BY FREIYK L. BAKER. MARIETTA, SATURDAY MORNINGh . AIJUST 27, 1864. 1864. SPRING, J. R. DIPFEWBACH InVites attention to a farie and iiind.Orne assortrrient of • , New spring and, Summer Ganda. Purchased in Philadelphia - and new-York, consisting m part of LADIEVDREIVVeraD9r ,,...-. ' Silks, Prints,, Ginghams, Chintzes, SHAWLS, Together with all kinds of Ddrnestie goods, such as hleriChilailjidlittbrettehed Muslins, Ticking, Checks- Debinl, Fur,kijure Cheeks, Drilling, &e., &c. - • - One case of. Prints at 1.2 t, cents a yar,d. Case of Bleached . liduslins at 12k cents. Latest style goods for Gentlemen andoßoys wear, Fancy and Slack CaSsimeres, Twebds, Jeans, Cloths, Vestings, kte.; &c., ' Large 10l of fresh Griverids of all - kinds Rio and Java Coffee, Teits, White & Brown Sugar,Fresh Spices, New Mackerel' Extra Syrups, Salt, Sugar-Cured linms; &c: 20 barrels of sugar at 121 cents per pound. 5 Hogsheads Syrup at 60 cents per aellpn. Miscellaneous. ' .Frejtch., Corsets, Tiuveling Over-ghfrts, Neck-ties, ander:SAWS, Ilandkirchiefs, Drawers, Shirt Fronts • Balmoral Skirts ,tc Large lot of Pure Ligtiors. He also continues to keep on hand a large supply of superior Brandies', Wines, Gins, Sehnidant's Schnaps ; Drakes, Plantation Bit ters; and that superior OW Rye. Persons pur chasing Liquors can rely upbn getting the - best article at the lowest price the nsarket Will afford lrJ-Highest prices given forcountrtprodned. New,York and-Philadelphia ONADIEDITM, IRON WORK. jIIE Subscribers having formed a connec nection with Messrs. WOOD & PEROT, of Philadelphia. under the above title, are pre pared to furnish every description of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, Cast, Wrought and Wire Railings, TOR ENCLOSING Cemetery Lots, Dwellings, Public Squares, 3.c. Verandahs, Circular and Straight Stairs, Doors, Window guards, Stable Fixtures, Fountains, Vaies, also, having purchased of the late firm of Hutchinson & Wickershatni Canal Street, their entire Stock of Bedsteads, Cradles, Furniture they now offer to the ptffffie, at t.hqi New Warehouse, . , , THE MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OF ORNAIVIENTAL IRON GOODS to be found in the United States. They have also purchased of the New York Wire Railing Co. the patent right and machinery for making WIRE RAILING. FARM FENCE, WINDOW GUARDS, GRATING, COAL SCREENS &c. and will continue the exclusive Manufacture of the stone at their Works. CHASE & 52.1 Broadway, New York. Orders mad• be sent through the American •Idver tieing Agency, 359 Broadway, N. Y. MANHOOD M• On how LOST,— HOW 'RESTORED: Just rutd,shed , ' a new edition of Dr. C'utr6rwell's Celebrated Essay , On the radical cure (without .medicine) of Spermatarrhces, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediments- ,te Marriage, etc. ; also Consumption; Elpilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexu al extravagance. Price, u a Sealed EnneJape, only Six Cents The celebrated author in this admirable es say clearly demonstrates, from a thirty ,, years successful practice, that. the alarming conse-' genees of self-abuse :,may be radically , cured without the dangerous mile of internal medi cine or the application of,,the kinfe--pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hireself cheaply, privately, and , radically. 11:3" This Lecture 'should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under. seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt 01 six cents,. or two postage stamps, by addressing the publish ers, CHds. J.C., KLINE 4 GQ., 127 Bowery, New-York, P 0. Boi, ~:j.4C013. HARLEY, SUCCESSOR TO STAUFF.EIt & HA.RLEY, • No. 022 ',/YIRIRet-,Sipet, PUILADELERIA Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES, E'OLID SILVER- WARE, # • Fine Vold Jewelry, and the bast make of Silver-Plated Ware. Constimtly onhand a large saortment of the above goods AT LOW PRICES. Watches and fine Clocks ropairettby skill ful workmen; also, Jewelry repairing ;:fEn graving !Lai all kinds of Hair-Worli to deer ut short tiotme. fr 3" Nu% foiget the old eland, Number 622 Market - street, April p0564. 7 3m s and Black Hawk Iron 00 Washer , TRH underiligned-liavingjuatgemplete4 new pateros far the manufacture of the eele brated -Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer. ' He has irefilaVed several'objectidns to the ;old spat ern, and -noW feels certain of being able to wash one-third, more iron oro per day, and much cleaner. , :Machines manufactured and put up anywhere desired at the shortest no- Xice, and 'thd *orking of the machine gqqati teed. He can .lefer . i by permission, to Col. James Myers Calegal Furnace,;Marietta, andlq James L. Shn: Esq., adjoining Address' SAMUEL lIOPKTpIe, .marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa. UAL or ItEtrITLAR TIMEIPEEPrgs j. Cali he. had of 11. I v -Fr.-B. 1: 20,1u4 cox North Queen-at., and Center Square, Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Boni/Or/tun Leters— the befit article of S.wip loiters now in the mar ket. Therare ltrwerin pride thtin any watch f u requal quali.ty and ustaetrue forladlieeifing Ur/CRORY Bs-Oulr ‘Vood, ' 4O •Cords tech Hickory and. Oak Wood. Ordera_muat e accontrianied with thr,caskwbentthey will ptoMptly'fille d. Spangler Br. Patterson: ~18:4. IMO PlitgAt CLOTHESVkiIigEg.' It is.the only, reliable 'self-Adjusting-Wring er. No, wood-work .to . swell orsplit. .No tinanti-sreiva to 'get out of oiair. ' ' 1 , Warranted with , or tef/b-otit, Cog-Wheels. I It took , the El.r.s.t Premium at, Fifty-seven ' State and County Fairs in 1863, and' iS, ufith out an exception ' the beg 'Wringer' evermadet Patented in the United States„ England, 'eahatla, and Australia 'Agents wanted in every town. • • . ,'' ~ . , Emerge,tic agents can make from 3 tollo - . ' Dollars per day. I No. 2. $8.50 No. 1. $.7.50. No. F. $8.50, , No, A. $9.50. Sample Wringer sent and eirpress paid on reeetpt of price: Manufactured and sold, wholesale and re 'ail, by the ` PVTNAM IVI9NUFACTURING co;, No. 13 PlatrStreet, New York, and" Cleve. land, Ohio, WHAT EVERYBODY, !MOWS; viz That Iron well , galiranited noi mist ; 'That alai* machine , iabetter than 'venni plicated one,; That a Wringer should be self-adjusting, durable, and: efficient;; • That.ThuntO-Screws, and _Fastenings cause delay and t cable to'regulate and keep in order; ,That - wood soaked`in hot water-will swell, shrink and split; That wood bearings' for the shaft to run 'in 'will wear out; -. : That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog-wheels, will not tear the clothes; That cog- , whiel regulators are noreaSentiai ; That the. Putnam Wringer ,has all the ad- Vantages`, and not one et the disadvadtages above named ; . . • , That all wao have tested it,, pronounce, it the best Wringer ever made ; ' That it will wring anything •from a• thread to a.bed quilt without alteration ; Wemight till the paper with eE ' jestimonials, but insert only a.few to convinthe skepti cal., if euch there be ; and we .ay ,to all, test Putnam's Wriniger. • Test it thoraughty with any. and ALL :others, and if not entirely, Wisfuetory, return it. Ptibtam Manufacturing : I lenbutfitm practical experi encelhat iron well g crivanizsd with zinc will not oxidize 'or rust one particle. The Panama. Wringer is as near perfect as possible; and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the best in use. Respectfully yoUrs. , -J N0..W.. WHEELER. CleN eland, Ohio. - Many rears' experience in the galvanizing business enable me. to indorse the above state ments in all particulars. ' JR°. C'. LEPP.E..qtr . g, No. 100 Beekmann .Street. .New York, January, 1864.. , We have - tested Putnam's Clothes . Wringer by practical tvCriring,' and know that it 'will Jo.. his cheap ; ;, it is simple; it requires, no room, whether at Work or at rest; a child can olierate it ; • it 'does' its duty thoroughly; it ,suveatime, and At saves wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much washing to , do,' with all' , intelligent persons who have any, tabuy this Wringer. ,it- will pay. for,it ulf in a year at most.- Hoe. HORACE GREELY. May. 28, 1864Am.1 . r1'13,0 t3l - Landis 6- :Trout -Landis 4- Trout At the "Golden Mortar," • Market St re et, Marietta, • Market S 4 r e . e t , .ilarietta, Keep constantly on hand Keep constantly on hand Drugs,. • Perfumeries, Fa 'n cy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps , and Shades, Howe .& Steven'a.Family.Dye Colors,. I!,l,lcription,s•pareittlly eptvgurfgpd. ,Rvescriptions , carefully compbunded: Rtmember f" _ SONS OF NI rbursTpp,s.—The Watchman and Reflector says it ie a sad fact that fev‘,2f i tt,ie-sons, of, the. ministers of our day have the pulpit in view'. They study for the other,learited _professions, arc enteredifferent diel:tertm'ents of; busi mess , - which..N•pitimises..wordly,success.; iWe dt estiveral genres /of ' fine#,youtigNimerropiorts 4 and.,„eilerketic, They are'pitepared to' make aft kinds , , , . Ckatingsfor,Roit,g mius arkd Wes Furnaces, not ()helot ;mom has anY.thought , ofifol- , Pipeq,for Steam, Water'onfl Gas; ' lowingoinethe footsteps .of ari , . hundred' Fronts; Cdllar 'Weigliteic&d,:forornid dings, and castings of -every ;d,escription t ; . , father in the ministry,. It Awed itoil be ' STEAM ENGINES AMP BOILERS , quite otherwise. - *The family records of ilia 'clergy in the last " centuryishow.that, Manner ; - Pumßs, Brick Presses , Shafting, and ..a.`lli;gii"inajori f t'y„ot wind I f6KWisd ; poileys,"4lill4earing;lTiOs, Dies;:Machinery , for Alining and. Xanning ; Brass. Bearings, them in the sacro i s t o ,office. ea , „Thu cha ng e • , , Steam - gz Blast Gauges, L u b r i c at o r s, Oil C ocks,- 1 8 ' tie Val*berfor Steani, Gas;and Water;-Bnitis - it " [l7 unpin all their,varietyaloilers,,Tanks, Flues,: POWeh . of I.lllS,pui I . t the ' s;Ceft: t glimeia- i ifeaters, Stacki, Islets, Vault Doors,' tibb . ' f i sit'i oft 4 to Washers,' Ste. •"' ‘.. . , , gyp, ternatinflrience atlhome and that many ALAOKSMITHINGirr GENERAL.-- .0 4 , From lonK eaßertence, 4kt/eliding machinery wil,,roothers ,secretly rejoice when Ithetosons ftitsfei Ourselves ihafwe can sans - decid e to ' D y er ot h er pro f ess i ons .. . j faction to those wiro may favor us their • ordera. icrihafilittlniiitifit/Vietterided , to. 4 . 1 r' " . IS' 4 .01 Orders by mail addressed akahos%lwill meet.. Or An army contractor was,bunc . ? i nt tention. lirice,g:tosuittheamas • sithprozNito,t • -v , .111) ' 11; had eon west a sh rt • I :'`„, BSr PPDBEI - * 1, qii: " le! , 1 ri , 141154 57 4 1 4E4•1 , sal 11 , 11 di toot triteted so much tnat it was tnonght ad Columbia, October 20; 1860. „ tf ' Able' to stret - him a 'DA. . 1 14 1 ° 941 SURPLEE', BRO 4 , . ARAN AND BRASS • • And Gepergl Machinists Second ,strget ReIRP sUni o l, columbictiiP, 6 l. • . . . . ', - ' '.'1 , ....,',. '.4101;--1•44.1avow.T40.. - - —.4., .......--41,,..... '' :1 , :'''.''!...,.,, d ... 4 r. z. I --','''' ',, ''';'---- '-• ' ' :,- ' , . - i=ll qr OEM S. C., NO4T ElR9P,.Agent. At th "Goldin Mortdr," Shoulder Braces and Trusses, P4pers and Periodicals, t Books&Ststionary, '' Segap, - 'I. •..1- 4 t 4 - • . Remember the place, Dr. Grove's old - Stand. Dr. Grove's old Stand. _ . Give us .a call. • Give us a call. • 'U.M Irttkpitlnnt thigisgthania 401'14 lox tkt s . ollte Crttt• Putliblub . Ettikb ATONE 'DOLLAR kND TAU A• YEA, ffioe in "Ornll's Row," on Front street, five do ,rs East f-Flur 's Hotel withf'or without b~OuT. O.EI~TS ADVERTISING RXTES : One-.square • 0 tines, or /ess),ss eente,for the first insertion and 25 cents fcr,each subsequent insertion. ,Prn fessinuar and Business cai da, of six lines or less 415 per annum. 'NotiCes in the reedit* c 1- 'nrhniOtit'cehfs 'Deaths, the simple - announcement, FREE; but for . any additional lines, five cents a line. . A liberal deduction made tc” yearly and half yearly advertisers. Having just added a " NEWBURY MOUN TAIN JORIIRE PRESS," toiether with a `large assoittCiegebi" nevi . .3 . 61; and Ca' retype; Borders;are.,°&c., tbe JOb - Office of " Tim e a•4ldxrErrllrx,"...Which will insure thi fine and speady . ,e2r.ecufign of,all kiudi • of, Jon. fir. CARD 1 3 -it x x tic from the • smallest Card to the LARGEST POSTER,Rt reasonable prices. (Nitta la: tte 3Lamt. • , Hark the : slveeteat notes of. angels § l Pglng-,, Glery, glory :COhn Lainb, All theliosee'•br lietiVeli their tribute bringing, • aaising high.the Saviour's name. 'We tho'b'eautitnl ' ' Singing is-tvay,.4 Singing . d-wny;' Glory, 0011 to the Lamb., Ye for:whom his precious tife *as giv . Sacred th'prnesi •belong ;• Come, and join the glorious choir of heave❑ Joie . the ,everlasting , song. We arili join, Hearts all sued emulation', , , We unite , ,with.,those above'; Syyeet, Abe ttippe 7 - 7 ,t,tieAbeFie,of fre,e sal- Fictintk or eliAtl6tiiii "hive. • We wil join OA bdatitirel thigels, &e., ,Endlese life in Christ our-Loro poosess ' Lotus praiee . his firecfptio64oe Glofy, hbnor, ridhes, IroWer, Vieliress- Be, forever to-the Lamb. , We will join, &c., Ma art eamia.a, P4:szati,Zabiz4 We are corn-ing, bleas-n&Sa-viour, hear thy gen:tie voice; l'We would be•thine for ev.dr, Arid in thy •lave rejoice. • 'We are com-i t ng, We ail) porn-ing,. ' We are cordiing;bl . eseed Sa-vionr, We Are com-ink.-Weare , com-ing;' W thy' gew,ttle: voice. • • • We are coming,.l;lessed aviour, To Meet that happy band, And Sing with them forever, • And in thy preance stand. • We are coining, &e. To meet that. happy. bead. We are coming, blessed Saviour, Our Father's house ive - see— A gloriods imansion'ever For children,younpas we. We are coming, &c. Our,Father's house we, see. We.are eoraiug,:blesssd Saviour, • we. 'hathappy home is ours.; If h4r"S we gall:1 7 01Y 'favor ' We'll reach flow friigrant , bowers. .are,corniogi,Sre. Jhatlispokopseip ours. We ate cominebielt'''se'd Saviour, - arown - ont4i3sua And then with , angels ever . His praises we-will sing. We , are , coming,' &e: ' 4** r.: To. °rem/ Pqr..J.Psus Bing. . • ME How liiregaieLifet .r by., Tunnifig.,,away 'fro PAT4B,t.),?Y,ol94l4flAtf, ,fate.tfklld tic, Reck I , cif tu,r11,..- T ..,,pt s illa, !started w,t I .4.Ag! O ;t4PT.CIR IB .II !AA- 4 / fiC E‘P than an old sword, which,ba,ths,adroit enough to palm o ff For the divine .wea pon' dri4,44 ; laiid (1, h is olitiaTl" t 4rCei:A and `there heard ° words which which : oredh!s soul and cldteiplitie4 his Course fr'life:'"My running away 'from home arose from a minor Mortification, I caused by carrying= a': pretty: 'girl. over the ' brook.% • ' -• Donald lean and myself were good friends at foUrtean years of aga, and we both regarded,'With a little more than friendship. pretty , ' Helen Giabani, "our oldest girl at school." We romped "sad danced, together and this, lasted, for such a length of time that it is, with teelings, of bewildepent that I look back uptp the mystery H of two, lovers gotttinatng friends. N,tthp tyTecar9e, as come " it mast, l' ll .l.°..jAqggs-Y, 4 'Pk 11 Pr spark . in iny,,bny its oe om,tcryi.!bleyy iota a consuming Well do I remember how and when the `'grei3n•eiel"'''peife l titair .hi® in ceridiarq'deed:xcold (Yeto ber evening, when . H ' eieu,""Dauald"' and myself wbre`re€nrniiig ‘v t itti'otir liarente frem• 'lleighVerlie M AS' We lip proached ford Whtleo igiii . *svater: ran somewhat higher ihtlitrAttl3a b itdep', l 'we piepared-to'earrkleeletisdEoes eV We were accustomed to, with hands 'inter woven, .-. woven, - chair ,fashion,!:cilltikun. etirr ti r - pretty liiiii - enger OVOIA = the: brook. Just as we were in the Imiddle •of • the waterwhich was cold ie,nough at,,the time to have frozen - anythingilike fenling out of boys,less hardy than' oniselves , -- a faint pang ofjoalousy nipped myiheart. W1:13 , A was, know not, foame had car ried Helen fifty times acrossnthe 1:irook ere now, without emdtkon, but,,thiS evening T thciOtt'orfatiaiia . tiat Helen gave Dicnald . .antinclue preference by CiNtiag her arm `around his neck while ii"teadied liffrsele on ink the Can' of my jacket. ' No flame can burn so ga►ck]y or` with eo little fuel,as . jealoney. , had • ~ • reached the' opposite batik, re Ilias 'ink Donald'at the"bot Om otb the sea ; Being naturally impetuous,. litiratOut ,with- "Ye meed,naittand sae gingar i lirtlikilen, as if ye feared •tt fa'.• ,lighter than .Donald• can half Of,er t Surprised at =the vehemence- of tone, our queen interposed with 'Audit& I I mission that we were both strong- and- 1 that she had no idea of sparing m'y 1 powers. But Donald's ire Was kind Led, and be utterly denied that I was _at,, qualified to compete with him in• feats' lof moral courage. On such topics boys are generally mulct's; and by' the 'time 1 we readied the' opposite it Was' settled that the point should be deter mined by our singly carrying Helen across in oar arms.,- tleien was to determine who had car • ried -her.most easily, and I settled with inyse if privately in advance, that the one I . Rho had obtained,the,prtfere.n, would really be the person who stood highest in her affections. The reflection atitna latsd !Re to pert 'every .. ., effort., and. verily believe to this day, that I could' have carried Donald and Helen on either' arm like feitihers: : Bat: I "suet = nut an: ticipate.' We suffered all the reit . ' of tlie e party 'to pass quietly aloiti,'atietherrreturited to the ford.—l lifted Helen with the ut ;most ease,f an d•carriOd her like:an ' infant to the middle of thet water!—Jealpusy. had inspired a warmer.lovq, land lit 41118 1 with feelings unknown before that I em. : braced her , beautiful ford end 'felt the pressure of her cheeky 'against All Went surifOrningly,' or rather ly, for 'a minute But Mae,' in the 'fery, 'deepest part dr the ford, I trod dii' a q treacherous bit'of wood which"rested, clupposoi i oti,,a , smooth stone. ; Ayer t rpktedl Otari n g t44'irh H tth jcPfs'arini hdi wp r4pfoutji ctlirtY, soaked from lAttfl,to k foot: I need ..not describe the taunts of Dimill'd,lairthil mode ficcuithir siltutce of.l film Mere likiliness, and' lily 14:iitt (monsPretted this superior aliklitY,M3coear-, " ping. her - in= hi 4 Rine fOrallortr.tiliittAlN 'en our! i'homeytarkfid tpAtit e ,,,,i4,l3 l L,w* a rgh preached the house, ,14,1„ousolseetfoly,eiry i and bett'ff. , humc)r4d, attempted toLcou-, c 'late ms lint" I pae l lA vittnniiii(ti UitdegAttegi? 1. That night packed icip a few Niticilignefewar.vNityitioyiefitraginfileggus VoifaridlirrititniribraggitiMil doh i =I gation which it had received, aud,promp ted me to a comse which fortunately led me, to better results than usually attend such irregularities. went to Edin 'burgh, where I found an uncle, a kind hearted,, who gladly gave me &place in his house„ and employed ,me imhis business.—Wealth flowed 'in I became his partner—went abroad—resided four years on the con tinent, and finally returned to Scotland, rich ; educated, in short, everything• but married.' - • One evening, while at a ball in. Gifts. ,gow, I was struck-by a.. young lady of unpretending• appearance, but, woe re markable beauty and heightened expres sion indicated a•mind of •more :than or dinary power. I was• introduced, • but the Scottish names• had long been un familiar to tnyoiear, , and 1 could not catch hers. lit .was Helen something, and there. was -something in the face, too, that seemed familiar—something turgestive of pleasure and pain. But we became well acquainted that r•et , ening'. I learned , -without difficulty her histciry: She \ was from'the country, , hed!been e.deCated, her'parents luid lost tlreirlii.OpertY; andirshdwas now a gOv i3rdeas'iii alardiry Of tile city. I :ara;& faiminated With her coniersa- Corr and 'WWI contincially teininded;' by her *race' 'and refinement of qanifitr, 'tlittt'slie was Capable of moving with ilietinguistied s'uccess in a far' higher , siYhete then 'that Which .fortune'lreemed to have allotted. her.. I am naturally neither'talkative . rfor prune to confi lii)JeiLut "there Was thias p I this younn lady' "which inspired bed:, and I codverse'c~ with hem as I kiici versed with any. Her questions of the virions'dbuntries with which I was fa miliar, indicated a remarkable kaoWl- edge Of hterature, and an ` ` incredible sto're' of" hiformatien'. W Progressed in the , intimacy, 'and A'cl u ilt 'ecinvetsh.tfon• turned on the. r'etacins'Whic:Vind6.'e'd 'so many to leave theii native lAnd,l langhingliremarkba that iny - oin travels Were owing. tiofall ing witha . piettY Tara.. I had hardly spoken these words, ere the blood mounted to her face, ; and_ was • • -4,9 s u cceeded, by quite a remarkable pale ness, I attributed it to the heiii of the room—larighea—and at her request, pio • ,ceeded to give the details of my ford,ed venture with Helen Graham, painting in glowing colors the amiability of my love. .; ~:,...r..,,-.......;‘, 4, Her mirth during the recital, became irrepressible. At the conchision she re- marked '• "Mr. Roberti is it possible Yon have forgotten me ?" I gazed in instaikt--remenibered—and was dumbfounded. The laiVAvith whom - piao _beeoike .acquaintad ,was Helen Graham herself. I hate, and do you; reader, to need- lossly prolong a story. ,We. were soon nierriedHelen and I made our bridal tour to the, old place. As we,s.pproaCti.- ekin oP;'eftql4B43, grseted. a stout fel koYv.sYcirkiPg,in,-10.0d, :w4 O , seemed: to 1 ;i 3 ." 1 ?Otor °S;4O)-9re'r , or perhaps small inquiring some partic ulars reirtjny„„tol)actrioighborhood. He answered-well-enough, and I was about to-give fhirrva;sixpence; . wlniu :Helen stayed my hand, and cried out in• the old style=;;: - By ; fn oriel dv moo i -Aintia ye ken y'er old IrierVii The , mtin bolted up, in astonishment. It was Donald •Leari: athazeMent at our appearanbe.was heightened by its style ; •audit Was with the greatest diffi-• that owe could Induce -him to enter our cgiiiige — alridtifswer our numerous queries as to old friends. Differept en " Testart life" in differ 'that Ways. belieVe thut however, is the 'onlyinstauce on record, of a gen • 3 tleinan Who owes wealth and happiness to rolling over with a pretty girl in' a stream of water. l'o`DsvnorOuss is per haps not genera* known that black' p s epper..not 3 rell4e, a I Rem9hfpr,. many ,insects, ~ Tho:kopmvilag Alpap j lii.„pailtture ,s isaid to be 'the hest cf,estroy,er o,f, the il49'ie extant FaY9l%qual proportio t a c ot,fne l "ehtelf s li t nappe,r,,, . fresh, grand grn!rdatAnero say, enough of 99PAt°1 cover a ten cent ..piece; moisten and ;mid. well irithi wipaiin ,nfuni`ilkit(4 lit - ale cream 4s 'better; jokeep.thaini in:-`your' rbbur :and% devinl the'l,lll.6B. )IDniltailvantittalcozenothin - TbitiimA thait, sitilijureinnorhiegeide ;old anethdr; that, the flies seek the air, andt hevertidieviin tho boat;thirwiffirtinitig l ogr van trAtmte'...) :43 e., tePgivit , e4 . -Viiii6PPi g ' ) ; • 'tiff'? !Mile trilitte St 3 0611) 14P, r . q!• »e MEE El I=l r 4 Y =I VOL. m.—No. 4. Don't Rook' the Baby If all the ultimate consequences of one's acts are to be laid to hie charge, the man who invented rocking cradles for children, rests kinder a fearful load of responsibility. The down-right mur der of tens of thousands of infants, and the weakened brains of hundreds of thousands of adults, are the undoubted results of his invention. TQ rock a child in a cradle, or to swing him in a crib, amounts to just this : the rapid motion disturbs the natural flow of the blood, and produces stupor or drowsi ness. Can any suppose for a moment that such an operation is a healthful one ? Every one knows the dizzy and often sickening effect of moving rapidly in a swing; yet wherein does this differ from,the motion a child receives when rocked in a cradle. It is equivalent to lying in a berth during a violent storm, 'arid that sickens nine people out of ten, A very gentle, slow motioa may some times be , soothing, though always of doubtful expediency ; but to move a cradle as rapidly as the swing of a pen "dulum'three feet long-'—that is, once in a second-- is positive cruelty. We al , ways feel like grasping and staying the arm of the mother or nurse who, to se , cite quietude, swings the cardle or crib will - a rapidity , ,equal to that of a pen &Muni foot log. If any mother is disposed' to' laugli at ouS suggestions, or consider theni whimsical, we beg her to haven bed or cot'huiag on cords, then lie'dewn in :it herself, and have some 'one swing it with 'the same rapidity that she allOws 'the cradle to be rocked. What' she will 'experience in both head and Stomach is just what the infant ex periences. We ipsist that the rocking of children is a useless habit. If not 'accustomed to, rocking, they, will go to sleep,quite as well when lying quietly as When shaken in a cradle. If they do not,tlpawia , trouble : from sickness or ,hunger, tar,morsi, liki4Ly From an overload .ed,stotnaclii and though the rocking imay.produce a temporary stupor, the trouble ie.made. worse thereafter by the ,unnataral,.means taken to produce quiet for, the time being. —Hall's Journal of Health. A Happy Device The editor of the Cleveland Herald termed_ one of a,party,of four travelling over the Pennsylvania _Railroad. At Altoona, in order to , avoid the tobacco spitting nuisance of the other parts of the train, the party endeavored to enter the ladies' car, but were politely inform ed that they could not be admitted un less in company with- ladies. We will - let the writer tell his own - story "We yielded to the ruling as correct. Just then a gentleman bearing a band box Mounted the platform; -and the key was turned in the lock Without a ques tion. Through the window we saw the result of the innocent fraud, as the lucky passenger handed over the bandbox to a lady; with laughing thanks at the 'com plete success' of his happy expedient. Upon that hint, one of our numberspoke through the window, and out was hand ed the bandbox. Its second appearance at the door worked a like result, and the same ekperiment with the box three times, - successfully gained entrance un questioned. The fourth min, and the 'one who had at first been repulsed, now, with a faint hope of Success, bore the magic . box to the car door, but the Per bares of the car remembered faces, and for a moment hesitated, but as the band box was raised to his vision, stepped aside; and with 'Beg your pardon, sir— I did not see your bandbox,' opened the car, and the triumph was complete. The 'bandbox' poWer won over at least four friends to thallibrised article, who hereafter will not be found among its scoffers." & middle aged Farmer and' his wire'*ere 'enjoying an evening cozily to iethir, " when the conversation turned , . . ‘ upon religions matters, as described in 'the Bible, which the Man 'had open be ' " fore' him. Wife, l3 said tie farmer, "I've , , 'been thinking 4 ivkaf tuTpy society Solo mon mast have had'in hi's day; Wirio many wiverl,,y._m,_as,,,is rerese4teld''i4_74n tylpAt",!eplied the wife, soßesiliiiitiVfed, i "you,had better think . ofsomethitimiliar; then_ A pretty Selena* you wfutid make! Why, you ulat take prsiper j eer? of one wife. ;What a pretty figure you would cat, then, with a dozen wi t 4s, and all of them tte. spunky as I am!" The ,farnter' silently: tdok his hat and . .went.tOtit' ' r.; . ' . *lto man who 'popped the question ' : l3 . atiklig,ht,.got his ladies consent in a 11wink