The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 20, 1864, Image 3

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    Ely guilt itiziettiart.
senger trains will leave the "Upper-Station
Depot" as follows: Morning, train, East, at
ten minutes before 8; Mail train West, 11:56 ;
Way train East, 1:45; Harrisburg Accommo
dation train, East, 6:39 and the evening train
West, at 7:02.
Marietta, Saturday, August 20, 1864
To OUR PATRONS.—We are at length
com pelled to yield to the pressure of
the times. We had determined not to
increase our subscription price if we
could possibly sustain ourselves at the
old rates—this we had we caonot. now
do ; we have already held out longer
than most of our cotemporaries, in the
hope that white paper could not, possi
bly, get any higher, and yet it is going
up—up, every weak, Hence we are
now compelled to advance our terms to
purchased a lot of printing paper on
Saturday last, for which we were com
pelled to pay twentg.cigkt cents per
pound—the same kind of paper—in fact
supetior to it—we formerly bought at
eight cents,--but not only has paper ad
vanced, but printing iuk, types, Sapona
her and all kinds of materials µsed in a
printing office, over one hundred per cent
urn. Indeed, we were assured by the
paper manufacturer, a few days sinke
that inside of ten days. paper will be
Belling IA 30 cents. Nearly every paper
in the state has advanced its terms; in
order, therefore, to save ourselves from
actual loss, we are compelled to make
this small advance of fifty cents on each
subscriber for Volume Xl, commenced
.August 6, 1864. We will willingly re
turn to our old rates as soon as there
any material change in the price Of
printing paper, to say nothing of the
increased price of other article's.
01 - By perthission of Mr. C. M. Foulk,
we are enabled to lay before our readers
some word of our "Hundred Days Men."
Mr. Fodlk received a letter ou Tuesday
last, from Mr. J. P. Walter, from. w'hich
we make the following extract: Mr.
W. in speakingor our Bounty committee.
cempuaed of Messrs. Barr Spaugler,
Amos Bowman and W. I-I. Eagle, who
left Marietta on Saturday last ; to visit
the boys and pay Alp Borough bounty
of fifty dollars, says : "our visitors
dropped in among a comparativelyAuppy
urer:—a'eare a gay crew, all trying-!--to-f,
make our Ilamired Days as short, as
Uncle tiam's rations and good coin
panionsbin will allow ; with plenty of
mirth in the way of singing good songs,
telifi; l ,r Sparring, pitching quoits,
corniq , ‘Vo lett. llntrisburk, us
Yt , ii know, on Sunday ,•vcning, July 24th
B i i rorc , ahon.. t!. , arrived at ten
41'1:1;;CK nu the morning; on
tank up oar lino of march for
Ca! Id - itll.lL miles from the MOLIU.
men tst city and pitched our tents in a
beautiful locality—plenty oishade, which,
you knew is very acceptable in warm
weather, and thought about remaining
long enough to get acquainted, but
for human espeetatiens, on Fri
evening, jit4t its we. were about
;iiiking up Uncle haul's feather beds,
tqcparatory to taking a good snooze,
theory of-strike tents" was raised, which
et first wu thought only a joke. Ortlk4.s
to be in readiness in 31,) minutes. What
a the boys were iu to got all their
harness iixins together and stow away
three daysrations. We arrived tu Balti
more at midnight, where we were left
the choice of two alternatives—to"bunk"
in the street or hunt-a soft spot on the
pavement—l chose the latter and went
into "the land of Nod"—Nature's sweet
restorer—happy as a;brick, ap:il„. in the
morning the uprising of the invincibles
of the 195 was as merry as crickets. At
about ten o'clock we were again in the,
cars for the "Relay House" where we
again pitched tents, and that night slept
in our "Muslin Houses," but by mid-day
we had again to strike tents and were
this time steamcared to our , present lo
cation—Monocticy Juncti
Sir The practice of boys entering
private yards or gardens to take fruit.
from thetrees has become quite an un
bearable nuisance iu this place. Our
garden was entered a, short time since
by some jail-bird in prospect, and a
dwarf pear tree robbed of every pear
save one. Boys should bear in mind
that there is a special law against fruit
stealingand if we can lay our hands on
such perpetrators, they will have to put
up with the law's severest punishment.
An example should be made of them.
liar The Union County Committee
has issued a call for delekete: elections
on Saturday, September 3d ; The Con
vention to meet on Wednesday, Septem
ber 7th, to nominate candidates for-As
sociate Law Judge, Congress, Legisla
ture, Commissoner, Directors of the
Poor, Prison Inspectors and Auditor.
air We received a copy of the "Union
Flag," published at Rome, Georgia, by
the invalids of the government hospital
there, from Dr. J. 11. Grove,'who is sta
tioned there.
Jtuige Champne:ys and General
Glatz, of the State Senate, will please:aa
cept our thanks for legislative favors..
The Ephrata Springi have been
by. Upton S. Newcomer, to. a Mr.
:)•-iels, of Pbiladqlphiti, fir .130',000.
Arras Ca rrt.gpatartnu
letter from Sergeant-Major Kline.
Head Quarters, 45th Regt P. V. V.
Camp before Petersburg,
August 1864.
Dear .517 r :—Nearly every paper for
several weeks previous to the late tight,
spoke of sharp skirmisbing still continu
ing in front of the 9th Corps. Various
reasons were given for the cause, one of
which was that we were to blame, anoth
er and a more plausible one, was that tile
negro troops belonging t 9 the corps oc.
casioned it. I could easily have given
the true reason, but to have done so,
would have been giving contraband in
formation to the enemy. Now there is
no longer any necessity for silence on
the subject. Nearly five weeks• ago,
Col. Pleasants, ,commanding the 48th
Regt. P. V. V. suggested a plan to the•
Commanding General for the destruction
of a rebel flirt; it, our immediate front .
It was considered_ over and finally per.
mission given bim and his. regiment, tb
try the experiment, though at the time,'
very little confidence was felt in it being
succesSful.• As our regiment, when oc
cupying the front line, held a position :
directly in front of the fort and in such
clon proximity, that they were unable
to min the heavy gun's on account of our
sharp stinoters. It was found necessa-
ry to effect an entrance about-our centre.
The work was commenced and kept up
with the utmost secresy, so . that the en
emy would not suspicion our object. Our
men knowing thht the work was in. pro
gress, kept up a continual , firing. both
day and night, until • the completion bf
the work. To the 451 h was assiignedlite
part of taking io. the . powder ; that" . l
believe. veas.4ll the astaistb nee the 48th ..
received during the entire %time. NoW
everything was in readiness, yet none
knew when a movement would he made.
The evening of the 29th of July. things
began to Ltsllnlea , Warlike appearance,
troops were seen marching to the front'
ambulances were being'brought from the
rear, and the troops occupying the front
received orders 'to hold themselves in
readiness to move itt 2 on the following
moruine.;, as the fort was to be blown up
precisely it 4. The time came hut no
explosion. What could he the matter?
has the mining provsn a failure ? or has
the attack been postponed ? Shortly
new 4 came that the fire had gone out,
•tiuttwo of the 48th—it lieutenant and a
'private •heVe gone, in to find the breach,
nod repair damages. information reach
ed us that the, tire; has been relighted,
laud that the explosion would take place
very shortly ; all eyes are turned in the
direction of the fort—a couple Of Min
tiles elapse, when—np she goes, - and a
mole complete success neeer ovate accom.
'dished.. The fort. and all. its contents
were hoisted about one !lUD red and fifty
feet into the air. It was understood fur
the troops to charge immediately after
I the explosion, us then all would he con
fusion and our chalices fur success be
much greater, but from some unaccount
able cause, no moveinent was made un
til at least the expiration of one half an
hour frem the blowing up .of the fort ,
giving them sufficient time to recover
from their fright, and make ample pre
paration to meet our attacking . forces.
Finally our forces male tine charge, the
reomies of the fort, taken possession of
and held. 'l'nis was the only point of
attack along the, entire line,' and I have
learned since that it was to have been
the only one, unless we were successful,
then the whole line - would move forward.
After our folks remained in possession
of the fort awhile, the rebs massed con
siderable forte and chtirged to retake it,
lighting band to hnnd`very desperately,
for nearly. two hours, hut were finally
;repulsed, •with' tobSiderable loss, letting
, us still retain possession of the works.
rebs now. commenced throwing shot,
shell, grape and canister amongst our
men vilitiemained in the' fort, with'vory
'fearful e'fteei; and: iiiisboth flanks bad
'fall'en back to their: 'o'riginal position, it
was tteemefi useless VO:fetain posSession
of the w,ork. longer, ~ Q uite a number, I
am sorry to say, Were captured, when
the fOrt was retaken by the enemy..,Our
regiment 'went • into the charge with 81
enlisted men and 10 officers—the 'Val
ance were on picket skirmish and did
not become engaged, or loss would have
been much greater. We lost one officer
killed, two wounded ( badly ) and four
missing, including Capt. Deibler of Co.
8,, five enlisted men killed, Instantly,
twenty wounded, and thirty four missing,
m'aking a total of 66 out of 91 engaged.
The wounded and missing from Marietta
are as follOws : George Shirernan and
Edmund Stahl, slightly wounded ;David
Mattis, David Doub, Joe Bell, Porter
Ropp, missing. All of the missing are,
I think; Safe•bnt prisoners. .
Soma-newspaper accounts lay all the
blame of
.our failure to the negro troops.
This is very wrong, for some of diem
fought as l tiravely ass any of the, troops
engaged ;• our regiment can bear testi
' mony to, the. truth' Of this. Some per
son is to blame. W,e Will shortly know
who, as a board of inquiry in regard, to
the fight, is being held. •
Quite a number, 'Of initanCes of, per
sonalbravery were 'displayed by mem
bers of the 45th, - ant, as, it does not be
long to the 2d 'Corps, very little credit
will be given them, I will relate a con
ple":?„,qaptain Gregg, commanding the
45th wss ittsokid'.B;ctri suddenly, by
powerfully built rebel officer; he grasp_
'ed the Captain by tho throat with one
hand, and with the ether presented a
pistol to his faco, snapping it, but t o re
port ; the Captain wrenched it from him
and {:hocked him down an d run him thro
the body with his sword, I(4iting it re
main in him ; on turning around, he was
again assaulted by two others, one he
succeeded in knoCking down, but the
other no doubt would have shot him bad
it not been for or* of our sergeants, who
upon seeing the Cap lain's position, came
to his rescue and shot the rebel dead
In another part of the fort, Capt. Deib
ler was compelled to surrender his sword,
but watching an orportunity, re-to ok it
and killed the captor. Lieutenant Gail
baugh was taken prisoner, but afterward
escaped by having his captor kdied by
ona of the regiment.
Several days ago the ribs made , an at
tempt to return the cornpiiu o by blow . -
ing np one of our forts Their efforts, •
however, resulted in a complete taihire;
ourfortnot lri itig in the least daniitgi\d.
It is generally believed that they are an -
deraiining seine of our other forts, but
be assured. we lire not idle lookers•on.
. We still-occupy our old position—.
both sides still fortifying. How long
things will thus remain:Os 14. rd to tell,
but I do think era many days, a forward
rnoveMent will 'hi! made. There 'Was
been considerable sickness here-rI biivo
mys'ell hail a brns
r h or lever, which pre
vented toy lwriting sooner. I am now,
huwevelinlinost as good as new.'
A."dieu for the. present, •J. kI. K.'•
Mr. Editor;-It may. interest your together .with many kind regards, for
readers to learmthitt the Borough ••boun . - I frie , tids at home ;,after bidding all adieu,
ty has•been-paid -'Co. 1), 195th-Pennsyl- l ive again took to .the highway and after
varlia Volunteers, at their camp at Nie. a pleasant journey arrived' safely, at
nocacy Junction. We left on 'Saturday' . hemei, with the very good news that
afternoon, in a carriage, for their camp, 1 every man"We§:we'll and• tit for duty., and,
carrying with us the funds, and punter: ! judging by the mirth aud songs at night,
ous verbal anti written messages ;• after or- which Major - J•.:X.',Walter furnishes
enduring escesdve heat for several hours ' no small sil'ore, 70,1611:e; no' doubt they
we were overtaken, beyond York, bye all enjoy camp life' , Very much.
ruin storm, that, for a time, threatened t . B. S
to convert the highway invo a navigable
stream ; after, the clouds.had spent their
force,,, and the watars of the deep began
to subside, so that the road was again
pefsonal examination found us
decidedly wet and the water three incheF
deep in the carriage bed ; after bailing
we journeyed on and put up at Hanover
for tin, night , left thereat 4 o'clock• in
the morning:at Wnodsborough, thirteen
miles from Frederick, we struck the
pike leading. to the latter :place,. we
would like some of the managers of
in [hin county, to go over it ; it is a per
feet-in - 66A of its kind, ❑ot u l'ociso 'stoim
or a rut can be, seen upon it, and all of
the hilitt are leveled dciwn to an easy
grade, making it the tineSt driving road
we - ever traveled over. Vassiug through
the setaidiAtiyol city of Frederick, we
arrived Ca:flp Lit 3 o'clock. ;, as we ap
preached we ciacri e d, at a dudance,
J ,the patriarch of the campiniy-
driving in ins direction we suou found
ourselves surrounded with ,;cores of fa
wilier, sluilin 1 . 4.,;(- , , and \\,..rti
with a show,r of plea-ant grevtings
Our team was taken to hospitable guar
ti-re and ourselves and baggage ensentl
.ud in Captain tirosh'e market). A little
rest and we .9 trolled throdgfi the camp
and found the men all looking well and
in good spirits, their only complaints
wore of not receiving many letters from
hOmc. ; we assured iteal that it ass not
from neglect of friends, but from ban
reaongpinent oo the part of Uoele Sain's
mail. carriers. Their friends
write often, giving little incidents of
home occurrence, or even the. employ-
toPut of the household for a day, would
recall familiar 'scenes of interest to the
soldier, who finds reading matter scarce.
A short walk up a hill - brought us to
Colonel Fisher's quarters; we found the
Colonel much improved in bodily. sta
mina, Niuce he has deserted the legal
profession and taken to the field, he has
added much to his capital of vital force ;
after a short conversation with the
Colone,l we returned to our head quer,
ters and prepared to disburse our funds/-
but when finely underway supper was
called, and we hastened to discuss its
nalrits.with keen appetites and had just
finished and were leaving our cracker
box Chairs, when a heavy. storm broke
over us; demolishing the Arbor under
which we had been sitting and upset: the
table aod scattered its contents broad
cast: Geo. Ebert, the cook, for wliom
we can voucher an excellent caterer to '
ravenous appetites, began to gather up
the wreck, but was soon driven. to shel
ter by the pelting rain. We sought
shelter in the (3aptain's•markee and by
shifting about and standing. on boxes
• .
Managed td keep • tolerably dry ; looking
out •from our shelter, when the storm was
most violent, we saw four men ho:sling
the corner posts of their arbor, while
theii bodies were being thoroughly soak
ed ; as the storm began to subside, the
extent of its damage became more visi
ble. • The .camp was located on a [lat e
at the foot of a bill, along the side of
which the railroad passes,, the water
Hashed down the hill and flowed over the,
railroad with the fall of a miniuture Niag
ara and swept through the camp inundat
ing a portion of it tro the depth of a foot,
drowning out several comp_adies ; • Co. D:
•eif Wei Ipeninsular portion - of the
ground, fared doppariti,vely 'well, except: j
igE COLD CREAM, HEAD made of ,
m iebaman Couqty. PV WOLFE'S. ":
—on- , • - - LAINIILOR.DS! Just received, Scotch
from the blowing over of some of, the ; • '
d the.the 10
tents art exposing mine es, J.) e
For tulle atl . . DiFirF.NEIACir% I trd'77,. 3 , t H., .0
. I lipma ni!7l
Ero."PiY .iloiasse's Barrels •• • ' add -1 4 111 i WectiP. l : 4 • S if ,E.',9;
storm, though all appeared to enjoy the i
Scene; those who had got- very well
took off their outer , garmen'ts and, spec
tre-like, were gliding through the camp
at night in their shirt and drawers, while
their garments were being dried on an
obliging pole. We intended trying a
night's lodging, in camp',=bwtthe ruin
changed our programme and made us
seek lodging is an adjoining dwelling,
wherit we obtained blankets and floor
accommodations. The roiiin we occu
pied was insecure and our finances be
ing bountiful, we resolved to picket our
quarters fur the night, bj knelt beiiig on
duty 2 hours; armed with three revolvers,
No 1. took his seat and was kept !make
by a rat couveritCon held under the floor,
the speakers occupying the side wallk
beneath the plastering, and were in ac-.
tive'discussiou until No. 2 rolled out of ,
his blanket and took his place, quiet
being matured by the adjom-nident of
the rat colloqu3, the picket -resigned
himself into - the arms of nod
was only aroused as day was dawning,
by "the fiercederense his athri pa i O'n's 'V'e
Making against un attacking -Brigade of
Bedbugs. In the morning. we found this
debris of the storm pretty Wdll • cleaned
up and, orders. were issued by the
Colonel to remove the camp 'to higher
ground ; is au adjoining, field ; after
breakfast we visited the battle field and
saw many eVideunes of a severe contest,
among which was numerous rebel graves.
On oer•return to camp, all was astir,
the equipage was being—removed and
every soldier was busy in tearing down
and rebuilding his house. We gathered
up a large mail and $3600 were given us,
Cr Jacob Gnrner.diettat his residence
at NI aytotn,thisCountY, on the 24th tilt.,
in th,e 73:1 year or hi:, .a¢e.•. He was a .
soldier in. the war of 1812 14, and'
marched to the defence :of Baltimore
during the attack of the'Biltish on that
ar Mr. John Spangler bus a very
large and complete stock
.of . Stoves.
Call .and see his :assortment. Having
been laid in before the late rise in stoves
Fin he sold at very reasonable prices.
04.,Nathaniel,Alayer4,,a_member ,of
tho legislature from this - county. had a
double decker barn, with all its contents,
containing grain, hay, five horses!, &e.
horned to the gronnd. Loss, about
$7,000. The work of an 'ao,i3n-iiiary.
‘* - 101).e.. ' c itOtd t t
fiari t zleo,
the seas '
o'n for,Stov,s is fast apPrbachihz
)711 would cull the attention of all wishing
to purchase ••
. or, Cooking Stoves,
to my large and well selected stock, which era
braces the best and most desirable Stoves that
the Eastean markets afford, and which were
purchased early, which will enable me to die
pose, of thorn advantageously to buyers. .
Among the leading Parlor and Cook Stores
• are the follorcingr , -*
Parlor Stoves. Cooking Sto:M.s.
Meteor Gas, Galleo,
CJlumbia Royal,
Oral do do • Waver,/ r,
Dial, -Vienna:Jon,
Gem, Lehigh, •
- croßic Egg, Charm,
Monitor, Summer Rose,
Also, the. Vulcan and Sanford's Heaters, a
every desirable article far heating two or four
i rooms with verylittie, if any, more fuel than
an ordinery parlor sib ve 'would '.consume.
1 1 Ranges, for cooking; constantly 'on' hand all
of whickwill be sold on reasonable terms.
Call and examine. fiefore purchtasing
elsewhere. •
Labels, Cards and Small Newspapers. .Pull
instructions accompany each office enabling a
boy ten years old to Ferk them successfully.
Circulars sent free.- Specimen' sheets of Type,
Cuts, &c., 6 cents. Addreat;
31 Park Row, N..Y., and 55 Lincoln-at,
Boston, Mass. ' 26 lx
Executrix's .Notice
Estate of Jacob Gomel-, late of the vil-
lage of illaytown, Deceased
Letters Testamentary on said estate hav
ing been granted td the Undersigned, all per
sons indebted thereto are requested to make
immediate settlement, and those having claims"
or demands against the same will present them
without delay for settlement to the undersign
ed, residing in the Village of MaytoWn, Lan
caster county, Pa.
August 20, 1864.-3t*
Diseases 401 . 1e...gerimus, Seminal, Urinary
and Sexual peteittnew and reliable treat
meat—in., • apnea of the Howard Association.
Sent by mail in . Sealed. lettrr envelopes, e
of charge .. : Addrese, Da. J. SIIILLIN ROUGH-
Tox, - .lloweid Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. '
1)UBLIC . NOTICE. Whereas,my wife,
JE - Betsy Harman, has, witr.out any just
'‘cause, left my bed and board. Lbereby warn
all perSons' against harburing:or' trasting heg
as I wilt pay. no debts of^fier . epiitractirig. ,
Marietta, , -August 6;-1864. , 3t* •
ri — Whose Dye is taking the place of of herd.?
Whose Dye is the most perfect imitation of
Nature? Christadoro's !
Who* , .Dye has been aiJyzed by the best
Chemist and pronounced harmioss?
Whose Hair Dye succeeds when all others fail!
Whose Hair Dye has the largest sale in the
world? Christadoro's!
Whose Dye is shipped in the greatest quanti
ties to the fair-haired maidens of Cuba, Mexico
and South America?
erzstadores Hair Preservative, is invaluable
with his Dye, as it imparts the u - most softness
and the most beeutitul gloss and great vitality
to the hair. Mauufactured by S. CRISTA DORO,
No. 6 Astor House, New-yore Sold every
where, end applied by all Hair Dressers.
Price $l, $1:50, and .$3 per box, according
to Bi7O
E What horseman will be without Dr
Tobias' Venetilin Horse Liniment_:
ntrisrms; Mass., May 14:h, ISO.
Dr. To hiat : Dear Sir—During 3 5 years that
I have been in the livery business, 1 have used
and -said a great quantity Hof irtifous liniments,
oils, &c. Some two years since, hear ing of so
many iVirlderi 11 I cures baring been made by
your Venetian Lioimept, I :tested its merits,
and it has given the bes 4. satisfaction of any
thing. I ever used. I never sold anything that
g,ivel such universal satisfaction among horse
men. It is dq.stikleigl to Supersede all others.
Yours, truly, Sam II El W LEE•
gold by all druggists. Office, 56 Corrlandt
street, New Pork. Price 50 cettts per pint
700 Vo/unteers.Sick in Camp! Young
men be warned in time, supply yourselves with
flolleway's Pills and Ointment. They are
guaranteed to cure the worst cases of Sores,
Ulcers, Scurvy, Fevers aild ilowel complaints.
If the reader cu this "notice" cannot get a
box of Pills or Outmeiit' from the drug store
in his p4ice ? let !lint to ine,, sp...:l4tiden
Lane, eilclo.4iAg:the arndunt; I will rhail a
box free of expense. itlany &slim will not
It, ep my medicines on band because they can
not inaketiS [Audi profit as'on ofher person , s
make. c 35 cents, 88 cents, and $1.40 per Vox
or put
irk' A Card to the Suffering. Swallow two
or three hogsizettds, of "Tonic Bit
ters," "Sarbaparilla," " Nervous Antidotes," ,
&c., Ste.,•and after you are satisfied with the
lei:lilt; then try one box' of 4 Old 30r. Bnehnit's
• English. Specifit Pills-and be restored to good
health and vigor in less than 30 days. They
are. purely vegetable, oleasant l to take, prompt
a salutary' in their effects on the broken
down and' shattered constitution. Old and.
yonng ea n take themwith advantage. Impor'
ted and sold in the United'States only by
.J• S. 1317 - rcEp.. 427 AroadWay,
11 Agent for the United States.
P. :.—A Box of the pills, securely packqd,
will be mailed to anyadiresi On receipt of
Imes, which is ONE Dot.Laa,•tiostpaid-;
ney refunded by the agent it entire satisfac
tion is not given. .. [ july 30-3 m
To the Young or Uld. Male of Female'
if you have been suffering from a habit in
dulged in by the'youth of both' Sexatr„whlch
Causes so many alarming symptoms, it unfits
theiri 10r Marriago.' and is the greatest evil
which can befall man or woman. See syrup
' toms enumerated in advertiseinenf, and if ytiii
are a sufferer, cut out the advertisement, and
, send . 1 . .. r it at once. Lelays are dangerous.
Ask for I-Lela:hold's, take-no oilier.. Cured
guarauted. ifewase of counterfeit and imita-
I lions.
Do you want to be Cured 3-
an's English Specific Pills cures, in less than
30 days, the worst eases of Nervousness, Im
p,itene.y, Premature Deetk, Seminal Weak
; ness, Insanity, and all liiinar), Sexual and
Nervous skill-ctimas, no matter from what
cause produced. Price $1 per box. Sent by
mail, postpaid, on recLipt al in order. One
box will piTicet the cute in most cases.
•Address JAMES 8. Comes.,
Generia Agent, N. 427 iilVtido:2l2i, N.
Da' Editor of The ill riettian. Dear Sir:
With your permission I wish to say to the rea
ders of your paper that I will send, by return,
mail, to all who wish it (free); a Recipe, with
full directions for making and using a simple
Vegetable Balts that will effectually remove,
initen days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan,..Preckles,
and, all impurities
,of ,the:. skin, leaviug,the
seine soft, clear, smooth and beautiful.
'I will also - Mail 'free to those bald
heads or bare faces, simple directions azd in
formation that will enable tilem to start a full
growth :of;' luxdrushr Hair, ‘A'hiskers; or •• a
Moustache, in less than 30 days.
I Trios. F. C.R .APbt Ay, Chfrittst,
July 30-3 MI " 'B3l llroadwaj , ,N. Y.
'or the use of Mar
hants, r u g‘g. sts
nd all business and
rofessionable men
OM wish to do their
.wrt printing, neat
y and cheaply. A.
,apted to the print
o f Handbills,
ir:r A gentleman, curedtof 'Nervous Debili
ty-, rucomyeterlpy,„ grematare, ; Decay and
Youthful Error, ctueted by a desire to beim:
fit others, will be r 'hitlifiYtolaii.isli to all Who'
need it, (free echarge) , , the recipe 'and di
ections for maltinprahe . ,simple., remedy , , used,
in his case., ;Those to,.,preftt
experience,, and possess a yaltka,blp Reedy,
will'receive sanoe; by return (care
tally sealed),rl4:addreisink'
May 14-3m]
. 4113,,, 60 Nmsaustreet, , N. Y.
lIP EVE and EAR:—Prof. T. Isaacs, M. D.
Oculist and Aurig, fiSrrlierlY of Leyden, Hol
land. is located At No fill ,PLue-st,,,lltiladel
phia, where pers'oris afflictedwitli"diskses of
the Eye or Ear sclentifically , treated
and cured , if curable . Artificial Eyes insert-
ed . WithOut pain. No charked aid& fOieikm
iriatibri The iiiedical facility isl invited, as
he has ,no secrets in hiamdde-o btreattneut..•
LETTERS REMAINING unclaimed in the
Post Office at aliniettd, P.a., THURSDAY,
AUGUST 18, 1864.
Album, Mrs..Suaan Leech ; Geerge.i.
Beidler ' C:Mat - tin, Harriet
Cooke : Miss Ella Malony,.Stephen
Caninm, , Micheal Murray, Ann
Dean, Mary Moore,- Miss Emma
Dennison, David Miller, Miss Elizabeth
grazer,'.Honry ' . - •• (Roach,: Inrad
Franc, Mils Annie Swentzel, -E. W.
Keller, emiper Shemin, Mrs. - Susan
Re 'ram - HYI So ur beer, , Mr.f Arnos .
Kolp,„Christian ,Walter, Abraham
DoralrYakt, Gearke
P:;k- To obtain :air of these lettere, the• ap
plicant must call for. ,, asilvertiz.ed letters , " give
the. diit ‘ e.,a, ,4*. centfor ad-
C hristadora
Cbristadoro's !
.r l . l-. H. .1). - 13ENJAIN I IN,
' DEAI EH iti
Picot Building, 14.,arietta, Pa.
, • •
BE,GS leave to inform th^ public that he
will continue the WIN E & LIQU OR busi
ness, in all its branches. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies. nines, Gins. Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, rordials. Bitters,?rc..
Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
A very surerior OLD RYE riffiTSWEY
usi received, which is warranted pure.
E - 3 -- All /T. D. 'D. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad•
vantage to make their puicheses from 1 im.
Tllc Gr]at •F'crry_
Formerly Keesey's,
rrilllS.old Ferry—one of the oldest and most
ji safe crossin-s on the Susquehanna River—
is now in charge of the undersigned, who hes
refitted the old and built new beats, which wilt
enable him to do ferrying with safety and dis.
patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured.
Sober and P:tperienced Ferrymen a;t-ay en
gaged. No imposition in charges se the fol
lowing list will show :
Farm Wagons, each
Horses, per head
Single horse and rider,
Twit- horse Carriage and two persors, CO
HUeri, horse and two persons,
Foot Passengers, each. :12
Stock of all kinds at the old charges.
-All Luggage over fifty pounds, .;',5 cents rcr
100 pounds extra.
July 15, 1863
Celebrated Prepared Java Coffee.
I.l 7 of . rarded superior to any in the Market.
IT is used by first-class families everywhem,
and highly recommended for nervous and
dyspeptic persons, tieing very nutritious and
free from all deleterious substances, in testi
mony of which have certificates from the
most eminent Physicians and Chemists in this
country. Try it and you will he sure to con
tinue its use in preference toany other.
Sold at retail for Twenty Five cents a-pound,
by first-class Grocers throughout the United
A liberal discount allowed to the trade.
Put up only by
Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren at., N.Y
rg. zgrilieli•
sscribintr anb Conbt,vanzt:
WOULD most respectfully take this meant of
informing his friends and the public generally
that he has commenced the drawing of
Ind in fact everything in the Coyvvraxcrxo
Saving gratuitous intercourse with a
member o 1 the Lancaster Bar, will enable him
execute instruments of writing with accuracy.
, :t. He can be found at the office of Tri
MA RI ETTIA Orh Front street, or at his res
idence on Market street, a square west of the
Donegal. House," Marietta.
Z.:r Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgments and
Lea4ea.always on hand and for sale.
Michael Gable, Agt.,
Opposite the Town Hall Park, O A
Marietta, Pa.
rpHR Marble business in all its branches,
will be continued at the old place, near
the Town Will and opposite Funk's Cross Keya
Tavern, where every 'description of marble
work will be kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Manettli, June .19, 1801.
F I CE:—Frout street, next door to R.
'Ur Williams' Drug store, between Locust
um, Walnut streets; Colutnina.
The American Walenes.
rli lIIE American Watches are among the beet
j timekeepers now in use, and for duraoility
strength and simplicity far surpass ltUy othir
watch made in the world.
IL L. 34 , E. J. Z A H
Cornerof North Queeo-st., and Centre Square ,
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the rem-;
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the - manufaeturers guarruntce to ensure its geo -
r HE subscriber offers biy services to the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity, in
He has kindly been permitted to refer to
James Duffy, esq., S. S. Nagle, eaq..
James Mehatfey, esq., S. F. Earle & Co.,
W . Mehaffey,esq., 5..& B. Hiestand.
Can be found at all times at his dwelling op
posite John W. Clark's residence. on Mar
ket street, or at George W. Mehe.fley'a Saw
Mill at the Upper Station.
Marietta, Oct. 31, 1863-Iy*
,Spangler Ea Patterson's Store.
FROM 7 TO 8 A. M
1 ) 6TO7P. 31
Ainiar Call for 5000 Men,
Who want their Faces Shaved clean, their
Hair Cut and Heads Shampnoned in the most
scientific manner, can do so by calling in at
die Market Street Barber Saloon, opposite
Libhrirt's Drug Store.
Ice Cream'at the "Hermitage."
INELY Flavored Ice Cream can by had
every day and evening at Cummings'
Hermitage Hotel, at the Lower Station ; Ma
OFFICF. :—No. 24 Nowrx Dulf.parttrrr
opposite the Court liouse, where -bi-' Nvilt,st
teed to the practice of his proCesstogiVitti
various . branclic.s. '
El OWE & STEVEN'S Celeb '
IL 1- Dye Colors, warranter) to
sale at THE GOLDEN 3
3000 p ND S EXT .4.
cured Hams and Dried
sale at
11, 00 ER' S Celebrated PeedCementOil Paste Blacking at
i l
r amicE 11 ATANA S.F. G ARS, and ihe -
V) beht Chewing and Smoking Tobacco at
• wor,Fos.
TIRIME ! . Neyv Crop New-Orleans Molaiseit
very best for Calies. Just received- ,
D RA N brands—guarrit Wed to t,e
rooinc. H. I). Arniantlri,