D R. JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCH Vtriaital grog's THE ;,GR.~AT FEMALE REGULATOR, IS THE ONLY KNOWN ~'REMEDY THAT WILL SUCCESSFULLY AND bnvari P ly restore and regulate the female ays- tern, reradvidg all irregularities, and producing health, vigor , and strength. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS' Are a fluid preparation, the only one of the kind ever dis Covered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills, and powders can only reach them as they work through ayipkiathy, , but not at all direct and Tositive. Are you sufferingtrom a constant •anxiety for the regular return of nature , a prescribed /awe? Give .youreelf no uneasiness, for Ly,on'a Periodical Drops, if iaken a day or two be - 7 foie the expeCMA:Pric;!l, will positively and Its coming, assure ii'ef feCi folloWs cause, tie Mite is daylight' folloWs Are you sielOnfeebled by disease, or unit- , tole to' trier' thelabor and danger of increase LYON'S DROPS /tWinelo yonns &blessing, for is not proven tion better than. cure 71 . 'l , lbregultirlyitakerti'it let ceitiin iitevent- ive, aLd wild save yon much peril and many ,lykurs op,ouffering hieii l aftlictvi for many yeais With complaints incideet_ to the eex, that .have baffled the skill of physicians, and are Mini, ing you on to an early grave? S * PIE'R I 0 DI CAL DA 0 P'S iire hie 'moat reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, till those irregularities that have defied the doctor's skill Will you waste away witit suffertng from Lelicorrhcea, Prolapsus, Dysmenorrhcea and a thousand other difficulties all summed up under tlitt name pi', suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollarin =I Y 01,' S 'ElirtizjiCAL 13PoRs• will surely save „you Do not use the Drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and bannless at ail other times, they are so powerful and finely ca.culated to adjust and govern the functions of the sexual organism, that, if taken at improper times, •they would produce results contrary to nature, against which all, particularly those Who would re produce,, sheuld carefully guard. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot ham ihe Most deliente coriefitution a any time 3. yet the proprietors wish to guard againe its ,misuse, _ hoping that )a thousand bottlesiWill'oe-nsed for a good pinyon "where one it used•#or- an illegitimate one. N' S' •, - • PESIOD~C AL "MORS the naver:fiaiing #ebiele Regtpatekr, Tia •fol• Bale by every Drriggia. both-city and 'Court= try,, and do 1104 you value . ygnir:healthi and wish for,a rehahle , medicine ; b anq'othbr. Take'no _other, but if the Druggi s t -41 : - . 71 10A you apply hairnet got it, make :hu ll se mi s od , get it for "youVr' C. G. CLARK lg C9-* P4WPE-414k iktew Haven, Conn. For sale at Wholesale by TOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COIicIDEN,‘ ero iv -.131 23 11. , eth et., Pbiladelphi‘ t , HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. A PURE AND POWERFUL TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful in di sease.of the Stomach, Liver and Bow eta; nitres Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Dopiest sion of Spirits, Constipation; Colic, liitermitten- Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either sex, arising from bodily weSkuess whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, genial: and restorative in its nature enters into the coMpo sition of liostetter's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadlybotanical no-fi ery excitant, but it is a combination of the ex tracts of rare balsamic herbs:and plants with the purest andmildest of fall diffusive stimu lants. :It is well to be forearnied•against • diseasn, and ea far as the human= ysteat Clll3 pratec ted by human means akainst maladies en gendered by an unwholesome atmosphereiim pure water and Other extenial causes, HOSTETTER'S BITTERS May n e re ie ,o as a ea egos'd.. In district's infested. With'Fever and Ague; it has been found infallible es a PreVentative and irresistible as a remedy; and thousands- who resort a r reiinder apprehension ; of an atfaelr, escape, the scourge•; and thousaads who kleet ro avail theroselires of its proteitiveq,nal itiea in cured by a' very biief course of this marvelous inCdicitie. Fever and AgUe patients, after being plied with quinine far months in vain, until fairly satu rated with that daagetous alkaloid, are not unfrequently -estored to:health within a few daysbyjhe,tise of 'Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the tnipbtite 'restored by this agreeable to nic, and hence it works vionderS in cases of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indi gestion. , Acting as a gentle and painlesa appe rient, as well as upon the liver, it-also invari ably relieVes the Conslikition superinduced by irregular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habiti liablo to ner vous attack's, lowness of spirits and.fits of lan gour, find promptand .perniantrit relief from the Bitters. The testimony on - thia'poin'tds most e.onclutive, and froni both sexes. The agony of Bilious Colic is immediately lissuaged by a.single dose of the stiniblantiand. .byoccasionallymsorting to it, the return of , the complainttmay be prevented. •Lasti but not least, it is The Only Safe Stim ulant, being manufactured from sound and hinoCuonsbiateriiils,`and entirely flee from the acid elements present more or`less' in 'Alf the ordinary tonics and - gomachics of„the Nerfatruly medieinelaibeeiticounivertially, 'audgetriay be trulyiadded, deservedly popular :.*ititailtelintellig3ntportibn of the commupinty, as HOSTETTP.II.4 13iTTE11,4 ' .Prepared by JIOSTETT,Eit & SMLTH, Pit . tsbarg, Pa. , . , . . Sold by all Mediate; , Groceis and Store keepera everywhere. ifEKNOM'S Gunlille 21114'010W COMPOUND, FLUID EXTRACT gubair,, *POSITIVN AND SP/NIP/ 0 REMEDY . . . For diseases of Itte o ßladdur,,, (lFaveli and DropaiCalWellirigs. "This Medicine increases the power of,Digee ficin, And excites the Abeorbetite , iiito healthy aetioh, , by 'which the Watery or Colearebus,de pOsilicihe,•aiid unnattiral exilargementrare 'reduced, as;well as paiivandinflaniatioo. • HELMBOLLPff EXTRACT IitTCHU. - For virealinesii arising from excesset, tudfits of dissipation, early indiscretion of•abuse, at 'With the following symptoms Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Tower, . Difficulty of breating,.,LossoGgeniory,- Weak „Nerves, Trenilitmg, Horror of Disease, • Wakiifulness, Dininess of Vission, Faiti in, the Back, lJniversailassitude of the ,muscular , ,system, Flushinglathe body, Hot" Hands, Eruptions on ;the Face, Dryness of the skin, Palid Countenance. f r These symptoms, if allowed too on, which thismiedicinoinv,ariably remoresosoon,follows ' "lityothnce,'Fatußy;Epilildic - Fity; in one of which the patiehtinfirexPlue.- Who can say, that they are net frecjuently fol lowed by thoSe'"Direftil Diseshes,) , • ' "Insantty and Coristinvitiori."' Many are aware of the cause of thew suffer ing, but none will confesi the lecords of the .." • Melancholy,dectthstry Conernktirm bear am ple witnese 'to the t r uth of the assertion. • Cchnstitution once effeEted With' Organic 'weakness 'requires the sad' of'medicine to strengthen and ievikiiiatethe'system; which lIEEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invartabay does Atrialwill convincethe most ' - - FEMALES—TEMAI I ES—TEMALES. In many ectrons peculiar to females th e Extract Buehu *Leacinaled by any other remedy, as in. Chlorosis or - Itkention, Irregu- AFitY, Painfulness or suppression. of•customa ry trraditited.q`'Snitrilbua state of the Uterus . , ..Leuchorilinea or LlVlntes,:Ster nlity,and for all coMPiaints incident to. the sex, Whither, Arising iidiscretion, habits cf dissipation, or in the 'decline of change of life. It causes slrequent degire':and gives strength to utinate;thereby removing obstructions, pre venting and'eurihg Stricture's of 'the Urethra, allaying pain; and itiflarhation, se frequent 4in the.classlof diseases, and 'expelling all poison ous, diseased and•wornout.matier. • Thousands upon thousands who -ha've been the - Sleuths of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured . irat, bliott tithe, hite found they were deceived; " and that the "goison" Was, by the . use'lif' "power/id astringents," teen dried up:in the eyirtem, to break out in an~aggraveited form and perhaps after Mar- - tree Hembo Eitkeet Baehr; for all affec tions wad - disclaims of 'the Urinary 'Organs, whether existitig . in Male' or Female, 'from Whiitelrer eliali•cinginating and no matter of howlong standing. - Diseases of these Organs nequires the aia of a Diuritio;- L'itract -Buchuis the great Diuretic, and is certain ,to have theilo we'd effect , in all Diseases Tor which - it .14C ' • • "EVldCtiee'of the Most reliable and responsi ble-tharecter will accompany the medicine. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, oeSI for' $.5:00 Delivered to any Address, securely .paelte. from observation. Systyteins in' alVaommunications. t CriFerducirhnteeiri .rldiice Gratis _.Address letters forinforroatioe to H. T HED.l3BbLD..6henaist 104 South Tenth -et., bel. CheatnUt,'Philit: ElELittolin's 'Medico/ Deptit, . . lindranorm's Drug and Chemical Warehouse. .594;BriiiiifiraSciNi , ;agirpfkJ , Deviare • .01 Cminterfeits arid • Unpnucipleii Dealers who endeavor do dispose !'of 4heir own";and ' , hither" anklets On the reputation attained by .11elnibold's Genuine Trepertitiops. , ,:' ..• cc • " ExtragtOuehu, is cc"` is ampujus.l • •n Improved 'Bose . Wash. Sold by-all. -Druggists-everywhere. ,asinfdmileinbold 7 B.l" ' :Takeltot other " C autout themdverdisementatid,send, fordd and AdoSidirhpesition and exposure. II NEW SUMMER GOODS. MILE immense demand for the products of 1 the loom, to clothe and shelter our rapid ly increasiniarmy; has created a grehVacarci• ty of many fabrics. ,We are pleased, however, to atinounte'to our 'cilltomers abd Me public generally that by EARLY PUIWITACES . we haye anticipated their tetra*, !ma how Shave a lieautiful stock of • ‘• • summer :Goods, 'at lowr prios thairthey now can be purchased in the Eastern 114 . 01013 i. , ,Our Stoek . embraces everything new , thus., :file and desirable in \ ..1 2 .Aes.Pres4 1 1 4: 0 1#7:ft4 , ,Spring Cloas,,k Cloakigg, _ , Colored arid Maul - Balmorais, • Slittotli; • Skirl%, Hoilery; Gloves, , -Embroideriek. t 00THS, COSINERES AND VESTOI, For bress and Business Suite, made up Ap or der when desired. A fine Assortment of • tVOtoten, Votto‘kild Lin'en :Fabrics • for Men and Youths.%) .HOUSE FURNISHING. GOODS,.' I Counterpanes, Bla nkets , , Linen naburgs,' Diaper, dash, retailers, Ingrain, Stair and Rtg , and Floor Oil'Cloths, WindOiv Glass and Queensware, 4ke. ,, • rocerzes. 'SYruPsi " • Tea!, bah ' sc. ,442471:11§0N. ,s.. 41:Bi Ift2 - 4 vol- _ - 7VII 7-7-- - r•rn • - •7 , :nese Bonds are issued undezthe Act of:Con-A gress of March Btl4 18,64,-whick.provides that • :all._Bongsissued under this : Act shall be EX EMPT.FROM TAXATION oy of pnaer any state or ,municipsdnauthoxiii. ..Subscriptiona to these Bonds ate•lecatited: in I United States notes or notes of National Banks... They are TO BE RED,EEMED lii. COIN, at •the,plea sure of the .Goyernment. at any period not less than ten months nor- more ,than. -ifortr4ears from their date, and until their redemption FIVE Pat. CENT, INTEREST' wig, BE ll'AIDl7t 1b1.g.,, oil" Bondi - at not over one hundred dollars annually :and on all other Bonds semi-annually., .The :interest is pay able on the first d'ays of, MarCp. and Septemi ber in eath gear._ • • . . . . . Subscribers .will, receive. either. Registered or Coupdn'Bot4s, as 'they ,Prefer. Reg. istered'Boude itre.recordid' , tht% books of the U. ~S. _Treasurer, .and .can , be transferred only 'on the owner's oider. Coitpiiii Bonds are payable to be4rer, and' are.litore conve nient for gommercialuses. Subset - it:feral° this loan will hive, the op tion of havin their Batas draw interest from March Ist, bf paging , the accrued,:interest in coin—(or in United States notes, or the notes of National' Banks, addinkfifty,per cent. for premium) Or &Wire tliem - draising interest from the 'date of subscripthin and deposit. As ; hese, B,onds are, , 3 Exempt from Mun icipal or State Taxation, their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum, " according to , the rate of tax levies in vatiouS parts of the country. At the present. rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight .Per Cent' nterest in-currency, and , are of equal con'venienee as a permanent or temporary investment. -leis'believed'th'at no SeCiiiities' iffe \ r so, great, inducements to lenders as the various descriptions of. U. ,S. ponds.., In all other forms of indebtedness,' thelaitli‘or ability of private parties or, Stock companies.br seperate, communities, only is pledged for, payment; -while far"the debts of the Diritid 'States the whole property of the .country is holden to teecure the payment ofboth.pyincipal and in erest in coin.. ' ' 'bonds may be subscribed for in sums, from . *Nitre - id drip itfie. same terms, and are ,thus made . equally available to the smallest lender and ttip .Largest capital ist. They `can t he converted into money at. any, moment, and .the holder will, have,.the: benefit of the interest. It may be usefiii to , state in ibis connection, that the, total Funded Debt of , the United States on which interest is, payable in gold, ea the 3d day of March, 1864,' was $768,965,- 000. Theinterest on-this debt.for tlie coming fiscal year will be-$45;937,126, while the cue., toms .revenue in gold for the...current .frscal; year, ending.3une•3oth,'lS64, has been so far' at the rate of over $100,000,0Q0 per annum. It -seen that even the present gold revenues of the. Government are largely in, excess of the wants of the Treasury for the .payment of the,gold interest, while therecent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts; from eustoma on the, same amount of importations, to $1.50,000,000.per annum. Instructions to the National, Banks Acting, as loan agents,were not issued , from the United' 'Rate Treasury . until March. 26, but in the first three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN - MIL'LIONS A WEEK. • SubperiPtions.will. be, received bytbe Fiiat 'National Bank of Pliiladelphia,:Pa. .SecOnd.National Bank of philadelphia, Pa Third N"ational Bank of - Philadeldhia, Pa. ' ' And-by all National-Banks . , which ace•depositarie,soPPlAblic , mbney, and all RESPECTABLE AANKS & BANKERS , tnrofighont the country, (acting as agents of the Nsitional furnish -further•infOrmatiOn on 'application sindig-• FORD, EVERY FACILITY SIJIESSCRI 13ERS.., , l3mingide.; DR. WHITTIER, 65 'ST., Cr ani:zs r iiT., BETWEEN SIXTH :A.ND 4 SEVENTH STREETSjj T. L 0 UIS MISS 011111. ESPECIAL ATTENTION "TO 1 •"' CEIRONICYDISEASE I S; • Dyspepsia, ponsupttion;4lvdr'Cpriiliapt, DiaiThea, Piles, Fee., and alr - Temale-,Complaints. Da. W. will send hii TheorY kif"ClironieDis eases, for 6 cants,jo" pre-pay postage.' Symptom lists for any disease, forivtirded. IZr Modicinei foiwarded•to any post office In the United - States Post • Office Box, 3092. St. Louis, •AnginitililS63kty.''' • . JOHN BELL, Meri.kageTailbr; . Cor. of Marlcet-st. - ,V*l Etbalv Lane, Marietta QRAT.EFU.L for'paid favors T would retuxr my thanks to My numerous friends and pa trons and inform nein that I kill - continue the old businessitt-the old , stand; wirere,'T will be pleased to•see themut ill times, and' hieving a full and splendid asgortment,of CLOTHS; CASSTIierE:H ; SI - VESTIVOS, which will be.made Tap to order atVe shortest notice by_ the bektifif:Wo4men, mid "On reasona ble term*.twoUlditre Pleasell,th'erelaieitWwait upon tnruld eustomepkand alliwho,lee :proper 0 .Patroniie me hereafter . , fOct.29'-,56. Adnii44thitofe Notice. estate of Henry Shill, gate , of the; FM,- r ou o, of fildrietta; „ Letters of admmisttstion on ”said ~estate having been, granted to, the.undersigned;ialL persons indebted ttiernto-are requested to make Immediate settlement,andthose having claims or demands against the , anm'e .present them without delay for, settlentent.to the Mkt dersigned ; the first residing in said Bacpughi . and the other the township - tirEttA Donegal. WAVY, SHILL; H EIYRY S'. MUSSER, " ,ASineasstqatorz riI;A:TtD WAda;* :; Iklitlie - lincittitii e a l toa : iff,Plated waN.at . 11...1., 14 i.E.4 92.arrset, ner of North - Que4n.streer tk, PeVer &agora : Lancagter,: Pa.- -TeitiSettts,..in variety, Coffee Urns. Patcliers, • 'Goblets, Salt Stands Cake D0ke:44:04 . d Baikets, Spoons, Forks r irtivea r Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers ptittis.i ILI. Bi‘ E.4.4,killcit:- t. 1 , Cor. Nertle Qiteen r st.'atul L Centre &we, ,+l,n -caiter,LPl. - Our .„prigia "a* -- ratglarate: &Air all. gatidtt tvitriattaito7bi-ke riptitiffitea: , . . ~ ItiA.WitiVii&iilfet'tegititioaeiati ititee. A LARG,E - ittolli, l'ipequiVEveliret :_tk jttleksceivid akd log tale itt " = 'The GUldiirltrara-r-i 1864• SPRING! 1864. J. R. DIFFENBACH Invites attention to a large. and handiome assortment of New Spring and. Summer Goods, Purchased in Philadelphia and New-York, consisting in part of LADIES: DRESS GOODS,' Silks, Prints, ' Lawns, • Ginghams,Chintzes, • Challies, • SRA• WLSV Together with all kinds of Domestic goods, such • as bleached ind unbleached' Muslins, Titking, Cheek's, Denints, - Ttuniture Cheeks, Drilling, &e.; &c. One ease of Prints at 121 cents a yard. -Case of Bleached Muslims at , l2i cents:" Latest style- goods for' Gentlemen and Boys wear, Fancy and Black .Cassoneres, Tweeds, Jeans Cloths, Vestings, Ate., Ike,- • 1 , • D irge lot of fresh Oro;dettis of all kinds Itio 'and . Sava Cciffee l ,' 1 4 ea's l , ' White & Bie*lVSiigaf,Fiesh Spices, New Mackerel, Syrupti, , ' Salt, • ' &gar-Cured Dams, &c. 10..barrels:of sugar ti.tl2-i cents per pound. 5 Hogsheads Syruprit6o cents per t Gallon. • 'Miscellaneous. Trineli'Corsds,. Traveling Over;.Skirts, -Neck-ties, . -Under-Shirts, , Hana - kerchiefsi ...Drawers, .: 'Shirt -Fronts`,. • - --Bannoral . Skirts, kc. Lori's lot of Pure Liquors. He also continues to keep. on hand a large supply of uttrieitor' Brandies,' 'Wines , Gins, 'Schnsidaret , Sirruips, Drakes, ,Plantation Bit ters, and.tbat superior Tersomi pur chalinigiLigbora eari r rely upon getting the best iitieglit the lowest pkiee the market will afford , Itirlfiglibst 'prices kiveiildr 6untryprofluce. Tsrunon'si Celebrated Remedies tbr' dilicate diseaseA. NO. 1. THE GREAT REV ER .— Speedily eradicates , all. the evil effect -3f self aLuse, as loss of memory, shortness:of breath, gidd flossy palpitation of the heart 'dimness of vis ion, or any constitutional,angernent of the system , brought on by thOuvestrained indul gence ef the,passions. Acta alike on either sex. Pit& one - Al/Alan No. 2. Tizx BALM Will cure in from two to - eight days, any case of dcinorrhoea,(elap)is without tastt or smell arid requires no restric tion of action or diet; for either sex; pride $l. NO. 3. Tnr. TEasu will cure tleet in the shortest possible tin e;and I can show e certin cates of cures effected by this reniedy, wher all others have tailed. No taste or smell.—. VriVe one dollar. NO. 4. - THE PHICITER is the only known remedy, that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no !natter of how lohg standing or neglected the cattarroay be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case 01 Gravel permanently and speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. , No. 6. THE Pn.EvENTOriiB a surc preven tint' against the contraction of any disease, is less expensive and far preferable to anything in. pse. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. THE AMA Rib: Will CUM, the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef feetually remoVed by an - other treatment-; in fact this is the, only remedy that will really cure this disease ; pleasaqt to take. Price.,s I. _ NO. S. _THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are 'cer tain, safe and , speedy in producing menstrua tion, on correeting,anyjrregularities of the mthithly dollais. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, or Off -sp.ringtßegulaWsvill lasts lifetime. Price4.s. 'Eith'er of the Rernedies will be sent 'free by mail on receipt of, the price annexed. Circu hits cOntaining.valua'Ae information with full description Of , each Remedy may be obtained by el:iclosing One post stamp, Address ' .1311.'"FELIX BRUNON, Box 993 These Remedies are 'Sold in Marietta only by JOIN - TAY LIBBART, where circulars con tainiug • full ilescription.of each case can be obtained gratis, , on . application. General 'Depot, on„ East:Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill street,Philadelphia,Pa. sl3'ln complicated-cases I can be, consulted by letter, or peisonallyat m3ro.ffice; entrance, i4Ol Yokk Avenuec. . , . . FOR RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, BEDzRUCS,-MOTEISIN• FURS, , WootEers, INSV.CTS ON NTS, .FO3V LS; A7llll/0/.1 &C. Put up in 25c., .50e. and $1 Boxes, Honks, and Flasks. Three and' Filie dell'arS sizes for Hotels Public . Institutions, &o . "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." . . "Not dangerous to the Human. FamilY." "Rats eoine out of their holes,to die.i' la- Sold wholesale in all large cities. la- Sold by all druggists and retailers eve rywhere. , ' - 4 , lE3 BEWARE otall worthless imitations!! itr.•See that COSTAR'S" name is on each Box,-Bottle; and Flask, before youtbuy. Address - • . • ...HENRY R.' COSTAR, Principal-Depot, 482 liroadisiy,.N. Y. pa 'Sold bran wholesale and retail' Drug gists in Marietta, Pa. ' ! LlO-30 ,CHEAP -READY--MALE PLOTJJING!! Havingjust ieturried from the city with a nicely selected lot of geady-made Clothing, which the underaigned is pieparedto furnish at reduced vice's; hayinglaid in a general assort -inept of Aien and boys' clothing, which ,he is trefenr rim CASH. His stock consiOs of Oymt-C04T!. 1 -Dissi, FrOcx. AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, P.EA.TACEETS, ROUNDDOUTS, (19A.00VE OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, ti A• SHIRTS, .130/S4Y, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SpSPENDENS, Everything hi the Furnishing Goodsline. Call and examine . be fcme snirchaping elsewhere.! Every thing sold at prices to suit the times. ' , JOHN BELL. 4A:wrier-of 'Elbow- Lane And Market St next door tg , iCaesel's Store. EteCittfies' NOtice. . . Bitate of lai.Ob.Oorner late of the.vil- 7 loge- of illaytowo i Deceased Le; - ttetg , testaindniary on said estate *ha*- ing beektgranfed to the hindersigned, iridebted theretri , itre'recineated to make immediate settlement, arid thlibe Having elainis or 'demands against the. same will plesent them without delay-fdr , settrement to the undersign ed, .residing in the ( Village..of rilitytown,4an caiite'ecinuti, ; 'ELIZA BET GORNER, .Executrix. Aiigust 20,1864.-3t 5 . The Ametidni -Watenes: . 7 • oi.ig the hest ' • ' 11 - W:itches are am dur a bility. strength -• and for • *itch timekeepers row 143 t"o4e fa r B,4rl3ass any other` etrehh all4„lt"6i ieerld. • ' made • 1A- ..,,, . . , ~ 11. L. t E . 1. .. ZAHN ~, , Corner of 'North„Q,ueen-st.,igo!CentreSgWc•, Lancastei k Pa f ; live thein:tor sale at very loweit ratee-7.every , watch accoinpanied with. the inanifietniersguarrantee to ensure its gen:. . . 0 ytirAll.D ASSOCIATION._ .PHIL4 - DE LP 111 A, ) .1' Diseases the .Mery us, , Seminal, Uiinaty. and:S67.uillSyfitems-new and reyahle , treat-, merit—in itepoita'of the toward. Aiacle:iation. Sent by mail--in. ,aealed letter enyelppta, free of charge. gICILLIN liovcrl- ToN,aHow • ard' AsadatitiOn,"Nolt - South Ninth 'Street, Phiiadelphiw,=Pdt• PRIMEINew' Crop N ew -prkelgisl4ol,ages —the veiyleet fot Csykes. -Just iecei've~ by SPAITGLEW & ATTERSON. B"-PeAbf l titilse befintiful l etpap . :7 RATS at .CluLes;g2Vaiket-st. T,CE C.0 . 4D CREAM ,111 . 4 D, mak of , 1 . ; ,COuntjr , lioney seVOLRE,S. POU ND S EXT : RA SUGAR-_ .01.7 W cuto.llams, , and—Ptied TBeelifoxt sale LB. ASMENBApips. lEE SEP LiikßS nv „... l Elfiv, LRO -,..L77-----gr-ilvlebilFFENßAcips. FISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARATUS. Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping — WITH THE iLAME THAT LIOHTSTHE ROOM. * * By the • flame of a common lamp, at the coat of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. • —N. Y. Tribune. * * • ;Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use M a Moment * convenient to have 'on hand. • • Drug gist's Circulgr i .. - * * * Fish's, Lamp is one of 'the most popular' tiOvelties of the day, • • • the utility of itialunquestionable, a great saving is made in heating and cooking small articles, and can be' made to cook meals for a great many persona, which is actually done on the' ambulance cars which carry, the. Isicksioldiers. „ • Scientific Ame r ican. * • * 1 For family fiee,hosilitaltent, bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of 4otri fort beyond alt propor tion to its colit. *; • Hall's Journal°, Health. * • , I have i tried thelapparatuo, and my wife r and 'I iiioclaim thisame a Masi valu able and indispensable article imintlwe_ now wonder how we could have sollongdone with out it. Ed. coalbil'eircalai j . • ' • * • An econoniical contrivance for getting urtheat.at short, notice for =nursery and general liddielield porpcides, •—• • ' one importantipornt is the saving in coat ova' coal fires. * • *, N. Y. Everting Post • Prices from Two to Six Dollars. Capacity' frimt • One to Font Qimrts. 7tr,eorMtolesitkoked at one time utak one Arranged for' iferlisene` or coal or Gas. A Descriptive Patnphlet of,t thirty s pages fur nished gratis. ATTACHMENT, - Cppts, . To be aSteciled :to a common Kerosene. Lamp or Gis`Barner, bfwbieh virsiteeniarbe'bOtled, and food:cal:piled.; also arranged 't.o.suppOrt a shade. Every family needs one , ' - WM. D. RUSSELL. Agent; N0.:206; Pdarf St., New Yprit. r. t Agents Wanted. , • _ er'Tive 'these Hesfink Lampe can be seerratfJohn Spneklei's Hardware. i I , st ' ojY4 il LC, L.. 1 : 7 4- 4-4"-. • ,„vtelddia; Oa. -1- • Designated pepds4or k' and' 'ltnariefai AVetiti of 'Mel United States' • By instructiona from the Secretary of the Treasury, dated,Match ,26th, IS64„,this Bank is iiuthorized 'to receive subscriptioiii for the National 10 40 Five per cent. Loan, in Coupon or Registered Bonds. This Loan, princinal and interest, is paya ble in gold. Bouts of $5OO and upwards, semiannually. (Ist of March and September) aiTh on those of less denominations annually, (Ist orMarch.). . • • ' Subscribers can receive Bonds ,witb C,oupons from March lat, by paying the accrued inter est in coin, or in' laWful money by adding 50 per cent-foc pre ium. Ors if preferred, ;may deposit the principal only, and receive Bonds with Cdupons from date of subscription. Registered Bonds will• be issued of the de nominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, $5,000 . and irlo,ooU,' id , Coupon Bonds of $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $l,OOO. For the greater convenience of subscrib the different Biiiks end Bankeie"throughout the country, are' authorized , to act As - agent for the Loan. , . As only 4200,000,000 of this Loan ear", be - issued, we would urge upon Remus having surplus money, to subscribe promptly and se cure the investment at par. The Secretaryin presenting this new Loan to the public throughlhe National Banks, re lies upolitlielilierality no& patriatisfrc of our leople,4P•4oeall, , honorable,mearkkAand.to make exertion for its sale. It is hoped . that Lancaster enunty, haVrig 'done 50:44401.in the furnishing - the 'Go vernment means, will be equally prompt at this tithe: Philadelphia, Pa JOHN C.RULL, -,./AccLettcal NO. 92 41 A R KET STREET, MA RIETTA Taltes•this metins of informing Ins old tus tomers.and the .public , generally : that he has re-taken the old-stand.(recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and is now, permanently fixed to prosecute • . . , Having jUst returned from the city where he selected a ; large, varied and fashionable assortment of everythingin ; the -.' I=I.AT AND CAP •LINE, and *now. only *asks ac examination of his Stock and priees; before purchasing elsewhere. Havingalstrfaid in a stock of Hattin t , ,, mate rial, he will'he enabled; at short notice; to' manufacture all-qualities—from the common Soft to the most.FaAionnble Silk Hat: Employing none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing goOd. goods at low prices, he.hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public pationage la'The highest price paid for Furs--in trade or cash. - i. G AtOUR OWN DOCTOR." The ,new j_ Illustra,ed. Hydropathic Encyclope dia : A .complete systeiri of Hydroputhy and Hygiene,-*Anlitorriy. and Ph,lsitilegy of the Hu .rnantody, Illustrated; Preservation of Health; 'Dietetics and Cookery; Theoly and Practice , oi :Medicine, With: Home, Treatment; Special Pathology , and Hydro-Therapeutics, Nature, 'CatleS,'SYmptomi and Treatment - anti known - dirseases , Application to Surgeiy, Midwifery, and the Nursery. 300 Engravings, and near- If I;000 pages with Olo,sattry and Index, cool get°. BY R. T. TRALL, M:"To: 4 Price, prepaid by first mail, $4l Address` ' 'FOWLER -Tv":O.T..Ls; - • - 389 BroiniWaT, New-York. - . • .• AGENTS'WAwrEii. "which have attain ed suehii issued by FOW ler- bonen are • more adapted to gener al utility than this rich, comprehensive and welt-aninged EnCyclimedia."==.N. Y:Triburie . TOBIiCED, -8c SNUFF STOBE, Op . poOte the , Ohms Keys Hotel, ; • ;MARIETTA„ PA: THE Undersigned would rospeetfullytinforni the. public, that he still continues,; at old stand, corner: of Second and Walnut gtreets, directly opposite the Cross. Keys Hotel, to keep on.hand and for.sale, - - all kinds ofbigars from Half Spanish up, in prices , frout .$6, $7420;t0 WO per thousand. ... Tonit,coo., Hatural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish; Oranoko Virgiuia, Von, gresa FilicSputv (Pula; Coarie Spun Twist r Eldorado, Jew el .cif Ophir_tobacco,- An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci e inahtifabtured bf iinported titock.t SixEk SPANISH'. ^Rappee , Snuff-and all-kinat faricy P. Smoking .Tobacco. Scentedtsnuffh Fnie-cutiliesroigar Tubes Arc. [jan.6oAs, JAtehes, Moe s Agajetoeity ."' - H.: 'L.'S; F. J. ZA:HM • DESPECTFULLN • inform ihehi 'FiLfriende.and - the public that they Conti-101'e the TV4TCH, -. CLOCK e NI) JEWELRY baldness at the old stand; "North-west North-N - viet Corner of North Queen atreet.and Centeritquare,,,Lanautter;l4 A filleaM rif ortmeof gohde oar ,line of 'b a nese hand and for sale at the -loom ash rates.' 13 - Repairiag attended to eiriatly by the: proprietor s • - PkC'ritCLEk o suit all An - can be aided with g lasses Ae l .N.slk S ean'be bought aill' ! ; L. 4' .; 24.6 TA rn i k i ner bf,lforth antV:Ce.,l4ei,'SJintu'e, bnieditet . NeW`ilishea at short notice. IP-S -Celebrated Imperial Ex tension-Meekkciwkidelop Skirt,. mitt._ -selfzi9justibli Btkle. preltip4 in 6 1 4 t 1 .12 hales 4utifjrefeetlifid., ' 4 DIF FE - YHA - GIP S Burier AMpS BOWMAN,. Cashiet ‘, l / 1 • .•••- ••• ,t, • - THE BATTING BUSINESS IN ALL IV J4C9B A ,WISNER'S' New York and Philadelphia ORNARIENTAI, IRON WORK. THE Subscribers having farmed a Conner nection with Messrs. Woon & PEROT, of Philadelphia. under the above title, are pre pared to furnish every description of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, Cast, Wrought and Wire Railings, FOR ENCLOSING Cemetery Lots, Dwellings, .Public Squares, §w. Verandahs,, Circular and Strwig .qtairj4 Doors, Window Guards, Roble Fixtures, Fountains, 'Vases, 4+., also, having purchased of the tate firm - of Hutchinson & Wickersham, Canal Street, their entire. Stock. of , Bedsteads, Orad/ps, Furnifure_6•C.,. they now offer to the pubtie,at,their New Warehouse, THE MOST EXTESSIPE Sioel; CIF ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS to be found in 'the United Stites: They have also.purehased of the New York Wire Railing Co: the Patent riiht and machinery forninking WIRE RAILING, FARM "FENCE,' , WINDOW GUARDS, GRATING, GOAL SCREENS Av.' and will continue r the exclusive ,Manufacture of the stone at their Works. CHASE&Cb., '524 Bioadwv, New" l'ork Orders may be sent through the 'Aineri can Advertising Agency; 389 Broadway, N. Y. AGENCY OF, DUTCH EAST' 1167 A botorFE,E,COMPANY- DEPOT READE- t iT;'N. Y. The above Company are known all over tbe world as the owners of the coffee .claßtalions of .rava and Bativia'in'the.Dlitilr Eak Tedies, anti are the largesl. , monopolizers of: , Chtfee on the Globe. The undersigned (who is - appointed their sole ; Agont ; the, ,I.lnited Staten, and: in, the British Colonies) will have for sale three, drf ferent of COFFEE; Which, for regular ity ofgrade andtcheopnesa of price, u w,ill*fy competition. Our "BATAVIA COFFEE" never befcre introdoced.,4l7 thing country, , ,Aut ,extensively used.in,the Armies and gavies ot Europe and • riChlY Veined; will the pufinp' lit prieei to Como within the reecho, of all .consurners, and our EXTRA JAVA will, be the Magnum Bonus% Coffee of the ngd:' • Me will have, for accommodatiosupApro cers, Families and goliernmeni Contractors, attroples (dry, and drawn) for testing, ' Orddrs solicited. (d reCeipt of cath,saffee promptly forwarded as directed. , - A. LIPPMAN, 168 Reqe-st., N. Y. Sole Agent, E. Ell. C. Company: M N4O 0 D ••tin HO* . L.STi—How RESTORED' Just Publish;il,; n;ulTeiiition of`' Dr. Culverwell's' Celebrated .E'ss4, On the 'radical 'cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhcea„ or Seminal:Weakness, ol untary Seminal Losses, Impotency] Mental and Physical Incapacity,. Inipedimenti to Marriage, etc:'; also Consumption; Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence„or aPextravagance., ' Price, tn, a Sealed Envelope, only Six Cents The celebrated author in this admirable es say clearly dembnetratOti, from a thirty years eueeessfulAraetice, that, the, alarming conse qcnces of self-abuse may be radically cured without-the dangerous use of internal medi cine or,the application , of .the,knife=pointing otit a mode of cute, at once aim*, ceram and effectual, by •nttans- of wtlich'e•Very sof ferer„ no matter what hie ,condition may be, May cure himself cheaply, privately, and radicadv -`• . -This Lecture shonjd , ,be in ; the hands of every youth and every mon,in the land. -Sent under heal, ins plain' entelope to any address, post paido3p..receipt.ot six cents, or two p,ostage.stamps, by addressing the pu bltsh ers, • t: HAS. J. C. KLINE* 'CO., ..127 13owery„"sliew!York, P 10. Boxy 4486. irst National 'Bank Zblumbia. [SUCCESSORS TO DiliWii.Eß AND , SRO:I . CORN ER SELO N D I.OCUST, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER.CO" ; RA. capital - $lOO,OOO, Avail privilege of increasing. 00. _ • _same to $OOO,O. BOARD OF DIRECTOBS C. S. Kaulimitn, •Washington*B4ghter, E. Hershey, 'P. Gosiler; ' J.: G. ,Hess,. J. B. .Shuma, Brunner„ Justus Giay. OFFICERS E. Hershey, .Pres. A. .Bruner, Vice Pres:; S. S. Detwiler, Cashier. This , Bank, having been authorized to com mence. business under. the National .Curren. y Act, is now duly organized and prepared to 'receive deposits; make colleciions ari alrd6sxi ble paints on liberal terms, discourit.. notes, drafts, .-c., buy, aid-gblch saver . and, .do rniestic exc hange; all bail:teas' ap 'pertaining to atthdroughly organized Bank. Interest pnidLon speetal deposits for 6.months or lOngef. ' • Banking hours :.from from to 3 P. at: Discount day; .Monday, 10 ,01 &a.Ch o , Yotir patrpnage is , regpectfullriolitited. Ma/se' s:R*T.Yvrl-41.t, cushier. y2B 4. DAVID COCHRAN Poiy}fcr, Ola,zier arictrppe - oHaßger. 1 WILD inoptlrespebtfullrinfoinirthecit yl,7,izene.pf, 1/19.rietta.aNyhelmttlipgener thiit hers p'repareiftW do • •Hottie , Painiiny,Lt !Jr/A.4'4a aGiasdinkr : . 4 ) ..`eßrAcYl.ol l 9.93ilqul .; At very shOtt notice and at prices to snit:the Ina 'end' beftinnd laf his itioili6Oiresi dence on die comer, ofr.Cliesipit.and Secon.i streets, a few 4 - nets pelpw the Church, and'immediaiely T- 4131in'site'iife'''old Oberlin Coach WOrka-t- Back Hawk 10n:Ore. ashpr.. T 4' undetsignedbiivink just comfdeted.new .P Viteinafor the manuftittn'retherhele brated / Mach H awk Iron Ora Wg4heA...„ 411 e bee retrieved eeVeiaf - allealand to the ald p at ern, and 4noNir Ads' . eertian'hf beggible to 3ynsh one-third morn 4ron,ora o, and much cleanse :' Illtachines minufsclered and put..) - 04144thezeldeeiredi stl the %boxiest pa lace, and the morking,of 14antAane guarraer teed. He can , tifet, — .6l_pex t ototdoo, to Col. Tames Igyers, of, I;clegEtl j Eurnace p Indere, kndlo 'jamas 'L. 'SFAA:(P., Erni:, 'adjoining, ha/1 7 Address! ).:.x . • "), , 5 .6'.a.muEL Hp.PIEINS, _ 'Minato, Idiniaiter Co:, 'Pa. wer RepAtotAaron'. Tl:uptif tt,,, most desirable, Latitypi in the market.' It burna roar Ck'ivithiiiit a emitting neitherlolokeln'or-smell. It gives a pare, _ It stands quicle.,'mations In*ok:ffreetiein: The gyno ip,teguia t ted,Aign the ootside v 'llls neat abd'ecinrbactinlorm and size: ,«It isdree,froni`solder tixellipkteiiiiiiititland otherwise. ,veu aubstaaliaLin Ate,striletrove. TME; - riNz "Dattaß: For sale at JOHHSPANGEERIS'!oiI Hardware- Store, 4/nil:Wad street. QUAD or RE Y7LA TfittitEPrlt.s &Mt of.l k Woan. Zltizsid!COl North Queen-at., and Center FileaFp2tßE4s" • ter, Pa., in the sho t rof.geugiwunt theZat i tingo 181 I ,.PNl,F!'ne7c.itt r t he A ud i. IliEft. i T a 18 piacethan any c of equal quality and uW ke Mit tikltitielrgetsitu.