The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 03, 1864, Image 1

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- ,d
_Patter.ecna 0;;;PC,
Keep constantly on hand" fulT steeled: buil
ding Material, :
OIRO N: Rolled andllanuriered
Iron, Steel, Horse-Shoe Bars,'
Norway Nail Rods, Hoop and Band 'lron,
Horse-Shoe Nails, Bolts; Files; Rasps, etc-
Tubs, Churns, Cedar Stands,
Wash Boards, Buckets
Knives and Forks,
Oliated etttile gfir..atarta,
Sad Irons, Kraut Cutters, Waiters,' Brass and
Copper Kettles Clothes Wringers,. Pans;
Iron Ladles, Meat Stands, ,Coal Oil
Lamps, Shades and Lahterns; Tea •
Scales, Coffee, Mills, Painted
Chamber Setts, &c., - &c.
Forks, Shovels; Hoes, Spades; Horse Brushed,
Wheel Crease, Fish, Speim and.Lubrie Oils,
Cistern Pumps, Long and Short Traces,
Breast Chains, &c., &c.
TOOLS: Hand and Wood Saws,:natthets,
Chopping and Hand Axes, Planes, Chis:.els,
Augers and Auger Bits, Braces, Prunning
Books and . Shears, &c., &c. •
Thankful for past patronage, we hoPe to merit
and receive a continuance of the seine.
Marietta, July 30, 1864. tf
LI. D. 131,AliE,
No Dirt. No Smoke. No Smell..
Win Boit, Broil, Roast Bake, Toast,, Stew,
and Heat Irons, dallier Owl
Coal or Waocl7
I. have on hand, and make to' order Stoves
and Furnaces for Chemists, Tinnors, 'llook
bindem, Dentists, Tea Stores,,. Vulcanizing
Sloven, Photographer's Ovens, &c., aryl Laun
dry Irons. 'Sena for ,t Dese4 tiee catalogue. ,
I also tlinunfneture Coal Oil Stoves','for
Cooking & Beating. Burns the commnuKe
rosene Oil, and does the cooking fot a faMilit
for one cent per .hour.
bole Manufacturer,
474 Preadway, N. V
The American Advertising and Purchasing
Agency receive orders for the above-named
alerchandize. Bus. Dep., E. ALVORD. Cor
resp. Pep. Fowler & Wells,
389 Broadway, N. Y.
Ready, to nail down.
At less than half the cost of lin. roofs. ,
!More durable than tin. .
Suitable for steep or flat roofs.
For all kinds 'of buildings, in all climates.!
Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. Weeds!
no coating over with cement alter it
is nwatut down. •
'Made , of a strong woven labric thoronghly
saturated and covered upon both surfaces
with a perfectly waterrproof composition,
and put up in rotts ready for use-4.0 inch
. wide, and 75 feet lotig..o
• We also manufacture
For Leaky Tin Roofs,
Much cheaper and more durable.than oil painti
• ALSO • ...
For. Leaky Shingle' Roois, which, will often.
save the cost of a new roof. .
Sathple of Ready' Roofing and Circulars sea'
'by mail when desired. '• - • ' .
• Favorable terms made with.resp,onsiblepgr
ties who buy to sell again:
73 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
T HE COLUMBIA,',o Of Columbia ) Lancaster County, Penna.
Whole amount insured, 14,604,435 68
Whole amount of Premium Ncitee, 266,931 46
Bal. Cash Premiums, ' •
January 1, 1863,-,.,52,120 31
Bcc'pta for prernlu9s,
leas Agt's commiss
ions in 1863,- • 9,382 45 .
Receipts for Assessments
less Agt's conliniSsions
in 1863, ' • •• 2,385 02
Losses and expenses paid •
v is 3863, 4110,133 32
Bal. of Premiums, Jan. 1,
• 1864, 3,754 47
$l3 88
7 79 • •
. S. GREEN, PitEhatrlT,
GEORGE YOUNG,.Jr., Recretary.
MICHAEL S. SHUMAN., Treasurer.
°'"Robert` TAlyon, John• W..-....SYeacy,
John Fendrich, H. G. 111inich,
Some/ F. Eoeilein, Michael S. Shuman,
Michael S. Shunian, S. C. Slagmaker, =
George Young z Jr., Nicholas Mc Donala.
Edtninut Sparing; AMOS S. Green.
Located on Chestnut street, oppositeihe
and inclose proximity to,tke•principal Jobbing
told ImportingHoUses, Banks Custom Han sa ,
and places of amusements. The 'City Cars
can be taken at the door (or within a square)
for any depot in the City. The House hat
been renovated and refittea.
I very best thing out for weather-itiot
Oil-ClothLbut something far•supetior :ogar r
t anted not to shrink. Can and examine theM
47' 1111•.P.21VBAClltS.
f os 4 ,.1 v• 'ALA
1 t•ff '
• I
%JO - App
4 •••f-J1 boa ,A , ..ktii-i.t.rtz.?) 11' , “: 0%' , 1“ , •-' '
". " 11 ,H;q1i1.14,..J, .
Bquing , Frying.7stewin t sr—steepfsw--
" . "
* * * By the flame of a common-lamp,
at the cost of a cents worth of - oil; a vety
comfortable breakfast, can be cooked. . . ,, *.
E Tribtine.
.• * .* a Simple in constpiction, easily kept
in orgey, ready or nee in a eio,rnent, ; 2,* 1 ,*
anviiiient have nn hand.' w Drug
gist's Circular; *; . -• • • _
* Fish's Lamp is:one of the most
popular; notelties,,of the day s; a` ; tithe
utility of it is uncipestionable, a great saving
is maderin lihating and'codking sniall
and 'eau be „made to, ,copk ii,great
Many persons, which actually done on th
ambulance cars which - Zia:4r the' eliblesbldiers'.
.* Scientific American. ,
* * family-use , hospital tett, liar
rack, picuics,.frshing, nursery, or sick room,
it is an article of eomfort beyond all propor
tion td its cost. *** * **. lialPs .Touhial of Health.
*I lyi,Ne tried, thejapparatus,,and
my wife a4ll I pto'claim the same a most valu
able and "indispensable article, and we, now
wonder how we could haie so long dime with
out it. .* * Oil .Cirgu4it.
. ,
* * An economical contrivance for
getting up heat at shOrt notice forinifieiy and
general house)iold purposes, * 7 1 1 ,0' 1 one
important point is the saving in cost over coal
arcs , * * Y. Evening 1?cift.4.1,-
Prices from, Two tq.Six,Doltcw.
Capacity brie to - .} 76u;' - (Zinaeti.
Three ArtieleiVookid at one time, with one .4.
ner '1
Arrangad for Kerosene 'orCoal Oil; or - Cm
A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pagesfur
nished " '
• 'Etscr • '/
Prigs 50 Coats,.
. , ,
To be attached to a Commtin - Kerosene Lamp
or Gas.Durner, by Which water niayte•botled,
and food cooked ; also arranged to support a
stiadO. Every. Family needs urns.
WM. D. RUSSELL. Agent.
No: 206, Pearl St., 'New York:
Itlm Agents Wanted. • ,
rj= Two of these Heating Lanipu, can be
seen at John Spangler's lia'idniam •
• HN
Takes this means of informing his, old pus
fon-fork and the geneially2hat helms
re. tak ell the old stand (recently, ocempied by
(~eorge L. :kfackley,) and Janos)/ permanently
fixed td prosecute' 4
'laving just returned from the city where
. •
.ho , selected -a daige,- - iaried :whit fashionable
:assrirtinent of eyery,thioo - in the:. •
4.NLI 04P tatsTE
and new 'Slily 'asks ar. eittnaination of his
stock , and prices;before piirchaisintelseivbere.
Having also laid in a atoek oZ Hatting_mate
rial, he will be enlibled, at short notice, to
manufacture all qualitiesfrom :they tomnion
Sop to the most Fablitrrusble Bilk Eat.
• k.mployireg none but,the, best of workmen,
and manufacturing good goods atiow prices,
he Hopes to'mbrit and receive a liberal !Maio
of public patronage. ':WTlte..highestiprice
paid for Furs—in trade or cash.
" t t
- DEA , " 111 ,
• Rica:Building. Marietta, ,Pa.
I -
EGS leave to Infbrm the publie itliat tie
willOOutinttc,tht WAN Brgl,l9.P9R.lbiAsi
ness, in all its brandies. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of '
Brandies, Wines, ( ins,, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey,. Cordials. Bitters, 6•c.,
Justk Celebrated Role Whisky; '
A very. superior ctrAi ; RYE :WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted,pare. ,
113'"All B. now' 'tisk§ of the ,
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others findh;ig their' ad
vantage to.reake their pmpchases from
,: Painter, Glazierand Paper hanger,
: yv
ouni , most resPeCtfellyinform the'cit
laces of Mariettalaret the public gcnor
al y that he is prepared to do
!Muse Painting,: ' - -
. .
'China' Glrighrig, , . - .'llq'.. e
• .Paper Hal •
At: very 'short notice' and at prices to suit the
antes. , 'He can be , faimitathis niothePannai
dence on .the cornet qt„ gnesnat
streets ? a ferr . do'ors below tiie M. E. Church,
,and )i-umediately '.oppbeite the Oberlin
Coach. Works. -„ ..[Aug. 3,1 y,
:SC • ' t 1"F , 5;'`,.!
Michael Oable,
• •
Opposite thq Town,Hall
Marietia,' T , a "T 4 0
pia. ,Mar b le business, in all itii,braAchea,
will be 'email:bed' tit*the.old 'plate; tear
the Tovidill-falla)id oppoSite Putili 2 i CrosatUYs
Tavern,.wherp every description, of„Tazble
work will be kept ottlituid or made tO . 'order' at
shiirt notice arid at very' reasonable . prices.. {.
Marietta, June 29,1861.,
$13,887, 79
JOHN )3gtr., 4erchant Tailor
C ox. of Market-st., anclgibow Lane, Marietta
. my, thanl93l; iny,numeroue friends anil
trbhe'anTiuforrn then:Anti T. atilhabiniiineithe
toldlbueineeslattliel eh:P stand, iNgtiere I. will, be
pleaanet, to. sap theta at, all `times, and' having a
TOP and blandid asidriment of ' -
cloriEs;(cAskimEAEs e r roszwaß,
wlach.w4be halide up to order, at the shortest
notice by 'the beitUfworfrnien;nanion'reasonit
ble :fermi T Ivottld•be,p/easedytilere fß r:e, t 4) wait
upon nkrolkeustoniters mid all who see proper
o patroniie rife a liereatter. ' 170a.29-P-56.
W OE AD/11,10.0 S.', SiiimiiOrAild•Braiiily, Od RyeAVaiislreyi
Holland ciio,Pld MacieTia,Xapon,-§nerry . and
Port Wines. ,
Pittabnrg alwrea brOirand &tithe
. lowest uiarkel rirq.m,R=.4.v-13114:03 , go ,
O IS - irtitoleat ''rdeacaTsreo r tch
awl Itidh W.II.I•SJIC 7.7tarran
+PA of U. D. Ben innw
~, :,,_
. ci,,
,:: ;:,, , ,
. ),x7, , i:: itiii . •
tits ; o c.. : 7 o4 !iit .lo rii .: 11 :!4.1'.17>
. t . 1',....,--0...,„:.111,
, 101. 1 , : i r''''. : 0 1;:: .1 ' ; „ ..,,,,, -'' - "'"' ' '
. !
...„. • , ..
. . .
. .
' ' ' ' 0 - AP. 11.1UU.11111 Ur Ofx.FHLBIII 4 Oil 'OO
I.' ' 1 MARIETTA', :, -AVID -' . --
~. ~ . „ f,. ~ , a r ..4 1 . i,• .. , 1.,_., •
_,._ - . s.
, ~ .. ~ . , . .
- . ,
tn '' ' I VOL : . -X1.r40. 5.
. : ........ . . ... . . . ~ :.. ~ ~.!, 1 ...,• ~,,,,, ,„,,,,,‘. • , , :., .. .
~ i . f i e , ....g VM/17.414V • ,...j..qi :,. 103 li d ii:..:: l' , l 7..f..ini d': '; ~! :` i
t ~ _ ~-
". 1 r I;KI.L Dnai trOX ,1015 4 , , ; ei,WErati: AU; 4 t4 .4 .4 1 itt.t JOT,
„ -
t l y ti „ to : 1113 .w, , •
• • 1 ettt .-` • 4
'4ll 311, ; 1 4k1:4.1 r h! I /id VI
ptry,w,SHAD MiptICLY
AVONE - 114LAVAND A 1.44
111 YE
• • •
clifice in "O'rull's Row," va Erot strest t five
doors East of,Flur;?s gold.
aing/0 gopiesii,wAth; ,or .with9n.ti -Wzappeis,!
. FO, Ttilt ,t aF. Nf. : • 7.- 4
.2Liiirkurrstrres 11.24.6 : One 'square, (t 0
less) sii ?or the
25 l enntelfor each Eisitieeqirent :IPilr
fessional,and Businesi balds, , afaiirlinesur lesla
0,05 pp,F aanup., TNopicesdk the •eziAlitio ,Cog
um:a, ( 11,;aT.4 . ag” nil a tiomtis„
the si,rele'announcemeut, Fa a i; but for t and
additional, lines, five Cents a line. ' „
liberal'aedUctien et , arlSr and 'half
yeaill4idvrtisltrs. 3 3j)
"laving, duSt,• added N P.NyBT/ FLY 41101114.
TA IN JOBBER PRESS,?? together' large
assortment of new Job, and Card type, Cuts,
Borderspacc:, &e?; toile Job :0/fLe'Of
RIET.VAN,",Wh tiwe tit WI ate ,and
eppol,eClitioll,l 04. al,l. kinds, of t :Jon ~?f,c4RD
PRINTING, frcirn „ihe smallest Card to the
.4(11 7,-, • I,}
LARGEST POSTER, at reahonable , prices.'
Ihtdl vard of the whitewashed .hrills;
.;'Where thegdead and dying
W9upded,by, baye.nets, skellst,and,ballo,a
So!neb9dy's (14rliog, tvssberito : one day:—
,§oinehoilyi q darling, ao-yo;ong and so bray , e . .,;
Weirring'Yet on his pale, sweet fade;
Sobri to be'hia by the chist lithe giqt * re; l.l
The lingering light of-his Voylszkicl's &nab.?
Mutle'dv.m.l<lainp are tlie curia -ofola,Vl
.---KisSing:the slow of that fa# younglbsocv,i
Palo are the
Back from his beautiful bloc-voinß4 brow rti'APairtheitiliiderie
'aaves of gold,`
EA' birsoin'Tio**, •- ' "
Somebody , s Zarling is still'atid
once, for aquiehmly ; ?s,saye 3
Murmur a prayer soft and low ; ;
bnebrfr,iit curl' from its fair nal`ei d ialie; i ''
ere 'sciniebt)d) - 4
SofiriebbaY'a hand.hath4rt•sted.iliere.o 1-•
Was it a mother's; :soft'atd
And have the lips ota sister-fair
heed bliptiked in the irtriVea'ofliglit
• ; " 1 ; - ;;;;;i ;*". 5 r
God 1: , 49,ws best !,;hqa9;apMe,boil* toye ;
Somebody'a beait ensimned him there,
Semeho'dy wafted hi§ nameeUalfove
• ,
Night and morn on the' Wings of priyer..
Somebody wept when he ilia:relied' dWay,
Looking so handsomo,raraye and grand;
Sen3ehocty , s kiss on kLisf.facehend
, 9ic . iphoily n elkwg to yi.ippar,14,9y,,,494.,,,,,
;Yleafiting 'to hiild tci
And there he lies witiehis blue eyes dun,
`Alit ihe ehildLrite lii)Sl.6rt:V s,l
•iTentl6rly:bury the 'lair yoiing.dead,
Pausing to drop ors iiistroVO
Carve on the Nvomicji 011,14 liftshead
11 „ ;
% The Tattle Shoes
iivonderfut what' trifling ,things
i4oduce!an influence ,on the: leart • add
mind. A seed•bormioon tthet) Wings of
the wind drops arlaut into suitable soil ;
and, pi and by, gr o ws`up into a statety
tree.., spring Liaps out of the
#•- • •
side of a hill, and the child '•wha stoops
to drink it can spUnil,e2ltie4hitil • idt it
flows on doWm . to tile'Vali4;'aii'd" winds
along the plain, und'.gathers •str:eagth
and volUme in We conrse,. roilti a
bearing - the v r aiiiineide of
Cities ip . the ship that navigate its
And SO if it withAeman life. 'tl"look;
a word,ilia4 changed therwholeicaawr o'f
t'manyain immortat•tkeing. • •••41.1
• Thelwriter.oncelived i , opposite a ; beer •
•.shotricalled the ."• Fe (tad eGeeae,'!,i And s
-with pained attention pftenwatebellltthe'
zoitigs;" and, alas,Plicar,d2 , tl4, sttylogalot
the dustomers,, ,One• ; vvia ~ev,4- i 3 .4];ig
shoetriakerls boyicame an ) OP9Ft
nientiofchildren'al ehueso,aufl,f,l4e,,Jand.. /
lady of the "For.andlGeeset. l . l {
the most marvelous-shrill voice, began,
caving' to u airty:6ltti-ti Altrse—,
gfrf to;ll.,rifik "A!ddlchea,d',"likehlin
u Nd Adelaide ,`do liAoj slinek
tried-on, could see thelittli - Vteaturo,
'Who'Wat sitting
F u der_'the i gas light i i
It,' t.l. .1 • 1..
sCreaining as the -*hoes...Were ,
CoaxBd . feet`'. At lititiriVlitif fit-k
ted, and the spoiled pet Wit'iNliftedwup
, triumphantly -hST raptjnfs,,,rml.a
.1 - Jere; slo J001t..14; tick; 1 . 2 1 1 ,1 1,8 ,#1, 4 M4 13 '
has let! tne•get,u- pair pf„tp..e i N:pry it Amt
ones onl .11,904, dfi1d,,A061.113•:;4.P.,,,a41,114,'
mother; •calting, ,tp.,llgf/itpii§P.Pi t , ! T , 1 , 21 0,
thenAutallonatiovery.,f l loo l q . 5it,5 1 ,,, : 9•19(; )
O t it,of theatapropp,,,passed th,e o liar, , attp r ,
sim , thil.uhilatstrOCP,lB,ffit,Wi i f E' °,l 4 ° , r e .
the father to see...,,Nog,Apßosiw z ollian o
had ,been hovering , about at the corner,
TeePing'noW'thad flierilinfidlYr lift,* the
bar window;and theif'cretoriing toitt!e.',
'ildnt• had 'a ° chi! d :and
olied'i• alb . ; t , dic; l pdwittp (lid,- and=
`rlavoNei,Pthitt . koptilanid,
a ix! "s,
urr isitatii" ' ;ard ,
Y „ . 1 „A.
traysztali? ",deltie cant.
f /41
J/ 1
1.1 ttkz,2
+O,l , 71t Wa , a 1* 4 VAt %
Ah, there by riyeti b sd for, 4 ,a mop p t
p lit.
loplipg at I t he t ebil4 A paring bar show);
with; srariheropA:Stilaifelrataf
r 4 if' I ISI tai„,
opt. "what,t s going so soon
- a. ot cr , g ,
bawls . the le.„tidllidy. on i3 i,1,1,p91,111 / his hut
di u t, oypr p r yys, band,
clujelur his 414 jl.offet tight oirpr his
chist, z. anct B answere, the words, with 1
sort,o,ffilkitt l He putsi4e ;'thers.Bs
Tt ~ i its wie and little one. For a"moment
fiw he woman loos at him Jmo onsly,,, an i d
sweriree 'aside 'S h _ea'irlir `What
.:1 D • I ' l4 " n 1
not Writto, lest tne maitlstl4 prt_riy
readers should by wounded. SoliistAlok
in Bill a Wait 'ilkOt r leVei;m4l(ll` she
l ees uy 41Ns to , l t iv, oat ye
I miaxingly. ' t ook the chitct t i roba
tired itirrOthe h little creutare 6avh a
''i 1 l eV.gorf,ctAl :4 fighe2edat lie life
litilhatl4iire barb X;
frock, but not before the ia'tla'Sesalio C11%14.
lZ nish , 14104- haiTraftla f,4;14.44ig 45 4- ht '
baYe ateaski•ft
aPtilladzfeet.,ll l •Rtifillia‘Bo3raar ?,4 fick'
daa fkl,PBth,tflr,Bka A 0 ,41.980 3 ,,
.anirrbatanlld IlialiKls - aLcKerattime..B,,Vil
held, thipaphil4 01P5P,w1;418na,n,tr441941.14s
.waylwith 41, haPYfadannialhl
his feet•dowrl on ithe., l grggiad,; l4 l•Q ,NyAto,!
alifrafiald and tattlerielLB l ;4,lE';
to.keep,up „ v i;,, Of I 4 1
10 A 40 IyheA7tas
passing FART, t 1 gt'
night Lwarglachtliaki t svAim umporo
• . _ 5;4 5 e1.1. 444 .
* l334 2nevhir f:r o 9 l }te?sia•PLllig
geove.”, and 4194Y1hPL4 chip
for, „veal pr,wop, l had •groy'Aeq ouh °l i my
ikenr anAial°49 B t=9B l 4b2AmYakin/4,88 t-0
a:4SomennitaillifLaftevt4rildwat; lactem-;
perence meeting et tbeabfilkAUtrile"- 44--
triet, anti maay,wwrifin i :xu
,-eri were pres
06C4 gab Meth();
geibd - 'effealg'tif tiffektieB 4 1 0 iniv eild j
114 lordnittre c ia t it's t oftth it lft ry,
`it go AV
' idbliatA lodkiggia hider lib
teriedLearneritlY; tiff lelleiiiidilebiti
'efje : 7 ."$ se* % •
‘ i 1
S£li , word,NV'll" in 'ThirnbirP ''t;
, L.l
~ , t i, ,, ,I. . 1, 1 a,.., ,
~ ,
, D)1.1
,o 1
known as 'pinch ibe'ut the 'mischief 41151:111Of ;Is
any i One' 110I:e 4 'ol l 'IVPA10;I I T068,t011 I
• As; feel rievertheard.ihoW;itlvitexttotWou'
ttµrnadirightabout faceifrofeptlie w namkt,h
lof thell to Ile-0010 4 filinpfb bCipriA9,slimp,,
pun withiit it iti ltillitm&Yorloo,011 91,grtPciplii
' , `'*The crunt , crianVil:Lus !iirtfed'on6sehat;
' , the 'first * ofd , dad 'looked foihrmloment:
Nlry confused ; all he£ could issay l wast :,
"The little' shoes; they. did itt". c 'gala
othicli vofee; as 4 if -.his,: heart lwasaii an his
klqoat,tot , kept - repea'tiogothip, t , alhern
.was cdstactoof,perplercitponkioverk.faVe;
and at length some thoughtlematYpirld
,pcippleb — g lialci - Tfrit. :The man in all
11i13 iatiiii4hAinellhitaid Tire
'Mlle% ve7ne:c.'. - tiftfigii ° ol44 - iftilo
, 0 , ,,,- ~,, ) IF, li '• r. "--•
ili ` eYe '' ititii ' a taNslf,` lie drew hciregolf
1 4 j ield'Io2ifitd • I'i' lj tlie ellAilente l ,t' / tin)
clid° el ° on " went li'oit , hiflhri a t t' 141
„r„ ,, '' r fq , i t ' 0-4 Trennel said he, ,with a ySicethlt cut
its'Ay 4 cs''Clii as'a dep.iieel3oll,
`v f hati , ek t rl,34;tiiialt'iiiiiyyglold
'7;3 u r. thOfruoth';,Vie littlo 'blinds'pia' it.
tveas a Wietii d i it fo6r;i't,,, , ;he.,' drink
had made me bott, arni litail-55c1.12:4ni0
attict.bfxrfilkiP• a , spfferfld,l,Q4)4 B fir•va to
:seer, Aady...l . 4 ii] .4Pht ,:filifreS , ,al9ll°3-fiP )
Pan dnes,mll4. litotti INYikilll 4 Shil4,,for
,the WOnlo4igetl3 110 W'9l:§lys)4.ll'l-,,VIA I,
lard/10 gP ea k i gi t tglPt l PLY/9 1 4 , i t t l f01; 11l
stickitlithoi,littlei,shOoPS: q - It,Fiaw, one
qiightl whop Ilpas pllbut .done, for, the..
ipublican'olhild bolding out for
,her fathinittAiseikitultr 4fie.:PeT h,c ) e B ; it
was a simple thing, but, friends, pp fist ,
ever struck me such a blow as those
litire 6 sticten. 1 1 1:64 liicled redsciii4into
ne . .' l ' Whitbliuglifets'iblate ill'itd clothe
oilleilii;tadd let my toiin go ba'reebsaid I ;,
sirkittei'igontsilll:llWas rkirsifife and child,
in a hitecci'bighte toloOk hcild of imy
little' 6n 6 iwitlill griri,l , atiAlal TS atr , her
`Chilled' fifek,thinelirl flittlersilf Oki shoes l
sliicole'rife,iitlicit did th&fecitldo ?t, I= put t
them, cold as ice, to my breast i Alrey s
:14A4d,ii.ii°1;1 11. ° 1 70 a l l S l e t V 9llg 4 h . ''',J es 1 '
ill:9(Ati f ?J . PPt, vtiliY?4 righ t,ia sP PY,
lr y
IkkeF.Al and tamed cAii . 01 ,g elf1 ,1)1, n P7p,
rhad,Mritick4rim?qe,Y sft: i ,bfiyii4 a,.
Ac i aflay a PrAaii,P9M . 4° i ' 19144 ”, 1- 1 1 9 var l
h f.
set a tYii! brg id
t 4 1 , 4te 0 i t ftiq t tkin 7E: N 0..!L k I a, d4 12 L
nahtlan r iSapb t akcay, c an Irpv ;ti !p Tirls s
like Chad on-Monday; and :froilf thait t
MafPlitivelspentinotnsord taciiTexiatt the i
li"illilibttliustor: ainveh all" live% got -• to t
IBA? itririvalktratlittle a elide&i4hl , ,iti."-/- 0
'brittsgaft T*TOirbizbir.P - • "'
. ='`,l -' ibi , j, .:,...!, .:
it 3 , 1 , ... - /-t0‘e:....0l L 1;., , , ~ ..211 10 i , 4613,41
14.:.11 ' ,'1 Sr;, 1 . i
f ' ii l ftrosCiniities love higi t elllotd. 4 l3let-'
, q , ~ ,„ „ tar ,,, r ,
ter than they do azy 'that libvirrlteAltel.
: viains,cf AO ,huflatku..lkiPll, 4 l 4. l staut ve
icqnpletet piacifs Pl343lltlo,,,Llcm,FAir i lied
i satlnigllt,iggd you Yiiiiii3PswilV4aPlTPed
ibymiletiewirtist% LA; 4LiflariksiEng , PI
i /viklifidriftiactuctgliNdgililiil ralibiJool,
blood, and the meat 5n.491.14r4. 4 : 301 , ,
"lu i: ..i - ,;11 .a ,% '::. ,3:- ,; 1 ~. ;4zu 2, 4 ;:,
•~..~:ifnu~ s:
r oZherGfirdentala , Daughter ns
"rFoiehtivii allldoftbtless heard fif;Fredl
- eiid tlitt'''Sbcond) kif4-4Prusilb,:t 4 tHe '44
kilbOn aidOttgotheileatile of thai 'country
as "onr tilde-lifi*P' 'ixr,d hie dila°, on
horseback :4'46111g at ttfelArlibae" of the
libble 'llll3llell 1 Aigeillb itiTeklift. r "Prod.
eii'd liaa'd wife; QhVen ( Elliabeth"Ch ris
tills; orwherm tit 6 followidg 4 anendbte le
re liiti,,th W., tr lt: , 1 In .1 ,z 1 6. 1 . t , ,c.r.,,, ,
One beautiful summer's day, • cuPthtt
iiiiten lisralitintbidit'Yil l p affd 'dblityl the
Se‘Sring illiPperfrfine'd hip, Anti from 'tide
fdliitto rt'afeeittg 4 te'lllok •litf the Aldvely
illAbia ktr listecitutlo Xffil Bitiilik iiitdEll,
iltlelt'air 11'0'6 1 06' • Wat.4lo 4 litile l 4 nil d,
f iiityifi'ff , Withitffe' 'lO4 fitalks 3 antd 3 the
craven.' hliadb. o Thit Neils 'theuddu'gliter
di One Idfllieb Ittitilbiletsi 'lt 'little Agirt
dbtlitYftviityeati`Oldt'vris''' ''' 7 :.i '''"
/I' ThB i c(nehfCaViird ' aelide i thd 4nfiild," 'et
l'enll3l4ataftfehel PIO foii'atfewl hid- i
traits,'"dnd“tdiallY dokeJfitilliesethflit
tillklrePlild'iliiddil)Philt ftfierletaiYl t 6
VlVlttib qiegehresLatFat nil l' , B§:fe 4 04
liesiffekla 440444 ;iiitSiin 'HARI' kik
frVequ'd6i24a 4 s6B{ 6i7cii -'-pied'seei t ilith
thrlth'itiltmi )41364 , rinit 1 d4 shin/ tentl'oge
"ittliertradit e l td tfili girdrte ling 'fella 1
' l ' 4 Th i e . plfrelati`-litli ctnktch dithrlislied,l
llkit tb'el l arlitied*ttiCebild iiriliWi'Sinl34:
Whitke'd, arid ge:vla 12,er#4ihte'leth'e/ dhifritt
i3f thdifilleell'i'itatcnif-10:" "" ". 'T.
3 ! NV Ifdfilthel littleVrllleaaid:ltte Vrt
/tiongo'tiluteriVejile l abvietsveAki
Nivfeti,s tiebr. vsife; yottrur4r;la t fe
imoiskmit , thvalimitlis t ailit ma , vii , 6l, `
loath, s t, i to t , off , StlOkiiin'eiti fret:it,
;24 , 11'leekol,difli'lmidlrerlillget41Failti
- elifair iithef b Atli dI4 I Arb 011'4 erg atitel a •
wirinii th'olwllOlPni tlittlikiinkcial,
libiin'tiliii / tlyliddtii cable.' ' 3 : . '" 4(41 ' "" j
The kink;good-Veafred' 6Seli 'Waal
'to' 114 P VIVA tlie;6lifcl'iiroilia lb- qlieui
itO i ltli f tib'e. 4 oVtrtgbli ranedil AV isl34- t
Ids; l a'Aii? all .liiii;oihdi;sl 7 4itiorthitys
' 4 adbri`iiniqlle F 63411 tliVelu 811. ii eiljbiiiti
hi dblitipiitian ilie 4 t d ell'ilii Urilib t lira- 1
`heuPgille4ll:lBil l sitglaPACoduga'43till3 Wei I
displayed in ordinary clailYikh!fasb'itil,l
'iii 'elgaifq a i hAM, Ti add Acifia,tiAndi
"e'lld i e‘xClitalhdaiid i '''' : l' '.'*" l 0 , 4 `.4 l
" . 13'nt .01 tizrne'r aif 'illry` I ,diffiliiitlYl
'fickal 'IOLA elle' liadiiii i iiCied: ' ''''' '''''''
t ' Tikh lititi 60 kit. 7 i L l 'ifiehlAiliti Dili et;
l litifridd Alain. "'Pair ' 'ab l e 'Vcist 'h'dr r i
i iiireg d oirir i thn'llittglikg-Togib 4 liefffel
l ikef."l3ll! 48 3 el§ lit iidEotii#l.firtdfie ilsit,
3 10t8t 7 Ws i fincivt§ 46 (se fli'd ' -r c Oritiiiii4,l
liuNkillatetTa34 (friltilitila WV uVoiPt'llet
tilsl4ltAderieViinP "hands, and;" 'in
```ton'e's' s weet dim ithblio , l,ulndt; foul
'ela t tAlt di tt l igellegrelt - bibilgfibilif t i r e,
whole diningTeiflVieTlakeli tlie tw follbi l vi
nfillitttrfinefle*/ g'il * l ' 4 ° i'v AI
"onthVistleilegilatadlkii3dlketitt.ttideisT Lc
,' it e tolineufajtivas kiveltvlut or 1p* ,, ,4 ,
?,, orowningetaftwtenllshtlibr,esti bAL.',F 4.4 1
oV C A lrd rt h Kl i gh %4 e 4g ate :Vilit l aW i r:74 / , fr I
SlTlA4g el Y:iti4S gPvg dl l l ei4PP S tl i N t alPiA k Og 1
„aibkssillg 'lltaY4bittan,,Yllukillikozfl. Ae,gn:
c pr i aeace i dtl%tite, Rifilmigasileiacr's , ,laynap,
anOhisolitgri'vel'f9.4aY, . 13 Pf114 lkoldAily, I
iplAy,erelhtficadALtsle girl. As o tlyzi
foPli dfaiaaiTeadMilaWli,VP9Ll:ith.e) royal
tab1e,4 11 0i4 11 0i9,9 vg439,PriITI{FIRPY Pert
th,e4philLisneguqkllyaianglik ch i n4piskd
,frier 41 3 : 1 03' th.q.likt§PW.g,„flAdt SIMPItfYi 4*
ilefite4olleSiNlFSlWSlgußf4,TP,h 1 04-1 , .i 4 , '
Wi6en: Bl l9thd.44*/ ( 14 P9iPPe ,f4iPlO
- .44.1 k PiPIRRI , N,S 4 4:9 gT9Ot -
IY 8 11 4 P1 4 1 3 elloattitunallYr4P9 11 19fir.LIB 1 #
!ao a adm*fmAtkrAggilat,hescobjE4l9.ctlf t.
1 1 4' 8 , bad; PPcsken 1 0 4: 1 10.41 1 .*Vkialkt Asacni t ',
*Wage OfOgOt hig/hICV/3"4/5844-LaPLIII#23i4
4voY.YI ( 11dr1 1 45,a1vt15,i9 1 2 , -; ftrst ,to
break,the. sil.qp go Aningi.jjQ A tte Iy.QPY
, ; child I p,lloW.3.4ll,o_,ffialYelY9tkiMl4., f rom
f ijeAr } ~t. . 14 , ... W.f 14,tit, I Ltii It. IL ~ , r:
.111 E 11 WhP 10 14C4mRanYi.ithinlYDRPA tl 3
talk 'abbot tlie.:, IV@ )gii, ,apsl
~ail ,left
kindly‘draw , natertml4 4 l 3l 7l,) 43 4Recl4 l lY,Aill? ,
good, noblkaariß4/fLaElelk,ll F'E. '.).*, ): f
F4 Ol l khat 4daY L E ih9. s. i ffl 1 3 t r i el l l 7i N °ll , - *
.dellr,TQZ. eM14 4 4 hiallitlfeintiog9AtiellP-.
,present egattei:llvatiti l 9,ot,ct lime 74'
f lial?le , gifta c arl,thfocisvp.,Aepelf 4,9,0 k,
illajns:4 o l).lbtia*tl@hfo T9,9Pi11e44,F, 1 4,-,ab,
4idlicatigEliglakih9, liViPii BPI/ 7 8 °V 1 " !)
itmr = - gXONlierit , ParlAts 14IRSVI A ...,,and,
londightit:Oft!)44 l l o PRP t ill r fOinPlAr4 ;,
v _
.10 . ,:f, t 11 , ";" 1 .31. Vii Ile Itifidd
8.-.47;,\4,1;/.?1.44V1:',114g, P 4 I`"4/1 X h ' t
ilnop:g %any nations, was asked if 4e
Ni, i P 13L0{.4}5,01101 , E1 fr
Ikal o i lin t rv2d any partipar (Ana ity ;12,
~, , , r, , 1 •.1 o'.. 6 1 /btu .14111,1'd
our iuoles that nil ® con i
,® e
~.....,, .e. i _tue ot ~ ..,..
itf klOll Wgl
... ,a, 41 .... 4,1 tt t. i 5d13:4447 iltslt
Aniveilal. l ido rep i ne ,' a Inv: um i
rti ,, r it i ßE3 i fa ' : .t .., - '
not 3 , / 41
t T beltlishikafalviiiiiiihite) debs4:arid
e dace; :a rid'
those who do not Altatalbk •
4 ' l " Thflc ti 4911 WitattlinPfainoi
r flit 'mama art'
reigus I e y euow °Delo,
't 1J
i) ..IsA
~, F r.t , -,t~
t ,1
„ ,>,
~,4 , . gt. ' '
_:;, , v ...
I ,
r 4
Esq., of Mi
chigan,, writing froin Nashville, Tenn.,
to his Wife, relates the following affect
ing incident:
"Last evening, as. I was passing by
the Post Hospital, my attention was ar
rested by the singing, in a rather loud
tone, of 'Rally Round the Flag, Boys,'
by ono of the patients inside. While
listening to the beniltiful music of that
popular •song, I observed to a nurse
standing in thn'doorway that the person
singing inust be in, a very merry_ mood
and could not be very sick. 'Yon are
mistaken sir;' said be, 'the poor fellow
engaged in singing that good old song
iet now grappling with death—has been
dyingall day. lam his nurse,' he con
tinued, 'and the scene so affected me
rhlrrivaToblia to leave the room.
fle.irrjest tibout breathing his last' I
ateppOilintb-theNVerd; and true. enough,
the'Abidte.rtitiii Was' near his erid. His
'ayes Iseik•ofilegatly fixed; in death. He
‘Wasilitingtlidelaitht all his remaining.
I strength' , ttgiviiist =the grim monster,
while at thelidniectime there gushed forth
ifromilipattotle sioul • indoherently the
•w*dsp•lßally'rzuhtl iheliag, boys,' which'
‘nad'sa'ciftwn`nneered - him" thrdtigh his
AvectityimaicliPand troche!' him tip when
idatO4ilfgitlfelidd , tif blooirin defense of
bisicbwitm , he`gank away-into
thistdeOli glinnbe r riandjoined his Maker's
scUrnitrandrtlfat nial'ellin,t 'onward to
inbtitsfittobillariEL t The last midi
sounds thatsiestrapod 'his lips was,
ehtaltPliesis, , "rolOonce again:'' As his
-des were 'tclosing•'isensti dozen of his
Jechn retdds sdlernn yet beau t I
-fultitrhatimppiepriate tit the.' occasion.
frake , it altogether Ws Was one of tho
vioatniffentintsdenestr have ever wit
-nasal:l hohospitah: , It'drewtears copi
limillysffoniltear: one hundred of us. It
tee'durrell itr.the'large ward which °eon
itties,,theki3ntiretbody of the ahutch on
lOherryt.sitaat. The , dbdeased was an
sillihoisianfitiair Lind -, been wounded in
445nei:of the fe6enttkirmishes."
is '
14LatTenni tvrr.n.alin , Txams.--A certain
fgQod;Uatare.4l J3lll yam() n t farmer pre
! sertted 4hl§, consiadt geed nature, let
what we'd-turn-up, day, while the
!:.blririk;tongue-priivAilediti that State one
t Olthiumaii.camb , .,in!.bridging the news
1 ) thitbo.nel Of, his; red oxen was dead. "Is
MesiiiithimollEman•; "well,: he always
sags albreephy , ours. ':Take his hide off
..ando.4alrry it dawn to Fletcher's ; it will
! ..b.ring the. caste'l,. An hour :or so after
' f-war..4o2o..,kan',came Wick with the news .
t4llAtt , ,an 4, his mate were both
,flotd• ~ 4 1 titr.erthey nasal the old man,
to save
lAihafid,OWl , LiAtf .t.neVer expected to get.
lahlat At , ..ain't: the brindle.
,Wekeitho...llides down to Fletcher's ;
ftbeyl , Will:bririg.the cash." After the
qopee..lof. another •hour, the man came
Lback to tell him that,"the high brindle
said the old man ;
'3' . 0114, he' wasia i) Id ox.—Takeoff
Ilibisubidei and sendit down to Fletcher's ;
it is wotth etude,- and! ;will bring more
than two of - the - others." - Hereupon his
! WhoAqd'h irdit 'piens soul,
,? taking
hefailf ihdoffece'ef'Elijah, remind
i'v'erelY, and asked
hirrt if lii3"Wah ot liiivriiii"lhat his lose,
riraiiiidgeiieilebitErg&eriffor his wicke d
'egos? " ft "lii !rt itrflshid fellow ;
tithe the judgement in
6attleiii, is the ehaiist 'Way I can pay
r , :
7 -13„ : &o,voLp What did
° l l t,tieD l X. 3 A e ,P.lP•Stfißl ' l4quire d Miss
Susan Diaper, of a bachelor friend, who
made her a call when the rest of the
,people .WETOVOTIIIi Ont.
Boinel matches,' he
'ilmeekty replied.,4,t t
!t 'klatches t , that'as llikely Story. , Why
(dela youtmake a an aieli3.l - I knew what
you! camel for/L . exclaimed :1313 e. delighted
isti,tanlshe zrowdeti' the old , • bachelor
,into . 'yew Myrna ite, kiss and bug
ideat4 bet- you:,:pilan't.--
.49 . 44atitiyou strongor, lied the
Lord knows you are 1' -
berion f e :y ri r ci e i tt o ir tli; fam 9 llli r in o t r i3 a lt s ec a t ti.g , d t e i:
, rt , 44a i1,,v1 f.. 001, %. , :f I. 44 . V: IMF
monionsly 'dug 'ago Or a passpprt
1118 itli g Tit i ),7ti4,;i:l'ni li and 1 f . ) * 4 31 1 4'
good' lie r'iaid Sccoraphaa're3q o , ` 4
ys b oe r
n o .
Br t h oe sociale ir r oorr fo ti r 4he i p s fi4itd.,o fir;:4l i ::, , : o it u::::
:,...,,,:; :1 ''.
~4 :+1747 7: ;A : ,
' ILRps sonlewbat fily9l9uB Fopyersai, , -
'kroilieiy ho rePlied;')..fieliilVntob-
An - Ea tisli inairiect lady has con'
Tat od the question
whether, hai• - idn• irirrida her husband
tArlita moue, apd that money, beg all
B 'dow and at libert '
R w 1
to marr y again. rederi J.