JOHN L. LYON'S DR . FRENCH Vtridatal ,T4,rops GREAT IMMIX REGULATOR, THE IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY THAT WILL SUCCESSFULLY AND bnvari ly restore and regulate the female aye tem, removing all irregularities, and producing health, vigor and strength. LYQN'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the oniy one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work rhrough sympathy, but not . at all direct and positive Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the regular return of nature's prescribed laws? Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two be ll:me the enpected period, will positively and invariably regulate its coming, as sure'as ef fect follows cause, as sure as daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or una ble to bear the labor and danger of increase LYON'S 'DROPS Come to you as a blessing, for is not proven- twqe,l:_t/ifsp*:cue 3/ linguistly taken, it is a certain preirent. Ivey scullyilt MVO you much peril: and many bola% of Buffering :Have riff been tifilicted for many years with complaints incident to the sex, that have baffled the skill of phyeiciane; and are burry- jog you on to an early grave I LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS AO the moat reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have defied the doctors skill Will you.wtiate away with suffering from Leueorrhces, Prolapses, Dysmenorrhcea, and a thousand other difficulties, all summed up under the name . of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar in LYOIV'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely-save you RO'not use the Drops when forbidden in the - directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so powerful and finely ca.culated to adjust and govern the functions of the, sexual organism, that. if taken at improper times, they would produce' results- Contrary to -- nature,. against which a 11,,, particularly those who would re , proiluce, 'should carefully guard. LYON'S 4?1, PERIODIC A,L DROPS Cannot harm the , moat-delicate constitution a any time ; yet the propnetors wish . 'to guard against its misuse, hoping that a .thousand "f, „ ora goo purpose where. one is ulink • inr An t angitimate one. • YON , 'S SERIODIOAL DROPS the never -failing Female Regulator, is for eale by every Druggist, in:both , city and coun try, and ,do not, if you value your health and wish for a reliable medicine, -bnitony other. Take no other, hut !lf the Drugglitt'p Whom you apply has not got -it, make him.eend and get it for you.. C. G. CLARK & CO., PP.OPItIETORSj. 1Vb!) . 'Tlaveis:, Conn 1 rbi gale atal qa tse .by • • ' foHNscr'noLLowAY Bc:cowD,F,N,l:' cow-Itt— 2,2 N. 6th at., itilticteltiltiti. BM KTTNIT.:OI2s Sitter Wl32La of MINIM'S BITTER WINE OF MOW. PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective • and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in 'seises of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cu res Dyspepsia, , Liver Complaints Headache, General . Debility, Nervousness, De pression of Spirits, Constipation, Intermittent' Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea,: Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Stimming of the Bead, ad mit Breathing, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs. It will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the . Kidneys, , and Diseases misinalfrom a disordered Stomach„ Good for Male or Fe . male, Old of Young. The,most beneficial medicino . known ; gives better satisfaction and cures more diseuses than any other preparation offered to the pub lic.. Prepared solely by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., liB Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by druggists and dealers.everywhere. BEWARE OF • C 0 UP TE R FE I TS. 4:11 As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual renfedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and De bility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we would caution, the communit3 to purchase none,but the genuine article, manufactUred by Si A Kunitin & Bito.,.and has their stamp, on, the, top .of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this imitable reme dy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the cmmtry. 'Be partic ular, that every bottle bears the fac simile of the,proprietor esignature. , ' This VineinCludes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess ; Citrate of `Magnetic - Oxide combined, with the most en ergetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Teruvian bark. The , ..effectin many cases of debility, loss of appetite,; an. *general prostration, of an efficiefit Sal t 'lron, combined with our valuabld Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appetite,,raises the pulse, lakes off muscular flabbiness, removes. the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the Coun tenance. • • GENERAL DEPUTY, • 118 Market• Street HARRISBURG, P For sale by all respectable. dealers through- out the country.: ' 25-6 m Dr. Brunxin's Celebrated for delicate diseases NO. 1. THE. GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of •self abuse, ae losLof memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart,:dimneas of vie: ion,„or_any constitutional , derangement of the syitem brought on' by the tinrestrain i ed indill genceof the passions. Actsalike on either sex: Price one dollar. ' No. 2. THE BALD[.—Will cure in frotp two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoeti,(clap)is without taste or smell and requires, no restric tiall'esiCticht or ' diet;. for eitheise'Xi 'Web NO. 3. THF. TREES will cure Gleet in the shoitestposaible time, and I Can 'show certifi cates of "cures effected by this remedy, Wher all others 'have failed. No taste-or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4.. THE PrzerrEn is the only known remedy' that will pusitivelycurestrictures of the urethra; noinatter of how longstanding or negleCted th'e 'case may be. •Price one 'dollar: NO. 6: THE SOMME Will cure any case of Gravel permanently and speedily remov - all disekses from the bladder and kidneys.;— Priewime dollar. " No. 6. THE PEEVENTOR is I surc preven tion againstthe contraction of any disease,la less expensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either-sex. price4l. NO 7. THE ABIAR/St will cure the Whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by an• other treatment;; in fact this_ is the only .remedy that will really cure this disease ' • pleatiant to take. Price.s 1. NO. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS . areecer tain, safe and speedy in producing, menstrua tion or correcting 'any irregularities of, the monthly periods. Price two dollars. - No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD. orlOftf spring Regulator will last a lifetime. • Puce $.5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by maiton,receipt of the price-annexed.' Chilli,- Jars containingyaluahls information with furl description of, each Remedy, may, be ohtlined by enclosing one "post stamp: Address' DR. - 41ELIX BRUNON; Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIBHART, where circulars con taming a full description of each case can be obtained gratis, on application. • General Depot, North East Corner of York Avenue and'Callowhill strbet,Philadelphia,Pa. Er In complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, or peisonally it my office ; entrance, 4 • 401 Yokk Avenuec. EAGLE GAS STOVE WORKS, H. D. BLAKE, 474 BROADWAY, N. Y. COOKING Sg HEATING BY GAS No Dirt. No Smoke. No Smell. THE "EAGLE" GAS , STOVES Will Boil, Broil; Roast IhitiS, Toast, Stew, , and Ileat Irons, Cheaper than • Coal or Wood ! I have on hand, and make to. order Stoves and Furnaces for Chemists, Tinners, Book binders, Dentists, Tea Stores, Vulcanizing Stoves, Photographer's Ovens; &c., and Laun dry Irons. Send for . a Desertptive Catalogue. I also . manufacture Coal Oil Stoves, for Cooking '& Heating. Burns the common Ke rosene Oil, and'does the cooking for a family for one cent per hour, • H. D. BLAKE, bole Manufacturer, ' 474 Broadway, N. Y. The Amedcan Advertising and Purchasing . Agency receive orders for the above-named lylerehandiie. Bus. Dep., E. ALVORD. Cor reap. Deli. Fowler & Wells, 389 Broadway, N. Y. . . JOHN BELL. Merchant'Tailor, Car. of .Market-st., and Elbow! Lane, Marietta GRATEFUL `for past favors I tiould rettur my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and., inform them till:ail ytill,OPMfnue the old business atihe old stand ,where I will be pleased to see them at anilines; and having ,a full and eplendfd assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIPeERES VESTI Vbs , which viiltbe Made up to Order at the shortest • noticebar ) theAest of workmen, and on. reasenav ble terme,Jaggultibe pleased, therefore, to witi4 upon my old cuatomeraund all whq,aee.proper o hereafter. fOct.29-'56. lwyg ..pekebraled. (141 N,;, j3XXJ.,01.1,E,, AGRIGULTURAL CHEMICAL EQ.'S eft FaIiLizERS. T)ABULETTE. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically and mechanically With other valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agritulturists can disire. PRICE $25 PER TON. IIEMICAL COMPOST. This . , Fertilizer C is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, .hair • and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and re tain the nitrogenous elements. It is thorough ly impregnated with urine, and the thinner portions of night soil. , . It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, aad especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, etrength and cheap ness, have'rnade it vary popular with all who have used it. Price,,s26 PER Tom. , TREE & FRUIT FERTILIZER.- It is a highly phosphatic fertilizer; and is par ticulualy adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It willpromote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wded and fruit,. and largely increase the iiiiantity, and perfect the maturity of the fruit. Tor hot house .and household plants ankflinvers, it will be found an indispensable ar#cle to se cure their great perfection. It'will prevent and cure diseasMrconditions of the peach and grape, and is eirbellentfor grass and lawns.. The formula 'or method of conibining its constituent fertilizing' ingredients hive re ceived the highest approval of eminent cheat ists and `scientific- agriculturists: Price,Voso PER TON. :TYHOSPHATE. OF LIME. The Agricultu rat ,Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Lime in accordance witli a new and valuable formula, by which a very supe rior article is produced, so favas to be afforded at a less price:than other ; manufacturers charge. Practical teats have proyed•thatits:value, as a fertilizer, is equal•; to the .best . Phosphate of Lime in the market. Price s46'pea Turn. .. TERME Dem.—Cartage and Freight to be paid by the guychaser. Aonieucruiat. CHEMICAL Co.'s WORKS, • At Canal , Wharf;on•tbe Delaware. 'ffice, 4131 Arch St., PhitadeThia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. • The Company's Pbamphlet , Circular, em bracing full directions for using, the above Fertilizers, sent by mail free, when requested. 1864 'FBl'''. 1864 . J. R. DIFFE.NBACH Invitee attention to's large and handsome - ' itieOrtment of .New Spring and Summer Goods; Purchased in , Philadelphia and New=Yorkj consisting in part of • • LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Prints, Lawns, Gingham, ' Chintzes, Challies, SHAWLS, +VC., • Togetherwith all kinds' of Domestic goods, such as bleached and unbleached Muslins; Ticking, Checks. Denims, .Furniture 'Checks, Drilling, &c., &c. ' One-case of Prints'at 12.1 cents a yard. Case of Bleached Muslim at 12.1 cents. Latest style "goods. for , Gentlemen and Boys wearl'Eancy and Black Cassmieres Twee& Jeans, Cloths, Vestings, &c., &c., Large lot of fresh Grocerses of all kinds Rio and Java. Coffee, Teas,- White & Brown SugariFresh Spices, News Mackerel, Extra Syrups, Salt, Sugar-Cured Hams &c. 20 barrels of sugar at 121 cents per poinad. 6Elop:theads Syrup , at 60 cents per Gallon. Miscellaneous. - French Corsets,, Traveling Over-Shirts, Necktiel, Under Shirts, '• Handlcerchiefs, Drawers, ' Shirt Fronts,Balmoral Skirts,icc. . _ zq.• . Large lot of Pure Eubes. 'He.also continues to keep on timid a large supply of. superior Brandies, Wines, Gins, Schnidam' Schnaps, Drakes, Plantation Bit ters; and that superior Old Rye, Persona pur chasing Liquors can rely upon: getting the ; bist article at the lowest price the market t ill afford litlighest prices given formintry produce. OSBORN'S • • Celebrated Prepared Java Coffee. Warranted.superior to any in the Market. IT is used by'first-class families everywhere, and.highly recommended for nervous. and uyspeptic persons, being very nutritious and free from all deleterious substances,rin testi mony of which. I have certificates from the most eminent Physicians and. Chemists in this, country. Try it and you will be sure to con tinue its use in preference to any other. Sold at retail for Twenty Fivenents a-pound, by first-class Grocers throughout the. United States. . A liberal discount allowed to the,trade. • Put up only by Lzwrs A, OsnOiiy, `Wholesale Depcit, 69 Warren St., N. Y Executrix's Notice. Estate of Jacob Garner, late orthe loge of Maytown, Dececisea. Letters Testamentary on said estate hait ing been granted to the undersigned,- all per 7 sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same will piesent them without delay for settlement to the 'undersign ed, residing in , the Village of Maytown, Lan caster "County, Pa., • ELIZABETH GARNER, Executrix. August 20, 1864.-3t* The American Watenes. . /TIRE AMaricati Watches are amongthe beat _l ^ timekeepers now in uae, !indicr durability strength and eimplicity!ar Surpass any other watch made in. the world. H. L. If E. Z HIII . Cornei.of North. Queenst.,and Centre Squares Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the ver§ lowist rates—every Watch, accompanied with the manMacturersguarrantee to ensure its gen uinen'ese. H OWARD ASSOCIATION., PHILADELPHIA, PA; Diseases of .the IsTeivoue, Seminal, Urinary. and Sexual' ystems--new and .relieble.treat thent—in Reports of the Hoivaid AssOciation t Sent by !hail 'in sealed letter envelopes., free of charge. Address, Dn. J. Sximari Hotrox- TON,' Howard Association, No: South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,. PRIME R.QCERIE S:—Rto, Java and Laguira Coffee; Crashed, Pulverized and Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea, Rice, Cheese - and - Spices ; Syrup and, prirne ba king Molasses; Excellent Pearllkirley at - J. R. DIFFENBACIPS. 11 - )k R. Echtemach's Army Lotion, 'an infant hle remedy for. Saddle Galls, Open'Sores, and diseases of the skin; • . AT THE GOLDER MORTAR: SUIISCRIPTIONS received for all thelead ?eriodicalaef Om day ; • ; 4 , , • At The Golden Morta.. THREE , TIERC,ES -§4O.N.LpEnp :AND SIDESIdi safe '•• ,T. R-.DIFFENBACEPS:: „ •Dig" 7 Erop.„New-Ogleane,Molasses the very,bect. fog Cakes. , Just received by SPANGLER Sc PATTERSON. . of those beautifuLS O;F.T B. HA TS'At. QauLes, 92 Mapket-at. - T C,OLT.Y 4 9*ELIVI NIEMY made of " 1 tebinitit Counq "fron6. at. WOLFE'S PtTitks(JGmk- Rooocurer . fiiiine anTriirgil of for j oule . „It 2 .i.g... 11 .....* 1 . 11 FEEN8ACH , r . TT_ 10-40 .111 ES 4CID NW" IP SW 40 These Bonds are issued under the Act of Con gress of March Bth, 1864, which provides that all Bonds issued under this Act shall be EX EMPT FROM TAXATION oy or under any state or municipal authority. Subscriptions to these Bonds are received in United States notes or notes of National Banks. They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the plea sure.of the Government, at any period not less than ten months nor more than forty years from - their date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually and onlll other Bonds semi-annually. The interesris pay able on the first days of March and Septem ber in each year. Subscribers will receive either Registered or COupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Reg istered Bouds are recorded on. the books - Of the. U. S. Tteasurer, and can ,be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon • Boia3 are payable. to bearer, and are more conve nient for commercial uses. . Subscribers to this loan will hive' the op tion of having their Bonds draw interest from March Ist, by paying the aecruediinterest in coin—(or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for premium) or receive Ahem drawing interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exempt from Itlimicipd. or, State Taxation • their'value is increased from one to three per cent: per annum, according'' to tire . rate of tair levies in various parts of country. At the present rate of premium on , gold they pay Over EiOtt Per Cent Interest in currency, arid are of equal convenience is a permanent . or temporary investment. tiebelieved thiit ito` securities "offer 10, great inducemeiith to lenders,. res‘the - various" descriptions of .U. S. Bonds. all other brills of indebtedneisi 'the faith ire'ribility of private parties.or atock,companies Or seperate communities only is ,pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United' States the whole property of the county is, holden tseCure the payment of both principal , and in erest in coin. These-bonds may be,subscribed for in. sums from $5O uP to any Magnitude; on' the lame terms, and are thus made: Equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capital ; - ist. '-- They can be diinv'erteit' money at any moment, and,. the .holder have ithe benefit of the interest. , It may be useful toldate in this connection that the total ,Funded Debt of. the United States on whic interest is payable" in gold, on . the 3d day of March; 1864, was $768,965,- 000. The interest on this.nebt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,937,126,'Whi1e the cus toms revenue .in gold for the:current fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1564, has been so far at the rate of over $100,000,000 peiannum. It . willbe seen that even, the present gold revenues of the Government are largely in excess of the Wants of the Treasury' for the payment of the gold interest, while therecent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual-receipts 'from' customs on the' nine' amount' of . importations, to .$150,000,900:per annum. instructions to the National .13tinks acting. as loan agents were not issued from the United State Treasury until Mirch 2.6,, but in the first three weeks, of /trail the, subseriplions erage'd mole than . TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. • • Subscriptions will be received by the PiieVlVatiOlial Bank of Philadelphia; Pa SopprioTational . Bank ofPhiladelphia, Pa Third National Bea* Philadeldhia,, Pa all kational Banks which are depoaitariesoiPublic money, and all RESPECTABLE - BAN-KS & BANKERS' throughoc the country, (acting as agents of, the Natinnal Depositary Hanks,) will furnish further ipformation on- application and AF FORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRI RERS.Eami . . nsude. NEW guErtun GOODS. MlTE,immense demand , for the, products of 1 `the lobtn; to elOthesind: shelter our rapid ly increasing army 3 has created a great scarti= ty of many fabrics. We are pleased, however, to announce to Our cut3tortiere and the public generally that,by - EARLY pURCHACAS we have antreikatbd• theft wants, and now have a beautiful stock of *Cwil:D.crD c3_ at lawer j a C i ll et te purchased Our Stock'embracereve4think new, dura ble and destrable in ' Lddies i:MSS Material, Spring Cloaks ir Cloaking,' Colored: mid. Black. Silks, Balmorals, Shawls, Belie; , CLOTHS, CASSIMERES' AND'VESTING, For Dress and Business Suits, made up .to or der when desired. A. fine Assortment pf. Woolen; Cotton *aria Isnen Fab'fics for lgen.SnCY,c!u4hB.. . , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Sheeting, Connterpdnek'BlfifiketS, 'Linen Os naburgs, Diaper, Crasnaeatheis,Ungrain, Stair and Rag Carpets, Table and FlocirOif-Clbtlis, Window Blinds," Glass and Queensware, &c. Groceßes. Syrups, Sugars, Salt, Teas, , Fish, &e SPANqLER 4 PATTERSON The Fierr-57-- Formerly 'lteesey's, OPPOSITE MARIETTA: /PHIS:oId-Terry—one Of-the Oldeist and most I safe crossings on the Susquehanna River— is ruiwlif chirp of the undersigned, who ;has refitted the old.and built newborits, which will enable him to do ferrying with safety and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need"be endured. Sober and experienced •Ferrymen alivays en gaged: NO imposition in charges as the fol lowing list will show: , -- Farm Wagons, each 0:00 Horses, per head :25 Single horse and rider- • :25 Two-horse, Carriage and two persons, 1:00 Buggy,'horse and two ' persons, ' :50 Footyaseengets, each, Stock of all kinds at the old charges. All Luggage over fifty pounds; 25 centsber 100 pounds extra. July 15; 1863, JogN , ECKERT Zzriluntr ITE subscriber offers bin ; services to.the M citizens of Marietta and vicinity; in- CONVEYANCING, ENGROSSING AND COPYING,' • lieto has kindly been permitted refer to James Duffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, James Mehaffey, (Ali., S. 4 ,Co w ,. G. W. Mehiiirgy, - esq., S. & B. Hieatand, Can be fonliffet ell 'titles at or(- posite-.T9WW. Clark's ,residencp t on Mar-, ket street, or att - Georo W.:"MehaffeY's Mill,tifthe'lapper - Station*. ‘" ' 'JACOB . C BUI:KAR7'. Marietta Obt. 1:863-13:* • . . T - 1 1 ,' WHiTTIEIt a 65 ST CHARLE,O•EFt BET,WEEN SLICT4 ANI? .SEVEN,TH STREEWB,I T 01 118 , 188 0 R ESPECIAL ATTEriTrotr , TO • CHRONIC . DISEASES, Dyspepsia Consiimption, ' Inver Complamt„ ' DiarrheafFiles, fkc., arid all ' Female 101 . )Mpithnts. W: will send his Theory'of' Chroi4c e aseiv -p for 6 , centsite `pre pay Symptom lists for any disease„forwarded. EP Medicines forwarded, to any : post office the United ,States. "" PostOffined3s*,,3oo. St Louie, AuFust 1;1863.-Iy. LLARGE stock of 'Paw and, Weiopes , A the•best WaliO , just ineekveldAnil poi sale a t, ", The •G'6lcliss 2 fort a r:} T..CROIXIAWDIN.Mff'7Ii7d.f. - ANI4RUM 0 for cOrtg! ry purpofga, warranted genuine ~ • ;141. - ~."-f;ilE).l4Birhyan,tifiT. REFRIGERATORS. The only method for preserving by means of Ice, free from the influence of damp air. WILSO NS'S Patent Air Circulating Refrigerators It is an acknowledged fact that articles of food placed in a sufficiently cold atmosphere, free from moisture and damp air, can be ef fectually preserved for indefinite periods du ring the warmest weather., These Reingera tors are the only ones manofactared, that tan accomplish that object. 'Not . air froin the ice is admitted to the preserving chtunber, but a dry cold atmosphere is created in it, by circu lating cold air an iundand outside of it. Meals, Fish,- Milk, Fruits, sc., are pteserted in 'afresh and natural state for as long as maybe required, with a 'consume tien,of one third less ice-than any other Re frigeiator Made. ,are undoub.tedly, the - best ever infrOdueed - . j Fer'FirrneriandYamilles tesitliaght cities, villages, or the eoußtr.y,ltioyire , Especiallattention is.called . to our • DAIRY- REFRIGERATORS, wide to 'order expresely•for — thli purimie.— Wle,relli4,l4, 7 tire in use they save Many times their cost Ito op ~ e 'season, 11•314•41511. ,Cir'cular. Orders by mail feeleiVidoinrit 'attention. . WILSON & 498 BROADWAY N. Y. Orders may be sent throughthe American, Puithaiihe Agency, 389 hicad vitay; New York. " • - - • ; 13iitii` ' " itjOitriti*. [sticc-;ssons TO. DETWILER AND BRO.] MORNERSELOND & LOCUST, COLUiliblA; LiNCASTER CO., PA Capital 000;060; With privilege of increasing • slime to. s3oofioo. Bevy? off`, nnwrous:e E,Hurshey, Wm. G. Case, P. Goss*. , ,C. S. If.authruLu, J. G.. ' ...'Washingten . Righter, ACltritarier, J. B. Shuman, Justus Gray: 01 - ricria E. Hershey, Pres.; A. Brune!, Yice Pres. S. S. Detwiler, CasifUr' This Bank. liaving been authoriked to com mence business under the. National' Curreney Act, is noy duly organize,d and prepared to receiv'e.dtposit4 make collectiotis. on all:accessi ble points on, liberal termk, discount, notes, drafts; Ric., bay , and sell ; gold, silver and do mestic erehange,lind transact alt business ap. pertaining to i. afi f horonghlk oigaydzed Bank. Interest paid on special deposite Tor 6 months orlongei. ' - - Banking hours : from 3 P. 111.!, Discount 'dei t y : Moaday, 10 . e.• if of each week. Your patronage' is respectfully solicited. , S. S., pl.' E T ILR, Cashier. May 28, 1864: ' [2m . - 6 6 ATOUR, OWN DOCTOR" The, new Hydropathic Encyclope dia : A complete system of Hydropathy and Hlykiene, Ariaterny arid Physiology of the Hu man body, Illiatrated; Preservation of 'Health; Dietetics and Cookery ;'Theory' and Practice of Medicine; with 4lome Treatment; Special Pathology and Hydro-Therapeutics ' Nature, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of all. known diseases , 'Application to Surgery, Mid*ifery, and the Nursery. '3OO *Engravingtoinft near ly 1,000 pkes'with Oloisary and Index, com plete:. BY. 11.1 TRAM), M. D. Price, prepaid by first. mail, $4. 'Address FOWLER 4- WELLS, 389 Broadway, New-York. "Of all the publications which have attain ed such a wide popularity, as isimed'lV“Fow!, ler & Wells, none'are more adapted th'geder.l. at utility than this rich compiehenerike*ltnd• well-aranged Encyclopedia."--N.-Y: Pribiinek YAL'OR A . WISNER'S. TOBACCO, CIGAR & MIFF STORE, Opposite the CrOSS Keys' Hotel, M ARIETT A, PA. MET! Undersigned - would rospectfulltinforit the, - plibik 'that he still continues; at - the old strind,'cornerfiaf - Second and'Wilrit streets, directly oppoSite the Criss Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for oale ; :all kinda of cigars fitra Half Spanish np, - inprices frim 36, $7420 to' fboTer thouatind: ToaA'cco.-=-Natiiral Leaf, - Excelsibr Ca - Oeredish Ors:noir° Virgihia Con gress Fine Spin - Ladfes Twist,? - Coarse - Span Twist, Eldora:do; Jerrel of Ophirtobacto, - An-' derson's best , Pirin=cut. All kinds if fine Ci gars malufactured of imported - Skxns 'RaPRee enia and all kinds Fancy.e Smoking Tobacco. Scented Snuffs, Fnie-cutipes, Cigar Tubes, efe. tjan.30,13 INSECTS ON .. - I,A NTS, - ~ _ -..-44 C. Put up in.25c., 50e. and $1 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. Three and Five dollars sizes for Hotels Pullin ,InstitutipS, Bro,, -_, • - "on infallible infallible • remedies knotin.":, "Free from Foisons.” - . "Not dangerous to the Human Famlli." "Rats come out of .their holes-to die.' liam Sold wholesale in all large cities. %Cr Sold by all druggists and retailer:a eve rywhere. !Cf' BEWARE of all worthless imitations H 3f-P7 See that" COSTAR'S" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address, • ''HENRY - Principal:Depot., 48/ Broadway, Sold .by all wholesale and retail Drug gists in Marietta, Pa. . .• HEAP. READY -MADE 17 7: - 0711INGI! C. Itavlngiwg•igturned, from ,the city with , a nicely selected, tot. of Bendy:llmile Clothing, which the widerEdghedis.nreParedio, furnish at reduce d priies fchavinglaid in .a-generat esti° it - ment of men andboys' 'clothing, which he is datum ined to sell'LoW, FOR CASH. His stock' ,cOnsiatii Of Olinit=Corrs; DREGS, Flack, AND' SACS COATSS , .PARTS,' VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ItOUNDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHA U LS, CRAVATS, ..PRAWERs, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSiiIRTS, GLOVES, SIISEEITDERS, &C. "EverythinOß :the .Furnishing ,ouds,,lhie. call and' examine bia.: fore Anictiaswg eittewhere., ,Eyerything sold at prices tn . "snit th 6 „times.. J9HIV e I{:ELL. - Lorner of : Elbow Lan e . and Ilforket.St : ~. 'next door to' Cossel's&Store; '' TILATEHWARE: ..•.A,Large and lin&etoci .•.1" of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. Manes: Corner of-North Queen street & -Center Square iLancaster, Pa. , Teti vidiely, Coffee •iUrns. Pifehe,p3,, Goblets,.. Salt. StaPdtliC4e Spoons,Poiks,..Kniired, Castersi&c?, &c4,allnannfactlifetn pricke• • H. L. do E. J. ZA i HMT.' ••v ; , ; gin. North 9,_ueen Cprktrg Squaire„,,Lan easter, Pa. ni 'ptites are moderate and all goodf,wartanted to be as represented. girt:kris° ittended moderate rates. 4 0 , 1 illigtrator's *aloe Estate, of Henry Shill;. tate of the.:l3o= Totigh:,ofMqrietca; Peceiis;eci. . . . tetlers of, administration : on, said ,estata , havirg i i . isongranted to the. 'undersigned, tall personp,indobted thereto are requestedntomiu k k e il4 imniedgaptietneni., those.havintelainie (or ; da - mands,,,,,ag4inst th ni e ;Eae, with prese , rit , rthem .withqiif.delay•far,satiletrient Ao- the. un ilersigned e thaltiat,Fet4glinguirLuid , Borough, ~ ; ; a'l/ 1 1. 4.. oer_in 0e tOwlalliP, ok.F.aatDonegai. I HENRY S. -M USSFai 71 ; • •:•• • t V*S,PFTiodWaibroPh 7 01nr.103 Fe ( m a 12, *tour FISH'S LIMP }RATING APPARATM. Boiling—Frying—Stewing — Steeping— WITH THE FLAKE THAT LIGHTS THE ROOM * * * By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. * • —N. Y. Tribune. - • * * Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment • • convenient .to have on hand. * Druk . gist's Circular. * * * Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, • !set.: the utility of it is unquestionable, a greaf &ging is made in. heating and cooking small aisles, can be made to cook meals for iittat many persons, which is actually - done on 'the ambulance cars which carry the sick .soldierg. • Scientific American. • • * * Fdriamily iise,hospital tent, bar rack, picnics; fishing, nursery or sick 'robtn, it article of comfort beytkd all propor tion to its cost. * Hairs Jourl dof Health. • * * I halle tried the tapparatiis, and 'my wife and I proclairrithelitme a most valu able and indispensable. article, and we now wonder how we could have so long done with out it. * • Ed. "Coal'6l Circular. , 4 - •An econorificar --tontriimirce for getting up heat at short notice for nurierk.and general household purposes, -* * one litniortatit paint is the rowing in cost o'ver coal fir el • * * Y--PPel*ig • .prices from Two to„Sir. Dollars. ' railway from One' lo Four Qw4es, Three Articles (looked lit one time with bne Arranged for, Kero.sene, or Goal Oil; or Gas. A bescriptiye 'ampldet of thirty pages fur , , nished gratis. Totbe ! attached lo 'Commort Kerosene Lamp or Gis Burner,.by which wiAter maybe - and lbod cooked,- also arranged, to supporta shade.' Every'raviilyneeds one. • • . D. RUSSELL. No. 206,. Pearl, New.ortirk. Agents Wanted., Two'jf these Heating lairips can be seen at John Spangler's Hardware. ET 0 C RITT*4 14, NO. 62`M i littKii' STREET, MARIETTA. Takes ;this means of inforiling his old cus tomers and ,the publicgenerally, that he has re-taken the old stand (recently, occupied by George L. :Weeklen) and'isno*perrintnently fixed Ao prosecute.' ' THE. RATTING BUSINESSk' 11VALL •ITS,BWANCIFEB. HavinW just returned4rom the city 4 where he selected ,a iarge,'varied .and-fashiquable assortment Of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination o( his stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere_ Having also likid in a stock of Hutting, mate rial, he Will be enabled, at aloft notice,_to manufacture all qualities—from the common Soft to the most EtWaionable Silk Hat. .e.mploying none but the best. -ol workmen, and manufacturing good goods' at lonr'prices, he hopes to ment.and receive "a liberal 'Share of public patronage 1/3 - The . highest price paid for Furs—in trade or cash. , • - WINES' & LIQUIIRK D. BENJAMIN, WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, 'lariat% Pa. BEGS leave to informthe public that he will continue the WINE 8t LIQUOR busi neifi, in all its branelkei. lie will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins,,lrish and Scotch Wbiske.Y.. Cordials. Bitters, Ake., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, • ALWAYS 9N BAND, AGEN I I 4- i' , WANTED . . . A very suyerior 'bib' RYE WHISKEY ;nit received, which ill warranted pnre. RR= All .H. D. B. now asks of the public is areful examination of his stock and pri e - 'Web will, he is confident, result in Ho to blkers and'Others finding it to their ad tiiw vanttke to make their-purchases froin 1 int. D „ AVID COCHRAN, Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger. 11113 0T.11.D• most respectfully inform the cit -, liens of Marietta and 'the public gener ally that h` prepared to di) /lime = , China Glossing, Paper Hanging,4c., At very.short notice and at prices to snit the times. He can bt found at his motnees,resi dende on the corner of Chesnut and ?geom.' streets, alew doors below the Chnrch, and immediately - opposite the old -Oberlin Coach Works. [Aug...3riy. ,?; . XY;:st ,A6q.darua.44grik Animals FOWLS Designated Depositoi an4l;rinancicti Agent of e'United Mates. By instructions from ' the secretary of, the Treasury, dated March .26th, 'iS64; this is autherized- to. receive subscriptions for the National 10 40 Five,pe.r cent,, Loan, in. Coupon orjlegiatered Bonds. , This Loan, printil'al and interest, is pays bletin gold.'-=On , Bends;Of 'ssoo end Upwards, semkannually. (a st of4larch tend September) and on those of less denominations annually, (I§`t of Maecl.) • , Subscribers can receive 'Bonds with genpons from March lat, by paying'the:met-tn . :a inter est.. in coin, orin lawful money: y: adding 50 er cent. or pre • nun. Or, if preferte„,d,- may deposit the principal'only, and receive - Bonds iwith.Conpons from date of stAbleriptien, Registered BOnds will be issued ,of ~the, de nounnationlinf $5O, `floo, $500; $1;04 :05;01)0 and slo,ooe, in Coupon Boirlds 0r , 550,. 1 5100, 1.000 and,sl;ooo. 2 : - , Per tlie_gteater cortvenien.c;°A”su4ll:lrl4 khe 'diffetent Banks and BaplEers„„Wolighout the are'Utitligiaerrio act' as agent f for , I .14411 As only- 4200 000 0 0 Ci.sf- this Use " e an imbed ? 'We would urge t upwersopafiaviag lief:plus morigyl eo subscribe pFomptly Ilia se Gyre the investment tit .. - zGtl The §e.crediry.lll preshnting this new Loan Ao thNpuhliethrough,the Dingopal`haintikW dies upoit'tlieliberality and patriotism of our pegpleptej.uee•ill , „ bonerableuneapeostilikle I make, xertioe_for,itssete.. It Is' that "Laiteastet:coniiii idtviing done so 4014 h-the Pait ih-furnliffitgeilieGo -vernment, mesinlyviill be equallpfpromOt at this time. , • • tlf 7}6 - 4 • ;AMOS BOWMAN, cashier. i • ••- ' J..ZAHNE '", • .EarAiLLY -informaheir— gto.), tfriendwand the public that 'they -• still continue' the W4l f elb CLOCK AND Jl' WRLRY pusuierua at,tbe old stifiar i frgl,ith-west: eu l nier'ilf "-North ..''Riteen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Ps. . ) :11 full assortmiecit of goodiViii InfilinTe'of bud eskalwaysien hand andlor side 'the lowest = cashratio.; .„ ;Er Beinierinvattendad to per- . nt 86341 4 by the proprietors. ••• - • ••••,-, „ , , 1, n PlicErea,en ' t, rimbge: Ni l ie : swte q d43. 4 o g "at t aith : e t i. B 4g :l l , l i l , .7s: 4 ll ; :i ; o 7l;:!_ ysi c uare ar , 2 - , nei "of North ,' Q uee47B '? e Att e a in o)4traiu4s, rietl4,l9nhT,isttr?pti:C.,e. Celeb •4 . t pe ri„, a , -, I"teiiiitoilSeeff at so Ski6y^k, lf-aqjustible Bu ThpWaplPPllnWheiied•at: -:tl! D 'FP - PE Nil A lb - H 4 s - • • nLeo UNIQN.ATTACTIMENT, Primal cents, •__ . . :lio - p1.):64: -- o,olip'4o - _joww.,'"::