The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 17, 1864, Image 1

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    •,4 ' - N . 1 , ~ !,1 int 'sr
• • `l ,
. . s r 1 / 4 1 ' - n l Aia 41 •
croustvol tt!dio .f"!1' "" "" " ll'hi9 " 11? " -LIC>3 xi , , 3 -‘llO "; ell " t "'" j Y4ll
5- , Statical'Adis' If .
! , rr
,fdL►c te6
AS the season for Stoves is fast approaching
I would call the attentinn,of
to purchase _
Parlor or Cooktng, Ntove;,,
to my large and well selected em
braces the best and most desirable Stoves that
the Eardean markets affoid, end which were
purchased early,'*hich wilbenable me to dis
pose of them ativautagetusly to btryprit-,
Among the leading Parlor and Cool Stoves
• are the following:
Parlor Stoves, Cooking:Stoves,
Meteor Gas Romer, thtieo,
Columbia do. Royal, a
Oval do do Waverly,•
Dial, Wellington, .
Gem, ' Lehigh,
Tropic Egg, ' Charm, •
Monitor, Summer Rose,
Also, the Vulcap. and Sanford'At.lieaters, a
very desirable article for heating two or four
rooms with very little, if any, more 'fuellhan
en °Minery partorstove would consume:
Ranges for cooking, constantly on-liand, all
of which will be sold on reasonable terms,
Call and examine before fi,urclitisin °
c ,
elsewhere. '
Ii RUT lottia
itte:r WirLo or
A. PURE and poivetful TONIC, Corrective
and Alterative, of wonderful , efficacy in
maim of the .Sloraoch, Liver and Bowels.
Liver Complaints •
Headache, General
Debility, Nervotunese, Do-
,• pression of Spirits, Conatipulien,
• Intermittent Fever, Acidity Of '
Stomach, Nausea ' Heartburn, Disgust for'
Food, Fullness or Weight in the• Stomach,
Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of, lhe
Stomach, Swimming o like Head; Dif-
cult Breathing, Yellowness of the • • •
Skin and Eyes,
'Fever and
Dull pains in the Head; • •
Pain in the Side,
Lack, Cheat and: , • .
Et will cure every case of Chao* or Neryous
Debility, Diseases of the " Kidneys, and
Diseases arising,,from a aiSoril i ered
Stomach, Goad ft.a. Male or Fe
male, 02 or
. .
The most beneficial medicine known ; gives
better satisfaction and cures *Ore diseases
than any other preparation offered to fh& pub
ie. Prepared solely by S. A. KUNKSL
1411.0., t 8 Market street, Harrisburg.
Vur sale by druggista.aa4 des Fr 4 eyer.ywbFre.
As Kunkel's Bitter Winnifflrdit ia the oily
sure and effectual gemedy in the known world
for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and De
bility, and aa there era a numbet of imitations
011'i:reef to the public, we would caution the
communit3 to purchase none but the genuine
article, manufactured by S. •A Xuttri.F..
litto., and has, their stamp on the top of the
cork of every battle. The very fact thatothers
are attempting to imitate this valaable. redie
dy, proves itaworth and speaks volumes in
its favor:
The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent
and $1 00 bottles, and sold by ail respectable
druggists.thronghout the Country. Be 'partic
ular that every bottle bears the facsimile of
the proprietor's signature.
This Wine includes the most, agreeable..and
'efticient Salt of Iron we possess ; Cifrate of
141agnetic Oxide cOmbined, with the mostlen
ergetie of vegetable tonics, Yellow , Peruvian
bark. The effect in many eases of debility,
loss of 'appetite arid general prostration, of
stn aliment Salt Iron; combiffeff with our
valuable. Nerve Tonle, is niosr- tltippy. ft
augments the appetite, raises .the guise v takes
off muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of
Idebility; and kives a florid vigOr to the'couo'-
tenance. . •• • u.
- . 118.. Market' Street,
For sale by all respectable dralcrs through
out the countrv: ' E.Tu.25-6m
474 BROADvitrAYITLi•
No Dirt. No •Snthke. No' ..5).4e11,,
`7lli 4, EAGI.E't PAS STOVES
Wilt Boil, Broil, Boast Bake, Toast, Stew,
and Heatlrans,,cheaper than
Coal or Woo 1:
L hays on-hand, and snake tolorder: Stoves
and Furnaces for Chemists., 'Winners, Book
binders, Dentists, Wea Stores, Vuicani;ing
Stoves, Photographer's Ovens; Ste:, and Lunn
:dry Irons. Sendfor a Descriptive Gatakasue.
.1 also manufacture, Coal. Stoves, for
'Cooking hr. Pealing. Burim the :consmcin .14-
rolume Oil, and does the'coolri'nefor a litediliP
Carlow Cent Per hour. • • • •
Sole Manufacturer,
. .
474 13roadwaY;14'. Y.
Agency receive piers for the above-named
Merchandize: , Sue: Dep., E.• Ayvogn.
reap. DeP. Fowler; Welt s ,
389 Broadwai,N. Y.
.. ,
. .
oi, , l:o,r .the usi:Oi4Nfler
lp Clllll-S '.. ruggists
I I , I 11
, 1
i i,j -urul iill ' business and
l'-.1,, , ,..., • :ii i i profeesiOnable men
71 ~- ,., ,~ , who-wish ; to do their
- A/In.. ' — __T! `-';"----- own pri,ntipg, neat
,.• ,- - - I se - ---: lyiandcileoPAr, A
t dapted lo the:print
'.. •'4 m " -' --- log o f Handbills,
i - Billheads, Cirmillits,
Labels,•Cards and Small 'Newsn!iPers- ' 'Plin
instructions accompany_ ach office enabling a
boy teri l years old: Werk•thenit successfully :
Circulars sent f " pecimen sheets of Type,
Cuts, &c., 6 nen t , Address, l 4 l3
' AAIIIS"'PAERS •te. l . , i -
31 Park Ili* N. Y., and 55 •Linroillreti
Bootbit,Maps. 26-1 Y
+ 4
. . . :
Cki „ ,
~, , ' ...r.„, ';, ;
~.....; ,
t : „... p If i ~..,:c .
(\ E ",
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il ti l t : ~..„, ... -...-......-
• .'. ": . . : 1 )•', I in' it 1.. 1 '4 1 , - , , .'-'i I. ' .
, il . .. i • 9.. 1 ,
•;, , iO4 ::;: - , f“.! s A ki:ou Nem (.1 Ilieg . ,
. , , - • i, ', . .. , ~,,, .. ~ 7 - f.! . 1 . -4,ir.n..; '.. "...IL , 1:"'%"'"'"
3 ''''
. , .
S" Y o
iv -11
"t" 'OYER 1...a1iME3151.11""1'
61 . 1 w
TABULETTE. Thiraertilizer is composed
ot aight,iintl,s i nkthe g fertiliiing elein= 4 s of
urita t cUtithined;''clieffirdallY
wiftutitherorquahletfertßizingsagentsprid att
stitheit irksi4ll ts. i , •
'uald'a 'pulvgfized'Udttfifititin, rea
dy• fur finmidiate use and without hissoefi. its '
afitilititttnnfAii'ilrOkUthi gild
eatilsoirdpito dur_abilitYtindlaat,ixonqAttly
are , well k.nowiii to be, all that agricuiterists ,
cardillsirg.' • Parma "ifiti'irnit Dirt 9 "''' 39
~ie lEgek, , cfP.Rl3?)rd.i'Df, a Vi9l 4 'Ffft t St
such as meat s bone , bah. leather, hair anu
wilbligtegitther chgrilicitlti`alidlindrgank
ferillinrs t ,whichAesomwe,the mass, anthill
min the nitrogenoUs elements. It isllibrengli
lkiniptetniiledi With mine; 'tinethe !thinner
poillorie of night,eoil. f 1
It is a very valuable feAilizer for field Crepe
generally, - and , Oespeciallt foe in3tlitolie, ,
,garden_pumpAsee.; r ; ' vet
Its excellent verities. strength a chiap
ness; litiVeintidelt Vary Propiffitrhvit
have need $25 rgaWykst•
highly Phosphatic • fertilizer, ihd is par
ticuluily adapted for the cultivatiorb of trees,
fruits, lawns and. thwirs...-It _will-promote a
yen yigoqup,and lwt,l 4 thy , gfowth ofivotvtand
fidit, - and . larg i ElY `increase' the quantind
perfect , the mattirltm ; mt- the fruit.. For ; hot-
libhpe and household.. plants and dowers, it
wiltlie found in iiidlipensible'
cure:their greatest periection.., At will p,reyertt
and cure,diseased conditions of the peach and
grape; twirls 'ex'&llentlet l grasi
Te -.formula ,or ,metbqd ,of to tithining t its
constituent ingredients have re,-
carved the highest' tituiroiria 'Of eminehr chein
iste and ‘;scieiitifit , agriculturists:. ,P,rice,2s6o
pliospqATE OF LtAlt. The AgricultU
Atir Chernical COmParik Manhfactire , :ii
Phosphate of Limp nn accordance with_ a new
and valuable formula, by which a Very gape
rim' article Is "prodiicek BO Isitae tobe afforded
ate less,price than ethermanufacturers charge.
Practical tests have proved that its value, ass
fertilizet, equal to. the 'beer , Phosphate; Of
Lime in the market. , Trice sos,.fts,a,Turt.
"leP' TERM a
S CASll.—Cartage and Freight to
be paid by the Purchaser.
?AA 41140. t bp9f, 011 ttlo. Del!itware.,
Office, 413.1 Area! ph'ia, Pa:
,:13:41TTSVGeoe,ral ,Agent,
The company's„Phnnaphlel ; qiculiv, _env-
lirseing e for ifsln tlfe' ettiOiS
'Feitillz ark,' sent by: frdepvhen - reg nested.
VirdiES & idQUORS'
= • •-•
V' • • -
,wIiNTR4 44ALQLT,oRs,., ,
• PipotilKauggilarietta, Pa. -
7- 7 -°
11Y-EGS gdave'lo • 7 inform the i public tliedbe
_DI will continue theN.IN Een,Ll(illOß:busi
ness, iu all_ its brancjies. He will constantly
keep on 'Alz!'4110A1"1-
‘ Ltr+Fritaiqsi:Wirtrs,z-rins?. : 4tfu,?!;/ , f• coif ,
1141,ski.x, Cordzirts. 13titers,
~Izistly'eelebrate'd:RoseilThiskyi. .• ,
11 iMil4 Y a 9Pr ..044NDA:, . • . ,
A very surerior p.r„,/?
Vet received; whi'A is'inrranfed paid.
la - AK .11 . 4 alow , asks oFtheopublit
is, a careful examination of,l)irkst2pl4 - ,alidoxi
ces, Which v71[11;110 coinl6eiit; resint in Fio
tel keepars.and atheia 3o theih,id
vßNE!.getoP,:l,l4llt4-o.o}lloeki,,Ba• Alt rr/ I
1 211 a . -et
l c ' 0. 7r.. ,
kila old .F,erry•.-onefofttlie oklestgartd4aost
pafe ewssings . oo Ihe Supqpehanna River 7,
is tlif dhiitigq l Of th'e'6nte Ming); Wh'O'
refitted the,Old odd buqnoMtioats,witiehtwill
enable him to do ferrying with safety , and dip.
paten. NtiiirineWsiarfdel:ityttieed eiidirred.
Bober and experlepced
~Orry,inew akwayst,ert
gaged., No
~.imposition Sin.arg i es , att the foL
lowieg ireiti will ihbw
ratio Wagon%)ettch.,- 04: 0 .0/1
Horses. A t er head. , :25
tingle Cnoihelihtt• rider - `I "
j - pwciffiorse S,Artiagaapd two peoions,J:o9-!
Buggy, horse and two persons,
Foot Assengers, each, • - '
Stock of all funds atthe old charges.
, Luggige,6verlity:pounds, 2a centliper
poundslOU W ctr !'" , vibiN I
Ju1y,15r1863. 3 1 S'
i 414.1 . _
• VPICRP,Ati-r , r o Pro‘ Offp,e.
,Warranted superior to any in the Market.
.an:li'iiiihlylreebrirtriefided for ,n'etviite
dyspeptic ipersvis,' l heittg ,yeryjui,t4tioys„iipti
fiee fromair deleterious substances, in testi
mony of which I certificates film the
lifestremilefit•PhYtiimathrantr Cliemists (falls
cepAtiy, Ti, ii.Aimigcu-,wAti.belepixeo:epA-
Itinue its use in preference to spy other.,
SOld at fe'tiiiPfcieTwerity FiVe cents a - pond,
first l , clmgyPtuteers Oty,4;op . ghtup jig groko
States. '
A Ofeciti ilikourit to ttiel'ereet
411. 1 t.f tifERIOY:bY ••- II ill it
'LEWIS A. °seam!,
t cl a artier ait
riIHE subscriber offe'rs his services to the
getworony heim i permitreti, to refer, toto,t
James Duffy, es 9., S. e
Pf ,st i .
'James iftelialfe3r; F: /Eagle Firem-,
; „O w li,V,lgelkalfey,.eaqe,iS. el& liitoteak44, ;
Can be found at all times iit.hia . dwelling s . op
lioeitPlofin o'll l mif
ket Weictl:er , at' epergef;ytrvidettafteyje:sati
Mill, at the Upper.St&tidn.
maxietta, Oct: 34063-Iy°
TYR: o:ZtTilat ij li ! PAIL"
, Orbirriiißairtiroacestormsdir.7l,
LATE ileiad7; ;
01. F r birri-LLlFEcititistiar, nee deo - 40R.
WAMitrWl.Prligt , .**Mt-Wfela .R 91 1 A
end Wilialt street utieuinbie. .
o tartniscritii§oArdiiidtscao
a lkd-ITiatt WALI lOW a r igle
ed pure; it .g.'"l):lleji,jamatnri.
ECHOICE Lot of Books -for children called..
odutlxiciable , PleitruneßacaegEfloilidaltndi
Paper Books, Station, ,YIMEIPI4IIVI
&c., at • "'L ' AN'D TA.O •
' • ;.. t lam 4,3 447 1,11
I 7 • II
gAtpuhtut Vutzspiriatuit * 4r, I
,u , „„r F lor, rct r ac: •4; I , ma :!kk vin ~1.1
is 4t gotvetimusang W tax, no tkitt Yd
,et oillgfrhAtriP.tighl e Agei
" if rft
gatiAr e it i rktril
:•A ' , to 076 .114)W r;i01
,1 9 -4a r ABLZ IN ARVANCE.
0 , 11:114 ,Ni
'malt* NiktfarßrOlitieltsWiffive
+lB WO) zwila gfaltOdid )
bat ) pt• uf istc , c) Eqsl w
r ta
It D lV ß 4iit nc .k a iut ,- , A W t 3
1942i 0 "7= l A r t
lines, or tess) fit/ cents for the first Ineertion'ana
'2e4evigt.3-eatilautligfelViati'ond"Vi' o
Tesiihitti d Thdidn Eisf del ck she lifigro has
.o.;ssapi..r,trariune.lyNotutecifi theere:ndinreol ,
%tons, freei:cer, 4,414,0*.-: 2 ll4rriltgettan44:lnatA,
sbier r lieteß/3°PRCPPLNIIIP:FiOIieb4 f :°Ti'aM
addiciinal „ lines, five cent s a fille t , 1 ,
ie I 1 IP , ~, Al , 71 to
A liberal deduction made to yearly an d half
• P • f,
stadel= " 1 14rAv.;;:riiir
TALN:€ itiverat. - LTREssiP , together kWithoN Ihrge
tosorteiteKt , of , new, IJ,obl 'and WO. rype,
AES., 0W / 41 :F
NIARirrrIAN,," which will insure the , fine and
speedy execution, Of all kinds of Jon & CARD
front l thesnikaesi.
- - -
6aif, I say,-
VVhoutnetii's'grumslrig'`heasw~azyr'°r '"`;y
•Arllittia - ifefelwitli his feed h ay3l A a )l a .
: 4iecauseit; not 'clover..o r
-Pivq) to Fif! l tAi,,,happy
4:kt tt,N ri4 l3 Y. e f PSeti°4 l -144N I
Something fair and, something kind , •
- •
All the wide worl Over.
nis passing good to have an,eyeir
That always ntanages , tepipy • • , 2
Some:„,star, to :bear it company , •
Tough planets spay be,ridOen
And Mfg. EN'i wase foolieh, very,
vvell 'content and merry, ' '
Witt] peach, Winn, inelOii,`gralie and' cherry
f , WhedifprilesWere loibiddekt.. ••= ti ••-
P love rare flo7ers ri btt alpo rf n ; 4 .
We're Ai l; riCh
Myst,we then turn,np onr y nose, -
Ax ltlies of l' h U a/ J l / 7 7 1•!4,i •
Can't we snuff at something sweet;
In'the "Voiigh , W&"TriWe'i.; • '
`Criedianti will in :•; ••••" ' '; 1 A
,:t,Brx , Sally. it:hour know!
five me the heart that spreads its wings,
naiages th'd oPit`,ll"ignia;
,'1 , 4 - gram ißehring% Straitg toilkiver. 2 'tli •
Iti Aftokplc,that nev,er,hrealra;
tltyiy abst'Fe Takg 1 146 ni t,t d• Et
It is a rock that never shakes,
~,.., eIL.O
Al! the wide woricLover.
dike give `6l6'eare tie sip,
lAna'iiiten;te the dtcaell•inav i clultri ,
1114'''';'' • ;
414 3 ; ll4 #4iSelf ! •
TtiKeTil3,k,'99ihet+6ll??lnißill ace ni
I,ylio,cannot.sf . e a friendly fac „
6,11 f, of
•-'t tr . ,., I?ultr7till'a
LPlAT:blingn' Tay,:
To revel amid flesh akfilifiqh,- 4 . “ 1 1. ) ! )le. 1.1(13
And gloat upon the tnlyer dish,
, ,frha . t,liptds_a ggklen . ployer.l3 A "MI
,4 U
With savory,' cheese,,,aniofitfp brew! ! , ,
( ile/EaYil2iuk 4 , '; ? e"0,: , a; , s •
''''''' t !liAell'the4fe4tfAti OLP.
wm . 2 1 ,
3 T? " I ,T , F e „fFi'li t q i i'tniTlP,teßi w 1
q rh t l r) e 4, 011 .7 3 V 1 . 1) V 1 N 1t , 8 P lad
g , l4:v cnit4th ats, •
""z" .tz lialf card fil' ‘i atzniliki r 7 1114 14 " 1
But surely music may bilillAd"th
When some - iongh:fiiiiireharivinbogn4"
t: I. 1.1 „Vaidlllsi.i labor
W. 5 1 144, b ,P , PPcq7; I 3 I 4 qui.stP.s P4•4 , '
dur,troubke with porn" ,
• • f.
For they Whowear'arusse dress,
• Bay `never fear ,
Between our fingers and obathitabs,e_mivil , .
Red apoplexy rarely comes,
vr a gli-. 4 . 4 / 1 , 1
Thenfou thlWafkr4py
turns 'grunrbling head itway,.
Aineittifreld t With lisleekdrhay' 7 ' 7 ' lll4
Tieganient iiat%ildirei. , :•!:e • IN 4 7 7
thippyintindio .;..) II 1!", ;1,101
Ykabrigitackqek:/hn 41400 14 , .; 4 :;.10 ^,+1 , 1
Something good and sometAipg &ti p 10.4 taw
AU the wide wort ~,over. __.•
igittbiotsiat froAni GentztanNehtplen
sayortilradifi two .yenng: de - strums/ Arch
Brown add TheniaelJohear Jißb.thisvore
foiXd ofirltuppingAtiAiraliSnaitlrls Tat
ior:and 'tstawitlieg.ditiolio.iw ofi o tpro
his„oulffitdokoghter, , ldety: I. Ocuouyairing,
when Brown and - Mary had discussed al
eiolegveWatilitic 3 1317o'aii'ititenTfi? in
tgeit i taiie, t ltYtiA out a y s e ttlloVef:!;
OW 5 , 6V - ittle,
falh'erVal fi l kdet
the far West with jounettiVei;
I)€s,(llbti a aril,; 814 m dwiegisift
4ffileoi4ALPSiftmanthwigokipl. I N go
-4lltY; t-0',AR.60/.35 mit iffillikhilltiligittgal
and happy like this ?" Droppipg,,hAr
head softly--hisvehoulders, she whis
19erM1014i t 1 ihk 'P m .i'iAildP4Oe'lly."
'Aid 1 1110 'fltliElible
acitenfolineWelit,lititd 7 tAifte' ll tbillferit
wife, I'll mention•it ' I "1
an4or ootTOßtxeit obajkififoo
The first-duty-of-a wife is- subbission,
fiche reince)hud deferents:Cl ttushusbabd.
Mbeaßiblapoaminvisrde =the Anshando,to
loireetbeJ wifevtut it tdlods) not , rsai'one
word of the wifs's4loviegi.theNfbusbandl
taken . for,gratited.. ,
' 4 16 Alia aktrleaTi . itit, l aniii'oiikr
&lief iatt(iiimfd: "AT' AA& Tab
mission to'lne.,reattonaole authority of
itie l hfilbill,tVitt ii ailist a ol the gi4giii
to the master, bat a quiet submission
tenda.toirer owatadvantagaltdbre
.4b13 hex bmbano3.ll , 1,
.tltasmeAwetriebrarsiwealtabough to mar
ry husbands to .ralei,them: Mar-
O ges
0. Fife
marribe a:cool, and is
=AI7 75' =r; = • "- + 7lO N
obliged to drag him 'after all her life,
ft 500 .411 , at*
et•-e. _L • •
and in the end finds ffittle los t less advAp
tags over him than she supposed.
*stin't73i e eliass f e d
VIII 1'154' d4ri?e
libirsh ""iZ. w oman
should not, however, bots ss e in
actSli at ter s :but idifferr nme eat BS,
I,asing.loo.d , ,bl deeidej
The second ditty is real snit' nigh .re
!NPR!' Pt. ii-ffiell'butshatifijit Do
!Li 0 1 1 . 6 JaiAitti i e Qygß Afrthe W.l.2lifirhqaho.lll4
be in a wife's ; and7Alleusr,ithe,tilitttey
thinks meanly,of her hrlsbrinfrs,appear
ince,or talent, the next,
, thing, is con
• •
sentiments that oeiong to tne relation
ship of ma,n and wife is gone foaa.
If, a womenimairlesiei manitofimiituplaity,
whoin,shepanlt respect,. shale more fool
ish, and breaks thiit,holy‘ versa° /Bondi,
love and, obey. A wife should. reskiect
the husband wh'en she can't the man
- • -
and ehould'nevkir,complain of his ham
prieties, lecatise should'. forever
be set On tbie - impicitirieties de the' hus
band, which, whiin- biokuni • deltreys' the
,fainily;direle; and• makes. the' 'wife _sad
'husband no 6 loagerAisier ShOthOuldmot
even confide in a .In:tether, - for 'col:libel:.
meet is the 'rile nath„and .thesa faults
419 1 4 1 :1:11?,400, 1 iyaty),X 1 fripgkA. ,, b49g
. 1 1 1 1 F t ßb6fiffFt ve j v iPl-Ai 1 159./Flnyt,‘
*909' 21 4. PMCrliivo;llP ,Al 2 .4eSiP o /41.4.
datyjs gentleness`; of spirit
A wife should be cheerful.. study' uriMur:
muring, and • should
,a . cyliegc?with. the
husband of the ftkmi
define, regulate the family'expenses, and
.ItaveiVliticptiiver of decillintstoll:mitars ;
oni hitrwthel IWO
tee wolf fr6itritherrdiccir.• I, Wifii“-'who
gamplains viler
cannot go to as much expepa,aa egme
,Rtti4F 7qp,:iftp r ja,M gpsp meal o iltiggiaer
,9A3 n
i7*B 1 , !4 WU Altw,Cl tticl 4'4, of .-fier
own tongue, knowing how to;,,Rtyr,the
right word just-in season. She should
toiatlVeoffaUstid,-)t4eNari,Lo — ilio: talk
ce/JuloGnieivic kivriwill
titc l i mit rui vm . I:- fa rt^iq•:;:; ir
- • • It '••• nqpi.
The fourth ihat 'she - slionla be
pilhelpmeet. ulf a helpaneet was4sebes
eery instha•daystElf innociiin'eefiwhat-fie it
novieit't iShaihotild kita fjcidictotis .
itheimanagemenrof , ehe ,thotiselioldiaf
hirsi;ilind.thould tblln* "thel cdniniands
of the third chapter of SolOnvolipi"which
/Aoce, than many modern wives A
'` e RanT gB ti i at
tend to, cointhOn'things, and no fine mu
,ti C;g 10 ~•r i'fik
sic, or„worsted 'piece caa„takeipeylace
• ••
orforderaud neatness home:
,4710 , 1 Vt etti ci r - iore" _
panic:an s oal he fajnily
l") 39di 111.1 a AB • ,•.. Pll )0
She should have tender conciliation
fri'd tor ' who
thindit .the ''World
tol664eilia ) gfibens , shougice .
not itilliv:iiitiofi:, l / a tle
lighter by bearing part of it. Blit"Aii
sialtrieserinowir;shitwai the , lttueqwelffan,,
-Clicit the Prgfuthemtict.theEnglighilan.
Vifieerwital9e Fictor to:describe:l
Rumania InteditiQuld bneonstantauld
-ran 4)4041444 clt*ireferred , itoti =se
4.0 his glYibkadwle(4;frivivhetre . al women
,redettntedia klasbitaiiirota 'intoxication,
7afterstwAntv o.eateisufferingl bitherion.
sikkesalsoarekirred tioltke-AaSia
aLmit Potignt , OßStmaitssoftiplovho
,l'lMNtrillr AP - Prill",) ; ":37i
n 9 ..A 0}
A. turnout tarmer px•
e atitrofrol ;„,
xaan asilam tqr bo,y, t4p i p was s art
rc fini Ern"! ,
active, brave. tractable. prompt. iodise.
.Itrii it s.r•fisi u 1.4k3
hs l 7os„ 9 3: e tl a di l' A l k 9 P a gk 4nt S/1 1 0 4 1 1 ,0?;
-net. o em :
lg er ti l ailatta r all? AVM AwirD
38Yy -
were al human, though they wer.e or.
usikessetoi nc l
plums, and rige.rriim....to_ the Newi
6El4lllms ifillevaatedtto getirurtiVder;
Iv iv
i's it'
54:11 t 119 tt,t ; t
iiik iVaikininaltY; o1:13
„t,„ IfT4.l7llttil 11,f ~o,
Session : •
of b r iidrel
While titihent'lltitltteeii' tiventi-Orie
fcliti-fivel , e'dys; except, illuite;Tunatics,
VaggiVaillicliiiip l eleakiti jar
•cifThe`iefffieliiiveierdfit' from 'our fment
;ma beitidi3'`Of
rggitt‘H of
d Sniff rit tattlo ? ilifiCoffi
cers who have served seven, or •iiedunt.
tlers who have ser7vtil three yeals.
en x ra l , edm bylm
panjaa thrice, and ps, , , r e igmeittst leaft
i 5,46 6 .1 1 1. for p'4-at-
I - att.:lance is" fiVe ! 'dilltai•SOdielifor
'eg"tata iS t ifiVidl3.l'bCtctWenti
'f•5e., , ..411 •
county is - , a Sti r
erase Adefli.detthea i
ilui:'en'Tvolfed must anifOrm
t> etnselve `s' f The gidli
uniform sfi t "T e penalty for neglect or
The militia is not liable tolir l Ard
into active serviee, except in c9,aegin
-711!P? rnsarre ttoa,, riots RA'A 5t19, 1 34 ,
in u a i daer t ‘ ll, o l.ea i tened ol er i in eb€Aierice,,to.
AN) Pr4an:9 GRYnn°T7', I YEAIR I i.P
.9RU I P? t'.li.•ll,beiPiacre,,P•qTß the ern a pay
as Unite 4 d - Stetes,trgoks, itad feu+
0.11. ..11t14131
lies ofpi t ad,,or yputiged, rhti9,adAa
2, 91.'
The, over,ilo! possesva all .needful
7!, ft;
„ep f tkra
er to organize as many_ regkolAs as he
may think proper (ue,texceeding fifteen),
1 4 1,))a galled X'quriesifiatkiff -titate
Quart, t ntamompaaig39(xtpia_arganiza
tion ielec,t3ll.eir .O.IYRY '..o,lffeers,l,bat-pthe
.Governor lappointa, ttre, qlegiment a l. le ffi_
cep.n. This State 9tnArd, may bstlkoptAa
aervipe : 4l3-tong *vb.:mm.o4,e ecessarywnot
inbruiffititlvidreft(irtAheowholeimor aay
pa Kti a,ular.,,partuati o thelGonimott vies] tlk.
Nta m d rAfte d Eiithatvin , theaStatalatfaiff
eitithetrakdar‘thilitia, theanan linat rag.
pear in person.or, brifitibatitatejor
"suffer such punialittrent as a court-mar
• tlitiPdetehifi t erdlC''• 'II - 0 IA
'674 i tliegittittld'V ` J 'e i ” tif " -
Ft q Pp g!
eic,'' TVeNtNe t idsr6iiibiaffil
I' Will 'I3W FiriatiacirWitill i tirltili f tla
tia of Pennsylvania, like
other. S` are made? autdeq.,t.t r o f thiall
,1 Or. 4'. 1 L'llol/1/4/ /
otthe encre Gogernmegt a spy ima.
.11.1.1 "lOW' kitttlfA
a -14 ,1 1140 may iiiraititilltiliatiibisobith
Ilmnattib hßaiehtttati bitte*eibter& ee
Thereitsithgeirdstir,iikvari pereoitally en=
gaged istie 1e Dolt tad Whet heiwau St 4tty;
et leantsirburyrk-An teompany4liith' , %6
sehoollfetloW, ==f.liebeentertidaial , Qtutket
meeting house, when, looking krentid :at
th 9 grave ease' brinks held op
.20.1t.:-d. .1r:: 1 , 1 tiloty
p i enny
and saLd solemn
sßeeks first shall hUye,tkis, , pler 1 :A?
tleman, using, go _' eD way
n an~
the'p . i . e .4 ! L E) sick!
the detOiiieh e U'epgither l
" "
--• ' ‘.
t ar A little boy of Efartfoikliap
eently heard uporrolle -"first going toi
- eldtrki?i TAlllillvfogaiitelfibAl is
4 ,
patb`ticalr faira` 'it , 14a a
-into' a
tifiboaiif and ;tO ok Vilak
foi i ti rr k,•;• 7..02+,1:e ;
air .0. eumgct,p.:„.4..,,,. der era
Itiag i ro,vollingloo d aarvilat.hjEkkomy,w,nd'
pfAltoperatinglrythe4O.XlooBo4lpodioo t o,f,
igtot or.ob to's 01#40n) i f
mosioeyiw-kgmA 011Mtfinigt id°
itite lia.r.elk44l l kg 6.4444.1140 YfO/9109,40414-
.0.0 teeth. ").11A4/011A15144.4!ra t youi kiting
mo,;(oxi.?/. l 4l"Wvlimidati; l ,9loo,lb.OgiMled:
this 'ere war?"
0 , ..104 , 3 3 21 1 MV1S t1eARP£9 1 0441,409 1 44it
jihap i engmedlailjnfe!..A l , l llte,lmai T ,4l
Itt,t 0 1 2 14.4.PAN1. !A AP WPM, Mlgi.l
niTilkftrY 3 , l o.449mmq . NlMs.l4
gg9DatlaYilar 44Rgovoth!....lielisub au;
are money marotroforpl4. 3 dhmai i ria/
i yoa ta 7 lline--with.-4amoy--oontractora
gar Many who-Aloset-their-bread upon]
effibel i Va l , 4 01, 4*4 - 11 3 VilPiailtio Lot
I. 3
4 &hem , after tatel '
, •
, . .
,-' •
VOL• •
r; i'~ ~'
tir- Jelin/ litertiworth,' at the late
Chicano meeting, :
Jeffer - Sou - Davit entered
about the'ia;f6 Year that I did. I have
met him often and . knew him well. But
there was this difference between Jeff
Davis &mime. , I paid-for my education,
Jeff didn't for his. - Ile was taken at a
tender age and placed at West Point,
and yo'cii?atherand mine were taxed to
pay, for theinstruction that rescued him
ffom We made the very com
mon,mistake of judging by his head
rather than hblheart, and did not notice
theiviiier that 'wee coiling there, and
which we nursed into life to sting us if
pessiblvto. 'death. When his school
trertilne-41,Innfe-f;''Se ff 'Ara 'out
iWeSt -i-ont.Wes ':hero -at the "Govern
ment expiimsei--andippent a year or so
surveying around, Calumet, fishing, and
lounging; and la• grouse at (4 ov
•ernmentexpenseland eating them him
aelf .r I .lle,tlien Married in
ito 4he Vuvernmeuti; , hitp!Awile - being a
ideughter.o Gen. l'aylorlivrho was suP
tportioll by ,:the Qovernment ; weht to
Aheditexican war- int returned' to be
,cbmaßecretary of Wier and to villify
Late goliantlsdldiery•of Illinois ifor their
part upon the field of Buena Vista.
For this Governor Bissell called him
occasion Jeff
didn't come' oatf ( GreatTlanghter,~
legliliriiate of extraordinary
.diiiiiialicLielaniffared into the presence
!df Thidinas'atid asked fur n
wish to go
dee.My . wird." • "HoW long is
it Bina° y r o'n ha l ve E 113013 your wife ?" in
the' deherat `'Why" he an-
Vweiredi, 3 •E imen'rby wife for over
•ttlide;'daliiiha." ll VTliree' months I" re-
a t trk-0 1 l Qeft, Thomas, '!why, . I haven't
p,penrmy r afa zt.iiree ,yeare,"
that n may ke,"..i,rejpir t e4 the other, "but
.IrPti hee,-q - ellttritii.aieelia:rey wife ain't
.; Pf,pg. me. the high Private
0;0 .fu rjangil ik fter, that rut!.
An 4feppiperinciden,t. occurred at
liftven,harrfle . ke the ether day.
Ticw . :34 l an v olfsired to o p e ee her husband—
ellikraceft, ,begap :i te sob , and cry
violently. Husband gave her his hand
kerchief to wipe her, eyes, after which
%she thrietisly manipulated it under her
totiirntd it tbhlns. Husband
hoq)t items iF if) viktre'e; kirielbit Officer
ettWesguaitt rai4istigatet, and found a
tmkttlei of old rye whisketin , thit handker
-oftieffirY: • '
: . :
I . c olin l Tvge wisdom -ia, a thing very. ex
traordinary. Happy.arci they that have
it i and next to them, , not, those many
at ~6 ` iulr`t~6ey%'ave it,. but, those few
ttiat are tensible ot ` thaii own defects
and imperf,ectidne, and, know that they
I tikieir Vine/
swear ;Vir j akhingtai ;Irvirg was once
iiired.ttikint: his 'health, "There is a
he replied;
"what a pity it is when we hive grown
eigild,hot f iiti;n r runnd and grow
eREIg SIII, nAd die, of cutting 'our
i lia . NO triumph's are comparable to
those of 'p 'trophies 'so magnifi
cent,and'anriibleis those which vietori
ono faith erectith ; they do so far mar
• •
peas , the' Most 'tanioati achievements of
pagan heroes.
e. grqq?'ithglir,kl4. l ithiCnA are Pore."
Y.9'1 , 5 0 0 8 1)1 2 #4°l.A BRPilqesr4iP drop
deff t Atii r ppi4)4l!.hy; and beirod
41;FMille; many a worm, grovels in
.pat,ige,mgd : benpatli •sil 'unspotted and
virginwicinglof fair i est, snow. •
1,1 lir' elAster' (ttig.) Ses
sions, four me ere indicted for eteal-
qp4lo9,.arreaeztt asked
'o9,ole,r4l"WhiMikAPP7 noon doing 2 1 '
4 qiefFlAClaliOgt"AWAe an O w P r * '
gpl"lf a •young I h
tr;ows - herself
away ii
- ,"i;dditi9/1 s tharrfed for
liiie i inhe' l / 2 1 - "e.pthfoit settled,"
ti l iiMitin'etkie iastitutitled a wealthy
'Otti'iiinniciiiii` ihe'llates. '
iVreaCti ad; ter recent y t
and plahotto en
iVr 6 athiitif iniap because 'See
e7e.'oi" aim not allowed.
•fs, . ..!! ! _ I
rifer, - -The: press; the pelpit, and the
•inttniebet. • !rho: first cepteade .the newe,
the second the gospel, and the last
sueedll over tlie eidewalk.
1-eir Tani winds make no friends ; a
iepoonVutiofikoney will cateh Mere Ries
gitilau dfwinegar. ••
4 , 1° 4 g?liPt.° wipe
usiuess t t Ile made port 'wont forty
aye after the deluge began.