gun Wadds,
Dupont's Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder;
Baltimore Shot ; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks,
NNOTICE. Public. Notice is hereby given
that my wife, Mary Gruel, has left my
bed and board without, any cause or provoca
tion whatever, therefore, I caution all persons
against trusting her on my account, as I will
pay no debts of her contracting, J. GRUEL.
Marietta, September 3, 1864. 4-30
PRIME G KO CERIE Si—Rio, Java and
Laguira.Coffee ; Crushed, Pulverized and
Sugar.; Superior Green and. Black. Tea,
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at ,-,
"AT I. LC O. X' .S Celebrated kinperial , Ea-
VV tension Steel Spring Skeleton ; Shirt, with
self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and beat in
use, just received at
very best thing out,for, wet weather-not
something far supelior : war
ranted not to shrink. Call and examine them
1-1_ SHADES at remarkably low primp--
.to closeout. JOHN SPANGLEit,
Market Street, Marietta.
AICRORY & Oak Wood, 50 Cords each
Hickory and Oak Wood. Orderii'must
e accompanied with the cash when they will
promptly filled. Span' er & Patterion.
CHAMPAGNE and other Table - Wines
guaristitead to helium, and sold as low as
can be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York
H. D. BEN/ANIN Picot Building.
ler OWE . & STEVEN'S Celebrated Family
111. Dye COlOll3, warranted to be fast, for
- 1011 OGER'S Celebmted Pearl Cement an
lA, Oil Paste Blackiim at
° UBSCRIPTIONS received for all'the lead
in Periodicals of the day
At The Golden Mortar.
for culinary purposes, warranted genuine
If. D. Benjamin.
Gob Sabi the Contntattintaltt
Sheriff's Proclamation.
For the General Election of 1864.
In Pursuance of the duties imposed by the
Election laws of the State of Pennsylvania, I
FREDERICK SMITH, High Sheriff of Lan
cuter co., do hereby publish and give notice
to the qualified citizens, electors of the several
Wards, Townships, Districts, and Boroughs
of the City and County of Lancaster, that a
General Election will be held on TUESDAY,
the nth day of OCTOBER next, 1864, at the
several places hereinafter designated, to elect
by ballot.
One Person duly qualified fora Mem
ber of Congress.
One Person duly qualified for Associ
ate Law Judge.
Four Persons duly qualified for
Members of the House of Representa
One Person duly qualified for County
Commissioner. '
Two Persons duly qualified for Di
rectors of the Poor.
Two Persons duly quidified for Prison
Inspector. .
One Person duly qualified for Auditor.
Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
Lancaster city. The qualified voters, of the
North Emit Word will hold their elect:Lon at
the public house of AnthOny'Leehler, in East
King street ; those of the North West Wird
at the public bouse, occupied by Adam Trout;
those of the South East Ward at the public
house occupied by Isaac Miller, in East King
Sreet ; those of the &ith West Ward at the
public house of Amos Groff.
2d Disrrict—Drumore township, at the No.
2 school house; in the village of Chestnut
3d District— Borough of Elizabethtown, at
the public house now occupied by George W.
Boyer ' in the said borough. • •
4th District—Earl township, at the public
hall in the village of New Holland in said
oth'• District—Elizabeth township, at the
public house now occupied by: George Bentz,
in Brickerville, in said township.
6th District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by A. T. Myers, in
said borough,
7th District—Rapho township, ire/tiding the
Borough of Manheiro, at the pubhc house oc
cupied by John Shreiner, in said borough.
Sth District—Salisbury township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by John Mason, White
Horse tavern, in said township.
9th District—East Cocalico township, at
the public house now occupied by D. Rhoads,
in the village of Rearnstown, in said town,-
10th District—being a part of the township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said township.
District—Carnarvon township, at the
public house now occupied by John Myers, in
the village of Chutown in said township,
12th District--Marlic township, at the house
now occupied by Chas, T. Saulsby, in said
13th District—Bart township, at the public
house now occupied by Edwin Garret, in said
14th District—Coleratn township, at the
public house now occupied by J. P. Swisher,
in said township.
13th District—Fulton township, in the pub
lic house now occupied by Joseph Phillips, in
said township:
.16th District—Warwick township,
,at: the
public house now occupied by Samuel Leiden
thaler, in the village of Lttiz in said township.
17th District—Composea of the Borough of.
Marietta and part of East Donegal township,
at the puh!ic school house in the Borough of
Marietta, In said township..
18th District—Columbia Borough, at the
Town Hall in said Borough.
19th District—Sadsbury township, at the
üblic house now occupied by Abraham Roop
p said township.
20th nistriet—Leactiek township, at the pub-.
lie house now Styer, in
said township. ,
21st bistrict—Brecknock township, at the
public house now occupied by J. Briaghurst,
in said township.
22d District—Mount Joy borough, at the
public school house in said borough.
23d District--Being part of East Hemp
field township, at the public house now occu
pied by Jacob Swarr, in the village of Peters
burg, in said township.
9th District—West Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Hen-
Miller, in the village of Lampeter Square, in
said township.
25th District—Conestoga township, at the
public house, now occupied by John G. Preis,
in said township.
26th District—Being part of Manor town
ship, at the upper school house in the borough
of Washington, in said township.
27th District—Ephrata township,, at the
public house now occupied by Martin Gross,
in said township.
29th District— Conoy township, at the pub
lic school house in the village of Bainbridge,
in said •township.
29th District--Manheim township, at the
public house now occupied by Jac. Minich, in
the village of Neffsvillo, in said township.
30th District—Being part of Manor town
ship, at the public house now ; occupied by
Joseph Gochenaur, in MillexatoWn, is said
31st District—West Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by Grabill, G.
Forney, in Eariville, in said township.
32nd District—Wst HempfieWtownship,
at.the public house now occupie,l by John
Kendig, in said township.
33rd District—Strasburg township, at the
public house now occupied:by James Curran,
in the Borough of Strashurg. l
3.,th District—Being part of Minor town
ship; 'commonly called Indiantown district,
at the public house of Bernard Stoner, in said
35th District—West Cocalico township,,at
the public house now occupied by. Jno. W.
Mentzer, in the village of Schceneck, in said
36th, District—East Earl township, - at the
public house now occupied by' Rudy 'Hahn,
BluelßallOn said township.' .
37th District—Paradise township, at the
public house now occupied by John Zook, in
said township.
38th Distrist—Being apart of East Hemp
field township, at the public school house in
the village' of Hempfield, in said township. '
39th District--Lancaster township, at, the
public house now occupied by W. 8. Youatt
in said township.
40th District—East Lampeter township, at
the public bOuse now, occupied by Jacob
Riddle, in said township.
41st District—Little Britain township, at
the'house. of Benjamin Brogan, in said town
42nd Districe—Upper Leacock township, at
the:public house of Levi G. Kemper, in said
43d District—Penn township, at , the puplic
house occupied 'by J. Bussor, in
, said town
44th Districti3ormigh of ; Adamstown, at
the schoolhouse in said borough.
45th Diatrict—Clay township, at the house
of George W. Steinmetz, (formerly 'John Krb's)
in said township.
46th Distriet—Pequea township, at the pub
lic house of Benjamin Rowe in said town
47th, DistrietProvidence township, at the
houselocenpied by "Mary Miller, in said town-
Whip. • •• • - •
48th DisititicEden township, at thc,p.ublic
house of J. G. Hildebrand, in said township.
• 49th,District-,-41e, ing that part of Mount Joy
townshipliestithfbiincluded in the 3d Dis
'trier; tat LeMania athool• house in said town
ship. 'r • • ,
50thliiisillet—:Weit.bonegal township, here
torore indluded in the 3d .election district, at
Rutt'b - schdbl'hogdepietoivnship.
blst Diittiel. 2 'Thlit:'siiri'4f. Mount Joy
township heretofore irdlifdeiVin the 22d dis
trict; at .Betiliihdib' 43i netnan'a school house
in said township '
." ' -
52d District— That part of llaphri township
heretofore included in the 22t1 district, +at
Stric'tler's school house in said township.
53d District—That part of East and West
Donegal townships, heretofore included iii the
22d districts,.at the brick school house, in the
village of Springville, in said township .
55th Dititrict—That part of Rapho township
heretofore Included in the fan district, at the
public school house, in the village of New
town, in said towhship.
The General Elections in all the Wards,
Townships, Districts and boroughs of the
county, are to be oponed between the hours ot
eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and
shall continue withoutinterruption oradjourn•
went until seven o'clock in the evening, when
all the polls shall be closed. •
Every person excepting Justices of the
Peace, who Shall hold any office or appoint
ment of profit or trust under the Government
of the United States, or this State, or of any
other incorporated district, whether a commis
sioned officer "or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the. Legislative, Executive or Judicia
tory department of the. State or .the United
States, or of any city or incorporated district
and also that every member of Congress, or of
the. State Legislature, and of the Select and
Common Councils, of any city, or Commission
ers of any incorporated district, is, by law, in
capable of holding or ,exercising at the same
time the office or appointment of judge, in
spector or clerk of any election , of this Gem,
monwealth, and no inspector, judge or other
officer of any such, election shall be eligible
there to be voted for. .
The Inspectors and Judges of the election
shell meet at the respective places. appointed
for holding the election in the district, to which
they-respectively belong before nine o'clock iu
the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall
appoint one Clerk, who shall lie a qualified
voter of such district.
. .
In case the person-who ehalLhave received
the second highest Lumber of votes for insect ! .
tor shall not attend on the day of any election,
then the person who ,shall have received the
second highest number of votes for judge at
the next preceeding election shall act• as in
spector in his place. And if the person who
shall have received the highest, number of
votes for inspector shall not attend, the per
son elected judge shall appoint an inspector in
his place—and in case the person elected a
judge shall not attend, then the inspector who
received the highest number of votes shall ap
point a judge in. his place—or if any vacancy
shall continue in the board for the space of
one hour after the time fixed by law for the
opening of the election, the qualifie d voters of
the township, ward or district for 'whiek such
officers shall have been elected present at such
election, shall elect one of their number to fill
such vacancy.
It shall be the duty of the several nesesiors
of each district to attend et thlNplace of hold
ing every general, special? or township elec
tion, during the vihole.,tyne said 'election is
kept open, for the purpose of giving, informa
tion to the inspectors and jadgei,'ivhen called
on, in relation to the right'of any person asses
sed-by them to vote at: such electiOn; or such ]
other matters in relation to the assessments of
voters as the said inspectors or either of them
shall from time to time require.
No person alizarin permitted to vote at any
election, as aforesaid, other than a white free
man of the age of twenty-one years or more,
who shall have resided in the State , at least
one year, and in the election distriet*here he
offers his vote at least ten days immediately
preceeding Such election,' and within two
years paid a State or county tax, which shall
have been assessed at least ten days , before
the election. }Mt "a at;
of 'the United
States who has previously been a qualified
voter of this State and removed therefrom-and
returned, and Whci shall have resided in the
elecfion district and paid taxes as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to a vote after residing in this
State six months : Provided, That the white'
freemen, citizensof the United States le3tween
twenty-one and twenty-two years, who have
resided in an election district 'as aforesaid,
shall be entitlecito vote although they shall
not have paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not gentained in the list of 'taxable
inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners,
unless first he produces a receipt for the pay
ment within two•-years of a State or county
tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution and
give satisfactory evidence, either on his oath
or'affirination, or the'oath and affirmation of
another, that he has paid such . a tai, or, on
failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to
the payment thereof. Second if he claim the.
right to by being an elect or between the age
of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall
depose an oath or affirmation that he has re
sided in this State at least one year next be
fore his application, and make such , proof of
residence in the district as is required by this
act, atm that he does verily believe from the
account given him that he is of the age afore
and such other evidence as is required
by this act, whereupon the name' of the per
son thus admitted to vote shall be inserted in
the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a
note made ,opposite thereto by writing the
word "tax," if he shall be, admitted to vote by
reason of having paid tax ; or the word "age,"
if he shall be admitted to vote by r ation of
such, age, shall .be called, out to , the clerks,
who shall make the like notes on the list of
voters kept by them.
In all cases:where the name ot the person
claiming to vote is found on the list furnished
by the Commissioners and assessor, or his
right to vote, whether found therein or not,
is objectedto by any qualified citizen it shall
be-the duty of the inspectors to examine such
person, on oath as to his i '
kualificatioes and if
he c l aims fo have resided' in the Stite for one'
year or more, his oath shall be sufficient proof
thereof, but hail make proof by at' least one
competent witness, who shall be k qualified
eleetor, that he has resided in the district for
More than ten days next immediately preced
ing such 'elbction, and shall alsq, himself
swear that his bona fide residence, in pursu
ance of his lawful callings, is in said district,
and that he did not remove in to said district
for the purpose of voting therein.
Every person, qualified as aforesaid, and
who shall make- due 'proof, if require& of the
residence and,payment of taxes as aforesaid
shall be admitted to' (vote in the township,
ward, or district in which he shall reside.
If any person shall prevent or attempt to
prevent any officer of any election under this
act from holding such election, or use:or threat
en any violence to any such officer, or shall
interrupt or improperly interfere with him in
the execution of his duty, or shall block up
the window, or avenue to any, window where
the same may be holding, or shall 'riotously
disturb the peace at such election, or shall use,
any intimidating threats, force or violence,
with design to influence unduly or overawe
any elector, or to prevent him from voting or
to restrain the freedom of choice, such person
on conviction, shall be fined in any sum not
exceeding $5 and imprisoned for any time
not less than three nor more than twelve
months, and if it , shall be, shown to Court,
where the 'trial of sneh offence shall be had,
that the person so offending, was not lucid
dent of the city, ward, district or township
where, the offence'was committed, and not en
titled to vote therein, then on conviction, he
shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred nor' More than one thousand
dollars, and be imprigened: not less than Six
months nor more thintsio years.
If any person or Persons shall make any bet
or wager on the result of any election within
this Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any
such bet or wager,either .by verbal proclama
tion thereof, or by written or printed oilier
tisement; challenge or' invite any person to
make such bet or wager, upon conviction there
of he or they shall, torfeit or pay three times
the amount so bet or to be bet.
If, any pe rson, not by law qualified, shall
fraudulently vote,at any election of this Coin
mbriwialth, or being otherwise qualified shall
vote out of his proper district, if any person
- knowing the *ant, of Such ,Onalific.ation,.shall
aid.or procuro such person to vote, the, person
1 'so offending, shill; on conviction, be fined any
- sum not exceeding "$2OO and be imprisoned in
any term not exceeding three months. ,
If any person shall vote at more than one
election district, or Otherwise fratfidently
more than once in the same day, or shall irking
ulently fold ncid'deliver, to the inspector, two
tickets with the intent illegally to. vote, or
shall:procure another, to do. so, be ,or, they of
lending, on ; conviction be fined any sum not
less _than fifty nor more than 4500, and be int . .-
si t
,prisoned for nny.term not le , than ; three nor
more than twelve months. :
If ;any person :not qualifie to vote in ibis..
Commonwealth agreeably to law, (cxc ept_thel
sons of qualified citizens,) shall appear at any
place of election . for the purpose of influencing
the citizens qualified to vote, he shall on con
viction forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding
one hundred dollars for every such offence and
be imprisoned for any term not exceeding
three months.
Agreeably to the provisions of the 61st sec
tion of the said act, every General and Special
Election shall be opened between the hours of
eight, and , ten o'clock in . the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjourn
ment until 7 o'clock in the eVening, when the
polls shall be clOsed.
The judges are to .cake their returns for the
County of Lancaster, at the Court House in
the City of. LanCaster, on Friday the 14th day
of October, A. D. 1864, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Sheriff's Office, Lancaster,
September 2d, 1864. S
Stotts iS)totes 1!
Atha 0/tangles,
AS the season for Stoves is fast approaching
I 'Would call the attention of all wishing
to purchase
Parlor or Cooking Stoves,
to my large and Well selected stock, which em
braces the best and most desirable Stoves that
theTastean markets afford, and which were
"purchased early, whiCh will enable me to dis-,
pose of them buyers.
Among the leading Parlor and Cook Stoves
are: the follotiing
Parlor Stoves. Cooking Stoves. r
Meteor Gab Burner, Galleo;
CAumbia do Royal,
Oval do do Waverly,
Dial, . Wellington,..
Gem, • Lehigh,
Tropic Egg; Charm,
Monitor, Summer Rose,
Also t the Vurcan and Sanford's Heaters, a
very dekirable article for beefing two or four
rooms with very little, if any, more fuel than
an ordinery parlor stove would consume.
Ranges for cooking, constantly on hand, all
of which will he sold on reasonable terms.
IC" Call and examine before purchasing
TITIT_. - 1111_1'.:S
3E3.1 - tter
A PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective
and Alterative, 01 wonderful efficacy in
diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
, Cu res
Headache, General
Debility, Nervousness, De
pression of Spirits, Constipation, ' •
Intermittent Feveri Acidity of- the
Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for
Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach,
Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Strimach, Swimming • of the Head, Ml
cult Breathing, Yellowness of the
Skin and Eyes, Fever and
Dull pains in the Head,
Pain in the Side,
Back, Cbest and ,
• Limbs. •
It will cure every case of .Chronic or Nervous
Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and
Diseases arising from a disordered
Stomach, Good for Male or Fe
male, Old or Young.
The mostbeneficiiil medicine known ; given
better satisfaction and cures more diseases
than any other preparation offered to the pub
lic. Prepared solely by S. A. KUNKEL &
BRO., IJB Market street, Harrisburg.
For sale by druggists and-dealers everywhere.
As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only
sure and effectual remedy in the known world
for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and De
bility, and as thereat . ° a number of imitations
offered to the public; we Would caution the
,to purchase none' but the genuine
article, Manufactured by S. A KUNKLE &
Bao., and has their stamp on the ton of the
cork of every bottle: The very fact that others
are attempting to imitate this valuable . reme
dy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in
its favor.
The Bitter Wine of Ironls' put up in 'l5 cent
and $1 00 bottles, and.sold by all respectable
druggists'throuihoutthe country. ,-Be'partic
ular that every bottle bears the fox,,simile of
the proprietor's signature.
This Wine includes the most agreeable and
efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of
Magnetic Oxide combined, with the most en
ergetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow. Peruvian
bark. The effect in many cases ofdebility,
loss of appetite, and general prostration, of
an efficient.Saltof Iron, combined with our
valuable nerve, Tonic,, is most, happy. It
augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes
off muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of
debility, and gives ,a florid Vigor, to the 'coun
118 Market , Street,
. 'll.toriiseuac, P.s., 4
For sale by all respectable dealers throegh . -
out the. country. [Jut 25-6 m
No Smoke. No Smell.
No Dirt.
Will Boil, Broil, Roast, Bake,. Toast, Stew,
and Heat Irons, cheaper than.
Coal Or'Wfiod .
I have on hand, and make to order Stoves,
and Furnaces for Chemisti, Tinners, Book
binders, Dentists, Tea Stores Vulcanizing,
Stoves, Photographer's . Stores,
itc., and Laun-:
dry Irons. Sentlfor a PEScreptive 4.414a10gye.
I also manufacture Coal Oil Stoves, for.
Cooking .& Heating. Burns the; common. Ke-.
rosene Oil, and does the cooking for a family
for one cent per hour.
Sole Manufacturer;
- • ^474 Broadway, N. Y.
The American Advertising and Purchasing
Agen'cy' receiVe 'orders for the above4amed
Merchandize.i Bus..Dep., E. Ar.votin. Cor
reap. Dep. Fowler & Wells,
'389 BroadWayi N. Y.
or the use of IVler-'
aid all beeiheas and
unfessitinable Men
to do their
‘w printing, neat=
daPted to the print
ing o f Handbills,
Billheads, Circulars,
Labels,Cards and Small Newspapers. Fall
instructions accede:tipsily eaeh:office enabling 4i)
boy ten . years old to )werk them successfully.
Circulars sent free. Specimen sheets of Type,
&e., , 6 'cents.: Address,
31 Park Row; N: Ar., and '35 Lincoln-at.,
• 13oetan`, - Alass:•' o .• • • , 26-Iy, )
. •
A, LARGE stock ,ot Paper and Envelopes
ix_ the Vest knalitirfust receiveraid , for
sale at Thei Goldeu • Mortar. •
alefßANDlESillrbrandii—guananted. tube-
genuine. IL D. Ben/amkr
At two o'clock, P. M., by virtue of a writ of
vend. exponas issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Lancaster County, and to me di
rected, I will expose to public sale or out-cry
at the Court House, in the City of Lancaster,
the following Real Estate, viz :
All that certain Messuage or Tenerneot.a,
situated in East Donegal township, in the Co
of Lancaster, mended as follows,viz :
Beginning at a post thence by and of Chris-
Han Snyder, north one and three-quarter deg
rees, west two hundred perches to a post,
thence by land of Christian Garber, north
eighty nine and'three quarter degrees,
east 51
perches to &twit, thence by land of Jacob Stauf
fer, John Kuhns and
. John Miller, south, one
a half degrees, east -thirty seven perches
and five-tenths of= a perch to a post, thence
south eighteen and a-quarter degrees, east ST
perches and sixth-tenths of a perch to a post,
thence south eighty-two degrees, east thirty
one:perches to : a stone, thence'by land of John
Walterd„ John Poot and Andrew Hershey,
south 'seven degrees, west eighty-eight perch
es, to a postithence by other land of Ann liren
neman, north eighty-two and three-quarter
degrees, +West ninety-four perches to the place
of beginning—
Large Barn, and other outbuildings, well of
water with Pump, &c.,
Three Lots of Ground,
Situated on the north side of Walnut street,
between Gay and Bridge streets, in the bo
rough of Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa•,
numbered by Nos. 166, 167, 168, with six 1 -
story Frame Dwelling HOUSES erected there
Also, all that eastern half of Lot numbered
373, situated on the north side of Walnut
street between Gay and Bridde streets in the
borough of Marietta, county and State afore
said, with - a one and a half Story 'Frame
Dwelling HOUSE thereon erected.
Seizad and taken in execution as the pro
perty of JOHN STAUFFER, and to be sold
Picot Building, Marietta, Pa.
BEGS leave to inform the public that he
will continue the WIN E & LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. Ile will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, fish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 6.c.,
Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
A very Superior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted pore.
la. All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which.will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from 1 im•
Tlita G-la,tz Ferry_
Formerly Keesey's,
THIS old Ferry—one of the oldest and most
safe crossings on the Susquehanna River—
is now in charge of the undersigned, who Mae
refitted the old and built new boats, which will
enable him to do ferrying with safety and dis.
.patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured.
Sober and expermi3ced Ferrymen always en
gaged. No imposition in charges as the fol
lowing list will show
Farm Wagons, each
Horses, per head
. -.
Single horse and rider,:2s
Two-horse Carriage ard' two persons, 1:00
Buggy, horse and two persons, :50
Foot Passengers, each, :12
Stock of all kinds at the old charges.
All Luggage over fifty pounds, 25 centsrper
100 pounds extra.
July 15,:1863.
Celebrated Prepared Java Coffee.
Warranted superior to any in the Market
TT is used by first-class families everywhere,
.1 and highly recommended for nervous and
dyspeptic persons, being very nutritious and
free from all deleterious substances, in testi
mony of which I have certificates from the
most eminent Physicians and Chemists in this
country. Try it and you will be sure to con
tinue its use in preference to any other.
Sold at retail for Twenty Five cents a-pound,
by first-clase Grocers throughout the United
States. •
A - liberal discount allowed to the trade
• Put up only by
Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren st., N. Y
subscriber offers his services to the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity, in
He has kindly been permitted to refer to
James Duffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, esq.,
James Mehatley, esq., S. F. Eagle & Co.,
G. W. Mehaffey, esq., S. & B. Hiestand.
Can be found at all times at his dwelling op
posite John W. Clark's residence, on Mar
ket street, or at George W. Mehalrey's Saw
Milli at the Upper Station.
Marietta, Oct. 31, 1863-Iy*
Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger.
OULD most respectfully inform the cit
y, izens of Marietta and the public gener
ally-that he is prepared to do
House Painting,
China Glossing,
Paper Hanging, 6-c.,
Ativery short notice and at prices to suit the
times. He can be found at his mother's resi
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Secomi
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and kumediately opposite the old Oberlin
Coach Works. • [Aug. 3-Iy.
The , Patent Conlin Reflector Lantern,
HIS is the most desirable Lantern in the
market. It burns Coal Oil -without a
Chfmney, emitting neither smoke nor smell.
It'gives a pure white light.
Ilj stands, quick motions en any direction.
The flame is regulated from the outside.
It is neat and compact in form and size.
At is free from solder in the upper parts, and
is other Wise very substantial in its structure.
—....ware Store, on Mar
Hardware Store, on Market street.
' After an absence of nearly three years in
the Navy and Army of the 'United States has
returned to the Borough of Marietta and re
sumed the practice of Medicine.
it a' Especial attention paid to Surgical cases
in which branch of his profession he has had
veiy considerable . experience.
OFFICE in his private residence :—entrance
at the Nall 'door.
Allotlter Call for 500'0 Metz,
Who -their Faces 'Shaved clean, their
Hair Cut and Heads Shampooned in the most
scientifielniiiiikrrenn do so by calling in at
the. Market - Street Barber Saloon, opposite
LitiiiiirtPs Drug Shire. ' • •
pOHLEN'S long. celebratellTGlN,
$ 1:00