the Naticttian. F. b. gaker, Editor. MARIETTA. PA t SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1864. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOE VICE 'PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNISON, OF TENNESSEE. zffn of Eltttatal tgititzt. SENATORIAL. Maarow , Bleblictiazi, Philadelphia, THOMAS E. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver co. E=! REFRESH 13. Elias W. Hall, ,14. Chas. H. Sinner, :15. John blister., 1. Robert• P. King, 2. Geo.lll. Coates, 3. Henry BUM% 4. Wm. H. Kern , 5. Bar/in H. - .7"ejs, 6. Chas. M. Runk, 6. .Rohert Parke. 7. Wm. Taylor, 8. .Ino. A. Riceland, 9. R. H. Caleb, 11. 'Edwd: 12. Chas. F. Reed 16. D. /11 , Conahy, 17. David W. Woods, 18. Isaac Benson, 19. John Patton, 20. :Same/ B. Dick, 21. Ewhard Bierer, 22. John P. Penney, 23. Ebeier 111'Jtmkin, 24. J. W. Blanchard. singular. related in reference•to Captain Coppinger. of the 14th i ll S. Infantry. He was a cap tain•in.the British espy during the Cri mean ;war, and was taken prisoner , by Vol. Petroffsbi,• of the Russian army. Rassiaii , colonel is now a pcivate in the company of Captain Coppinger, and the two . soldiers who were fighting againstleaoh , other during the Russian war, are now the Most, intimate friends, andvfight side by side in defence of the -Union., par Several boat.loads of ,nniforms, picked up on, various battle-fields, ar rived at Washington from For. .trees Monroe. One cargo compris ed nearly fifteen hundred complete suits, titripped, from the festering corpses of those who have fallen in battles or per ishud in hospitals. These desirable . goOds are to be offered for sale, for , the, benefit of parties who will, wear second banded girments, and don't mind where they come from, if only they come cheap. er The government lands of the .United States now amount to fourteen hundred , thousand millions of acres. Two millions and a-half of acres-have al- Toady been sold for thirty-four millions of dollars. At one-third of a cent per acre thO remaining lends would pay off the whole national war debt, though it taiga be` 'four thousand five hundred inillidins`: of' dollars. At ten cents it wonlrt Pay off ihat debt thirty times over. s. ',Three regiments of rebel troops at Galveston are said to have mutinied and turned, the guns, of the fort upon the city. It appears that the soldiers demanded flour from , the commissary stores, and were refused. General Ma gruder, who was sent for from Houston, pacified' the . men by serving out rations of bacon and flour., air Fort r — gan originally cost the Morgano „ United States Government, in its con struction and armament, about one mil lion five hundred thousand dollars, and is capable of mounting one hundred and thirty-two guns, and garrisoning seven foraiege operations. The Rebels, made bat, a pusillanimous de fence of it.: ors: S. Southard, agent of the Adains Express Company, of Terre Haute, Ind., committed suicide in his room,, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol, a few days ago. He left a leiter, which says ; "Liquor has ruined me, as well as thousands of others I have tried hard to quit, but find it im possible to do so." ir A. lady correspondent of a Provi dence paper computes that if the women would cat their dresses to escape the ground one inch, instead of trailing two inches, as is now the fashion, a saving of one million dollars `Would be annually effected. ' Here is a chance km "dress reform," as well as for innCroyttment in neatness. lier'The Montgomery (Ala.) Adver tiser says that Mia. Morrls, of Wetnnka, is manufaptniiniblack sewing silk for her, own nee. , She has her own silk worms and raises her own mulberry trees to feed them. Both, the worms and the trees ere said to thrive, and , the silk is pronouneedto be of good quality. or ro satisfy tbe curiosity of persons visiting Elmira ko see the rebels, a large elevated platforii - bas been erectedout side the enclosure, which commands a view of the elitire grounds and its' in mates:- .kcbarge , of ten cents is. made for the privilege of seeing from this ele vation.. , • or In: ' England= recently two pito ters were, sentenced to, ,the lash. - They received ten each,on , the, back, from a cat o'.nine-taile,into; which the :maker had ingeniously inserted tenhard knots. At each Cat - the flestraud i i►lood flew in all directions. " • • ar If this war should within the nest year prove successful in its object of crushing oat the rebellion, as we cannot permit ourselves to doubt that it will ►nd must, the position our country will ,ccupy ih the eyes of the world will be rery striking and important. For as the crushing of the rebellion involves the fate of slavery, all causes of internal trouble will then be at an end and the people bound together by indissoluble bonds of brotherhood, the republic, with an immense army of veteran troops, generals of tried ability, and skill, and a navy victorious everywhere, will be in fact the great power which it has so long asserted itself; and ready , to make good its claims and policy at the point of the sword. General Grant has issued an or der which makes the status of deserters to our lines a very pleasant one. They are to be provided with transportation to any point in the North which they may, desire to reach, or they can receive employment in the army departments at remunerative wages. No services will , be expected of them which might sub ject them to a, chance of capture by the rebels. This order, together with that of General Fry, exempting them from draft, makes a rebel deserter's position somewhat desirable, and will doubtless increase desertion in the ranks of the enemy. A writing machine has at length been discovered. This is a curious in strument which has been invented by a Prowl artizan named Bryois: It is for the purpose of taking short-hand notes with more than the usual rapidity. It consists of a series of . levers worked by keys like a piano, and acting on a set of types which impress themselves od a strip of paper that is gradually unrolled. Working only with , one finger an ordi nary reporter can work as quick as the best short-hand reporter, but by using the two hands the rapidity is increased immensely, le' A nursemaid recently lost her way on the cliffs of Newquay, England, and went close to the edge of the pre cipitous cliffs, when she slipped and fell to the beach below, a distance of one hundredand eight feet. Her crinoline 'expanding with the air, hoireVer,' so broke the fall that she landed without a scratch or a bruise, and, although much shaken, was able at once to walk one hundred yar . and inform hei•mistreei3 of the occu - . Ttietkut, totes Circuit Court at Philidelibis have decided that -the weightbf a ton of coal is 2240 pounds instead 'of 2000 pounds. The Judge ruled that a company of grocers might astwell meet arid a g ree to reduce the number of ounces in a pound, and make the smaller number the standard of a pound for their customers, as for coal dealers to agree that the weight of a ton shall be 2000 pounds, and furbish thatsmount to their customers. • Oa the 30th ultimo, District At torney, Carrington entered a suit in the Supreme Court of District. Columbia against William A. Hammond, late Si - goon General United States, ,tp,recover 450,000 dollars, the amount. alleged the Government has been defrauded of by his blank purchase from W. A. Stephens, and supplies from , John Wyeth Brother, 50me,50,000 being the amount, in therfirst case and 400,000 dollars in the second. . ffir Different nations have different kinds of loafers. The Italian loafer spends his , time in sleeping—the Turkish in dreaming—the Spanish in praying— the French in laughing—the English in swearing—the Russian• in gambling— the Hungarian in smoking—the Ger man in drinking, and the American- in talking politics. • , Or There is authority for stating that an errangement has been entered into between our own and the rebel govern ment, whereby the condition of our pris oners in 'the rebel hands will be 'materi ally benefited. The Government is anxious to do everything in its power for the comfort of our brave men in rebel hands. tip'' Flour advanced one hundred dol lars a barrel on italormer price, corn to six and beef to eight dollars per pound, in Richmond, on the receipt of the news that• the line of the . Weldon Railroad had been taken possession of by Grant. This fact attests the importance of. the road to the Supply of Richmond. S When 'Algernon Sidney was told that he•might emirs his life by denying his hand-writing-4e said : "When God has• brought me: into a dilemma in which I rand assert a lie or lose my life, Ile gives me a clear indication of my duty, which is to prefer death to falsehood." lir The farmers of Lincoln, Mass., 'are doing an extensive business this season in raising pickles. One man, •from two and a-half acres of vines; has 'gatheiekattwo piakin'gs, 67,000 pickles. 'One-man gathered from 'his live acres, at one picking,lBo,ooo. Contentment is the greats'', blessing of this life. . . _ • fir Qer ! syeeteet, remptetrowei, ore the plttaeureeof chilptood. , General News Hems, Twenty-seven ladies of New Bedford, Massachusetts, have each agreed to fur nish a representative recruit. Any number of newspapers can be sent by mail under a two cent stamp, provided they do not exceed four ounces in weight. The St. Joseph Herald says the streets or St. Joseph are filled with women witli segars in their months. It is estimated that Early, in his re- . cent northern raids, has lost by death and desertion 10,000 men. Pittsburg has forty-six foundries, eon gaining forty-six thousand tons of - metal annually, and paying $1,000,000 wages annually, Secretary Stanton has ordered that the wages of the sewing women in the employment of the Government be in creased twenty per cent. Mrs. Thom4son, wife of the Rebel . General Jeff. T hompson, is now a con firmed lunatic, and it is said she will shortly be sent to the Asylum at Ful ton. The greatest mass of solid iron in.the world is the Iron Mouotaiis of Missouri. —lt is three hundred and fifty feet high, and two miles in circuit. Sevon weekly newspapers in New York State have given up the ghost in seven weeks, in consequence of the high prices of Paper,-Lb. On Sunday last, as four boys were playing on the prairie near Osceola, lowa, they were all etruckby lightning. Two of them, recovered, ; but two were killed instantly. , The total expenditures thus far for the New York Central Park have been $5,800,000. • • There are eighteen acres of rebels in the encampment for rebel prisoriera at Elmira, New York. Plans of the large theatres in the United Stritea have been sent to Paris, to model the new French theatres upon. The Richmond Daily Examiner is now mailed to subscribers at $6O per annum. The Weekly costs eas. The Hon. John Wentworth is the Union nominee for Congress .from the Chicago district of Illinois. He was elected from the same district in 1852. A clergyman in Northampton recently prayed "that God would bless Abraham Lincoln and give him a large, majority of the votes next fall." On Saturday morning a vote was ta ken on the owl train from Philadelphia to New York, resulting in favor of Mr. Lincoln by a good majority. One car filled with soldiers voted unanimously for his re-election. General R: C. Schenck has been. re nominated for Congress in the Third District of Ohio. Wm. Meyers. 9th Missouri volunteers, has been sentenced to twenty years' im prisonment at Jefferson city, Mo., for the murder of :a member of his company. The number of prisoners-captured by General Grant since the crossing of the Rapidan in May last, is stated at the War Department to be upward of fifteen thousand. • There are now two hundred and nine ty-three thoinianif guns in the Spring field Arsenal awaiting the order of the Government--a much hirger number than at any previous time. A German, on the. Lake Shore train, betareen , Buffalo and Dunkirk, was rob bed of $lOOO in gold. Suspicion fell on three persons, •who, on being examined, proved, to be delegates to the Chicago Convention Capt. Philip Clayton Kennedy, of the United States marine corps,. died, at the residence " of his father, the Hon. A. Kennedy, in Baltimore county, Md., on Wddnesday. He was in the twenty-sev enth year of his age, and had been ill for some time. Gen Rosecrans has approved the sen tence Oa military commission ,in „the case of Miss Ann ,Fickle, convicted of harboring gnerillus, and murdering a Federal soldier in assisting them, to es cape. She was sentenced to be confined in the State prison of Missouri for ten years. . The people of Chambenburg are pre paring to rebuild their destroyed dwell ings, though they can never replace their old homes ; and since the work of making the town is to be all done. over again, it is proposed to beautify it: by increasing the width of its streets, making the housesseat and uniform, and lining the streets with shade trees. The circular recently issued by the War Department requiring all officers who are promoted to , re-enlist for three years, causes great complaint in the ar my, and many officers reffise to accept their commissions on those terms. ' The President, who has been `appealed has referred the whole matter to Gen eral Grant, much to the s4tisfactioi of the Tallies 4iterested. 1 ir Trent your . enemies. us . if they would sometime or other be your friends. A GREENBACK WELL INVESTED A year ago several journals united in re commending their readers to invest a dollar "Greenback" in securing that very excellent Journal for the Household (including the little ones,) for the Gar den, and for the Farm, called the Ameri can Agriculturist. Many persons were thus led to subscribe, and we believe all who did so have been ,much more than satisfied. They have received the 23d Annual Volume of the Agriculturist which ie fell of good' things, useful, practical, and entertaining, and just now the Publisher is sending out to each of his subscribers applying, a present of a plant of one of the most remarkable Strawberries that have ever been -brought out. These plants, when sold by the only other person having Ahem, go readily .at, 75, cents each. No the greenback Inyested last year has car iiinly paid well: All we have now - to say ls, let all - otheri go 'and do likewise. Notwithstanding the present advance in cost; the Publisher still offers to take subscribers this month (September) at $1 a year, or from now - to the end of 1865 (fifteen months) for $1.15. knit still further, he offers one 'of the remarkable Strawberry,Plants, sent free and post-paid, to every new subscriber who encloses 5 mita extra for oil cloth, packing, and postage on the plant.—Our advibe to all is, send the dollar (or the $1.15), and the extra 5 cents at once to Orange Judd, Publisher of the Agricul turist, at 41 Park Row, New . York city, and get the paper, etc.. Yon will get a ,most beautiful, well illustrated, practi cal paper, and the'cheapeat one in the country, 'to say nothing of the extra Strawberry Plant, etc. Try B. SW A despata from Washington skis the draft under the last mill of the President will begin first in those places which are making the least effort to raise volunteers, so as to give the places which are trying , to fill their quotas without a draft as much time as possible to do so. Payment of bounties to re cruits authorized by the act of July last did not cease on the sth inst., but is still continued as they were before that day, and volunteers will be counted on the quotas up to the latest possible mo ment. An official bulletin from Secre tary Stanton states that Provost Mar shal General Fry is busily engaged in arranging the credits of the several dis tricts and is ordered to draft without delay for the deficiency in the districts that have not filled their quotas, or There were coined during the month of August, at the mint in Phila delphia, four millions and forty thous and cent pieces, and three millions one hundred and thirty thousand • two cent ineopi t together of the value 0f5103,000. 4. A*4 • Thiel Ill:pens° coinage of cents has been g oing on monthly at about the rate of the last month, for more than two years, and yet they are so scarce in circulation, as to render the change for a' five cent note a great difficulty. er The "silver" wedding-day is ap plied to the twenty-fifth anniversary of a marriage, and on this day it is custo mary to present the married pair with some silver token of remembrance. The custom prevails in some parts of North ern Europe, where the festival of the twenty-fifth anniversary is called the "silver" wedding, and that of the fiftieth the "golden" wedding. sr A company •in London have bought one hundred and forty acres a few miles from the city, and propose to enclose it with glass, making a climate like that of Madeira, with the fruits and foliage to be found in that isle. An hotel and residences are to be" built, and great prices will be charged for a chance to live under glass. Gr A soldier committed suicide near Chicago the other day, who had served under Garibaldi, and upon whose person was found a paper which stated that he took part in the engagement before Copna. Oct. 18,1860, for, which he was publicly. thanked , , by Gen. Garibaldi for servicesrendered. sir England is, now getting her supply of cotton principally from the new fields opened in various parts of the world. The prices, however, are yet enormous ly high. Within a year or two after the settlement of our present troubles, we predict that cotton will be lower in the market than ever. fir At a recent railroad dinner, in coMpliment to the legal fraternity; the toad was given :—"An honest lawyer, the nobleat work of God." . Bnt an old farmer in. the. baCk part of the ball rather•spoiled -the effect by adding, in a load voice, "And about the warded." thr.soldiers at Atlanta have a new way of spreading the Gospel. Scripture quotations are pasted upon shells and sent booming into the :rebel camp. The number of conversions is not reported Gr Pigeons drink differently from most - other Wide, Gallanaceous birds sip, and raise-their heads ; .but pigeons lake a long continued draught like quad rupeds. • . or Brig. Gen. Jpetina T. Owens, ol , Giennenpoyrn, has resigned hie cemrnie s4lol/444,Praii,aild opened a la! airlae in liVashington,,D. ; C., sier An interesting relic of the Rove lutionary war has just been fished up in the Delaware, near Salem, N. J. It is a portion of the cable or rigging of H. B. M. frigate Augusta. On the 23d of October, a part of the British fleet, the Augusta, 64 guns, the Merlin, 18 guns, and a galley, attacked Fort Mifflin. The attack was meant to be simulta neous with an attack by 1800 Hessians on Fort Mercer at Red Bank. Both at tacks were repulsed. The Hessians' commander, Count Donop, was mortally wounded, and 800 of his men killed or taken prisoners. The Augusta and Mer lin were set on fire by. hot shot from Fort Mifflin, and entirely destroyed. The cable is composed apparently of whabiboni'or some similar materiel', and after a lapse .of nearly 87 years, was brought up hut week by some boatmen who were dragging for an anchor. W During the late visit of the , rebels to Hagerstown, bid.,•they proceeded to the Colllotjail and released therefrom Park Cramer, who was confined there for deliberately shooting Victor Wright, during a quarrel between the parties about a woman )tept by the latter. When the rebels left Elagerstown they took Cramer with them; but on reach ing Williamsport he deserted them and returned to Hagerstown, where he pre sented himself at the jail to the county sheriff, and asked to be recommitted,, as serting that he,would "be d—d if he would go with such a set of infernal cut throats." Cramer was accordingly as signed to his old quarters, .and in Wovember will be tried upon the charge • of murder. • Gif The Gqinian'Reformed, Messenger lost everything except the stereotype plates that werkin the vault. Arrange ments are about being made to have the paper published by contract in the east until the let of January next, when the office will probably be re-established either at Lancaster or Philadelphia The loss is about $40,000. The Repos itory lost all its material and presses, besides $2OOO worth of paper. The sub scription list and ledge: only were saved. The loss is about $75000. The Valley Spirit lost everything bat the subscrip tion list and receipt books. Loss fully $5OOO. dir A resident of Hartford bought a dozen of eggs the other day, and by in advertently placing five of them in a warm pantry- got them as nicely hatched into five chickens as if a hen had sat npon'them. 0130 fine morning the lit tle animals "peeped," to the,egg purcha ser's great astonishment, Of course he went to the newspapers to , tell the story —every good American goes to his news paper when he sees or hears anything "out of the common." ar Miss Hattie Houghton, of Milton, while walking near her father's house, was attacked by, a large and dangerous rattlesnake, but by her coolness and pres ence of mind succeeded in killing him after a severe contest. The snake measured four feet seven inches, and had eleven rattles, showing it to be thirteen years old. Snob a specimen of true courage in a young lady only seven teen years of age is certainly worth re cording. orif Among the latest patents is a coasting sled for boys, which can be steered at will, without using the leg for a rudder, according to the old fashion. The sled rests upon four • runners, and those forward can, with the aid of rods, be turned to tte right or left by the lad, who sits upright, with both feet braced forward. But no kindhearted genius has yet invented a sled which will pull itself up hill. ar There are now in the British Is- lands three hundred and seventy-five district railway companies, who own eleven thousand five hundred miles of road. They carry aboye eighty million passengers yearly, and `above thirty mil- Him tuns of merchandise and minerals. They give employment to probably not less than two hundred thousand persons. ®'An ingenious Frenchman has in. vented i sleeping cage for the emperor, which is to the sight a mosquito netting, but in reality kthin gauze wire covering to the bed. When once inside of it, by turning a crank the emporer can make this netting a Powerful - magnetic battery, sufficiently strong to knock any one down who touches it from the outside. it Whole number of sheep in Ohio, 4,300,000, and this year's wool will be 19,000,000 pounds, worth $15,000,000. Thforighont the west the farmers are taking the money they get for their wool andinvOsting it in more sheep, as-wool growing is very profitable just now. ,ffir A. 'United States greenback that has been torn or mutilated will only be received for the representafr,ive value of the portion remaining. lfone-half of a $lO note is gone it,will be received for but $5 ; one-fourth $2.,50, and so on. =I or A son was born on the sth of August, to IBaac Tetro, of Washington, Berkshire county, Mass., being the twenty-fourth child of the mother; whole forty-five 'years 'old. All, except one pair of twins, were single births. Aar Gen. Fremont haawithdrewn from the Providential contest. A HAIRLESS HORSE--The famous woolly horse is now matched by a horse on exhibition at Madrid, which has not a single hair on its whole body. Its skin is white, like that of a European, and so transparent that the veins may be distinguished through it. The bone cannot be used for labor in consequence of this fineness of the skin, which would be exposed to abrasion. SPECIAL NOTICES lEir Whose Dye le taking the place of others? Christadoro's ! Whose Dye is the most perfect imitation of Nature Christadoro's 1 aa Whose Dye hteen 'analyze&by tlierbest Chemist and pronounced harmless? Christadords I Whose Hair Dye succeeds when all others fail ! Christadords!, Whose Hair Dye has the largest sale - in the world? Christadoro's! Whose Dye is shipped inthe , greatest quanti ties to theiait- haired maidens of dubit, Mexico and South Amerie4 ? • ChristadoWs! Crutaderds Bair Preservative, is invaluable with his Dye, as it imparts the utmost, softness and the 'idea beautiful gloss end great vitality to the hair. Manufactured by J. QUOTA DOR6, No. 6 Astor House, New-York. Sold every where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Pnce $l, $1:50, and $3 perbox, according [lrri to size. lar What horseman will be . without Dr. Tobias' Venetian Horse Liniment. TAUNTON, MUSS, May 14th, .1.360.: Dr. Tobias : Dear Sir—During 35 years that I have been in the livery business. I have used and sold a great quantity of various liniments, oils, &c. Some two years since, hearing of so many wanderful cures having been made by your Venetian Liniment, I tested its merits, and it has given the best satisfaction of any thing I ever used. I neversiAl anytlung•that givel such universal satisfaction among horse men. It is destined to supersede all others. Yours, truly, &e-, RAMJET. WILEE. Sold by all druggists. °ince, 56 Cortlandt street, New York. Priee 5(1 cents per pint bottle. , . ;CPA Card to the Suffering. Swalloar;two or three hogsheads of " Buchu," Toni-C."llft ters," "Sarsaparilla," " Nervous Antidotes," &c., &c., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one bob of Old Dr. Buchan's English Specific Pills—and be restored to , good health and vigor in less than 30 days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down and shattered constitution. Old- and young ca n take themwith advantage. Impor ted and sold in the United States only by J. S. BUTLER, 427 Broadway, N. Y. Kt-Agent for the United States. P. S.—A Box of the Pills, securely 'packed, will be mailed to any adiress on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid—mo ney refunded by the agent it entire satisfac tion is not given. tjuly 31)-3m l' To the Young or Old, Male m Female, if you have been suffering from a habit in dulged in by the youth of both sexes, which causes so many alarming symptoms, it unfits them for marriage, and is the greatest evil which can befall man or woman. See symp toms enumerated in advertisement, and if you are a sufferer, cut out the advertisement, and send for it at once. Lelays are dangerous. Ask for Helmbold's, take no other. Cures guaranted. Beware of counterfeit and KT Do rot want to be Curedl Dr. Buch an's English Specific Pills cures, in less than 30 days, the worst cases of Nervousness, Im potency, Premature pees. ) , Seminal Weak ness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, postpaid, I ceipt of an order. One box will perfect cure in most cases. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, . General Agent, No. 427 Broadway, N. Y. ;Cr Editor of The Mariettian. Dear Sir: With your permission I wish to say to the rea ders of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free), a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, thut will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches., Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will alsb' Mail free to those having bald heads or bare faces, simple directions azd in formation that will enable them to start a full growth of luiuriant Bair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less iban 30 days. Respectfully yours, Taos. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, July 30-3m] 831 'Broadway, N.X. irr A gentleman, cured of NervouaDebili ty, Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, , ctuated by a dcsareito bene fit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge), the recipe and di ectiens fox : Making 'the simple remedy used, in his case. Those wishing to ; profit by bis experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy, will receive the stone, by ,return :Mail, (care fully sealed), by addressing Joitsr B. OGDEN, May 14-3m] N 0.60 NassauVreet, N. Y. la' EYE and Emit—Prof. J. Isaacs,.l4. D. Oculist formerly of Leyden, , • Rol land, is located at No. 51). Pine-st.,..f.'hilaflel phia, where persons afflicted with diseases of the Eye or Eat. will be scientifically treated and cured, if curable.. Artificial Eyes insert ed without pain. No chayges made'for exam ination. The medical faculty is invited, as he has no secrets in his mode of treatment. eoninaluer. Wotrim most respectfully take this means of • • , informing his friends and the public generally that he has commenced the drawing of •- , „ ,DEEDS, . seLORTGAGS, 317DGMENTS, Ind in fact everythin& - in the' Corry.ajtauicpsp line. , • Having gratuitous inbirccUiale Witka member of the Lancasterilar, - WilVenaMe.bim execute instruments of writi ng . with accuracy. 10- He can be found at the ciMer,ofegg THE MABIETTIAIi," ons Front street, of atlas res. idence.on Markel stneet,l l a square,west of the 4 4' Donegal House?, Marietta.„. 113-Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and Leases, always on hand, and for AEMPTIT-, -Bilfebi, •• .11) For sale at J. ILIDIFFF.NBACHT. J.